
bluesabreochosi: yay02:25
bluesabreguess I'll try digging deeper into that tomorrow02:25
Bradcarnagehey  flocculant06:30
Bradcarnagehow are you?06:32
flocculantstill waking up ;)06:32
Bradcarnageoh, cool :P06:33
Bradcarnagei just got saved by my phone06:33
Bradcarnagemy motherboard wont connect to any sata connectors06:33
Bradcarnageso it couldnt boot >_>06:33
Bradcarnagethus i formatted a flash drive with xubuntu and im running in preview mode haha06:34
Bradcarnagehard drives and ssd's are so mainstream nowdays06:35
Bradcarnagei perfer an 8gig flash drive06:35
Bradcarnagewhats on my hard drive, is windows 10 with xubuntu in seamless mode running off of virtualbox06:36
Bradcarnageand virtualbox just points to the other partition in my hard drive :P06:37
Bradcarnagewhazam, 2 operating systems(on real partitions) running at the same time06:38
Bradcarnageanybody hanging out in chat?09:26
knomeBradcarnage, #xubuntu-offtopic 09:35
flocculantmmm 12:09
flocculantdaily appears to be booting to login only - just running out again - can someone else confirm :)12:10
jjfrv8flocculant, I can confirm - at least partially...14:17
jjfrv8I did the 64-bit image with unetbootin. When I picked "Try" from the grub menu, all I got was a login for "Other".14:18
jjfrv8But when I picked "Install" from grub, it installed and rebooted fine.14:18
jjfrv8I'll let you decide what to do about the bug :P14:19
jjfrv8oh, and this was on hardware.14:19
flocculantjjfrv8: thanks :)14:26
flocculantjust grabbing ubuntu - check it'sz not just us14:37
flocculantand without checking everyone else - seems to be14:55
Unit193That actually may be related to a merge, and just need uploaded.19:38
flocculantUnit193: the boot fail?19:59
Unit193In theory, there's a slight chance yeah.  lightdm config was touched, changing seatdefaults to another name.20:00
flocculantright 20:00
flocculantI did see some lightdm updates 20:00
flocculantso where to check 20:21
Unit193Change 60-xubuntu.conf  [SeatDefaults] → [Seat:*]  ?20:26
flocculantmmm - changed that, stopped and started lightdm - same deal 20:34
Unit193Was just a thought.20:36
flocculantbut it was definitely not seat:* 20:37
Unit193No, it wouldn't have been. https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/xubuntu-default-settings/lightdm-config/+merge/26728020:37
flocculantwell I beg to differ http://postimg.org/image/mmkqk0cnv/full/20:41
flocculantubuntu has seat:* we don't20:41
flocculantnvm - read you wrong20:42
Unit193It's in bzr, it'll be released with the next one.20:43
Unit193Anywho, since that was my only idea, I'll just shut it now. :)20:43
flocculantyea - just read you again where it makes more sense 20:43
flocculantI thought bluesabre merged it20:44
ochosiyeah, merged but maybe not uploaded yet20:44
flocculantanyway - if that's whats causing it20:44
ochosiand evening all20:44
flocculantI guess we need to upload it then20:45
flocculantevening ochosi 20:45
ochosiyeah, and we need knome's upload tracker ;)20:45
flocculant\o/ 20:45
ochosithat way we'd know when these things go in20:45
ochosi(ideally with a link to show the changelog)20:45
flocculantlong and short is that currently - we end up at login window 20:47
flocculantwandering off now 21:05
knomehuh :P21:31
bluesabrelooks like I have an upload to do21:51
ochosievening bluesabre 22:01
bluesabrehey ochosi 22:02
ochosiso the patch didn't work at all for you?22:03
ochosireally wonder what went wrong there, worked fine here22:03
bluesabreI'll try again shortly22:04
bluesabreor at least figure it out22:04
ochosiyeah, i'm rebuilding cleanly again too22:05
ochosistill works...22:06
ochosiso really not sure what's going on there22:06
bluesabreprobably just some difference between master and ubuntu22:06
ochosii guess so22:06
ochosialso, andrzejr brought up a valid concern about having a gtkplug nested in a gtkplug22:08
bluesabresaw that22:09
ochosibut i dunno, could be that it work22:09
bluesabrewould have to check it out, it should still work22:09
ochosiyeah, anyway, i'd say that's for v2.0 ;)22:09
ochosihm, so in debian/patches i don't see anything suspicious tbh22:10
ochosiknome: didn't you want the separator to be up there with the launcher in the "add new items" dialog of the panel?22:11
knomeochosi, yep22:12
knomeochosi, i think that would make sense22:12
knomespecifically since language versions can throw it anywhere in the list22:12
bluesabrecan check it out with: dget https://launchpad.net/~bluesabre/+archive/ubuntu/experimental/+files/xfce4-panel_4.12.0-3ubuntu2%7Eppa1%7E15.10.dsc22:13
bluesabreextract both the tar and debian.tar, drop debian into xfce4-panel22:13
bluesabreand then run quilt push -a22:14
bluesabreto see what it looks like when patched22:14
knomewho are you talking to?22:14
bluesabreochosi: 22:15
bluesabrethe only person on this channel talking to me22:15
ochosiknome: hm, just looked, it's a bit more complex than i thought22:15
ochosithat might be the reason nobody has patched that yet for you ;)22:15
ochosithat, plus i'm not sure there's a bugreport for it22:16
Unit193Hallo, bluesabre.  I am talking to you now.22:16
ochosibluesabre: k, will look22:16
knomeochosi, if not, i can report one tomorrow for you if you want - just tell me where you want it22:17
ochosiknome: upstream22:17
knomeochosi, k, will try to remember to do that22:18
ochosibluesabre: humm, no series file found22:18
ochosiwhich is odd, cause there clearly is one22:18
knomebluesabre, got the reminder email from tracker?22:18
bluesabreknome: yup, straight to spam22:20
bluesabreredirected it :D22:20
bluesabreout of spam, that is to say22:20
ochosibluesabre: anything i have to do apart from running quilt?22:20
bluesabreochosi: 22:20
bluesabreah, no quiltrc22:20
Unit193export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches22:20
bluesabreochosi: ~/.quiltrc http://paste.ubuntu.com/12052049/22:21
bluesabre(for future)22:21
ochosiok, applied the patches22:21
ochosiso now i just build as always?22:22
ochosialso: we should really really rename the executable to xfce4-panel-switch or something22:23
ochosixfpanel-switch feels so non-standard22:23
bluesabrealmost as bad as xfdesktop22:23
ochosiyeah, ouch22:24
ochosianyway, building with configure and make?22:24
ochosior some debian funky way?22:24
* ochosi usually doesn't wear a quilt22:24
Unit193xfconf-query or xfsettingsd too.22:25
bluesabreochosi: I think the normal build commands should work22:25
bluesabreotherwise, you can just grab the packages out of my ppa22:26
ochosithat's ok, i can build22:26
bluesabreotherwise, it'd be a series of commands which would take a while (setting up pbuilder and whatnot)22:27
ochosiso i see that it doesn't work22:28
ochosibut i don't really see the difference yet22:29
ochosiwow, the diff of my git master copy and the one i just dgot from you is zerrrro22:30
ochosiat least for the files i patched (panel-preferences.c and .glade)22:30
ochosiso yeah, fun22:31
ochosibluesabre: so the million-dollar-question is: why would this not return a valid object? object = gtk_builder_get_object (GTK_BUILDER (dialog), "panel-switch");22:37
bluesabreI think I know why22:37
bluesabrethe .ui file is already compiled into .h22:37
bluesabremy bad22:37
ochosifun times22:38
bluesabrecan work around that22:38
ochosiok, good that it's so simple :)22:38
bluesabreyou're probably free to go, this patch will be to the deb packaging instead22:39
bluesabrebut it should work22:39
bluesabreif the patch is good22:39
ochosibig IF22:39
ochosiwe'll see22:39
bluesabrethanks for making me think harder22:40
ochosifwiw, i ran a restore action a few minutes ago as a test and it worked fine when xfpanel-switch was launched from the panel prefs22:40
ochosino problem, anytime22:40
bluesabreyeah, that should work22:40
ochosiso i dunno, now that we quite quickly sorted that out, do you wanna go straight to v2.0? ;D22:41
bluesabregotta do this, mark some tasks off, and work on catfish22:42
knomeonly twentyish people more and we have 4000 followers in twitter22:42
bluesabregetting too close to ff22:42
ochosioh also, imo we should hide the normal launcher22:45
ochosinot sure it has to be so prominent22:45
ochosii'd only show it in the panel prefs22:46
ochosithe launcher for xfpanel-switch22:47
ochosii wouldn't show it in the settings manager was what i meant22:47
knomehmm, really?22:48
bluesabreah, right22:48
bluesabrethere's a lot of things that shouldn't show in the settings manager22:48
knomehide them!22:48
ochosiyeah, some of them we can hide, with some it's harder22:48
bluesabredon't have them in the first place ;)22:48
bluesabrethunar prefs does not need a launcher22:49
ochosinot sure the panel prefs have to be a launcher there22:49
ochosibut well, for that one you have to know you can right-click the panel22:50
ochosiwhich is a bit less obvious than using thunar's menu22:50
bluesabreor if you potentially have a single button mosue still22:50
bluesabreor trying to get to it with a keyboard22:50
knomei generally think that the panel item is ok in the settings manager22:51
knomesameish for the thunar prefs22:51
knomebut since you can get to the -switch stuff from panel prefs (right?), it isn't needed22:52
ochosiit's more a panel extension than its own thing22:52
bluesabreunless you trashed your panel22:53
bluesabrebad plugin22:53
knomeso to be exact, i don't think it's a bad thing to have that one place where you can access all configuration22:53
bluesabrethen it'd be good to not open the panel prefs to get to it22:53
knomebut to duplicate stuff in multiple launchers there seems overkill22:53
ochosibluesabre: you mean in a case where the panel wouldn't launch anymore?22:53
bluesabreochosi: yeah22:53
* ochosi wonders whether that can happen22:53
ochosior better yet: how22:54
bluesabreprobably something with character encoding22:54
ochosiwould be interesting to try that22:54
ochosijust to see what happens22:54
ochosibut so far, for me the panel just restarted empty when there were problems22:54
ochosithat was the worst case i encountered22:55
knomeso, have you thought about shipping some predefined panel configurations with this?22:56
bluesabrewe could provide our default22:56
knomeat least that22:56
knomebut i was thinking more22:56
bluesabreor maybe past defaults as well22:56
bluesabrelike classic vs modern22:56
knomesomething like that22:56
bluesabreprecise, trusty22:56
knomeor xfce default22:56
ochosifirst though, we should try to iron out potential problems with that22:57
knomethis would increase the usefulness of this app for many by miles22:57
ochosie.g. missing plugins22:57
* knome hides22:57
ochosiyeah, why not22:57
knomewell, i don't think we need to go *too* far with it22:57
ochosiunity can be done22:57
ochosiat least more or less22:57
knomesome people like the xfce panel layout, and some have accustomed to our old defautls22:58
knomeso it would make sense to ship at least those22:58
ochosibut i guess for this to really work, we'd need to check for the plugins needed by a preset to see whether everything is installed22:58
ochosiand then either offer a simple way to install22:58
ochosior.. eh, no, i guess that's the only meaningful thing :)22:58
knomebluesabre, like the username22:59
bluesabrenice thing about the panel is that it automatically drops uninstalled plugins22:59
ochosibluesabre: btw, i just noticed that clicking the new avatar-feature of whiskermenu (next to the username) opens mugshot22:59
knomebluesabre, yes... though then you don't really get the preset you are trying to load22:59
bluesabreochosi: yeah, I think gottcode handled that22:59
ochosiyeah, i know, it doesn't crash in fire and all, but there still should be a warning that things aren't working as they should22:59
bluesabreknome: I was being witty that day23:00
knomenice changing into a preset with whiskermenu if that is for some reason deleted from the system23:00
knomethen you don't have a menu at all23:00
knome"what poop is this preset"23:00
knomebluesabre, feeling remorseful?23:00
bluesabreknome: nah23:01
ochosiyeah, anyway, that stuff is far more complex than what xfpanel-switch does now23:01
ochosiespecially since it should be distro-independent23:02
* ochosi feels reminded of the progress made on the parole plugin installer23:02
knomesure.. just asking about the plans, since a contributor not mentioned by name was asking about this from me in a PM23:02
ochosia-ha a-ha, a mysterious contributor :p23:03
bluesabreknome: hm?23:03
knomeit was Unit193 23:03
ochosibluesabre: just so i get an idea, what's left to do for catfish?23:04
bluesabreochosi: make it not look like garbage23:04
knomebut yeah, i think shipping some presets would be a good idea23:04
bluesabrethen if it runs, I'll fix some bugs and do a release at the end of the week23:04
ochosiknome: yeah, i'd say try to create one and share it here (ideally only using plugins we ship by default). i'm party curious as to how we have to configure stuff like resolution to work as a preset23:05
bluesabreknome: we don't even have it packaged yet, not sure it's going to make it in unless I find a chance to do that23:05
bluesabre(in debian/ubuntu)23:05
ochosimaybe Unit193 can help with that23:05
knomei'm not really talking about 15.10 - or any particular release - just generally23:06
knomehello Unit193 23:07
ochosiUnit193: we were on the topic of packaging xfpanel-switch, and bluesabre suggested you23:08
bluesabreochosi volunteered you, but close enough23:09
ochosioh, ooops ;)23:09
bluesabrewant to start some of the new package paperwork in either ubuntu or debian?23:09
Unit193I'd have to look at upstream to see how easily it'd be managed.23:22
bluesabreochosi: 23:35
bluesabrestill around?23:35
bluesabreI got it to work23:35
bluesabrewas going to show23:35
bluesabrebut imgur's uploading seems to be down23:35
bluesabrebut yay23:35
bluesabreso, a potential issue with the patched panel23:43
bluesabrewe're dropping them in staging, which is fine for vivid23:43
bluesabreer, wily23:43
bluesabrenot for vivid, at least when xfce-4.12 ppa is also enabled23:43
bluesabresince the vivid package there is the upstream split panel package that is in wily23:44
bluesabreor, maybe not23:44
bluesabremaybe I'm delusional here23:44
bluesabreignore me23:44
knome/ignore bluesabre 23:44
bluesabreanyway, wily -staging uploaded23:45
bluesabreah, I see my confusion23:45
bluesabreno issue here23:45
bluesabrecarry on23:45
knomewe're already ignoring you :/23:46
* bluesabre does a jig23:46

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