[01:28] Could someone watch kadiro, they are not an asset [13:57] cfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (kn0ck ban requested) [21:18] In #ubuntu, blackwind_123 said: ubottu : http://imgur.com/d3WF2uK here is the message list which i got [22:06] ikonia: My guess is that the actual difference between Ubuntu and CENTOS that caused this to come up is that (I believe) CENTOS/Red Hat only uses kernels that are stable long term support kernels upstream (blessed and maintained by GregKH) whereas Ubuntu, for 14.04, chose to use 3.13 which is not an LTS kernel managed by GregKH. Canonical originally wanted GregKH to call 3.13 LTS, based on Canonical's guarantee that ... [22:06] ... they would do the work that GregKH would otherwise have done. Greg didn't trust that promise enough, so it's not LTS upstream (but Canonical is still making the same promise). [22:07] ikonia: I have no idea how much of that Daemoen's manager actually understands though, and they should still get more clarification before asking further in #ubuntu. [22:08] Id on't think he understands to be honest [22:08] it just seems to not be a thought out question [22:09] ikonia: There was a lot of news reporting around the drama that resulted from this situation, so I still think that's what precipitated the question from the manager in the first place. [22:10] it sounds ill thought out [22:10] the vendor support is what matters [23:49] user Koning in #ubuntu giving bad / trolling advice [23:57] daftykins: Thanks for the heads up.