
=== ara_ is now known as ara
dholbachgood morning07:33
dholbachdpm, davidcalle: had a good weekend? :)08:08
davidcalledholbach, excellent one, great weather and ton of stuff done :) You?08:10
dholbachyeah same here - my parents were in town, I met lots of friends and DJed at the wedding of friends and yeah: great weather08:12
dpmdholbach, yep, did a bit of a drive yesterday to Spain :)08:12
dholbachoh wow08:13
dholbachdpm, how many kilometers is it?08:13
dholbachdid you make a stop somewhere on the way or did you drive all the way in one day?08:14
dpmI did stop several times, and I was initially planning to overnight somewhere, but in the end I saw there were only 4 hours left, wasn't tired, and decided to go all the way08:16
dpmhow long do you drive when you travel from Berlin to Trier?08:16
popeywish i lived in a country big enough to drive 1200Km and not be in the sea :)08:17
davidcallepopey :)08:17
dholbachdpm, it's ~750km and it took me everything from <6 to >14 hours :)08:21
davidcalle750km in less than 6h ? That's scary :)08:24
dholbachyeah, I wouldn't do it again :)08:26
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
popeydholbach: last weeks q&a was quite popular, wondering if we should try and get someone else on this week. Any ideas?11:48
dholbachWill? :)12:03
popeykgunn would be good12:18
popeyI fear if we got Will on, we'd be covering the same ground as olli, and many questions would result in "ask kevin" :)12:18
popeyAs kevin works on cool stuff :)12:18
balloonsoO dpm in Spain? lovely!13:14
balloonsI hope your drive was better than mine. Horrible traffic and delays plagued the trip13:14
dpmballoons, yeah, it wasn't too bad. Btw, how much did you say you were planning to drive per day? Some insane amount of km as well, IIRC13:19
balloonsdpm, yea. 1600 km for the first bit, then a few smaller trips, then another 1200 km. Then undo all of it on the way back :-)13:20
balloonsWe drive about 1000 km the first day before stopping. I used to drive it all in one long day, but no more :-)13:21
balloonsyea, I wish for trains or something else13:21
dpmpopey, omw, need to sort out the camera & headphones13:31
josedpm, mhall119: mind having a quick hangout later today?14:26
mhall119jose: it'll have to be without me14:27
dpmjose, mhall119 is away for the next 2 weeks, but I'm around. I have 30 mins before my next call - do you want to do the hangout now?14:28
joseoh gotcha14:28
josedpm: I'm finishing breakfast, mind giving me like 5m?14:28
dpmjose, sure :-)14:28
dpmjose, and WOW, good work with UbuConLA14:28
josehehe thanks :)14:30
dpmjose, I've been traveling during the weekend, so I didn't see the sessions live, but this morning it was just awesome to see them all over my G+ feeds14:32
joseI'm glad you enjoyed them :)14:32
josedpm: ok, I'm ready, @gmail or @canonical?14:33
dpmjose, let's use @canonical14:34
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow!16:05
* belkinsa hugs dholbach16:06
* dholbach hugs belkinsa back16:06
jcastrojose: or mhall11916:55
josejcastro: what's up?16:55
joseoh, summit16:55
jcastrohave you guys seen summit ever give you guys a "Please correct the error below."16:55
jcastrobut not tell you where the error is?16:55
josejcastro: wanna do a hangout + screenshare so I can help you debug?16:55
jcastroah, nm16:55
jcastroit was collapsed, fixed16:56
joselol, ok16:56
josejcastro: ok, so now comes the most tedious part: set up your slots. those have to be done manually16:59
josewill you want lp importing?16:59
jcastroI can do it by hand17:00
jcastroit'll be easy, I'll be done in like an hour, it's only one track17:00
josegood then17:00
joseslots are just time, then you can allocate rooms inside slots17:01
josetedious, but hey, it works17:01
jcastrojose: how do I make the top register link go to this event17:01
jcastroinstead of uos?17:01
jcastrojose: OH I see what you mean17:02
jcastroI have to make stupid time slots don't I17:02
joseyou do :P17:02
joselet me check on the link17:02
joseneed a hand with that?17:02
jcastroI just forgot where in the UI to do that17:03
josethen slots, add, you select the summit, the date, start and end type, then slot type17:03
jcastrooh! slots17:03
josefor the link, it's summit.ubuntu.com/admin/common/menu/117:04
joseedit the 30 value17:04
joseand the same for today17:04
mhall119jcastro: didn't you used to do this for UDS?17:04
joseit's jcastro17:05
jcastrothat was like 3 years ago17:05
joseit's still the same :P17:05
mhall119jcastro: I assure you the code hasn't changed since then :)17:05
jcastroalso, at the time IS just ran a script that prepopulated the slots17:05
josewe still want to burn render.py with fire17:05
mhall119jcastro: yeah, the script is still there, but it's really tailored to UDS's schedule17:06
jcastroThis makes me want to punch a wall17:08
jcastrois there no way to just clone like UbuconLA's slots?17:08
josejcastro: want me to help you set up the slots?17:08
jcastroif you want to. :)17:08
joseI have no problem17:08
jcastroI was thinking 50 minute sessions17:08
jcastrothat gives people 10 minute breaks17:09
josestarting at 9am?17:09
joseor 10am17:09
joseat what time does it end?17:09
jcastroto 5pm17:09
jcastrolunch @ 120017:09
josehow long is lunch, and at what time?17:09
josefor one hour?17:09
jcastroone hour for lunch17:09
jcastrojose: we found a cool bar for the night time activity.17:09
jcastroit's next to the White House17:09
josejcastro: will they let me drink?17:10
joseotherwise, we can just use my suite17:10
jcastroit's washington dc, I'm just going to try to keep you off the cocaine and heroin17:10
* jose expects to get an upgrade because status17:10
joseok, going back to the slots17:10
josewill you have coffee breaks?17:10
josejcastro: coffee breaks?17:17
jcastromaybe one at 3pm?17:17
joseso I'll make that one slot 40 instead of 50 minutes17:18
joseso people can have a bit more of time to drink+eat something/setup stuff17:18
jcastrojose: hey so any idea how to fix the top right "Register17:26
josejcastro: gimme link, I'll fix it for ya17:26
josejcastro: slots are all set17:28
jcastrowe're not really having people register17:28
jcastrooh, I know, I'll find a link17:28
joseif you want, I can remove it17:29
jcastroI'll have a marketo link for it instead I think17:29
joseas you wish17:29
josewe can change the text and destination17:29
jcastrojose: when you go into the schedule sessions view does it misrender for you?17:35
josejcastro: it does a bit, yes, it's a bug17:35
joseyou should be able to schedule regardless, or what do you see?17:35
jcastroyeah it's as if I don't have a place to drop the box17:36
joselet's see17:37
josedaker: ping17:41
josejcastro: not seeing them here either, tried several things and no results, let's see if daker is aroung17:41
dakerjose pong17:42
josedaker: hey! we're having some troubles with summit. the scheduling area is not showing the boxes to drop the meetings, it shows just the times17:42
joseany idea on what that may be?17:42
dakerjose: i don't know how summit core works, i was only involved in basic stuff17:44
joseoh, well :( thanks anyways!17:45
josecjohnston: I INVOKE YOU TO COME BACK TO LIFE17:45
dakerMaybe try to ask cjohnston17:46
josehehe, if he's around17:46
josejcastro: OH! I KNOW! YOU HAVE NO ROOMS!17:54
cjohnstonthats what i was just going to look at17:54
josejcastro: what's the room name?17:54
josecjohnston: how's it been? long time no talk!17:54
cjohnstonbusy busy busy17:54
cjohnstonHow about you jose ?17:54
jcastrojose: OH!17:55
joseI'm good, living in-between conferences, love it17:55
joseand studying17:55
* cjohnston notes that jcastro needs to take me to DC now for disturbing me :-)17:55
josecjohnston: can i burn render.py with fire, pleeeeease? kid jose is going to be careful17:55
jcastrocjohnston: feel free to come to DC17:56
jcastroso I can punch you for this UI. :p17:56
cjohnstonjcastro: book my airfare and hotel17:56
josehey, that'd be amazing!17:56
cjohnstonI didn't do the UI.. If you're talking about the scheduling UI, IIRC that's SJR17:56
* balloons is amazed at the random cjohnston sighting!19:27
cjohnstonit's not real....19:27

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