
neonixcoderI am facing an issue with my cmos resetting to 2009-01-01 time as mention hear http://www.vistax64.com/general-discussion/286845-help-cmos-resetting-problem.html00:16
neonixcoderI checked my CMOS battery and its voltage shows 3.3v.00:17
neonixcoderI dont see any issue with CMOS battery.. any other suggestions?00:17
sarnoldmeasuring the voltage of a battery without a load usually doesn't work00:19
sarnoldyou might as well just replace the thing outright as a first troubleshooting step, they're only a few bucks00:19
neonixcodersarnold: I checked with load and without load.. they are much identical..00:22
neonixcoderYes.. but before replacing I want to conform if that is a CMOS battery issue..00:23
neonixcoderI have total 200 ubuntu boxes which are running and I see this issue on 20 boxes00:24
sarnoldwere they all bought at the same time? :)00:24
sarnoldit really could be a software issue, if something is setting the time on your running systems to six years ago, and then running hwclock --set00:25
neonixcoderAt different times, different times deployments and present in different locations. but with same configuration.00:25
sarnoldbut I think dual-boot systems have severe trouble with hwclock --set, so I don't think it's acutally used by default any more00:25
neonixcodersarnold: If I am not wrong, ntp will set hardware clock right?00:26
patdk-lapif you never set the clock, and hever use hwclock --set, could be an issue, but it should never reset to 01-01 again though00:26
sarnoldneonixcoder: I don't think so, I think it only sets the software clock00:26
patdk-lapit would atleast still be counting up00:26
patdk-lapso the issue is with the rtc or the battery00:26
patdk-lapit could be as simple as someone has the jumper on the clear cmos, still00:26
sarnoldneonixcoder: replace two or three of the twenty, see what happens; I bet those are fixed.00:27
sarnoldpatdk-lap: hah :)00:27
patdk-lapon my newer boards, it's just two solder pads00:27
patdk-lapmight be a solder bridge on them00:27
sarnoldno pins?00:27
patdk-lapno pins00:27
patdk-lapyou just touch it with a screwdriver or something00:28
patdk-lapI guess that was to keep people from leaving the jumper on00:28
neonixcodersarnold: sure will check on couple of machines before replacing all00:28
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lordievaderGood morning.08:01
patsTomslordievader, morning08:04
lordievaderHey patsToms08:06
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rbasakhallyn: could you take a look at bug 1483836 please? It's in main (ubuntu-server subscription) because it's a build-dep for qemu AFAICT.11:05
ubottubug 1483836 in acpica-unix (Ubuntu) "acpica-unix ftbfs on powerpc" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148383611:05
rbasakhallyn: I can help you with the powerpc porter if you need it.11:05
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hallynrbasak: after libvirt is straightened out13:38
rbasakhallyn: np, thanks14:05
hallynzul: smb: if you have a minute, could you look over http://paste.ubuntu.com/12061910/  ?  Final patch which I intend to push to libvirt this morning14:09
zulhallyn,  sure14:09
zulhallyn: looks ok14:11
hallynok thx14:12
smbhallyn, Hm yeah nothing that immediately jumps out. Though large enough to be hard to say completely for sure14:18
badabum18Hi, is there anybody to tell me with anacron 2.3 variable RANDOM_DELAY ? My job appears as "Will run job `test' in 1 min." in syslog but 1 mins is the period and RANDOM_DELAY=120 is ignored... :-/15:13
OverandShould I stick my SSL settigns (ala disabling SSLv3) in my /etc/apache2/mods-__/mod_ssl.conf - or in my virtualhost?15:24
Overandseems like it should go in the module settings, but is that going to get axed by package management?15:24
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jellyOverand: put it in the ssl virtualhost15:49
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Dr_ApocalypseGreetings all. I'm wondering if anyone has some suggections for setting up a reverse proxy16:43
pmatulisDr_Apocalypse: study nginx17:36
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QantouriscSince I installed ubuntu i used bootstrap on a dir. So i'm not sure everything was installed correctly.18:17
QantouriscWhat is the default syslog used by ubuntu ?18:18
Qantouriscok enoughg google results seem to point to rsyslogd18:19
tarpmanQantourisc: install the package "ubuntu-minimal" to get the basic system packages such as syslog and cron18:24
Qantourisctarpman: well, currently that would take ... I don't know ... 3 hours, so first installing some debug tools :p18:24
Qantouriscbut thanks18:24
Qantourisclxc is acting up weird somehow18:25
Qantouriscaptitude/apt-get is verry slow, diks usage, it claims18:25
RoyKQantourisc: are you low on diskspace?18:26
Qantouriscno but I did just add storage18:27
RoyKthings are usually rather slow if filesystems are almost full - leads to very fragmented filsystems (on all OSes)18:27
Qantouriscalso tty1 refuses root login18:27
QantouriscRoyK: not talking slow, talking floppy disk slow18:27
RoyKhow did you add storage?18:27
Qantourisclvresize; resize2fs18:28
RoyKshould work18:28
Qantouriscit did :)18:28
RoyKand should help writes do better, though reads may still be in trouble if the filesystem is highly fragmented18:29
Qantouriscthe FS is quite fresh, and never got near full18:29
RoyKis this a vm or physical?18:29
Qantouriscvm in lxc18:29
Qantourisctake ~1 minute to "build dependency tree"18:30
RoyKanything from dmesg about bad drives?18:30
Qantouriscshouldn't be18:30
RoyKwell, check18:30
Qantouriscjust did: no18:31
Qantourischowever it is loading 1 disk of the mirror raid more then the other18:31
Qantourisc75% load on 1 16% on the other18:31
Qantouriscthat is weird18:31
RoyKpastebin /proc/mdstat18:31
Qantouriscnothing in it btw :p18:32
RoyK64MB chunks???18:33
Qantouriscit's reading @130MB's how can that even be18:33
RoyK      bitmap: 2/2 pages [8KB], 65536KB chunk18:33
* Qantourisc rechecks the chunk size, that does sound large :D18:33
RoyKseems to be the bitmap chunk18:34
QantouriscRoyK: try looking at md12718:35
Qantourisci mean 12418:35
Qantourisc 7566523392 blocks super 1.2 level 5, 512k chunk, algorithm 2 [3/3] [UUU]18:35
Qantouriscthe chunksize there is 512k18:35
Qantouriscthe rest must indeed be related to bitmap18:35
RoyKyeah, but the bitmap chunk size is 64MB18:35
RoyKdoesn't seem to be the problem, though, although you might want to ask on #linux-raid18:36
QantouriscI did a apt-get install rsyslog about 6 mins ago, it's at "Reading state information... Done" atm, to give you an idea how slow btw :)18:36
RoyKbetter place to ask about raid stuff than in here18:36
Qantouriscsec idea18:37
Qantouriscwhere are the "data" files of apt located ?18:38
RoyKiirc /var/cache/apt/18:38
Qantouriscok looks right18:38
Qantouriscjust catted all that data to /dev/zero, verry fast :p18:39
* Qantourisc smells exesive IO due to something else failing18:39
dasjoeapt is calling a lot of fsync, so you might want to get libeatmydata and preload that ;)18:39
Qantouriscdasjoe: hmm good idea to debug18:40
* Qantourisc tries18:40
RoyKusing a mirror of an ssd and spinning rust for the root with write-mostly for the spinning rust works well18:40
Qantourisci'll have the results in ~10 mins18:40
Qantourisctakes a while to install :/18:40
QantouriscRoyK: ... it's on ssd ... (entirely)18:41
RoyKand it's that slow?!?18:41
Qantourischence my supprise :)18:41
RoyKbetter run a smartctl -H /dev/whatever18:41
RoyKguess it may be bad18:41
dasjoe"LD_PRELOAD=libeatmydata.so aptitude"18:42
Qantouriscdasjoe: it's not installed yet18:42
Qantourischmmm maybe i can install it from the host lxc server18:42
dasjoeOnce libeatmydata is installed. Also, I've got a tiny script for checking interesting SMART stats: https://gist.github.com/dasjoe/a7252e3f737ec36de36f18:42
Qantouriscyea host system is chroozing by18:43
Qantourisccopied eatmydata, no real improvement18:44
RoyKQantourisc: if you have i/o issues like that on an ssd, make sure you have a good backup18:45
Qantourisctty1 is also borked: when i type root, it rejects the user18:45
RoyKQantourisc: looks to me that ssd is borked18:45
dasjoeQantourisc: so, the host is fast but the container is slow?18:45
Qantouriscdasjoe: es18:45
dasjoeQantourisc: if that's the case your SSD is fine but your LXC is weird. I have no experience with containers, so I'm not very helpful, sorry18:46
RoyKQantourisc: pastebin 'smartctl -x /dev/sdX' for that ssd18:46
Qantouriscthink i must have some missing resource/functionality on the container18:46
QantouriscRoyK: it's 2 :p18:46
RoyKQantourisc: those SSDs may sometimes not report things right18:46
RoyKQantourisc: a mirror?18:46
dasjoeRoyK: it's not related to hardware, imho. Their host is running fine, but IO from within the container is slow18:46
RoyKwell, that's good18:46
QantouriscRoyK: not really18:46
Qantouriscit's the same brand, and order18:47
Qantouriscthat's bad18:47
dasjoeQantourisc: hop over to #zfsonlinux and let's get you up and running with a real file system ;)18:47
RoyKQantourisc: without write-mostly, all i/o, also reads, will be spread to all drives18:47
RoyKdasjoe: linux filesystems also work - this thing seems to be hardware18:48
RoyKdasjoe: also, I've been using zfs for 6+ years ;)18:48
Qantouriscdasjoe: tried zfs once,has some concept issues with ot18:48
QantouriscRoyK: still want those smarts ? I uploaded them18:48
Qantourischttp://codepad.org/dIK1h9da http://codepad.org/KHctwXIV18:48
Qantouriscdoubt you will find anything :p18:49
Qantouriscthey are warmer then expected though :p18:49
Qantouriscthen again the chasis is not closed :p18:49
Qantouriscit's running at 2800 reads / second18:50
RoyKQantourisc: doesn't look like anything bad - but does iostat say anything about which ssd is spending more time?18:50
Qantouriscreadking 150 000 kB/s18:50
Qantouriscbut it's also getting the bulk of the read-requests18:51
RoyKtry to detach it or offline it18:51
Qantouriscwich is verry weird18:51
RoyKmdadm --fail iirc18:51
QantouriscSuch a hassle to get it back online, how certain are you to persue the pure-hardware-io path atm ?18:52
dasjoeQantourisc: check the disks's readahead, I've seen IO thrashing due to linux assuming sequential reads when I had random I/O with large enough block sizes18:53
RoyKjust wonder how 150MB/s can't be sufficient18:53
QantouriscRoyK: I think it's stuck on something due to something msissing / me takes a look at strace again18:53
Qantouriscare mmap -read mentioned in strace18:54
Qantourisci'm not entirely sure18:54
dasjoeblockdev --getra /dev/sdX18:54
Qantouriscdasjoe: you'd want to check /dev/sdX and the lvm btw18:54
Qantouriscand getfra too iirc18:54
RoyKQantourisc: perhaps someone is there doing something they shouldn't? box rooted?18:55
Qantouriscgod lets hope not18:55
dasjoeRoyK: I still think it's in the container layer, the host is fast on the same HW, if I understand correctly18:55
RoyKQantourisc: can you clarify that?18:56
QantouriscRoyK: well for starters, there is no direrct exposure to the internet18:56
RoyKQantourisc: is the host responsive?18:57
Qantouriscthey'd have to have access to another system in the network18:57
QantouriscRoyK: yes18:57
QantouriscIO == 0 when aptitude is not running18:57
nettlejamDoes anyone know why the Ubuntu EC2 AMI locator (http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ec2/) lists 15.04 as 'DEVEL'?18:57
RoyKQantourisc: I don't use lxc so really, I don't know, but have you tried restarting the guest?18:59
QantouriscRoyK: relucantly yes, even unmounted and did a fschk18:59
linociscohow to use aptonCD on ubuntu server?19:00
QantouriscCan I disable mmap in apt-get ?19:00
RoyKyou shouldn't19:00
RoyKif i/o is the problem, iotop might show something19:01
QantouriscRoyK: well there are no reads when using strace, since it's mmap-ing, so that would allow me to see some reads19:01
linociscohow to use aptonCD on ubuntu server?19:02
Qantouriscyea defently lxc => chroot is fast19:06
linociscohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/APTonCD is for Desktop, what about for Server version?19:09
patdk-wkhow did you define *desktop*19:10
patdk-wkwhere does it say, for desktop only?19:10
sarnoldpatdk-wk: he left.. he lacks patience.19:10
patdk-wkoh, It was so quick, I didn't notice19:10
patdk-wkdamn it, now my inner troll is going build up19:10
sarnoldhehe I know the feeling... I was all excited to type out "what error messages did you get when you tried?" oh well19:11
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host127Anyone may explain to maiself if this: > http://store.bq.com/gl/smartphones have sudo ?19:37
sarnoldhost127: yes, it does19:39
sarnoldhost127: you may have better luck in #ubuntu-touch19:39
host127sarnold: don lie to me. please. because if is true i will buy ok?19:40
sarnoldhost127: I just tried it on my nexus4 running ubuntu touch; when you start the terminal, it even prints 'To run a command as adm8nistrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command", See "man sudo_root" for details.'19:41
dasjoesarnold: how's the battery life?20:29
sarnolddasjoe: I don't have a SIM card in that phone, so it's not really a fair comparison, it never does actual phone things20:31
sarnolddasjoe: it runs several days between charges20:31
dasjoesarnold: oh, just like my OPO. I use it for reading tposana in Play Books ;)20:33
sarnolddasjoe: my ubuntu phone has mostly turned into a machines vs machines game :)20:34
sarnoldit's yet another tower dfense game, but you've got to get tower placement, types, and upgrades done just right or you fail miserably20:34
dasjoeSounds interesting. I really fell for the Kingdom Rush series20:37
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QantouriscRoyK: cause is some cgroups going haywire21:04
QantouriscRoyK: not sure why or wich one yet21:05
QantouriscRoyK: memory limit21:09
QantouriscRoyK: limit was 12MB21:11
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QantouriscSo to fullfill the mmap it has to swap in rather small segments of file21:13
Qantouriscdasjoe: Ping read above if you care about what the issue was21:13
sarnold_twelve megabyte_ cgroup memory limit? man, how'd you do that? :)21:17
sarnoldand how on earth did anything run?21:18
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a1fahello, i am trying to install ubuntu 14.04 on HP Proliant G8 with HP p420i RAID and SAS controller.. i removed my disks from raid configuration because i want to do btrfs, but the drives dont show up during install, and i am prompted for driver install because no disks have been found22:51
sarnolda1fa: does your controller have an HBA mode or allow you to flash IT firmware?22:52
a1fai did not see that option22:53
a1fai'll check again22:53
a1fawell looks like its going to be a command line thing using their cli tool22:54
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