
surgymy graphics tablet huion 580 works but not right. it needs to be mapped to a specific screen and i need to be able to change what the buttons do. which i cant. and im not even sure that the driver is installed. i am running kubuntu 14.04 lts. I am running kernal 3.19. i found wizardpen drivers but the instructions seam dated they are talking about ubuntu 10.10 there. was wandering if anyone has time to help me work on this a bit?03:15
cfhowlettsurgy, might find better answers by stating with the app you want, e.g. krita03:17
surgyyes sorry03:18
surgykrita is my prefered app03:18
surgyso your saying this is not an os issue?03:18
surgyor a driver issue?03:18
surgyi should be able to find this answer in the software?03:19
surgyim just lookin for a hint.... or a pointer or anything on which direction i should be digging03:19
cfhowlettsurgy, look at krita's help screen for support.  I'm suggesting that someone(s) at Krita has done exactly what you're trying03:19
cfhowlettsurgy, http://www.how2createwealth.com/wXeMGMoney0N-0Jw/Huion-580-Graphics-Tablet-working-with-Linux-and-the-GIMP-%28DIGImend%29.html03:20
surgyive seen that03:22
surgyits for an older kernal and the drivers she mentioned are supposed to already be included in the 3.19 kernal which i have03:23
surgyi just dont know how to configure the tablet03:23
easyOnMejust want to know whether inkscape can create animation out of the objects created through it08:03
cfhowlettyowza.  there's actually a book of inkscape available via download.08:04
cfhowletthttp://www.mbeckler.org/inkscape/svgani/    http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-create-gif-animations/08:04
easyOnMewhat I mean is if I have an .svg file and I have to make a .gif out of it to animate the file is it possible using inkscape08:04
easyOnMecfhowlett: thanks man08:04
cfhowlettalso ask #inkscape!08:04
artzonesorry totally new to this so have little idea what to do22:52
artzonesomewhat disappointed with Ubuntu Studio as the first two things I tried to do have failed though i have done the same things in Mint several times with good success.22:55
artzonethat was to load a program with wine and the other was to load and run skype22:56

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