[01:03] wgrant: ah, that's why it now worked then :) [01:03] wgrant: https://launchpad.net/pidgin++/trunk/15.1/+download/Pidgin%2B%2B%20with%20SkypeWeb%2015.1%20x86%20Source.zip [01:04] wgrant: do I need to test this for files with 1GiB or the timeout is good enough? [01:06] mark06: I targeted the timeout at around 1GiB. [01:07] It may not quite reach, but we'll find out. [01:08] ok, well thanks for implementing it then, wgrant, cjwatson [01:08] good night all [01:11] Night. [14:13] hi, what can I do to increase a priority of a particular build in the queue? [14:14] specifically this one https://launchpad.net/~checkbox-dev/+archive/ubuntu/testing/+build/7786927 === zyga is now known as zyga-afk === Mission-Critical is now known as MissionCritical [18:39] Hi, found a spam blueprint on launchpad, and was looking for the right place to report. [18:43] ah, I see the link here, posted on answers.launchpad.net , thank you. [18:43] https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/270311 - if you are curious === benonsoftware is now known as MerryChristmas === lazyPower is now known as lp|conference-mo === lp|conference-mo is now known as lp|conference