
Odd_Blokesmoser: harlowja: So that looks like we won't need to move to openstack/, right?09:33
Odd_BlokeAs they are trying to avoid doing moves (rather than remove the string 'stackforge'), moving all the stackforge projects would seem unproductive...09:33
smoserOdd_Bloke, it seems that the name stackforge is gone.13:35
smoserwe will have to move to openstack/ namespace.13:35
Odd_Blokesmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12061743/13:43
Odd_Blokesmoser: That's from #openstack-infra just now.13:43
smoserwell thats nicer than i thought13:50
Odd_Blokesmoser: Yeah, I think there was an earlier draft which was harsher.13:54
smoseri thoguht we were at least forced to move namespace nwo rather than "at _some_ undefined point"13:55
claudiupopahey guys.14:01
claudiupopameeting today?14:01
Odd_BlokeYeah, I need to restart browser.14:02
Odd_BlokeWill be there RSN.14:02
smoserso we'll start cloud-init meeting here now.14:07
claudiupopayeah, sorry about that, I don't know what's happening with my mic.14:07
jgrimmsmoser, meeting here? or?14:08
smoserno worries14:08
smoserlet me type an agenda quick14:08
smoser * reviews http://bit.ly/cloudinit-reviews-public14:09
smoser   * https://review.openstack.org/#/c/209520/14:09
smoser * reporting / smoser and cloud-init 0.714:09
smoser * main and persisting state14:09
smoser * open discussion14:09
smoserseem reasonable ? if i've missed anything then we can add them in open discussion.14:09
claudiupopaSounds good.14:09
smoserso reading claudiupopa's very nice commit message.14:10
smoseri think looks nice. have to read closer on how the network and local data source woudl work.14:11
smoserbut since many comments addresed in that review i think we're good there.. i'll review that some more after meeting14:12
smoserreporting / smoser and cloud-init 0.714:12
Odd_BlokeYeah, I need to do a re-review of that as well.14:12
smoser== reporting / smoser and cloud-init 0.7 ==14:12
Odd_BlokeBut it was great last I looked, so that shouldn't take long.14:12
smoseri took the reporting code from cloud-init 2.0, and added some things to it and loaded it into 0.7. the things i added were not much, and the intent will be to get them to really just be copied from 2->0.714:13
smoserthe things discovered in using it that need to be addressed:14:13
smoser a.) exceptions should not leak through reporting.14:13
smoser   the handlers should log errors but exceptions shoudlnt be allowed to bubble up.14:13
claudiupopaYou mean errors inside the handlers?14:14
Odd_Blokeclaudiupopa: Yes.14:14
smoserie, posting error to http://foo should not cause cloud-init to stacktrace14:15
smoserlog failure, go on with life.14:15
smoser b.) the webhook ideally woudl buffer messages until it has network connection and thne start. non-trivial to decide when it should try to reach an endpoint though.14:15
Odd_BlokeThat sounds like a nice-to-have to me; do we have a concrete use case for something needing to know what happened before network comes up?14:16
smoserother than that i'd like to have that information collected...14:16
smoserif we add timestamp of events to the event, then it makes logging boot time very easy.14:17
smoser c.) blocking... its not really a problem yet, but it'd seem that blocking on a webhook could be problematic to boot performance.14:17
smoserif we're just expecting things to log errors rather than raise exception seems reasonable to somehow not block the rest of the code.14:18
smosermake sense ?14:18
Odd_BlokeCould we achieve (b) by writing structured data to the filesystem (i.e. a separate reporter) and then a separate job could Require/After cloud-init-with-networking and push that data out somewhere?14:19
claudiupopaWhy not storing them in memory?14:19
claudiupopaSeems redundant to cache them on the filesystem.14:19
claudiupopaAnd that's additional disk access that we don't need.14:20
Odd_BlokeBecause we don't know when we're going to get networking, and systemd is good at ordered dependencies. :p14:20
Odd_BlokeI mean, this sounds like a very specific use-case.14:20
Odd_BlokeI'm thinking of a way that someone who wanted it could achieve it.14:20
claudiupopaSince I'm not very familiar with it..what systemd has to do with this? :-)14:21
smosersystemd would start a job for us when networkign was all up.14:21
smoserjust like our next topic. we'll have stages in boot, for local datasource and applying networking config14:21
smoserand then a stage that runs when networking config has come up14:22
smoserin cloud-init 0.7 that is 2 separate processes, so need disk to persist and replay.14:22
smoseri agree that it is a bit of a specific use case14:23
claudiupopaI think I got it. I'm wondering if we could customize the stages or if they are hardcoded, since ideally on windows, we'll have only two of them.14:23
smoserhow so?14:24
claudiupopabasically on windows we're doing everything in almost one run of cloudbaseinit. Except the fact that setting a hostname requires a restart and we have that splitted into another initial run.14:24
claudiupopathat's why we actually don't need persistence on disk for windows.14:25
smoserhave to think some on it.14:25
smoseri think we're kind of moved on to topic 214:25
smoserwe've bled over.14:25
Odd_BlokeYeah, I think there's a fairly fundamental design decision to be made here.14:26
claudiupopayeah, regarding topic 1, I'm +1 on not crashing cloudinit when a reporting hook fails.14:26
Odd_BlokeWhich is going to affect how we implement a whole bunch of things.14:26
Odd_BlokeAnd, yeah, we shouldn't crash out, and we should be able to do reporting in the background.14:26
Odd_BlokeWe'll obviously need to ensure that the payload contains a timestamp if we're doing it in the background.14:26
claudiupopain the background meaning a thread?14:27
Odd_BlokeI'm not fussy. :p14:27
Odd_BlokeIt's all IO/networking, so the GIL won't be a problem.14:27
smoserso ..14:29
smoserthe first 4 are "stages" that are largely what we have in cloud-init.14:29
smoserbasically you have:14:29
smoserbasically you have:14:29
smoser  search local datasources (and apply netowrking if possible) . this stage blocks networkign from coming up14:30
smoser search network datasources and run "init" modules (in 0.7 talk)14:30
smoser then config-final.14:30
smoser  which is really just supposed to be "rc.local like timeframe"14:31
smoserrealize that i dont know that i wrote those well, but those are the general stages.14:31
claudiupopagot it14:31
smoserin 0.7 we have 3 config stages: init, config, and rc.local. i'm not sure if we need both 'init' and 'config'.14:31
claudiupopaso you're relying on the OS to call these 4 stages for you?14:31
smoserright.  but whether it calls me or not... they're still tasks we want to accomplish14:32
smoserand also offer as places to "hook" into boot14:32
smoseras the earlier you can do something, the less re-work you might have to do .. ie, ideally you can write config for a service before the service would normally start.14:32
smoser(so rc.local isn't ideal).14:33
claudiupopajust to be clear on this, why the need of multiple stages in cloud-init? What does it solve from one single stage?14:33
smoserbecause running all "really early" might mean network isnt up.14:33
smoserand running all "really late" means you've lost your chance to make a change without restarting a service or possibly other negative side affects.14:33
claudiupopaso basically each run is a granular list of tasks to do, of config modules to execute?14:34
smoserin 0.7, yes.14:34
smoserin 2.0 we'd like this to be more dynamic, but still maintain that idea.14:35
claudiupopayeah, what would be ideal is to have a workflow that doesn't require multiple runs on windows and works with more stages on other platforms.14:35
claudiupopahow about having a stage that chains all the other ones together?14:36
smoserwell, that is what 'all' is.14:36
claudiupopaprobably windows will be the only platform that will use it.14:36
smoserand its useful for a user wanting to re-try something.14:37
claudiupopaoh, there is one already.14:37
smoseri think you kind of still have 2 stages there though.14:37
smoserone before your networkign is up, that configures networkign, and sets hostname (and reboots)14:37
smoserand then one that runs after that in the new boot14:38
claudiupopayeah, currently hostname and network config are separated.14:38
claudiupopaDon't know why, but I'm guessing because in the first phase we don't have networking info available.14:38
claudiupopaBut I have to check it out.14:38
claudiupopaSo two of them are definitely what we need.14:38
claudiupopathis means that there should be a way to customize what a stage is.14:39
smoseryeah, we can probably work things out.14:39
smoserso when Odd_Bloke went looking at this he came to the problem where the 'network' stage (locate and apply networking configuration')14:40
smoserwould crawl a datasource and that datasource had a one-time read-only password in it.14:40
smoserthe network stage, would only apply networking information ideally, so then he'd have to store that password somewhere so that the 'config' stage could apply it.14:40
claudiupopayep, I understand know why persistance was into discussion.14:41
smoserat risk of being called an idiot.. i dont think its all that big of a deal.14:41
smoseri'd write the data to a file and read it back later.14:41
smoserif its a root owned file, you risk that password being read off the disk by a root user at some future point or having that data found otherwise.14:42
smoseri dont advocate storing passwords in plaintext on a disk, but i also dont advocate setting root passwords14:42
smoserOdd_Bloke, ? thoughts?14:42
Odd_BlokeHold on, pulled in to another call.14:43
smoserclaudiupopa, thoguths ?14:43
claudiupopayeah, I'm not into security, but storing a file with potential private data doesn't strike me as being a very good practice.14:44
smoseron linux we could encrypt it for inclusion to shadow, so thats better than plaintext.14:44
claudiupopaalso, if we'll have the ability to customize stages, then in that case on windows we will probably don't activate the persistance.14:45
claudiupopaIf that makes sense.14:45
claudiupopaSince the password is probably not used by the network module.14:45
smoserand we can also attempt to "shred" the file on disk, but i'm not sure how affective shred is on non-local and spinning disks. (http://superuser.com/questions/22238/how-to-securely-delete-files-stored-on-a-ssd)14:45
smoserclaudiupopa, i think we can come up with some solution there , yeah.14:46
smoseryou'll have to drive that :)14:46
Odd_BlokeRight, back./14:47
Odd_Blokesmoser: claudiupopa: So I had an idea: we could make the persistence invisible to consumers and only happen at the last possible moment.14:48
Odd_BlokeThat way, if we decide to run in stages, we persist the data.14:48
Odd_BlokeBut if we decide to run all at once, we don't.14:48
Odd_Bloke(Or we only persist things that haven't been scrubbed out of the data)14:48
smoseri think that sounds reasonable.14:49
claudiupopamakes sense14:49
smoserthe registry could do that14:51
smoseryou coudl register 'persistent' items, some with a 'secure' or something.14:51
smoseradn then on exit write it out14:51
Odd_BlokeI think we'd always need to write out everything if we were writing out.14:52
Odd_BlokeAnd then consumers of secure data would have a way of expunging it.14:52
Odd_BlokeWhich would remove it from memory and, if it had been persisted, remove it from disk as well.14:53
claudiupopawhat's a consumer in this case? Another endpoint or?14:54
smoserconfig that consumes password14:54
Odd_BlokeA potential future enhancement would be to allow you to configure cloud-init to never persist "secure" information.14:56
Odd_BlokeBut that would require a way of specifying what was "secure" data, and so is probably too much to bite off at this point.14:56
larsksIf I want to add a single item to cloud_final_modules, shouldn't I be able to do that with a cloud-config file that has a merge_how directive?14:58
smoserlarsks, is the module available somwhere already ?15:00
larsksYeah, it's one of the standard config modules. I just want to enable it (without needing to re-specify evertyhing that's in the system cloud.cfg)15:03
larsksI thought something like this might work: http://chunk.io/f/f36e3fad696f4e23bf0b3a3e7eb2618215:04
larsks...but that seems to be *replacing* the cloud_final_modules: key.15:04
Odd_Blokesmoser: claudiupopa: So I think I have enough to start on implementing that configuration stuff (and therefore beginning on main work).15:10
Odd_Blokesmoser: claudiupopa: Do we have any open discussion topics?15:10
claudiupopaI don't think so. You mean working on stages?15:11
claudiupopaone requirement I would like to have is the ability to customize them, we'll probably use something different on windows.15:12
Odd_BlokeSo the current stubs include 'all' which runs all the stages.15:12
Odd_BlokeWe could either add an 'all-on-windows', or make the stages that 'all' runs customisable using /etc/cloud.cfg (or the Windows equivalent).15:13
Odd_BlokeBut getting 'all' working is probably further down the line anyway.15:13
Odd_BlokeSo we can hash it out then. :)15:13
claudiupopaOkay. :-)15:13
smoserok. i think we're done for today.15:15
Odd_BlokeI'm going to try to get the meeting I have half an hour after this meeting starts rescheduled.15:15
claudiupopaokay, guys.15:15
claudiupopaI'll be waiting a review on the data source api. ;-)15:16
Odd_BlokeSo that I don't have to disappear just when we're getting to the juicy stuff. :p15:16
Odd_Blokeclaudiupopa: Well I'm backporting stuff for cloud-init 0.7.x on Azure, which means I regularly have time to do other things while waiting for Azure.15:16
Odd_BlokeSo hopefully I'll get to that this afternoon.15:16
larsksOdd_Bloke: smoser: any thoughts on the merging-vs-replacing question?15:18
Odd_Blokelarsks: I've never touched the merging stuff, so I have no idea, I'm afraid. :)15:18
smoserlarsks, sorry.. reading15:20
smoserlarsks, that actuallyu looks like it *should* work15:20
smoseryou can also use cloud-config-jsonp to do somethig similar15:20
larskssmoser: yeah, that's what I thought, too :/.  I'm looking for jsonp examples right now; if you have one handy that would be awesome...15:23
larsksI found https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1316323.  Let me git it a shot.15:24
larskssmoser: do you have a minute to take a gander at my cloud-config-jsonp attempt?15:50
smoserlarsks, yea. sorry. give me a minute.15:51
larsksno rush.  Here are the details: https://gist.github.com/larsks/8e0848d4e81c9e7cb06615:52
larsksAt the bottom is the jsonp file, based on the examples from the lp bug.  Above that  is the system cloud.cfg, and at the top is the error that cloud-init is throwing...15:52
larsksThe error suggests that it is applying my patch against an empty configuration.15:53
smoserlarsks, ok... so15:58
smoserfrom trunk, there is a tool : ./tools/ccfg-merge-debug15:58
larsksOkay.  I'll take a look at that in a second.  Did the jsonp in my gist look reasonable?16:00
smoserso it seems to work for me...16:03
smosermaybe you dont have a stock config ?16:03
smoserin which case maybe you have to create the entry first ?16:03
larsksNo, there's definitely a stock config there.16:03
larsksIf it matters, I'm working with 0.7.5, because that's what centos has.16:19
smoserdo you see any WARN in config  ?16:34
larskssmoser:  there are no warning messages in the log.  Using that merge config just replaces cloud_final_modules.  I can get the same behavior by booting with no user-data, and then running "cloud-init --file config-with-merge.yml modules --final"17:18
smoserlarsks, i'm sorry, i'm not following17:22
larsks(a) there are no warnings (b) as we have seen, any use of that merge configuration actually *replaces* cloud_final_modules rather than appending, and (c) I can reproduce that behavior on demand just by passing the merge config to cloud-init using --file.17:22
larsksThat makes me sad, because I am trying to avoid spinning a new cloud-init rpm every time someone says, "we should enable config module <foo> in the default configuration".17:24
larsksI'm going to see if maybe this is a version-related issue and maybe a more recent cloud-init will work correctly.17:24
smoserlook at /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/05_logging.cfg17:25
smoserandcomment out17:25
smoser - [ *log_base, *log_syslog ]17:25
smoserso it doesnt go to /dev/log (im not sure where that goes)17:26
larsks/dev/log ends up in the system journal.17:26
larsks(on these systems)17:26
larsksLet me try this with 0.7.6 first, because if that makes the problem go away I think we're actually in okay shape.17:27
smoserlarsks, it seems like maybe its a matter of unicode17:50
larsksInteresting. In what way?  Fwiw, 0.7.6 exhibits the same behavior...17:50
smosernah. its nto that.17:53
smoserit appears that you cant patch builtin config17:54
larsksAhhhhhhhhh, poop.17:54
smoseryeah, crappy17:54
smoseryou can re-define the whole list though17:55
larsksYeah. Thanks for lookin'!17:55
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