
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
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davmor2Morning all08:08
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:36
daftykinsdiddledan: this is too early for you!09:06
diddledanindeed :-p09:06
shaunoor late?09:27
m6lpiwheee thunder09:27
daftykinsah you might be getting the storm we had overnight09:28
daftykinsmy mate in Jersey had it first then i did later on09:28
daftykinsit's a big'un09:28
m6lpiI was up a metal ladder when it started09:30
shaunoreminds me, I picked up a guernsey tuppence somewhere.  never crossed my mind you'd have your own moneys09:30
m6lpididn't stay there long09:30
* m6lpi in Portsmouth09:30
daftykinsah-har i was at Uni there09:30
daftykinshad a place in Southsea for a few years09:31
daftykinsshauno: it's superior :D i love my £1 notes09:31
m6lpiyou guys still have £1 notes, that's cool09:34
daftykinsyip :) got our own notes and coins too09:35
daftykinscan't really spend them when coming over to England mind you09:35
shaunogood :)09:35
daftykinsexcept at points of ingress09:35
shaunosave you getting all ranty like the scots09:36
daftykinshmm? going on about "we should be able to use this here" or similar?09:36
daftykinsi learnt the lesson the hard way on holiday in Cornwall09:36
daftykinsmy dad sent me to buy something i wanted by myself as a wee one, handed over the green £1 note...09:37
daftykins"what on earth is this" shopkeep says09:37
shaunoscottish notes are technically no different, but many places don't like high-value notes if they're not familiar enough with them to know a dud from a good'un09:37
daftykinsah yeah, that's fair09:38
daftykinsi know the landlord in my local pub was very keen to play with the UV light and my local money09:38
daftykinsm6lpi: if the folks are still running the Rutland Arms beside Devonshire square - just down from the Lidl and Fratton train station, that's a good spot for some ale if you're a fan :)09:39
shaunothat, and I think it's 3? different banks maintain their own notes up there, which makes them look even funnier09:39
daftykinsthree! cor09:39
shaunoit's somewhat logical that since the bank of england issue ours, the bank of scotland issue theirs.  but so do rbs and clydesdale bank09:40
daftykinsdidn't something confusing just happen with RBS o009:41
shaunoI dunno about confusing .. the state just sold a bunch of their stake back09:41
shaunothey took a share when they bailed them out, so they'd have a say in how it was used.  now it's no longer required they gave it back09:42
daftykinswell there's a big RBS office near me, they had a cashpoint on the side that was labelled as RBS before, but now it's NatWest - now i know one owned the other or vice versa but i wasn't quite sure what prompted that swap09:42
shaunoit's only really notable because if the intent was turning a profit on their share, now wasn't a good time to do so09:42
=== Kris_Douglas is now known as KrisDouglas
=== [1]badabum18 is now known as badabum18
=== Kris_Douglas is now known as KrisDouglas
diploOne of our customer sites just got hit with Crypto Locker, seems they've not been changing their tapes on back up drive11:08
diploMost of data lost :/11:08
daftykinswow, i thought that thing was dead11:09
m6lpidaftykins: I work in Portsmouth... I don't socialise here...11:09
daftykinsah ok11:09
diploGuess not :/ we don't do their PC support but offer samba shares to them from our software11:10
zmoylan-pinot changing their backup tapes... i'm surprised these days when they do take care of their tapes...11:10
diploGuy said, well it would help if we need to authorise to the drive, no not really... as if the windows machine saves credentials it'll still have access11:10
m6lpidaftykins: home is near Midhurst11:10
* daftykins looks that up11:10
m6lpiPetersfield and turn right11:11
diploCustomers won't spend money, so it's their problem not ours.. we've been advising of change for 3 years now11:11
daftykinsah-har, inland :)11:11
zmoylan-pii must rewrite my home backup software... multiple stacks of important files backed up11:12
daftykinsheh it's always funny when i look at google maps, i know place names just from the train rides i took to visit people11:12
zmoylan-pisadly i don't think any trains go to these places... http://www.dailyedge.ie/funny-place-names-ireland-998203-Jul2013/11:16
=== rich_ is now known as trickyBytes
davmor2popey: is it me or is edge ripping off the Ubuntu logo :)11:22
popeythe magazine?11:23
popeyoh, the microsoft thing?11:23
davmor2popey: ms windows10 browser11:23
davmor2popey: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/microsoft-edge even more comedic when they add the aubergine header to it :)11:26
bashrcdoesn't look like the ubuntu logo http://money.cnn.com/2015/06/30/technology/microsoft-edge-logo/11:26
daftykinsyeah i'm not seeing it11:26
popeythere is a little circle of friends in the toolbar11:27
davmor2bashrc: daftykins the share logo is like the circle of friends in the header part11:40
daftykinsare they people with arms, or nodes? ;)11:42
davmor2Myrtti: hippo birdie11:47
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
czajkowskiThis may be of interest to some folks - http://blogs.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/adalovelace/events/ - maybe even an Ubuntu UK day out event ?13:48
Myrttidavmor2: thank you!14:35
davmor2Myrtti: you're welcome14:36
celestehHello, I'm getting a run time error 445 with wine. I'm open to any and all suggestions!15:34
brobostigonwe need more inforation, have you started with looking up said sw in WineDB to see if this is a known error?15:41
davmor2celesteh: ^ what he said15:58
diddledanI want one: http://arstechnica.co.uk/gadgets/2015/08/samsung-unveils-2-5-inch-16tb-ssd-the-worlds-largest-hard-drive/ (I had a family unfriendly in my underwear when I saw this!)16:09
celestehRun Time 445 appears to be a catch-all for a broken DLL16:11
czajkowskipopey: and others in the area, https://twitter.com/robinwhittleton/status/63185900708757913616:17
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD

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