
JanCso basically Microsoft wil implement their containers such that their APIs are compatible with LXC & LXD?02:14
JanCbecause for sure a Windows container can never run on linux or vice versa (unless you use something like WINE, of course)02:16
wileeeration that raytion02:51
wileeekept wanting to say it, better here. ;)02:51
=== Noah` is now known as Noah
* wileee tunes into the ignore list turns05:52
daftykins*nod* :(05:56
lordievaderGood morning.07:30
OerHeksugh, zanzibizar and badboth on the bazang-hunt ..? and there is h80s again..08:19
ObrienDaveyup, they're in ##TopChat plotting the channel trolling08:20
OerHeksjam jam, they know me :-( ....08:21
daftykinslosers :)08:22
cfhowlettI always imagine sweaty, mom's basement dwelling, pimply faced nerds with hordes of discarded mountain dew cans laying about.  But perhaps I'm overgeneralizing.08:29
ObrienDavemaybe a bit much on the Mountain Dew cans ;P08:30
cfhowlettwell, Jolt Cola is no longer sold??08:30
daftykinscan't buy mountain dew in cans over here :(08:30
cfhowlett"here" = ???  (not trying to doxx you, I promise!)08:31
ObrienDaveall the sugar and twice the caffeine. LOL loved that stuff :P08:31
cfhowlettObrienDave, yeah, it got me through an looming term paper deadline or two.08:31
ObrienDavegot me through many severe hangover days LOL08:32
daftykinscfhowlett: hehe, well it disappeared in the UK as a whole i think, but i'm a little further south in the Channel Islands08:32
daftykinsit's come back in the last year or two as an energy drink with caffeine in08:32
cfhowlettoh snap!  just learned; Jolt Cola x2 is a thing!!08:33
daftykinsoh that was cholby, ugh08:33
wileeelots of energy drinks with 150-300 mg of caffeine, love them08:34
wileeesedate, caffeine,, sedate, caffeine, repeat till baked08:35
* ObrienDave would rather have straight coffee ;p08:35
ObrienDavebeer 1st ;P08:36
* cfhowlett learned to love cold-brewed coffee08:36
wileeecold brew french press, have a 1.5 litre here had to search for it, amazon is the bomb08:37
cfhowlettfiltron or toddycafe make the units.08:38
wileeeheh todd of toddy is a chemical engineering graduate of Cornell, that is s got to buy08:41
daftykinsi bet atralheaven's idea is 'cowsay hi $username' on every login10:41
daftykins= instantly better ubuntu!10:41
OerHeksor oracle java in the repos10:41
daftykinsdid you see that one in the news about an Oracle guy saying "finding security issues in our software is like cheating on your wife"10:43
TJ-did you hear the one about Oracle claiming they own all your APIs? :P10:46
daftykinsmmm nope10:47
TJ-You've not followed Oracle vs Google and the subsequent appeals up to the SCOTUS that have found that APIs *are* copyrightable, and it has been remanded back to the district court to determine if Google's use (in Apache Harmony) of the Java APIs is fair-use10:48
TJ-It was one of the biggest issues that Groklaw followed until PJ went offline10:48
daftykinsa lot of the words in your sentences i don't have a clue about :D10:49
daftykinsand i'm not a dev or anything, so i don't tend to touch a lot of such fields10:49
TJ-Thankfully EU law on interoperability means we're not directly impacted10:49
TJ-Basically, until this case, it had been universally accepted in the software industry that an Application Programming Interface (API) - the list of callable functions and their parameters and types - was not copyrightable as it is not a creative work, and is a factual description of how to interface to the library/service.10:51
TJ-Now, in the USA, the courts have decided such APIs are copyrightable so that anyone that re-implements an API could be sued for copyright infringement.10:52
TJ-APIs are at the very heart of *every* web-service, most applications that use dynamically loadable shared libraries, kernel <> userspace and kernel <> kernel interfaces10:53
TJ-To avoid the copyright it means everyone will have to implement a new, unique, API - cannot reuse an existing interface that isn't permissively licenced10:54
TJ-Oracle was mad that Google re-implemented some parts of the Java API in Android. Unfortunately for Google, they didn't want to have to abide by the GNU GPL so they didn't use the OpenJDK as a basis, which would have protected them. Instead, they used the Apache Harmony implementation which has no such protection.10:56
daftykinsah ok so wheel reinventing has been forced by the US legal system10:58
TJ-It's looking that way... whether Google will win the fair-use argument is still to be known. If not, Oracle wants US$billions for infringement11:00
daftykinsthey're a perfect example of an evil corp, but then google's in the other corner who often upset many :D11:00
TJ-We already know what the US is like for patent infringement suits... imagine what it'll be like with all those tech companies suing each other for using APIs! Already there are non-practicing entities (NPEs) buying up copyrights in APIs with the presumable intention of suing companies with deep pockets11:01
TJ-The weird thing is... this means Oracle will be sued because it reuses many APIs itself . It's opened a real can of worms.11:02
daftykinssuch a shame11:02
TJ-The shame is this could have a very chilling effect on open source projects... Samba for example, with the MS APIs.11:03
OerHeksPatent on a colour, Europe has those stupid patents too.11:03
TJ-EU patent law isn't as stupid as the US... we're much saner here in applying the requirements of originality and machine11:03
OerHeksI must agree with that.11:06
TJ-s/machine/machine transformation/11:06
=== Daek_ is now known as Daekdroom
OerHekshmm fullcirclemagazine is moving to a paid site.. need registering, and they want to know what i do next saturday too19:15
wileeemmmm confirmation bias, yummie20:24

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