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hello__ how to get cloack where to get it?13:44
Fuchshello__: the regular unaffiliated cloak you can get in #freenode, however, this requires a registered account (see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup or /msg nickserv help register  for the short version. Make sure to use a valid e-mail address and check for a confirmation e-mail after you registered.) and won't work while using webchat13:47
k1l_!membership | hello__ if you want a ubuntu cloak13:48
ubottuhello__ if you want a ubuntu cloak: Ubuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/NewMember13:48
Fuchshello__: for the ubuntu cloak you'd need to be an ubuntu member, this would also required a registered account, mind13:48
hello__actually i  was trying to connect ruby on rails channel there i  was unable to clear my doubts withut cloak?13:50
Fuchshello__: you want to register a nick and use a real client (e.g. hexchat), then you can get a cloak in #freenode and also join that ruby channel, with or without cloak13:50
Fuchsin here you are a bit at the wrong place :)13:50
hello__cant it be done via webchat only client?13:51
k1l_webchat will not be cloaked.13:52
Fuchshello__: well, you will be able to join #rubyonrails, but you can't get a cloak, no13:52
hello__kll: means?13:54
PiciYou need to be registered and identified to join #rubyonrails, but that has nothing to do with cloak status.13:54
Piciwell, to speak there, not join.13:55
k1l_you can join channels that request an account but your ip will still be shown if you use a webchat.13:55
Fuchstechnically even when you have a cloak (e.g. project cloak) your IP is shown on webchat, as it is in the realname and ident, too. Short variant: do what I said: get a real client, register an account, (optionally) get a cloak -> go to #rubyonrails13:56
hello__fuchs: without registering i  cant get cloack?13:57
hello__and which client is best?13:57
Fuchshello__: personal preference. If you use ubuntu or windows or l/xubuntu: try hexchat. For kubuntu: konversation.13:58
FuchsAnd yes13:58
k1l_hello__: without you having a account how should freenode know who to give the cloak? but i think you can get more help on the network issues on #frenode13:58

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