zdobbie | GUTEN MORGEN BND | 04:36 |
zdobbie | MOVE BITCH GET OUT THE WAY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hr-xBtVU4lg | 04:54 |
Pepelka | 2m Wedge-Tailed Eagle takes down Drone. Watch it Punch it out of the sky - Australia (Eagle is Fine) - YouTube | 04:54 |
Pepelka | »To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email licensing@storyful.com As seen on The herald sun, abc america **Eagle was fine - she ...« | 04:54 |
napsy | jutro | 05:09 |
CrazyLemon | buhdej | 07:02 |
napsy | jap jap | 07:23 |
dz0ny | .aptf ffi.h | 07:45 |
jabuk1 | /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/ffi.h > lib64ffi-dev [not amd64], | 07:45 |
jabuk1 | 07:45 | |
jabuk1 | 07:45 | |
jabuk1 | libffi-dev [not i386] | 07:45 |
jabuk1 | /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/ffi.h > lib32ffi-dev [not i386], | 07:45 |
jabuk1 | 07:45 | |
jabuk1 | 07:45 | |
jabuk1 | libffi-dev [not amd64] | 07:45 |
jabuk1 | /usr/include/ecl/ffi.h > ecl | 07:45 |
zdobersek | did you mean: ffs.h | 07:51 |
idioterna | https://www.strava.com/activities/367873509 | 08:30 |
Pepelka | Bike Ride Profile | Doma-H-Domov near Ljubljana Polje | Times and Records | Strava | 08:30 |
zdobersek | nekipaje | 08:35 |
idioterna | za silo bo | 08:36 |
CrazyLemon | bog ne daj da bi tale javor zaprli za promet.. idioterna ne bi več vedel kam se vozit :D | 08:54 |
idioterna | sej ne grem z avtom | 08:55 |
CrazyLemon | aja..kolo ni del prometa prav imaš | 08:55 |
CrazyLemon | bog ne daj da bi tale javor zaprli/poravnali s tlemi.. idioterna ne bi več vedel kam se vozit :D* | 08:55 |
idioterna | http://coschedule.s3.amazonaws.com/2143/e2/8e46d0f14511e4965845687230f7c1/cycling-meme-traffic-laws.jpg | 08:56 |
CrazyLemon | zadnjič sem naredu tipičen jure 'move' | 08:58 |
CrazyLemon | oz včeraj | 08:58 |
CrazyLemon | tovornjak je bil v majhnem krožnem in se ustavil ob izhodu..avto je bil za njim - vmes pa cca. 1m prehod | 08:58 |
CrazyLemon | tovornjak je videl da nima prostora v ulici kjer je zavil in je dal v rikverc | 08:59 |
CrazyLemon | js pa vmes! | 08:59 |
CrazyLemon | kot strela! | 08:59 |
idioterna | ja kva pa cs | 09:03 |
idioterna | tam gres k je frej | 09:03 |
idioterna | sej drugje ne mors | 09:03 |
idioterna | sam pazt mors da gledas tut kaj se izza tovornaka dogaja | 09:03 |
CrazyLemon | idioterna sej js sm bil za tovornjakom | 09:08 |
CrazyLemon | ampak ja..vem kaj želiš povedat | 09:08 |
CrazyLemon | sej pol sm pomislu da mogoče ni bilo najbl pametno it tako hitro mimo :) | 09:09 |
zdobersek | ampak ziher je zgledal kul! | 09:09 |
zdobersek | zarad takih momentov se pa hodi na kolo. | 09:10 |
idioterna | hm jsm dons tut kr sibal | 09:10 |
zdobbie | I always ride so fast | 09:15 |
zdobbie | got nothing in my path | 09:16 |
zdobbie | that's why people gaa-aa-aasp | 09:16 |
zdobbie | mmm-hmm | 09:16 |
zdobbie | that's why people gaa-aa-aasp | 09:16 |
zdobbie | mmm-hmm | 09:16 |
slax0r | jutro | 09:17 |
CrazyLemon | zdobbie very cool! | 09:27 |
CrazyLemon | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRLYL306Ly0 | 09:27 |
Pepelka | Turbine - How To Use - YouTube | 09:27 |
Pepelka | »Learn how get the most out of your Turbine sports breathing device with this instructional video. Learn more at http://www.theturbine.com/« | 09:27 |
CrazyLemon | kdo ima majhen nos da kupimo skupaj tale turbine? | 09:29 |
CrazyLemon | :D | 09:29 |
idioterna | mnja | 09:30 |
idioterna | js mam kr krompir | 09:30 |
CrazyLemon | js tudi..včeraj sem kupil 5kg | 09:33 |
CrazyLemon | ker je zmanjkalo domačega :/ | 09:33 |
idioterna | aja ne na sred ksihta mislm | 09:33 |
CrazyLemon | aja ne..js mam zato avto pa prtljažnik da spravim krompir not :p | 10:00 |
zdobbie | me ivl http://i.imgur.com/5fbE4vw.jpg | 10:07 |
CrazyLemon | old | 10:19 |
yang | CrazyLemon: to mors dat v prkolco za bicikl | 10:20 |
CrazyLemon | yang kam pa naj dam psa?!? | 10:21 |
yang | zadaj | 10:21 |
yang | za krompir | 10:21 |
yang | da bo pazil | 10:22 |
dz0ny | CrazyLemon: http://img3.cache.netease.com/photo/0001/2015-08-13/B0TJT9L100AP0001.jpg | 10:25 |
dz0ny | in za ostale kolesarje | 10:25 |
dz0ny | carmgeddon :> | 10:25 |
zdobersek | JUSTICE | 10:26 |
dz0ny | http://news.163.com/special/tianjinbaozhapic/ | 10:30 |
Pepelka | ������������ը-�������� | 10:30 |
zdobersek | Pepelka: say what | 10:31 |
zdobersek | so many questions | 10:31 |
CrazyLemon | dz0ny sm vidu ja | 10:43 |
CrazyLemon | dz0ny tole pa je nenavadna slika http://img.rtvslo.si/_up/upload/2015/08/13/65236293_k1.jpg | 10:44 |
CrazyLemon | ker so eni dejansko ostali celi :D | 10:44 |
idioterna | vids yang, kaj ostane za vami | 10:48 |
Pepelka | [Web Upd8] Andrew: Power Management Tool `TLP` 0.8 Released http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/webupd8/~3/M0MVN0b30Q0/power-management-tool-tlp-08-released.html | 11:16 |
Pepelka | [Web Upd8] Andrew: New Official Proprietary GPU Drivers Ubuntu PPA Released http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/webupd8/~3/E5vC-pUvMLE/new-official-proprietary-gpu-drivers.html | 11:26 |
idioterna | tale je tut za yanga | 11:44 |
idioterna | https://imgur.com/a/pI8Nm?gallery | 11:44 |
Pepelka | 'Rat Pack'- Stuart McMillen - Album on Imgur | 11:44 |
Pepelka | »You'll never see drug addiction in the same way after reading this comic.« | 11:44 |
yang3 | http://www.fsf.org/campaigns/secure-boot-vs-restricted-boot/statement/ | 13:08 |
Pepelka | Stand up for your freedom to install free software — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software | 13:08 |
zdobbie | dz0ny: kko v Goju assignas ascii char v byte | 13:49 |
zdobbie | b[0] = 'A' ne sfolga | 13:49 |
zdobbie | b[0] = 65 ni problema | 13:49 |
dz0ny | []byte("a") | 13:49 |
zdobbie | to je string | 13:50 |
dz0ny | slice it | 13:50 |
zdobbie | mislim, assignu bi rad v obstojeci slice | 13:50 |
zdobbie | http://pastebin.com/97V0pixU | 13:51 |
Pepelka | func (r MyReader) Read(b []byte) (int, error) { i := 0 for ; i < len(b); i++ - Pastebin.com | 13:51 |
dz0ny | http://golang.org/pkg/strconv/#Atoi | 13:51 |
Pepelka | strconv - The Go Programming Language | 13:51 |
dz0ny | b[0] = strconv.Atoi("A") | 13:52 |
zdobbie | nope | 13:53 |
zdobbie | https://tour.golang.org/methods/11 drgac | 13:54 |
Pepelka | A Tour of Go | 13:54 |
zdobbie | b[i] = 'A' | 13:55 |
zdobbie | zej dela | 13:55 |
dz0ny | lol | 13:55 |
zdobbie | prej ni ... | 13:55 |
dz0ny | ja "" != '' | 13:55 |
dz0ny | '' je byte | 13:55 |
speed- | jezes kaj je te to | 13:55 |
zdobbie | dz0ny: vem, ti si sel "" castat in konvertat | 13:57 |
zdobbie | speed-: my thoughts exactly | 13:58 |
dz0ny | http://play.golang.org/p/E5cjxjpbX6 | 13:58 |
Pepelka | The Go Playground | 13:58 |
zdobbie | go range yourself | 13:58 |
dz0ny | :> | 13:58 |
speed- | za kaj se to sploh nuca tale go | 13:58 |
speed- | bleh koda je gnila v 3pm :) | 13:59 |
zdobbie | OH SNAP | 13:59 |
dz0ny | https://github.com/minimaxir/big-list-of-naughty-strings | 14:03 |
Pepelka | minimaxir/big-list-of-naughty-strings · GitHub | 14:03 |
Pepelka | »big-list-of-naughty-strings - The Big List of Naughty Strings is a list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data.« | 14:03 |
dz0ny | https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!topic/golang-nuts/FIRSDBehb3g | 14:05 |
Pepelka | Google Groups | 14:05 |
Pepelka | »Mit Google Groups können Sie Online-Foren und E-Mail-basierte Gruppen erstellen, sich daran beteiligen und interessante Diskussionen mit anderen Mitgliedern führen.« | 14:05 |
dz0ny | Experiences using Go as a Teaching Language with Young Programmers | 14:05 |
dz0ny | :) | 14:05 |
Pepelka | [Web Upd8] Andrew: Hamachi Linux GUI `Haguichi` 1.3.0 Released With New UI http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/webupd8/~3/54zSFMBPYAI/hamachi-linux-gui-haguichi-130-released.html | 14:06 |
dz0ny | speed-: thats why you should use go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZh8uCInEfw | 14:17 |
Pepelka | Audrey Lim - How a complete beginner learned Go as her first backend language in 5 weeks - YouTube | 14:17 |
Pepelka | »Go can be seen as a language that is too difficult for beginner programmers. The resources and documentation for the language seem too technically advanced f...« | 14:17 |
CrazyLemon | [i]b ? what in the world | 14:26 |
zdobersek | [i] what? | 14:28 |
CrazyLemon | zdobersek exactly.. your code makes no sense | 14:29 |
CrazyLemon | :P | 14:29 |
CrazyLemon | anyway.. čez 30min samsung galaxy event | 14:29 |
zdobbie | CrazyLemon: pointer arithmetics | 14:30 |
zdobbie | sicer v go-ju tega ni, but alas! | 14:30 |
dz0ny | khm var c = &a * &b | 14:44 |
zdobbie | umm no | 14:55 |
zdobbie | b[5] = b + 5 = [5]b | 14:55 |
zdobbie | invalid operation: &b + &x (operator + not defined on pointer) | 15:03 |
zdobbie | :'/ | 15:03 |
zdobbie | but how can I shoot meself in the foot | 15:05 |
CrazyLemon | by taking a shooting device, pointing at your feet then just cock it and pull it | 15:27 |
dz0ny | .yt omc how bizarre | 16:11 |
jabuk1 | OMC - How Bizarre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2cMG33mWVY | 16:11 |
yang3 | https://lessigforpresident.com/ | 16:17 |
Pepelka | Lessig 2016 | Referendum For Citizen Equality | 16:17 |
Pepelka | »We need a government that works — one not corrupted by the influence of money, one capable of representing us. We don’t have that government now because the system is rigged. Here is my plan to fix it« | 16:17 |
idioterna | a to je lawrence lessig? | 16:43 |
zdobersek | AYE AYE | 16:58 |
idioterna | hm | 17:20 |
idioterna | sam dvomm da bojo americani stekal kaj hoce povedat | 17:20 |
idioterna | k long words uporabla al kva | 17:20 |
zdobbie | Sanders - Lessig 2016 | 17:23 |
Sky[x] | lp | 18:14 |
zdobbie | .yt bella ciao | 18:15 |
jabuk1 | Bella Ciao - ORIGINALE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CI3lhyNKfo | 18:15 |
yang | idioterna: kul kandidat je, sam realno gledano nima sans prot republikancem al pa demokratom | 18:24 |
yang | dejansko uni dobijo 97% glasov | 18:28 |
zdobersek | inb4 Trump goes independent | 18:29 |
idioterna | lessig je kompliciran kandidat | 18:31 |
Sky[x] | kdo ze delal s soap ki podpira push? :> | 18:35 |
idioterna | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FdTDkv9h7I | 19:00 |
Pepelka | Vive wireless controller juggling in Job Simulator - YouTube | 19:00 |
Pepelka | »Alex Schwartz of Owlchemy Labs juggles in Job Simulator using the HTC Vive and wireless controllers. For more information about Job Simulator, visit http://j...« | 19:00 |
=== upd_ is now known as upd | ||
Sky[x] | vau update sem dobil na adroid 10MB :> | 19:34 |
pitastrudl | Sky[x] bolš k nč ane | 21:27 |
upd | https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CKedCicWsAAQ8-e.jpg:large | 21:36 |
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