
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
=== hikiko__ is now known as hikiko
didrocksgood morning05:29
pittibonjour didrocks !05:53
didrockshey pitti, ça va ?05:54
pittiça va bien, et toi ?05:54
didrocksmaintenant que je peux reconstruire mes paquets, oui :)05:54
desrtgood morning, desktop!06:05
pittihey desrt, how are you?06:05
desrtpretty good06:05
didrockshey desrt, quite early for you, even in EST time! :)06:06
desrthave a nice bug i'm working on now and it's one of those ones where the solution is simple but tricky to get right06:06
desrtso i'm happy :)06:06
desrtdidrocks: i'm in CEST06:06
desrthikiko: good morning06:14
didrockstjaalton: still crashing…06:17
* didrocks almost lost 20 minutes of writing on my blog06:17
didrocks(for the Ubuntu Make release)06:17
didrocksfortunatly chrome is awesome06:17
tjaaltondidrocks: file a new bug on xserver-xorg-video-intel, saying you have the latest06:18
tjaaltonickle (upstream) will have a look06:18
tjaaltonand then you can switch to uxa (man intel)06:19
didrockstjaalton: doing (just after blogging)06:20
tjaaltonyou can assign it to me06:21
didrockswill do, thanks!06:21
tjaaltonwhat does lspci -nn -s 0:2.0 say?06:22
didrocks00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:0126] (rev 09)06:22
tjaaltonso sandybridge06:24
tjaaltonhm, my t420s has one and wife is using it every day06:24
tjaaltonon trusty but since the crashes happen there too..06:25
didrockstjaalton: I never got the crashes before upgrading to wily here06:25
didrocksso maybe it was less frequent?06:25
didrocksvivid was fine as well06:26
didrocksit really started right after upgrading to wily06:26
tjaaltonthat's weird then since the driver didn't change, other than a few patches from debian. base version is the same06:26
didrocksweird, indeed…06:30
tjaaltonmaybe other bits make it easier to trigger then06:30
didrockscan be06:31
desrtaside: does anyone know when i arrive in heidelberg? :)06:40
didrocksyou just wrote "train", so no :p06:40
desrti seem to have temporarily misplaced my yubikey so i can't check the spreadsheet06:40
desrti mean which day :)06:40
didrockspitti: how to bypass already in apport the check for ubuntu genuine package as I want to report from the ppa? /me doesn't remember06:40
didrocksdesrt: tomorrow06:40
didrocksas Laney and I IIRC06:41
didrockslet me recheck06:41
pittididrocks: APPORT_DISABLE_DISTRO_CHECK=106:41
didrockspitti: many thanks!06:41
didrocksdesrt: I hope you know the time though :p06:41
desrti should buy some train tickets or something06:41
didrocksthat was my guess ;)06:42
didrocksdesrt: I arrive at half past 3, Laney at 4something IIRC06:43
desrtthis makes me sad06:43
didrocksto see us tomorrow? I see :p06:43
desrtto leave the place where i am now06:43
didrocksare you going back after debconf?06:43
desrtback home06:44
RAOFpitti: Would you be able to upload colord at your leisure?06:49
pittiRAOF: sure!06:50
pittiRAOF: hm, the last three releases in git are UNRELEASED06:50
RAOFYeah, please mark the last one as to unstable.06:50
pittiRAOF: can you merge the changelogs?06:50
RAOFI'm leaving that step to you, because last time I marked an upload as going to experimental it... didn't :)06:51
pittiah, ok :)06:51
RAOFpitti: 1.2.11-1 has already been rejected from NEW, but I can certainly merge the changelogs if you want.06:51
pittiRAOF: ah, was 1.2.10-1 uploaded at all?06:52
RAOFNo; it sat in my tree marked as “experimental”, and I thought I'd got it uploaded.06:52
pittiok, so dch -r/debcommit -r/dput should be done by one person in one go; I'll do that after the changelog merge then06:53
RAOFMerged changelog entries.06:55
pittiRAOF: removing existing debian/1.2.11-1 tag FYI06:56
RAOFpitti: Yeah, good call.06:56
pittiW: colord source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.9.5 (current is 3.9.6)06:57
pittiRAOF: uploaded07:10
RAOFpitti: Ta.07:10
RAOFI'll fix those nits in git, so the next upload is lintian clean.07:11
RAOFModulo manpages for internal binaries, because sod that.07:11
pittiRAOF: moving them to /usr/lib isn't an option?07:12
RAOFIt probably is.07:12
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=== CardinalFang is now known as qengho
willcookewhat up Laney08:05
didrocksmorning willcooke, Laney08:05
pittihey Laney, how are you?08:06
Laneyhey willcooke didrocks pitti08:08
Laneydoing good!08:08
Laneytried to watch out for some meteors last night08:08
Laneysaw a few!08:09
pittiah, the Perseides?08:09
Laneyyeah - it was supposed to be the peak08:11
LaneyWould have been better if I wasn't in the city though08:11
seb128good morning desktopers08:11
seb128hey willcooke Laney pitti08:11
seb128re didrocks08:11
pittibonjour seb128 !08:11
Laneyhey seb12808:12
didrocksre seb12808:12
* didrocks goes for a run08:26
seb128didrocks, enjoy!08:26
didrocksseb128: thanks, especially knowing that the next one will be at debconf with Laney :)08:27
seb128you can jog next to his bike I guess :-)08:27
Laneyoh I didn't know the word for running and cycling were the same in france :)08:27
didrocksseb128: that may be a way ;)08:27
* didrocks really gone08:28
Laneyget some skates and I can tow you08:28
didrocksthat's not the goal of "exercising", you know ;)08:28
Laneyit'll make *me* work harder08:29
willcookeThe -desktop mailing list is now purged08:43
seb128willcooke is in charge now, no need to worry anymore good desktop people, your emails are going to be moderated ;-)08:49
willcookes/moderated/discarded more regularly08:52
seb128sounds about right!08:52
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|bbl
willcookeSo it looks like LP sends messages to the mailing list for each commit etc.  Do we want those to be published?  They're held at the moment.  I don't think we want all of them on the list really.09:35
willcookeAny thoughts one way or the other?09:35
willcookeoh, except this messages is sent to look like it came from seb128 rather than LP09:36
seb128willcooke, yeah, launchpad sends comment like they were coming from the user09:36
seb128and no we don't want them on the list09:36
seb128usually that happens because somebody subscribed the wrong team to a bug09:37
seb128e.g ubuntu-desktop09:37
willcookeright, yeah09:44
willcookeI guess I'll ignore them and flush the queue once in a while09:45
seb128sometime those do reach the list because some of us are subscribed to the list so it goes through09:45
seb128I usually go to the bug and unsubscribe the team when that happens09:46
willcookeoki, I can do that09:46
ochosihey seb12810:40
ochosiwanted to ping you quickly about that libreoffice packaging change we (xubuntu) wanted to propose10:40
darkxsthey desktopers10:41
ochosiseb128: so to be concrete, the packaging issue in libreoffice i wanted to ask you about is summarized here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/148391410:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1483914 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "libreoffice-style-elementary as alternate to libreoffice-style-human" [Undecided,New]10:41
darkxstLaney, can you take another look at the peripheral settings branches for u-s-d/u-c-c, given up on g-o-a patched g-c-c to not dep on g-o-a 3.1610:44
seb128hey darkxst ochosi10:47
darkxsthey seb12810:47
Laneydarkxst: in theory but probably not in the next two days10:47
seb128darkxst, the goa demote only some binaries approach is not security team approved then?10:48
seb128ochosi, yeah, alternative recommends seems fine to me10:48
ochosiseb128: great! anything else we can do to move this ahead?10:48
Laneysomeone else would be more satisfactory probably10:48
seb128ochosi, submit a debdiff for sponsoring? ;-)10:48
Laneygiven next week is debconf :(10:49
ochosiseb128: heh, ok i will try to get that for you (shouldn't that be a one-liner though?)10:49
seb128ochosi, it should yes ;-)10:49
Laneyhave you seen libreoffice's rules file?10:49
seb128Laney, darkxst, maybe robert_ancell can do revieew10:49
seb128Laney, no, trying to avoid it!10:50
ochosiLaney: nope10:50
ochosiis it *that* good? :)10:50
Laneyhave a drink on standby10:50
Laneyseb128: think he declined to do it before?10:50
seb128yeah, I think he said he didn't have enough clue about the topic10:51
seb128so good luck to find a reviewer this week I guess...10:51
Laneyjoin the club10:51
ochosiso you're saying we should start prepping the FFe already? ;)10:52
seb128the alternative recommends should require a ffe10:53
Laneynot you10:54
Laneytalking about darkxst's change10:54
seb128yeah, I was replying to ochosi10:56
Laneystill got a week10:58
Laney(!!! only a week)10:58
ochosioh ok11:01
mitya57ted, hi, any chance you can top-approve https://code.launchpad.net/~albertsmuktupavels/libappindicator/watch-status-notifier-watcher-dbus-name/+merge/263694 ?11:09
mitya57this is a rebase of a branch you approved without the part you disapproved :)11:10
* pitti rentre de courier -- trop chaud aujourd'hui !11:15
Laneydesrt: I probably arrive at 18:4511:15
didrockspitti: il fait meilleur ici au contraire, c'était facile de courir :)11:17
didrocksLaney: I think I'll be in the hotel lobby then11:18
pittididrocks: c'était dur pour moi, j'ai perdu à aller dans le matin :/11:19
Laneydidrocks: cool!11:19
didrockspitti: oui, je me fais piéger aussi parfois11:19
darkxstseb128, apparently no one thought that out, need webkit binaries in main to build the other stuff! and that is too confusing!11:20
Laneydarkxst: suggest asking robert_ancell again nicely :P11:21
darkxstLaney, he was not at all keen last time I asked11:23
LaneyI don't think any of us are likely to know about it, so we'll all have to spend some time getting up to speed11:26
Laneyoh well11:26
darkxstLaney, I could setup a ppa, for testing, but not about to self sponsor without a second set of eyes looking over it11:38
darkxstbut apparently only my eyes understand the patches ;(11:38
LaneyI don't mind doing it, just struggling for time this week11:41
LaneyJust wish someone else would be willing too11:41
seb128I would be happy to do it, but I want to land the bluez5 transition first and I'm doing sponsoring shift which is really needed and still have some other small things in backlog and debconf coming as well11:46
seb128darkxst, yeah, I didn't fully understand how that "demote binaries only" was supposed to work, but I had too many other things to try to understand it really or argue11:48
darkxstseb128, landing bluez5 first is fine, just so long as it gets through beore freeze (Athough I guess it will be a FFe)11:51
darkxstin theory it works, but only if webkit2 binaries are in main, its not like I have had huge amounts of free cycles to think about this either11:53
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seb128happyaron, can you reply on https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/ubuntu/wily/libx11/pt_PT-compose/+merge/258526 ?12:26
didrockstjaalton: FYI, 2 more crashes in 15 minutes12:30
tjaaltondidrocks: switched to uxa yet?12:31
didrockstjaalton: no, doing that now12:31
didrockstjaalton: do you think I was using uxa in pre-wily?12:31
tjaaltonit's something else triggering it12:31
didrockscreating a Xorg.conf, so last decade! :)12:34
didrockstjaalton: after another crash, running UXA now…12:52
=== hikiko|bbl is now known as hikiko
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
seb128does anyone see a reason to not upload bluez5 now?15:05
seb128we got some testers that said it works fine and nobody came with an "hold on" on the list15:06
seb128willcooke, Laney, didrocks1, ^ no objection?15:15
LaneyI didn't try it yet, but go for it if you're happy15:15
Laneythere is time to fix stuff15:15
seb128cyphermox, ^15:15
seb128I tested it several times and didrocks1 did as well15:15
cyphermoxah, no objections, by all means it's way overdue :)15:16
seb128ok, let's do that then15:16
cyphermoxthings should Just Work (tm)15:16
cyphermoxare we likely to inconvenience the gcc5 transition in any way while fixing the inevitable small things that will break?15:17
seb128Laney, didrocks1, the transitions ppa is non virtual, is that good enough to archive copy include binaries?15:17
Laneydoes it build with proposed?15:17
seb128unsure, how do I tell?15:18
seb128https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ubuntu/transitions/+edit doesn't have such details15:18
Laneyin the options page for the PPA15:18
Laneyand it doesn't follow archive comopnents15:18
Laneyso probably good to rebuild15:18
seb128Laney, thanks15:19
didrocks1seb128: do a source copy though15:23
didrocks1that will avoid the upload :)15:23
seb128didrocks1, right, what we just said15:23
=== didrocks1 is now known as didrocks
seb128oh, you mean rather than a dput15:23
didrocksif the version is good for the archive, of course15:24
didrocks(and yeah, no objection for me)15:24
willcookeseb128, +1 BlueZ15:25
seb128didrocks, Laney, willcooke, cyphermox, thanks, bluez done, let's have fun ;-)15:26
Laneypeople were already complaining about wily phone being broken15:26
Laneylet's give them more15:26
didrocksLaney: heh15:26
seb128desktop daily doesn't boot either15:26
Laneyit got promoted15:27
cyphermoxworking on it15:27
seb128bug 148457115:27
ubot5bug 1484571 in casper (Ubuntu) "Latest wily image is not booting" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148457115:27
Laneycan we stakeholderify some work to get those tests doing a little bit more?15:27
seb128Laney, jibel said15:27
seb128<jibel> seb128, actually installation works when the the system boots over pxe15:27
seb128 seb128, which what utah does IITC15:27
cyphermoxI don't know why it got promoted though, not booting should be critical enough for things to fail :)15:27
seb128cyphermox, ^15:27
seb128it boots over pxe15:27
cyphermoxmakes sense15:27
seb128so yeah, maybe we need a way to test that case as well15:28
cyphermoxit's probably broken in isolinux or some such piece way before casper15:28
Laneyi.e. get https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-test-cases/+bug/1477227 prioritised :)15:28
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1477227 in Ubuntu Test Cases "Desktop ISO smoke testing coverage is not very good" [Undecided,New]15:28
Laneywillcooke: maybe we could get this on the QA team's $agile_term_for_things_to_work_on ?15:30
willcookeLaney, hrm, I already did.  I will do so again15:31
jibelLaney, it's already on our $whatever_you_name_the_agile_thing15:32
Laneyjibel: nice15:32
Laneyit's just not possible to tell that from looking at the bug :P15:32
jibelLaney, indeed, we have bug 1479064 blocking ubiquity tests which should have caught this problem. I'll have someone on it after OTA6 if it is not fixed earlier.15:54
ubot5bug 1479064 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Autopilot test "EnglishDefaultInstallTestCase" fails with Xubuntu i386 Wily daily ISO" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147906415:54
willcookethx jibel15:54
didrockstjaalton: and crashed with UXA then…16:12
tjaaltondidrocks: huh16:13
tjaaltondidrocks: add a trace to the bug again16:14
didrockstjaalton: hum, isn't what I've done?16:14
didrocks(see my comment)16:14
tjaaltonyes, but that was with sna16:15
tjaaltonthe default16:15
didrocksah, you want another one with UXA? ok16:15
* didrocks cleans up /var/crash for next instance16:15
dholbachhey hey16:44
dholbachseb128 did quite a bit of sponsoring today, can somebody else help take a look at the remaining items on http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/?16:46
seb128dholbach, hey16:46
dholbachthanks again seb12816:46
seb128dholbach, yw!16:46
dholbachsorry ... above I meant remaining desktop-ish items16:46
seb128dholbach, you might want to chase up people on other channels than desktop ;-)16:47
dholbachthere's even a few from your team mates16:47
seb128Laney, wasn't https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/unity-control-center/non-gnome-unity-ibus-support/+merge/238293 made for you? you could test it ;-)16:48
LaneyI don't have this setup any more16:48
Laneybut could do in theory16:48
seb128oh ok, well if you don't have the setup it's not easier for you than for somebody else16:49
* Laney is all unity now16:49
* Laney the company man16:49
seb128k, going for some exercice16:57
seb128have fun everyone, see you tomorrow16:57
dholbachhave a great evening!16:57
seb128thanks, you too ;-)16:57
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
Laneyright then, ttyl!17:08
LaneyI won't be reliably online tomorrow17:08
Laneywill be shuffling eastwards17:08
* Laney hopes passport is in date17:08
willcookeg'night all - safe travels those of you travelling17:09
Laneyhappyaron: what's the weather like there?17:11
Laneyholy crap, 32°?17:11
seb128woot, bluez5&co already migrated to wily, well handled transition ;-)17:57
seb128bah, in fact no, some packages migrated that clean deprecated depends or enable support for both version but bluez is blocked on buggy boottest18:15
happyaronLaney: it's hot in the afternoon, but a bit cold at night21:19
seb128happyaron, hey, saw my ping about https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/ubuntu/wily/libx11/pt_PT-compose/+merge/258526 ?21:21
happyaronseb128: commented just now :)21:22
seb128happyaron, thanks ;-)21:23

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