
pittiGood morning04:03
didrocksgood morning05:44
tjaaltondidrocks: how's the new intel? :)06:25
didrockstjaalton: not crashy (yet)06:29
didrockstjaalton: will keep you posted if I see anything today :p06:30
* RAOF should really check if his hang-on-resume is really DRI3 related.07:05
tjaaltonRAOF: you mean if we could enable it again?07:35
RAOFOr, rather, I enabled it and noticed that things were screwy.07:36
tjaaltonwhat gen do you have?07:36
RAOFIris pro 520007:36
tjaaltonso IVB07:36
RAOFOh, might be off by a gen. Haswell :)07:36
tjaaltonoh right07:37
RAOFOh, that's right.07:37
RAOFThat's gen 7.5 :)(07:37
tjaaltongood, I have haswell too07:37
tjaaltontoo bad it doesn't do S307:37
* RAOF was *pretty* sure broadwell was 8, so...07:37
RAOFWell, this laptop S3s fine.07:37
RAOFAnd it even *mostly* comes back.07:37
tjaaltonmine is an intel beta07:37
RAOFYeah, had one of those.07:38
tjaaltonright mine does suspend, but is totally worthless after resume07:38
RAOFIf this comes back, it comes back fine.07:38
RAOFIt just sometimes doesn't come back.07:38
RAOFBut now that I consult my Xorg.0.log I don't think I can blame DRI3 for that anymore.07:39
tjaaltongood ole harris beach.. can't understand why they only sent one qual upgrade unit to us.. two weeks after the betas arrived07:39
RAOFSo, in related news, Haswell is buggy on 15.10 :)07:40
seb128good morning desktopers07:40
tjaaltondoes wily have 4.2 already?07:40
RAOFAhem. No.07:40
darkxsthey seb12807:40
pittibonjour seb12807:41
RAOFI know that enables some PPPPPPGT thingy that's been in development since forever.07:41
seb128hey RAOF tjaalton darkxst pitti07:41
tjaaltonhey seb12807:41
RAOFYo seb128!07:41
darkxstindeed seems unpaired devices won't show up in g-c-c with bluez5 ;(07:41
seb128darkxst, thanks for testing!07:41
darkxstpaired devices do show up though, I'll try with 3.1607:43
* didrocks confirms07:46
seb128did you try under unity?07:46
seb128k, weird07:47
seb128here it writes "No bluetooth adapter found"07:47
didrocksI paired the other way (from devices to laptop), so didn't notice07:47
didrocksseb128: I meant, I tried our u-c-c07:47
didrockswhich is basically the same behavior for unpaired device (which makes sense)07:47
seb128ah, right07:48
seb128didrocks, can you try g-c-c.real?07:48
seb128we are talking about g-c-c specifically07:49
seb128u-c-c works for me07:49
darkxstoh, after I told my phone to forget laptop, it showed up in g-c-c07:49
seb128g-c-c doesn't07:49
didrocksseb128: well, g-c-c.real does the same "no bluetooth adapter found" in unity07:50
didrocksdarkxst: ah, let me try07:50
seb128didrocks, k, so not only me07:50
seb128that seems buggy, or it depends on some gnome component to be on the bus or something07:50
darkxstI dot not a "no bluetooth adapter found" in g-c-c07:50
darkxstdo not get07:50
didrocksyeah, not sure what interface it's expecting07:51
didrocksdarkxst: hum, disociating both sides doesn't show the device up in u-c-c for me though07:51
darkxstdidrocks, I was talking about g-c-c btw07:52
didrocksdarkxst: yeah, I doubt there is huge diff on that though07:52
seb128didrocks, u-c-c is supposed to list only known devices, otherwise you need to do "+" to add devices07:52
didrocksbluetoothctl devices07:52
didrocksonly list the paired one07:52
didrocksseb128: ah ok, so yeah, it works07:53
seb128didrocks, the new g-c-c has a different UI, they removed the wizard/dialer to add devices, those are supposed to be listed in the main list instead07:53
darkxstdidrocks, g-c-c bluetooth panel changed bigtime after bluez507:53
didrocksdarkxst: I thought we reused the upstream panel and modified it07:53
didrocksbut ok, the version in the ppa is just the reimport of the older one07:53
seb128didrocks, https://rishi.fedorapeople.org/gnome-control-center-bluetooth.png07:54
didrocksseb128: oh right, I remember that UI now07:54
didrocksso all good on u-c-c side, apart from the issue I mentionned on the ML07:54
seb128right, and I can confirm the issue here07:55
seb128it should be fixed but isn't a blocker for landing imho, you can unpair using the indicator07:56
didrocksseb128: +107:56
seb128didrocks, thanks for testing!07:56
didrocksseb128: I wonder if it's the issue about doubling signal07:56
didrockslike it's sending a disable one07:57
didrocksthe indicator is sending enable07:57
seb128darkxst, did you try under unity btw? or are you remark from testing under GNOME only?07:57
didrocksand so it switches back, or if it's really disabled07:57
seb128didrocks, could be but I don't even see the widget flicker07:57
didrocksanyway, we'll see, but not a biggy07:57
darkxstseb128, not tried u-c-c yet. think it failed to install actually on my laptop07:58
seb128darkxst, no, I meant g-c-c under !GNOME07:58
seb128though I guess it's not a setup we care much about07:58
seb128g-c-c is mostly used under GNOME07:58
seb128I'm just wondering if there is a bug here (but didrocks gets the same) or if something makes it not work out of GNOME envs07:59
didrockswould be interesting to see how it works with Mate for instance07:59
darkxstseb128, no, that seems pointless really07:59
didrockshey willcooke07:59
seb128hey willcooke07:59
darkxstdidrocks, an mate uses a forked g-c-c 208:00
didrocksdarkxst: how would that work with bluez5, do you know if they adapated it for it?08:01
darkxstno idea, flexiondotorg ^?08:02
seb128he replied on the list asking if we can update blueman2 in the ppa as well08:02
seb128which I'm looking at now08:03
seb128so maybe they use blueman?08:03
didrocksseb128: org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Rfkill08:03
didrocksseems like the dbus iface that g-c-c bluetooth panel is using08:03
didrocks(and I don't see it under u-s-d and unity)08:03
willcookehi Laney08:04
didrockshey Laney08:04
seb128hey Laney08:04
Laneywhat goes?08:04
seb128didrocks, ok, makes sense, they moved that to g-c-c I think08:04
pittihey Laney, good morning08:05
didrocksseb128: confirmed, that's what they call the "adapter"08:05
darkxsthey Laney08:05
darkxstrfkill is still in g-s-d so far as I remember, it has always been there08:07
darkxstthe interface may have changed since u-s-d was forked though08:07
seb128didrocks, thanks for checking!08:09
seb128Laney, can you feel the earth moving?08:10
seb128some gcc5 bits migrated to wily08:10
* seb128 got emails about things hitting wily proper during the night08:11
pittiyes, gcc-5 was unleashed08:11
pittiwhich unblocked quite a bunch of stuff08:11
Laneyindeed, I had loads of migrations08:12
seb128Laney, pitti, seems like https://code.launchpad.net/~justinmcp/aptdaemon/1352654/+merge/243354 fixes packagekit (according to robert_ancell)08:19
darkxstseb128, packagekit 1.0?08:23
seb128no, we are on 0.8 still08:24
seb128or I'm unsure what you are asking08:24
pittiyeah, I thought 1.0 was blocked on click08:24
pittiMoM has a comment like that08:24
seb128it is08:25
seb1281.0 drops support for plugins08:25
seb128which click is  using atm08:25
darkxstI know its blocked on click, but wasnt aware of anything else that would break api wise08:25
pittiah, I thought that was apt -> aptcc08:25
pittithat broke langpacks and other plugins too indeed08:26
darkxstpitti, thats a different story, but ximion is happy for patches in aptcc to handle langpacks08:26
seb128what did? the drop of plugins in 1.0?08:26
pittidarkxst: not from me -- waaaaaaaaaay to complicated08:26
pittiseb128: moving to aptcc08:26
pitti(I thought this alraedy happened in 0.8, not sure)08:26
seb128darkxst, in case you missed the start of the discussion, "pkcon install <something>" doesn't work on wily, with 0.808:27
seb128pitti, it might be08:27
seb128unsure what changed between vivid and wily08:27
pittiI just gave up on PK, TBH -- we've used the aptdaemon implementation which has always worked much better and faster08:27
seb128but not aptdaemon08:27
seb128so yeah, maybe that's a side effect of apt->aptcc08:27
pittiPK as a D-Bus interface is a fine idea08:27
pittiPK as "the implementation" quite bad for Debian IMHO08:28
darkxstI didnt say you have to switch to aptcc on the lists, that would seem to be a longterm goal, but getting packagekit 1.0 is a short term goal08:30
pittithat's fine I think -- our current PK already dropped the apt backend, so there's nothing further to lose from that point08:31
willcookeTrevinho, hikiko - hope that new meeting time on Friday is suitable for you both.  Let me know if not08:31
seb128can we get pk1.0 and get our stuff (aptdaemon, sessioninsaller, ...) keep working the same way?08:31
pittiwrt. to general plugins, that's certainy a bigger blocker (wrt. click)08:32
Trevinhowillcooke: fri is fine for me08:32
seb128oh, Trevinho is back again? ;-)08:32
hikikowillcooke, for me it's fine :)08:32
seb128so he was just off to avoid the meeting!08:32
Trevinhoseb128: not yet... I've a ship to take this afternoon08:33
Trevinhoseb128: so half-available .)08:33
seb128going to China by boat? ;-)08:33
Trevinhono, I've to go back to my place in italy08:34
seb128safe travel then ;-)08:36
* willcooke wonders why he lives in a country which has "yellow rain warnings"08:36
willcookeI should move to Italy too08:37
Trevinhoyeah... Here it rained yesterday after about two months of sun08:37
Trevinhoeven too much sun :)08:37
willcookeOhhhh, too much sun??  Poor Trevinho, with his sunshine.  ;D08:38
willcookeIt's bloomin' *dark* here08:38
hikikoyou should come to Greece if you like sun guys... this is the 1st week we don't have 38 degrees... :p (we have 35)08:39
willcookeI think I'll try and book a holiday to a Greek island next year.  Maybe Kefalonia08:40
hikikokefalonia is nice and the Ionian sea is not too hot like the Aegean :)08:40
davmor2willcooke: I have Sun08:40
willcookedavmor2, pictures or it didnt happen08:41
Trevinhoyeah, we need to help greece... let's move all there08:41
hikikothe ionian sea islands are pretty much like Italy :) and basically they were part of italy :)08:41
tjaaltonhmm mesa update is blocked by something08:42
davmor2willcooke: http://people.canonical.com/~davmor2/image20150812_094241420.jpg and http://people.canonical.com/~davmor2/image20150812_094245293.jpg08:46
willcookedavmor2, bah - no fair08:46
hikikowhere's that place? uk?08:47
davmor2willcooke: you just live in the wrong bit on England, we tell you southerns that it's grim up here but that's only because you're big girls blouses and we don't want to have to water down the beer or Cider ;)08:48
Laneytjaalton: weird, it says that yade is in progress but I don't see that08:50
Laneypitti: any clue about that?08:50
pittiLaney: ah, because yade is uninstallable08:51
pittiso it's waiting for yade to become installable before it can run the test08:51
Laneythat shows as 'test in progress'?08:52
pittiLaney: see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2015-August/003339.html thread08:52
pittiLaney: ATM yes; it's not ideal, we are currently discussing how to handle this08:52
pittibefore we just let new packages break things in -release, now it's holding back things too aggressively08:52
LaneyOh, I saw the thread but not this detail08:53
pitti-> if mesa doesn't break yade, it's fine to override08:53
pittiI need to read the britney code to more thoroughly understand why it adds these (FTBFS/uninstallable) to "exclusions"08:54
* pitti wonders if there's a knob in the new pinentry stuff to forget my gpg passphrase less often than every 10 mins09:13
Laneygpg-agent options -> default-cache-ttl?09:17
pitti$ gpg-agent options09:25
pittigpg-agent: gpg-agent running and available09:25
pittiLaney: is that a config file somewhere?09:25
pittiah, ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf ?09:26
Laneypitti: oh right, yes, sorry - "echo default-cache-ttl 9999 > ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf" or so09:26
Laneyhaven't tested this myself, mind - just read gpg-agent(1)09:27
pittiyeah, I did this now, will restart my session to see whether it works09:27
pittiI'm sure I'll upload some more packages today :)09:27
Laneyyou can reload the agent09:27
Laneyecho RELOADAGENT | gpg-connect-agent09:27
pittiyay, thanks09:28
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jcastroricotz: mamarley: tseliot: heya so what do you guys think the next step should be?13:04
mamarleyProbably go ahead and set up a team for it on Launchpad and create the PPA so we can get started.13:04
mamarleyI was thinking it might be a good idea to have some sort of hidden PPA to which the packages could initially be uploaded, and then copied to the real PPA once they pass at least some basic smoke-testing.13:04
mamarleyAnother thing I was wondering is how to handle the users who are already using my current PPA?13:05
mamarleyI can definitely put up a message in the description asking people to use the new one instead, but I don't think most people go looking at the PPA description much after the first time they add it.13:06
didrockswillcooke: FYI, I just took an hour to put my x220 appart, (change keyboard) and cleanup fans. It's like a all new one, no more overheating and such (and so, fan turning way slower, so less noise). You should try on yours which was overheating as well IIRC13:08
didrocks(it's way easier than on my Dell to do that operation)13:09
jcastrodidrocks: I have to take my thinkpad apart to change the wireless card, it's fun and scary at the same time.13:10
didrocksjcastro: still your x220?13:10
didrocksah, you changed since :)13:10
jcastrojust remember when you upgrade to skip the x240 and go for the x25013:10
didrocksat least, on the x220, it was issue, not sure for the x23013:10
jcastroyeah my 220 died, such a shame, great laptop13:10
didrocksyep :)13:10
mamarleyI had to take my T530 apart to dry out once because an HVAC accident caused some water to get dumped on it.  It wasn't difficult at all.13:10
didrocksah :/13:10
didrocksyeah, quite impressed by the quality and documentation you find13:11
jcastroyeah I got the service manual13:11
jcastroit's top notch13:11
didrocksyeah, that + the little picture at the back to tell you what screws is for what…13:11
seb128didrocks, did you manage to fix your keyboard?13:12
mamarleySadly, they got rid of the hardware multiplexer for the T540, so you can't use the NVIDIA card to its full potential with Linux anymore.13:12
didrocksseb128: I had another one shipped to me, so yeah, replaced and happy :)13:13
didrocksbut that was the excuse to clean it, which was long overdue13:13
didrocksand the results are way better than what I was expecting13:13
didrocks(even if it didn't seem that dusty)13:14
tseliotjcastro: what mamarley suggested sounds good to me13:14
didrocksmamarley: the only thing that I hate about my x220 is the intel card, it's not as good as I have hoped (and I had low expectations)13:14
jcastrodidrocks: the new iris pro intels perform quite well, they get expensive quickly though13:15
mamarleydidrocks: Yeah, I have tried out mine in Intel-only mode, but I can't fix the tearing so I keep switching back to NVIDIA mode.13:15
didrocksmamarley: what about your battery consumption then?13:16
tseliottearing in videoclips or in general?13:16
mamarleydidrocks: Last time I tried, it would last for about 6 hours.  I haven't used it on the battery in a while though.13:16
didrocksnot bad13:16
mamarleytseliot: The tearing was in kwin with compositing turned on, so it affects everything.  I get no tearing with NVIDIA though.13:16
tseliotmamarley: is that intel only or intel+nvidia. As, for the latter, it's kind of expected. If it's the former, it's probably kwin (I can't reproduce the problem with compiz)13:18
mamarleytseliot: It was Intel-only.  I had kwin in full scene repaint mode too.13:18
willcookedidrocks, cool (geddit!)  I just squirted a lot of compressed air in to the fan, that seems to have solved the random power offs13:19
jcastromamarley: yeah so I guess create the PPA, invite the right people, respond on the list?13:19
didrocksthat's good enough :)13:19
mamarleyjcastro: Am I even allowed to create a team on Launchpad?13:20
ricotzjcastro, hi, create a proper group, and a ppa which should support armhf13:20
tseliotmamarley: that's weird but I haven't used kwin in ages13:20
jcastromamarley: anybody can create a team on lp13:20
ricotze.g. "ubuntu-gpu-team"13:20
mamarleyricotz: But then I couldn't upload to it because only Canonical employees can upload to non-virtualized PPAs.13:21
ricotzso it could fit fglrx needs too13:21
jcastroricotz: just name it so when users add it it's easy to remember, etc.13:21
ricotzmamarley, no, armhf support is not connected to non-virtualized13:21
mamarleyOh, OK.13:21
tseliotI think i386 and amd64 are our main focus anyway13:22
ricotzright, but keep the nvidia armhf building and tested it useful13:22
mamarleyJust as a disclaimer, I have never packaged NVIDIA stuff on ARM before.13:22
tseliotthat would be nice to have13:22
ricotztseliot, you git repo should be the base for the packaging, should be added to launchpad too then13:23
tseliotmamarley: it's ok, usually you don't have to touch any code for armhf13:23
tseliotricotz: right, we have git support on launchpad now13:23
ricotztseliot, did you read my message on the list?13:24
tseliotbut yes, let me take care of the big packaging changes13:24
tseliotricotz: err... what list?13:24
mamarleySo does everybody agree on "ubuntu-gpu-team" for the team name?13:24
ricotztseliot, i really don't like those transitional packages which should not be part of the driver package13:24
ricotzthis should be handled with metapackages to transition users to a new series if needed13:25
tseliotricotz: it's ok to keep a small diff against my repository13:25
tseliotwe tried to come up with decent metapackages but you can never really predict how many legacy drivers NVIDIA will come up with13:26
ricotztseliot, this is not what I am saying, the used packaging structure for the ppa stuff should match the archive one aka be official13:26
tseliotdo you have a plan to show me what you mean about metapackaging?13:26
ricotzlike the linux kernel is doing it13:27
ricotzthose tansitional package would "silently" purge older driver series which should not happen imo13:28
tseliotI don't think I'm on that list13:28
ricotztseliot, I explicitly sent it to you too13:30
didrockstseliot: unrelated but… no intel driver crash for now :)13:30
didrockstseliot: I'll call it victory if it passes tomorrow13:30
didrockstjaalton: as well ^13:30
tseliotricotz: I'm pretty sure I've never received that email13:30
didrocks(not sure if you followed that crash tseliot)13:31
tseliotdidrocks: no, I really don't know what issue you're talking about :)13:31
tjaaltontab-complete fail I guess :)13:31
tjaaltonah no13:31
ricotzdidrocks, you mean tjaalton13:31
didrocksyeah, it was tab-complete fail at first ;) ETOOMANYT13:31
tjaaltondidrocks: good, I'll update it to a later snapshot before FF13:32
tjaaltonand move the bugs a bit, maybe someone can bother do a bisect..13:32
ricotztseliot, are you ok with "ubuntu-gpu-team"?13:32
tseliottjaalton: it works for me. jcastro ?13:33
jcastrothe ubuntu seems redundant no?13:33
jcastroI was hoping for something short and sweet13:33
jcastroadd-apt-repository ppa:nvidia13:33
jcastrosomething like that13:34
tseliotgfx-drivers ?13:34
tseliotugly, I know :D13:34
ricotzjcastro, then get the one who owns "nvidia" to give it up ;)13:34
jcastrosomeone has that?13:34
jcastrowell, the guy who registered it works for Canonical13:35
ricotzbut as said it would be nice to use it for fglrx too, which tseliot would not mind, I guess13:35
jcastrosurely I can convince him13:35
tseliotricotz: that's for Canonical projects that involve NVIDIA13:35
jcastrooh, so we probably can't use that13:35
tjaaltonjcastro: hah, leddy is long gone13:35
jcastrohey so how about just "gamers"13:35
tseliotso, no, nvidia is not an option13:35
jcastrothat way it's non-vendor specific, and it kind of tells you what it's for13:36
ricotzjcastro, too specific for my taste13:36
jcastrook so let's not bikeshed too much longer13:36
jcastroI am fine with whatever as long as it's short13:36
ricotzi mean it is not just for gamers13:36
ricotzthink opencl13:37
tseliotricotz: the only doubt I have about metapackages in Ubuntu (not in a PPA) is me having to maintain and (kernel) patch (which means SRUs) a bazillion nvidia flavours :)13:37
ricotzmean even "blobs" is taken13:38
tseliotrolling back is probably something that snappy will make easy13:38
ricotztseliot, mamarley, jcastro, "blob"?13:39
tseliothow about something a little nicer? :D13:39
tseliotif it's available, then yes13:40
mamarleyOK, let me check.13:40
ricotzit is available13:41
mamarleyWhat membership policy do you guys want?13:41
ricotzmamarley, restricted13:42
ricotzmamarley, admin right for the code13:43
mamarleyOK, the team is created and jcastro, ricotz, and tseliot are added.  Anyone else?13:44
jcastrosounds like a good start, I'm sure more people will start to show up13:46
tseliotit should be enough for now13:46
mamarleyI made you guys administrators too.13:46
tseliotso, I'm going to publish my code for 355, so that you can use it for the PPA13:46
mamarleyCool, thanks!13:47
ricotzmamarley, tseliot, any objections to binary copy the xedgers packages?13:47
tseliotricotz: what's the difference between your packages and mamarley's ?13:47
ricotzxedgers is based on the ubuntu packages13:48
mamarleyAnd mine are based on xedgers.13:48
ricotzoh really?13:48
ricotzwhy are you tweaking the version then?13:48
mamarleyricotz: No good reason.13:49
ricotzi see13:49
ricotzi guess #ubuntu-x might be a better place ;)13:49
* willcooke reads most of the backlog14:08
willcookeSo if there is a new PPA available soon, it would be good to get it added to the list of "Additional Drivers" asap, in time for W and so we can work the kinks out before X14:08
willcookeDoes anyone know how we add moar things to the list of additional drivers in the Software & Updates settings UI?14:10
willcookeand also, are those other proprietary drivers listed already in PPAs, or are they in main or something?14:10
didrockswillcooke: I think we should 'just' have a checkbox in this panel (I did touch it last I guess), then after refreshing from the repo, the new drivers will appear14:11
didrockswillcooke: however, having something installed by default adding extra ppa, not really ubuntu archive compliant14:12
didrocksthat should be discussed with the technical board14:12
willcookeyeah, I thought that might be the case14:12
willcookeso if it was to be in the settings UI it would need to be in main?14:12
didrockswell, the UI shouldn't add/install anything that is not in the archive14:13
didrocksI guess the discussion would start from it14:13
willcookeoki, jcastro what do you reckon ^^ ?  Could you speak to the technical board?  See if they have any better ideas?14:14
jcastroI'll put something on the next agenda14:15
jcastrowillcooke: they meet next Tuesday, I'll add something to their agenda after work today14:16
willcookeIf we have good QA on the PPA, I think it could get "promoted" to the archive without too much worry14:16
willcookebut I expect it's always going to be bleeding edge, which means people should expect breakage, which therefore means it probably *shouldnt* go in the archive14:17
pittitjaalton, Laney: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#mesa says more clearly now what's the problem15:35
tjaaltonpitti: thx15:39
hikikowillcooke, I have an idea about the vsync bug... normally, the vsync should need less cpu because it only draws every time the screen is vertically refreshed unless if we have threads and while the rendering thread runs, there's some sort of busy loop somewhere... in this case: when we render too often (no vsync) the busy loop is less busy => faster/less cpu and when we have vsync it's slower => consumes cpu16:23
hikikobut since I don't know where that could be I  have to check with a sampling profiler16:24
hikiko(if you guys know a good one to suggest... I've never used one :))16:24
hikikoif I find something like that the solution is to replace the busy loop with some sort of blocking16:25
hikiko(anyway, it's just an idea)16:26
willcookesounds plausible :)16:26
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robert_ancell_tkamppeter, can you check https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/wily/libjpeg6b/merge/+merge/265455 and see if we still need any Ubuntu change on libjpeg to fix HP drivers?22:11
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tkamppeterrobert_ancell, I have seen it, will do.22:56
robert_ancelltkamppeter, thanks22:56

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