tsdgeos | ltinkl: do you have a sec? | 08:47 |
ltinkl | tsdgeos, ye sure | 09:18 |
tsdgeos | hmmm | 09:18 |
tsdgeos | will come to you in a bit | 09:18 |
tsdgeos | sorry :D | 09:18 |
tsdgeos | ltinkl: you've got mail | 09:24 |
ltinkl | tsdgeos, got it | 09:24 |
tsdgeos | ltinkl: please uncompress | 09:24 |
tsdgeos | run qmake && make in the ManglingImport folder | 09:25 |
tsdgeos | and then from the root run | 09:25 |
tsdgeos | qmlscene -I . main.qml | 09:25 |
tsdgeos | both with the Image { } from MySingleton commented and not commented | 09:26 |
tsdgeos | i think both show bugs :D | 09:26 |
tsdgeos | but i'd like you to have a look at all the code and tell me what you think before i convince you | 09:26 |
ltinkl | tsdgeos, convince of what? :) | 09:27 |
tsdgeos | that it's a bug in both cases (two different bugs) | 09:27 |
ltinkl | ah | 09:27 |
ltinkl | I get "QML Image: Cannot open ..." in both cases | 09:27 |
tsdgeos | that's not the bug | 09:28 |
tsdgeos | read the code please | 09:28 |
tsdgeos | though you're doing it wrong | 09:28 |
tsdgeos | if you comment the Image {} from MySingleton you should not be getting that | 09:29 |
tsdgeos | but | 09:29 |
tsdgeos | $ qmlscene -I . main.qml | 09:29 |
tsdgeos | Ignoring the url you set to QUrl( "file:///home/tsdgeos_work/extendedTypeBug/RegularImage" ) | 09:29 |
tsdgeos | Ignoring the url you set to QUrl( "file:///home/tsdgeos_work/extendedTypeBug/thisShouldBeIgnoredByImport" ) | 09:29 |
tsdgeos | qml: MoMoMoMo MoMoMoMo | 09:29 |
tsdgeos | ltinkl: do you get that? | 09:30 |
ltinkl | tsdgeos, yup I'm getting qml: MoMoMoMo MoMoMoMo | 09:31 |
tsdgeos | and if you uncomment the image | 09:31 |
tsdgeos | you get the "cannot open" variant | 09:32 |
tsdgeos | right? | 09:32 |
ltinkl | yup | 09:32 |
tsdgeos | do you agree that both behaviours are wrong? | 09:33 |
ltinkl | not sure, it's either getting the image from the C++ plugin or from the Image QML class right? | 09:34 |
tsdgeos | the problem is | 09:37 |
tsdgeos | that if the singleton loads an image | 09:37 |
tsdgeos | the qmlRegisterExtendedType that gets loaded later is ignored | 09:37 |
tsdgeos | that's problem A | 09:37 |
tsdgeos | problem B is | 09:37 |
tsdgeos | if the singleton is not loading the image | 09:37 |
tsdgeos | the loading of ManglingImport in MyItem.qmll viralizes to the Image in main.qml that knows nothing about such import | 09:38 |
ltinkl | problem A - perhaps it's designed that way, so that QML imports get precedence over C++ imports | 09:39 |
ltinkl | problem B - ye, I get that, this is eird | 09:39 |
ltinkl | w | 09:39 |
ltinkl | but understandable imho, you're extending the QQuickimageBase, so basically Image is no longer the one shipped by Qt but your provided by the plugin | 09:40 |
ltinkl | no matter where you import it | 09:40 |
ltinkl | so once you import it, there's no going back to the original Image imo | 09:41 |
ltinkl | how would QML know then which one to use? | 09:42 |
tsdgeos | because it knows | 09:42 |
tsdgeos | it has different metaobjects | 09:42 |
tsdgeos | for different imports | 09:42 |
tsdgeos | i.e. the image of 2.0 is different from the image of 2.4 | 09:43 |
tsdgeos | it has a different metaobject * | 09:43 |
tsdgeos | they just need to also extend that for extended stuff | 09:43 |
tsdgeos | i agree it's hard | 09:43 |
tsdgeos | but not undoable | 09:43 |
tsdgeos | and A it can't be designed that way | 09:43 |
tsdgeos | it's a oversight i'd say that they forgot about it | 09:44 |
tsdgeos | anyway will file two bugs and see what happens | 09:44 |
tsdgeos | BTW A+QMLcache is what is making us crash in unity8 some cases | 09:44 |
ltinkl | aha I see | 09:45 |
ltinkl | ye definitely ask those 2 basic questions (bug reports) and see what they have to say | 09:45 |
tsdgeos | pstolowski: greyback landed something so you need to rebuild the silo | 11:26 |
greyback | and hopefully there's no conflicts | 11:28 |
tsdgeos | greyback: can you do https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/workaround_qt47709/+merge/267647 ? | 11:29 |
greyback | tsdgeos: lgtm | 11:32 |
tsdgeos | greyback: i think the last landing makes a test crash | 11:43 |
tsdgeos | let me confirm | 11:43 |
greyback | tsdgeos: which test? | 11:43 |
tsdgeos | LauncherModelTest | 11:43 |
tsdgeos | http://paste.ubuntu.com/12055032/ | 11:44 |
tsdgeos | not sure if it's new though | 11:44 |
tsdgeos | how nice would be to have cI back ... | 11:44 |
greyback | hmm, that's an old one | 11:44 |
greyback | somehow has resurfaced | 11:44 |
greyback | I recall there were times "app" was null | 11:44 |
greyback | which didn't make sense | 11:45 |
tsdgeos | greyback: do i open a bug? assign it to who? | 11:47 |
greyback | tsdgeos: open bug anyway, will give it to dandrader | 11:47 |
tsdgeos | isn't he off for like the next two weeks? | 11:48 |
greyback | I *think* that's from tomorrow | 11:48 |
tsdgeos | oki | 11:48 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, rebuilding | 11:49 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, have you found anything about the error i had? | 11:50 |
tsdgeos | pstolowski: hadn't had time to test, promise first thing after lunch | 11:51 |
tsdgeos | lunch now! | 11:51 |
tsdgeos | greyback: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1483675 | 11:51 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1483675 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "testLauncherModel crashes" [Undecided,New] | 11:51 |
greyback | ta | 11:52 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch | ||
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tsdgeos | dandrader: vivid or wily? | 12:48 |
dandrader | tsdgeos, vivid | 12:49 |
tsdgeos | dandrader: weird, dist-upgraded? | 12:49 |
dandrader | tsdgeos, yes | 12:49 |
* tsdgeos scratches head | 12:50 | |
tsdgeos | pstolowski: you mentioned some issues with the silos not installing properly | 12:54 |
tsdgeos | pstolowski: what do i do to fix it? or should work? | 12:54 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, yeah, you need to make sure you get versions from the silos | 12:54 |
tsdgeos | oki | 12:55 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, apt-cache policy <foo> for every package | 12:55 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, then apt-get install foo=<version> using versions from ppa if needed | 12:55 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, but i'm still battling with silo 4. rebuilt failed | 12:56 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, looks like something landed also in unity api, so rebuilding | 12:56 |
tsdgeos | k | 12:56 |
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g | ||
tsdgeos | pstolowski: i guesswe need that rebuild | 13:08 |
tsdgeos | i'm getting | 13:08 |
tsdgeos | [1439298272.585212] <ERROR> mircommon: Caught exception at Mir/EGL driver boundary (in queueBuffer): /build/mir-VroDxW/mir-0.14.0+15.04.20150722/src/client/rpc/stream_socket_transport.cpp(168): Throw in function virtual void mir::client::rpc::StreamSocketTransport::send_m | 13:08 |
tsdgeos | essage(const std::vector<unsigned char>&, const std::vector<mir::Fd>&)^M | 13:08 |
tsdgeos | and unity8 restarts/crashes | 13:08 |
tsdgeos | let me try to see on the desktop | 13:10 |
tsdgeos | pstolowski: yeah can reproduce this Playlist thing on the desktop, investigating | 13:26 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, ok | 13:26 |
tsdgeos | pstolowski: pushed a change, sorry | 13:30 |
pstolowski | ok | 13:31 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, only unity8? | 13:31 |
tsdgeos | yes | 13:31 |
tsdgeos | how do i test it, the music scope was empty | 13:32 |
tsdgeos | am i supposed to get something? | 13:32 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, do you have local music? | 13:32 |
tsdgeos | pfff | 13:32 |
tsdgeos | probably not | 13:32 |
pstolowski | phew | 13:32 |
tsdgeos | i mean i do have it | 13:32 |
tsdgeos | but not where media-scanner wants it i guess | 13:32 |
tsdgeos | i'll copy some stuff to ~/Music | 13:32 |
tsdgeos | is it? | 13:32 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, yes | 13:33 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, then go to Tracks department in My Music | 13:33 |
tsdgeos | ok | 13:34 |
tsdgeos | hmm wait | 13:35 |
tsdgeos | i do actually have stuff in ~/Music | 13:35 |
tsdgeos | Caught an error from create_query(): unity::scopes::MiddlewareException: unity::ResourceException: RegistryObject::ScopeProcess::exec(): exec aborted. Scope: "mediascanner-music" took longer than 4000 ms to start. | 13:35 |
tsdgeos | pstolowski: ↑ ? | 13:36 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, do you have all the versions from ppa? including mediascanner2.0 and unity-scope-mediascanner2? | 13:36 |
tsdgeos | yeah | 13:36 |
tsdgeos | http://paste.ubuntu.com/12055524/ | 13:36 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, hmm. need to wait for rebuild. what phone image do you have? | 13:38 |
tsdgeos | pstolowski: this is on the pc | 13:38 |
tsdgeos | pstolowski: on the phone can't test because the mir crash/restart | 13:38 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, ah... i can't test on the PC ;) | 13:38 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, waiting for the build, will check on the phone | 13:39 |
tsdgeos | ok | 13:39 |
tsdgeos | i'll uninstall the stuff from the PC | 13:39 |
tsdgeos | and do something else while waiting for the rebuild :) | 13:39 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, keep fingers crossed for the build if your hands are free ;) | 13:41 |
tsdgeos | he he | 13:43 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, can you check if https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/dash_activation_no_special_casing/+merge/264024 merges ok with trunk? | 14:07 |
tsdgeos | hmm | 14:08 |
tsdgeos | it should | 14:08 |
tsdgeos | let me check | 14:08 |
tsdgeos | pstolowski: yeah merges fine here | 14:08 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, ok thanks | 14:08 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, silo 4 built | 14:18 |
tsdgeos | pstolowski: cool | 14:19 |
=== dandrader_ is now known as dandrader|afk | ||
tsdgeos | pstolowski: seems to "do things" :D | 14:44 |
tsdgeos | pstolowski: if i play the first track is it supposed to play the next? | 14:44 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, only if from same album | 14:44 |
tsdgeos | ok | 14:44 |
* tsdgeos waits 2:20 | 14:44 | |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, does it integrate with indicator? | 14:45 |
tsdgeos | pstolowski: not yet, jhodapp said he wanted to wait for something that used it to enable it | 14:47 |
tsdgeos | or that's what i understood | 14:47 |
tsdgeos | doesn't seem the play next song worked | 14:50 |
tsdgeos | let me add some console.log | 14:50 |
jhodapp | tsdgeos, correct | 14:52 |
tsdgeos | jhodapp: so silo 4 | 15:00 |
jhodapp | tsdgeos, silo 4? | 15:02 |
tsdgeos | jhodapp: if you join it with silo 38 has a somewhat working audio card support on the dash | 15:03 |
jhodapp | tsdgeos, oh very nice | 15:03 |
jhodapp | tsdgeos, thanks | 15:03 |
tsdgeos | for some reason playing the first time fails | 15:03 |
tsdgeos | you have to play twice | 15:03 |
jhodapp | tsdgeos, so I assume you can't land silo 4 until the indicator controls work? | 15:03 |
tsdgeos | and the playlists don't work either | 15:03 |
tsdgeos | but not sure whose fault it is | 15:04 |
tsdgeos | debugging a bit | 15:04 |
tsdgeos | jhodapp: correct | 15:04 |
pstolowski | jhodapp, also we need to wait for silo 27 to land and then rebuild | 15:04 |
jhodapp | tsdgeos, let me give you a Test.qml file that you can use to compare things against | 15:04 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, last time i checked with scopes-client it was exposing playlists as expected. perhaps we have a mismatch in names or something trivial like that somewhere | 15:05 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, i mean between dash and scope | 15:05 |
jhodapp | tsdgeos, alright, shared with you on google drive | 15:06 |
tsdgeos | pstolowski: sure, also debugging that | 15:06 |
jhodapp | tsdgeos, just use qmlscene Test.qml --desktop_file_hint=/usr/share/applications/mediaplayer-app.desktop | 15:07 |
jhodapp | tsdgeos, and make sure to change the sources listed in there to ones you have on your test device | 15:07 |
tsdgeos | k tx | 15:07 |
jhodapp | *music sources | 15:07 |
tsdgeos | pstolowski: yeah looks good, seems i'm losing it somehow at some point | 15:10 |
tsdgeos | booo me | 15:16 |
tsdgeos | you can't obviously store an array in a url :D | 15:16 |
pstolowski | boo | 15:16 |
tsdgeos | if the sdk wasn't overflowing us with warnings | 15:16 |
tsdgeos | maybe even the qml interpreter told me | 15:16 |
tsdgeos | at some stage | 15:16 |
tsdgeos | also the song i'm trying is longer that it says it is? | 15:20 |
tsdgeos | pstolowski: 2:47 vs 2:45 ? | 15:20 |
tsdgeos | wooo, works :) | 15:20 |
pstolowski | \o/ | 15:20 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, afaik the duration is read from mp3 tags or some such, may not be precise? | 15:20 |
tsdgeos | may be | 15:21 |
pstolowski | alecu, ^^^ | 15:21 |
tsdgeos | the file doesn't seem to have that in the tags | 15:22 |
tsdgeos | http://paste.ubuntu.com/12056055/ | 15:22 |
alecu | pstolowski: is that inline playback? | 15:22 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, hmm in any case this is what mediascanner backend tells me. probably it gets it from gstreamer | 15:22 |
pstolowski | alecu, yes | 15:23 |
alecu | pstolowski: what's the silo number? | 15:23 |
alecu | pstolowski: wonderful | 15:23 |
pstolowski | alecu, 4 + 38. but indicator intergation is not enabled yet | 15:23 |
tsdgeos | it's pretty nifty going back and forth | 15:26 |
tsdgeos | and still works :D | 15:26 |
tsdgeos | even on the album preview | 15:27 |
tsdgeos | even if you played it from the tracks list | 15:27 |
tsdgeos | cool | 15:27 |
tsdgeos | jhodapp: the debug is weird | 15:35 |
tsdgeos | the first time i add things to the playlist i have | 15:35 |
tsdgeos | http://paste.ubuntu.com/12056136/ | 15:36 |
tsdgeos | while the second i have | 15:36 |
tsdgeos | http://paste.ubuntu.com/12056137/ | 15:36 |
tsdgeos | but i'm passing the urls the same way | 15:36 |
tsdgeos | let me console.log them | 15:36 |
tsdgeos | jhodapp: can it be that addSources to a playlist are ignored if it's not part of a player? | 15:40 |
tsdgeos | that may explain why the second time works | 15:40 |
* tsdgeos tries | 15:40 | |
jhodapp | tsdgeos, yes there's a possible bug in the QDeclarativePlaylist impl | 15:41 |
jhodapp | tsdgeos, let me get back to you in a little bit, on a hangout | 15:41 |
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader | ||
tsdgeos | yeah i sthat | 15:46 |
tsdgeos | i guess i can workaround it in my code easily | 15:46 |
tsdgeos | i mean i just did | 15:46 |
tsdgeos | but would make sense fixing it anyhow | 15:46 |
tsdgeos | pstolowski: can you rebuild the silo so that it includes the two last fixes i made? | 15:49 |
tsdgeos | pstolowski: unity8 | 15:49 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, ok | 15:49 |
jhodapp | tsdgeos, yes indeed, there will be several bugs to fix | 15:53 |
jhodapp | tsdgeos, can you file that bug against qtmultimedia-opensource-src package? | 15:53 |
pstolowski | tsdgeos, rebuilding | 15:54 |
tsdgeos | jhodapp: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtmultimedia-opensource-src/+bug/1483806 | 15:58 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1483806 in qtmultimedia-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "addSource to a Playlist are ignored if it's not part of a player" [Undecided,New] | 15:58 |
tsdgeos | pstolowski: cool | 15:58 |
jhodapp | tsdgeos, thanks! | 15:58 |
jhodapp | tsdgeos, oh right, yes it clears the playlist when it attaches to a player | 15:59 |
jhodapp | tsdgeos, I didn't realize that's what you were trying to do...this is on purpose | 15:59 |
tsdgeos | ok | 15:59 |
tsdgeos | it's not a big thing i just did it the other way around | 15:59 |
jhodapp | well actually no this is a valid bug, nm | 16:00 |
tsdgeos | but if that's the behaviour, make sure it's documented :D | 16:00 |
* tsdgeos eods | 16:00 | |
jhodapp | it will clear any existing playlist attached to the player | 16:00 |
pstolowski | davmor2, does silo 27 work for you now? | 16:07 |
davmor2 | pstolowski: I'm on another silo currently will return to that after | 16:15 |
pstolowski | davmor2, ok | 16:16 |
pstolowski | anyway, eod. cu | 16:16 |
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dandrader | josharenson, ping | 19:02 |
josharenson | dandrader: pong | 19:18 |
dandrader | When I run "make tryWideView" all users have a "Tap do unlock" button. Some of them should display a text entry for instance, for typing the password | 19:20 |
* josharenson runs that test | 19:21 | |
dandrader | josharenson, do you know what's wrong there (with the mocks most likely) | 19:21 |
dandrader | ? | 19:21 |
josharenson | sorry didn't have a good build, compiling now | 19:24 |
josharenson | dandrader: ah I see. Nothing happens when you "tap to unlock" but there should be a text box, yes? | 19:28 |
josharenson | does it hang for you? | 19:29 |
dandrader | josharenson, yeah, nothing happens. | 19:31 |
josharenson | looking into it, either a problem with the mock, or the wrong lib is being loaded in the test I would imagine | 19:31 |
dandrader | josharenson, The "Has Password" user should naturally display a message box for typing the password, for instance | 19:31 |
dandrader | josharenson, I wanted to debug that login message box and because of this bug in the test there's no easy way to do so :/ | 19:33 |
josharenson | dandrader: ok, give me a few, I'll ping you when I find something | 19:33 |
dandrader | josharenson, hey | 20:46 |
josharenson | dandrader: hi | 20:46 |
dandrader | josharenson, does PhysicalKeysMapper have some logic to ensure you don't change the volume while your' | 20:46 |
dandrader | josharenson, you're pressing the volume keys to get a screenshot? | 20:47 |
josharenson | dandrader: it should, saviq/I fixed that a while ago I thought | 20:47 |
josharenson | dandrader: I honestly don't remember what the exact solution ended up being, I'd have to look at it | 20:47 |
dandrader | josharenson, we just don't have a test guarding this feature | 20:53 |
josharenson | dandrader: I could swear I wrote some... let me look | 20:54 |
dandrader | josharenson, I bet https://code.launchpad.net/~lukas-kde/unity8/globalshortcuts/+merge/267188 will inadvertently break it | 20:54 |
josharenson | dandrader: I see. Either that code needs logic to handle not showing volume notifications, or it needs to let volume key events through, which is a bad idea | 20:58 |
dandrader | josharenson, just commented there that it might break this behavior | 20:59 |
josharenson | dandrader: I'll try and do a review if I have some time later | 20:59 |
dandrader | josharenson, if you want to. I already did my second pass over there | 21:00 |
josharenson | ok | 21:00 |
dandrader | or third, actually | 21:00 |
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk | ||
dandrader|afk | josharenson, but it would be great if you could confirm me whether we have a test for this screenshot vs. volume case. I didn't find any in tst_PhysicalKeysMapper.qml | 21:02 |
josharenson | dandrader|afk: ok ill look for it for sure. Also, before you go away, I can't find anything wrong w/ the greeter wide view | 21:03 |
josharenson | oh wait | 21:03 |
josharenson | hang on | 21:03 |
josharenson | dandrader|afk: ah, there was a negative test when the screenshot sequence was Power+VolDown but it looks like it never changed when we reverted to VolUp+VolDown | 21:12 |
dandrader|afk | ok. see you next week | 21:20 |
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