
xubuntu98wYes.. But it return to me : Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait Construction de l'arbre des dépendances        Lecture des informations d'état... Fait E: Impossible de trouver le paquet git00:00
xubuntu98wThanks for your answer00:00
xubuntu98wI try to change the server...00:00
bazhangfirst sudo apt-get update , then sudo apt-get upgrade and try again00:00
xubuntu98wI got the same problem00:00
xubuntu98wThank you. I this this00:01
xubuntu98wI tell you what happen after that00:01
tgm4883Hmm, my issue seems to be related to lightdm, not so much light locker I think00:02
xubuntu23wis there an easy way to always mount a ntfs disk with xubunut00:03
xubuntu98wHmmm... same thing than before :(00:07
xubuntu98wWho can tell me how can I join chat in french please ? (I'm french :( )00:11
drc1!fr | xubuntu98w00:11
ubottuxubuntu98w: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.00:11
R0B_RODAnyone try to build LinuxFromScratch on xubuntu?00:25
bazhangR0B_ROD, its not lfs if its on something else00:26
R0B_RODbazhang, Using xubuntu as host00:26
R0B_RODbazhang, It crashed SalixOS (slack)00:26
bazhangR0B_ROD, if you mean a vm, thats not related to xubuntu at all00:27
R0B_RODKernel panic doing glibx make check00:27
R0B_RODNope not a vm00:27
bazhangwhat is salixOS00:27
R0B_RODIm using xubuntu now to see if it doesnt panix00:27
* R0B_ROD points to google00:27
drc1R0B_ROD: It might help to ask on #salix if that's what you used00:28
bazhangR0B_ROD, try the lfs channel, its not related to xubuntu at all00:28
drc1bazhang: a Slack derivative00:28
R0B_RODdrc1, no doubt but no need00:28
R0B_RODit relates in terms of stability as a host for a chroot00:28
drc1I give up...must check for a full moon00:29
R0B_RODAny how ... anyone done the glibc make check in xubuntu?00:29
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a1faanybody else having issues with indicator-plugin in 15.04?00:59
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m0r0nHello. My laptop is having an issue where when I open from suspend, the welcome screen loads. If I log into a previous session the screen goes black. If I login to a guest session everything is fine. I'm using an nvidia card using ppa drivers and I'm in Xubuntu 14.0406:47
bazhangwhy ppa06:50
m0r0nI've been told that's the best to go to if the official don't work out of the box06:52
bazhangyou are crossposting06:52
bazhangstick with the #ubuntu thread06:52
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Guest7322i have a problem with Xubuntu 14.04 Menulibre13:35
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)13:35
Guest7322I wanted to edit the SKype entry in the menu, to start up using webcamWrapper.sh (which is put in bin directory in the home directory)13:36
Guest7322so edited it, and saved it. now i have 4 skype entries under the internet category and cannot remove them. i opened up menulibre.. dragged the skype entries down with the arrow keys out of internet category and removed them. then saved it.13:37
Guest7322now the entries are still in the menu, but NOT in menulibre anymore13:37
Guest7322i even restarted xubuntu as well13:38
Guest7322i also installed alacarte to do it the "old" way but skype entries are not there. there was 1 which i deleted... now i still have 4 entries which cant be removed13:38
cfhowlettGuest7322, consider asking the experts #xfc313:40
krytarikGuest7322: You'll find them in your "~/.local/share/applications" anyway.13:41
Guest7322yes, but the question is about menulibre, not about the application itself13:42
Guest7322menulibre is a pain in the ***13:42
Guest7322it does not actually delete items13:42
Guest7322and why does it make a new "skype" entry after just modifying the entry that was in there? it does not show up the modified entries, but only 1 in menulibre..13:43
Guest7322now menulibre does not show any skype entry but the applications menu still shows 4 entries13:43
Guest7322krytarik, i can see them in /home/mike/.local/share/applications/ indeed...13:49
Guest7322but why the hard way? it seems MenuLibre is not doing a good job then...13:49
xubuntu45dHi. I'm wondering if anyone could help me with my wifi issue. My internet connection keeps disconnecting. Sometimes I just need to disable then re-enable wifi to get it to work. At other times I need to reboot it to get the wifi to work again.18:43
ObrienDaveyou can also ask in #ubuntu     Many more people there to help with this issue18:46
xubuntu45dhow do I get there?18:46
pjotter"/j #ubuntu"18:46
ObrienDaveor right-click the channelname, "join channel"18:47
pjotterDoes anybody in here use quake terminal on Xubuntu?18:47
ObrienDavenot i18:48
pjotterWhen I open up a terminal and start mouspad and trhen close mousepad, the focus should return to terminal, right?19:01
ObrienDavenot sure, don't think so19:06
pjotterI'm just trying to figure this out. When I open a nomral terminal, open mouspad and close mouspad, the focus goes back to terminal.19:07
pjotterBut when I open a terminal and set it to "always on top" and do the same, the focus doesn;t go to terminal.19:07
pjotterGuake has similar behaviour except it never regains focus.19:08
pjotterMaybe it has got something to do that the system doesn't 'see' Guake as a normal application?19:09
ObrienDaveso, clicking the terminal window is difficult because....?19:09
pjotterObrienDave: It breaks my workflow19:09
ObrienDave*blinks* wow19:09
pjotterI do a lot of stuff from terminal and if I have to click on it everytime I close an app that was started from terminal, well... that's a lot of useless clicks.19:10
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R0B_RODis there an easy way to upgrade to current 15?19:21
mrkrampsR0B_ROD, from which version?19:26
R0B_RODIm on LTS 1419:35
R0B_RODtrying to get on the updated toolchain19:36
mrkrampsR0B_ROD, you can use 'do-release-upgrade' on the command line19:37
R0B_RODoh ok great19:38
R0B_RODthanks mrkramps19:38
mrkrampsR0B_ROD, otherwise new releases should be announced by the update-manager if configured for STS releases19:39
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sorinelloUnit193, yes you are, but I was on the wrong channel. Do you know any easy way to transform a standard xubuntu intru a xubuntu-core distro ?20:27
Unit193Well, I suppose you could diff the manifests and remove the applications added.20:30
sorinelloUnit193,  so removing everytinh related to xfce and then re-installing the xubuntu-core metapackage won't do the trick ?20:31
Unit193Xfce would be the thing in common, stuff like evince and other office applications wouldn't be there.20:33
Unit193I'd also think it'd be easier to just remove applications you don't use rather than trying to get a 'core' install.20:33
sorinelloI see. Just FYI, the *core idea is very nice, I convinced 2 people to use it at work and they are very happy with it20:35
sorinellosince they have DDs's on their machines and not a lot of space for useless apps20:36
mrkrampsquite small SSDs i guess20:36
sorinello120 GB20:37
sorinellobut put on those a windows OS, on top a VM with xubuntu + IDE and other dev tools20:37
mrkrampsas a matter of fact the size difference between core and default is about 500MB ?!20:37
mrkrampsah ok, makes sense20:38
sorinelloand also the ram is scarce, I guess *core consumes less than default20:38
drcmrkramps: are you talking about ios size on installed size?20:38
sorinellosince it doesn't come with all sorts of daemons and stuff20:39
mrkrampscannot calculate installed size on the fly =P20:39
* drc reminds himself NOT to type while rubbing his eyes :(20:39
drcsorinello: how much ram are we talking about?20:42
sorinello8 gigs20:42
drc8 gigs == "scarce" ?20:42
sorinellotry only to imagine that Firefox or Chrome can eat up to 2-3 :)20:42
sorinellodrc, if you're in the java/scala world, yes20:43
drcNo thanks, I still have a little of my sanity left :)20:43
sorinellonot everybody that uses linux writes code in C :P20:44
drcoh, and you were talking about vm's...sorry. missed that.20:44
sorinelloyes, basically all the dev is done inside the VM, and the VM is on top of Windows (corporate policy)20:44
sorinelloand compiling scala code, eats a ton of RAM20:45
Clippnghi, I just got an x220 thinkpad and I'm running Xubuntu 14.04 (very new to Gnu/linux, just installed)), and the trackpad is all sorts of fucked. lots of random jumps, etc22:03
Clippngany idea what I can do to get it to work normally?22:03
knomeClippng, please note that this is a family-friendly channel and adjust language considering that22:07
Clippngmy bad :')22:07
ochosiClippng: i'm afraid that might be a driver issue22:08
ochosigoogling might get you further, i had a similar issue on my dell xps1322:09
ochosialso, a newer version of xubuntu might help22:09
ochosicause it ships a newer kernel hence potentially better support for your trackpad22:09
ochosiyou could try a live session of 15.04 to  see whether that helps22:10
Clippnghow would I go amongst updating? complete reinstall? or is there a terminal command I can do22:10
ochosiyou could upgrade, but that would involve upgrading to 14.10 and then 15.0422:14
ochosibefore upgrading or doing a clean install i would definitely check out the live session to be sure it improves your situation22:14
Clippngwish I knew what that was lol22:15
Clippng(live session)22:15
ochosiright, download the image of 15.04 and create a bootable usb stick22:17
knomethe live session is what you get when you boot xubuntu from a disk and select "try ubuntu"22:17
ochosiand then that ^ :)22:17
mrkrampsClippng, you touchpad's functionality seems broken or is it just feeling very sensitive?22:25
mrkrampsi guess he's affected by this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/104206922:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1042069 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "Jumpy Mouse Cursor using Thinkpad X230 Touchpad" [Low,Expired]22:26
mrkrampscould be fixed with configuring the input device22:26
ClippngI saw that thread mrkramps, it seems to my issue22:31
Clippngand comment #15 is supposedly the fix? but I wasn't sure what to do with that22:31
Clippng(new to gnu/linux) :( lol22:31
Clippngcomment #49 says it works when pasted into an existing/new conf file in the directory, but permission gets denied when I attempt to do that22:33
mrkrampsClippng, you need the according permissions to write system files22:34
Clippngso i would sudo create new file /user/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-thinkpad-touchpad.conf22:36
Clippngand then paste the stuff in it?22:36
mrkrampsit is a configuration file22:36
mrkrampsprobably the easiest way ist to install gksu22:37
mrkrampsand then run the texteditor with sudo22:37
mrkrampsor _not_ sudo, but gksudo22:37
ClippngI have it22:38
Clippngi did gksudo edit /user/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf (an existing file)22:39
Clippnggot no write permissions22:39
ochosinot in the sudoers file?22:40
mrkrampsgksudo mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-thinpad-touchpad.conf22:40
Clippngok, it opened a bare notepad22:41
Clippngpaste that comment from #15 in?22:41
mrkrampsnot the whole comment22:42
mrkrampsfrom Section to EndSection only22:43
Clippngthen save? save as?22:43
mrkrampssave as /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-touchpad.conf22:43
Clippngin what folder22:44
mrkrampsfile name: 50-touchpad.conf22:44
mrkrampsif xorg.conf.d does not exist, create this directory22:44
Clippngok, got it22:45
Clippngnow update or anything?22:45
mrkrampsjust log out and in again22:46
mrkrampsif it does not help → reboot22:47
Clippngsweet, I think comment #14 made it significantly better22:51
Clippngthank you so much mrkramps , ochosi , knome, etc :)22:53
ochosigood to hear :)22:53
Clippngare there any sites you'd recommend reading through to get a better understanding of xubuntu in general?22:53
knomealso found under menu -> help22:55
mrkrampshttp://xubuntu.org/ http://xfce.org/ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ https://help.ubuntu.com/community22:55
pjotterDoes anybody know how to permanently change the background image of lightdm-gtk-greeter? Now it just seems to copy what is on the desktop. I want to permanently set it to another image if that's possible?23:14
mrkrampspjotter, in 15.04 there is a tool called lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings23:15
mrkrampsotherwise change the configuration file23:15
pjotterOk, I'm using 14.04 I'll have a look if I have the tool also23:15
pjotterNope. Alas, no such tool. Also in repo's.23:16
mrkrampsconfiguration file should be /et/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf23:16
mrkramps--et ++etc23:16
mrkrampspjotter, the background image for lightdm may not reside in your /home afaik23:18
pjottermrkramps: Yes, figures.23:19
pjotterThis is a bit strange. Right now it has "background=/lib/plymouth/themes/xubuntu-logo/wallpaper.png"23:20
pjotterBut when I view taht image.. it is not the image I see when I log in.23:21
pjotterI'll try editing to point to something else and see what happens.23:21
pjotterAlright. That did nothing actually.23:27
pjotterSomehow it's using my desktop wallpaper as the wallpaper for lightdm-greeter23:28
pjotterDoes anybody know how to change the wallpaper for the lightdm-greeter thing?23:28
mrkrampssry, devs probably changed something since i tried this last time23:29

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