
ianorlingsilva: I added some more stuff to the manual07:35
wxlS5anyone got a 15.04 VM handy to test this on? should be an easy invalidation. https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/145078515:59
ubot93Launchpad bug 1450785 in lxsession (Ubuntu) "X server fails to start on Lubuntu Vivid desktop" [Undecided,Incomplete]15:59
krytarikwxlS5: https://code.launchpad.net/~krytarik/lubuntu-default-settings/bug-1266138/+merge/26816216:44
wxlS5saw it krytarik16:44
krytarikJust in case. :P16:45
wxlS5seems like a no-brainer. I'll test when they get my cable back up16:48
krytarikwxlS5: Are you going to reassign the bug report too?16:48
wxlS5meanwhile want to test something for me? 😉16:49
krytarikWell, can't do what you just asked for at least - sorry. :P16:49
wxlS5yes I'll reassign though i do enjoy blaming rafaellaguna16:51
krytarikI can only +1 comment 5 there.16:52
krytarikYeah, I can see that. LOL16:52
krytarikwxl: Don't forget to add a '#' in front of the bug report number in the changelog - I did. :P19:49
krytarikwxl: Btw, apparently LP bug 1466927 needs to be closed manually.20:03
ubot93Launchpad bug 1466927 in Lubuntu default settings "openbox menu when enabled has broken terminal icon" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146692720:03
ianorlinkrytarik: I can do that it is fix released20:04
krytarikianorlin: Yep, thanks.20:04
ianorlinargh can't change status20:08

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