=== IdleOne is now known as Guest26469 === chriadam|away is now known as chriadam === IdleOne is now known as Guest41897 === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === IdleOne is now known as Guest61528 === IdleOne is now known as Guest55878 [06:36] hello [07:10] good morning [07:20] dholbach: Morning! [07:42] moring [07:42] morning* [07:43] ogra_: is there a place where one can suggest features? [07:46] hey sturmflut2 [07:52] ogra_: are you fine with this minor change on bluetooth-touch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12054089/ ? [08:05] Hey. I just saw Display is supported now under Linux, Is any chance that Ubuntu Phone will support is in the near future? So I will be able to connect my bq to an external screen. [08:08] robin-hero: i dont think the bq supports mhl [08:09] popey: If I am right DisplayLink works with on USB port, not on MHL. [08:10] well, i don't think the bq supports video out over the usb port, but I may be wrong [08:14] popey: bq sells an MHL cable for the Aquaris line, but explicitely states that it's not compatible with vegetahd, so it's most likely also not compatible with krillin. [08:14] right [08:14] makes sense [08:16] willcooke: good morning! [08:16] hi nhaines [08:36] morphis, totally [08:38] zzarr, depends, if it is just a small enhancement, file a bu against the component and mark it wishlist ... if it is a bigger feature spanning across multiple components, drop a mail to the ML for discussion [08:38] *file a bug [08:38] okey === chriadam is now known as chriadam|away [08:41] it's just a feature, not a bug, I wish to be able to schedule when the phone can make sounds or not (except the alarm which always should make a sound) [08:44] one thing I have noticed is that the zipcode don't match home nor at my workplace [08:44] (on the nearby scope) [08:45] it could be a map-data problem [09:05] zzarr, did you try to pull-refresh it ? [09:06] it usually boots with the wrong place for me and updates to the proper location after the first refresh [09:07] it's the correct address, but the zipcode is wrong [09:07] (FSVO proper, i live in house #5 ... depending if i am in the office or the livin room it shows house #2 or #7 :P ) [09:07] well, file a bu then [09:07] +g [09:07] Good morning all; happy Ingersoll Day! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ [09:08] yes, but the zipcodes are bigger then that, I will look in to it before filing anything [09:08] btw, i think scheduled "silent mode" was one of the very first discussions i saw on the ML ... way before we even had a proper image ... that discussion didnt have any followup though [09:09] ogra_: so it's on the todo list? [09:09] no [09:10] someone said "this would be nice to have once you guys have a phone image" ... and many people did agree ... and thats it :) [09:10] I had that feature on my last phone, it was nice [09:10] :D [09:10] we simply didnt have even an OS back then and nobody brought up the topic later [09:10] now I did ;) [09:11] probably makes sense to dig trough the ML archive and refer to that discussion when you re-vive the topic ;) [09:11] I will, I will [09:12] while at it, of course it should be location based as well ;) [09:13] regulating the volume depending on where you are is a nice feature :) [09:13] well... food :D [10:34] hey guys, whens the next OTA? [10:37] due next week / week after [10:39] and then in 6 weeks again ... [10:39] and again [10:39] tiring :P [10:40] i imagine it would be, i think its pretty great to see it as regularly as it is tbh , as a user i mean [10:41] ex android here, it should be good, oh btw, have you ever had system-settings chew about 25% cpu (im on a meizu, so i guess 1 core) forever untill you kill it, ive had it a few times now, i guess i should put a bug through or search and see if there is one already first i mean [10:42] though, i guess i should reset my system to defaults before i report it, as i have fuse installed at the moment (sshfs on a phone is f*in win.) [10:44] but yea, it really hampers my battery, i had thought of writing a script to check for it and putting it in cron to see if its doing it and kill it, just to save on battery for now until its fixed or i find what ive done thats caused it :p === tvoss is now known as tvoss|test === tvoss|test is now known as tvoss === _salem is now known as salem_ [11:58] ProstheticS: I sem to remember some very detailed bug reports measuring battery drain with the system settings screen. May have been sturmflut2 who posted it [12:01] john-mcaleely, dejavu :) !! ... bug 1483427 [12:01] bug 1483427 in indicator-power (Ubuntu) "Possible to manually set display brightness to 0 on Ubuntu Touch on Aquaris E5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1483427 === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch === salem_ is now known as _salem === om26er_ is now known as om26er [12:35] ralsina, hello! I see that once upon the time, you set ubuntu-push to not show a notification when the greeter is up. Why is that? Feels weirdly out-of-sorts with how we treat SMS [12:35] mterry: I don't recall the specifics, to be honest [12:36] mterry: security reasons IIRC, because you could see data with the screen locked [12:36] ralsina, more sensitive than SMS? Hmm... maybe [12:36] mterry: telegram, other random stuff [12:37] ralsina, it would be nice if the app could specify if it were security sensitive. I'd imagine telegram to be treated the same as SMS. And maybe a CheatOnYourSpouse app to not show up [12:38] mterry: I am not working on push client anymore :-( [12:39] mterry: you should contact pat AFAIK [12:39] ralsina, OK. Mind if I file a bug to get clarity from design/pat then? [12:39] if it trickles back down to me, happy to do it :-) [12:39] :) [12:39] mterry: not at all, go ahead [12:51] ralsina, bug 1483697 -- thanks for the pointers [12:51] bug 1483697 in ubuntu-push (Ubuntu) "Should still show notifications when phone is locked" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1483697 [12:51] mterry: yw === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g === _salem is now known as salem_ [13:07] bfiller: am I right in thinking we'll want the browser to act as a content-hub source as well as an exporter? It'd seem to make sense to me, but I just noticed that isn't actually explicitly mentioned in the design [13:07] bfiller: i.e. so that apps can request data from the browser's downloads (in addition to the browser being able to send files to other apps) [13:14] hi every one [13:14] who can tell me port ubuntu for mtk [13:14] plz === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [13:14] i have read port guild [13:15] who can provide a guild to port UT [13:17] jarknerk: Porting (advanced) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting [13:17] jarknerk: but that is not a beginners task [13:18] where's start point [13:18] i downloaded 15gb....phablet [13:20] do it want android device tree cm11 [13:20] ? [13:23] jarknerk: that should be all said in the porting guide. an iirc ubuntu switched to AOSP some time ago [13:26] ill try mysefl [13:28] HI, เจฎเฉˆเจจเฉ‚เฉฐ เจฎเฉ‡เจฐเฉ‡ เจซเฉ‹เจจ เจฆเฉ€ เจจเจพเจฒ เจ•เฉเจ เจฎเจฆเจฆ เจฆเฉ€ เจฒเฉ‹เฉœ เจนเฉˆ [13:28] hey guest [13:29] jarknerk, เจ•เฉ€ เจคเฉเจธเฉ€ เจฎเฉ‡เจฐเฉ€ เจฎเจฆเจฆ เจ•เจฐ เจธเฉฑเจ•เจฆเฉ‡ เจนเฉ‹? เจฎเฉ‡เจฐเฉ‡ เจซเฉ‹เจจ เจจเฉ‚เฉฐ เจฌเฉ‚เจŸ เจ•เจฐเจฆเจพ เจนเฉˆ [13:30] can type EN [13:30] ? [13:30] guest42345: you get better chances for help if you type in english [13:30] but the font llooks good :) [13:30] punjabi or something :> [13:30] i know i die now with this font [13:30] idish ืงืขื ืขืŸ ืื™ืจ ื”ืขืœืคืŸ ืžื™ืจ? ืžื™ื™ืŸ ื˜ืขืœืขืคืึธื ื™ืจืŸ ื˜ื•ื˜ ื ื™ื˜ ืฉื˜ื™ื•ื•ืœ [13:31] * guest42345 mmmm beer [13:32] can i take file from system.img to port ubuntu touch,cant i? [13:32] android system.img === gnu is now known as Guest53327 [13:35] jarknerk, you need to build system.img, boot.img and recobervy.img from the modified tree after you added your device branch to it [13:35] *recovery [13:36] Elleo: would make sense [13:36] ogra_: oh but I want a recobervy it sounds way more exciting [13:37] cp recovery.img davmors-pleasure.img [13:37] is the android base for ubuntu meizu available anywhere? [13:37] the modfified tree? how to make it! is it same android device tree [13:38] bfiller: okay, cool [13:39] jarknerk, you take the phablet tree, then add the AOSP tree for your device to it, rip out anything thats not needed (anything thats not actually driving the HW) and then you build ... [13:42] hey ogra is that aosp tree! is it full https://github.com/patraanjan23/android_device_micromax_a106 ! my device micromax a106 [13:42] jarknerk, well, that looks like a CM11 one [13:42] ogra! do i add that aosp tree? https://github.com/patraanjan23/android_device_micromax_a106 !is it full men? [13:43] you can try to add it, but i guess you will have to make some adjustments for it to actually work/build [13:43] (no idea which or if any ... perhaps talk to the oowner of that branch) [13:44] oh,i know that cm11! i cant file aosp tree for my device! are u have way to make my aosp tree? [13:48] thanks ogra! im noob!but ill try === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [14:11] mandel: ping? === dandrader_ is now known as dandrader|afk === BOHverkill_ is now known as BOHverkill [14:55] hello [14:55] how to install touch in android phone and that cause loosing my data in it? [14:56] test [14:58] any body here? [14:59] kadiro: lots of people here [14:59] hi man [14:59] can you help me? [14:59] kadiro: you can't install touch on an android phone and keep your data it is a complete wipe [15:00] omg thk's davmor2 [15:00] kadiro: also depending on the phone you would have to build an image for your device normally [15:00] davmor2: this work need an advenced user? yes? [15:01] kadiro: on the whole yes [15:01] davmor2: thk's again, i will read more to do that [15:01] * ogra_ grins about seb128's mail ... if only broken BT would be the only wily issue :D [15:02] !devices | kadiro [15:02] kadiro: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices [15:02] ogra_, lol, yeah, I said wily was not recommended for production :p [15:02] dobey: thanks that's the thing I was looking for :) [15:02] thank you dobey [15:02] seb128, you little diplomat you :) [15:02] ;-) === gnu is now known as Guest9679 [15:25] sil2100, so there's a device tarball I can push somewhere :-) [15:25] where should I look to see this? [15:25] oh, wrong channel === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader [15:43] ogra_, yo... question for you. Do you know how/why NM DBus traffic is being forwarded from the system bus to the session bus? [15:44] awe_, i dont, but perhaps because the indicator only listens to the session bus (wild guess) ? [15:45] ogra_, nah... just asked pete-woods and he told me the indicator listens on both buses [15:46] I took a look at the system upstart jobs and didn't see anything obvious [15:46] yeah, there is no reason to forward the messages i think [15:46] but something is bridging the NM signals onto the session bus [15:46] can we not record the session with bustle? [15:47] doesn't that show where dbus messages originate from [15:47] they originate from upstart itself [15:47] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11992322/ [15:48] ted: do you know if upstart bridges stuff from the system bus onto the session bus? [15:48] we're trying to wrap our heads around the pastebin above [15:49] pete-woods, Yeah, if someone is watching for it. [15:49] ted, can you explain further? [15:49] what does "watching for it" involve? [15:49] pete-woods, The dbus event router for Upstart isn't very specific. [15:50] So you can do a "start on dbus" and if you specify the system bus then it'll setup a bridge from dbus system bus to upstart events. [15:50] does that mean that there's some session job that changes things on dbus events? [15:50] I believe there are a few. [15:51] okay, that's good to know, thanks [15:51] so this'd be a "start on dbus" in a session job? [15:51] where do the session upstart jobs live again? [15:51] beuno, hmm, i fear you have to unignore me ... seems we tracked our issue back to the click packages coming from the store (with tyhicks' and sil2100's help) [15:51] Hmm, I can't seem to find an example now that I'm looking... [15:52] beuno, when exactly was the store updated ? [15:52] awe_, /usr/share/upstart/session [15:52] ogra_, what what? [15:52] we deployed maybe 30 minutes ago? [15:52] awe_, You can have a job that uses dbus events to activate it. [15:52] Ah, hm [15:52] beuno, the store was updated recently [15:52] beuno, no i mean the deployment before :) (i noticed a new UI on monday) [15:52] ted, upstart-dbus-system-bridge.conf? [15:53] of course we don't know for sure if these duplicated events are causing the trouble [15:53] groan [15:53] is it unity8 that freezes? [15:53] pete-woods, they are in any case useless noise [15:53] or apps [15:53] pete-woods, that's true... but it seems broken to duplicate all of the system DBus signals onto the session bus [15:53] I agree with that [15:53] ogra_, +1 [15:53] ogra_, can you reach out to nessita please? [15:53] not saying it isn't bad [15:54] I will [15:54] but it's also not definitely our problem [15:54] agreed [15:54] beuno, hmm, she doesnt seem to be in any of the public channels [15:54] if it's unity8, can we run the qml profiler on it, to see what's causing the stutter? [15:54] / vice versa with the app in the foreground [15:54] awe_, That's the process that bridges the events, but a job would have to request it, so that it gets started. Otherwise it'll be dormant. [15:55] might be worth asking a unity8 team member or someone like greyback to assist with that? [15:55] ted, start on started dbus [15:55] as we might be able to see what's grabbing the UI thread [15:55] awe_, That's different, that's when dbus itself starts. [15:56] sure, but that starts the job when dbus starts, no? [15:56] ogra_, no, private channels [15:57] awe_, Yes, but there's also something like "start on dbus BUS=system SIGNAL="FooBar"" [15:58] so you're saying the bridge doesn't automatically propogate signals unless somehow requested by another process? [15:58] * ogra_ sighs [15:59] here's the job file: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12056258/ [15:59] you ok ogra_? [15:59] ;) [15:59] note, this looks like a default part of upstart, as the same job is installed on my desktop [16:00] ted: does that config file awe_ posted not instruct upstart to start the router immediately? [16:00] pete-woods, Yes, it does. But what it does is look at the upstart config, and it only routes events if someone is asking for them. [16:01] awe_, yeah :) that was about beuno'S comment that we have people not using the public channels for public stuff :) [16:01] * greyback available is needed [16:01] if [16:01] okay, fair emough [16:01] ogra_, no, I'm here [16:01] I'm just on the phone [16:01] so please just escalate to someone else that isn't the usual contact point [16:02] beuno, yes, will do [16:02] pete-woods, awe_, you can just stop the bridge and see if the behavior still happens. [16:02] that's a good idea to rule it out as the offender [16:02] ted, sure... we still don't have a reproducible test case for the problem, but I'll suggest in the bug [16:05] ted, pete-woods, it looks like this is just the standard upstart config as a convenience to session jobs [16:05] not sure what'll break if we stop it though [16:05] You'll never know unless you try ;-) [16:06] BREAK IT! BREAK IT! ;-) [16:06] but again, if we get a reproducible scenario, it might help in debugging the problem [16:39] john-mcaleely, do we have a bug open for arale not keeping its MAC address since the first OTA ? it is massively annoying having to look up the IP every time before i ssh [16:39] ogra_, not that I'm aware of [16:39] (I don't use arale) [16:53] hello how can I delete all contact from an adressebook, I want to delete all contact from google-contact === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk === jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|errand [17:55] kgunn, if/when you have a minute, could you please advise on what packages to mark affected for bug #1483840 to get the right people involved in investigating the issue? [17:55] bug 1483840 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "webapp_container tests started failing reliably with rc-proposed image #92" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1483840 [18:14] hey, kivy dev here, doing quick testing of running kivy from adb shell, built with sdl2, but i get a "failed to connect to the Mir server" error, i tried exorting DISPLAY=:0.0 (or other values), but that doesn't help [18:19] rockn: remove your google account and it will give you the option to remove them [18:20] tshirtman: heya [18:20] hey popey :) [18:21] tshirtman: was it built against sdl2 with mir support enabled? [18:21] finally giving another shot at this [18:21] \o/ [18:22] hm, i apt-get installed libsdl2-dev (and friends), didn't do anything about mir [18:22] ah thats why i suspect [18:22] maybe i should get sdl myself and build it with the flag [18:22] yes, mcphail has a guide to building [18:22] nice, will look it up [18:23] tshirtman: don't think you can (easily) run sdl apps from the shell. I think it requires some bizarre dbus incantation [18:23] or just take https://github.com/mcphail/ubuntu-touch-sdl-template/tree/newsdl/lib/armhf [18:23] oh, nice [18:23] ah here he is, I'll leave you with mcphail, who knows more than me [18:23] mcphail: i'm just doing python main.py [18:23] yeah, you might need a desktop file [18:23] it's not a real ubuntu-touch app yet, just command line things [18:24] ah [18:24] tshirtman: yes, bundle it in a click. It is the least painful way [18:24] well, even if i don't know anything about these yet? ^^ [18:24] tshirtman: tis simple! [18:24] i'm glad, i like simple things :) [18:25] best thing to read to get started? [18:26] https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-sdk/installing-the-sdk/ i guess [18:26] anyway, i'll start by getting these and use LD_LIBRARY_PATH to add them when running the app [18:26] tshirtman: ooh - don't know if I have a link. You just need a directory containing a manifest.json, a .desktop file, an icon, an .apparmor file and the script. When you have the building blocks it becomes easy to adapt [18:26] ok [18:27] and i need the sdk to generate that i guess? [18:27] tshirtman: have a look at my syncthing app for a very trivial example [18:27] nice === jhodapp|errand is now known as jhodapp [18:28] tshirtman: installing the sdk will ensure you can build clicks. I don't think you actually _need_ everything the SDK brings, however [18:29] https://uappexplorer.com/app/syncthing.njmcphail ? i see your github, but seems the syncthing's things are for other platforms [18:29] tshirtman: I'll create a .tar so you can see the structure [18:29] thanks a lot [18:31] tshirtman: 2 minutes - my rice is ready! [18:31] mcphail: scandaleous! [18:32] scandalous* [18:34] tshirtman: http://themcphails.uk/stc.tar.bz2 should get it [18:36] mcphail: thanks :) [18:39] tshirtman: a simple "click build directoryname" then does the job. If you need anything else, we should probably take this to #ubuntu-app-devel === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader [18:45] mcphail: ah great, that was my next question [20:48] Hi, anyone seen an issue on rc-proposed where when moving between locations the wifi list and connection doesn't update, or takes a *very* long time to update? [20:50] ahayzen, yes, but that's been a long standing problem [20:50] i think there is work being done on that [20:50] long standing as in it was working pre-vivid :-) and possibly on vivid for a bit a least [20:51] i think much longer than vivid [20:51] it's always annoyed me :) [20:51] well the original rtm used to work [20:51] i now i have to flick the wifi on/off every time i enter/leave the house :-/ [20:51] interesting, i never really used rtm as a daily driver [20:51] this was like back in april though :-) [20:52] i've been in the habit of doing that for a long time [20:52] actually, not coming home [20:52] it tends to auto connect quickly [20:52] i assume data connection doing the same is the same/similar issue? [20:52] it *sometimes* works...and sometimes doesn't [20:52] but the list of available networks can take several minutes to update [20:53] so i find myself toggling wifi when i go somewhere that has wifi that i want to use [20:53] also the laggyness introduced when it is scanning/connecting is bad as well but I heard that had work ongoing as well [20:53] (that was also find on the original rtm) [20:53] i think scanning is the issue [20:53] it doesn't scan to update the list in the indicator often enough [20:53] it's something crazy like 5 or 10 minutes [20:54] blimey [20:54] * kenvandine could be wrong [20:54] but... my arale almost always connects to my home wifi before i can walk from the car to my door :) [20:54] IIRC one bug suggested it should be every 30s ish [20:54] it sees it to connect, just the list doesn't get updated like it should [20:55] mako has probably been cast aside again :-) i can be sitting on data for ages when i get home [20:55] oh [20:55] there are issues with mako right now [20:55] related to mobile data and wifi [20:55] ah [20:55] being worked on, last i heard [20:55] \o/ === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk [21:01] Now the Ubuntu One is being open sourced, are there plans to use it for contacts and data syncing to free us from Google? [21:02] (I know contacts sync isn't open yet) [21:03] I would gladly donate my spare liver to get this working [21:07] hm, there are already open clients/servers/protocols for contacts syncing, no? [21:08] (caldav?) [21:08] duh, no, that's calendar [21:08] what was it alreadyโ€ฆ [21:08] tshirtman: when it was running, Ubuntu One was the best sync app I've used [21:09] could save to cozy cloud for ex [21:09] ok [21:09] didn't use it much, didn't have much data back then [21:09] tshirtman: nothing was quite as convenient or flexible [21:10] tshirtman: shame it died before the phone appeared because they would have been happy bedfellows [21:10] maybe if there is a demand now, cannonical can just respawn servers [21:10] tshirtman: no, it is dead. But we were promised an open source release and that is coming true [21:11] yeah, i saw that, but people actually using it now it's open source, may make them think again [21:12] tshirtman: I can't see it becoming any more financially viable, unfortunately [21:12] hm [21:12] tshirtman: but home hosting would fill the gap [21:12] well, maybe a docker image, or equivalent [21:13] tshirtman: good idea. Or a .snap! [21:13] not everybody want to host, and i guess if google offer to pay for hosting of data, there must be people paying for it [21:13] though maybe they are just trying to get some bonus money [22:23] thanks davmor2, i was looking for a way (even with command line) without having to remove the google account, but i can do it like that === salem_ is now known as _salem [23:41] Does anyone know if Vulkan support is coming to Ubuntu Touch?