
helpmepls 0 down vote favorite   Every time I log off my wallpaper and icons get reset. I tried deleting my lxsession folder as it says here since it seemed like a similar problem but no luck. http://askubuntu.com/questions/451858/blank-desktop-after-upgrading-lubuntu-to-the-next-version Using the latest Lubuntu.00:54
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jam__hi all, I been asking before about the F4 (Install a command-line system) and what this option give you.)07:11
jam__it seems there are no documentation available so my question is if it is possible to run a Diff against ubuntu.mini ? and see what packages are installed and not ?07:13
jam__... unbelevable that you are not able to install ubuntu/xubuntu minimal system with wifi09:08
jam__*xubuntu lubuntu09:08
jam__don't want to use debian or arch for different reasons09:09
jam__S wifi09:29
Unit193jam__: Can you ask whatever question you have?09:30
jam__Unit193, I want to install a minimal ubuntu based system but the ubuntu mini iso don't come with drivers for wifi.09:32
Unit193jam__: You can't use ethernet to install those drivers?  Perhaps just grab the desktop ISO and remove unneeded packages then.09:33
jam__I am traveling a lot and can't find Internet connections everywhere I go09:34
jam__Unit193, to remove unwanted packages is an alternative, but how do I know what to remove ?09:35
jam__Unit193,  acctually maybe have the drivers on usb stick could be an option09:37
Unit193Depends, what ones did you need?09:37
Unit193And, mini.iso isn't live, nor does it have enough to boot into a GUI without internet.09:38
jam__Unit193, I found this http://askubuntu.com/questions/203122/how-do-i-do-a-minimal-install-without-an-internet-connection  and they suggest I use the server edition,  I already have the lubuntu.iso and there are an option to install without GUI,  do you know what the diffrence is between this one and the ubuntu mini? if there are any differences ?09:43
Unit193I'd say the alternate version, not the server version.  mini.iso is 30MB, but downloads all needed packages during install; the alternate uses the same installer, is about 700MB, but does not need an internet connection to install the system.09:45
jam__Unit193, there are no ubuntu alternate version, I have the lubuntu alternate version and selecting F4 using install gives you an09:47
jam__ a command-line system09:47
Unit193Right, we're in #lubuntu, thus I was commenting about installing Lubuntu.09:47
jam__the problem is I do not know how this " a command-line system" are diffrent from the ubuntu mini distro09:47
jam__(sorry for my spelling and typing errors)09:48
jam__right  :   )   ...  I can't find any documentation using the F4 option so I don't know what I have installed.09:50
Unit193I'd think a system without a DE/WM, and one that skipped tasksel.09:50
jam__is there a way to figure this out ?  run a DIFF against the ubuntu mini version?09:50
Unit193You can get a package list...09:51
Unit193dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Package}\n'09:51
jam__Unit193, ah so if I run both the ubuntu mini.iso and the lubuntu "command-line system" in virtualbox I should be able to get two lists I can compare ?09:55
Unit193I don't see a point in doing so, but yes you can.09:56
jam__how else should I know what the lubuntu "command-line system"  installs and not ?09:56
jam__...maybe some important security packages are missing or something ?09:58
jam__Unit193,  still here ?  forgot to add your name in my reply10:03
Harish_Hello, I have a question about Lubuntu. WHat are its advantages over Kubuntu if I'm running ti on a 2008 macbook pro?22:37
ianorlinHarish_: it has benefits if you don't like too many menus and settings22:38
ianorlinuses less ram for applications and uses gpu to animate the desktop22:39
Harish_I see. That's good. Will the availabe software choices change?22:39
tsimonq2Harish_: And in general Lubuntu is faster than Kubuntu, especially on older computers/laptops.22:40
tsimonq2Same software22:40
Harish_Cool. Will give give it a try.22:40
ianorlinless memmory useage22:40
tsimonq2ianorlin: too late lol :P :)22:41

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