[00:31] Unit193: that was in prep for next (.1 release) and yeah, I see the screwup one line below it [00:31] :D [00:32] Remove the whole section, it'll be covered under * [00:32] And goooood. [00:32] mhm [00:32] ochosi, Unit193: feel free to make any enhancements, you have write access because I trust you ;) [00:32] Not with the python stuff. :D [07:54] good day flocculant [11:36] hi knome [12:09] hey === MerryChristmas is now known as benonsotfware === benonsotfware is now known as benonsoftware [13:59] hello [14:07] I installed xubuntu on my laptop via flash drive, I used UNetbootin to create the bootable drive. After install I restart, and it says "No bootable device". How can I fix this? [14:08] Jumpman: Support is in #xubuntu. [22:33] good evening all [23:40] bluesabre: alright, i tend to agree with Unit193 though: with python stuff i'd rather have your review ;) [23:40] but good to see you liked the patches and approved them [23:40] I..Not precisely what I said, you still win with Python.