
magnetik_Hi, I get no video when I resume from suspend on 14.04. Where should I start with debugging this?02:13
magnetik_In my BIOS I can choose S3 or S1, I have S3 selected.02:14
magnetik_When I suspend all fans stop spinning. When I press the power button everything spins up but I get no video02:14
dungnguyenHello evrey body02:59
dungnguyenHow to upgrade xubuntu 14 to 15?02:59
mrsmartHi guys!08:12
zippo^Will Xubuntu built a standard "color inverts" in the further?08:49
zippo^the magnifier is installed standard in Xubuntu08:49
knomezippo^, likely not, unfortunately we don't have many people who are working with accessibility in xfce/xubuntu09:03
zippo^oh i see )-: knome09:05
zippo^I have a question: Can I change a text under pictogram of the Desktop "left to middle", knome09:10
HundWhen removing a package with Aptitude and apt-get it leaves some kind of skeletong package behind? How do I get rid of it?09:11
HundOh, I have to close and reopen a new shell every time.. Wow..09:14
brainwashHund: run "sudo apt-get autoremove --purge" to remove unneeded packages09:21
brainwashzippo^: the text under desktop icons is now centered, but you need to install the latest version of xfdesktop (4.12.2)09:23
Hundbrainwash, Tried most commands. But I have to close and reopen the shell for the "packages" to go away.09:24
xubuntu22wHello. I've installed xubuntu 15.04 on computer but nothing appears on startup whereas live usb works. any idea ?09:25
cfhowlett!nomodeset | xubuntu22w09:25
ubottuxubuntu22w: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:25
zippo^Which version of Xubuntu is xfdsktop 4.12.2, brainwash09:26
brainwashzippo^: xubuntu 15.10 (development release)09:26
brainwashzippo^: but you can use this PPA https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/xfce-4.12 for the 15.04 or even 14.0409:27
zippo^ok thx but left texxt is good too, brainwash09:27
brainwashzippo^: right, it's just a minor cosmetic fix. maybe it's not worth to update packages from a 3rd party source then09:28
zippo^I though al :)09:30
xubuntu22wubottu: how do you get grub2 configuration ?09:32
ubottuxubuntu22w: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:32
zippo^what can ubottu do?09:33
xubuntu22w:) i didn't know.09:34
xubuntu22whow can i change the nomodeset ?09:36
zippo^http://xubuntugeek.blogspot.nl/2012/07/how-to-install-grub-customizer-in.html xubuntu22w09:36
cfhowlettxubuntu22w, did you even read the wiki?  instructions are there.09:36
xubuntu22wsorry, i think it will be good...09:39
knobGood morning all!12:21
xubuntu226just installin xubuntu!13:23
ochosixubuntu226: congrats13:25
xubuntu226What is the name of the lates Ubuntu?13:26
knobxubuntu226 nice!14:09
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ZetI can't get my sound to work through pulseaudio on my bluetooth headset16:53
ZetI did something to get the headset to appear yesterday by following the advice here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/223136/pavucontrol-doesnt-show-bluetooth-headset16:53
Zetbut it turned out my laptop only has bluetooth 3.0, which doesn't allow for high sound quality16:54
Zetso I went out today and bought a bluetooth 4.0 adapter16:54
ZetI paired the headset through the new adapter again today, but it won't appear in the volume control application16:55
Zethuh, I restarted pulseaudio for the n'th time and now it's there...17:11
Zetbut I still don't get any sound17:17
ZetI'm running Xubuntu 14.0417:28
Mike-LinuxSOmeone here? i have a serious issue18:55
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