* Roguehorse Well, *my* Monday was fun: http://lists.svlug.org/archives/svlug/2015-August/061210.html | 14:09 | |
darthrobot | Title: [[svlug] Caught in the Act] | 14:09 |
Roguehorse | I also had a jerky from China AND France at the same time! Spanked them all! | 14:51 |
* Roguehorse Thanks for the security updates! =) | 15:09 | |
* Roguehorse stupid flashplugin-installer still won't pull anything down...I've been trying for days!! | 15:11 | |
Roguehorse | File "/usr/lib/update-notifier/package-data-downloader", line 239, in process_download_requests | 15:15 |
Roguehorse | dest_file = urllib.urlretrieve(files[i])[0] | 15:15 |
Roguehorse | File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib.py", line 94, in urlretrieve | 15:15 |
akk | Debian's flashplugin-nonfree package doesn't automatically download security updates ... you have to know to run apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-nonfree periodically. | 15:15 |
akk | Is ubuntu's better about that? | 15:15 |
akk | (It is working on sid today, though, no python error.) | 15:16 |
Roguehorse | akk: I'm not on Debian anymore .. Kubuntu 14.04 | 15:16 |
akk | That's why I asked about ubuntu. | 15:16 |
Roguehorse | oh, no, it just gives me the same errors then times out | 15:17 |
Roguehorse | let me try your line | 15:17 |
Roguehorse | Eh, giving me three choices ... adobe-flashplugin 1:20150811.1-0trusty1 or flashplugin-installer:i386 or flashplugin-installer | 15:20 |
Roguehorse | E: Package 'flashplugin-nonfree' has no installation candidate | 15:21 |
Roguehorse | I already have Icedtea installed and things seem to be humming along ok ... but this flash thing keeps coming back around | 15:22 |
akk | You might be getting flash from a different place, then. aptitude search flash | grep '^i' will probably tell you which package you're using. | 15:24 |
Roguehorse | i flashplugin-installer - Adobe Flash Player plugin installer | 15:36 |
Roguehorse | i pepperflashplugin-nonfree - Pepper Flash Player - browser plugin | 15:36 |
* Roguehorse BTW: I'm *NOT* the admin of my network....my in-laws own the subscription. I only have a router at my desk that distributes to my desktop, TV, and provides wireless. | 16:01 | |
* Roguehorse so basically, I'm at the mercy of whatever they do on their end | 16:02 | |
* Roguehorse it's been that way since we bought the house together in 2008 | 16:05 | |
* Roguehorse what *they* do with the traffic, I don't know, however, I have my suspicions. They just keep telling me I'm "paranoid". Yeah, right. | 16:31 | |
* Roguehorse so yeah, they have my MAC and can do *what they want* based on how angry or malicious they want to be. | 16:33 | |
* Roguehorse my wife (soon to be ex) owns the cell account and monitors my text messages ... that's not really fun either. | 16:39 | |
* Roguehorse I've had websites blocked, ubuntu updates blocked, email blocked, all kinds of nightmare...then told "it must be your Linux system" | 16:46 | |
* Roguehorse There are 8 people in the house: Me, wife, son, brother-in-law, sister-in-law (sisters), nephew, niece, mother-in-law | 16:50 | |
* Roguehorse then people wonder why I'm such and advocate for encryption. My email has been monitored for years and who knows what else when I haven't been traffic monitoring. I'm NOT "paranoid" and I'm NOT dumb. | 16:58 | |
akk | Most people these days seem to use gmail or other webmail services, so none of their email is private. Nobody seems to care much about privacy. | 17:00 |
* akk gave a Toastmasters talk recently about privacy with a lot of detail from Schneir's excellent new book, but nobody's asked her for more info | 17:01 | |
Roguehorse | akk: That's because *most* people only think it's the GOV doing it and there isn't anything they can do about it. It *can* be done at lower levels too. Trust me, I KNOW! | 17:06 |
* Roguehorse I CARE A LOT ABOUT PRIVACY!!! | 17:07 | |
* Roguehorse the brother-in-law and sister-in-law both work for San Lorenzo Unified. For all I know, they could be piping the signal to a SysAdmin there who again does who knows what with it. | 17:09 | |
* Roguehorse they could be piping it anywhere! | 17:09 | |
* akk wonders why Roguehorse is using /me for everything | 17:09 | |
Roguehorse | lol | 17:09 |
Roguehorse | sorry | 17:09 |
Roguehorse | web mail is fine, but I don't always want to start up a browser | 17:10 |
Roguehorse | it's just easier to have it pull down and then read when I want to | 17:11 |
DonkeyHotei | Roguehorse: i can't help but notice you're connected to freenode WITHOUT ssl | 17:12 |
Roguehorse | regardless, I shouldn't have to be worrying about it anyway! | 17:12 |
Roguehorse | yeah, for whatever reason, when I turn on the ssl it won't connect | 17:13 |
DonkeyHotei | have you tried different ports? | 17:13 |
akk | I hate webmail clients, but that's not why I don't use gmail; it's the privacy issues that keep me from it. | 17:13 |
Roguehorse | no | 17:13 |
akk | What would be the point of connecting with ssl to a publically logged IRC channel? | 17:14 |
Roguehorse | I'm not worried about it, but thank you for asking | 17:14 |
DonkeyHotei | akk: e-mail is not private by definition unless you encrypt, and you can encrypt gmail so google can't read it | 17:14 |
Roguehorse | most likely, the in-laws have a "haunt" monitoring what I say in here too | 17:15 |
akk | True. But the chances of mail to some random server getting snooped by intermediate sites is tiny | 17:15 |
DonkeyHotei | ssl encrypts between the client and the server, which is where his insecure link is | 17:15 |
akk | while the chance of gmail getting snooped is 100%. | 17:15 |
akk | Obviously, anything REALLY private and secret shouldn't be sent by unencrypted email at all. | 17:16 |
Roguehorse | akk: +100 | 17:16 |
Roguehorse | at minimum, I at least sign so people know it did actually come from me | 17:17 |
Roguehorse | it's hard to get people to use the encryption though | 17:17 |
DonkeyHotei | i used to sign but it would make my msgs get rejected | 17:18 |
Roguehorse | some people have been understanding of my situation | 17:18 |
Roguehorse | oh, yeah, I suppose that could happen too | 17:18 |
akk | I figured out how to configure mutt to handle signatures once, but it was such a pain, and so slow, and gave me no actual useful info, that I turned it off again. | 17:18 |
Roguehorse | I have that working, works great for me. I could try and send you the info to set it up? | 17:19 |
akk | It tells me that someone signed it, but how do I know it's the person they claim to be? | 17:19 |
akk | And even though I have a key signed on a public key server, other people's keys are never on the same server | 17:19 |
akk | and this "web of trust" idea doesn't seem to work, there never seemed to be any link among different key servers. | 17:20 |
Roguehorse | hmmm...mine checks the signature to the ones I have saved and tells me "good signature" | 17:20 |
akk | Sure, if I had local public keys for people I was getting signed email from, then that would be useful information. | 17:20 |
Roguehorse | have to check multiple servers ... yeah, that area needs work | 17:20 |
Roguehorse | MIT is pretty reliable | 17:21 |
akk | My key is on whatever server they happened to be using at the keysigning I went to. :) | 17:21 |
Roguehorse | =) | 17:21 |
Roguehorse | I think mine are on all of them .... I'm usually pretty good with making surethey're available | 17:22 |
akk | I don't really grok how the whole keyserver thing is supposed to work. I think this signing thing is designed for people who use it all the time and are really knowledgeable | 17:23 |
akk | but it's not at all well designed for people who just want to say "maybe if I turn on signatures I'll have a little more email security". | 17:23 |
Roguehorse | I have maybe one key I haven't made public ... the one for Mailvelope for GMail | 17:23 |
Roguehorse | the public key is just made available to everyone so they *can* send you an encrypted message AND verify your signature when you send signed. Without it and verifying, signed doesn't mean much. | 17:25 |
Roguehorse | you do have more security signing, if the mail is tampered with along the way, as in *edited* then the signature turns out bad and the receiver will know that the message has been tampered with along the way | 17:27 |
akk | Right. E.g. if I get signed email from jane@example.com, then unless I go and look for jane's web page to see if she has her public key there somewhere for download, | 17:27 |
akk | her signed mail doesn't really tell me anything | 17:28 |
Roguehorse | I even have DKMS installed on my emails | 17:28 |
akk | and that's a bunch of extra steps and searching | 17:28 |
akk | so it made no sense for me to leave signatures on by default in mutt for every message. | 17:28 |
akk | If there's a particular message where I care enough to go to that work (has never happened, but could some day) I could always turn it on just for that message. | 17:29 |
Roguehorse | well, it's not really about you so much as it is about *them* and letting them know you've done what you can | 17:29 |
Roguehorse | I do it anyway, whether or not the other end cares enough to follow up is on them, I did what I could on my end | 17:30 |
Roguehorse | all it takes is *ONE* person to start to care before it becomes *TWO* | 17:31 |
Roguehorse | even if I'm the *ONLY* one, I have faith that more people will start to care .... especially these days =/ | 17:33 |
Roguehorse | I also realise that my particular situation is *NOT* normal so I take the precautions that I believe are necessary and *pray* that some understand and work with me ... I don't get many | 17:35 |
Roguehorse | but some do =) | 17:35 |
Roguehorse | I haven't been able to get Dropbox to install or SpiderOak either since I had to rebuild my system ... oh yeah, I had a system crash 2 weeks ago. | 17:46 |
Roguehorse | someone's been trying to stop me from file sharing | 17:47 |
Roguehorse | probably because I posted that link to that old email with all those addresses in that blog post ... I took that link down after I calmed down a bit | 17:48 |
DonkeyHotei | have you tried any of the "vpn services" out there? | 17:48 |
Roguehorse | I still have way, Google is working fine so I've been using that | 17:49 |
Roguehorse | I have some servers I still have access to as well | 17:50 |
Roguehorse | SpiderOak is nice because it's all TNO between client, host, storage | 17:50 |
Roguehorse | 2G free | 17:51 |
Roguehorse | but if your network admin (or someone with admin rights) blocks the data stream to pull the install packages, you're screwed right? | 17:52 |
Roguehorse | so then we're at who has been given that information? | 17:53 |
DonkeyHotei | you can vpn to any server you have access to | 17:53 |
Roguehorse | true, but they can also actively cut the port ... been there believe it or not. Sometimes I VPN through HE and they're pretty understanding about it | 17:55 |
DonkeyHotei | port 22? | 17:55 |
Roguehorse | no | 17:55 |
DonkeyHotei | you can vpn to any server you have access to | 17:55 |
DonkeyHotei | it's the -w flag to ssh | 17:55 |
Roguehorse | yes, I know, TY | 17:56 |
Roguehorse | I do waht I can when I have to | 17:56 |
Roguehorse | my life is already kind of messed up enough with my medical issues, I don't need network issues imposed by mean people too ... but I deal with them | 17:57 |
DonkeyHotei | before ssh had a -w, i came up with a way to vpn to any server, no root or privileges needed | 17:58 |
Roguehorse | this is the ugliest divorce I've gone through so far .... just mean for no reason other than to be mean | 17:59 |
DonkeyHotei | how many? | 17:59 |
Roguehorse | ok, that sounds scary | 17:59 |
Roguehorse | huh, this is my 3rd | 17:59 |
Roguehorse | I'm NOT getting married again thanks | 17:59 |
Roguehorse | 19, 28, 45 | 18:00 |
akk | Three divorces doesn't sound promising. | 18:00 |
Roguehorse | I'm a borderline workaholic and introvert so put the two together and I'm kind of a boring person | 18:01 |
DonkeyHotei | you divorced at 19? | 18:03 |
Roguehorse | my Dad is kind of the same way really | 18:03 |
Roguehorse | yep, well, maybe 20. It was short lived for sure. | 18:04 |
Roguehorse | married the HS girlfriend and we had a studio in Manteca together then moved to Modesto a little later | 18:04 |
Roguehorse | long story =/ | 18:05 |
Roguehorse | someday I'll tell you about it | 18:05 |
Roguehorse | I have lots of stories to share and I'm happy to do so =) | 18:06 |
Roguehorse | unfortunately, I can't really get around anymore so it's hard for me to get anywhere...hopefully the doctors are going to get busy here soon | 18:07 |
Roguehorse | oh, and my car's broke down just 3 days before my custody appointment, imagine that? I got a ride anyway *thankfully* but I don't know how to fix it so it's sitting in the driveway | 18:09 |
Roguehorse | I'm waiting for my sheriff friend from Livermore to get back from vacation to come over and help me out | 18:10 |
Roguehorse | he *knows* cars | 18:10 |
Roguehorse | and I *trust* him | 18:11 |
blitz | trust is important with car problems | 18:16 |
blitz | luckily I have a bunch of family mechanics | 18:16 |
Roguehorse | yeah, I studied in JC 20 years ago but now? Hell no! Just the basics is all I mess with | 18:17 |
Roguehorse | it will start and run but the idle and accell are all messed up | 18:19 |
DonkeyHotei | this brings back a lot of memories: http://www.howardforums.com/archive/index.php/t-1347185.html | 18:19 |
darthrobot | Title: [HOWTO: Use T-Zones to Get Unrestricted Internet on your Laptop Without Paying $30/mo [Archive] - HowardForums: Your Mobile Phone Community & Resource] | 18:19 |
DonkeyHotei | i'm "dgi" in that thread | 18:19 |
DonkeyHotei | specifically of interest is http://web.archive.org/web/20090106165650/http://wiki.buici.com/wiki/Slirp_Tunneled_over_SSH | 18:20 |
darthrobot | Title: [Slirp Tunneled over SSH - Buici] | 18:20 |
Roguehorse | TY, I'll keep those tricks in mind | 18:22 |
Roguehorse | I'm actually suspecting a little less hassle since I've been more *open* about my situation | 18:23 |
Roguehorse | who knows | 18:23 |
DonkeyHotei | the shell script in question is now at http://danielg4.drivehq.com/danielg4/slirplink | 18:23 |
darthrobot | [R: danielg4.firstcloudit.com] Content type: [application/x-msdownload] Size: [7368] | 18:23 |
Roguehorse | got it, thanks =) | 18:24 |
Roguehorse | at least I can download now ... they had that function blocked over the last few weeks from anything other than Tor | 18:25 |
DonkeyHotei | this was all made mostly obsolete when ssh introduced -w | 18:25 |
Roguehorse | ah man! Then why am I messing with it? I thought you were throwing me bones? | 18:26 |
DonkeyHotei | well if one does not work there is the other | 18:27 |
Roguehorse | good point +1 ... TY | 18:27 |
Roguehorse | one of the worst parts of all this is the spoofing ... I don't know for sure *who* is sending me my text messages. The person I *think* it is or someone else MITM | 18:29 |
Roguehorse | That's the biggest issue I've been dealing with for YEARS! | 18:29 |
DonkeyHotei | there are many online text msg providers, no need to use your phone plan | 18:30 |
Roguehorse | NOT my phone plan | 18:30 |
Roguehorse | NOT my internet plan | 18:31 |
Roguehorse | =( | 18:31 |
Roguehorse | The internet, I think was planned from the beginning in all honesty | 18:32 |
Roguehorse | kid you not | 18:32 |
Roguehorse | so since 2008 | 18:32 |
Roguehorse | To be honest? When I switched to Linux in 2009 is when all HELL really broke loose. It got *really* ugly around the house..*REALLY* ugly | 18:37 |
Roguehorse | why anyone would care that I don't use MS I have no idea...but it was a HUGE ordeal | 18:41 |
Roguehorse | has been ever since | 18:41 |
DonkeyHotei | so, then, you'll also be looking for a place to live that's wheelchair-accessible… | 18:45 |
Roguehorse | kind of, yeah...I can use a cane but it's *REALLY* slow and *REALLY* painful | 18:47 |
Roguehorse | this is all righ now, still waiting on doctors to try and figure something out ... maybe .. we don't know until I get the biopsy done | 18:49 |
Roguehorse | I don't think it would be safe for me to live without someone I can *REALLY* trust nearby in my current condition | 18:50 |
DonkeyHotei | in a more ideal world, the medical issues would wait until after the divorce | 18:50 |
Roguehorse | I own 25% of the house so I'm stuck here for now with no income anyway | 18:51 |
Roguehorse | they are .. no choice in it really .. county is pretty good for coverage but slow to move | 18:51 |
Roguehorse | or MediCal anyway | 18:52 |
DonkeyHotei | depends on which county | 18:52 |
Roguehorse | Alameda | 18:53 |
Roguehorse | my PCP appt is in Sep for referral | 18:53 |
Roguehorse | I don't know if I can push it or not .. seems not .. in the meantime I'm just all messed up and on meds | 18:54 |
DonkeyHotei | alameda is one of the better ones | 18:54 |
Roguehorse | I know, I really want to stay living within Alameda | 18:55 |
Roguehorse | Ohlone cut my Fall class so I don't even have that to look forward to | 18:56 |
Roguehorse | I'm even scribbled in their Fall course book already but the Dean said she doesn't have the class on her schedule so I'm "off the hook" as she put it | 18:57 |
Roguehorse | I'm supposed to teach LPIC-2 in the Spring and LPIC-1 in the Fall | 18:58 |
Roguehorse | it's not a lot of money but hey, better than nothing | 18:58 |
Roguehorse | when I got brought on I asked about my classes getting cut and I was *told* not to worry about it as the bundle all of CNET studenst together to make numbers for ALL classes | 19:02 |
Roguehorse | since the entry level courses are always over full, I wouldn't have to concern with low enrollment | 19:03 |
Roguehorse | maybe that only applied to everyone but me? =/ | 19:03 |
Roguehorse | Oh, I also got beat up BIG TIME for going to a private college ... all the years I was going | 19:06 |
Roguehorse | the in-laws are BIG TIME union | 19:07 |
Roguehorse | SEIU1021 | 19:07 |
Roguehorse | ...and people wonder why I have such a hard time quitting smoking ... HA! Try *my* life! | 19:24 |
Roguehorse | huh, my Twitter followers just went down by 2 .. imagine that | 19:30 |
=== cyphase is now known as Guest20829 | ||
nhaines | Roguehorse: https://xkcd.com/1181/ | 22:13 |
darthrobot | Title: [xkcd: PGP] | 22:13 |
nhaines | If you want to be extra safe, check that there's a big block of jumbled characters at the bottom. | 22:13 |
Roguehorse | LOL! Thanks bro =) | 22:13 |
Roguehorse | added some new images to the website but waiting on my TTYL .... slow connection and I'm also trying to push through my firewall | 22:15 |
Roguehorse | just going to have to wait it out | 22:23 |
Roguehorse | Ugh, KDE Wallet started bugging me .... had to reconfigure it ... what a pita program | 22:25 |
DonkeyHotei | i really, really tried to get into kde, multiple times over the years, but it's just, ugh | 22:27 |
Roguehorse | Well, I started with 9.10 and I really liked GNOME2 .... but for whatever reason, KDE just really suits me. I like Cinnamon and MATE too though. | 22:32 |
Roguehorse | It's odd when I get these people who add me with fake profiles | 22:41 |
Roguehorse | I just got one looks like it was put together yesterday | 22:42 |
Roguehorse | Google+ | 22:42 |
Roguehorse | creepy people | 22:45 |
Roguehorse | oh yeah! Looks like my webpage updated .. =) | 22:46 |
Roguehorse | http://www.roguehorse.net/gallery.html | 22:50 |
darthrobot | Title: [Scott DuBois - Gallery] | 22:50 |
Roguehorse | internet connection had to be reset .... I don't know why, but the stupid thing has to be reset like once or twice a week .. Comcast | 23:52 |
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