
=== gremble_ is now known as Guest38866
zabearHi Gremble04:26
zabearyou're up early04:30
grembleHey zabear 04:41
zabearhow do I share a message with another irc user without sending it to all the other users?04:41
grembleI usually am, but I am not going in to class early04:41
grembleyou can say /msg <username> or /query <username>04:42
zabearIm still learning irec04:42
zabearI will try it - 04:43
zabearI have so much to learn04:46
gremble:P We all do04:46
grembleI'm watching Frank Miller and Robert Rodriquezes Sin City. haha It is so good04:48
zabearI see that responses to myself is in red - is that indication of personal chat or is that what allways happen04:48
grembleIt is a "mention"04:49
grembleSO you can see when someone says your name04:49
zabearso if I say 04:50
zabear"gremgle', then it will be in red on your side?04:50
grembleNo, :P It should be gremble04:51
zabearsorry - spelling id wrong - 04:51
zabeargremble - now it will be red on your side?04:52
zabearthanks - im off now - bye04:52
Symmetriagreetings 05:52
Symmetrialol, so while my wife is sleeping and I get half a chance to get on irc :P05:52
SymmetriaI'm looking to hire a good sysadmin, with experience, and with some scripting/programming knowledge, preferably php/bash 05:53
Symmetriabased in joburg preferably 05:54
Symmetriaso if someone is interested email cv's to andrew.alston@liquidtelecom.com and will respond when I'm back in KE 05:54
grembleSymmetria: Send it on the mailing list as well05:55
grembleAnd good morning :P05:55
Symmetrialol good morning :P05:56
Symmetriabtw sys admin job = maintaining and looking after and sometimes deploying systems across every country we operate in, and its with Liquid so its a massive global company 05:56
Symmetria(we operate in za/bw/zw/zm/mz/tz/ug/rw/ke/uk/ae/mu)05:57
grembleSounds like a good gig :P05:58
Symmetriaheh its a good company to work for :) and they'd be reporting to the head of network ops (with probably a soft reporting line to me as group head of IP strategy)05:59
Symmetriaknowing a lot about DNS = advantage but not critical, that can be taught ;p06:00
Symmetriaknowing ubuntu = critical ;p06:00
gremble:P Should definitely shoot a mail to the mailinglist with all this info in when you have an opportunity06:03
barrydkMore almal06:08
grembleHey barrydk 06:08
superflySymmetria: congratulations, btw06:18
superflymorning barrydk, gremble06:18
superflygremble: so when you coming to work here?06:18
superflymorning kenju25406:19
superflymorning Kilos06:19
Kilosmorning superfly and sall others06:19
Kilosall as well06:19
Kilosi see telegram has a desktop client as well06:21
Kiloskept crashing pidgin so i looked for another way06:22
Symmetriahttps://scontent-hkg3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/t31.0-8/11890626_10153612367375528_931442672747449531_o.jpg <=== nifty photo I took yesterday06:29
Symmetriahttps://scontent-hkg3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/t31.0-8/11879088_10153611070625528_324534198634180132_o.jpg <=== and that little bastard can swim!!!! its a long tailed crab eating maccau06:30
grembleHey superfly. I would totally be all up in that biz if I didn't have a degree to finish :P Perhaps you should send me part-time projects 06:49
grembleHey Kilos 06:49
Kiloshi gremble Symmetria 06:49
grembleSymmetria: A macaque?06:50
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 06:52
ThatGraemeGuySymmetria: few years too late with that job, not willing to uproot my family :-/06:54
ThatGraemeGuyso sorry for your loss06:54
grembleGood morning ThatGraemeGuy 06:54
ThatGraemeGuyg'day :)06:55
SymmetriaThatGraemeGuy, heh where are you based07:00
Symmetriagremble yeah that :p07:00
ThatGraemeGuycape town07:00
Symmetriagremble but heh, specific type, only monkey thats known to be a swimmer 07:00
Symmetriaheh they swim around the islands and eat squid and crab and stuff 07:01
ThatGraemeGuysounds like a pretty good life07:01
Symmetriaheh, they are fast as hell on land as well when they chasing crabs, fun to watch07:01
grembleThatGraemeGuy: Are you willing to uproot your family to go swimming around islands and eat squid and crab and stuff? :P07:02
ThatGraemeGuyI might just leave them to go and do that07:03
inetprogood mornings07:35
Kiloshi inetpro 07:36
mazalThis be good news: http://fullcirclemagazine.org/2015/08/13/ubuntu-want-to-make-it-easier-for-you-to-install-the-latest-nvidia-linux-driver/07:57
inetproKilos: why lol?08:13
grembleNobody knows. Anyway, cheers guys. I'll probably mosey on by later tonight. Have a good day and don't work too hard, it is little sunday08:15
Kilosbecause it was a hassle till the brought out the um08:18
Kilosadditionl drivers thing08:18
Kilosbut then nvidia-murrent was even easuier08:18
Kiloswow typos08:19
mazalI for one will be glad when better and easier ways are implemented of installing graphics drivers. It is still one of the biggest problems plaguing Ubuntu08:35
Cryterionhmmm, Russia just declared Windows 10 illegal to distribute within Russia due it's eula policy11:37
mazallol , go Russia !!!!!!11:38
mazallink ?11:39
mazalThe graphics driver ppa seems to be up already http://www.webupd8.org/2015/08/new-official-proprietary-gpu-drivers.html11:56
mazalI hope ATI gets added soon11:57
MaNII hope the next ATI driver gives me less headaches than the last one12:11
nlsthznhello all you people13:21
Kiloshi nlsthzn 13:23
Kiloshow you lad13:23
nlsthznhey uncle Kilos ... well and you?13:23
Kilosgood ty man, hows the family?13:24
nlsthznwell thanks, little bear is half a year old and off course this means two injections into his tiny legs :'( but I am sure he will survive :p13:25
Kilosfor what?13:25
Kilosoh in legs now13:26
nlsthzneveryone has somewhere else it seems13:27
Kilosmine left upper arm13:27
nlsthznor I mean every type has somewhere else13:27
Kiloswell in my days there wasnt ebola, aids or mad cow disease13:28
nlsthznblack plague and flu that killed half the worlds population only?13:29
nlsthznoh I got an Ubuntu Phone too \o/13:30
Kiloswow cool13:30
nlsthzncan't really use it yet cause it still has some massive wholes... but getting updates often so I am *hoping* to make the switch soon13:31
Kilosi go fetch sheep13:32
nlsthzncan't get any of my passwords to log into all the different applications etc... they are super complicated and there is no app for Ubu Phone that I need to use my password manager and copy/paste not really working yet :/13:32
nlsthznok, see later :)_13:32
superflynlsthzn: have you read the package inserts of the vaccinations?13:39
ThatGraemeGuy"May cause autism"13:45
nlsthznno, why superfly ?14:10
Kilosbeen some disturbing news about innoclulations from the states nlsthzn 14:12
superflynlsthzn: You don't know what's in it, or what side effects it has. We had to stop vaccinations on my #1 after he developed some serious (aka potentially lethal) "side effects"14:13
nlsthznthis is the problem with most medicines and how it effects everyone differently.  14:14
superflyThatGraemeGuy: The states as already paid out $3 billion due to injuries from vcaccination. "May cause a number of nasty things" is more like it14:14
superflynlsthzn: My biggest issue is that the doctor never told us this. In fact, he lied to us and said, "they're perfectly safe!"14:15
nlsthznas for the states and this half of it is fearmongering and trying to make money by suing.  thanks to the US some diseases believed to be on the bring of eradication is now starting to flourish. >.<14:16
superflyI'm not saying don't vacinate, I'm saying, "do your research"14:16
superflynlsthzn: negative. that money is not from the courts14:16
ThatGraemeGuythese things are starting to flourish thanks to the rabid anti-vax movement14:16
nlsthznThatGraemeGuy, +114:17
superflyThatGraemeGuy: nope, that's a lie14:17
superflydo your research14:17
ThatGraemeGuyffs i knew i should just stfu14:17
Kilosnlsthzn  https://m115.infusionsoft.com/app/hostedEmail/106053823/6d33f3fc7b894feb14:18
nlsthznsuperfly, if there was one that was 100% without possible side effects than that would be the one everyone uses... don't think there is any medicine that can guarantee anything 100% safe14:18
superflyThatGraemeGuy: The most recent measles outbreak in the USA was in an entirely vaccinated population.14:18
Kilosill try find one about vaccinations14:18
nlsthznhell, even water can kill you14:18
nlsthznrage quite?14:18
Kiloshe gets cross quick , shame14:19
superflyIf you can't take the heat...14:19
nlsthznthere was heat? :p14:19
nlsthznnlsthzn, not sure what to do with the link you sent uncle Kilos 14:19
Kilosread it14:19
superflynlsthzn: and I agree with you. nothing is 100% safe. The problem is when the industry tries to make as if it is.14:20
Kilosthere are tons of others somewhere about vaccinations 14:20
nlsthznwhich part?!14:20
superflynlsthzn: we actually have the paed's support in not vaccinating #1 - some doctors thankfully don't continue to blurt rhetoric14:21
MaNIas with everything its a game of statistics - as long as more people are helped by inoculations than harmed its unethical for people to refuse to have them without good cause - there are of course people with legitimate cause to not have them but these are the minority the majority likely fall into the same camp that claim they are getting cellphone tower headaches before the towers are even activated.14:23
nlsthznwell, if it is for his/hers best then it makes sense14:23
* nlsthzn has to help with little bear... will be back later perhaps :p14:24
superflyMaNI: the problem is that vaccinations have never been proven to help14:24
MaNIerr, sorry I'm going to have to completely disagree with you there14:24
Kilosnlsthzn  http://www.naturalnews.com/050582_nagalase_GcMAF_cancer_industry_profits.html14:24
MaNIwe have completely erradicated several diseases with them, now can you even begin to claim that14:24
superflyMaNI: go look at the studies. there are no blind double tests14:24
Kilossubscribe to that natural news14:25
MaNIgood grief14:25
superfly(or is it double-blind, I never get it right)14:25
superflyMaNI: nope, we have not. smallpox is still rampant in parts of africa14:25
MaNIsorry, but claiming that vaccines have not historically brought a huge health benefit is batshit insane revisionist crap14:28
MaNII'm not going to engage further, good luck :)14:28
nlsthznbe careful what you read on the internet...14:29
* nlsthzn goes now 14:29
superflyMaNI: as you wish. I can provide evidence, though. 14:44
LangjanHi there Kilos 18:26
Kiloshi Langjan 18:27
LangjanAre you ok?18:27
Kilosyessir ty and you?18:28
LangjanAslo fine thks Kilos 18:28
LangjanDo you have a minute?18:28
Kiloswhat can i help you with18:30
LangjanThks, trying to install Ubuntu to dual boot with Win 7, when Ubuntu boots it does not detect the existing OS, where do I go from here? 18:30
LangjanBooting from DVD18:30
Kilosits does not see it18:30
Kilosgo through the install motions and when you go install it should show windows there18:31
Kiloswhen it shows partitions18:31
LangjanI'm scared to wipe it, it does not show partitions, only one disc18:32
Kilosoh my18:33
LangjanI always seem to manage to get an "oh my" - problem child ...18:33
Kiloswhat machine18:33
Kilosi have ians here that was same18:34
Kiloswouldnt allow anything else in18:34
LangjanIts an Asus X55A laptop 18:34
Kilosi had to do something in bios18:35
LangjanIt came with latest Win, but she did not come right so they downgraded to 7  18:35
LangjanVista, I think18:36
Kiloslook here18:36
Kilosif that dont help we look further18:36
Kilosian said this lappy cant take ubuntu but im running kde and unity in their own partitions18:37
Kilosrun gparted and see what it sees18:38
inetprogood evening18:38
Kiloshi inetpro 18:38
LangjanIts a 32 bit system and I'm running 32 bit Ubuntu but that site gets a bit complicated for old ballies18:41
LangjanLet me try gparted18:41
Kilosif gparted sees it then we must win18:41
Kilosi think i even somewhere alog the line used a win7 dvd to make win in the first partion and another partition with nothing in , then i installed ubuntu on that partition18:43
Kilostell me what gparted sees18:44
LangjanIt warns that /dev/sda contains GPT signatures, asks if this is a GPT partition table, I have no idea18:44
Kilostry tick no and see what happens18:45
LangjanSays perhaos it was corrupted or does not understand GPT part tables18:45
Kilosthis new gpt thing is a pain i know min about18:45
LangjanIs it safe to sayy no?18:45
Kilosif you tick on the partition does it highlight18:46
Kilosits safe as long as you dont then actually apply things18:46
Kilosmaybe yes is good too18:46
Kilosjust see what it says18:46
LangjanIt wants a yes or no first18:46
Kilosyou can always tick back i think18:47
Kilosok tick yes18:47
LangjanI ticked no, it gives unallocated 298 gib18:48
Kilostick the unalloocated18:48
Kilosthen in partition at the top choose new18:48
LangjanI think the unalllocated is the whole disc18:49
Kilosoh ok then go back18:49
Kilosand tick yes18:49
Kilosand tell18:49
Langjanhow doo I go back?18:49
Kiloshee hee18:50
Kilosclose gparted18:50
Langjanbut makes me nervous18:50
Kilosthen open gparted again18:50
Kilosi wish at times the clever peeps would jump in18:51
Langjanthen try yes18:51
Kilosand wqe see then18:51
Langjansame result, lmga18:51
Kilosis that an important win718:52
Kiloslots of data?18:52
Kilosoh wait18:52
Kiloswe have another option18:52
Langjanyes, I dont want her to lose it before she is au faiyt with Ubuntu, she is 88 18:52
Kilosclose gparted18:52
Kilosoh shame18:53
Kilosclose gparted the in dash type in disk18:53
Kilosshould show the disk utility18:53
inetprowow! Will be awesome to show how a 88 year old lady can learn a new OS like Ubuntu18:54
Kilosyeah inetpro 18:54
Kilosis the name analyser now18:54
inetproLangjan: you have not installed Ubuntu yet, have you?18:54
Kilostick that and see what opens18:55
Kilosyes inetpro often18:55
inetproKilos: I mean on that laptop18:55
Kiloshe is converting an old age home to ubuntu18:55
Kilosoh no sorry18:55
LangjanNo, only running on DVD18:55
Kilosthis a new lady18:55
LangjanYes, a new oldie18:56
Kiloswhat does the analyser thing show18:56
Langjananalyzer shows 320 gb volume only and Ubuntu on the side18:56
inetproshowing the whole disc as unalllocated sounds fishy18:57
Kilostick on the drive and it should give info on the right18:57
Kilosyes inetpro very fishy18:57
inetprowhat version of Ubuntu?18:58
Langjan14.04 32 bit18:58
LangjanIt shows peculiar graphics on the right and some figures on the left19:02
inetprohmm... 19:02
Kilos64 bit win719:03
Langjan32 bit, I think19:03
Kilosdo you have a win7 dvd?19:03
LangjanNo, I know, I saw its a 32 bit system somewhere19:04
Kiloscan you get one19:04
inetprowell I see on the page above the screenshot also shows as unallocated19:04
Kilosthen use 7 to partition the drive19:04
inetproso could be normal19:05
LangjanNo Kilos  dont have access to wn 7 cd19:05
inetprowhat you need is a proper article about How To Shrink & Extend Volumes Or Partitions in Windows 719:05
Kilosparted magic cd maybe19:06
inetprolike http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/shrink-extend-volumes-partitions-windows-7/19:06
LangjanOk so let me boot on Win 7 again and try that site, thks a lot 19:06
inetproIn Windows 7 and Windows Vista, resizing your volumes or re-partitioning your hard drive has become a lot easier than in previous Windows versions19:06
inetpromake sure you understand the pitfalls part19:07
LangjanFigures show win 7 at 5%, system volume 73% etc 19:07
LangjanWell I will have to be careful, will get back here if not sure19:08
Kilosty inetpro 19:08
Kilosi wish i could convert Langjan to kde19:09
KilosLangjan  make a backup of 7 first19:09
inetproLangjan: after shrinking the partition make sure you can still boot up with windows before you start the ubuntu installation19:10
LangjanI have backed up all the files and mails, addresses 19:10
Langjaninetpro,  if I can't is there away out? 19:11
inetprooh and most important, make a backup of important files before you do anything19:11
Kilosgood rahter safe than sorry19:11
inetprook, seems that part is covered19:11
inetprowell if you have a backup, you can always re-install again19:12
inetprohopefully with a legal copy et all19:12
Kiloshe doesnt have one but dont lappys store an image somewhere19:13
inetprootherwise just install Ubuntu and let her swim19:13
inetprooops, she can't swim?19:13
LangjanIt had win vista then was downgraded to 7 by the dealer so its legit19:13
inetproif it was Vista the it was an upgrade to win 719:15
inetprowin 7 came after vista19:15
inetpromaybe it was the unpopular win 8?19:16
Langjanok whatever came after 7 is what she had, yes thats righ, it was 819:16
Kilosi had a lappy here with 8 i couldnt do anything with till i installed a start button19:17
Kilosthen i was like 7 and still working19:17
inetproWindows 8 and Windows 8.1 has been subject to some criticism, such as removal of Start Menu19:18
Kilosyeah was horrible19:18
LangjanGuys, theres no example of what I have, ek is bang. It gives me a 298gb ntfs and 100Mb ntfs system reserved 19:23
Langjan298 is primary partition19:24
Kilosis there a resize option19:24
Langjanyes oubaas!19:24
Kilosor an option to create abnother partition19:25
LangjanIf I right-click it gives shrink, mark as active, change drive letter paths options19:26
Kilosto 9819:26
Kilosif possible19:26
inetproKilos: 98?19:27
LangjanWindows is using about 200 GB19:27
Kilosoh wow19:27
LangjanIts checking for available shrink space19:27
Kiloswhat has the tannie got in there19:27
LangjanI ave tried to find out myself, a lot of nothing much all added together...19:28
inetproLangjan: https://windirstat.info/19:29
Langjannil, looks like ill have to defrag19:29
inetproget that ^^ and find out what is using all that space19:29
Kiloseish as well 19:29
inetproor install k4dirstat while running from the Ubuntu DVD and run it after mounting the windows partition19:31
LangjanWill it help to mark the partition where win 7 is as active?19:34
inetpromark the partition?19:36
LangjanIf I right-click on the partition, it gives "mark the partition as active" as an option, then it says that it should only be marked as active if it contains an active OS19:37
Langjana functioning OS19:37
Langjanand a warning, if it does not, the computer may stop working19:38
inetproleave it as it is19:38
Kilos7 is a functioning OS19:38
Langjanwhich seems to indicate its safe to mark it as active 19:39
Kilosi think so yes19:40
Kiloshear what pro says19:40
Langjaninetpro, does not agree?19:40
inetprowell I can't see what screen you're on and where exactly you're changing stuff19:41
LangjanPoint taken19:42
Kilosi think thats why ubuntu doesnt see it because it isnt marked as active19:43
Langjanthats what I think, also why it wont shrink19:43
Kilosthere is something in bios for that too i think19:43
inetprouh... google is your friend19:43
Kilosdunno how 7 works on a partitiong without it showing as active19:44
Langjanshall I go there first? and google around a bit and sleep over it, no hurry19:44
Cryterionduckduckgo.com is the open source version of google btw inetpro19:44
inetproI would make sure to do the research19:44
CryterionHi everyone19:44
* inetpro knows nothing about windows19:44
Kiloswell you have backups19:45
Kilosso mark it as active then boot from ubuntu and see19:45
Kilosonce seen it should offer to run alongside19:46
Cryteriondoesn't the ubuntu installation allow you to shrink the win partition while doing a dual boot installation?19:46
Kilosif it can see iut yes19:47
Kilosthis one doesnt see 7 there at all19:47
Kilosall shows as unallocated19:47
LangjanIf the downgrade from win 8 to 7 destroyed the boot loader then it will not boot if I mark it as active 19:56
Langjansoo how do I check if the boot loader is OK?19:56
LangjanIt says on the partition:healthy (boot, page file, crash dump, primary partition  19:57
inetproif the boot loader was destroyed back then you would probably have known it by now20:01
inetproyou would not have been able to boot20:01
inetprounless it got messed up now, which is unlikely20:01
Langjanagreed  20:02
inetprooh hang on20:03
Langjanso perhaps I should mark as active, if it freezes I will have to take it to the dealer to have it reactivated 20:03
inetpromaybe the boot loader is on the 100MB partition20:04
inetprothere can be only one active partition per physical hard disk20:04
inetprodo not mark a partition as active if it doesn't contain the loader for an operating system20:04
LangjanThat one is also inactive  20:04
inetprodoing so will make your computer unbootable20:05
LangjanSorry, it seems to be the active one20:05
Kilosi must sleep guys. good luck oom Langjan , ill be here tomorrow again20:21
Kilosnight all, sleep tight20:21
LangjanMe too, thaks guys, will have another bash next time round. 20:21
Kilostry download a win7 iso and use that to partition the drive20:22
Kilosmaybe clean out junk files too20:22
LangjanI have deleted restore files, now its only using about 40gb20:23
Kilosand get ccleaner for 7 to clean up registry and bad links and stuff20:23
Kilosthats good20:23
Langjanmaking progress20:23
Kilosmaybe try bootiing from ubuntu again and see if it sees it20:23
Langjannow 245 gb free 20:23
Kilosthats great20:24
Langjanyip will do, willlet you know after your beauty sleep20:24
Kilosty sir20:24
Kiloslekker slaap almal20:24
Langjannight night20:24
Kilosinetpro  dnkie20:24
Langjanja baie dankie sover inetpro 20:24
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