
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
wolflarsoninstalling ubuntu touch now :)01:19
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=== ara_ is now known as ara
dholbachgood morning07:33
NakulI have recently upgraded from 12.04 LTS to 14.04 LTS and I am not able to login to my desktop08:23
zzarrdesktop/laptop machine?08:24
Nakullaptop machine08:25
=== faenil is now known as faenil_
NakulI have tried all the methods as provided to resolve this issue on http://askubuntu.com/08:25
Nakulnothing has worked08:25
NakulI am able to login to TTY08:26
zzarris it just the graphical login that's not working or can't you login at all?08:26
Nakulgraphical login only08:27
Nakulterminal login is working fine08:27
zzarrI think you're in the wrong channel, I think #ubuntu is better for you08:28
zzarrthis channel is for Ubuntu Touch08:29
Nakulthanks by the way08:29
zzarrnp :)08:29
mcphailIs there a roadmap to getting video chatting in place on the phone? What would be the likely direction? WebRTC?08:42
ogra_mcphail, yeah, webrtc08:46
mcphailogra_: is there already support in the browser? I was wondering if it would be a simple matter of giving browser access to the camera?08:46
mcphail(or webapp)08:47
ogra_no, there isnt ... first of all it needs trust-prompt/trust-session integration08:47
ogra_then oxide needs to learn to manage hw devices08:47
ogra_probably oSoMoN knows where that stands, there is definitely work going on to implement it08:48
mcphailogra_: ok - chromium is capable, isn't it?08:48
* mcphail just wonders how much is baked in already08:49
mcphailcheers ogra_08:49
ogra_chromium isnt oxide ;)08:49
mcphailogra_: i know08:49
* svij gets ready for another "Ubuntu Phone Insider" hangout… :)08:59
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Lion Day! 😃09:04
svijoh no sturmflut2 is back.09:09
sturmflut2In all his glory!09:09
=== faenil_ is now known as faenil
nhainessvij: aww, I'm jealous.  :P09:12
svijnhaines: it's about india :P09:13
svijwho cares about the us anyway *scnr*09:14
nhainessvij: Still sounds interesting!09:16
patrick__i kan not zo good englichnbut i try09:16
patrick__i have a quest voor the htc hd2 vor ubuntu touch09:17
* popey looks for Dutch speakers09:17
patrick__is er iemant die nederlands kan dat gaat wat sneller09:19
svijyay a boolywood scope :D09:26
svijuh oh they're meeting with whatsapp guys. Nothing to announce yet09:36
oSoMoNmcphail, ogra_: this is work in progress, see bug #141099609:36
ubot5bug 1410996 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "Add WebView.mediaAccessPermissionRequested API" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141099609:36
ogra_thx !09:36
nhainessvij: I'll alert Softpedia.  "Whatsapp coming to Ubuntu this week.  FACT."09:37
svijnhaines: haha09:37
ogra_nhaines, thats lame ... "Ubuntu to be the OS of the new facebook phone, Whatsapp now included !"09:38
ogra_thats better ;)09:39
svij"no specific news about the us"09:50
nhainesI'll settle for broad generalities.09:52
zbenjaminogra_: how can i disable the adb lock again without reflashing?10:06
zzarrhello! time for hard questions... but the situation first, I having a Meizu MX4 Ubuntu Edition10:09
zzarrI want to be able to run X applications on it, ogra_ suggested a chroot yesterday, which sound like an outstanding idea to me10:11
zzarrbut how would I set it up?10:11
=== dragonkeeper1 is now known as Dragonkeeper
popeyyou could use debootstrap to build a simple chroot.10:13
popeyNot sure how you'd run x apps unless you used xmir10:13
zzarrpopey: I want to use xmir10:15
zzarrbut I don't know how10:15
zzarrI have installed the ppa version10:15
popeyzzarr: sorry, I don't know either, never used xmir10:19
guest42345zzarr, https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg12499.html10:21
zzarrwhat source should I use for debootstrap?10:21
ogra_dont waste your time with debootstrap, use an ubuntu-core tarball ;) http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/daily/current/10:23
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
zzarrthanks guest4234510:24
guest42345zzarr, you can also run android apps10:25
zzarrhow do I run android apps?10:26
zzarrthanks ogra_10:26
zzarrone thing... the mouse cursor is invisible when I connect a bt mouse10:30
zzarr(the ui transforms in to desktop mode)10:31
popeythat's known.10:31
zzarrknown fix?10:32
ogra_and wanted :)10:32
zzarrmouse cursor on most wanted list? (is it a criminal?)10:32
ogra_you attached a mouse, so desktop use is assumed10:32
zzarryes, that I know and love10:33
ogra_oh, the cursor, sorry misread10:33
ogra_the fix will be in the next mir release afaik10:34
zzarrI understand that you can't give an exact date when that fix is released, but any idea?10:36
ogra_before 16.04 :P10:40
ogra_(kidding,... not idea :) ask #ubuntu-mir)10:40
zzarryea :)10:40
zzarrI'm thinking about buying ASUS Chromebook Flip when the 4GB version arrives here, is it possible to install Ubuntu with Unity8 on it?10:52
zzarr(it's a unit transforming between laptop and tablet)10:52
zzarrsry ogra_ I ended up running a debootstrap in any way I want apt ;)10:54
zzarrit was only snappy packages in the core10:54
ogra_not in the tarball i linked10:54
ogra_the snappy tarball is at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/daily-preinstalled/current/10:55
zzarrI wanted vivid, so I browsed around a bit10:55
ogra_the http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/daily/current/ is just the content of a "debootstrap --minbase"10:55
zzarrI must have done something wrong10:55
zzarrohh.. I see, sorry for me being stupid :O10:56
ogra_and the vivid release is http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/releases/vivid/release/10:56
ogra_fort the non-snappy tarball10:56
zzarrby the way, I'm thinking of buying a pcduino3 and touch-screen for a project, is it easy or hard to install a graphical interface on a snappy-core dist?10:59
zzarrit have a Mali400 GUPU10:59
ogra_still rather hard, but we're working on it ;)11:00
ogra_(there is no Mir framework snap yet, only some experimental hackery)11:00
ogra_(and i only just released an RPi image that is even capable of running graphics at all, up to now we didnt have any arm HW that could even run a monitor)11:01
zzarrokey, I guess you're a skilled developer (you sound skilled)11:02
ogra_well, according to my salary cheque i am skilled enough to fill my fridge with it :)11:04
svijogra_: today I fooled myself "ohh ogra reshared an german ubuntu phone article, I wonder who wrote this… oh that was me."11:06
ogra_nah, it was Mr. "guest author" (never met hom though)11:07
zzarr:) I'm a developer too, I can also fill my fridge :D11:08
=== chriadam is now known as chriadam|away
zzarris there a way to run android apps on Ubuntu Touch at the moment?11:10
nhainesNo, and there are no such plans.11:11
zzarrGuest82082: how?11:11
zzarrnhaines: don't Canonical have a plan to make use of Android apps?11:13
ogra_luckily not :)11:14
Guest82082zzarr, https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg13705.html11:14
nhaineszzarr: nope.11:14
zzarrthanks Guest82082 :)11:15
ogra_nobody holds you back to create a dalvik hack that works with Mir and ship that inside your click package though ;(11:15
nhainesI'm not sure about that mailing list entry.11:15
nhainesStep 1: break your phone.11:15
Guest82082nhaines, zzarr is a developer11:16
zzarrokey, nhaines and ogra_11:16
ogra_well, following that clearly asks for re-flashing after you tried it11:16
zzarrI thought of that way yesterday, running Android apps in ARChon11:17
Guest82082zzarr, you can also make the terminal app not suspend11:18
zzarrGuest82082: how?11:18
Guest82082it's just a setting in gsettings11:18
ogra_via even more hacks :)11:18
zzarrall the hacks :)11:19
Guest82082zzarr, http://notyetthere.org/openstore-tweakgeek-and-more/11:21
zzarrAs much as I don't like Android apps I wish to use my banks app (it will take a while before it's ported to Ubuntu Touch)11:24
ogra_i guess you are out of luck with that ... unless you plan to never upgrade your phone after you set it up11:26
zzarrif there's a solution now, there will be in the future ;)11:27
ogra_i doubt that11:28
ogra_there is no sane way to allow execution of android apps in our security model11:28
zzarrwhat about XMir, Chromium and ARChon?11:29
ogra_even if you did go the "ship dalvik inside your click" way your app wouldnt have access to anything, missing the android system groups etc etc11:29
ogra_the only way to make it run is the apt way which we will never officially support on phones11:29
ogra_(since it works around all security)11:29
zzarrbut XMir will be officially supported?11:30
ogra_there might be a chance that someone eventually writes a snappy framework to run it inside a container or so and once the phones moved to snappy you could use that ...11:30
ogra_but that woiuld still not give you access to HW11:31
ogra_(or any other underlying system bits your app or the VM wants)11:31
ogra_also you wouldnt be able to actually use the input layer properly i guess11:31
ogra_snappy will make all such things possible ... technically ... but that doesnt mean that your app will get along with that11:32
zzarrbut the bank app I'm talking about only needs a internet connection11:32
ogra_you would need transaltion layers everywhere11:33
* svij wouldn't use banking apps on any phone anyway…11:34
zzarrI'll have a look at ARChon later, maybe I can use some code from chromium and make my own app using webkit11:34
zzarrI don't see the harm in using it, it's very limited11:35
ogra_that would become a gigantic click package ... if you ship webkit inside :)11:35
ogra_(there is no webkit on the phone)11:35
svijwhats the browser using then?11:35
zzarrwhat about "include Ubuntu.Webkit" in QML?11:36
ogra_i dont think thats supported anymore11:36
ogra_webkit was only there in the very early RTM images11:37
svij"An oxide /ˈɒksaɪd/ is a chemical compound that contains at least one oxygen atom and one other element[1] in its chemical formula." I see :D11:37
zzarryes, I think you know oxide if you think about it, when it iron oxide we call it rust ;)11:39
svijogra_: I know ;)11:39
popeyso blink11:39
* ogra_ blinks11:40
ogra_always following popey's commands ;)11:40
Guest82082zzarr, https://chromium.googlesource.com/arc/arc/11:42
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
zzarrI hope there will be a alien like solution or something in the future for apk to click/snappy11:49
ogra_surely possible ... as i said, you would need some kind of android framework your snap can consume, tnnen it might be doable11:50
ogra_and the "alien like tool" is called snapcraft ;) https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/snappy-devel/2015-August/000995.html11:52
zzarrI found this http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/03/chromium-browser-ported-mir-display-server11:52
zzarrcool ogra_ :)11:53
ogra_yeah, shows that past technologies could be ported to Mir :)11:54
ogra_(march 2014 ... )11:54
zzarryepp (I saw the date ;) )11:55
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=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
zzarrI got an update for my phone :D12:09
zzarrhow often will I get updates?12:09
Guest820826 weeks on the stable channel :| :| :|12:10
Guest82082:| :| :| 6 weeks = forever12:10
zzarrI have proposed12:10
zzarrso, each 6'th week for stable12:11
ogra_daily on the rc-proposed channel (with exclusion of the weekends, so things get dogfooded for more than 24h without reboot over weekends)12:11
Guest82082OTA6 Expected:12:12
Guest820822015-08-20   https://launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+milestone/ww34-201512:12
Guest82082OTA7 Expected:12:12
Guest820822015-10-01 https://launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+milestone/ww40-201512:12
Guest82082zzarr, btw, ogra_ not just some developer is The developer12:14
Guest82082an his fridge is ginormas12:15
zzarrI have a question I just thought of, let's pretend I have a headset at home, connected to my computer and my phone charging, will it be possible to talk thought the headset with some one on the phone?12:20
ogra_sounds like a useful feature but you would need quite some hackery for that12:21
zzarrsomething for the future :)12:21
zzarrnot that it matters, but is there any reason why it says ubuntu and have the 5 dots under instead of the rotating ubuntu symbol when booting proposed?12:23
ogra_to make it look more like all other ubuntus :)12:24
popeyyeah, thats the new bootsplash12:24
ogra_(i think it was quite some work to get rid of the spinner)12:24
popey"new" / "old"12:24
zzarrI think it's nicer :)12:25
* ogra_ wasted nearly his whole weeked playing "day-d-tower-rush" sitting in the garden ... nearly as addicting as MvM ... i wonder if i should upload the click i had to build to make it work fullscreen :)12:26
ogra_i would have tried popey's offline HTML5 setup but couldnt find it anywhere12:27
popeyits where all the cool kids hang out12:27
ogra_popey, i mean the game :P12:28
zzarrI love the open source community :D12:29
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
zzarrdid I say something wrong?12:39
zzarrI thought I killed the chat ;)12:40
ogra_la chat est mort !12:41
zzarr:( chatten är död :(12:41
ogra_(no you didnt, but we sometimes actually do work aside from IRC ;) )12:42
zzarrme 212:42
ogra_(except popey, he only does IRC indeed :P )12:42
JanCs/la chat/le chat/ ? :)12:43
ogra_yeah, french gender cofusion12:44
zzarrI can't speak french12:45
* ogra_ neither ... said my french teacher ... 12:45
svijJe ne parle pas francais <-- that's the only sentence I know !12:45
ogra_popey, is that le or la outrage ?12:46
* popey tries to remember GCSE French12:46
popeyl'outrage I think.12:46
svijpopey: haha12:46
ogra_lol, thats cheap !12:46
davmor2popey: you're just going on L'oreal for that aren't you ;)12:48
ogra_oh, and i always thought that was his bed-hair in the eraly morning hangouts ...12:48
davmor2popey: surely it is Zut Alors!12:49
JanCsvij: "Je ne parle pas le français" you mean?  :)12:52
Guest82082omlette du fromage!12:53
Guest82082je suis une hélicoptère12:55
zzarris Jesus in a helicopter?12:55
zzarrI have funny letters too åäö12:56
Guest82082:)) ze german?12:56
zzarrSwedish :)12:57
Guest82082ah, ikea :D12:57
Guest82082got it12:57
zzarryes :)12:57
popey\o/ volvo12:57
Guest82082volvo is chinese12:57
ogra_please press the elk key12:57
svijJanC: uh, oh, the "le" is definitely wrong there.12:58
zzarrVolvo was bought by a Chinese company12:58
Guest82082yeah :(12:59
k1ltoo bad for volvo. i really liked my 960 :) my brother still drives it12:59
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
zzarrgood cars, my father and mother had one for 15 years without any mayor problem13:00
* popey still loves his V7013:00
popeyI have had mine for 14 years13:00
popeyused to have a debian sticker in the back, but that faded13:01
popeywish we sold ubuntu stickers in the store13:01
zzarrI'm from the same town as Gevalia :) (Coffee brand)13:01
popey(big ones, sticky on the reverse)13:01
zzarrThe town is called Gävle13:01
JanCmost Volvos are still built in Belgium   :)13:01
zzarrtrue true13:02
JanCfollowed by the Swedish factory13:02
JanCIIRC they will only build cars in China for the Chinese & other Asian markets13:02
zzarrokey, nice13:03
JanC(at least for now)13:03
JanCmost of the cost advantage of manufacturing in China would be lost in transport back to Europe anyway13:05
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
k1lwell, the 960 got more than 500.000km on the speedo. and still runs just fine. but the petrol consupmtion is "a bit" high :X13:07
zzarrhigh consumption is a problem with older Volvos13:08
zzarrQt Creator... hello! I changed that string, stop using the old!13:18
zzarrsry, just some minor rage13:18
zzarrcompiling :)13:19
zzarrit takes forever13:21
kenvandinemandel, any luck figuring out what's up with that fix-network branch?13:26
abeatoKaleo, ping13:27
ProstheticSoops, didnt mean to hit enter on thato ne13:30
=== doanac` is now known as doanac
dobeyeh, how does one open a url from the terminal on the phone?13:48
dobeythere's no xdg-open or gvfs-open :(13:48
ogra_i bet you could do some magic content-hub invocation13:49
dobeyi don't wnat content hub. i'm not trying to read data from one app or share it to another. i just want to test opening a url via url-dispatcher13:54
ogra_err, url-dispatcher13:55
ogra_i always mix these two up13:55
ogra_(we need to merge them to stop confusing me !!!)13:55
popeydobey: good question!13:56
mcphailoSoMoN: thanks - I have +1'd the bug. Would like to see video chatting working14:07
oSoMoNmcphail, yeah, getting that to work will be a great milestone for the browser app14:08
mcphailoSoMoN: out of interest, how much of the "plumbing" is already there?14:08
davmor2dobey: webbrowser-app http://www.ubuntu.com?14:10
dobeydavmor2: no, i don't want to launch an app with a url. just a url14:11
dobey(and it's not an http url)14:11
oSoMoNmcphail, for microphone use, I think most of it is already there, for camera access, not really sure yet14:12
davmor2dobey: fair enough14:13
mcphailoSoMoN: cheers14:15
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
pete-woodsogra_: hi. I'm having trouble maintaining a stable connection to my arale and krillin (which is flashed to wily right now)15:31
pete-woodsI've tried replacing my USB cable15:31
pete-woodsis this a known thing?15:32
pete-woods / have I missed an important post on ubuntu-phone15:32
pete-woodsit works for a little while if I toggle developer mode off and on again15:32
pete-woodsbut soon stops working, requiring another toggle15:32
ogra_USB is generally a bit flaky on arale ... try using a slower connection like USB 2.0 or 1.1 ... 3.0 will definitely cause issues15:32
pete-woodsI don't have USB 315:33
pete-woodsthis also happens on krillin, though15:33
pete-woodsmakes silo testing quite a PITA15:33
pete-woodsas it doesn't stay connected long enough to update the silo15:33
ogra_beyond that i dont know if the HWE teams work on researching that issue further, john-mcaleely might be able to tell15:33
john-mcaleelywell, it is 'not widely reported' on krillin15:34
john-mcaleelyto the extent I'd say, what's up with your setup :-)15:34
ogra_oh, i totally missed the krillin in the first sentence :P15:34
john-mcaleelykrillin generally seems reliable15:34
john-mcaleelyarale, on the other hand, flaky as a flaky thing15:35
ogra_my overheated brain just played back the standard answer here :P15:35
john-mcaleelyuse usb 2, cross your fingers, and repeat15:35
pete-woodsmy laptop only has usb215:35
john-mcaleelytry a different hub (for arale)15:35
john-mcaleelysuspect your setup (for krillin)15:36
pete-woodsit's almost like the adb daemon on the device is crashing15:36
pete-woods / freezing15:36
ogra_tnen you would have reports in /var/crash15:36
john-mcaleelyoh, or things you do to the image.15:36
ogra_its wily15:36
john-mcaleelycould the oom killer thingie kill it?15:36
john-mcaleelyoh, wily?15:36
ogra_i wouldnt trust wily image at all currently15:36
john-mcaleelyvery new ground. here be demons15:36
john-mcaleelyI've never used it15:37
ogra_*especially* for C++15:37
john-mcaleelydoubly, especially for anything ++15:37
pete-woodswill flash to vivid if I can get through a bootstrap boot with it15:37
pete-woodsare there special rules for arale15:37
john-mcaleelyyeah. it's broken15:37
pete-woods(I seem to remember something like that)15:37
ogra_same as always ...15:37
john-mcaleelyuse a known-good usb setup :-)15:37
ogra_different recovery.img indeed15:37
john-mcaleelyoh, that, yes15:38
ubot5You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices15:38
pete-woodsI have the different recovery image for krillin15:38
ogra_listed there in the table15:38
pete-woodsthere's one for arale too?15:38
john-mcaleelyooh. I didn't know the bot knew that15:38
davmor2ogra_: is the standard answer snappy fixes everything?15:38
pete-woodsgot it15:38
ogra_they are device specific15:38
john-mcaleelycan we add !recovery ?15:38
ogra_davmor2, !15:38
davmor2<ogra_> my overheated brain just played back the standard answer here :P15:38
ogra_john-mcaleely, i bet we can, noit sure how though ... popey might know whom to ping15:39
ogra_dayeah, tha exclamation mark was to confirm your statement ;)15:39
john-mcaleelyinteresting. lets see :-)15:39
ogra_davmor2, ^15:39
popeywat wat?15:40
popeyoh, to the bot, sure15:40
ogra_popey, adding commands to the bot, whom does john-mcaleely need to ping ?15:40
ogra_alan bell ?15:41
john-mcaleelyI'd love it to know !recovery15:41
ogra_or the irc ops channel ?15:41
popeywhat do you want it to say?15:41
popeyI can do that15:41
ubot5If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode15:41
popeyyou did that then15:41
popeywe can have a specific recovery entry just for this channel15:42
popeyjust tell me what you want it to say15:42
popeywhich will override the one used in #ubuntu15:42
ogra_better than pointing to desktop recovery :)15:42
john-mcaleely"You need to use the right recovery.img for your device when flashing with adb: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices15:42
john-mcaleelymaybe so15:42
ogra_i would also point to the table ...15:42
ogra_there is so much content on that page15:42
ogra_the table gives a hint where to look for the link15:43
=== tvoss is now known as tvoss|test
=== tvoss|test is now known as tvoss
popeyubot5: recovery-#ubuntu-touch is <reply> You need to use the right recovery.img for your device when flashing with adb: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices#Working_with_ubuntu-device-flash15:44
pete-woodscan anyone tell me the magic combination to get arale into fastboot mode? I've tried holding "vol up" on, but it takes me to the spinning ubuntu logo / recovery kernel thingy15:44
ubot5If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode15:44
popeyit needs someone else to +1 I think15:44
popeyhang fire15:44
pete-woodshmm, soft-bricked now, it seems :( no longer booting15:45
john-mcaleelypete-woods, "Long press Power + Down:"15:45
pete-woodsjohn-mcaleely: thanks!15:46
ubot5You need to use the right recovery.img for your device when flashing with adb: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices#Working_with_ubuntu-device-flash15:49
davmor2popey: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMvF2pPeb5E15:52
popeyRadio 1!?15:53
popeythats for young people!15:53
davmor2popey: just listen to it15:53
davmor2popey: Plus I'm younger than you :P15:53
* popey downloads15:54
popeyYou win this time Mr Morley!15:55
pete-woodsjohn-mcaleely: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12048900/15:56
pete-woodsis what I end up with from fastboot / bootstrap15:56
pete-woodsI'm obviously doing something wrong here..15:57
john-mcaleelypete-woods, looks like fastboot is up, and your usb is flaky15:58
pete-woodsbut to suddenly get flaky? after years of it working?15:58
pete-woodsI guess it's possible15:58
kenvandinei had a cable go bad15:59
kenvandinesuddenly got flaky15:59
pete-woodsI already changed to two different cables15:59
pete-woodsokay, I apparently have like 3 dead USB cables..16:03
pete-woodsa fourth one works!16:03
faenilbschaefer: pingie16:04
bschaeferfaenil, pong16:06
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
faenilbschaefer: did you try getting apkenv to work on ubuntu touch?16:11
bschaeferfaenil, i've not tried that out16:14
ogra_that only works for non java apps anyway, no ?16:14
ogra_(unless youo also provide the whole VM)16:15
faenilbschaefer: ok, I was thinking of giving that a spin whenever I have some free hacking time16:15
faenilbschaefer: what is the status of sdl2 on UT?16:15
ogra_works awesome16:15
ogra_install neveball, neverputt or tuxracer from the store ;)16:15
faenilogra_: ok :D16:15
ogra_they all run natively on Mir via SDL216:15
faenilcool stuff16:15
faenilI don't know much about apkenv atm, but I thought it could be a good starting point16:16
faenilI thought it was actually the opposite, it ran java apps but needed hacks for the ndk ones16:16
faenilbut your point makes more sense16:16
bschaeferfaenil, it should work fine as long as you use16:17
bschaeferfaenil, what version of mir? If you're 0.12 you should be fine16:17
bschaeferif you are greater then that you'll need this branch:16:17
ogra_faenil, well, i only glanced over the docs of apkenv and it looked to me like it was only some re-pack thing ...16:18
faenilbschaefer: I don't know yet when I'll have time to play with that, I guess I'll ping you again when I actually start doing something with it :D16:18
bschaeferfaenil, awesome would love to hear how that goes :)16:18
bschaeferas far as tuxracer, thats SDL1.2 which i've a branch for16:18
bschaeferand it only works on the desktop (since no EGL support)16:19
faenilyeah, it's for ndk stuf...16:20
faenilwell, some games at least should work :)16:20
bschaeferyeah :)16:20
popeybschaefer: i know icculus is working on a wrapper for sdl1.2 which presents itself as sdl2, so you can run sdl1.2 apps on sdl216:20
bschaeferpopey, yeeeah but he said that to me like... 1-2 years ago :)16:20
popeydunno how far he's got16:20
popeyhe has the to-do list from hell16:20
bschaeferpopey, not sure how much priority it has16:20
bschaeferi could only imagine :(16:21
popeyhe will never have no work, that guy16:21
popeywhich is a good thing I guess :)16:21
bschaeferhaha yup16:21
john-mcaleelypete-woods, in fairness, I think it's more likely to be the arale usb controler, not your cables :-/16:22
john-mcaleelygood to see it working (I got distracted for a while)16:23
pete-woodsjohn-mcaleely: if it's useful information, it's a relatively expensive 1ft "Anker" cable that's working16:24
pete-woodsmaybe the short length helps16:24
pete-woods / maybe the cable thickness16:25
pete-woodsat any rate, it;'s working now :)16:25
john-mcaleelyshort seems to be a theme for 'working'16:25
faenilpete-woods: are you using a powered usb hub? (forgive me if this was asked already)16:28
faenilin case you aren't, that probably helps16:28
pete-woodsfaenil: I'm not, but it sounds like I need ti buy one16:30
faenilwe're waiting to get one delivered16:31
faenilto see if it actually helps16:31
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zzarrhello :)17:49
ogra_beuno, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12049072/ ... is there a way to check if the timestamps of the clicks in the sotre are still correct after the upgrade ? we see the stuff in that paste in the generated custome tarballs since very recently17:53
ogra_beuno, oh, wait ... ignore me ... thats apparmor17:54
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davmor2beuno: remember that ogra_ put no time limit on that ignore him ;)18:08
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zzarris it ok to leave suggestions here?18:42
habsbarry: Hi, not sure if this is the right place, but new to system-image, trying to compile system-image-2.2 on a desktop 14.04 deriv and I get this error: http://sprunge.us/UJXS Do you know how I would go about fixing this?18:42
zzarrwell, my idea is that it should be possible to mute notifications as well as incomming calls between different times18:46
greyback_popey: about?18:51
popeyhello greyback_18:51
greyback_popey: hey, could you do me a quick favour: could you edit the summary of https://launchpad.net/qtmir and remove the first bullet point18:52
greyback_I think you're on the PSPM team so can do that18:52
* greyback_ haz no powah18:52
popeygreyback_: done. look okay?18:52
greyback_popey: will do nicely, thanks18:52
barryhabs: system-image 2.2 is way old.  you should either try 3.0.1 or 2.5.118:53
barrypreferably 3.0.118:54
thepeter-webHi :)19:02
thepeter-webI have bought bq5 ubuntu edition and I would like to start with doing as real work as possible, but I have some questions (reagrding principles but also technical ones) who can I ask them please?19:05
ubot5Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:07
popeythepeter-web: yeah, just ask away here.19:09
popeyor at askubuntu.com :)19:09
thepeter-webheh ok why is there a store with need for login do get apps? (I am linux user I know how packaging system work so why do I need to use login?)19:09
popeyso that we can do things like deliver the same apps to all your devices, keep them in sync, re-download paid apps19:09
thepeter-webthat is a very first one :D19:10
popeydoing this on day one means it's easier to add those features later19:10
popeywithout having to say to people "okay, 2 years later, _now_ you need a login"19:10
thepeter-webpoopey uhm okay but there is a way to use it with this feature is it?19:11
popeynot all of it is implemented yet19:11
thepeter-webcuase that the kind of freedom I like on linux  (decentralisation)19:12
thepeter-webcause ^19:12
thepeter-webI just would like to u know open terminal and start scripting (optimal would be python, but as I've red official support won't be seen for it soon)19:14
dobeyyou bought a phone, but you want a PC?19:15
thepeter-webehm I bought a device with some abilities somehwere between phone and PC :D19:16
mcphailthepeter-web: I can't see that anything stops you opening a terminal and starting scripting...19:16
dobeymcphail: probably the common complaint that certain things are not installed; like emacs19:17
thepeter-webI don't expect it to be PC, but yes I admit I want more than just smart phone19:17
dobeythepeter-web: https://askubuntu.com/questions/620740/recommended-way-to-install-regularcli-deb-packages-on-ubuntu-phone/623311#62331119:17
mcphailthepeter-web: the phone is remarkably hackable. You just need to spend a little bit of time working out the restrictions19:19
thepeter-webdobey cool thanks for link I just wanted to know if I can avoid using login and registering email and so on and just install terminal to open it for adjusments :P19:20
dobeyno, you can't install apps from the store without logging in19:20
thepeter-webmcphail that is what I expect from it (since it is opensource :P)19:20
dobeyyou can side-load apps over adb if you have developer mode enabled, and the .click package file to be installed19:21
ogra_thepeter-web, being opensource doesnt say anything about the hackability when the binaries are on a device ;) ... that the phones are hackable at all is due to the manufacturers allowing that, you can lock down ubuntu on the phone as much as you can with android :)19:23
ogra_(so if the vendors wanted that they could ... )19:24
thepeter-webdobey okay, so I am on 15.04 r4 is there documetation about  system? (dir structures and so on), so I am gona get my login in the store to get terminal on :P19:24
nhainesthepeter-web: you'll have to download the source and compile the Terminal yourself.19:25
nhainesThen you can sideload it without issue.19:25
dobeythepeter-web: it is ubuntu19:25
dobeythepeter-web: the root filesystem is read-only (it is a phone, after all)19:26
dobeyhence, the chroot method i linked to19:26
thepeter-weborga_ hackability is probably a strong word used by mcphail :D I just want to adjust it as linux machine adjusted can be :P19:26
mcphailthepeter-web: file system is similar to stock ubuntu. Clicks packages (e.g. apps from app store) get installed under /opt19:26
ogra_thepeter-web, you can do that ... within the bounds of the system ....19:26
mcphailthepeter-web: by "hackability" I mean I can write an app in almost any language and expect it to run. That is fairly cool19:27
ogra_ou can also hack nearly any part of the system ... technically :)19:27
dobeyor with an axe19:28
ogra_(there are some binary blob drivers that you cant ... obviously)19:28
nhainesI'm more than a little impressed that all the OEMs were fine with shipping with unlocked bootloaders.19:28
thepeter-webdobey okay but there are still specific thing to work with which I would not expect to be covered on computer but I'll just look for them19:28
dobeyi don't know what you mean19:28
nhainesthepeter-web: you're being awfully vague about it.19:28
ogra_nhaines, yeah, both commpanies acted really great here19:28
mcphailthepeter-web: you'll need to get used to app confinement and lifecycle management19:29
thepeter-webmcphail I would like to get to that point too ... in time :P19:29
nhainesogra_: even locked but unlockable would have been disappointing but acceptable.  Barely.  :)19:29
thepeter-webmcphail even with "my own small apps" ?19:29
mcphailthepeter-web: yep19:29
ogra_yeah, well, a nexus like way was what i hoped for initially ... we got far more ;)19:29
dobeynhaines: when an ubuntu phone is in "will it blend?" then you'll know we have been successful19:30
mcphailthepeter-web: for your own apps, you can break confinement but it isn't so easy to break lifecycle management.19:30
nhainesogra_: until then, it's slightly less whining in /r/Ubuntu by people who won't buy the phone anyway, so it all works out for me.  :P19:30
thepeter-webnhaines sorry for that :) it is because I don't have absolutelly clear idea what adjusments I would like to do since don't really know yet how much is the system "locked" as orga_ menioned19:31
thepeter-webso I am just starting my imagination on this one19:32
ogra_thepeter-web, well, nothng is locked ... but if you make the readonly bit writable and modify it you can break it badly19:32
ogra_for example19:32
ogra_if you really want to dig in ... the first thing you shuld do is find out how to re-flash it ;)19:33
ogra_then just break it badly til you found your middle ground (or a proper way) for doing what you want19:33
thepeter-weborga_ I am very well aware of that danger :P that's why I went here to prenet as much dammage as possible :P19:34
ogra_we are here for any concrete questions ;)19:34
ogra_and i'd also suggest to subscribe to the ML19:35
FgmeizuWho is familiar with making scopes via scopecreator19:35
ogra_Fgmeizu, cwayne can surely point you in the right direction19:35
thepeter-webok so ... I have my contacts exported from old phone, and  I want to import them avoiding thirt party servers connections an so on ... I have them physically copied to the phone, is there a way to just import them to "contacts"?19:36
FgmeizuAllright have tried to make one, installed it on my meizu but not the result I expected19:36
FgmeizuThen made a few builds....19:36
FgmeizuBut think i made a mess now in my phone "click wise"19:37
FgmeizuHow can i see what packages are installed and how can I remove them from my phone?19:39
ogra_thepeter-web, the phone uses syncevolution and i think it is possible to import vcf contacts (not sure about bulk, i use google contacts) ... SIm import and google contact import are the only ones that currently have UI support19:39
dobeyFgmeizu: "click list"19:39
FgmeizuSaw somethink in the net like click list, but the package is not listed19:39
dobeywhat package is not listed?19:40
FgmeizuThe click package of the scope i made19:40
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ogra_how did you install it ?19:40
FgmeizuVia scopecreator......scopecreator build19:40
dobeythat builds a click i guess, but i don't think it installs it?19:41
* ogra_ has never used scopecreator but i would guess the same19:41
FgmeizuOk, so where on the phone is it? Because the scope is there19:41
FgmeizuSorry the package19:42
dobeywell the contents of the click package would get unpacked under /opt/click.ubuntu.com/19:42
dobeywhat exactly is your problem?19:43
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ogra_adb shell pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted /tmp/$PACKAGENAME19:43
FgmeizuI tried to make a scope....white screen, no logo, no title.....19:43
ogra_hmm, it actually installs it19:43
dobeyogra_: oh, eww19:44
ogra_looking at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~scopecreator-team/scopecreator/trunk/view/head:/usr/bin/scopecreator19:44
FgmeizuSo worked a bit in scopecreator config....branding etc19:44
thepeter-weborga_ I know here is no simple UI for that, will use man to find text config, but step by step, first the terminal and some text editor :P19:44
popeywe ship nano and vi by default on the phone19:45
popeyso you're okay for editors..19:45
popey..unless you're some kind of emacs *pervert*19:45
dobeypopey: you have a very boring definition of editor19:45
ogra_ultraedit FTW !!19:45
popey"can edit files" is good enough for me19:46
mcphailcat ftw19:46
nhainesnano is the new ed.19:46
dobeyit's the plain annoying vi19:46
dobeynot vim19:46
FgmeizuUh, i am a normal guy that tries to explore ubuntu touch19:46
ogra_vi is for vinners !19:46
thepeter-webpopey cool :D that will very well sufice19:46
dobeyand they behave quite differently19:46
popeyFgmeizu: welcome to the madhouse19:46
ogra_Fgmeizu, i fear you reaally have to wait for cwayne to show up, he wrote that tool19:47
FgmeizuS***t, i am no developer or computer wizz....19:47
nhainesI'm looking forward to running LibreOffice 5.0 on my tablet.  :)19:47
dobeyFgmeizu: i presume you haven't checked the scope logs either?19:48
ogra_Fgmeizu, that is why you should wait for the one that can help you to show up :)19:48
* thepeter-web just found out that file:/// works on browser 19:48
FgmeizuI just have this phone for one month and just 2 weeks looking around these kind of things....19:48
ogra_there is also a filemanager app :)19:49
mcphailthepeter-web: you are one step away from writing your first webapp for ubuntu!19:49
nhainesI noticed last night that the browser now has visible tabs on my Nexus 7... at least it does in landscape mode!19:49
* ogra_ wants a fullsceen button in the menu19:50
ogra_my latest store upload only exists because i couldnt get the game to switch to fullscreen :P19:50
nhainesThe gesture shortcut for fullscreen should be a 6 finger tap.  :P19:50
dobeynhaines: or throwing the phone against a wall19:51
dobey"project it, there!"19:51
ogra_why 6 if you can take 9 ?19:51
thepeter-webmcphail :D :D I take these jokes as any noob should :P (I just hope I just didn't broke CoC by writing this :P)19:51
FgmeizuDobey: where do I find these?19:51
mcphailthepeter-web: I was semi-serious :)19:51
thepeter-webmcphail okay then :)19:52
dobeyFgmeizu: /home/phablet/.cache/upstart/scope-registry.log might have some errors when you try to use your scope. if you tail it, and watch it while trying to use y our scope, you might see it can't get results, or such19:52
ogra_thepeter-web, technically you could implement a file browser with a few lines of meta data in a click package that way ...19:52
ogra_mcphail is right ;)19:52
ogra_(as a webapp)19:52
mcphailthepeter-web: i really like the web renderer on Ubuntu, as used by the browser and the webapps. Very fast and standards-compliant19:53
FgmeizuDobey: ok19:53
FgmeizuDobey: just removing the package from the phone and trying to build again, opion? I have all files on the pc as well19:55
thepeter-weborga_ :) and thats why I wanted the documentation on 15.04 (r4) in the first place :P is there a blog of somebody decsribing how he/she did it? (u know examples ... easiest to learn on them :P)19:56
dobeyFgmeizu: ok. i'm just giving you hints on where to look to find out what's not working for you, so that you may fix it. i've not used that script myself, and i don't know what you're trying to do exactly19:57
dobeythepeter-web: i presume they all did it on an actual PC, using the SDK :)19:57
dobeywhich has fairly decent documentation, and a template for creating a web app :)19:58
thepeter-webdobey uhm you are probably right :P19:58
* ogra_ does it using vi in a terminal ;) 19:59
dobeyyeah, i did it with emacs19:59
dobeyi have an aversion to IDEs19:59
FgmeizuDobey sorry, i am a nono programming wise so 89% you tell me is new.....but I am lerning20:00
ogra_even my QML ones20:00
thepeter-weborga_ or dobey wil you share there few lines with me?20:01
thepeter-webthese ^20:01
nhainesthepeter-web: have you been to http://developer.ubuntu.com/ ?20:01
thepeter-webnhaines yes but the thing is that phone is the only ubuntu device I currently have :P20:02
ogra_thepeter-web, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/day-d-app.tgz ... thats a game i just uploaded to the stoe today20:02
nhainesthepeter-web: then only read the developer documentation for the phone?20:03
ogra_took about 10min of work (since i have the files as templates)20:03
ogra_thepeter-web, untar ... then run: click build day-d/20:03
ogra_that produces a click package20:03
ogra_to get the click command use the SDK PPA to install it20:04
ogra_on the phone you can then use pkcon to install the produced click20:05
ogra_(clicks get installed as user, not system wide like debs)20:05
thepeter-weborga_ thx will try it ... oh okay I am going to get thourgh that registration on store20:06
mcphailthepeter-web: ogra_ , not orga_ :)20:07
thepeter-webmcphail ups thx it seems I am too tired, so ... enough humiliation for today20:09
nhainesI for one always appreciate how helpful orca_ is to everyone.20:09
thepeter-webthank for first contact chat will CU here sooner or later :P20:11
* thepeter-web starts his own ubuntu touch exploration expedition, that's he always like on linux - exploring everything20:12
mcphailthepeter-web: enjoy!20:12
thepeter-webmcphail :) thanks I already do :P20:13
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abacustardhelloooo - quick one - what do I have to do with .img files to adb sideload them?20:57
abacustardspecifically - wily-preinstalled-system-armel+grouper.img wily-preinstalled-recovery-armel+grouper.img and wily-preinstalled-boot-armhf+grouper.img20:58
abacustardBueller - anyone?20:58
nhaines!patience | abacustard21:05
ubot5abacustard: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:05
abacustardplse could someone advise me as to how to sideload touch on Nexus 7 grouper21:15
abacustardspecifically - wily-preinstalled-system-armel+grouper.img wily-preinstalled-recovery-armel+grouper.img and wily-preinstalled-boot-armhf+grouper.img21:15
nhainesabacustard: what do you mean by "sideload"?21:18
abacustardadb sideload from my laptop into CWM21:20
abacustardi had tried phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel /ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu-developer/generic21:22
abacustardvarious other channels but I can't find a channel with a json for grouper21:22
nhainesSorry, I thought 'grouper' was the name for the GSM version of 'flo'.21:24
mcphailabacustard: what one is grouper? is that the 2012 or 2013 nexus 7?21:24
nhainesGrouper isn't supported and can't run Ubuntu.21:24
nhainesmcphail: it's the wifi 2012 model.21:24
mcphailnhaines: I think the 2012 ones can't run ubuntu21:24
mcphailnhaines: sorry - nick error!21:25
mcphailabacustard: ^21:25
abacustardi had quantal running earlier21:27
abacustardbut it was pretty unresponsive21:27
nhainesIf you want to run Ubuntu on it, you'll need to port it yourself.21:27
nhainesAnd there are no graphics drivers available if I recall.21:27
abacustardthanks nhaines21:41
abacustardxda seems to have a few successes21:41
nhainesabacustard: Hopefully so!21:46
abacustardstill a bit confised as to why the developer preview would work but nothing else BUT confusion is a state I am cofmortable with so hey ho21:48
mcphailabacustard: support was dropped21:48
nhainesabacustard: because AOSP dropped support for the hardware.21:48
nhainesThey spend significant time and resources trying to port it, but it was resources they didn't have.  And since they were almost a year off from their announced release date even after dropping support for the Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 7 (2012), I'd say it was probably the right call, no matter how annoyed I was about it.  :)21:50
abacustardmakes sense - thanks so much for your help nhaines21:50
nhainesabacustard: sure.  Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but maybe you saved some time.  See if anyone's still working on it over at xda perhaps!21:51
abacustardand mcphail!21:51
abacustardre: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/21:52
abacustardwhy are there grouper.img listed?21:53
habsbarry: I'd like to but I really can't because I'm working on a patch for an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS deriv and system-image-2.2 is the latest supported version in Trusty21:53
nhainesBecause they commited to maintaining the daily builds so that if the community stepped up and did the port, they'd accept the patches upstream so that everyone could use them.21:53
habsbarry: Does it seem like my problem http://sprunge.us/UJXS is related to the package version / will be fixed in a newer one? If so I could try compiling the newer version but I'd still need for it to work on the older one21:54
barryhabs: i'm almost positive the permission error is fixed in later versions, and the timeouts were due to race conditions that were also fixed.21:56
abacustardnhaines: ok I understand now - thanks again21:56
nhainesabacustard: it was a good question. :)21:56
mterryralsina, hello!  I see that once upon the time, you set ubuntu-push to not show a notification when the greeter is up.  Why is that?  Feels weirdly out-of-sorts with how we treat SMS22:41
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