=== javiercrowsoft1 is now known as javiercrowsoft [01:00] mcphail that copy and paste bug should be fixed [04:24] hey all [04:25] anyone know how in qml I can store an id for a component? === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [06:56] good morning [08:18] hi [08:18] i need some help for ubuntu sdk [08:18] i have a bug [08:33] why the "publish" button of ubuntu sdk is off ? [09:48] antony__: unfortunately, I'm still getting the "copy" dialog appearing on long presses of the D-pad [10:59] popey: weren't there some rumors about that the components of the terminal app can be reused? [11:16] zbenjamin: we had planned to do that, yes. but nobody has had the time to rip the app apart and make a reusable component [11:16] popey: :( [11:16] popey: ok thanks [11:26] zbenjamin, ah, sad, i was hoping you knew more than me :) [11:26] ogra_: me too :/ === VDVsx_ is now known as VDVsx === _salem is now known as salem_ [12:31] dholbach, around? [12:31] davidcalle, yep [12:31] Hey :) [12:31] how are things? [12:34] dholbach, I've been having some issues with my credentials to deploy to staging. Luckily, it's been sorted out by IS late last night. Now I need to figure out how to deploy latest trunk. Apparently, it can be done by doing a merge on the mojo project (that changes the trunk revno used), but I'm looking for an easier solution. [12:34] so for a deployment we need to propose a merge to another branch with a certain revno? [12:36] dholbach, apparently, yes. But I'm asking caio for an easier path that could be done directly on the server. Note that re-deployment of the revno already on the server works perfectly (and takes about 30min). [12:36] The goat is fine. [12:36] And Juju is as cool as advertised :) [12:37] haha [12:37] I think that's also how we did things for the LTP [12:37] have trunk and have a production branch [12:37] LTP? [12:37] dpm, dholbach, btw, url dispatcher tutorial is now live, will blog it in a moment [12:37] loco team portal [12:38] Oh right [12:38] nice! [12:41] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamPortal/ReleaseProcess [12:41] davidcalle, excellent! [12:42] davidcalle, do we have a public URL for staging? [12:42] dpm, developer.staging.ubuntu.com [12:44] dpm, it's an empty devportal instance, though. /webapp-generator is here, this is the way I assess the deployment worked :) [12:45] davidcalle, with the mojo spec, do we have a way to populate it with data? (I'm asking just out of curiosity) [12:46] Would anyone be kind enough to point me towards a comprehensive document on Content Hub? https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/platform/guides/content-hub-guide/ is a bit thin [12:47] dpm, probably, we would need a data dump of the django in prod, and load it there. Not sure how to actually do that in the Juju world, will ask. [12:57] mcphail, there is a tutorial in progress, with an eta of next monday. [12:58] mcphail, I know that this app (https://github.com/turanmahmudov/Wallpaper ) has nice code around with very clean QML [12:58] around it* [12:58] (note that it only exports, not imports) [13:02] davidcalle: cheers! [13:03] davidcalle: is it possible to be an exported/imported without resorting th Qt/QML? I'm keen to do this from a shell script with minimal interaction [13:08] mcphail, just use cp and mv ;-) More seriously, I don't think it has shell commands. [13:09] davidcalle: I'm looking to create a GUI helper app for my syncthing background client. I can't create a GUI for the client itself as that will break the way I am hacking the lifecycle management so it won't run in the background :) [13:18] kenvandine: hey! so, let's imagine I have an image file in my app that I preview. I want when the user clicks on it to open it in the default application, passing the image as payload [13:18] kenvandine: I guess as there is some image sharing, it's still contenthub, but it's more "pushing this and going to that application" [13:19] yeah [13:19] I wonder if we have anything for this, and if so, what is a great example? [13:19] that's an export [13:19] like "open with" [13:19] ok, it's only exporting? [13:19] my hub-exporter example does that [13:19] yeah [13:20] \o/ didrocks [13:20] salut tshirtman ;) [13:20] kenvandine: I guess you saw my bug reports on content-hub, do you have anytime to discuss them over hangouts today or tomorrow? [13:20] (I'll be at debconf then) [13:21] kenvandine: if not, let's plan later, I have enough to play and open new bugs thanks to your exporter branch ;) [13:21] didrocks, i saw it, there are plans in place already :) [13:21] great, I would love to discuss them with you [13:21] tvoss and i have been discussing a real ContentStore API [13:21] nothing concrete yet, and no work planned [13:21] didrocks: i finally installed touch on my nexus 4, building stuff on it, currently sdl2 stuff for kivy, seems doing a kivy bootsrap shouldn't be too hard :) [13:21] ah nice, that's really the missing point I guess [13:21] yeah [13:22] kenvandine: do you think there is any way to test the exporter branch on desktop? [13:22] I guess it's using upstart-app-launch, so "no" :p [13:22] tshirtman: nice! [13:22] didrocks, it's tricky :) [13:23] kenvandine: I'm happy to trick it :p [13:23] (as for the importer, which was painless… hem ;)) [13:23] didrocks, it's the same way we did for importer [13:23] there is an auto consumer? [13:23] yes [13:24] same package, just need to run the hook I guess? [13:24] yup [13:24] content-hub-test-importer [13:24] is the consumer for exports [13:24] I just need to add the gsettings key, and the importer should be triggered? [13:24] yes [13:25] kenvandine: mind giving me the gsettings key? the hook really didn't register anything here [13:26] com.ubuntu.content.hub.source pictures ['content-hub-test-exporter'] [13:26] * didrocks gsettings set and try [13:26] whoops [13:26] wait [13:26] not .source I guess? [13:26] com.ubuntu.content.hub.destination pictures ['content-hub-test-importer'] [13:26] destination? [13:26] \o/ [13:28] kenvandine: ok, so I guess after selection the peer, I don't really see anything (as there is no UI in the test importer), it just goes back to the app, right? [13:28] with state as 4 [13:28] yup [13:28] that's what you want [13:28] if there was a UI, it would stay [13:28] until you switch back [13:29] kenvandine: so, I'm happy to say that was way smoother than the other day, implementing it in my app now, thanks! :) [13:29] kenvandine: yeah, making sense [13:29] great [13:50] davidcalle: are you involved with the content-hub documentation? If so, could you mkae a couple of tweaks on the API page as per https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/content-hub/+bug/1484124 ? [13:50] Ubuntu bug 1484124 in content-hub (Ubuntu) "Errors in Ubuntu Content API documentation" [Undecided,New] [13:51] around the same topic, bug #1483546 would be nice to fix [13:52] bug 1483546 in content-hub (Ubuntu) "Default content-hub example doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1483546 [13:52] mcphail, not involved on the API docs level, but I can ping the right person for this bug [13:52] I didn't look at it but maybe it's an easy one [13:52] davidcalle: cheers! [13:52] kenvandine, davidcalle, ^ unsure what/how much changes, but the example snippet should probably work [13:52] the bug has no details on what doesn't work though [13:53] so unsure if it's an easy one or not [13:53] I've on my todo to try and play with that, but unsure when I'm going to have cycle for it [13:53] so maybe somebody else who knows the component can fix in some minutes ;-) [13:54] the example should work for sure [13:54] I'm going to try in a bit and tell you if it works for me [13:54] it looks like it should work [13:54] but it isn't a standalone app [13:55] so maybe that's creating confusion? [13:55] it should work if it was referenced by an app with it's own MainView, etc [13:55] perhaps [13:55] it's a code snippet that should be suitable to be used in an app [13:55] k [13:55] perhaps there is something else broken in it [13:55] but at first glance it looks fine === salem_ is now known as _salem === _salem is now known as salem_ [14:02] sorry, I was tired after opening all the bugs, I should precise "on the desktop" [14:03] didrocks, is that specific to desktop? [14:03] yep [14:04] what's different there? [14:04] * didrocks rephrase [14:04] the example attempts to import from the default source [14:04] which is gallery-app [14:04] which doesn't have the necessary hook in the desktop if I understood ken correctly [14:05] bug report rephrased [14:05] thanks [14:05] yw [14:06] it's a bit less concerning that things not working at all ;-) [14:06] yep, but keep in mind that's what most of developers will try [14:06] however, it's importing Ubuntu.components 0.1 IIRC [14:06] no, 1.1 [14:06] https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/apps/qml/sdk-15.04/Ubuntu.Content.index/ has 1.1 at least [14:07] some other parts have 0.1, one sec [14:07] https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/apps/qml/sdk-15.04/Ubuntu.Content.ContentHub/ [14:08] yeah, seems like quite of the code is still doing that [14:08] is that an issue? [14:09] unsure, didn't try as doesn't work on desktop [14:09] we are not keeping up with new import versions in most our components [14:12] mcphail that copy/paste issue should be gone now. [14:14] antony__: great - will test and report back [14:15] antony__: the "updates" page is doing an endless spinny thing [14:17] h1 [14:34] Did it update yet? [14:36] antony__: 0.98 is latest in the store as far as I can see [14:37] antony__: no - the version from this morning was the last one. It still has the copy bug [14:51] rpadovani, hey... bacon2d with the InfiniteScrollEntity is now in wily and the stable overlay ppa for vivid [14:52] rpadovani, sorry it took so long, had qmake issues [14:53] Thats odd, still says further changes awaiting review for the fix i uploaded. Normally its approved in seconds [14:54] oh? let me see [14:54] antony__: says 0.99 updated 4 mins ago [14:55] now i see 0.99 latest [14:56] Stills says .98 as latest approved [14:57] status: review in progress [14:59] passed [15:01] antony__: the Updates page is not working for me this afternoon. I'll test whenever it stops spinning [15:01] k [15:36] kenvandine: after receiving "Collected", should I get "Finalized" on the phone? (I don't really know if I don't receive it because content-hub is crashing in import/export on that state due to invalid APP_ID) [15:37] no, you would have to choose to finalize [15:37] it isn't required [15:37] ok, so "Collected" can be the final state, got it [15:37] finalized means you are done with the cached content and it'll get removed [15:37] ah [15:37] so it's when you import [15:37] if you don't do it, the hub will clean it up when it exits [15:37] yeah [15:37] ok [15:37] well, if you can use the cache content and not have to use the app store (see one of my bug) [15:38] kenvandine: still unsure about the difference between share and export [15:38] it won't persist across reboots, but would be fine for a bit [15:38] sounds good [15:38] export and share are technically identical [15:38] but [15:38] we need to differentiate it for the user experience [15:38] (so same transfer state, copying…) [15:39] the app should choose handlers that "share" when the user wants to share it as opposed to opening it [15:39] like posting to facebook [15:39] attaching to gmail [15:39] ok, so it's only to register 2 handlers [15:39] etc [15:39] right [15:39] making sense now then :) [15:39] so your app might be able to import content, but it doesn't share it externally [15:39] so the user journey is different [15:39] cool [15:39] yeah, I was just wondering about the technical difference [15:39] I got the intent difference ;) [15:40] but as there are known and it's just to get another handler, I'm fine with that explanation :) [15:42] do push notifications work in the emulator? (i.e. can one implement and test push feature without a device?) === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|gym [19:00] ahayzen: having a look at the QUrl docs, do you think we need to pass the QUrl::DecodeReserved flag in the .toString call in AalMediaPlayerControl::unescape? [19:03] mcphail, i've gtg, i'll have look later when i'm back :-) [19:05] ok! [19:07] jhodapp|gym: ping me when you are jhodapp|backfromgym [19:12] Working a bug and have a question, let me know if there is a better place. How can I trigger a trusted prompt? I have an old app that I wrote that clears the trust store and asks for GPS location, but its not prompting [19:15] humm, looks like the clock app still asks.. maybe ill just modify that === jhodapp|gym is now known as jhodapp [19:30] Hi guys. Has anyone managed to get Ubuntu SDK running on Mac yet? It's all I have for the next few months, unfortunately. [19:34] mcphail, so I would recommend just experimenting with it until you get it to work...take a look at all of the options available for QUrl [19:34] mcphail, and then make sure that you can build the qtubuntu-media package so that the tests are run [19:34] jhodapp: I need to build on the phone? [19:35] yeah [19:35] mcphail, apt-get build-dep qtubuntu-media [19:35] mcphail, you don't have to, but it's easiest imo [19:35] thecosmicfrog: humm QtCreator should work on mac [19:35] jhodapp: then just standard debian build after that? [19:35] mcphail, yeah, debuild [19:36] thecosmicfrog: that isn't too much help, especially if you don't have a physical device though [19:36] mcphail, I would do a make; make install but you said this needs to be a stable phone, so I'd recommend using package installation [19:36] jhodapp: ok - I'll try in an armhf chroot first but will build on the phone if I can't get it to work [19:36] josharenson: Yeah, I was thinking the issue would be more with the applets that connect to the phone, allow deployment, etc. I have a BQ phone so that's not the issue. Just no Ubuntu development system :( [19:37] mcphail, sounds good [19:38] thecosmicfrog: my personal development flow is: write app in vim w/ qt/qml bindings, cross-build an armhf deb, and install the deb on the device [19:38] thecosmicfrog: oh duh, you can't cross build if you don't have ubuntu huh [19:39] thecosmicfrog: sorry [19:39] :( [19:39] Haha [19:39] thecosmicfrog: could still build on the device, but that whole process is clucky and not ideal... [19:40] jhodapp: If i build on the phone, is it sensible to do an apt-get update && dist-upgrade first? [19:40] mcphail, not an upgrade [19:41] but it's sensible to have the latest package list [19:41] ok [19:43] popey on? [19:45] thecosmicfrog: run ubuntu in a vm is the best advice I can give sorry [19:46] davmor2: Yeah, currently installing Ubuntu MATE. To hell with attempting to run Unity in VirtualBox :D [19:47] (Plus, I've been meaning to give MATE a spin. popey and wimpy's propoganda is rubbing off on me.) [19:48] I use unity in a vm for app development [19:56] jhodapp: looks as if I can't build this on vivid... [19:57] jhodapp: do you know how I can install the overlay ppa in a chroot? That might help [19:57] not with that attitude you cant [20:05] mcphail, I don't, you might ask in #ubuntu-ci-eng [20:06] jhodapp: I've given up on the chroot. I'll break my phone instead :) [20:06] mcphail, you can also do a chroot on the phone [20:07] jhodapp: no - I'll just reflash [20:07] mcphail, this is what I do: https://wiki.debian.org/Schroot [20:13] looks as if I need to build this on wily [20:14] what would be a good wily channel for krillin? [20:18] Anyone been able to disable the context menu in html5 apps? [21:54] mcphail, you should build that on vivid [21:54] mcphail, wily is out of commission for a bit while the gcc5 issues are resolved [21:56] jhodapp: I can't get it to build on vivid due to dependency error. Currently have a broken wily phone :) [21:58] mcphail, you ran apt-get build-dep qtubuntu-media right? [21:58] you should have everything you need then [21:58] jhodapp: yes, but one package (can't remember which) was too old. [21:59] mcphail, how is that possible? [22:00] mcphail, can you show me the error? [22:00] jhodapp: check out the debian control file. libqtubuntu-media-signals-dev (>= 0.3+15.10.20150618.1-0ubuntu1) [22:00] jhodapp: don't have that in vivid+overlay [22:01] mcphail, you're not on vivid then [22:01] mcphail, what channel did you use for vivid on krillin? [22:01] jhodapp: it was just the standard OTA channel, whatever that was [22:02] mcphail, yeah I'd go back to vivid, and then we can get whatever was wrong figured out [22:02] mcphail, use this channel: ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en [22:05] jhodapp: just need to work out how to flash without a bootable phone [22:06] mcphail, with or without wiping? [22:07] jhodapp: preferably without [22:08] jhodapp: thought you could use adb from recovery [22:08] for that you need to get a recovery image that has adb enabled [22:08] not anymore for security reasons [22:09] jhodapp: so I should try fastboot instead? [22:10] jhodapp: (or can I use fastboot to flash an adb-enabled recovery?) [22:10] yes indeed, just need to find the link to that special recovery image [22:11] mcphail, so you'd do something like: ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en --bootstrap --recovery-image=/path/recovery.img [22:11] I may have that last option wrong, check the --help on that [22:11] mcphail, if you can't find that recovery image via google, ogra_ will know where it's at [22:13] jhodapp: think i've got it [22:13] awesome [22:13] mcphail, I've got to run for now, dinner time [22:13] good luck [22:14] cheers. I'll get back to you tomorrow with my progress :) === javiercrowsoft1 is now known as javiercrowsoft