
jrwrencscheib: don't hold me accountable for jujugui being borken. I'd be very surprised if it were broken00:38
jrwrenvacation time.00:38
jrwrencatch ya'll in a week.00:38
cmaloneyGood morning13:51
cmaloneyDammit, jrwren isn't on. ;)13:51
cscheibcmaloney: well, *is* on vacation14:58
cmaloneyThat's no excuse.14:59
cmaloneywoo woo15:52
cmaloneyHeh, my boss has a Pebble Steel now. :)18:04
brouschcmaloney: Does it show him the bus schedule?18:09
cscheibjcastro: well, there's been some activity on that bug at least18:30
cmaloneybrousch: Not yet18:41
brouschIn other news, my linkedin is almost complete enough to create a resume from. I've started looking for a new job18:44
cmaloneybrousch: PLanning on moving to Detroit?18:44
brouschOh hell no, but if you see anything remote work let me know18:44
cmaloneyAny particular reason to move on or just time?18:45
brouschAnn Arbor is as far East as I'd consider, and it would have to be a really good job to move there18:45
brouschIt is time to move on18:45
cmaloneyNothing wrong with that18:46
brouschCrappy new cubicle. Preference being given to relatives. Low pay. and I don't want to work here for 40 years and retire18:46
cmaloneyUnless you burned the place to the ground. At which point it doesn't look too good on a resume.18:46
jcastrocscheib: we've been on a mission today to fix our shit19:01
cmaloneyWhy today? :)19:02
cscheiblemme know how I can assist, within reason19:04

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