
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
josejcastro: what? wiki? what's going on with it? can I help?01:43
dholbachgood morning07:21
dpmmorning all07:40
dholbachsalut davidcalle, hey dpm07:45
davidcalledholbach, hey hey :)07:46
davidcalledholbach, staging deploy update: we still need an external intervention to do it, to upload the project tarball to http://archive.admin.canonical.com/other/devportal/, then it's picked up by juju from this location.07:48
dpmhey dholbach07:48
davidcalledholbach, on the bright side, the new tarball is being uploaded there right now, and as soon as it's in I should be able to trigger a deploy that's not outdated or broken07:50
dholbachonce it's deployed on staging that could serve as a blueprint for a production deployment or will that be more complicated?07:51
davidcalledholbach, I honestly don't know, but from what I've gathered from the spec, it should be the same but on a prod environment07:56
davidcalledholbach, when Mike or Caio is back, I'll talk to them about updathing the spec to have it pull the tarball directly from launchpad, so we could skip the step I just went through07:57
dholbachdavidcalle, I guess they'll just need a recent db dump and we'll have some downtime, but that should be it, right?07:57
* dholbach might be a bit overly optimistic :-)07:58
davidcalledholbach, I forgot about the pesky db, that's right, there must be another step for prod :-)07:58
davidcalledholbach, let's have all the cms content on launchpad, now that we have tools to pull it into pages :D07:59
davidcalle(I actually would love that, to some extent)08:00
dholbachsame here :)08:02
dholbachlet's iron out the bugs along the way and then see what we can do :)08:03
* dholbach relocates to the office, brb11:17
josedpm: ping15:16
dpmhola jose15:32
josedpm: hey, llegaste a revisar el correo que envié?15:32
dpmjose, no aun no, lo siento. Te lo miro ahora15:34
dpmjose, let me check with Michelle first to see if there is the option to return to the fund, she appears to be out atm. I'll come back to you by tomorrow, as IIRC both you and I will be off on Monday :)15:39
dholbachall right my friends - have a great rest of your day - see you tomorrowQ17:20
dholbachall right my friends - have a great rest of your day - see you tomorrow!17:20
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