
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (Guest61104)06:08
ubottusomsip called the ops in #ubuntu (silliness)07:59
ikoniait's fine07:59
bazhang* [zanzibizarre] #ubuntu08:00
bazhanghes hitting multiple channels network wide08:00
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (terminal_echo profanity & trolling)08:14
ikonialooks like cholby is back with multiple accounts08:15
ikoniaterminal_echo and h80s are the same person08:16
ikoniaand the behaviour is like cholby in multiple channels08:16
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (messi _echo profanity & trolling IP ban requested)08:16
DJonesMultiple nicks, with unafiliated cloakcs08:18
ikoniaposted in freenode they can do something if they want/or not08:19
terminal_echohi umm, i heard that you could get free mountain dew in here08:22
h80s^ lol prepping08:40
h80sstop kicking me. I acually need to talk to you guys.08:40
kkstopnowhello, I am here to talk to you guys about an unfair (in my mind) ban.08:42
genii@comment 68670 Forwarded to ##fix_your_connection14:46
ubottuComment added.14:46

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