
tsdgeospstolowski: this looks on your side https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scopes-shell/+bug/148429907:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1484299 in unity-scopes-shell (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/unity8-dash:11:unity::scopes::ScopeMetadata::display_name:scopes_ng::SettingsModel::update_child_scopes:scopes_ng::Scope::settings:unity::shell::scopes::ScopeInterface::qt_metacall:scopes_ng::Scope::qt_metacall" [Undecided,New]07:16
tsdgeospstolowski: tell me if not07:16
pstolowskitsdgeos, looking07:22
pstolowskitsdgeos, yeah, it's on our side07:24
tsdgeospstolowski: i also did a unity8 landing, so you need to rebuild our silo07:27
pstolowskitsdgeos, ok07:28
tsdgeoscimi: can you do https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/previews_in_order/+merge/267058 and https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/even_more_stable_page_header_test/+merge/267199 ?08:09
cimitsdgeos, doing them between trying to recover my arale without bootstrap08:53
cimitsdgeos, it keeps failing to go to recovery even if i flash it08:54
cimitsdgeos, I need to see what --bootstrap does09:10
cimitried to flash recovery, flash from recovery09:11
cimiit seems to flash but then when it boots I have the meizu logo and that's it09:11
cimiadb is offline09:11
tsdgeosi have this09:12
tsdgeos   people.canonical.com/~jhm/barajas/recovery-krillin.img09:12
tsdgeos   fastboot boot recovery.img09:12
tsdgeosfor recovering a dead phone09:12
tsdgeosobviously the krillin bit is wrong for you09:12
tsdgeostry to see if there's an arale image around09:12
cimiI do the same09:12
tsdgeosor ask in #ubuntu-touch09:12
cimii actually even tried to flash recovery09:13
tsdgeosi don't know more09:13
cimibut it fails somewhere09:13
tsdgeosask in #ubuntu-touch i guess09:13
cimiI have to wipe, shame, I had my nice chroot inside arale :(09:13
pstolowskitsdgeos, cimi may I ask you to review https://code.launchpad.net/~stolowski/unity-scopes-api/new-widgets-doc-wily/+merge/267921 ?09:18
tsdgeoscimi: i've approved, but please review too, aprove too and then top approve09:20
pstolowskitsdgeos, fyi, silo 4 has been rebuilt10:26
tsdgeosany idea of what /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libubuntu_application_api_test.so.3.0.0 is?10:37
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greyback_tsdgeos: it's a library for AP testing I think, lets it mock sensor output11:00
tsdgeosit's causing unity8 shutdown to get stuck sometimes11:00
tsdgeosnot sure if get stuck or take a long time11:00
tsdgeosthe process eventually dies11:00
tsdgeosbut not sure if it's autopilot killing it or what11:01
tsdgeosrunning autopilot tests is still a nightmare11:01
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* tsdgeos creates a script to run them one by one13:49
tsdgeosso muhc better13:49
greyback_tsdgeos: care to share :)13:59
tsdgeosit's 3 lines13:59
tsdgeosgreyback_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12071224/14:00
greyback_tsdgeos: autopilot3 run -v <testsuite> - prints a bit more info, just fyi14:01
tsdgeosyeah, too much14:01
greyback_yep, that I agree with14:01
tsdgeosand this way i can time it out at 120 secs14:03
tsdgeoswhich is also a nice side effect14:03
tsdgeoscimi: removed the ; in https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/even_more_stable_page_header_test/+merge/26719914:21
tsdgeoscimi: here's another branch for you https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/more_autotests_dash/+merge/265401 !14:54
cimitsdgeos, happy time :D14:55
cimitsdgeos, in the tests, we have 15000 ms as time15:01
cimitsdgeos, are we supposed to wait 15s every time or there is a smarter way?15:02
tsdgeoswhere is that 15000ms?15:02
cimitsdgeos, init15:22
tsdgeoscimi: which init?15:22
cimitsdgeos, testDashShell15:22
tsdgeosit's not waiting 1500015:23
tsdgeosit's waiting up to 1500015:23
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cimitsdgeos, yeah15:25
cimitsdgeos, but why?15:26
tsdgeosbecause the dash is slow to set up itself15:26
cimitsdgeos, it could be also 30s then15:26
tsdgeosit could be 1500000015:26
tsdgeosit's 15000 because it's waht we use in other tests that do the same15:26
cimiyeah, I know that15:26
tsdgeosand it was originally 15000 because no reason i guess15:26
tsdgeosmore than 5000 until it worked :D15:26
cimi:/ ok15:27
cimiwish we could be smarter, if CI is slower one day, 15 might not be enoug15:27
tsdgeosthen we make it bigger15:27
tsdgeosi for one hope we get faster CI15:27
tsdgeosnot slower :D15:27
tsdgeos"Cannot find new threads: generic error"15:45
cimitsdgeos, can we jump to uitk 1.3 for that file?15:49
tsdgeoscimi: for the test?15:49
cimitsdgeos, yeah15:49
cimitsdgeos, it's just the header, but the test that greps the import we have in uitk13 will require that too15:50
cimiuitk13 branch15:50
tsdgeoscimi: done15:51
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