
darkxstcan we get Ubuntu GNOME ISO size limits bumped up to 1.5GB?06:43
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slangasekinfinity: well, I pulled in your changes from trusty but that's insufficient, because it goes on to install the ubuntu-live task which also includes various other conflicted libraries07:23
* didrocks wonders when slangasek isn't working07:24
slangasekdidrocks: weekends when we're not in the critical path of a terrible g++ transition07:24
didrocksslangasek: good luck! if you need any new hands, this week should be better for me…07:25
slangasekdidrocks: the transition tracker has huge piles of libraries that we haven't started the rebuilds for yet, dig in :)07:25
didrocksslangasek: will do! :)07:25
argesinfinity: would you be terribly inconvienced if I reviwed the openstack uploads in vivid today14:17
infinityarges: Why would I be inconvenienced if you did my job for me? :P15:03
argesinfinity: : )15:03
Laneyslangasek: Had a go at implementing de-duping for the tracker15:09
slangasekLaney: de-duping?  you mean for the new-binary-package-name case?15:10
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slangasekLaney: ok.  tdaitx was also looking at this on Friday (and this morning), if you want to compare notes15:12
tdaitxLaney, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12047242/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/12047866/15:14
tdaitxin short: if a source package (in Source file) appears more than once, all binaries ("Binary:" field) it declares are removed from Package_arch file except for the ones in the latest (ie. highest version) source package15:14
infinitytdaitx: You can't (reliably) map in that direction, though.  Some source packages lie aboutt he binaries they produce and we don't enforce consistency.15:15
tdaitxLaney, slangasek said "I can see that this approach will mask per-architecture build failures, for instance, which I suspect is not what the release team wants"15:15
infinitytdaitx: The only reliable mapping is the Packages file.15:15
infinitytdaitx: It might be good enough for a hack today, mind you.  JUst saying that it's not accurate for all source->binary mappings, since we're trusting the source package not to lie.15:16
infinitytdaitx: The inverse (checking the Source: field on binaries in Packages) is always correct.15:17
LaneyI grabbed the source packages from -proposed's Packages file and then ripped those out of release's15:17
infinitytdaitx: With the hilarious caveat that binaries whose name matches their source don't have a Source field, so you have to check for Source not being set and assume Source==Package15:17
infinitytdaitx: All that said, Laney's solution is probably simpler. :P15:18
infinitytdaitx: But, y'know, consider the above a lesson in apt source parsing in general.15:18
tdaitxLaney, I tried that, but ben does look at the binaries in Packages_arch15:18
tdaitxI mean, it does what infinity suggested: grab the Source from the binary15:19
LaneyI only look at Packages15:19
Laney(and write to)15:19
Laneyanyway, sorry for duplicating your work - I wasn't aware :(15:20
tdaitxLaney, in short: you grab all Source fields from -proposed Packages and proceed to remove the binaries in release Package that have the same Source?15:22
LaneyRight, and fall back to Package if Source isn't there15:23
LaneyThen spit proposed and release out as Packages_arch15:23
LaneyTool of choice was grep-dctrl15:23
slangasekLaney: are you doing it on a per-arch basis?15:24
tdaitxnice, Laney can you send me the script? I would like to compare what they are (not) ripping out15:25
infinityYou'd have to, to get it right.15:25
Laneytdaitx: It's in go on snakefruit, if you have access15:25
tdaitxnot sure I do15:26
LaneyI would bet it has some bugs :)15:26
infinitytdaitx: You'll probably find Laney's approach and your approach tearing out the same packages (hopefully), because there aren't many source->binary liars in the archive.  If the kernel is in proposed, though, I know it lies. :)15:26
* Laney VPNs it up15:26
infinity(Which is a bug, but it's also a bug that we have no lie detection, so it's allowed to)15:26
infinityLaney: He doesn't have snakefruit, no, I've tried to impress upon IS the importance of not randomly handing out sensitive groups/hosts to people without asking, so I'd be miffed if he did. :P15:27
Laneytdaitx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12048720/15:27
* tdaitx wishes to had known about grep-dctrl15:29
infinitytdaitx: By the way, grep-dctrl.  HTH.15:29
tdaitxthat =)15:30
LaneyThere's certainly some golfing to be done there. :P15:30
Laneyzcatting the same thing twice, oh my15:30
infinityLaney: The second one will be near instant, probably, but yeah, a bit eww.15:32
infinityLaney: And, of course, at that point, output == proposed (doesn't it?), so you could do your filter on output instead.  Which will be in cache.15:32
infinityYeah, that's the first write to output.15:33
LaneyFeel free to go shrink it. ;)15:33
infinityLaney: I don't much care, it'd save half a second, at best.  Was just engaging in your optimisation thought exercise. :P15:34
infinity(Also, what have I become where I don't think saving half a second is huge?  I hate modern computing...)15:34
slangasekinfinity: well when you get old and your reaction time slows to 5 seconds for anything...15:38
infinityslangasek: Touche.15:45
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=== tdaitx|lunch is now known as tdaitx
tdaitxLaney, infinity, slangasek: packages kept only by Laney's script *or* mine for amd64, ppc64le, and all archs @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/12049566/17:40
tdaitxhopefully this can tell if either script is removing something that it shouldn't17:41
infinitytdaitx: Well, you can spot-check that with "rmadison <package>" on a few and see what reality says about the situation.17:44
infinitytdaitx: If it exists in both suites and one of you is removing it, you have a bug.17:45
tdaitxinfinity, thanks, that's a good tip17:46
slangasektdaitx: or, for example, if I look at the first package in that list, ruby-gdk3-dbg: ruby-gdk3-dbg comes from ruby-gnome2 source package, ruby-gnome2 source exists in wily-proposed but is not built on any arch; so this should not be removed, laney's script is correct for this one17:59
slangasektdaitx: and then you get down to line 13, libsigc++-2.0-0c2a built from libsigc++-2.0 source, which exists in wily-proposed, is built for all architectures, and no longer includes this binary package - so your script is the correct one ;)18:01
tdaitxslangasek, I have also confirmed that my script is removing binaries that exist in both series (wily and -proposed), but so far there is another package available from the same source, example: removing libcdr-0.1-1 (wily and -proposed) but keeping libcdr-0.1-1v5 (-proposed)18:05
* doko looks for gcc-5 5.2.1 in -release ...18:08
slangasektdaitx: in that case, there are two versions of the source package in wily-proposed, and the latest version has dropped the libcdr-0.1-1 binary (in favor of libcdr-0.1-1v5).  So it's correct to remove18:11
infinityslangasek: If there are two versions in -proposed with differing binaries, that confuses britney until someone processes the NBS manually (I'll do that).18:12
infinityWOuldn't be shocked if it confused other things too.18:12
slangasekinfinity: sure, but "something gets confused" is different from "it should be on the transition tracker"18:13
infinityslangasek: Yeahp, just saying it's harder to sort out those cases correctly sometimes. :)18:13
* infinity finds libcoverartcc1 in the same state and fixes.18:14
* infinity hunts for more.18:14
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tdaitxslangasek, ruby-gdk3-dbg is on wily's Sources Binary: field, but not on -proposed's Source Binary: field, is this one case where the Binary: field from -proposed is lying/wrong?18:22
slangasektdaitx: no, my point is that the package has not been built in wily-proposed yet so it shouldn't be taken off the transition tracker because it's not "done"18:23
slangasekthis is different than infinity's point that the Sources may lie, but leads to the same conclusion18:24
tdaitxis that the reason it does not show in -proposed's ruby-gnome2 Binary: ? because it was not build yet?18:24
infinityThis whole "sync first, then rename" caused quite a mess...18:27
infinityOkay, I think I got all the NBS in proposed.18:27
infinityAt least, all the rename-related NBS.18:27
infinityslangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12049946/ cleaning up that might help a bit.18:29
infinityHopefully we don't see too many more "try to build, then rename later" shenanigans.18:29
dokoinfinity, did you see my gdb ping?18:44
infinitydoko: I did, yeah.  Rebuilding it and will ask a WeBop to babysit when it stalls again.18:45
infinitydoko: Not exactly an ideal workflow going forward, mind you.18:45
dokosure, I can disable the testsuite, which isn't ideal either.18:46
infinitydoko: Quite.  Disabling the one test might be okay.  Finding out why it explodes might also be nice.  gdb still tries pretty hard to kill my ppc builders too.18:49
infinityNot that any of that is gdb's fault, it's clearly kernel bugs.18:49
infinitydoko: Anyhow, we'll do the hackish thing for today.18:50
dokois oftc irc down? can't connect18:54
tewarddoko: up for me18:54
ScottKdoko: Working here.18:56
dokohmm, nslookup irc.debian.org fails for me from germany, brazil,19:00
tewarddoko: nslookup on irc6.geo.oftc.net19:01
teward(irc.debian.org is a CNAME to that)19:01
tewarddoko: actually, looks like OFTC's dns is possibly blown up19:01
dokono, doesn't work either19:01
tewardyeah it shouldn't19:01
dokook, will wait19:02
tewarddoko: i could give you the v6 addr for one of their servers now if you want.  don't have v4 because it's connected to my bouncer, but..19:03
tewarduntil they fix DNS anyways19:04
dokogetting food first =)19:04
infinitydoko: Curious.  The testsuite didn't hang on armhf this time.19:05
slangasekok, that's strange, I just reloaded http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/html/icu.html and mediawiki2latex has dropped off of there when it shouldn't have19:19
slangasekhas someone deployed changes to snakefruit?19:19
slangasekoh, no, I see, someone actually fixed mediawiki2latex19:20
tewarddoko: apologies for discussion derailments.  But, in the interim: i've made a note to OFTC that their DNS is explodified.  sarnold poked that up to people there.  beauty.oftc.net is 2604:a880:800:10::870:a001 port +6697 and is up, although DNS won't resolve because i think their DNS exploded.19:20
slangasekand that was Laney too, right attribution wrong change ;)19:20
tewardin case anyone else here with v6 who needs to get to OFTC needs to get there... :P19:20
slangasekok, now this one is *not* due to a fix... mrtrix is broken and FTBFS on armhf, but no longer shows up on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/html/gtkmm2.4-g++5.html19:23
LaneyMy thing totally broke for packages which contain "+" :)19:26
LaneyI avoided using regex now...19:26
slangasekLaney: did you deploy any changes to snakefruit, though?  I'm trying to figure out why mrtrix is gone from the tracker19:28
* Laney looks19:29
Laneyit's showing as unknown19:29
Laneyfor armhf19:30
Laneybut why?19:30
Laneyoh, because I made it remove the old binaries from Packages - this seems suboptimal19:31
slangasekok; so the filter is wrong, 5 good + 1 unknown should still show when 'unknown' is checked, surely19:31
slangasekand looking at the package in the archive, it doesn't look 'unknown' to me19:31
slangasekah, so you did deploy a change :P19:32
slangasekLaney: are you reverting this?19:32
slangasekLaney: please revert this ;)19:33
dokoslangasek, xnox: any news about the boost1.58 rebuilds?19:57
dokoteward, oftc works again20:20
slangasekdoko: I haven't been tracking boost, I assumed xnox was doing something with it and that I'd just get in the way if I tried to trigger rebuilds20:20
tewarddoko: their DNS just came back up yes20:21
tewarddoko: in any case if it breaks in the future https://pbin.dark-net.net/view/raw/0411bee5 is a 'good server' for now20:21
teward(that'll be there for a week, that pastebin)20:21
slangasekxnox: the scripts I have on hand for batch-uploading don't map to boost, should I hack up a new one or do you have something scripted to go on your side?20:37
tdaitxslangasek, please try to rebuild notmuch, I tried a local build and it went ok20:45
tdaitxrobru, ^ in case you can also trigger a rebuild for notmuch20:49
robrutdaitx: so far I trigger rebuilds by asking slangasek to do it ;-)20:49
tdaitxrobru, alright then, I will keep pestering him about it20:51
tdaitxrobru, slangasek, as for the ceph issue, here is the bug (with fix): http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/1157621:08
slangasektdaitx: any idea what changed that would make notmuch work again?  FWIW I did previously reproduce the build failure locally against wily-proposed21:09
tdaitxslangasek, nope, I tried to reproduce it locally and it build ok21:09
slangasekok. I'll retry it in launchpad21:09
tdaitxI saw that my env had newer packages and that's it21:10
robrutdaitx: slangasek: https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/5122/files so I guess we need to distropatch this fix onto our existing package?21:10
robruor pull a newer upstream?21:10
slangasekrobru, tdaitx: the ceph package is owned by the server team and in main, we shouldn't take it upon ourselves to pull a new upstream version without coordinating with them.21:12
slangasektdaitx: if you have a patch for ceph, you might want to throw it in the direction of smoser21:12
slangasek(e.g. on #ubuntu-devel)21:12
dokotdaitx, LP: #148340321:13
ubot93Launchpad bug 1483403 in ceph (Ubuntu) "ceph FTBFS with boost1.58" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148340321:13
slangasekah yes, so posting the patch there and letting the server team pick it up seems like a good approach21:14
dokotdaitx, not much luck21:19
dokoslangasek, why didn't you mark clementine and notmuch as removal candidates?21:24
slangasekdoko: notmuch because it has revdeps and is popular so I wasn't considering it a removal candidate, but that doesn't mean it can't be removed. clementine, I don't know why ;)21:25
slangasekdoko: oh, because the clementine issue is a trivial fix, that's why21:39
slangasekdoko: #ifndef Q_MOC_RUN // #include <boost/thingy.hpp> // #endif21:40
dokoslangasek, yeah, was talking with sitter about that for kdepim as well21:40
dokoslangasek, debian seems to close many transitions as not needed. with their next sourceful uploads, these will appear again in -proposed (because the old binary is still there). how could we avoid this?21:41
slangasekdoko: track the ones that are closed as not-needed, we should revert the package name transitions and add a Provides: libfooNv5 for compatibility21:42
slangasekpossibly even a Provides: libfooNv5 (= $version), since I hear that works now with apt/dpkg in vivid and wily21:43
slangasekthen we rebuild the revdeps (again) if necessary, but it can be a soft transition21:43
slangasekstrange, why did numexpr just get into wily? (python3.5 no-change rebuild uploaded 19 days ago)21:45
slangasekbecause p-m+autopkgtest went wrong21:46
tdaitxnotmuch rebuild failed... hmm, I wonder what is "wrong" with my local sbuild21:46
slangasektdaitx: is your local sbuild configured to build against wily-proposed, or only against wily?21:46
tdaitxI had a wily that had proposed disabled, but I installed/made a new one that includes proposed21:47
tdaitxor at least I thought I did, will check that... again21:47
tdaitxslangasek, apologies, how can I be sure my schroot is indeed running -proposed? it does show in apt sources.list and I can see gcc5 5.2.1 (instead of 5.1..1)21:52
slangasektdaitx: well, those are the things I would check also so it sounds like you're there21:52
slangasektdaitx: are you running the build under sbuild?21:52
tdaitxyes, I am21:53
tdaitxI will try another build after ceph is done21:53
tdaitxmeanwhile I will compare the build logs21:53
slangasekdoko: is openvdb on your radar?  your last upload went from 4 archs failing with .symbols mismatch, to 6 archs failing with .symbols mismatch21:59
dokoslangasek, ok, I'll look22:03
tdaitxslangasek, what's the right way to fetch the package? I'm using  pull-lp-source <pkg> wily-proposed22:04
infinitytdaitx: You just need "wily", it'll magically pick the latest version from wily{-updates,-security,-proposed}22:05
infinitytdaitx: Or indeed, no argument, which defaults to the dev release, which is wily.22:05
tdaitxthe version matches, but I can see a few differences in the build logs that made me wonder if I actually have the same thing22:05
infinitytdaitx: Such as?22:07
infinitytdaitx: Could be as simple as you comparing a -A build with not. (ie: amd64 on LP builds -A, while all other arches don't, and the sbuild default is withuot, IIRC)22:08
dokoinfinity, tdaitx: so notmuch succeeds locally here in fresh sid and wily-proposed chroots, with the wily-proposed kernel running22:09
tdaitxmeh, not such meaningful changes actually... setup.py running files in a different order (might be ok actually), a few different packages being installed...22:10
tdaitxdoko, succeeds locally here as well, 3.19.0-25-generic22:14
infinitydoko: Yeah, confirmed here too.  So we might just need to disable that one test when run on << 3.1922:18
infinityExcept... That's still sketchy.  Cause it built BEFORE all these rebuilds.22:18
infinityAnd the kernels weren't downgraded. :P22:19
infinityOh, not in this version, though.  Maybe that test is new.22:19
infinityYeah, okay, same test was failing before the transition too.22:20
tdaitxinfinity, any chance we can get a set -x in that test/T160-json.sh script? at least to see where exactly it is failing?22:22
infinitytdaitx: Not easily.22:22
infinitytdaitx: Not without uploading to a PPA with said hack in place.22:22
infinitySo, that's kinda suspicious.  It was working with 0.17-3, started failing with 0.17-5 ...22:24
infinityIt's possible the packaging broke, but seems more likely that coincides with a dependency breaking.22:25
infinityEspecially since the packaging didn't change meaningfully between those versions.22:25
tdaitxinfinity, sorry, how did you tell it started failing with 0.17-5?22:27
infinitytdaitx: Drilled back through publishing history until I found the earliest one with failures.22:28
infinitytdaitx: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notmuch/0.17-522:28
infinityAnd there are zero changes between -3 and -5 to account for it, so it has to be something else than changed (a dep, toolchain, etc)22:29
infinitySame kernel on both builds too.22:29
dokothe toolchain doesn't have bugs, it only exposes some22:30
infinitydoko: Uh huh. :)22:30
dokowell, at least until now I didn't see one for GCC 522:30
infinitydoko: This isn't gcc-5, this has been breaking since trusty.22:31
infinityOr, utopic rather.22:31
dokoyeah, some people are behind with merges ...22:31
infinitydoko: This has nothing to do with merges.  It's a package without a delta whose autosyncs have been failing for two years.22:32
infinitytdaitx: Your sh -x request: https://launchpad.net/~adconrad/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/778229822:57
robruinfinity: any low-hanging fruit you can throw my way? I just got a succesful build of clementine and mailed the debdiff to slangasek22:58
infinityrobru: No idea, I'm not on top of the transition stuff, since I wasn't involved last week.22:58
robruheh, he told me you'd know since he's afk briefly22:58
infinityrobru: He lied. :)23:00
robruwell, anybody else know any easy transition bits for a noob to poke at?23:00
slangasekinfinity: I said that you would be able to guide, which I have every confidence in even if you don't already know ;)23:02
robruhe's back!23:02
slangasekrobru: try libktorrent, same basic issue as clementine23:03
tdaitxinfinity, bummer, I was setting up my ppa =P23:06
tdaitxinfinity, anyway, it is stuck in a loop... it seems to be missing at least one dependency23:06
infinityOh, maybe the reason it works locally is because my local schroot is a tiny bit fatter than the lp-buildd chroot tarballs.23:07
infinityBah, we still don't have "apt-get build-dep foo.dsc"23:09
infinityMust be in apt 1.123:09
tdaitxI am not sure, mine is supposedly very slim23:09
tdaitxand it still passes23:09
infinitytdaitx: Testing a theory on the one thing I guarantee is different.  Sec.23:13
* tdaitx still waiting for ceph to finish... doh, forgot parallel build! to kill or not to kill?23:14
infinitytdaitx: My .bashrc has this at the end, so I never have to think about it:23:15
infinityexport DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="parallel=$(nproc)"23:15
infinityHrm, purging locales didn't break it.  That was my one good guess.23:15
* infinity compares an entire dpkg -l with the build log.23:16
tdaitxso... after uploading to my ppa, how long does it usually take for the builders to grab it?23:19
infinityBah.  Literally identical set of packages installed, still no failure.  Not we're in the realm of the bizarre.23:23
infinitytdaitx: Depends on queue depth.23:23
infinitytdaitx: Though, generally, you have to actually upload something first.23:31
infinity(I see nothing in your PPA)23:31
ScottKNow you're getting demanding.23:31
infinityScottK: I know, I'm a stickler.23:31
tdaitxinfinity, but I did run dput and it said the world was good and peaceful23:33
tdaitxdid it lie?23:33
infinitytdaitx: dput just fires and forgets.23:33
infinitytdaitx: You either (a) have a REJECT email, if your upload was unacceptable, or you (b) have zero feedback at all if you forgot to sign your upload.23:33
infinityI'm betting on B.23:34
tdaitxI did sign it, dput checked that23:34
infinityThen check your email. :)23:34
infinity(I'm going to assume you signed it with the same key LP knows...)23:35
tdaitxinfinity, indeed, it was rejected23:35
tdaitxoh yeah, from the command line it seemed like dput checked even that23:35
infinitydput just checks that it's signed, period, not who it's signed by.  Though, if you got a reject, it was the right key.23:36
infinityAnd something else was wrong.23:36
tdaitxright, I cant submit to wily-proposed23:36
infinityYeah, get out of that habit anyway.23:36
infinityThe correct thing to upload to is always just "$release".23:36
infinityFor PPAs without pockets, that works, and for the primary archive, we map $release to $release-proposed on the server side.23:37
tdaitxinfinity, ha! I was able to reproduce the issue locally23:37
infinitytdaitx: !23:38
tdaitxinfinity, TERM="unknown" sbuild23:38
tdaitxdtach does not like an unknown term23:38
infinityAlso, balls.  That means our term setup is different from Debian's, where it succeeded on all buildds.23:38
tdaitxI have been bitten by that I don't remember how long ago23:38
tdaitxmine was rxvt-unicode, from my own term23:39
infinityLooks like Debian isn't explcitly setting TERM at all, so hard to say what setting is leaking through.23:40
infinityI guess whatever the buildd pid has.23:40
infinityMan, and we tried to hard to be 100% compatible. :P23:41
infinityI even remember when we made this change (which coincides with when this build started failing).23:41
infinityFor now, though, a delta to call the testsuite with TERM=vt100 or something will probably work.23:41
* infinity tries.23:42
tdaitxinfinity, yeah, that should do it... vt100 or even xterm (I can see it installed on my failed build session)23:45
infinityAlready testing vt100, so if that works, that wins.23:46
tdaitxor linux23:46
* tdaitx is somewhat happy to have battled against dtach on the past23:48
robruhey release peeps, I've analyzed http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#gcc-5 and found that kservice, libktoblzcheck, kdeclarative, autopilot-gtk, step regresions are more recent than the gcc5 upload (eg, those autopkgtests passed with the initial gcc5 upload then failed later for other reasons)23:50
robruinfinity: ^23:53
infinitytdaitx: Okay, confirmed that this works: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12052461/23:54
infinitytdaitx: Will upload after making the changelog more manager friendly.23:54
tdaitxinfinity, great =)23:55
tdaitxoh yeah, be "nice" on the changelog23:55
infinitytdaitx: Thanks for the analysis!23:57
infinityrobru: Your analysis, I'm less sure what to do with.  If those are new failures, we kinda still need to know why.23:58
robruinfinity: yeah I'm not really sure either. slangasek asked me to look into that. apparently the ones I listed shouldn't block the gcc5 transition23:58
tdaitxinfinity, you are welcome =)23:58
slangasekinfinity: yes, this is for unblocking gcc-5, not for ignoring the failures wholesale23:59
tdaitxceph just passed locally23:59
tdaitxone, two down... one, two to go...23:59
infinityslangasek: Check.23:59
infinityrobru: So, are those the only regressions britney's hating on?23:59
* infinity looks.23:59
robruinfinity: no there's other regressions23:59
infinityRight, in that case, not much I can do about it yet.23:59

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