
=== bigcat_ is now known as bigcat
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dholbachgood morning06:56
fgimenezgood morning07:17
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Mikaela"However, you can still switch channels at a later point using command line tools." from https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/channels/ - how does that happen and shouldn't that page tell it?10:26
ogra_Mikaela, i'm not sure that is still true ... usually the channel is defined in /etc/system-image/client.ini (or some such, writing from the top of my head)10:29
Mikaelahaving it only choosable during installation or image creation sounds a little difficult to me10:30
ogra_it will definitely become easier to switch once we moved away from system-image ...10:31
MikaelaI see10:31
ogra_ubuntu-core will just become a normal snap package10:31
ogra_currently we use a mix of the phone technology and snaps ... once we fully moved to snaps a switch is easier ...10:32
ogra_on the phone you would run: system-image-cli --switch=your/target/channel ... i'm not sure this works on snappy10:33
ogra_dholbach, do you knwo where that line comes from ? i guess we should either provide the command how to switch channels or we should remove the line til we can10:37
dholbachogra_, no idea10:46
ogra_ok, on the RPi2 i have a hack that works apparently :)10:56
ogra_sudo system-image-cli --switch=ubuntu-core/rolling/edge10:56
ogra_sudo fw_setenv snappy_ab b10:56
ogra_sudo reboot ...10:57
ogra_that gets me into a rolling edge wily install10:57
ogra_not sure how to manipulate the bootloader settings for grub to do the same on x86 though10:57
Mikaelado I understand correctly that rolling/<alpha|beta|rc> don't exist yet? I find only edge at http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/snappy/rolling/core/11:03
ogra_rolling/alpha exists but has no images11:07
Mikaelahttp://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/snappy/rolling/core/edge/current/core-edge-amd64-vagrant.box doeesn't seem to be working at the moment or at least I don't get terminal with vagrant, it gives warnings about connection timeouting after telling ssh address, username and password11:14
ogra_utlemming, ^^^ any idea ?11:15
Mikaelahttps://paste.mikaela.info/view/d9157ee2 the warning repeats every few seconds11:17
sergiusensogra_: Mikaela on ubuntu core it would eventually be 'snappy set [snap] channel=blah'11:19
sergiusensor something like that11:19
ogra_sergiusens, right, until then we should either provide a hack in the doc or remove that sentence though11:20
ogra_interesting, after i force-switched my RPi to rolling/edge running snappy rollback hangs11:21
sergiusensogra_: in theory, rolling/edge is not a channel11:21
sergiusensogra_: the channel is edge11:21
sergiusensogra_: and the release is rolling or 15.0411:22
sergiusensogra_: and switching between releases is not supported anymore11:22
sergiusenswe have diverged11:22
ogra_yeah, seems like ...11:22
ogra_top shows a hanging cp process11:22
ogra_serthe above seems to work fine though11:23
ogra_sudo system-image-cli --switch=ubuntu-core/rolling/edge; sudo fw_setenv snappy_ab b; reboot11:23
ogra_and i bet i can update it tomorrow too11:24
ogra_just rollback seems to hang ... i dont get what it copies around there though11:24
ogra_OH !!!11:27
ogra_it actually worked, it just took ages11:27
* ogra_ tries to reboot 11:27
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pindongahi, trying to figure out why a service is not automatically starting when I install a snap package, when running systemctl start myservice I see: Failed to start myservice.service: The name org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 was not provided by any .service files11:46
pindongaany ideas where to look for the root cause?11:46
ogra_well, does your package ship policykit and run it ?11:47
ogra_there is definitely no such thing in the rootfs11:48
pindongaogra_, hi I didn't add it explicitely no, but I didn't think it'd need it11:48
pindongathe binary itself runs fine, it's only when starting the systemd service that's provided by snappy that it fails11:48
pindongagrepping for PolicyKit brings no hits anywhere11:50
ogra_well, something tries to use a dbus service it seems ... policykit usually manages permissions for that11:51
pindongaogra_, nothing in the binary uses dbus11:53
pindongabut the binary tries to access a device11:53
ogra_no, but the systemd service most likely11:53
pindonga /dev/lp011:53
pindongaactually, /dev/usb/lp011:53
ogra_did you enable that with hw-assign ?11:53
pindongabut I shipped an apparmor policy with it, granting access to that file11:53
pindongamhh, no, but shouldn't the policy file be enough for that?11:54
ogra_i dont think so11:54
ogra_see that guide11:54
pindongaack, thx11:55
zygajdstrand: hey12:56
zygajdstrand: I'm wondering if something I have works okay by accident12:56
zygajdstrand: or by desing12:56
zygajdstrand: have a look at this strace please:12:56
zygajdstrand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12061478/12:56
zygajdstrand: there's a netlink socket and a ioctl that are allowed in the default security template12:56
zygajdstrand: is that by desing?12:56
MikaelaIf I understood askubuntu correctly, snappy has only one reporitory and you cannot add more. Will you be able to do that in the future? Thinking it more I also started wondering about mirrors, will everything always be downloaded from one server or will there be mirrors in every country like currently? Will snappy also have something to always decided the nearest mirror such as13:09
Mikaelahttp://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt or http://httpredir.debian.org/13:09
dholbachsergiusens, mterry: do you have links to the slides of your snappy talks?13:10
mterrydholbach, https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1qT2lrZkb7KA_CLyEGsKdE8U6AeGuhe_meakAeDHL2tQ/edit13:11
ogra_Mikaela, as i understand it you will be able to have sub-stores in the main store, not sure what exactly the story is for local stores currently ... the prob here is that you cant really guarantee integrity if you allow decentralized stores ... the whole model revolves around the ability to do all security checks in a centra place13:12
ogra_what you can definitely do is have a central server that uses snappy-remote to push packages to all your systems in a LAN via scripts13:13
Mikaelaand sub-stores are mirrors or PPAs?13:13
ogra_snaps are PPAs ;)13:14
ogra_(kind of)13:14
ogra_i would see sub-stores more like topic based things for a certain product ... i.e. i sell a home wlan router with a snappy base and that router only sees my sub-store so i cant offer very specific apps that are tailored for my device13:15
Mikaelait doesn't sound like a good idea that you are only locked to Ubuntu's repositories to me, it reminds me a little of OS X and Windows. Will you still be able to install packages outside of repositories? And compiling is probably always surely possible?13:15
ogra_yes to both of the latter :)13:16
ogra_as i said, you can already set up a push server that installs your local snaps to all your machines13:16
ogra_just by using snappy-remote and havin the ssh keys on that machine13:16
Mikaelabut I didn't get clear answer to the mirrors, do they still exist or is everything installed from (potentially) other side of the world?13:16
ogra_no, i dont think there are store mirros pĆ¼lanned13:17
Mikaelaand mirrors.ubuntu.com and httpredir.debian.org what happens if I go abroad, will nearest mirror be automatically given to me?13:17
ogra_beuno, might be able to elaborate13:17
ogra_but my understanding is that there wont be any mirrors13:18
ogra_note that the deb based ubuntu will never go away, the old infrastructure stays as is13:19
Mikaelais there some other solution like p2p which was also introduced in Windows 10 from what I understood or how is the downloading handled? Some countries still have slow connectivity abroad and connection to another continent isn't like on the same continent.13:20
MikaelaFrom what I understood there will be two editions at first, the deb-based and snappy, but later users are possibly tried to be migrated to snappy?13:20
ogra_i doubt the deb based install goes away ... snappy is built from debs ... enterprise customers have installs that use debs etc etc13:22
dholbachthanks mterry!13:23
Mikaelaso snappy is intented towards home users and debs to enterprises?13:24
ogra_and there are the flavour distros (kubunt, xubuntu, edubuntu. lubuntu and whatnot) that all rely on debs ... we wont force anyone into snappy13:24
beunoMikaela, hi13:24
ogra_Mikaela, no, i wouldnt say that :)13:24
beunowe will, over time, add a CDN to distribute in many regions13:25
ogra_enterprises will likely see the massive security advantage and maintainability of snappy ...13:25
ogra_but we wont force them into it13:25
Mikaelaoh, I see13:25
Mikaelamore on those repositories, I can think of Virtualbox and WeeChat having their own repositories. How would those repositories work with snappy? Do they submit all new releases to the store and they appear to users some time (days?) after that? And when new software versions are released, will snappy get updates faster than the deb-based, I can think of ZNC which is very slow to be updated on Ubuntu13:28
ogra_days ?13:28
ogra_minutes rather ;)13:28
MikaelaI am too used to the deb-system being a little slow, so I thought days might be more reasonable time than minutes, but sounds good :)13:29
ogra_the nature of snaps is that their security policy makes store submissions and checks completely automatable13:29
ogra_my snaps are usually available 10-20 mins after upload ... (same goes for my click packages on phones)13:29
ogra_if you break the security and still insist your snap needs to go in, that might take time though13:30
ogra_manual reviews and all13:30
ogra_we are trying to design snappy in a way that all the issues we have seen with debs obver the last decare when having to deal with them get solved by design ;)13:31
ogra_after all dpkg is 30 years old and shows its age :)13:31
Mikaelawill there still be packages packaged by Ubuntu Packagers and will they be made from the debs causing them to be as slow to update as currently?13:32
beunoMikaela, snappy doesn't ship with dpkg or apt13:33
ogra_well, our rootfs is assembled from debs from the archive ... so that bit will stay13:33
ogra_and it is up to the packager if he does want to use debs as input for his snap13:34
MikaelaSo snaps can be made separately and that is possibly even encouraged?13:34
ogra_you can even use plain upstream sources and compile them statically if you feel like13:35
Mikaelaok. thanks, I think all my questions are answered now :)13:36
ogra_snappy itself only applies some metadata to binaries ... how/where you get these binaries from is totalyl up to you13:36
ogra_this is what i meant by snaps are PPAs btw ;)13:36
ogra_if i want to provide a special libreoffice build today, i set up a PPA and build a binary with my patches13:36
Mikaelaoh, so if I install package outside of store it has information where to update itself when update is available?13:37
ogra_in the snappy world i put all my binaries into one snap and push it to the store as libreoffice.ogra13:37
ogra_so you as user can chose to install libreoffice.canonical or you can try my package just by installing libreoffice.ogra instead13:37
ogra_no mangling of sources.list, gpg key shuffling etc ... my hacked package will just be available like any other to you13:38
ogra_if you install a package via snappy install on cmdline or via snappy-remote there is no upgrade path if the package isnt in the store13:39
MikaelaI see. So everyone can get their app to store easily?13:40
ogra_its five clicks in a webform :)13:40
Mikaelasounds a lot more simple than how I imagine the deb-repos and PPAs13:41
ogra_for the enduser it definitely is ... for the developer the build process is not as easy currently ... at least if your brain is still thinking deb-src :)13:42
ogra_for the latter part we are working on tools to make your life super easy (there is just a sprint where people are designing the further development of the snapcraft tool that will enable you to easily turn anything into a snap13:43
Mikaelaoh, deb-src gives me another question, how will changelogs and getting build-depedencies work?13:43
ogra_this is totally up to you as developer13:44
jdstrandzyga: apparmor doesn't currently mediate ioctls. seccomp mediates the call but we have to allow it for shell scripts. however, you still need the capability and access to the device before you can use an ioctl13:45
ogra_nor sure about changelog support in the store, you ave a field to provide one but i'm not sure how it will be presented in i.e. webdm to the user13:45
MikaelaI mean from the user point of view. Currently there are "apt-get build-dep" and "apt-get changelog" which require deb-src lines in sources.list. Is that information stored as metadata directly13:45
ogra_well, as a user you only see/get binaries13:46
jdstrandzyga: we only have coarse-grained mediation for netlink, and you get that (cause you need it) when you specify a network-* cap13:46
ogra_the develoer can and should provide a support contact and can also point to a website ... that should then have build instructions and/or links to source etc13:46
zygajdstrand: thanks!13:47
MikaelaI see13:47
jdstrandzyga: same thing applies though wrt capabilities. Ie, there are some netlink sockets that might require cap_net_admin13:47
ogra_in the snappy works we rather provide the infrastructure ... the actual snaps are up to the developer13:47
ogra_effectively as a developer i can have all my stuff on github and just point the urls in my snap there ...13:48
ogra_uploads to the store are completely binary13:48
Mikaelathat makes me think of yet another thing, bug reporting, does it move to whereever the developer pointed or is apport/ubuntu-bug still there reporting to launchpad?13:49
ogra_also up to the developer ... i'm not sure what our plans wrt apport are and if/how much we want ti to work with snaps13:50
ogra_after all the source can live anywhere ... while in the deb based distro it has to live in some archive we control13:51
Mikaelaok, thanks for all the explanation, now I think I undertand everything I was wondering13:51
ogra_well, thaks for asking ... it is kind of hard trying to assemble a FAQ if nobody asks questions ;)13:52
ogra_so just go on :)13:52
longsleepogra_: Question - is there some open source server implementation for the snappy store api or do i have to write this from scratch if i wanted my snappy installation load snaps from another place?14:01
longsleepright now the URL to the store is hardcoded, so i think this has not been aked much yet :)14:01
ogra_you'd have to write it from scratch i think14:01
longsleepok - should not be complicated - i just asked your sales guys what the plan is on that matter14:02
ogra_ah, what did they tell you ?14:03
longsleepogra_: just wrote the mail - so no answer yet :)14:03
* ogra_ guesses "sub-store" :)14:03
sergiusensdholbach: yeah, I tweeted them :-P14:04
longsleepyes i guess that will be the answer - though for security devices it might not be good enough to get security updates from a entity governed by UK law14:04
dholbachthanks, found14:05
dholbachsergiusens, do you have some notes for them as well? :)14:05
ogra_longsleep, werll, there beuno's mentioned CDN might come into play14:05
ogra_not sure if he has taken local laws into account with the planning though :)14:06
longsleepogra_: well - the problem is that in certain countries companies or even people can be forced to insert backdoors into their code / distributions - even wore they are forced by law to not tell about it14:07
ogra_yeah, i get you14:08
ogra_just wondering if we take that into account with our store plans14:08
beunowe likely won't be able to help those countries14:08
beunoinserting backdoors into the distribution14:08
beunojust like we don't today14:08
longsleepwell i am not sure about UK laws - but i think they could force you (Canonical) already14:09
ogra_beuno, well, but if you have local laws that require encryption bits to come from local servers ....14:09
ogra_i think thats a valid concern14:09
longsleepwell - i think people might want to have self controlled sources only for updates14:10
longsleepi think that should be possible with snappy as well eventually14:10
sergiusensdholbach: https://twitter.com/sergiusens/status/63006143131722956814:10
sergiusensdholbach: https://twitter.com/sergiusens/status/63006103691008409614:10
dholbachyep, found the slides14:10
beunoogra_, sure, and we'll serve content locally as time goes by14:10
sergiusensdholbach: notes are in the notes section of the slides, but they are more of a memory catalyst than anything else (as in unintelligible to anyone but me)14:11
ogra_beuno, right, i think thats the answer longsleep needed ;)14:11
dholbachok ok :)14:11
longsleepogra_, beuno well not really, if it is the same content then this does not help. Say the master for content is compromised, then all the children are as well when they are synced up no matter where the actuall download comes from.14:12
beunolongsleep, yes. Just like Ubuntu works today14:12
beuno(and every other distro)14:13
longsleepbeuno: no, with Ubuntu i have the choice to fetch and review all the stuff and have my machines only install and fetch stuff i previously reviewed.14:13
longsleepbeuno: with the store i get some binary blob. There is no way to verify that it has not been modified or was not modified after it was uploaded to the store as the store is essentially under control by Canonical.14:15
longsleepIt is fine to have it that way for most, but what i am saying is that there are users who want this level of control for themselves14:16
beunolongsleep, you can know it hasn't been modified after upload, as it's signed with the Canonical key14:17
ogra_longsleep, so why dont you host your stuff on a secure server and have code inside your snap to pull the secrets from there then14:17
beunotoday, you download binaries as well14:18
sergiusensdholbach: we need youtube to auto translate my talk :-P14:18
ogra_that woulld definitely give you full control14:18
* sergiusens wll be back in a bit14:18
beunoso unless you re-compile everything, you're on the same boat14:18
longsleepbeuno: Canonical can modify at any time and sign it again14:18
beunolongsleep, sure14:19
longsleepbeuno: yes today we do not recompile everything, but some things + platches14:19
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beunoso snappy doesn't allow you to do that14:21
beunoOS updates need to be applied, unchanged14:21
beunoand when I say snappy, I mean using the distribution as-is14:21
longsleepogra_: there is also the concern about privacy and tracking - there probably is some sort tracking in the store not everyone might be happy with either14:21
beunoif you would like to take it, and manage it yourself14:21
beunocompile it, etc14:21
longsleepbeuno: yes what what i am resarching - if and why and under what circumstances i need a system image server or eventually build own -core snap.14:22
longsleepbeuno: And then as a consequence also have own server providing the snap downloads.14:23
ogra_system-image will go away14:23
ogra_dont rely on it14:23
ogra_the rootfs will be turned to snap eventually14:23
longsleepogra_: yes - i have a couple of weeks more on this matter - right now system image and rootfs is the same for me14:24
longsleepogra_: i wanted to ask you on this matter how u-d-f builds an image then there is no system image any more. I guess it will connect to the store somehow and download one snap and the device snap?14:25
longsleepor gadged snap for that matter14:26
longsleepogra_, beuno: Another matter is the naming, is something which goes that far to provide own rootfs and snap server still Ubuntu Snappy or something else?14:26
ogra_longsleep, thats a question for sergiuens14:27
ogra_(who just left :P )14:27
longsleepjust giving you guys the idea what our enterprise customers ask me about14:27
ogra_well, i dont think we want to allow self built rootfses14:28
longsleepit goes even so far having no connection to the public internet14:28
ogra_if there is something missing in customization options that should be fixed, but nobody should need to use a modified rootfs imho14:28
longsleepogra_: maybe not modified, but self compiled for sure14:29
beunolongsleep, it can't be called Ubuntu, no14:29
beunolongsleep, for enterprises, we will offer landscape14:29
beunoas a way to manage updates to devices14:29
beunoself-hosted landscape, that is14:29
beunobut that doesn't let you override updates14:29
beunojust control what gets updated and when14:30
longsleepbeuno: understood thanks14:30
beunothere are no plans to allow people to change the rootfs in any way14:30
beunoas that breaks confinement14:30
ogra_longsleep, self compiled will surely work via ubuntu-device-flash ... but most likely only if you use --devloper-mode and such14:30
ogra_so not really suitable for products14:31
ogra_(but suitable for hacking)14:31
longsleepogra_: well one can also recompile ubuntu-device-flash, have their own keying and grab the stuff from own servers14:31
ogra_but then you would have an insecure server14:32
ogra_how would you ever make sure the same tests run ?14:32
ogra_or guarantee the same quality in any way14:33
longsleepi mean i am talking about specific use cases here - where Ubuntu snappy is used as open source software similar to what we do with normal ubuntu now. Modify it in any means thinkable and then provide services around it.14:33
longsleepogra_: true, that will be all different for sure. But it does not mean that it is worse. It just gives control.14:33
longsleepincluding the power to fuck it up for sure14:33
longsleepSo essentially i might eventually need the transactional Ubuntu provided by snappy with the same level of freedom to create my own variant on top of it.14:36
ogra_you can do that today (the on top of it part)14:37
longsleepnot when i want updates without public internet access or no third party connections14:37
longsleepat the moment that requires patching rootfs config, patching snappy tool and patching u-d-f.14:39
ogra_i suspect it will in the future as well14:39
longsleepogra_: yeah i am just starting on this - but i need to have the answers if we can use snappy or at least parts of it for our more secured environments as well14:40
longsleepso at the moment for that i have to run my own system-image server and snap server, create own rootfs with patched tools and config and have patched u-d-f for image building.14:42
ogra_well, i guess having a local upgrade from usb key (or SD card) upgrade abiliy mmight be a good thing for that usecase14:42
longsleepogra_: not if you have many devices14:43
ogra_so you could give your customers an image they can just auto-flash by booting from it14:43
ogra_or netbooting from it ;)14:43
ogra_with a special boot mode14:43
longsleepogra_: well, netbooting would do it - but not all updates should force a reboot either14:43
longsleepogra_: right now customers have their own deb mirror for their specific variant on top of ubuntu14:44
ogra_well, for that you can still have some push server scripted around snappy-remote14:44
longsleepogra_: mhm for that one central server needs to know all the servers and must have ssh access to them14:44
ogra_yes, indeed14:45
longsleepogra_: very different from https access to a single ip from many locations14:45
longsleepogra_: so eventually we will have something - i would prefer to have a little changes to Snappy as possible for such use cases. I will keep you posted once ideas come up.14:47
ogra_yeah, and dont forget, i'm only speculating as much as you ... the only one who can give authoritative answers about actual store implementation is beuno14:48
longsleepsure - still it helps a lot to get some feedback from someone who is closer to source14:49
longsleepeventually i might add some feature requests to the bug tracker if i am more clear on what we want to do how and then14:50
longsleepOther question, snappy yaml port negotiable option, is that implemented and how do i get the port it might have chosen instead?14:52
longsleepdocs say (there is no implementation for this yet)14:52
beunolongsleep, it hasn't been implemented yet14:53
longsleepstill true i assume?14:53
ogra_and i think the docs are right14:53
ogra_yeah, i guess14:53
longsleepok thanks - so are there ideas how it will be implemented?14:53
longsleepi want to add configuration to the spreed-webrtc snap and ports are one thing i want to have there14:54
elopiofgimenez: I can't ssh into
fgimenezelopio, maybe it's down, let me check15:09
elopiofgimenez: I just need the credentials. Maybe you can send them to me by mail, encrypted with my gpg key :)15:37
fgimenezelopio, seems to be working, https://code.launchpad.net/~fgimenez/snappy-tests-job/test1/+merge/26783115:38
fgimenezelopio, i've just added your ssh keys there15:38
elopiofgimenez: cool, thanks.15:39
elopiofgimenez: it expanded the URL, wtf15:39
fgimenezelopio, you can try with MPs to snappy-jenkins-job15:39
fgimenezsnappy-tests-job, sorry15:40
fgimenezelopio, all the config seems to be the same15:40
elopiofgimenez: I wasted my day and was so happy to have found a solution in the end. I hate computers.15:41
fgimenezelopio, let's see what's the difference, the user name and password for jenkins are the same as for the shared canonistack user15:42
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fgimenezelopio, here are the first changes for the test output https://code.launchpad.net/~fgimenez/snappy/parseable-test-output/+merge/267838, let me know what do you think16:08
seshuhello there. Just checking to confirm, is WebDM written in "go programming language"?17:47
beunoseshu, it is, yes17:48
seshuThanks! beuno.17:49
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* Chipaca peeks in19:52
Chipacaogra_: you probably know these things: how's a "wan ethernet" different from a "lan ethernet"? is it just different broadcast domains? asking for http://igg.me/at/2ffEJUPWerU/x/403258119:53
tedChipaca, I'm betting they're configured differently on the routing chip. So the LAN ports are all automatically switched without hitting the CPU.20:33
ogra_Chipaca, the same thing as your "uplink" port on a switch ... it can probably speak MPLS (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiprotocol_Label_Switching) and other shiny stuff21:13
ogra_technically ethernet is ethernet though ... and normal lan ports can usually run MPLS as well ... i would expect there is some kind of optimization or so21:17
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kyrofaogra_, you still around?22:01
kyrofaelopio, how about you?22:04
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kyrofated, you still around?22:13
elopiokyrofa: hello22:52

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