
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
* ahoneybun is back01:56
valorie!info kdeplasma-addons06:04
ubottuPackage kdeplasma-addons does not exist in wily06:04
valorie!info kdeplasma-addons vivid06:04
ubottuPackage kdeplasma-addons does not exist in vivid06:04
valorieand yet we have -data and -dbg06:05
valoriesounds like an oversight06:05
ovidiu-florinvalorie: ping06:23
ovidiu-florinstill around?06:23
valorie'sup, ovidiu-florin?06:33
valorieon addons, debian has a package: https://packages.debian.org/unstable/kdeplasma-addons06:35
valorievery odd that we do not06:35
valorieovidiu-florin: sorry, too late, gotta be up in 5 hours, so in bed now06:49
ovidiu-florinvalorie: you answered on telegram06:52
ovidiu-florinthank you06:52
lordievaderGood morning.07:29
sitter_Riddell:  new for review: kcalutils, akoandi-calendar, ktnef, kalarmcal, kblog, kimap, kontactinterface08:22
sitter_Riddell: also... are you forgetting to push when uploading to archive? half of scarlett's changelog entries are unreleased forever08:25
Riddellsitter_: yay you're my hero08:33
Riddellsitter_: pushing I'm not sure, scarlett's been doing backports and I guess they should get marked released but probably not into the wily branches?08:34
sitter_Riddell: there's more entires than just the latest that are marked unreleased08:35
sitter_something in the process is failing here08:35
sitter_kdepim-runtime for example08:35
Riddellright, I need to review the sru process but haven't had a chance08:35
sitter_latest, thingy  4:4.14.7-0ubuntu1 4:4.14.4-0ubuntu108:36
sitter_some other port I did also stuck out with a lot of unreleasd entries08:36
Riddellsitter_: shall I upload to staging-kdeapplications ppa mpw?08:36
sitter_Riddell: goforit08:37
sitter_Riddell: if you can hold off on pim stuff though08:37
sitter_unless you reviewed it all08:37
Riddellhmm, every time you highlight me in quassel plasmashell goes to 100% CPU :(08:38
Riddellstop highlighting me everyone!08:38
Riddellby the time they're ready to upload to PPA I can have reviewed them all08:39
sneleis anybody complaining about oxygen font? i think it is very bad choice for default font. changing back to ubuntu font makes miracles for my eyes08:39
RiddellI've not heard any complaints about oxygen font08:39
Riddellsitter_: I'll get it to merge unstable branches before upload, should I pause CI?08:42
sitter_you'd merge from stable08:43
Riddellare you sure all the unstable branches have been merged?08:43
sitter_pausing CI means we'll not know what CI has to say about pim08:43
sitter_Riddell: yes08:43
sitter_unstable->stable is not a merge you'd want to do at this point anyway08:43
sitter_unstable is more than a month ahead08:43
* yofel notes that he also complained about the oxygen font..08:58
RiddellI'm wrong then, we do have another complaint08:59
Riddelloxygen is designed to work exactly with fontconfig, in theory it should look better08:59
Riddellbut it was never properly finished08:59
yofelI'm not complaining about the rendering, I don't like the font itself09:00
yofelgoing from the rendering, I don't think I saw a difference09:00
sitter_I think the problem is more that our hinting settings are always meh for some reason09:02
Riddellsitter_: lots don't have kubuntu_stable branches, should I make them?09:02
sitter_Riddell: such as?09:02
Riddellkcolorchooser kcachegrind:  kamera: kalzium: 09:03
sitter_Riddell: all not kf509:04
sitter_we only kf5 software09:04
sitter_*only ci09:04
Riddellah yes09:04
sitter_oh since gcc5 is now landed we can reenable symbol tracking09:54
sitter_Riddell: have you merged stable yet?09:56
clivejomorning sitter_09:57
sitter_hey clivejo09:57
Riddellsitter_: yep09:59
sitter_Riddell: also generated sources yet?10:00
sitter_kdepimlibs needs a fix10:00
sitter_pushed to archive10:00
Riddellsitter_: it's in process, it's not at kdepimlibs yet10:01
sitter_git pull then10:01
yofelwell, the problem with the hinting is that "slight" is really the sanest default you can set10:24
yofelthe proper default is per-display10:24
sitter_Riddell: akonadi-search also got a fix10:25
yofellike "slight" looks ugly on my T510, which needs "medium", but looks great on every other screen I have10:25
yofeldidn't gnome have a nice hinting configurator in the past..?10:25
sitter_no clue10:26
sitter_you can generally configure a lot of nonsense in fontconfig10:26
sitter_nobody knows what any of it does, but it's there :P10:26
yofelprobably 50% of it is for display hardware that doesn't even exist anymore10:27
sitter_mostly generic things I think10:30
sitter_filters, rgba hinting style, spacial hinting (expansion/condendsion)10:30
sitter_Riddell: going to pause after all10:32
sitter_Riddell: tell me when you are done pushing10:32
sitter_or unpause10:32
sitter_or both10:32
sitter_yeah, in fact,  just do both10:32
BluesKajHey all10:51
clivejohi BluesKaj10:52
BluesKajhi clivejo10:52
soeeuhm interesting: http://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-developers-set-up-dedicated-repository-for-the-latest-nvidia-drivers-489188.shtml11:01
dokoRiddell, sitter_: Laney fixed kdepim11:02
sitter_we are still going to land a qt5 version :P11:05
Riddellnot bad for a first run http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/applications/build_status_15.07.90_wily.html11:19
Riddellclivejo: ahoneybun: reviews and fixes needed :) ^^11:19
clivejoRiddell: akonadi is that symbols related?11:25
Riddellclivejo: yep looks like it, want to practice? :)11:26
clivejowhere do I start11:27
Riddellclivejo: grab packaging out of git, grab log file linked from that status page, run batchpatch on it11:29
clivejojust the packaging?11:30
Riddellyep, just needs the packaging and the build log11:30
clivejokubuntu_stable branch?11:32
Riddellclivejo: kubuntu_wily_archive11:33
dokoRiddell, sitter_ : before you go on with the apps, please could you address the failing autopkg tests first?11:36
clivejoRiddell: https://paste.kde.org/p7nxs3gll11:40
Riddelldoko: ACK11:40
dokoRiddell, did you experiment with dh_acc yourself?11:41
Riddellclivejo: looking good, it's allowed to remove symbols here since that's just the gcc transition and it's not yet had a stable release so remove those MISSING lines from the .symbols files11:41
clivejoRiddell: I put -v 16 is this a bad thing to do? 11:41
Riddellclivejo: the version is 15.07.9011:41
Riddelldoko: hope, what should I experiment about it?11:41
clivejoshould I state that?11:41
dokoRiddell, clivejo: well, except if you encounter smybols with cxx11 in the name11:42
clivejodo I have to do it manually?11:43
clivejoremove those symbols manually11:43
Riddellclivejo: yes11:44
dokoRiddell, ahh, so this acc autopkg test comes from debian11:44
Riddelldoko: yes11:45
clivejothey are commented out11:46
clivejo#MISSING: 16# _ZN7Akonadi8Protocol18ChangeNotification6EntityD1Ev@Base 15.07.9011:46
clivejoremove them totally?11:47
clivejook done11:49
clivejoare the symboles the same for both 32bit and 64bit?11:49
Riddellclivejo: hopefully, if not we'll soon find out11:50
Riddellsymbols are spooky voodoo unless you're a genius like doko11:50
clivejohe must be a machine11:51
dokoRiddell, you seem to have a friendly helper ... https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/baloo-kf5/5.13.0-0ubuntu211:53
clivejoRiddell: whats the next step?11:54
clivejogit diff?11:54
clivejoor an actual patch?11:54
sitter_me@smith:~/src/git/d/apps/kdepim$ git diff |diffstat -s11:55
sitter_ 57 files changed, 622 insertions(+), 1131 deletions(-)11:55
sitter_not even done -.-11:55
Riddellclivejo: git diff, git commit -a, git show > PATCH-TO-SEND-TO-US11:55
sitter_yeah, no11:56
clivejodo I do it sitters way (via git gui)11:56
sitter_git format-patch > git show11:56
sitter_also, don't tell people to use git commit -a11:56
sitter_people end up commiting random stuff11:56
clivejook using git gui12:02
clivejoIve staged to commit12:02
clivejowhat should my commit message be?12:03
clivejoFixing symobols files?#12:03
clivejohope thats right12:07
clivejoRiddell or sitter_ mind running your skilled eye over it?12:09
sitter_you can't go wrong with this12:10
sitter_note the bit that goes ->> ALL SYMBOLS NEED RE-GENERATION ON GCC5! <<-12:10
sitter_that being said12:10
sitter_Riddell: ^ we also need to generate symbols from scratch for everything12:10
sitter_I didn't have time to get a reasonable wily env going so I wasn't able to generate symbol dumps for the new pimlibs12:11
clivejositter_: Im afraid I didnt know what that meant :/12:11
sitter_clivejo: the entire akonadi package is new so the existing symbol file was only a stub anyway. so your new symbols (which are not he actually final symbols) are definitely correct12:14
clivejowill someone push that patch for me then :)12:16
clivejoI need to go get some lunch12:17
sitter_Riddell: ^ applied; akonadi needs new upload or something or nothing12:24
mparilloGood morning folks. Anybody running Wily and getting funny kwin dialog boxes?12:50
mgraesslinmparillo: define "funny kwin dialog boxes"12:56
sitter_Riddell: not sure kdepim will get done today13:02
sitter_it's a massive pile of madness13:02
sitter_Riddell: I am opening the flood gates13:03
sitter_actually, maybe I should ditch the unstable jobs for now13:03
sitter_don't care much about those being CI'd right now13:03
mparillomgraesslin: One looked as if it was an application crash, then one seemed to say it had crashed frequently, and now I cannot get Plasma to load. Sorry, it is is just me, I can wait a couple of days until the next Plasma release is complete in Wily13:11
mgraesslinmparillo: might it be that you are hit by the gcc5 transition?13:12
mparilloMight be that also. All of a sudden Wily is getting tons of updates, and maybe I got part of what I need.13:13
mgraesslinmparillo: at least on debian/unstable we got a few crash reports caused by the gcc5 transition13:17
clivejowhat on earth?!?13:44
clivejoW: ark: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libkerfuffle1513:44
clivejowhy only in the amd64 build?13:46
yofelthat has a libKerfuffle.so.15 in it?13:47
yofelit's only in the amd64 one? not on i386?13:47
clivejoyofel: sorry, Im confused13:47
yofelwell, what's actually in there13:47
clivejoark amd64 is orange13:48
clivejotrying to figure out why13:48
yofeloh, we don't run lintian checks on i38613:48
clivejothere is a lintian error13:48
yofelwould be identical in 99.9% of all cases13:48
clivejoso what would be causing the W: ark: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libkerfuffle15 ?13:49
clivejocan that be fixes or add an ignore?13:49
sitter_clivejo: there is a library in the pacakge which would mean the package should be called like the library but since this library is private and only used by ark that warning makes no sense13:50
sitter_so yeah, override13:50
yofelright, override13:50
sitter_create debian/ark.lintian-overrides13:50
sitter_and put in 'ark: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libkerfuffle15'13:50
clivejositter_: Im a bit confused on these branches13:51
sitter_where to put things might help13:51
clivejowhen I was working with you we took the kubuntu_stable branch, but this morning Riddell said to use the kubuntu_wily_archive13:51
sitter_depends on where things are supposed to go13:52
clivejoIm not sure :/13:52
sitter_kubuntu_stable will (usually) only get into the actual repositiories when the next stable release of the application comes out13:52
sitter__unstable when the current in-development version becomes stable13:53
sitter_everything else wants to go to wily_archive13:53
clivejoso for ark, which branch ?13:53
clivejoah ok13:53
sitter_generally speaking: unless you want to fix something from jenkins you don't want to use use kubuntu_stable nor kubuntu_unstable but an _archive branch13:54
sitter_the CI branches gobble up all changes made elsewhere13:55
sitter_so if you make the change in wily_archive it will automatically get copied into kubuntu_stable and then kubuntu_unstable13:55
clivejoalready a file ark.lintian-overrides13:56
sitter_just slap your line in there then13:56
sitter_in fact, there probably already is such a line13:56
clivejoark: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libkerfuffle413:56
sitter_but with a different version at the end13:56
sitter_right, just adapt that to say 1513:56
clivejoah I see13:56
sitter_Riddell: kdepim tomorrow, there is a metric ton of not installed files -.-13:57
clivejocan it be wildcarded?13:58
clivejolibkerfuffle* ?13:58
sitter_clivejo: maybe, probably not though13:58
clivejositter_: is this ok as a comment? Change lintian override file for new file version (libkerfuffle15)13:59
sitter_Riddell: everything other than kdepim should be goody though. the libs need -dev improvmenets and other stuff (see misc todo section on notes page) nothing major though compared to the previous madness. also a lot if not all of them have missing COPYING files14:00
clivejositter_: can you check and push this please - http://paste.ubuntu.com/12071221/14:00
sitter_dvratil fixed all of them I noticed, so I think they should be good for final14:00
sitter_clivejo: pushed14:01
sitter_Riddell: ark needs new upload to get rid of orange14:01
clivejothanking you kindly sir14:01
clivejositter_: gpgmepp another symbols issue?14:02
sitter_clivejo: same as akonadi, simply patch and remove the missing symbols14:03
sitter_current symbols are stubs14:03
clivejook :)14:03
sitter_same for kcalutils14:03
sitter_ah that actually fails to build14:03
clivejowith gpgmepp, Riddell committed 4 hours ago14:05
clivejohe working on it?14:05
sitter_he's afk now14:05
sitter_and he only changed the changelog14:05
sitter_+gpgmepp (4:15.07.90-0ubuntu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium14:05
sitter_Riddell: what's with the pointless epoch?14:05
clivejooh and sitter_ thanks for helping me fix that email problem14:06
clivejosuch a time saver!14:06
sitter_no problem14:06
sitter_Riddell: kidentitymanagement needs a new upload which should unbreak kcalutils14:06
sitter_clivejo: kldap has more symbols14:06
clivejositter_: I think he said something about seeing the history and going way back to when someone made the mistake14:07
sitter_so does kmime14:07
sitter_clivejo: yes, but gpgmepp is new, there is no mistake that could have been made14:07
sitter_clivejo: syndication also has symbols for update14:07
sitter_all of them can savely have their missing symbols removed14:08
sitter_anyway, I am out14:09
clivejothanks sitter_ 14:09
sitter_clivejo: if you have patches just throw them in the channel and hope shadeslayer or yofel find a minute to push ;)14:09
shadeslayeryou'll need to highlight me 14:09
* shadeslayer is pythorning14:09
shadeslayerand hating it14:09
yofeljust put a hightlight on patch :P14:09
shadeslayerclivejo: like so14:10
yofelin quassel you can configure which keywords will highlight you, not only your name14:10
sitter_clivejo: mention their name so they get a notification14:10
shadeslayeryofel: too broad14:10
yofelshadeslayer: that was the idea ;P14:10
sitter_shadeslayer: relevant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMSujTB-SG414:10
* sitter_ out14:10
shadeslayerdafuq am I listening to14:11
yofelwtf XD14:12
clivejothere must be an easier way to delete the #MISSING14:13
clivejowould sed not work?14:13
yofelsure, except you need to verify that not a single one of them is actually public API14:14
yofelexcept if there was an SOVERSION change, then that's ok14:15
clivejoSONAME: libKF5Gpgmepp.so.514:15
yofeland before?14:16
clivejodunno, I think its new and the symbols were a stub?14:16
yofelif that was never in the archive, probably14:18
yofelor if that's the first release of it14:18
ahoneybunohhh new wayland packages14:23
clivejoyofel shadeslayer Riddell : can someone apply this patch please http://paste.ubuntu.com/12071366/14:24
shadeslayerI see ABI break14:25
clivejodo you need to know the git archive?14:25
shadeslayeryep, pretty sure that's a public symbol14:25
shadeslayer+ _ZN5GpgME26GpgAddUserIDEditInteractor12setEmailUtf8ERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE@Base 15.07.9014:25
shadeslayerclivejo: you need to do a lib transition for that14:25
shadeslayerbecause it's exposing c++11 abi now14:25
shadeslayerso libkf5gpgmepp5 should be libkf5gpgmepp5v5 and what not14:26
BluesKajahoneybun:  i see a few wayland packages , but I still see X hanging around :-)14:26
clivejosorry, you have lost me14:26
ahoneybunfor now yep14:26
shadeslayererm, I'm not sure I have time to explain the GCC 5 ABI transition :S14:27
yofelshadeslayer: doesn't he only have to do that if old ABI goes missing?14:27
yofelsince when does *adding* stuff need a transition14:27
shadeslayeryofel: the entire function sig changed?14:27
shadeslayerGpgME::GpgAddUserIDEditInteractor::setEmailUtf8(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) >14:27
yofelis the old one missing?14:28
yofelok then14:28
shadeslayerold one : GpgME::GpgAddUserIDEditInteractor::setEmailUtf8(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)14:28
shadeslayerline 6414:28
yofelright, transition it is then14:29
clivejowish I knew what that was!14:30
shadeslayerclivejo: so, uh, lets see if I can explain this as simple as possible14:30
shadeslayerclivejo: you have a app that was calling setEmailUtf8 from this GPG library with some arguments14:31
shadeslayernow if you update the lib without transitioning it, app will try to still call the same function, but that function doesn't exist anymore!14:31
shadeslayeroh noes14:31
shadeslayerapplication shits itself14:31
shadeslayercrashes happen, in essence, very bad :(14:31
shadeslayerso what you do is bump the ABI so that any old applications keep working against the old lib, and apps recompiled start using the new ABI14:32
shadeslayerclivejo: that's the entire point of symbol files, to check when ABI has changed, and to prevent applications from exploding14:32
clivejocant be said about my head exploding14:33
shadeslayerclivejo: it's not easy, I know :P14:33
shadeslayerIt took me forever to understand it :)14:33
shadeslayerperhaps I still don't completely understand it14:33
shadeslayerclivejo: I'd recommend skipping that package, and marking it as "Requires gcc 5 transition"14:33
shadeslayerone of us will get to it then14:34
clivejohow do I mark it?14:34
shadeslayerwhere are you tracking your work?14:34
shadeslayersurely there's a shared pad somewhere?14:34
clivejoshadeslayer: Riddell posted this this morning - http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/applications/build_status_15.07.90_wily.html14:35
clivejoasked for people to work on it14:35
yofelright, see notepad in /topic14:35
shadeslayerapparently sitter be working on it :)14:36
clivejoLOL hes the one was helping me14:36
clivejobut hes gone for the day14:36
yofeljust put a note there and let him deal with it14:41
shadeslayerthere done14:44
clivejo:) kde-connect is working again 14:48
soeeoh interesting14:53
soeenvidia driver 352 from this new ppa works in Wily (+ nvidia-prime)14:54
soeeits the first time anything else than 346 works14:54
BluesKajsoee:  which gpu do you have ?15:50
clivejoshadeslayer yodel : would this fix kiriki - http://paste.ubuntu.com/12072196/ 16:25
Riddellclivejo: gpgmepp up16:26
shadeslayerclivejo: did you do a library transition16:26
clivejoRiddell: no, dont upload it16:26
Riddellkidentitymanagement up16:26
Riddellark up16:26
clivejoRiddell: I cant fix it, needs a library transplant thingie ma bob16:27
shadeslayerk guess no library transition then16:27
Riddellclivejo: akonadi up (this is all to ppa)16:28
Riddellclivejo: library transplant thing?16:28
shadeslayerclivejo: yes, kiriki looks good16:28
* clivejo crosses fingers for akonadi16:29
shadeslayerRiddell: gpgmepp requires a ABI bump16:29
Riddellshadeslayer:  clivejo: gpgmepp hasn't had a release yet so it's fine to remove symbols16:29
Riddellsame for all of kdepim16:29
shadeslayerRiddell: but has it ever produced a lib?16:29
Riddellno, it's all new16:29
shadeslayera binary in the PPA?16:29
shadeslayeroh ok, then it should be fine then16:29
clivejoso that patch I done is ok?16:29
Riddellclivejo: should be, we'll find out when it's compiled :)16:30
shadeslayerclivejo: yes, but for future reference, if you have a library that is published and removes public symbols ,you need to do a transition16:30
clivejothis is more exciting than the lotto!16:30
shadeslayersince it hadn't been published it's fine :)16:30
Riddellshadeslayer: you doing kiriki or want me to?16:30
shadeslayerRiddell: go for it16:30
shadeslayerI'm still pythorning16:30
shadeslayerit's quite the shit16:31
clivejoIll do a transition surely, when I learn how!16:31
Riddellclivejo: oh can you use paste.kde.org? I can wget from there while p.ubuntu.c stops me from wgetting16:31
clivejoRiddell: sure, how do I config pastebinit to use kde instead?16:31
Riddellhmm no idea I've never used it16:32
Riddelldon't worry if it's a faff16:32
Riddellclivejo: hmm well gpgmepp just failed16:42
clivejosurprise surprise16:42
clivejoa dozen tokens hit you between the eyes!16:42
TJ-clivejo: pastebinit ships with a KDE profile: /usr/share/pastebin.d/paste.kde.org.conf16:42
clivejoTJ-: do you know how to make it default?16:44
ahoneybunRiddell all the packages are working good then?16:44
TJ-clivejo: "pastebinit -l" will list the available profiles, and "pastebinit -b paste.kde.org" will use KDE.16:44
TJ-clivejo: maybe "alias pbkde='pastebinit -b paste.kde.org'  "16:46
clivejogood idea to read the man page!16:55
TJ-clivejo: but it seems the profile doesn't work with the pastebin!16:58
clivejoyeah, noticed that16:58
clivejoIm trying https16:58
TJ-I tried that, no change16:58
clivejoyou getting - Unable to read or parse the result page, it could be a server time-out or a server-side change. Try with another pastebin.16:58
TJ-clivejo: I suspect it's bevause since that profile was created, KDE switched from some other PB software to Sticky-Notes, which has a REST API16:59
clivejowill I submit a bug?17:00
alleeclivejo: I'm confused vivid beta ppa has kamoso 3.0.0 and purpose 0.1.  AFAIU kamoso is at 3.0.0rc1 and (lib)purpose at 1.0rc1, arn't they?  Any plans to update them in vivid beta ppa? 17:03
alleeclivejo: and thx for starting pkging them!17:04
alleein june17:04
clivejoallee: Im only learning how to package, the version numbers are confusing me too17:58
clivejoIm using the upstream version numbers17:58
clivejoI run wily on my test machine, so I dont know about vivid or if plasma has been backported for it18:00
alleeclivejo: ah okay.   fwiw  x.y alpha beta rc releases should be packaged as  x.y~alphaZ ... x.y~rcZ18:00
allee x.y~whatever is always smaller that the final x.y release18:01
clivejoaccording to upstream purpose is now at 1.0rc1 18:04
clivejoI have no idea why18:05
clivejoI would have thought 0.2 or 0.9 would been more logical :/18:06
clivejowith 1.0 being the final release18:06
* clivejo dances18:10
clivejoakonadi is in the green!18:10
clivejois gwenview a tokens issue?18:14
clivejoRiddell: ping?18:14
clivejoare kipi-plugins a standalone package or are they part of digikam?18:29
rdieterclivejo: the latter (it's built from digikam sources, if that's what you mean)18:43
clivejowhy are there source files here - https://extragear.kde.org/apps/kipi/#releases18:45
yofelthey were seperate in the past (the repository is still seperate), but they're released only as part of the digikam SC18:46
clivejooh right18:48
clivejoIm trying to figure out what is wrong wit gwenview18:48
alleeclivejo: for libraries the 0.* usually mean no ABI/API garanty.  With 1.0 upstream promises ABI will be backward compatible until until 2.018:49
yofelclivejo: that's *libkf5*kipi, not kipi-plugins18:50
yofelthe plugins are shipped with digikam, the lib with kf5 (previously kde sc)18:50
clivejoI know, but I cant find KF5KipiConfig.cmake in wily18:51
yofelhm, right..18:51
yofelis that even released...18:52
yofelI don't see anything in 5.13 at least18:52
clivejoI can only see two comlaints as to why gwenview is failing18:53
clivejoKF5KipiConfig.cmake and KF5KDcrawConfig.cmake18:54
yofelwell, it's not failing18:54
yofelit's yellow18:54
clivejowell they are listed as optional18:54
clivejobut Im trying to find them18:55
yofelI see KF5Kipi in http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=libkipi.git frameworks branch19:00
yofelbut that's unreleased19:00
rdieterfwiw, that's the primary reason why fedora (me) hasn't updated to the latest gwenview yet (lack of kipi support)19:01
rdieterand holding on to the latest kde4 release19:01
rdieterthat said, kf5 gwenview kipi/kdcraw support should be optional19:02
clivejois tag v15.07.90 not the applications we are working on?19:06
yofelyes, but that's kde419:10
yofelat least for libkipi19:10
clivejook, ill drop gwenview and look at kcalutils19:11
clivejoanyone know where KF5PimTextEditConfig.cmake is?!?19:18
soeeBluesKaj: Intel + GT 650 M 19:19
BluesKajsoee: yeah, optimus19:19
soeei will try also 355 beta drivers if they work19:21
BluesKajthe GT650M is a decent quality gpu for a laptop19:22
clivejoshadeslayer Riddell yofel can any of you push a commit and retry a package?19:31
clivejoshadeslayer Riddell yofel : https://paste.kde.org/paredlgil if any of you get a chance19:35
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
clivejoeveryone gone?!?20:08
soeeok, i wil test now nvidia 355 on Wily20:09
yofelclivejo: looking20:09
yofelclivejo: what package is that?20:09
clivejoyodel: is there any way to search a PPA like we can the main archives?20:10
yofelno, I guess you could install all packages and run dpkg -S20:11
yofelPPA's don't even have contents files so apt-file can't search them either20:11
soeeoh nice, nidai 355 also work20:13
clivejoyofel: can you also retry the build?20:15
yofelyes, more like I have to do another upload20:15
yofelgrr, why is there no watch file20:24
yofeland git-buildpackage-ppa crashes *-.-20:26
clivejono idea why there is no watch file!20:30
yofelnobody added one :P20:31
yofelI added it now20:31
clivejonobody needs a kick up the backside :P20:31
yofelit's used by uscan, which is a tool to quickly check whether there's a new upstream release20:32
yofelwe use uscan in git-buildpackage-ppa to fetch the source if it's now downloaded yet20:32
clivejoso it is quite important20:33
yofelwell, it's handy so you don't have to download the tarball by hand20:33
clivejodoes uscan do it for you?20:34
clivejolike if I do a git clone and get the debian folder, can I use uscan to downland the tarball?20:35
yofelthe script runs: subprocess.call(["uscan", "--download-current-version", "--destdir=../build-area"])20:35
clivejoso while in the debian dir I could use uscan --download-current-version --destdir=../ ?20:36
yofelRiddell: I just updated git-buildpackage-ppa for recent gbp, please revert if you have issues20:36
yofelclivejo: yes, if you have a watch file20:37
yofel(that has the downlad URL's)20:37
clivejothats getting added to my notes!20:37
Riddellthanks yofel20:37
yofelyou could also just use git-buildpackage-ppa from kubuntu-automation :P20:37
Riddellclivejo: did you get sorted?20:38
clivejoyofel: on my local machine20:38
clivejoRiddell: I think yofel has sorted it yes20:38
yofelclivejo: hm20:38
yofel Missing build dependencies: libkf5pimtextedit-dev 20:38
yofelthat exists?20:39
clivejowhere are you building it?20:39
yofelignore me20:39
clivejoit should exist in the PPA20:39
yofel#parser.add_argument("-d", "--dist", default=UbuntuDistroInfo().devel(), help="Distribution name (default: current development release)")20:40
yofelparser.add_argument("-d", "--dist", default="vivid", help="Distribution name (default: current development release)")20:40
clivejobut it doesnt exist locally20:40
yofelclivejo: nvm, I uploaded to vivid20:40
clivejowell not on my machice20:40
clivejoif I added the PPA to my pbuilder would that work?20:40
yofelmeh, the script still crashes20:41
clivejowhich ppa are these apps being built?20:42
yofelthe status page has the link at the top20:43
yofelmeh, script fixed. Been a while since I wrote python20:53
clivejokcalutils is green :)21:06
clivejothanks yofel21:07
clivejoksudoku seems to be just a bump on standards to fix it?21:08
clivejocan you do that easier via your commit permissions?21:08
clivejoor will I prepare a patch?21:08
clivejooh there is a missing file too21:09
clivejoIll make a patch21:09
clivejoRiddell or yofel: can you please apply this patch - https://paste.kde.org/pv16azcqg21:17
Riddellyofel: git-buildpackage-ppa still not working in e.g. khangman, any idea why? git-buildpackage-ppa21:19
Riddellclivejo: looking21:19
yofelerm, why is that thing running apt-get source in the git folder o.O21:21
yofelRiddell: also, khangman kubuntu_wily_archive is at 15.04.221:22
yofelno update for it?21:22
yofelhm, and the watch urls are failing. That's odd21:23
clivejoon kci why is wily_stable_kmailtransport stuck and showing red?21:23
Riddellyofel: apt source in git folder always annoys me21:23
Riddellyofel: ah I think I see, wrap-and-sort git handle is complaining so that'll have prevented the git commit to the new version and breaks git-buildpackage-ppa, thanks21:24
yofelapt-get source commented out21:24
yofelnow it's failing on the tarball, wth21:26
yofelI want bzr back, gbp is horrible21:27
Riddellbzr-buildpackage is so much nicer than whever gbp is trying to be21:27
yofelgbp wants a copy of the upstream source in git21:28
yofelI guess with some fancy remote handling we could actually do that, but why do we even need to :(21:28
clivejoRiddell yofel: syndication is failing on symbols, does it require library transition?21:29
Riddellclivejo: no it's also new21:29
clivejoso I can try fixing it?21:30
Riddellclivejo: please :)21:30
yofeloh, I forgot to commit21:30
yofelthanks gbp for giving me a very accurate error for that *-.-21:30
Riddell"Subject: [kde-release-team] KDE Applications 15.08.0 available for packagers" oh we're behind the times21:30
yofel signfile khangman_15.07.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.10~ppa1_source.changes 2EC0A9FF21:30
yofelso yeah, if you use the script exactly in the right way, it works21:31
Riddellkhangman did work for me when I pushed the right change with gbp21:32
RiddellI've already uploaded it to ppa21:32
clivejoRiddell: can you push this please - https://paste.kde.org/p4kqsg97221:38
* Riddell looks21:38
Riddellclivejo: uploaded!21:42
clivejoRiddell: Can you shed some light on this? - https://paste.kde.org/pkhjobsc122:03
Riddellit's trying to run tests but there's no X environment set up so they fail22:04
clivejohow do I disable that?22:04
Riddellyou can copy the test stuff from e.g. konsole which has a line in debian/control and debian/rules and stuff in debian/tests22:04
Riddelland that runs tests with an X environment set up22:04
Riddellor you can just disable them by overriding dh_auto_test in debian/rules22:05
Riddellclivejo: what's the package?22:05
Riddellooh is it umbrello?22:05
clivejowhat checking the spelling22:05
clivejoI was22:05
clivejogetting tired22:05
clivejoI prefer the overirde 22:06
clivejowhat do you think?22:07
Riddellclivejo: try with the testing stuff from konsole, should just be copying the two lines and the directory22:07
Riddellit's umbrello which got me an A at university so I feel an obligation towards it :)22:07
clivejowhat is it?22:08
RiddellUML diagram program, for drawing diagrams ("models") of object orientated code22:09
Riddellacademics love that stuff, it was a guaranteed A22:09
clivejoIm not sure what I need to do here22:10
clivejoI need the tests dir from konsole?22:10
Riddellyes, debian/tests22:10
Riddelland the X-thing-autotest line in debian/control22:11
Riddelland the PHONY line in debian/rules22:11
clivejorm tests first and copy new in?22:12
clivejoso add XS-Testsuite: autopkgtest to control?22:14
Riddellhmm, it seems to have it already22:14
Riddellclivejo: so maybe it's just lacking the line in debian/rules22:14
clivejoand I bumped standards while there22:14
Riddellgood idea22:15
Riddellalthough really you should read up on what's changed in the standards version and check it's doesn't affect the package22:15
clivejobumping 3/debian-qt-kde.mk22:15
Riddellbut if you don't, I won't tell anyone :)22:15
Riddellclivejo: hang on umbrello is still kdelibs4 so it should use 2//debian-qt-kde.mk22:16
clivejois version 3 not backwards compatable?22:16
clivejoso add .PHONY: override_dh_auto_test to rules?22:17
Riddellno it's not intended to be22:18
clivejoand why is it not 4 for kde4 and 5 for plasma5?!?22:18
Riddellyes add that PHONY line22:18
Riddellthe course of true versioning never did run smoothly22:18
clivejoanything else while Im here?22:18
clivejois this needed?22:19
clivejo        $(overridden_command) --destdir=debian/tmp22:19
Riddellclivejo: I guess so22:21
Riddellclivejo: if there's only 1 .deb in debian/control dh_install will install to debian/<packagename> instead of debian/tmp and no .install file is needed22:21
Riddellthe umbrello package uses a .install file so it needs to set debian/tmp for that to work22:21
RiddellI'm not sure why it uses a .install file, maybe there's a good reason22:22
clivejoRiddell: do I delete all the files in tests before copying them?22:23
clivejoor even rm tests and the cp the konsole version22:24
Riddellclivejo: just leave the current ones, they should be the same as in konsole22:24
clivejowas the problem the .PHONY line?22:25
soeeRiddell: can you take a look @ #kubuntu and the Kate issue ?22:26
Riddellclivejo: yes I tihnk so22:27
Riddellclivejo: that just makes dh_auto_tests not run, instead the autopkgtest stuff is used22:27
Riddellwhich is what's in debian/tests22:27
Riddellsoee: shrug, core dumped, he needs to get a backtrace for anyone to have any idea22:28
Riddellsoee: or remove config files maybe22:28
clivejoRiddell: trying a debuild locally22:29
clivejoRiddell: two lintian warnings22:37
clivejoW: umbrello: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/po2xmi22:37
clivejoW: umbrello: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/xmi2pot22:37
clivejoand error signing the file cause I dont have your secret key :P22:38
Riddellclivejo: ignore those22:38
clivejoso generate a patch ?22:38
Riddellclivejo:  binary-without-manpage is debian policy but we don't care about it in ubuntu22:38
Riddellclivejo: yes please :)22:38
Riddellclivejo: if you want to get credit you can add a line in changelog with dch -i22:38
clivejodo I need to add a lintian ingore?22:39
Riddellno, we override it in our status scripts22:39
clivejonah, Ill only get the blame if it goes wrong!22:39
Riddelldebian will care about it so adding a lintian ignore in the packaging is just something they can't merge22:39
ahoneybunrelease notes22:43
clivejopaste.kde.org wont let me paste it22:45
clivejosays "You must select a language other than 'text' for this paste. "22:45
valorietry bash22:45
clivejotried diff22:46
clivejoRiddell: can you patch umbrella for me22:47
RiddellumbrellO :)22:48
valoriefolks, I saw no answer about kdeplasma-addons22:48
clivejoLOL I know, just winding22:48
Riddellclivejo: in debian/watch put two lines not just one22:48
valoriewe're missing it22:48
Riddellclivejo: both stable and unstable22:48
clivejocan it deal with multiple sources?22:48
clivejocan you sort that, or do I need to redo the patch?22:49
Riddellclivejo: sorting22:50
Riddellvalorie: what's up?22:50
clivejoRiddell: thanks22:50
Riddellvalorie: missing where?22:50
clivejoand thanks for the heads up, I didnt know that22:50
Riddellclivejo: uploaded!22:50
clivejoRiddell: do you have scripts?22:51
clivejoto do it fro you?22:51
clivejoyou are extremely quick!22:51
clivejohas this been packaged yet? - http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Simple+RSS+reader?content=17086222:54
Riddellclivejo: I already have an umbrello git clone, and I use git-buildpackage-ppa from kubuntu-automation scripts to build the package for the ppa23:00
Riddellclivejo: that's only a week old so no it's not been packaged :)23:01
clivejoif you have time tomorrow, will you teach me?23:01
clivejoan rss feed on my desktop would be handy :)23:02
clivejoso umbrello is orange cause of the lintian warnings?23:07
valorieRiddell: sorry, I said last night: 23:39
valorie[23:04] <valorie> !info kdeplasma-addons23:39
valorie[23:04] <ubottu> Package kdeplasma-addons does not exist in wily23:39
valorie[23:04] <valorie> !info kdeplasma-addons vivid23:39
valorie[23:04] <ubottu> Package kdeplasma-addons does not exist in vivid23:39
valorie[23:05] <valorie> and yet we have -data and -dbg23:39
valorie[23:05] <valorie> sounds like an oversight23:39
valorie[23:35] <valorie> on addons, debian has a package: https://packages.debian.org/unstable/kdeplasma-addons23:39
valorieshould I file a bug?23:39
Riddellvalorie: e-mail the list may be better23:45
Riddellvalorie: but I think it's deliberate23:46
Riddelldebian has kdelibs4 version23:46
Riddellwe have kf5 version and packaging is different23:46
* Riddell snoozes, thanks valorie, clivejo et al23:46
valoriethey mention kf5 on that page23:46
valorieor I wouldn't have linked it23:46
dokoRiddell, still awake?23:46
valoriebut I'm sending an email23:46
valoriesweet dreams Riddell23:47
valoriesent, off shopping for my grandson's 8th birthday present23:52

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