=== MerryChristmas is now known as benonsotfware === benonsotfware is now known as benonsoftware [15:34] So who is taking care of the release this weekend? jose? pleia2? [15:44] PaulW2U: half and half :D I'm doing both summary writers and editors, and Lyz is taking care of the release itself. I'm travelling all monday and she's on tour now, so we're dividing it :) [15:44] PaulW2U: also, if you'd be down for training on how to release a UWN, I'd be more than glad to guide you through the process anytime soon [15:48] Thanks jose, I like to know what's who is doing what. I get a little worried when I don't see anything happening and I know pleia2 is travelling. [15:49] I did do one release but it did not go well as the wiki instructions weren't totally up-to-date. [15:50] hehe, happens :) [15:50] there's definitely room for improvement there. we can walk through it again and see what needs adding/editing/removing [15:50] what do you think? [15:50] But yes, I should really know how to do more even if it is only knowing how to send out the summary writers email :) [15:51] it's all in a shared doc, so should be easy [15:51] I'm thinking that some of the summary writers have lost interest as the email often gets sent very late. [15:52] If you want to share some secrets then I'll be around until 2300 UTC :) [15:53] it'd have to be another week, getting stuff ready for TXLF right now [15:53] sorry about that [15:53] No problem.