Jordan_U | xfceKris: We need to do two things, 1: We need to restore an MS style MBR to your Windows drive and 2: We need to configure Ubuntu to install grub's boot sector to the correct drive on updates. It's critical that you do both, or else you'll just keep ending up in this situation (and doing only #1 could prevent you from being able to boot back into Ubuntu at all). | 00:01 |
joey__ | how come on ubuntu when you press alt f2 and you try and log in. even if you type the right user and pass it always says wrong password? | 00:02 |
joey__ | did they gimp it or is it a bug? | 00:03 |
Sna4x81 | joey_: I do that all the time and I'm able to log in, both in Ubuntu 12.04 and Ubuntu 14.04. | 00:04 |
Jordan_U | joey__: Do you mean ctlr+alt+f2 (which will bring you to a new text tty, ctlr+alt+F7 to get back)? alt+f2 just lets you quickly run a command, it doesn't have anything (that I can think of) to do with logging in. | 00:04 |
Sna4x81 | Jordan_U: I don't have a graphical front end; in that case alt+f2 goes to the second tty. | 00:04 |
joey__ | yeah control alt f2 i meant sorry | 00:05 |
joey__ | in 15.04 i can log in | 00:05 |
Jordan_U | joey__: Logging in with a tty has never failed for me, with any version of Ubuntu. Are you sure that you're not entering an uppercase username or similar? | 00:06 |
Jordan_U | joey__: Usernames are case sensitive, and the user created by Ubuntu's installer will be all lowercase, one word. | 00:07 |
Sna4x81 | Me neither. On mine I have to press num lock though (I use the num pad to enter part of my password). | 00:07 |
=== foffolirium is now known as Foffolirium | ||
cumaxo | hello , I have this problem guys ... | 00:08 |
cumaxo | Graphics: Card-1: Intel 4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller | 00:08 |
cumaxo | bus-ID: 00:02.0 | 00:08 |
cumaxo | Card-2: NVIDIA GK106M [GeForce GTX 765M] bus-ID: 01:00.0 | 00:08 |
cumaxo | Display Server: X.Org 1.17.1 drivers: intel (unloaded: fbdev,vesa) FAILED: nouveau | 00:08 |
cumaxo | Resolution: 1920x1080@59.9hz | 00:08 |
Jordan_U | !pastebin | cumaxo | 00:08 |
ubottu | cumaxo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 00:08 |
Foffolirium | Hi! I'm completly new at ubuntu. Can't change brightness on my screen. What to do? | 00:08 |
the_count | Bashing-om: My modem restarted and as such I never recieved any messages you may have sent. | 00:08 |
cumaxo | hello? | 00:10 |
OerHeks | yes you have voice now | 00:10 |
cumaxo | I have a problem with graphics.... i would like to solve soon .. its annoying... | 00:11 |
cumaxo | | 00:12 |
joey__ | idk maybe its just a glitch with my keyboard or system components. | 00:12 |
joey__ | but thanks. i have to go busy day | 00:13 |
Foffolirium | Hi! I'm completly new at ubuntu. Can't change brightness on my screen. What to do? | 00:13 |
Foffolirium | And my computer freezes as soon as I don't keep the charger on | 00:14 |
Foffolirium | I honestly have no idea what to do, please help | 00:15 |
cumaxo | | 00:16 |
cumaxo | could someone help me pls? | 00:16 |
the_count | Bashing-om: My modem restarted and as such I never recieved any messages you may have sent. | 00:16 |
Ben64 | cumaxo: thats not a problem | 00:16 |
=== jones_ is now known as NicholasCage | ||
cumaxo | Noveao : FAILED | 00:16 |
cumaxo | what happens... seems like vsync bugs all the time... :/ | 00:17 |
cumaxo | moving windows , youtube videos ... | 00:17 |
NicholasCage | Any kind irssi user that could tell me how I remove any incoming information except replies from people ( e.g. I want to exclude logons/logoffs from showing in my irssi-screen ) | 00:17 |
Ben64 | maybe try installing the nvidia drivers through the Additional Drivers dialog | 00:18 |
wileee | NicholasCage, what client are you using? | 00:18 |
Ben64 | cumaxo | 00:18 |
NicholasCage | wileee: irssi | 00:18 |
wileee | no idea | 00:18 |
cumaxo | yes mate? | 00:18 |
OerHeks | use the build in driver tool. sudo ubuntu-drivers list # or do it with the detected recommended driver sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall | 00:18 |
OerHeks | nouveau with multi cards is not always the best choise | 00:19 |
Bashing-om | the_count: All was said, was I Have slept since then, What terminal command are you in reference to ? | 00:20 |
cumaxo | I have 2 cards... so what do you recommend me ? | 00:20 |
cumaxo | can u guide me step by step for a while mate? | 00:20 |
wileee | NicholasCage, der manual sir | 00:21 |
uio | Hello. I have a computer with a sda1(ntfs) as Windows XP, sda2(ext4) as Debian, and sda3(linux-swap) and I would like to keep the windows xp, but install over Debian and swap... How might I do this ? Thanks ! | 00:21 |
NicholasCage | wileee: thanks man! | 00:22 |
wileee | NicholasCage, got the cache the page was loading really slow. no problem. | 00:22 |
user1234 | Does Ubuntu have backdoors? | 00:22 |
OerHeks | uio, start the ubuntu iso in live mode, start gparted, remove them. then start the installer with the desktop icon | 00:23 |
Jordan_U | user1234: No. | 00:23 |
OerHeks | the only backdoor is the user | 00:23 |
uio | OerHeks: So I should make sda2 and sda3 into 'free space' ? | 00:23 |
OerHeks | uio, yes, easy | 00:23 |
the_count | Bashing-om: I was wondering what the command was that you can use in front of other commands which will tell you it's purpose ex. command apt install handbrake which would tell you what the apt command did. | 00:24 |
uio | OerHeks: Okay... I'm giving it a go. | 00:24 |
Foffolirium | Why does my computer freeze when i'm not charging it? | 00:24 |
uio | OerHeks: Swap has a lock by it and I cannot delete it... | 00:25 |
drkjstr | uio: During the installation, you can also manually set how each partition is used. | 00:25 |
w30 | Every system has a backdoor if you actually can get in the room where the computer is. | 00:25 |
uio | drkjstr: Yes, I got to that stage, but have not the knowledge required and was getting error messages ! | 00:25 |
Bashing-om | the_count: Sorry, Forgive my ignorance. I still do not follow . | 00:26 |
the_count | Bashing-om: I wouldn't call it ignorance... | 00:27 |
the_count | bashing-om: maybe you said this... "<Bashing-om> the_count: In this the curve of learning .. The system has the "manual" installed .. any command you want to verify/check/learn: ' man <command> ' . Works a treat ." | 00:27 |
drkjstr | uio: Understood. You would select the specific partition and then edit it. Make sure the debian partition is selected as ext4 and the mount point is /, and the swap should be swap. | 00:28 |
uio | drkjstr: So, I have to select where the boot program will go (from French 'programme de démarrage' I think = boot program), but only have swap, and ext4 | 00:31 |
Bashing-om | the_count: :) . Yeah ... The manual is installed on all debian systems. If one want to know about a command ( and many applications) consult the manual by terminal command ' man <what_ever_the_command_is ' for instace the "ls" command to list files is ' man ls ' . | 00:31 |
the_count | bashing-om: That's right... also do you ever use the l command instead of ls? | 00:32 |
drkjstr | uio: did you delete the previous partitions? Including the XP? | 00:32 |
uio | drkjstr: No, I've not touched XP. | 00:33 |
drkjstr | Okay, good. | 00:33 |
uio | drkjstr: But am in the process of removing swap and ext4 | 00:33 |
drkjstr | uio: using gparted, right? | 00:33 |
Bashing-om | the_count: "l" is a default alias for 'ls' . And no, in the instance of listing something I am generally explicit about the information I want to see . | 00:33 |
uio | drkjstr: I got rid of swap and ext4 with gparted, but the install still reads them as ext4 and swap. So I formatted ext4 to have the / mounting point... and now have pressed install... should I just leave the swap partition alone ? | 00:34 |
Jordan_U | uio: If you actually removed the partitions then they won't show up in Ubuntu's installer. | 00:35 |
the_count | Bashing-om: Ok, I accedentially descovered it the other day and I think it distinguishes a little better between files | 00:35 |
drkjstr | The installation should see and use it as swap, so you should be fine. Once installed, you can verify it uses it properly. | 00:35 |
Jordan_U | uio: That said, I can't think of any reason not to just re-use the same '/' and swap. | 00:36 |
drkjstr | uio: while using gparted, if you did not click on apply, then the changes did not take effect. | 00:36 |
uio | drkjstr: Perhaps I forgot too,,, likely in fact ! | 00:36 |
uio | Jordan_U: I hope it works ! | 00:37 |
Bashing-om | the_count: Do : ' cat .bashrc ' amd read the comments in respect to alias' and what is presently set as alias' for various invocations of 'ls' . | 00:37 |
drkjstr | uio: no worries. Like Jordan_U said, just use the same / and swap partions. You would want to format the / so Debian remnants wouldn't be there. But, you will lose all data on that partition. | 00:38 |
the_count | bashing-om: | 00:39 |
=== dreamon_ is now known as dreamon | ||
Bashing-om | the_count: I know what it is and what it says, the info to read was for your benifit . | 00:41 |
the_count | Bashing-om: Ok | 00:41 |
Bashing-om | the_count: Read and then if there is something you do not understand, then we discuss . This is in reponse to how 'ls' is aloeased in various invocations of the 'ls' command. | 00:43 |
Bashing-om | aloeased/aliased * | 00:43 |
the_count | Bashing-om: I get it now, so, I am able to set my own aliases this way? | 00:43 |
Bashing-om | the_count: Yepper. but READ, there is a comment that "YOUR" aliases are better defined in a different file . | 00:44 |
drkjstr | <the_count> I usually create a .aliases file for my aliases. | 00:46 |
the_count | Bashing-om And I gather that is because of updates... | 00:46 |
=== nym is now known as Guest30155 | ||
Bashing-om | the_count: No, updates have nothing to do with aliases, so far as I know the ability to alias complex commands has always existed in linux . (smart people in sweaters and long beards set it up that way a long time past ) . | 00:51 |
user1234 | Many people from other Linux distros say Ubuntu is spyware, also Richard Stallman said that. | 00:52 |
tgm4883 | In 15.04, how can I list my DNS servers from the command line? I'm looking though nmcli options, but I'm not seeing a way to do it? | 00:53 |
tgm4883 | It seems that I'm not looking at my local DNS server at all, I feel like it's going to the internet for all DNS lookups | 00:53 |
drkjstr | Bashing-om: he's gone. | 00:54 |
Bashing-om | drkjstr: :) ..thanks I had not noticed . Did I offend, recon ? | 00:54 |
drkjstr | Bashing-om: he was gone just a min before you sent that message. and the reason was lost terminal. | 00:57 |
guest24234 | hey guys i seem to be having an issue with the 15.04 installer | 00:57 |
guest24234 | i set up a duel boot using gparted and its hanging when i choose something else | 00:58 |
daftykins | what is it? | 00:58 |
daftykins | why would you partition prior to install? | 00:58 |
augustomorais | hi | 00:58 |
augustomorais | I'm having a problem with google hangouts on debian/ubuntu live/installed. I try to send a message but doesn't work. This happens on all browsers (chromium, chrome, firefox). Detail: On windows all works well. Some idea ? | 00:58 |
=== phillips1012 is now known as solenoids | ||
guest24234 | because i have win 10 installed and only need it to be 100gigs | 00:59 |
guest24234 | the ubuntu installer only shrings to half | 00:59 |
daftykins | guest24234: you should use Windows to resize NTFS volumes. | 00:59 |
wileee | augustomorais, The live is missing flash, is that needed? | 00:59 |
guest24234 | i did | 00:59 |
guest24234 | i just used gparted to make it ext4 | 01:00 |
daftykins | yeah there's no reason to make partitions PRIOR to running the installer | 01:00 |
guest24234 | dude your not helping | 01:00 |
daftykins | it actually is | 01:01 |
daftykins | i'm pointing out that there was no point you partitioning and formatting prior to running the installer | 01:02 |
=== chris|r3 is now known as Chris|rp3d | ||
guest24234 | dude did you not hear what i just said | 01:03 |
guest24234 | go away | 01:03 |
tgm4883 | daftykins: guest24234 calm down | 01:03 |
daftykins | hmm i'm perfectly calm, just giving support but apparently it's not wanted | 01:04 |
daftykins | ho-hum :) | 01:04 |
tgm4883 | daftykins: honestly, that wasn't support | 01:04 |
guest24234 | ^^ | 01:04 |
guest24234 | when i already explained why i didnt use it | 01:05 |
daftykins | it's the first step - because it's an alternative to what was done already | 01:05 |
tgm4883 | guest24234: don't get me started on you, there is a certain tact that you were lacking | 01:05 |
augustomorais | wileee, missing flash ? | 01:05 |
tgm4883 | daftykins: guest24234 I'd say the first step would be to look at some logs rather than guess that the partitioner is choking on partitions already being made | 01:05 |
wileee | augustomorais, I missed the sending messages part, my bad, thought it may have been another issue. | 01:06 |
daftykins | guest24234: no you said you resized Windows' partition with Windows, so then there was space - then you used gparted to partition and that the installer froze - are you sure you said why? | 01:06 |
tgm4883 | daftykins: doesn't matter | 01:06 |
Jumpman | How do I make the xchat irc icon go away on the tray? | 01:06 |
guest24234 | well i finally got it to install but wouldnt let me create a 4th parition for swap | 01:06 |
daftykins | tgm4883: no shouldn't, not doesn't | 01:06 |
augustomorais | wilee: ok. Do you have some idea ? | 01:06 |
tgm4883 | Jumpman: i believe you need to remove the xchat-indicator package | 01:06 |
Jumpman | can you tell me how? | 01:07 |
daftykins | guest24234: but you said the installer froze before partitioning, so how far did you really get? | 01:07 |
tgm4883 | daftykins: no, doesn't. Fine, shouldn't, but if it is causing the installer to choke, someone needs to file a bug. | 01:07 |
augustomorais | wileee, I thought that be a sound issue. I disabled the soundcard but the problem still happening. | 01:08 |
wileee | augustomorais, There an end goal here, just wondering? | 01:08 |
drkjstr | guest24234: you probably would need to make the 4th partition as a logical partition. | 01:08 |
guest24234 | tgm4883: its going now but i have a 4gig unusable partition | 01:08 |
daftykins | perhaps you can show a "sudo parted -l" in a pastebin guest24234 ? | 01:08 |
tgm4883 | +1 ^ | 01:09 |
guest24234 | because it wont do more than 4 partitions for some reason | 01:09 |
daftykins | smells like an MBR limit of too many primary partitions | 01:09 |
tgm4883 | guest24234: ah | 01:09 |
tgm4883 | yep | 01:09 |
tgm4883 | lets see that parted output | 01:09 |
guest24234 | tgm4883: when the intaller gets finished can i use cfdisk to mark it as swap? | 01:09 |
Jumpman | I removed the xchat indicator package but it's not gone | 01:10 |
daftykins | show us the info requested please, likely you can't create another partition because you've partitioned against the rules of MBR disks | 01:10 |
drkjstr | Hmm... that'd be a first. I've never had that issue with MBR partitions. Just that only 3 Primaries could be created. After that they had to be logicals, if my memory serves me right. | 01:10 |
guest24234 | one is windows recovery then windows bootloader windows ubuntu and blank | 01:11 |
aeden__D | Jumpman, what are you trying to do? | 01:11 |
daftykins | guest24234: no we need to see this from "sudo parted -l" | 01:12 |
tgm4883 | Jumpman: you need to stop and restart xchat | 01:12 |
tgm4883 | Jumpman: I think right click on that icon and close. It's been a long time since I used xchat | 01:13 |
guest24234 | hasnt xchat been disconintued | 01:13 |
shreyash | Hi | 01:14 |
shreyash | I'm new here! | 01:14 |
augustomorais | wileee, the most strange is that some google services doesnt work well: like translator, drive, hangouts | 01:14 |
aeden__D | !welcome shreyash | 01:14 |
aeden__D | grrr | 01:14 |
wileee | augustomorais, May be the live state, are you testing for a possible install? | 01:14 |
augustomorais | wileee, are you asking if I using a testing distro? | 01:15 |
shreyash | I would like to help contribute to Ubuntu! Can anyone give me some guidance? | 01:15 |
tgm4883 | shreyash: can you join #ubuntu-discuss | 01:16 |
tgm4883 | shreyash: this channel is for support | 01:16 |
wileee | augustomorais, No, some users test the OS, not knowing if their hardware....etc will work, just wondering if this is anywhere and end goal of yours | 01:16 |
shreyash | Sure thing! Thank you so much tgm4883 | 01:16 |
augustomorais | wileee, no. I'm not testing the OS. I installed debian to dev. just it. | 01:18 |
augustomorais | and. I would like to use google services. hehehe | 01:18 |
wileee | augustomorais, It was just a short question, not an answer to your problem, I mistakenly read your post is all. | 01:18 |
Jumpman | I got it, it was the message indicator | 01:20 |
Limberian | I'm having a delay when I turn Caps Lock on and off, anyone has any idea? | 01:20 |
augustomorais | wileee, hehee. ok | 01:21 |
DexterF | hi | 01:21 |
aeden__D | DexterF, !hi | 01:21 |
Limberian | Does anyone have an idea? -- I'm having a delay when I turn caps lock on and off. | 01:22 |
drkjstr | augustomorais: are you messaging or tryin gto use video chat? | 01:22 |
DexterF | I notices that on older machines (say 10 year old Athlon64 and a like) when shutting down via sudo halt the systems won't power off and the shutdown splash stays forever | 01:22 |
DexterF | am I missing something? | 01:22 |
aeden__D | Limberian, can you be more descriptive | 01:22 |
augustomorais | drkfdr, just messaging. Its what I need. | 01:22 |
drkjstr | DexterF: what was the command used? | 01:23 |
Limberian | aeden__D When I'm typing, no matter where, when I press caps lock it delays. | 01:23 |
DexterF | drkjstr: just halt from a sudo'ed bash prompt | 01:23 |
drkjstr | augustomorais: In gmail, it doesn't work/ | 01:23 |
OerHeks | halt does not shutdown, sudo shutdown -h now | 01:24 |
augustomorais | drkfdr, In gmail doesnt work too. | 01:24 |
DexterF | I suspect nouveau for a bit | 01:24 |
drkjstr | augustomorais: you can't access | 01:24 |
augustomorais | drkfdr, sometimes some google services doesnt open too. but online google. | 01:24 |
DexterF | OerHeks: so the OS comes to a halt but does not cut power. | 01:24 |
DexterF | any telling when it is safe to power off? | 01:25 |
augustomorais | drkfdr, I can access the gmail and read/write a email. | 01:25 |
aeden__D | Limberian, are you using Caps for just uppercase or as part of a key combo? | 01:25 |
Limberian | aeden__D, just for uppercase. I lost my left shift key so, it's hard to press really. | 01:26 |
augustomorais | drkfdr, any clue ? | 01:26 |
aeden__D | Limberian, so im assuming you type fast ans this annoying.. I understand | 01:26 |
Limberian | aeden__D, yes it's annoying, I actually wait when I'm typing stuff. | 01:27 |
drkjstr | DEADB33F you need the -P to power off. Otherwise it is probably at like run level 5... | 01:27 |
drkjstr | DexterF: read last statement. | 01:28 |
aeden__D | Limberian, do you have a SHIFT key on the right side of the keyboard? | 01:28 |
Limberian | aeden__D, I do, are you saying it'd be better to get used to right shift? | 01:28 |
drkjstr | DexterF: there is a description of the difference between -H and -p here: | 01:29 |
aeden__D | Limberian, no, but maybe you could replace it with the one that is missing on the left | 01:29 |
aeden__D | Limberian, I know its dirty but maybe you damaged the the CAPS key when the left shift key went missing | 01:30 |
Limberian | aeden__D, Possible. I better buy some new key caps. | 01:30 |
aeden__D | Limberian, quit throwing your keyboard :p | 01:31 |
Limberian | aeden__D, Best advice ever. | 01:32 |
Limberian | aeden__D, thanks bro. | 01:32 |
aeden__D | Limberian, sorry I couldnt be more help, keep asking and maybe someone else will have a solution | 01:32 |
aeden__D | Limberian, you're welcome | 01:32 |
Limberian | aeden__D, Hey um, do you know anything about bad sectors on the disk? | 01:34 |
aeden__D | Limberian, theyre not good, run | 01:35 |
Limberian | aeden__D, I have some on my disk and I noticed it today, but I haven't seen anything bad on the system right now. Everything works just fine, should I be worried? It's only on some 13.000mb somewhere. | 01:36 |
=== NickG365- is now known as NickG365 | ||
aeden__D | Limberian, that doesnt seem like a lot, or rather, something indicative of a disk failure. But i would back up on a regular basis just to be safe | 01:38 |
daftykins | Limberian: i do, run "sudo apt-get install pastebinit smartmontools" then "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit" and link us | 01:39 |
daftykins | assuming sda is the target disk in question | 01:39 |
aeden__D | Limberian, you can try fsck if you're really paranoid | 01:40 |
Limberian | aeden__D, I haven't heard of it, what it does? | 01:41 |
aeden__D | Limberian, bad sectors are hardware errors kinda, fsck checks the the filesystem.. data structures. | 01:42 |
Limberian | aeden__D, I guess I can do it later, I have nothing to be worried about now. | 01:42 |
Limberian | aeden__D, and I do the backup on daily basis so... | 01:42 |
aeden__D | Limberian, i would follow daftykins advice and at least let us look at it | 01:43 |
tgm4883 | lol | 01:44 |
tgm4883 | "I guess I can do it later, I have nothing to be worried about now." | 01:44 |
Limberian | tgm4883, :( | 01:45 |
tgm4883 | Next question will be "Hey, Ubuntu can't see my hard disk and I have all this important data on it" | 01:45 |
Limberian | tgm4883, I never lost a single byte to this day... | 01:45 |
tgm4883 | Limberian: and tomorrow you'll be saying "I've only lost data once".... | 01:47 |
daftykins | Limberian: 10 second command vs. living in fear :P | 01:48 |
uio | Hello, I have Windows on sda1, a broken linux on sda2 and swap on sda. I would like to install over sda2 and sda3, but keep sda1, but have not yet been successful for after the install process, on reboot I get an error message saying something about grub and no such file existing. Should I just repartition sda1 to take over sda2 and sda3 and then 'install beside pre-existing OS'. Seems a but unecessary, but I am usure of how to proceed. | 01:49 |
Limberian | daftykins, Okay, here you go. | 01:49 |
Limberian | daftykins, | 01:49 |
aeden__D | Limberian, your system as been up for 700 days + ? | 01:51 |
Limberian | aeden__D, Yes. | 01:51 |
aeden__D | Limberian, cool | 01:51 |
pi_____ | hello | 01:51 |
Limberian | aeden__D, Anything? | 01:52 |
pi_____ | nope | 01:52 |
pi_____ | just testing stuff | 01:52 |
Bashing-om | uio: Maybe, perhaps (RE-)install grub ? Show us what we are working with. pastebin 'sudo parted -l ' and we take a look at the grub (re-)install options . | 01:52 |
pi_____ | oh | 01:52 |
pi_____ | not me | 01:52 |
pi_____ | ah well | 01:52 |
aeden__D | Limberian, looking... | 01:52 |
aeden__D | daftykins, what do you thing of Limberian problem? | 01:53 |
uio | Bashing-om: I cannot even boot, though. It just stays in grub_resue and won't recognise any commands like 'halt'.... | 01:53 |
daftykins | Limberian: is this a desktop? | 01:53 |
Limberian | daftykins, Yep. | 01:53 |
daftykins | well what did we get told was up? i wasn't following from the start | 01:53 |
daftykins | hrmm well the entries after line 100 don't look very nice, they say that some errors have occurred just a few hours ago (hours in power on time of the disk) | 01:55 |
daftykins | the huge problem with Seagate SMART data is they increment values in the table called 'error' even when everything is ok =| | 01:55 |
Limberian | daftykins, So, what should I do? | 01:56 |
tgm4883 | Limberian: how are your backups? | 01:56 |
Limberian | tgm4883, All updated. | 01:56 |
Limberian | tgm4883, In a good position... | 01:57 |
daftykins | Limberian: i'd definitely have a backup going on - and i would first ensure the SATA cable is seated well, then maybe try another SATA cable entirely | 01:57 |
Bashing-om | uio: One can look and if needed (re-)install grub from the liveDVD(USB) . | 01:57 |
daftykins | now let me scroll up and see if you said what was up | 01:57 |
Limberian | daftykins, I have a backup and I update it, do you really think it's because sata cable? | 01:58 |
ky-lo-g | sop | 01:58 |
ky-lo-g | hey | 01:58 |
daftykins | Limberian: well it's worth a go, i'm not liking some of the values in the SMART table there | 01:59 |
ky-lo-g | why yall on ubuntu servers m8 | 01:59 |
daftykins | i prefer to change something that's within your control rather than to watch idly :) | 01:59 |
ky-lo-g | im on backbox | 01:59 |
daftykins | !ot | ky-lo-g | 01:59 |
ubottu | ky-lo-g: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 01:59 |
Limberian | daftykins, What would be the fastest solution, getting a new disk? | 01:59 |
ky-lo-g | anyone wanna ddos? | 02:00 |
daftykins | Limberian: yep, though there's not strictly enough evidence to suggest you need to go that far just yet | 02:00 |
Limberian | daftykins, This is really hard. | 02:01 |
Limberian | daftykins, I didn't even notice the bad sectors. -- I was bored and I did a health check. | 02:01 |
daftykins | you don't have any bad sectors according to your pastebin | 02:01 |
daftykins | that's your only disk right? | 02:01 |
Limberian | daftykins, Yes... | 02:02 |
daftykins | yeah it says 0 for reallocated and 0 for pending sectors | 02:02 |
Limberian | daftykins, and that means? | 02:02 |
Limberian | daftykins, I suck at hardware. | 02:02 |
ky-lo-g | hey | 02:03 |
daftykins | when a bad sector is discovered, it will be pending... then if there are any spare from the free pool, it'll use that one instead and move the data. thus becoming rellocated | 02:03 |
Limberian | daftykins, Okay now I get it. | 02:03 |
ky-lo-g | KIK ME @ l1zardsec to buy rat tools | 02:04 |
daftykins | having loads in the 'pending' pool is bad, because they often lock up the OS and make the system wait for data whilst the firmware is working on it | 02:04 |
anonjames | eae | 02:04 |
anonjames | bitches | 02:04 |
ky-lo-g | LOL | 02:04 |
daftykins | i've got a 2TB disk upstairs i zero filled and only found 2 bad sectors to rellocate though, it's still working fine since then | 02:04 |
ky-lo-g | talks shit on irc wow what a badass | 02:04 |
daftykins | but yeah yours shows no evidence of any. | 02:04 |
ky-lo-g | im gonna joim linux lol nobody here has good hacking skills | 02:04 |
Limberian | daftykins, am I in danger? or is it safe to use the disk for now? | 02:05 |
daftykins | Limberian: well i'd change the cable if you have one spare, or just reseat it at both ends if not - then see how you go | 02:05 |
FHiggins | Hello. I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 and I have a bit of a problem. I have an nVidia video card and I get the latest drivers straight from their website and install using their script. The problem is that when I do an "apt-get upgrade" or any other install involving graphics libraries, the package manager tries to install several graphics libraries and as a result screws up my existing drivers and I either lose any hardware acceleration | 02:06 |
Limberian | daftykins, I don't have any spare cable right now. | 02:06 |
daftykins | oh hmm it thinks it's had 240 occasions where it's had issues 'READ DMA EXT' and 'WRITE DMA EXT' whatever that is :D | 02:06 |
FHiggins | How can I prevent the package manager from touch anything installed by the nVidia script? I figure the easiest way would be to hold the packages, but I don't know which packages to hold | 02:07 |
daftykins | FHiggins: i would not use manual downloads from their site, i'd use ones available in the PPA - also, a new ubuntu official PPA is coming for up to date proprietary drivers | 02:07 |
daftykins | er, s/PPA (first one)/repos/ | 02:08 |
Limberian | daftykins, I'll get a new drive and backup everything I have again. I'll keep using this disk until something bad happens. I'm using this one for 4 years so. --It's time to get a new one after all. | 02:10 |
FHiggins | daftykins: which PPA do you recommend? I recall using xorg-edgers back a year ago, but I had some problems with it, hence I switched to manual installations since that was the easiest way for me to get the lastest drivers working | 02:10 |
daftykins | FHiggins: FHiggins it's early days but try - | 02:11 |
daftykins | oops double nick | 02:11 |
FHiggins | daftykins: Okay, I'll give it a try, maybe I'll have better luck this time around. Should I purge any trace of my existing driver installation or can I leave that to the package manager? | 02:13 |
daftykins | murder it with the nvidia uninstall script | 02:13 |
daftykins | i think you type nvidia then tab and it's there | 02:13 |
Bashing-om | FHiggins: ^^ same same take from a differnt source : . | 02:13 |
daftykins | likely you need to do that from a TTY with lightdm stopped | 02:13 |
FHiggins | Thanks, I'll go give it a try | 02:14 |
FHiggins | Ah, before I go, is it better to install using the package nvidia-latest or nvidia-[version number]? Or is there a different scheme now? | 02:15 |
daftykins | i don't know what's in that PPA | 02:17 |
daftykins | you'll find the page says what to do though | 02:17 |
FHiggins | The page says nvidia-355, I guess i'll go with that to start with | 02:18 |
FHiggins | Thanks | 02:18 |
graft | hey all, anyone have experience connecting to a juniper vpn on ubuntu? | 02:19 |
telboon | are some ubuntu apt servers down? | 02:20 |
telboon | W: Failed to fetch 500 Internal Server Error | 02:20 |
dellni | Hello | 02:22 |
daftykins | telboon: maybe change to the main temporarily, might be something up with your regions one | 02:23 |
ubuntu271 | Hi there. I've installed Ubuntu 14.04 on a Macbook Pro and after removing Unity and replacing it with MATE -- logging in shows "Failed to start session" and I'd fix it but I can't figure out how to switch to console (tty1-8) via the keyboard. | 02:23 |
ubuntu271 | Any help is appreciated. | 02:23 |
dellni | Need help with multi boot ubuntu & windows 7 (in uefi mode) | 02:23 |
daftykins | !ask | 02:24 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 02:24 |
xianur0n | + | 02:24 |
telboon | daftykins: how do i temporarily change the servers? | 02:24 |
JustBerry | Does anyone know what would be the best way to create a Flash game bot? Just ping my name if you have a piece of advice, suggestion, etc. | 02:24 |
daftykins | telboon: settings -> software and sources | 02:24 |
evangelion | do you have on mac the control and alt keys? | 02:24 |
telboon | daftykins: great. thanks! | 02:24 |
ubuntu271 | evangelion: in what way? You mean, like, they are on the keyboard? | 02:25 |
evangelion | yes | 02:25 |
telboon | are the local servers usually updated as fast as the main servers for the packages? | 02:25 |
ubuntu271 | Yeah. | 02:25 |
ubuntu271 | But using them like I would on a normal keyboard does produce the same effect. | 02:25 |
ubuntu271 | Oh you're kidding me.. I figured it out.. | 02:26 |
evangelion | solved? | 02:26 |
ubuntu271 | I have to hit "fn" because alt is the function of 'option'.. | 02:26 |
ubuntu271 | thats silly, but yes. | 02:26 |
aeden__D | is it possible to use w3m -dump on a website that ends with .cgi? | 02:26 |
evangelion | hurrey! ;) another happy customer | 02:26 |
JustBerry | Does anyone know what would be the best way to create a Flash game bot? Even though this might not be the most relevant channel, could you point me in the right direction? It's for use on a Mac. Just ping my name if you have a piece of advice, suggestion, etc. | 02:27 |
xianur0n | 3+ | 02:28 |
xianur0n | +*6- | 02:28 |
daftykins | !alis | JustBerry use this to find an appropriat channel. | 02:28 |
dellni | Installing ubuntu on windows 7 (uefi mode) | 02:28 |
daftykins | dellni: yeah you haven't actually detailed the problem yet | 02:28 |
JustBerry | !alis | 02:28 |
ubottu | alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* | 02:28 |
dellni | As when i enable legacy mode i can install ubuntu | 02:29 |
JustBerry | k daftykins | 02:29 |
wileee | dellni, Have you had a chance to look at the UEFI wiki? | 02:30 |
evangelion | as fas as I know .cgi get executed and you get only the rusult of the execution | 02:30 |
dellni | When the problem is that if i enable legacy mode i am not able to boot windows 7 | 02:30 |
daftykins | dellni: yeah you have to install both in the same mode. | 02:30 |
evangelion | so dumping the whole website is not going to work | 02:30 |
xianur0n | dellni look at you shouldn't have to enable or disable legacy mode | 02:32 |
xianur0n | forget it exist | 02:32 |
xianur0n | just within the UEFI settings look how to turn off secure boot | 02:33 |
wileee | xianur0n, Does not answer their issue as asked. | 02:33 |
dellni | As there is no secure boot option in the bios | 02:33 |
daftykins | xianur0n: windows 7 does not use secure boot. | 02:35 |
daftykins | it is incapable of it | 02:35 |
xianur0n | ohh s. | 02:35 |
dellni | Is there is any way to convert the uefi to mbr | 02:35 |
xianur0n | i thought we were talking windoes 8 | 02:35 |
daftykins | dellni: of ubuntu yes, of Windows not that i know of. i'd doubt it | 02:36 |
dellni | Its windows 7 | 02:36 |
ObrienDave | dellni, uefi has NOTHING to do with MBR | 02:36 |
dellni | As i read some where about it | 02:36 |
daftykins | i took it to mean legacy | 02:37 |
dellni | As in windows i see a partition of around 100mb | 02:37 |
aeden__D | evangelion, I saved the source of the webpage as html and then use w3m to dump to text. it worked | 02:37 |
aeden__D | evangelion, thanks for the input | 02:38 |
ObrienDave | dellni, that is the windows boot partition. do NOT delete it | 02:38 |
dellni | I can switch to legacy mode to install and run ubutu | 02:38 |
dellni | But in legacy mode windows 7 does not boot | 02:39 |
xianur0n | i don't quite understand, in windows 7 can't we just boot from a cd, usb etc and install ubuntu | 02:39 |
xianur0n | all these UEFI and legacy mode and fast boot up was developed for windows 8 | 02:39 |
daftykins | xianur0n: you're thinking of WUBI which is dead and unsupported. | 02:40 |
xianur0n | no, i meant, were talking about UEFI on windows 7 | 02:41 |
daftykins | and...? | 02:41 |
surgy | hello... im running kubuntu 14.04 kernal 3.19 and i want to upgrade to kernal 3.5 | 02:41 |
ObrienDave | xianur0n, it really depends on the BIOS/UEFI architecture | 02:42 |
dellni | I even try wubi when running it from windows it give error uefi not supported | 02:42 |
daftykins | surgy: 3.5 is a downgrade. | 02:42 |
daftykins | 19 is bigger than 5 | 02:42 |
xianur0n | does windows 7 has UEFI integrated? | 02:43 |
surgy | daftykins, really? | 02:43 |
daftykins | yep | 02:43 |
surgy | daftykins, thats dumb | 02:43 |
daftykins | nope | 02:43 |
Ben64 | 19 has always been bigger than 5 | 02:43 |
ObrienDave | xianur0n, BIOS/UEFI has NOTHING to do with the OS | 02:43 |
Spec | .19 is not bigger than .5 though | 02:44 |
Ben64 | its not a number like that | 02:44 |
Spec | i know that | 02:44 |
ObrienDave | Spec, it does not work that way | 02:44 |
Spec | i know that | 02:44 |
ObrienDave | !behelpful | Spec | 02:44 |
ubottu | Spec: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes. | 02:44 |
Spec | however, in the decimal numbering system: it does | 02:44 |
Ben64 | but this isn't that | 02:44 |
Spec | it's why the above guy made the wrong assumption | 02:44 |
ObrienDave | spec, OT | 02:44 |
xianur0n | i was just saying because i installed ubuntu 14.04 on windows 8 and i had to go over all these UEFI thing and disable fast boot up. | 02:46 |
ObrienDave | !uefi | xianur0n | 02:46 |
ubottu | xianur0n: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read | 02:46 |
daftykins | yes but it's not 8 so please let it go, xianur0n | 02:46 |
ObrienDave | read and TRY to understand | 02:46 |
xianur0n | all on your hands | 02:47 |
ObrienDave | we can handle it, thanks | 02:47 |
surgy | im having probles with krita.... and theres no one answering in #krita can someone help? | 02:49 |
ObrienDave | maybe | 02:49 |
surgy | my lines in krita with the mouse and my tablet are jagedy and broken. | 02:50 |
ObrienDave | then you're not drawing two point lines | 02:51 |
ObrienDave | you're probably drawing multi-segment lines | 02:52 |
surgy | ObrienDave, well by line i mean using the pencil or pen tool | 02:53 |
surgy | brush* | 02:53 |
surgy | and i saved to png and openedit in pasteall to show yo uand its gone.... the jaggies are gone | 02:53 |
surgy | | 02:53 |
surgy | i circled them in krita | 02:53 |
ObrienDave | k, look pretty smooth to me | 02:56 |
daftykins | yip, though it's no Mona Lisa | 02:56 |
daftykins | ;) | 02:56 |
surgy | yeah.... but in krita they look jaged and every now and then white jaggedy stuff..... | 02:58 |
wileee | you have to splash the paint for a polluck | 02:58 |
surgy | i thought it might be my graphics tab acting up again so i turn it off and use my mouse and get the same effect | 02:58 |
surgy | ? | 02:58 |
ObrienDave | sounds like a graphics card thingy | 02:59 |
surgy | ObrienDave, think its a driver issue? | 02:59 |
ObrienDave | doubt it. just one of those things you might have to live with | 03:00 |
surgy | ObrienDave, it makes the program un usable | 03:00 |
surgy | ObrienDave, and gimp is too slow. | 03:00 |
surgy | yeah | 03:00 |
surgy | and mypaint doesnt have pressure sensitivity. | 03:00 |
surgy | 80% of my desktop use is in drawing | 03:01 |
ObrienDave | work around it | 03:01 |
surgy | so if it doesnt work then i cant use linux | 03:01 |
surgy | how? | 03:01 |
ObrienDave | how would i know? | 03:01 |
surgy | ... | 03:01 |
daftykins | i'm still not clear what was supposed to be happening, i thought aliasing to start with | 03:05 |
FHiggins | Hello, I'm back. I followed the advice given here and installed nVidia drivers from the PPA (using apt-get install nvidia-355) and now I get a black screen when I boot, and I can't even get into the tty using the ctrl+alt+fn keys, the only way to do something is to boot into recovery mode. Last time I had a similar problem with the xorg-edgers PPA, installing the drivers manually solved it. Any ideas? | 03:08 |
eipi10_ | how the fuck do I log in? | 03:09 |
daftykins | !language | eipi10_ | 03:09 |
ubottu | eipi10_: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit | 03:09 |
ObrienDave | !nomodeset | FHiggins | 03:09 |
ubottu | FHiggins: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See on how to use this parameter | 03:09 |
eipi10_ | hey dafty, whats up? | 03:10 |
persa_ | I run top command and it says "3 users" | 03:11 |
persa_ | I'm the only one using this pc | 03:11 |
ObrienDave | ok, you should have at least 2. you and root | 03:13 |
daftykins | eipi10_: i guess it's troll o'clock | 03:13 |
eipi10_ | what's that mean? | 03:13 |
eipi10_ | I'm trying to register this name adn the email reads I need to log in somewhere... | 03:14 |
ObrienDave | *face palms and walks away* | 03:14 |
bazhang | eipi10_, ask in #freenode | 03:14 |
bazhang | eipi10_, DONT curse in here, ever | 03:15 |
eipi10_ | ever? | 03:15 |
bazhang | eipi10_, no cursing here, stay on topic, ask for help with that on #freenode | 03:15 |
eipi10_ | OK topic: you take this shit WAY too seriously | 03:16 |
ObrienDave | always has to be one jerk in the channel *sigh* | 03:17 |
bazhang | he's gone, lets get back to support please | 03:17 |
PaulVern | Is there anything risky about setting up a cron job as root: apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade # ? | 03:18 |
PaulVern | And is there a way to exclude Kernels / nvidia drivers, etc? | 03:19 |
FHiggins | ObrienDave: nomodeset got me to boot, now I get a mouse curson on a black background and only one of my displays working, I can get to tty just fine now. No window manager or anything like that, though. | 03:19 |
ObrienDave | i have no clue, sorry | 03:20 |
FHiggins | I'm fairly certain that if I purge any trace of nvidia* from the package manager and install the drivers using nvidia's manual install script, I'll solve the problem, but that'll get me back to my original problem of having to hold nvidia's packages to they don't screw up every time I do an apt-get upgrade | 03:23 |
squinty | PaulVern, kernels are updated via apt-get dist-upgrade so if you are using apt-get upgrade your kernels will not be upgraded | 03:27 |
wileee | FHiggins, The proprietary drivers, directly from nvidia should only be affected by kernel upgrades in general | 03:35 |
=== cyphase is now known as Guest11847 | ||
FHiggins | wileee: The problem I have is that when I have the proprietary drivers installed in ubuntu, every time I do an apt-get upgrade or install anything related to graphics libraries, my opengl gets reverted to the basic version and I lose all hardware acceleration, so obviously some libraries are getting overwritten | 03:37 |
=== jrs is now known as joe-s | ||
newdimension | I have dual boot of Windows 10 and Ubuntu 14 LTS. I'm using Grub 2 and for some reason when my laptop hibernates on windows. On resume I get the grub menu instead of going back to windows. Any ideas ? | 03:38 |
wileee | FHiggins, Seems like a user be aware and know what our doing is all, I'm not going to argue but there is no actual proof of what you say in any detailed way for us to help you. | 03:40 |
=== brayden_ is now known as Blaster | ||
vorlket | hi, in setting up ntpd via /etc/ntp.conf, what does command 'fudge stratum y' do? | 03:42 |
FHiggins | wileee: What information do you need? Maybe I can provide it. My original question was pretty simple: What packages do I need to hold so that doing an apt-get upgrade doesn't affect my graphics libraries? I don't really need a list of packages but at least I'd like to know how to get them. I was adviced that the better way to go about it was to install the latest drivers from a PPA, but that didn't work out for me | 03:42 |
snowkidind | any ubuntu / passenger / rails people on tonight? | 03:43 |
=== graft is now known as Guest30731 | ||
FHiggins | newdimension: It is my understanding that that is the expected behaviour when hibernating, since you're writing the RAM contents to disk and shutting off your computer | 03:44 |
wileee | FHiggins, I can't help but I know what good data is and details are, I just noticed wide generalizing in your post. | 03:45 |
newdimension | fhiggins: It was't like with Windows 7. Not sure if I had grub or grub2 in that setup. But it definitely resumed to windows after hibernation. If I wanted to switch I'd restart | 03:46 |
FHiggins | newdimension: are you sure you weren't using the Windows boot manager? Because that's the behavior you get with it. | 03:47 |
uio | Hello, my usb is not alllowing me to delete it's files saying that they are read-only. And this even under root. | 03:47 |
newdimension | fhiggins: Positive, I distinctly remember Grub's purple start screen. | 03:48 |
newdimension | fhiggins: Can I take it that a possible solution is to switch to window's boot manager? Do to that I'm thinking I'd use the windows CD to restore MBR add Ubuntu to the start using EasyBCD | 03:50 |
PaulVern | squinty: Well perhaps not kernels, but something breaks my nvidia drivers when I apt-get upgrade from time to time | 03:51 |
PaulVern | I usually re-install it with the binary from the nvidia website | 03:51 |
rredd4 | loading ubuntu live cd, when I get to the wireless screen and select no wireless, click continue, i see a spinning wheel and nothing happens. cd turns off and spinning wheel, then screen goes black. | 03:54 |
FHiggins | newdimension: It should be possible, but I don't really know since I haven't used Windows in dualboot since 7. | 03:54 |
rredd4 | turned on nomodeset, no difference | 03:54 |
newdimension | Fhiggins: got it, thanks for the help | 03:55 |
FHiggins | newdimension: Grub also has the resume= option, but I'm not sure how that interacts with Windows. | 03:56 |
uio | Even after: shred -vfz -n 1 /dev/sdb and then sudo dd if=/home/user/Téléchargements/boot-repair-disk-32bit.iso of=/dev/sdb... I get error message : No space is available on the drive. Why cannot I use the usb ? Any thoughts ? | 03:57 |
newdimension | Fhiggins: let me research that. My experience with grub has been only to install so far | 03:58 |
rredd4 | why do i get the spinning wheel and black screen when installing ubuntu | 03:59 |
wileee | newdimension, The hybrid fast boot/sleep is not used, I suspect the hibernate is a bad idea unless, just a guess your just using the uefi boot only. | 04:00 |
newdimension | wileee: I'm not using UEFI at all. I didn't understand what you mean about boot/sleep is not used | 04:01 |
wileee | newdimension, In a uefi install that would be pertinent is all, was not sure your install framework and other info. | 04:03 |
wileee | fast boot is the technical term | 04:04 |
uio | Hello, how can I repaire grub ? | 04:06 |
wileee | uio, What is grub doing? | 04:06 |
uio | wileee: 'GRUB loading. Welcome to GRUB! error: no such partition. Entering rescue mode... grub rescue | 04:08 |
wileee | uio, Have you removed any installs or partitions lately? | 04:09 |
uio | wileee: I had just finished installing and was going for the reboot. | 04:09 |
uio | wileee: Yes, but installing the OS was the lastest action. | 04:09 |
wileee | uio, You still on the live? | 04:10 |
uio | wileee: No, I am unable to make live-usbs for some odd reason... using dd to make them, I get a 'no space' message.... | 04:10 |
uio | Even after: shred -vfz -n 1 /dev/sdb and then sudo dd if=/home/user/Téléchargements/boot-repair-disk-32bit.iso of=/dev/sdb... I get error message : No space is available on the drive. Why cannot I use the usb ? Any thoughts ? | 04:11 |
TeddyMurray | is it possible to install ubuntu from within windows? no usb stick or cd drive | 04:11 |
wileee | uio, Hmm, I'm not going to be able to follow all that, sorry. | 04:11 |
TeddyMurray | also need to resize windows partition | 04:11 |
LambdaComplex | TeddyMurray: Is wubi still a thing? | 04:12 |
wileee | TeddyMurray, Only in a virtual, wubi which did is not supported. | 04:12 |
TeddyMurray | yikes | 04:12 |
TeddyMurray | is it practical to run a VM that runs other VMs? | 04:12 |
LambdaComplex | Maybe. Probably not. | 04:13 |
wileee | TeddyMurray, an install will take up the same space as a vm. | 04:17 |
=== _syntroPi_ is now known as syntroPi | ||
Nokaji | Hi, I'm looking for a way to restore nautilus windows on reboot (like microsoft windows does). Apparently there used to be gnome-session-properties which did this but was removed in gnome 3.12 | 04:47 |
Nokaji | nothing I can find in gnome-tweak-tool either | 04:52 |
martysia | hello | 04:53 |
TRAINBIKE | sudo rm -rf * now | 04:54 |
telboon | no | 04:54 |
telboon | don't do that | 04:54 |
TRAINBIKE | DO IT | 04:54 |
martysia | in my Xubuntu there is no network manager and it doens't pick up the wifi | 04:54 |
TRAINBIKE | DO IT | 04:54 |
TRAINBIKE | martysia: sudo rm -rf * will solve it all | 04:54 |
martysia | TRAINBIKE: tring to be nasty? | 04:54 |
DalekSec | TRAINBIKE: Please stop trying to cause trouble. | 04:54 |
telboon | mods aren't here? | 04:54 |
TRAINBIKE | mods are asleep | 04:55 |
telboon | ahh | 04:55 |
telboon | anyway, does anyone know how to set default size and position of windows? | 04:55 |
telboon | sometimes programs start at weird position | 04:55 |
martysia | ok, once more - no network manager, no networks detected, problems with logging off the system | 04:57 |
martysia | needed to switch my computer off drastically using the button on the computer itself | 04:57 |
martysia | do I need to reinstall my system? | 04:57 |
martysia | or is there any other way to solve that? | 04:58 |
wileee | martysia, You've coma at a slow time is all, if someone recognizes the issue they may respond. | 04:59 |
wileee | come* | 04:59 |
martysia | ok | 04:59 |
=== dearn_ is now known as dearn | ||
cyberalex4life | martysia, open synaptic, search something like network, select the option to show only installed files, select all, right click -> Reinstall | 05:01 |
cyberalex4life | martysia, some things get solved like this | 05:01 |
wileee | martysia, Not sure how busy they are but you might check #xubuntu as well | 05:01 |
cyberalex4life | some packages just need reinstall to get fixed. this is how I used to fix intel graphics | 05:02 |
badbodh | howdy martysia . hope someone can fix your issue. i'll sacrifice 101 kittens to satan. | 05:04 |
martysia | lol hello badbodh :) | 05:05 |
badbodh | meanwhile state your problem in pariah too. somebody may have answers | 05:05 |
antoan | ola | 05:07 |
jmadero | martysia: given the extent of the issues - I would suggest starting from scratch unless you have a lot of time to burn....hopefully you partitioned your system right and separated your home partition from root partition which makes things about 100x easier | 05:12 |
=== Blaster is now known as Guest52657 | ||
elelelelelele | I have an old 14.04 LTS kvm server that has not been updated for a long time. What is the safe way to update binaries on the distro? | 05:18 |
baizon | elelelelelele: sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:20 |
jmadero | elelelelelele: but if it's LTS 14.04 is still real need to upgrade | 05:21 |
jmadero | sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade will get you up to date | 05:21 |
elelelelelele | jmadero: baizon | 05:27 |
elelelelelele | its Ubuntu 12.10 lol | 05:27 |
elelelelelele | apt-get update gives a bunch of 404s | 05:28 |
baizon | elelelelelele: | 05:28 |
baizon | elelelelelele: | 05:28 |
elelelelelele | fresh install? | 05:29 |
baizon | elelelelelele: yep | 05:30 |
elelelelelele | not an option :( | 05:30 |
baizon | elelelelelele: why not? | 05:30 |
Jamesanaru | Hello, I need help please! | 05:33 |
elelelelelele | theres little room for error and time | 05:34 |
Jamesanaru | Oh, Is there minor errors at the moment? | 05:35 |
Jamesanaru | Are there* | 05:35 |
baizon | !ask | Jamesanaru | 05:36 |
ubottu | Jamesanaru: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 05:36 |
fishcooker | is it possible to use wlan0 as like when we also using wlan0 as client of a accesspoint | 05:38 |
Kali_Yuga | Hi I cannot unmount my loop deviceI tried sudo unmount -f /media/name/CD... it only unmounts the cd but the loop device is still there what can I do??? | 05:38 |
Jamesanaru | Alright, I have installed Ubuntu and have had it for a while now. However, I discovered that my system runs alot faster on Windows. So, I decided to install windows again. But, when I try to do so, It says Cannot install on this partition because the filesystem is not NTFS. | 05:39 |
Kali_Yuga | here Jamesanaru that should help | 05:42 |
Kali_Yuga | oh no it doesn't sorry hold on | 05:42 |
=== Guest52657 is now known as Blaster | ||
Kali_Yuga | u simply have to format you hardrive to the ntfs file system | 05:45 |
Jamesanaru | How do I do so? | 05:45 |
Kali_Yuga | are u on ubuntu right now? use gpartet? | 05:46 |
Kali_Yuga | Use Gpartet over the Live CD | 05:47 |
Kali_Yuga | format to NTFS should work | 05:47 |
Jamesanaru | Is Gpartet an Applicaton? | 05:47 |
Kali_Yuga | yes should be there by default but i don't remember if it is | 05:48 |
nith1210 | *gparted and it's not there by default | 05:48 |
Kali_Yuga | if not sudo apt-get install gpartet | 05:48 |
Jamesanaru | Alright, Thank you. If I have no success I will come straight back here. | 05:49 |
Kali_Yuga | will work :) | 05:49 |
Jamesanaru | Thank you Kali_Yuga | 05:49 |
Kali_Yuga | your welcome | 05:50 |
Space-Duck | Anyone know how to enable touch screen on a asus netbook? | 05:51 |
elton | there is probably a fn + [button] somewhere | 05:52 |
Jamesanaru | Hello, Im back about the Gparted thing. I need some help with how to use it. Im sorry for wasting your time, But I have never used Gparted before. | 05:57 |
mogreen | 'Security updates' today, 'Interactive X program to prompt users for a passphrase for ssh-add' and 'SSH client', but how do I know whether or not I really want them? | 05:57 |
Kali_Yuga | ok uhm what do you need to know? | 05:58 |
pesari | mogreen: you want security updates. | 05:58 |
Jamesanaru | Like, what do I click to change the partition filesystem? | 05:58 |
Jamesanaru | Sorry Kali_Yuga for wasting your time. | 05:58 |
Kali_Yuga | right click on the partition u want to change then format to NTFS | 05:59 |
Jamesanaru | All I can do is Resize/Move, Unmount, manage flags and view Partition info. | 06:00 |
Kali_Yuga | I think if not watch a youtube tutorial on how to use gparted | 06:00 |
mogreen | pesari: k, installing now :8] | 06:01 |
Kali_Yuga | no u see those squares above like /dev/sdasomething... try right clicking on there | 06:01 |
Kali_Yuga | wait | 06:01 |
Jamesanaru | Ah, alright. | 06:02 |
Kali_Yuga | if not watch a youtube tut cuz I forgot alot on how to use it | 06:03 |
Jamesanaru | Alright, thank you for your help Kali_Yuga | 06:03 |
Kali_Yuga | tell me if it worked | 06:04 |
Jamesanaru | I will look at a youtube Video. | 06:04 |
Kali_Yuga | kk | 06:04 |
Jamesanaru | I will tell you if it worked in about 10 minues. | 06:04 |
Jamesanaru | Thanks Kali_Yuga! | 06:05 |
tnkhanh | any advice on should I use 14.04 or 15.04? | 06:07 |
Kali_Yuga | oh yes u have to delete all partitions first that it says unallocated then reformat to Ntfs---> apply... when it's done put your windows cd and boot it up and go from there | 06:08 |
Kali_Yuga | 15.04 is newest but 14.04 is the stable version which is supported longer than 15.04 | 06:10 |
Kali_Yuga | | 06:12 |
bobdobbs | I'm using ubuntu 12.04. I'd like to alter the desktop background. I'm using gnome. I'm not using unity. | 06:12 |
bobdobbs | seems like all the instructions I've found using google only apply to unity | 06:13 |
bobdobbs | I keep coming across instruction like the ones here: | 06:14 |
bobdobbs | they say "right click on your desktop...". But if I right click on the desktop I do not get a context menu. | 06:14 |
wileee | bobdobbs, Sounds like you want your own image there? | 06:15 |
bobdobbs | wileee: well, I'm sure I remember that in the past I've discovered a menu that gives me options of images to use. | 06:15 |
bobdobbs | I'd like to fine that set of options | 06:15 |
Kali_Yuga | do u use gnome 3? | 06:16 |
wileee | bobdobbs, So nothing with a right click? This the gnome shell? | 06:16 |
bobdobbs | Kali_Yuga: I don't know which version of gnome I'm using | 06:16 |
bobdobbs | wileee: nothing with a right click. | 06:16 |
Kali_Yuga | I am only familiar with the gnome 2 enviroment. never used gnome 3 though... | 06:17 |
bobdobbs | but yeah, I'm sure that I'm using gnome. The menus and window dressings look gnome-ish | 06:17 |
bobdobbs | Kali_Yuga: I don't know version I'm using. I don't recall altering the gnome version at any point after I installed ubuntu | 06:17 |
Kali_Yuga | do you have "activities" in the upper left corner??? | 06:18 |
madman_ | can you use the file manager in gnome and right click an image you want as your background and get a list of options like "set image as background" | 06:18 |
bobdobbs | "gnome-shell --version" reports GNOME Shell 3.4.1 | 06:18 |
Kali_Yuga | ok well never used that sorry | 06:18 |
bobdobbs | Kali_Yuga: no | 06:18 |
bobdobbs | I mean, no - I can't see "activities" | 06:18 |
wileee | bobdobbs, You can restart the shell with alt-f2-r | 06:19 |
Kali_Yuga | ? lol cuz that would be gnome 3 with this activities and switching and stuff like that | 06:19 |
bobdobbs | madman_: I generally dont use the gnome file manager. It messes with my multiple-monitor setup. I use dolphin for file browsing | 06:19 |
madman_ | ok dolphin then? lol | 06:20 |
wileee | bobdobbs, Are you using dolphin? | 06:20 |
bobdobbs | like, when I use the gnome file explorer, my second screen desktop background goes all white until I kill the nautilus process | 06:20 |
bobdobbs | nautilus just breaks stuff | 06:20 |
Kali_Yuga | is that yours? | 06:21 |
Kali_Yuga | thats gnome 3 | 06:21 |
bobdobbs | my desktop has never looked anything like that | 06:22 |
bobdobbs | the background looks familiar though. I know that image | 06:22 |
Jamesanaru | Kali_Yuga, Do you have any good youtube videos on this? | 06:22 |
bobdobbs | but my top bar is not that color and doesn't have "activities" | 06:22 |
Kali_Yuga | on gparted? | 06:22 |
bobdobbs | I'll upload a screenie in a sec... | 06:23 |
Kali_Yuga | well let me look | 06:23 |
Jamesanaru | Yes. | 06:23 |
Jamesanaru | Thank you Kali_Yuga | 06:23 |
Kali_Yuga | what filesystem are u using right now fat32, ext4 ?? | 06:23 |
Jamesanaru | Ext4 | 06:24 |
tnkhanh | What does stable mean in LTS? Only longer support? | 06:24 |
OneM_Industries | I can only read from an external floppy drive sporadically, any ideas? | 06:24 |
bobdobbs | this is what my desktop looks like: | 06:24 |
Kali_Yuga | idk might try this one I didn't watch it but it has alot of likes so here you go | 06:25 |
madman_ | tnknanh same thing stable long term support | 06:25 |
Kali_Yuga | yes this is gnome 2 shell | 06:25 |
madman_ | means you have 4 years without experimental stuff messing things up | 06:25 |
wileee | bobdobbs, gnome 3 fallback a pseudo gnome 2 | 06:26 |
bobdobbs | wileee: interesting | 06:26 |
wileee | bobdobbs, You installed it right? | 06:26 |
bobdobbs | yes | 06:26 |
Kali_Yuga | can't u just not right click on the pic u want and set as desktop background ?? I remember when i used gnome 2 I never had a problem with that | 06:27 |
madman_ | Agreeing with Kali | 06:27 |
Kali_Yuga | yes this is gnome2-fallback | 06:27 |
bobdobbs | I wonder why it's falling back? maybe it's cos I looked at unity a few years ago, thought "nope" and never gave it a second chance. | 06:27 |
Kali_Yuga | cuz gnome 2 is actually dead | 06:27 |
bobdobbs | and somehow I mighta turned off unity when I installed ubuntu | 06:27 |
bobdobbs | maybe I should give unity a shot again | 06:28 |
wileee | unity is a desktop | 06:28 |
madman_ | Love and Hate unity.. Know how to tweak it which helps | 06:28 |
bobdobbs | k | 06:28 |
wileee | the ubuntu desktop | 06:28 |
LambdaComplex | I've never liked Unity | 06:28 |
Kali_Yuga | I don't like unity though | 06:28 |
madman_ | Using docky and launcher folders | 06:29 |
madman_ | with unity | 06:29 |
bobdobbs | ok, so I just ran "unity" from a terminal, just to see what would happen | 06:29 |
madman_ | and ticker | 06:30 |
bobdobbs | everything looks the same, but I can't use my second monitor | 06:30 |
LambdaComplex | When you say terminal do you mean terminal emulator? or tty? | 06:30 |
bobdobbs | applications running on my second monitor don't register click events | 06:30 |
Kali_Yuga | no u need to log out click on the little wheel and choose unity not gnome2 session fallback as far as I remember | 06:30 |
LambdaComplex | ^^^^^ | 06:30 |
bobdobbs | k | 06:30 |
bobdobbs | I'll do that. back soon guys! | 06:30 |
LambdaComplex | Starting a DE when you already have X running sounds like a recipe for disaster | 06:30 |
wileee | bobdobbs, stop experimenting here, this is support, running that in the terminal was stupid. | 06:31 |
bobdobbs | yeah. | 06:31 |
madman_ | bob your confusing me. I came into the conversation late. What version of Ubuntu are you using? | 06:31 |
bobdobbs | 12.04 | 06:31 |
madman_ | Why? | 06:31 |
madman_ | serious question? | 06:31 |
madman_ | lost bob | 06:31 |
LambdaComplex | Isn't that ridiculously out of date | 06:31 |
LambdaComplex | Or am I thinking of some other number | 06:32 |
madman_ | I'm wondering if we where being trolled | 06:32 |
Kali_Yuga | 12.04 is still supported | 06:32 |
LambdaComplex | Okay, 12.04 is the LTS version? | 06:32 |
Kali_Yuga | yes | 06:32 |
madman_ | yes | 06:32 |
madman_ | old lts | 06:32 |
madman_ | 14.04 is the latest | 06:32 |
Kali_Yuga | i think supports ends in 2017 on 12.04 I really liked it | 06:33 |
madman_ | I dont know why people do not upgrade. | 06:33 |
madman_ | at least to the latest LTS | 06:33 |
LambdaComplex | Wait, did he come in here to ask how to change the desktop image in GNOME? Or was I reading wrong? | 06:33 |
madman_ | yes he did | 06:33 |
LambdaComplex | | 06:34 |
brainbox | before i make some major mistakes (im sure this will be one im going to regret) If I make /var/www chmod 777 how dangerous is this... and can a remote user dump files on there or am i open just to users on the linux box | 06:34 |
LambdaComplex | Wow, googling "change desktop image gnome" is so difficult | 06:34 |
madman_ | lol brainbox | 06:34 |
madman_ | very | 06:34 |
Kali_Yuga | he doesn't have gnome 3 | 06:34 |
brainbox | lol | 06:34 |
madman_ | whats the problem brainbox | 06:34 |
LambdaComplex | brainbox: 775 would probably be better | 06:34 |
madman_ | yep lambda | 06:35 |
madman_ | read write execute user group - read execute everyone else 775 | 06:36 |
madman_ | owner group not user group ... typo | 06:37 |
blaaa | I have just moved the kernel on 14.04 from 3.13 to 3.19. I use a serial console, it seems something has changed, as boot is hanging when I use my current line | 06:38 |
blaaa | of kernel commands | 06:38 |
blaaa | I use 'console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8r' | 06:39 |
bobdobbs | after I logged out X wouldn't restart. I had to do a hard reboot | 06:41 |
bobdobbs | I'm back at the login screen. I don't see an option to use unity | 06:41 |
bobdobbs | I see options for flavours of gnome and kde though | 06:41 |
LambdaComplex | Then perhaps Unity isn't installed | 06:42 |
madman_ | blaaa have no idea why isntalling kernel 3.19 would do that. Can you reboot the system and fallback to 3.13? | 06:42 |
LambdaComplex | Either that or you don't have a .desktop file for it | 06:42 |
Kali_Yuga | there should be a little toothed wheel... click on that | 06:42 |
madman_ | *installing typo again.. | 06:42 |
Kali_Yuga | ya use kde | 06:42 |
bobdobbs | I might give unity a shot. but I'm afraid of a switch to unity messing up my dual-monitor control | 06:43 |
blaaa | madman_: have done that, I'll look into it again, maybe the serial client has changed as well, I do not get a grub prompt reliably anymore | 06:43 |
bobdobbs | Kali_Yuga: I have to have kde installed to use dolphin, cause nautilus breaks a dual-monitor setup | 06:43 |
madman_ | bob log back into gnome and create a new user .. log out and log in as new user using unity and test it out | 06:43 |
bobdobbs | oh yeah | 06:44 |
bobdobbs | I'll do that | 06:44 |
Smegzor | I'm trying to switch a friends pc from Linux Mint to Ubuntu 14.04. I did it by backing up his / partition and /home then wiping / and installing Ubuntu there with it using the original /home. My problem is that after login the mouse moves but nothing is clickable. I read that I could move this way. What do I need to do to fix it? | 06:44 |
bobdobbs | if I do "apt-get install unity", I get told that unity is already installed | 06:45 |
madman_ | bob do sudo apt-get install unity --reinstall | 06:46 |
madman_ | smegzor wow man i have no idea what to do there | 06:46 |
madman_ | hmm | 06:46 |
bobdobbs | madman_: reinstalling now | 06:47 |
Kali_Yuga | like I said try to log out and find the toothed wheeel on the login should be there bobdobbs | 06:47 |
Smegzor | I'm sure I've done this before leaving the home partition alone but this is the first time it hasn't just worked | 06:47 |
madman_ | smegzor move .config to .configold | 06:48 |
madman_ | log out and log back in | 06:48 |
bobdobbs | k, I've reinstalled unity and logged out. | 06:48 |
madman_ | drop to terminal and do a mv .config .configold | 06:48 |
Smegzor | ok will that keep other stuff like his browser history, email etc? | 06:48 |
madman_ | maybe even .local to .localold -- I'm guessing here | 06:48 |
bobdobbs | Kali_Yuga: my login screen doesn't look anything like that | 06:48 |
madman_ | well your not loosing anything just moving it out of the way ... | 06:49 |
Smegzor | I expect I can copy things around if I lose anything important | 06:49 |
madman_ | if it works then you can go to .localold or .configold and move the .cache etc folders over | 06:49 |
madman_ | I'm guessing on names here.. Your in a weird world there smegzor | 06:49 |
bobdobbs | it does have a dropdown menu with a choice of desktop managers. none of them are "unity" | 06:49 |
Smegzor | thanks. trying that | 06:49 |
madman_ | .local and .config hold settings for unity and gnome | 06:49 |
Kali_Yuga | well if you use ubuntu with gnome 2 fallback or unity it should look like that? | 06:49 |
madman_ | moving them to a diff name wont loose anything | 06:49 |
Kali_Yuga | then i can't helpyou | 06:49 |
madman_ | just gets them out of the way and when you log in unity or gnome will rebuild those directories | 06:49 |
madman_ | then you can go to the *old folders and see what you can move over | 06:50 |
wileee | Smegzor, Have you run an update/upgrade? | 06:50 |
madman_ | thats what i would do | 06:50 |
madman_ | remember mint is different than unity | 06:50 |
bobdobbs | oh yeah, of course. | 06:50 |
Smegzor | Not yet. I got stuck first. | 06:50 |
madman_ | i'm assumeing that mint might be using .config or .local and thats messing with ubuntu/unity | 06:50 |
wileee | Smegzor, ctrl-alt-t and run one and reboot | 06:51 |
bobdobbs | so, uh, now I've re-installed unity, how do I select it as deskop enviroment before I login? | 06:51 |
wileee | bobdobbs, The login has a gear drop down | 06:51 |
Kali_Yuga | like i said | 06:52 |
madman_ | log out and you will see a gear next to your login pass | 06:52 |
madman_ | click it | 06:52 |
bobdobbs | I've logged out. I'm not seeing a gear. just a drop-down. and the dropdown doesn't offer unity | 06:52 |
badbodh | it will say "ubuntu" not unity perhaps | 06:52 |
bobdobbs | ah, ok | 06:53 |
madman_ | what bad said | 06:53 |
Kali_Yuga | see I was right | 06:53 |
bobdobbs | ok, I'm in. I see the unity-like sidebar. | 06:53 |
* madman_ slides kali a beer | 06:53 | |
Kali_Yuga | thx | 06:53 |
madman_ | I'm hoping smegzor gets his mouse fixed. | 06:54 |
bobdobbs | cool. thanks guys. I'll play around from here and see if I can change the background and get use of my second monitor | 06:55 |
Smegzor | the mouse is fine, its just the desktop thats broken | 06:55 |
Kali_Yuga | ya that sounds odd to me with the mouse | 06:55 |
madman_ | smeg .. where you talking about not able to click icons on the desktop | 06:55 |
madman_ | everything else works ? | 06:55 |
Smegzor | not able to click anywhere | 06:55 |
madman_ | oh.. | 06:55 |
wileee | madman_, tab complete nics | 06:55 |
Smegzor | i'm renaming .config and.local | 06:56 |
madman_ | thanks wileee | 06:56 |
madman_ | just tried it on your name | 06:56 |
wileee | np | 06:56 |
Kali_Yuga | If I where you... I would wipe everything and reinstall ubuntu but this would be only my option cuz I wouldn't know how to fix it | 06:56 |
Smegzor | Will I need to rename any other folders for Ubuntu to rebuild? | 06:57 |
princef | hi | 06:58 |
madman_ | Smegzor, do you have a backup? | 06:59 |
Smegzor | yes of both / and /home | 06:59 |
madman_ | are you familiar with building th partition tables from scratch? | 07:00 |
Smegzor | i've done that before. I'm rebooting now to see how this goes | 07:00 |
madman_ | you could also create a new user | 07:00 |
madman_ | and just copy the folders over | 07:00 |
Kali_Yuga | where is Jamesanaru the guy having trouble with windows installation ? i think he got it fixed then right? | 07:01 |
madman_ | if that doesnt work time to just nuke it and save some time | 07:01 |
bobdobbs | I'm stuck again. The second monitor turns on and has a background but to panels. I can move the mouse into it, but a right click doesn't do anything on either monitor. If I open the 'Displays' settings window, the second display isn't detected | 07:02 |
bobdobbs | I've got vague memories of encountering this issue when I initially looked at unity when it first came out. | 07:03 |
madman_ | does either monitor flicker bob? | 07:03 |
madman_ | while you move the mouse? | 07:03 |
bobdobbs | not that I can tell | 07:03 |
bobdobbs | so I guess that that's a 'no' | 07:04 |
madman_ | amd / nvidia / or intel vid card bob? | 07:04 |
bobdobbs | nvidia | 07:04 |
bobdobbs | there's a way to check the chipset, isn't there? | 07:04 |
madman_ | yes hangon | 07:04 |
bobdobbs | I'll find that out... | 07:04 |
madman_ | well this will be fun | 07:05 |
madman_ | open a terminal | 07:05 |
bobdobbs | yes, it's nvidia | 07:06 |
madman_ | lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' | 07:06 |
madman_ | copy and paste that | 07:06 |
bobdobbs | yup. nvidia | 07:06 |
Smegzor | same problem. nothing clickable. I'm going to nuke / and /home. install fresh and copy stuff from the backup. | 07:07 |
madman_ | i'm all amd and intel here so .. bowin out of this one | 07:08 |
madman_ | if its anything like my wacked out HP intel/amd load of fun hell - i would purge your nvidia drivers.. dual monitor support is non existent while running amd even in 15.04 for me | 07:09 |
madman_ | nvidia may be the same | 07:09 |
bobdobbs | that's too scary for me | 07:09 |
madman_ | sucks | 07:09 |
madman_ | intel works just fine | 07:09 |
bobdobbs | I think I'm gonna log out and go back to using gnome | 07:09 |
Smegzor | oh I actually installed 15.04. Since I'm doing a clean install should I use 14.04 instead? | 07:09 |
madman_ | bob do you game | 07:09 |
bobdobbs | If I mess something up then I won't be able to work tonight. or maybe this whole weekend | 07:09 |
madman_ | do you use the nvidia card? | 07:09 |
bobdobbs | madman_: yeah. | 07:10 |
madman_ | what kind of processor do you have.. | 07:10 |
bobdobbs | well, pretty sure anyway. | 07:10 |
bobdobbs | madman_: video processor? | 07:10 |
bobdobbs | or main processer? | 07:10 |
madman_ | main processor cpu | 07:10 |
bobdobbs | I know it's an intel i7 | 07:10 |
bobdobbs | but don't know more then that | 07:10 |
madman_ | and your running ubuntu 12.04? | 07:11 |
bobdobbs | (I got an i7 cos I sometimes use virtualsed computers) | 07:11 |
bobdobbs | yeah | 07:11 |
bobdobbs | is that a bad combo? | 07:11 |
madman_ | old software new hardware | 07:11 |
madman_ | strange not bad | 07:11 |
bobdobbs | yeah | 07:11 |
bobdobbs | oh, I know why I chose 12.04 | 07:11 |
madman_ | read my mind? Why? | 07:12 |
bobdobbs | video issues with nvidia and dual screens when I tried to install 14.04 | 07:12 |
bobdobbs | also, 12.04 is lts | 07:12 |
bobdobbs | I like having the horsepower. but I'm happy to waste some of it powering slightly older, more reliable software | 07:12 |
madman_ | fair enough.. ubuntu's come along way.. lately u can jump from 14.04 to 14.10 to 15.04 with minimal problems.. clean install is the best .. but an i7 I would at least try 15.04 | 07:13 |
bobdobbs | hmmm | 07:13 |
madman_ | maybe up it to 15.10 when its stable for 16.04 LTS later | 07:13 |
bobdobbs | ok. I'll consider that the next time I have a week to spare on an update. | 07:13 |
bobdobbs | I didn't mean that to sound faceatious | 07:13 |
madman_ | lol | 07:14 |
madman_ | I know what you mean | 07:14 |
bobdobbs | but yeah. It takes me at least a weekend to do an update, and then the rest of the week to iron out the show-stopping wrinkles | 07:14 |
bobdobbs | this is my work computer as well as my personal. I use it for web programming. | 07:14 |
madman_ | funny you mentioned that .. my main laptop *nebula to my right is compileing an android rom right now | 07:15 |
bobdobbs | so I need it for image editing as well as programming. I need it to "just work" once it's set up. And I need to have dual screens. | 07:15 |
bobdobbs | And alas, with 14.04 I could never get it useable. | 07:15 |
madman_ | I have 5 computers and they are all synced aka clones of eachother. one can go down and I loose nothing. flash clone back over and i'm back up | 07:16 |
bobdobbs | So I just shook my fist at the kids on my lawn and fell back to 12.04 | 07:16 |
madman_ | hah bob | 07:16 |
bobdobbs | that sounds pretty robust | 07:16 |
konan | ok | 07:16 |
madman_ | time is money | 07:17 |
bobdobbs | k, I'm gonna log out on my desktop and go back to gnome... and hope that dual monitors is still working | 07:17 |
* bobdobbs crosses fingers | 07:17 | |
madman_ | ubuntu should have saved that *hit to home folder | 07:17 |
madman_ | good luck bob | 07:18 |
bobdobbs | oh cool. dual mons. still working! | 07:18 |
bobdobbs | \o/ | 07:18 |
madman_ | sweet | 07:18 |
bobdobbs | madman_: I'm on a lappy now. recenty acquisition. i7 with 16Gb RAM. I installed 14.04 on it | 07:19 |
madman_ | waiting for my poor *nebula to have a meltdown 4 hours compiling CM 12.1 | 07:19 |
bobdobbs | I installed ubuntu on it with a tear in my eye, cos I knew it would make an excellent windows gaming machine | 07:19 |
* bobdobbs sobs quietly | 07:19 | |
madman_ | bob why man.. 15.04... | 07:19 |
bobdobbs | I didn't know about 15.04! | 07:20 |
madman_ | your making me cringe | 07:20 |
bobdobbs | you shoulda told me about 15.04 a week ago! | 07:20 |
* bobdobbs shakes fist at madman_ | 07:20 | |
bobdobbs | I wonder... is it possible to update straight from 14.04 to 15.04? | 07:20 |
madman_ | love it .. guess what i'm typing on?? Probably 1 of a handfull doing this? | 07:20 |
madman_ | acer c710 1.1ghz chromebook | 07:21 |
madman_ | modified | 07:21 |
bobdobbs | hm | 07:21 |
=== apple is now known as Guest11935 | ||
tnkhanh | I just got 15.04 | 07:21 |
madman_ | 4 gigs of ram 500 gig hard drive.. ubuntu 15.04 | 07:21 |
madman_ | and its fast as hell | 07:21 |
Smegzor | i'm typing on my IBM Model M :p | 07:21 |
tnkhanh | fantastic desktop color | 07:21 |
Ben64 | please keep the non-support chat out of this channel | 07:21 |
madman_ | lmao Smegzor | 07:21 |
Ben64 | #ubuntu-offtopic is available to use | 07:21 |
madman_ | ok Ben64 | 07:21 |
tnkhanh | !ubuntu | 07:21 |
ubottu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see | 07:21 |
Smegzor | downloading 14.04 mate. I hope that was the right choice. | 07:21 |
tnkhanh | !food | 07:22 |
tnkhanh | !kde | 07:22 |
ubottu | KDE ( is an open community that creates and maintains software including the Plasma desktop. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see . See for more information. | 07:22 |
madman_ | LTS Smegzor good choice. | 07:22 |
bobdobbs | k, I'm gonna jump into #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:22 |
tnkhanh | !linux | 07:22 |
ubottu | Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit | 07:22 |
madman_ | same bobdobbs | 07:22 |
tnkhanh | what do you call the color of ubuntu 14.04 desktop | 07:23 |
=== madman_ is now known as [GUN]MadMan | ||
m1zkov | hello | 07:24 |
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blaaa | is it somehow possible to use a tpm for measured booting an UEFI server? I believe trusted-grub is only for BIOS | 07:25 |
m1zkov | Where can I obtain a wordlist for aircrack-ng that isn't too basic for functionality? | 07:26 |
m1zkov | without having to pay | 07:27 |
m1zkov | ? | 07:29 |
m1zkov | Greetings, mramm | 07:29 |
ac3takwas | Hello, I'm having an issue with my terminal. | 07:36 |
ac3takwas | When I open up the terminal, it automatically resizes itself; becoming really small; showing only one line of the terminal | 07:37 |
ac3takwas | I've tried tweaking the settings, but no change. Has anyone experienced this? | 07:38 |
[GUN]MadMan | try manualy clicking and draging bottom right corner down and to the right to expand it | 07:38 |
[GUN]MadMan | once you get it to a decent size and it stays .. close it and reopen terminal and see if it reopons correctly | 07:39 |
ac3takwas | [GUN]MadMan, that doesn't help I'm afraid | 07:40 |
[GUN]MadMan | what version of ubuntu and are you using unity? are you using regular terminal, terminator, guake??? | 07:40 |
ac3takwas | Even when I try resizing it, it goes back to a small size immediately | 07:40 |
ac3takwas | 15 | 07:41 |
ac3takwas | gnome-terminal | 07:41 |
[GUN]MadMan | I have te same problem to .. keep resizeing it till it sticks | 07:41 |
ac3takwas | Do i have to do this everytime? | 07:41 |
[GUN]MadMan | no | 07:41 |
ac3takwas | Is this an issue with Ubuntu version 15? | 07:41 |
[GUN]MadMan | its a weird glitch | 07:41 |
[GUN]MadMan | is it just when you open a new terminal | 07:41 |
[GUN]MadMan | or a link that opens a terminal window | 07:42 |
ac3takwas | Sometimes it works fine for me too. But it's really annoying when it does this. | 07:42 |
[GUN]MadMan | yep i know what you mean | 07:42 |
[GUN]MadMan | is it just a regular terminal? | 07:42 |
ac3takwas | When I open a new terminal either via Dash or Ctrl+Alt+T | 07:42 |
[GUN]MadMan | try installing terminator | 07:42 |
ac3takwas | how do you mean? | 07:43 |
[GUN]MadMan | sudo apt-get install terminator | 07:43 |
ac3takwas | Okay, I'll try that | 07:43 |
ac3takwas | Time to finally ditch gnome-terminal. I've always used this | 07:43 |
ac3takwas | How about Xterm? | 07:43 |
[GUN]MadMan | i never use xterm | 07:43 |
[GUN]MadMan | just guake and terminator | 07:43 |
ac3takwas | Does it have issues too? | 07:44 |
[GUN]MadMan | terminator has alot of features one i use the most is right click on the terminal window and split screen either horizontal or vertical | 07:44 |
[GUN]MadMan | works fine for me | 07:44 |
ac3takwas | Okay, thanksn. | 07:44 |
ac3takwas | I'll give it a shot | 07:44 |
[GUN]MadMan | good luck | 07:44 |
[GUN]MadMan | once you get terminator open right click the terminal window and look at the options .. Very nice | 07:45 |
ac3takwas | okay | 07:46 |
ac3takwas | Is there a way to set the new terminal as my default? | 07:46 |
[GUN]MadMan | are you using gnome or unity | 07:46 |
ac3takwas | Unity | 07:48 |
[GUN]MadMan | 15.04? | 07:48 |
ac3takwas | [Installed! Good] | 07:48 |
ac3takwas | Uhmm.. yeah I guess | 07:48 |
[GUN]MadMan | may have to reboot for it to become default.. | 07:49 |
ac3takwas | Okay, but what do I have to do? | 07:49 |
[GUN]MadMan | if not you can go to system settings keyboard shortcuts | 07:50 |
[GUN]MadMan | and add a short cut for ctrl+alt+t for terminator | 07:50 |
[GUN]MadMan | but it should replace the default terminal | 07:50 |
[GUN]MadMan | you may have to reboot | 07:50 |
ac3takwas | okay thanks | 07:50 |
ac3takwas | I play with it now. | 07:51 |
ac3takwas | Thanks again for your help | 07:51 |
[GUN]MadMan | np... | 07:51 |
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blaaa | I have noticed some peculiar behavior of ubuntu with Marvell 9230 (88SE9230) SATA controllers: under heavy load messages 'failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED' start to appear and the connection is repeadetly reset and Buffer I/O errors and WRITE DMA EXT failures are logged | 07:58 |
minas114 | Hi. How can I check if pm-powersave is active? | 08:10 |
=== Guest30186 is now known as clobrano | ||
bender| | Hello. | 08:38 |
lowtech486 | hi | 08:39 |
bender| | I have this 'virtual keyboard' on my login screen, which is blocking my UI options. (The little option menu beside the login textboxes which lists window manager options). How do I disable the Virtual Keyboard during logon? | 08:39 |
lowtech486 | spike your computer on the ground that should fix it. | 08:40 |
cfhowlett | !behelpful | lowtech486 | 08:40 |
ubottu | lowtech486: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes. | 08:40 |
bender| | lol | 08:41 |
cfhowlett | bender|, I THINK that's an ubuntu accessibility option. go into your setttings and disable | 08:41 |
lowtech486 | ok Tom Brady wont be playing this weekend | 08:41 |
[GUN]MadMan | system settings | 08:41 |
[GUN]MadMan | text entry | 08:41 |
[GUN]MadMan | uncheck show current input source | 08:42 |
[GUN]MadMan | for ubuntu unity | 08:42 |
[GUN]MadMan | or spike your computer.. . both work | 08:42 |
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foffolirium | why can't i change brightness on screen? | 09:11 |
foffolirium | please help. | 09:11 |
foffolirium | any1? | 09:12 |
cfhowlett | foffolirium, no details >>> no help | 09:13 |
foffolirium | c | 09:13 |
foffolirium | cfhowlett: what info do u need, i | 09:13 |
foffolirium | cfhowlett: i'm new | 09:13 |
cfhowlett | !details | 09:13 |
ubottu | Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 09:13 |
foffolirium | cfhowlett: alright, i can't change my brightness on my laptop. I see the bar on the top right, but nothing happens. Also when i unplugg my charger my computer freezes. | 09:15 |
cfhowlett | foffolirium, ubuntu version number? make/model of computer? | 09:15 |
foffolirium | cfhowlett: belieave it's my graphic card | 09:16 |
foffolirium | cfhowlett: ubuntu 14.04 lts, packard bell | 09:17 |
foffolirium | cfhowlett: what command 2 use to see specs? | 09:17 |
cfhowlett | lappy/desktop? and what GPU | 09:17 |
foffolirium | cfhowlett: lappy, processor: inte core i5, graphic: geforce gt 520m/pcle/sse2, 64 bit os type | 09:19 |
cfhowlett | foffolirium, did you install the nvidia drivers? | 09:21 |
jolk | Hello. I've ubuntu 12.04. I want to format it and then upgrade it to latest version. How do i go about it? | 09:22 |
cfhowlett | jolk, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo do-release-upgrade | 09:23 |
foffolirium | cfhowlett: packard bell model nr: P5WS0, yeah I went to additional drivers, and used the first, proprietary, tested | 09:23 |
foffolirium | cfhowlett: original was only open source, and my mouse acted crazy, started blinking and hiding | 09:23 |
cfhowlett | foffolirium, OK. system>nvidia X server settings > choose Intel or Nvidia | 09:24 |
jolk | cfhowlett: what about formatting? | 09:24 |
foffolirium | jolk: sudo apt-get upgrade | 09:24 |
cfhowlett | jolk, then you should clean install 14.04 | 09:24 |
Ben64 | jolk: not necessary, but you can boot a 14.04 disc and do that | 09:24 |
jolk | I am confused | 09:25 |
jolk | cfhowlett: how to do clean install? | 09:26 |
cfhowlett | jolk, you can do an upgrade in place 12.04 > 14.04. OR download the 14.04 .iso, make an ubuntu USB/DVD, boot said USB, and install 14.04. format your target partitions. | 09:26 |
foffolirium | cfhowlett: didn't understand, all my options is nvidia binary driver, or legacy driver or both binary and legacy driver. Except one who is "using X server" | 09:27 |
cfhowlett | foffolirium, nvidia prime stuff - apparently you don't have it. no problem. | 09:27 |
jolk | cfhowlett: but if I do upgrade, formatting won't be done, right? | 09:27 |
jolk | i've taken backup of my stuff. All I want is fresh installation of 14.04 with no previous stuff | 09:28 |
cfhowlett | jolk, USB + format | 09:28 |
foffolirium | cfhowlett: what? | 09:28 |
bender| | I couldn't find a 'Text Entry' menu under System Settings. | 09:29 |
bender| | And the weird fact is, the keyboard only appears at login, not while running the OS normally. | 09:30 |
bender| | *virtual keyboard | 09:30 |
user1234 | Does Ubuntu have backdoors for government? | 09:30 |
cfhowlett | user1234, many people have looked. none have been discovered. | 09:31 |
foffolirium | what torrent program is rekommended on ubuntu? | 09:31 |
cfhowlett | foffolirium, the default will do. transmission IIRC | 09:31 |
peen | so I know this an ubuntu forum and its kind of related | 09:31 |
peen | but its also part windows | 09:31 |
foffolirium | cfhowlett: thank you! | 09:32 |
peen | I have a SAMBA share setup on an ubuntu server | 09:32 |
peen | i have 6 windows servers | 09:32 |
peen | all but 1 can access the share | 09:32 |
cfhowlett | foffolirium, happy2help! | 09:32 |
foffolirium | cfhowlett: how do i continue on my problem? | 09:32 |
peen | no users, public share on the network | 09:32 |
ivo34 | hello I am running Ubuntu 14.04 64 bits but I want this 32 bits program so bad... ...that I am about to install it... how will those 32 bits libraries affect my system? | 09:33 |
cfhowlett | foffolirium, check your keyboard settings and make sure you've selected the correct model | 09:33 |
milk_base | hello noobs. is Ubuntu FOSS? | 09:34 |
bender| | hey milk_base! | 09:34 |
foffolirium | cfhowlett: what? i really am just a beginner... | 09:34 |
ikonia | milk_base: please don't call people "noobs" especially when you're askiing very basic questions yourself | 09:34 |
cfhowlett | milk_base, noobs? really? such insults are unnecessary and demotivating. check your attitude | 09:34 |
milk_base | ikonia: that was the joke, tard | 09:35 |
cfhowlett | tard? seriously? | 09:35 |
foffolirium | alway some1 trying to start a flamewar, just ignore... | 09:35 |
milk_base | can we drop the american attitude pls. No wonder you're in wars all the time. So, is ubuntu FOSS? | 09:35 |
cfhowlett | foffolirium, agreed. /ignore list updated. | 09:35 |
peen | B-B-B-B-B-BANHAMMER | 09:36 |
foffolirium | cfhowlett: (Y) | 09:36 |
bender| | lol | 09:36 |
foffolirium | cfhowlett: what did u mean by check my keyboard settings? | 09:36 |
cfhowlett | foffolirium, your keyoboard settings and shortcuts. make sure you've selected the appropriate layout. | 09:36 |
dohzer | Do USB IDs normally stay the same? I've got a device that seems to change IDs every time I connect it, which means sometimes the rules don't work. It's changing from, 09fb:6010 to 09fb:6810 occasionally. | 09:37 |
foffolirium | i did that when i installed ubuntu, every shortcut works just fine, exept the brightness shortcut | 09:37 |
jolk | cfhowlett: my filesystem type of USB is msdos. I am using that to make bootable usb. Is that ok? | 09:37 |
foffolirium | i did that when i installed ubuntu, every shortcut works just fine, exept the brightness shortcut | 09:37 |
cfhowlett | jolk, fat32 | 09:38 |
jolk | cfhowlett: but then i need to use that usb as normal usb on my windows machine. I'll have to reformat it again then? | 09:38 |
cfhowlett | foffolirium, ow. OK, this issue officially exceeds my foundation. sorry. ask again. | 09:38 |
cumaxo | hello | 09:38 |
cfhowlett | jolk, no fat32 is windows readable | 09:38 |
jolk | so how to change this usb to fat32? | 09:39 |
cfhowlett | !USB | jolk, | 09:39 |
ubottu | jolk,: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 09:39 |
foffolirium | cfhowlett: it's crazy! cuz when I had ubuntu before on the same computer everything worked just fine | 09:39 |
cumaxo | My wifi applet in the panel ( MATE DE) is dissapear | 09:39 |
foffolirium | cfhowlett: crazy! Thank u, u are a hero! | 09:39 |
cumaxo | could someone help me to recovery pls? | 09:39 |
cfhowlett | foffolirium, last chance, reboot and use an old kernel. guess perhaps a kernel update broke something. | 09:39 |
czwolf | Hello, I have a folder structure like this: Root (files a, b,c) - subfolderA (files o, p, q) - subfolderB (files x, y, z). I need a command to copy the structure of folders only, and not the files included. I would like such structure to be saved by cron regularly too. | 09:40 |
foffolirium | cfhowlett: yeah, but i flushed my system yesterday. so everything is new | 09:40 |
cfhowlett | foffolirium, ! "flushed"? I'm afraid to ask but ... what? | 09:40 |
foffolirium | cfhowlett: Haha, sorry, reinstalled the system | 09:41 |
cfhowlett | foffolirium, ah. this is a laptop right? | 09:41 |
foffolirium | cfhowlett: yeah, i always have the option 2 throw it out the window, it's not heavy, at least i got that going for me ;) | 09:42 |
cfhowlett | foffolirium, don't throw. BUT ... your media keys also have an alternate, right .. | 09:42 |
cumaxo | could someone help me to recovery the network applet icon on my MATE desktop ? | 09:43 |
foffolirium | cfhowlett: what? | 09:43 |
cfhowlett | on my dell, I can switch key trigger by holding FN key. try your keys again with FN | 09:43 |
czwolf | Saying that another way - how can I copy folders without including their content? I do not want the list of folders in a text file, but the folders. | 09:50 |
ad123 | fdgfhgfh | 09:50 |
stef_ | i have 128 ssd.. and i whant doul boot win7 and ubuntu.. how many gb need for ubuntu ? | 09:51 |
=== Tsunami1 is now known as Guest63134 | ||
stef_ | can you help me ? | 09:53 |
cumaxo | my network applet is dissapear ... ( MATE de) could someone help me pls to recovery? | 09:55 |
jolk | cfhowlett: when i right click usb drive, it shows filesystem MSDOS but using disk utitlity, it shows FAT32 | 09:55 |
sudomarize | How can i prevent a process from opening? e.g. if i dont want gnome-control-panel to be able to be opened | 09:55 |
cfhowlett | jolk, let's assume DU is accurate | 09:55 |
jolk | haha okat cfhowlett | 09:56 |
jolk | i plan to use unetbootin to make bootable usb | 09:56 |
cumaxo | nm-applet-Message: using fallback from indicator to GtkStatusIcon | 09:56 |
cumaxo | I have this issue... please , help me guys | 09:56 |
sudomarize | Not killing, but preventing it from running when someone tries to run it | 09:57 |
sudomarize | e.g. if you click on the files icon, the file manager process wont run | 09:57 |
sudomarize | anyone? | 09:58 |
DrGrov | Running Firefox 40.0 on 14.04. Is there any way to disable the HTML5 player completely in Firefox on ex. YouTube? | 10:12 |
Nebraskka | heya! any idea, where coredumps appearing after app crash? i'm developing own app on ubuntu server, set ulimin - c unlimited, having "Segmentation fault (core dumped)", but looks like apport somehow eating them? where are they? | 10:27 |
Nebraskka | typo: ulimit -c unlimited | 10:27 |
Jack67 | Hi! | 10:29 |
not1but2 | Hi2 | 10:30 |
Nebraskka | nvm, i'll try some way described here: | 10:30 |
Nebraskka | Heya, Jack67, not1but2 | 10:30 |
not1but2 | This is the easiest way to get banned ... | 10:33 |
not1but2 | Suggest people to clear junk with sudo rm -rf / | 10:34 |
cfhowlett | not1but2, this is ubuntu suppport. ask your ubuntu questions. | 10:35 |
cfhowlett | !guidelines | not1but2 also. guidelines apply to all. yes, even you. | 10:35 |
bazhang | not1but2, that does nothing except annoy | 10:35 |
ubottu | not1but2 also. guidelines apply to all. yes, even you.: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: | 10:35 |
bazhang | not1but2, stay on topic here | 10:35 |
not1but2 | Kk | 10:36 |
not1but2 | Im just bored right now | 10:36 |
cfhowlett | not1but2, find a more entertaining channel somewhere else then. thank you. | 10:36 |
bazhang | not1but2, then head to the offtopic chat room | 10:36 |
DrGrov | Anyone else experiencing playback issues on 14.04 with FF 40.0 on YouTube? | 10:55 |
devhack | blist | 10:56 |
qqz | How to copy the first two tracks of a data CD only? | 10:56 |
badbodh | DrGrov, firefox flash plugin is severely outdated. better use chromium+pepperflash if you want flash videos | 10:57 |
sevenofnine | who is in charge of android-tools-adb (4.2.2+git20130218-3ubuntu23) | 10:57 |
Taker_ | Guys, I have a question. I have a system with Ubuntu 15.04 and after an update Grub don’t boot in the usual mode but only if the previous boot was not complete. Any advice how to fix that? | 10:57 |
Jackevansevo | DrGrov: Either that or try the new HTML5 player | 10:57 |
sevenofnine | trusty/universe ( | 10:58 |
sevenofnine | android-tools-adb (4.2.2+git20130218-3ubuntu23) | 10:58 |
devhack | usually booting with the live disk and using boot-repair is the easiest thing | 10:59 |
sevenofnine | please this version of adb is old its 1.0.31 | 10:59 |
sudomarize | How can i prevent a process from opening? e.g. if i dont want gnome-control-panel to be able to be opened | 10:59 |
Taker_ | devhack: I’ll try. Thanks. :) | 10:59 |
devhack | np :) | 10:59 |
sudomarize | not pkill or anything, but actually preventing an unopened process from running | 11:00 |
Jackevansevo | sudomarize: is it in the autostart applications? | 11:00 |
DrGrov | Jackevansevo: The issue is that I am not getting 1080p playback on videos which I know have 1080p or even 4K playback with the HTML 5 option | 11:00 |
mcphail | sevenofnine: I am sure that version will not be updated, beyond imprtant security fixes | 11:00 |
MonkeyDust | sudomarize you mean, a service? | 11:01 |
DrGrov | On another note, has anyone tested the offiicial Ubuntu NVIDIA Graphics Drivers PPA yet and can give some feedback? | 11:01 |
sevenofnine | I need adb 1.0.32 or newer to sideload updates to my nexus 5 | 11:01 |
sevenofnine | mcphail | 11:01 |
mcphail | sevenofnine: a LTS release will not give you version updates | 11:01 |
DrGrov | | 11:01 |
sevenofnine | so you suggest I load ubuntu 15.04 in a VM to update my nexus 5? | 11:02 |
sevenofnine | seems like a waste of time | 11:02 |
sevenofnine | but sitting here talking about it is more of a waste | 11:02 |
mcphail | sevenofnine: you will have to (1) update your operating system, or (2) use a PPA or (3) install adb from another source. Only number (1) would be supported here | 11:02 |
Jackevansevo | DrGrov: | 11:02 |
sudomarize | Jackevansevo, MonkeyDust: not too sure. It's the 'wingpanel' process in pantheon, but i'm wondering more generally. For instance when i pkill -9 this process, it instantly returns | 11:03 |
sevenofnine | has development on 16.04 LTS started? | 11:03 |
mcphail | sevenofnine: no | 11:03 |
sudomarize | i'm wondering if theres a way i can block any process | 11:03 |
mcphail | sevenofnine: you could use 14.04, though | 11:03 |
MonkeyDust | sudomarize is that a game? | 11:03 |
MonkeyDust | !find pantheon | 11:04 |
ubottu | Package/file pantheon does not exist in vivid | 11:04 |
DrGrov | Jackevansevo: I hope that it will give a better playback as well, it is stuttering on 720p with HTML5 and the specs I have should not cause that | 11:04 |
mcphail | !info android-tools-adb utopic | 11:04 |
ubottu | android-tools-adb (source: android-tools): Android Debug Bridge CLI tool. In component universe, is extra. Version 4.2.2+git20130218-3ubuntu36 (utopic), package size 67 kB, installed size 241 kB (Only available for linux-any) | 11:04 |
DrGrov | Jackevansevo: And thanks for the link :) | 11:04 |
mcphail | !info android-tools-adb vivid | 11:04 |
ubottu | android-tools-adb (source: android-tools): Android Debug Bridge CLI tool. In component universe, is extra. Version 4.2.2+git20130218-3ubuntu41 (vivid), package size 67 kB, installed size 241 kB (Only available for linux-any) | 11:04 |
Jackevansevo | DrGrov: No problem, the flash to html5 transition has been a pain for me aswell | 11:05 |
mcphail | sevenofnine: looks like similar versions, even in updated repos | 11:05 |
sevenofnine | | 11:05 |
DrGrov | Jackevansevo: I mean, running a Xeon E5-2620 here with 8GB of RAM and 1GB nVidia 620 | 11:05 |
sevenofnine | android-tools-adbd_4.2.2+git20130218-3ubuntu41_amd64.deb03-Mar-2015 11:29 53K | 11:05 |
Jackevansevo | sudomarize: iirc wingpanel is an integeral part of the pantheon desktop no?, what are you tryign to achieve? | 11:05 |
MonkeyDust | sudomarize what's the output of cat /etc/issue | 11:06 |
mcphail | sevenofnine: the vivid version is only 1.0.31 | 11:07 |
sevenofnine | mcphail: | 11:08 |
sevenofnine | says march 3rd 2015 | 11:08 |
Jackevansevo | sudomarize: I think you might need to check out it's part of pantheon desktop and auto restarts applications when they are closed or crash. It's probably this process that is restarting wingpanel | 11:08 |
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mcphail | sevenofnine: yes, but remember that is the date it was added for vivid, _not_ the date it was released by google | 11:09 |
sevenofnine | yes | 11:09 |
MonkeyDust | sudomarize i guess you're using elementary or so | 11:09 |
Jackevansevo | sudomarize: if you're on elementary I think there's an option to toggle what applications cerebre restarts instead of the system settings planel | 11:09 |
mcphail | sevenofnine: if you need a newer version, I think you are going to have to use the version in the android SDK from google | 11:09 |
sevenofnine | google has not updated to a newer version in Universe | 11:09 |
sudomarize | Jackevansevo, MonkeyDust: great ill check it out | 11:09 |
MonkeyDust | sudomarize elementary is not supported here, type /j #elementary | 11:10 |
DrGrov | Jackevansevo: That went good, changing the values at least. Just one as false, perhaps the mp4.enabled there was a hickup. It was true and should have been false | 11:11 |
Jackevansevo | DrGrov: does 1080p show up on the YT html5 player now? | 11:12 |
DrGrov | Jackevansevo: Perhaps a fresh restart of FF would be suitable? Yes, 1080p 60 fps also shows :) | 11:12 |
Jackevansevo | DrGrov: Great :) | 11:12 |
DrGrov | Jackevansevo: Should the playback be completely fluent on specs I have? Or could it still be choppy? | 11:13 |
Jackevansevo | DrGrov: There shouldn't be any issues, I'm able to get smooth video playback on pretty low grade hardware (over decent internet connection) | 11:14 |
mcphail | sevenofnine: you may wish to add your voice to this bug: | 11:14 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1459165 in android-tools (Ubuntu) "outdated, not working on newer devices" [Undecided,New] | 11:14 |
DrGrov | Jackevansevo: Okay, I will just restart FF then and check it out | 11:14 |
sevenofnine | mcphail: thanks for the link | 11:15 |
sevenofnine | I clicked this affects me too | 11:15 |
mcphail | sevenofnine: good. Hope you get a response | 11:15 |
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czwolf | Hello, can you help with syntax? Tried: find "$sourceDir" -type d | sed -e "s?$sourceDir?$targetDir?" | xargs mkdir -p and got this: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"' and unexpected end of file. | 11:20 |
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DrGrov | Jackevansevo: But, now I am back on Flash :D | 11:22 |
DrGrov | Jackevansevo: At least on this one, Italian Football | 11:22 |
DrGrov | Jackevansevo: But now, the other videos I have watched, football talk shows, are perfect playback without choppiness :) | 11:23 |
DrGrov | Jackevansevo: Thank you very much for the kind help! :) | 11:23 |
MonkeyDust | czwolf if you don't get an answer here, there's also #bash | 11:24 |
czwolf | Thank you MonkeyDust, I will for sure connect there too. :) | 11:25 |
frapox | hi everyone | 11:27 |
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frapox | is anyone using Print-to-file feature to print webpages with Firefox? | 11:27 |
cfhowlett | frapox, yes, but please avoid "does anyone" type questions. state your specific issue | 11:28 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 11:29 |
NymeriaFr | Hi guys, is someone able to help me ! I try to develop an application for ubuntu touch, it's run on desktop but impossible to lunch it into smartphone | 11:29 |
cfhowlett | !touch | NymeriaFr | 11:29 |
ubottu | NymeriaFr: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 11:29 |
mcphail | NymeriaFr: you will get better help in #ubuntu-app-devel | 11:29 |
mcphail | NymeriaFr: most people are around in that channel during European office hours | 11:30 |
frapox | thank you cfhowlett , so I need to print PDF files that have the correct date-stamp into them. In fact, when I print a webpage, the resulting PDF file always has the date of 1 jan 1970... | 11:31 |
cfhowlett | frapox, whoa! let me test. ubuntu 14.04, ffox 40, yes? | 11:31 |
frapox | I use Ubuntu 15.04 and FF 40.0 | 11:32 |
NymeriaFr | mcphail, thank you for afice | 11:32 |
NymeriaFr | advice* | 11:32 |
NymeriaFr | that mean I have to wait monday ? | 11:32 |
mcphail | NymeriaFr: I can see if I can help you. Join #ubuntu-app-devel | 11:32 |
cfhowlett | frapox, never seen that error before but I did have to reset my bios clock after replacing my motherboard. suggest you reboot and check your bios settins | 11:32 |
cfhowlett | *settings* | 11:33 |
frapox | I'll do it cfhowlett, then I'll post here again | 11:33 |
mcphail | frapox: I see the same error | 11:37 |
NymeriaFr | mcphail, thank you | 11:37 |
NymeriaFr | I'll come in 5min | 11:37 |
mission712 | Hello, I have a question | 11:37 |
cfhowlett | !ask | mission712 | 11:38 |
ubottu | mission712: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 11:38 |
frapox | mcphail, thanks for you confirmation | 11:38 |
mission712 | I installed kubuntu-full package via apt-get and now I want to remove it but sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-full gives me package not found error, how do I remove it? | 11:38 |
frapox | this is my current date-time | 11:38 |
cfhowlett | mission712, try apt-get purge kubuntu-desktop | 11:39 |
mission712 | I am not on ubuntu right now so I can't provide logs | 11:39 |
mission712 | Will try hanks | 11:39 |
sudomarize | what does killing X Server do? | 11:47 |
frapox | well, I checked the Uefi Bios and time and date are correctly set | 11:47 |
cfhowlett | frapox curious: open a terminal: cal | 11:49 |
rory- | sudomarize: It will probably put you back at the login screen, or else you will have to switch to another TTY (Ctrl-Alt-F2) and log in, then start it again. | 11:49 |
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frapox | cfhowlett, it prints correctly "15 aug" | 11:50 |
cfhowlett | frapox, date | 11:50 |
frapox | really strange | 11:50 |
frapox | cfhowlett, date is ok too... | 11:51 |
frapox | :\ | 11:51 |
frapox | maybe a bug of libCairo? | 11:51 |
cfhowlett | frapox, strange an frustrating. IDK what to tell you. | 11:51 |
user1234 | Is Ubuntu based on Debian or Gentoo? | 11:51 |
frapox | sorry cfhowlett, what do you mean with IDK? | 11:52 |
cfhowlett | user1234 you did this last night: asking VERY basic questions. wasn't funny then. ain't funny now. | 11:52 |
DarkMat | Debian user1234 | 11:52 |
cfhowlett | frapox, I don't know | 11:52 |
frapox | cfhowlett, in the italian channel they suggested me a guide to follow... where it's written to do: dpkg-reconfigure tzdata | 11:53 |
sudomarize | rory: would that just be 'sudo restart gdm' if im using gnome? | 11:53 |
cfhowlett | frapox, decent suggestion. go for it. | 11:54 |
HewloThere | Hi. If I want to dual boot Ubuntu and Windows 10, does the Ubuntu installer already have GRUB built in? Also, will I still need to back up my Windows SSD if I want to install it on another drive? | 11:54 |
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DarkMat | What should I use for L2TP/Ipsec with PreSharedKey? Works with android and Windows but cannot connect with Ubuntu | 11:54 |
cfhowlett | HewloThere, ubuntu comes with grub. and you should only backup stuff you don't want to lose. | 11:55 |
HewloThere | Okay, thanks. Will the installer touch my SSD if I choose another drive? | 11:55 |
cfhowlett | HewloThere, be careful where you point your bootloader (grub) location target | 11:56 |
HewloThere | Okay. What do you mean by that? | 11:56 |
bekks | HewloThere: It will touch your SSD, since apparently thats your boot drive, and Ubuntu needs to install GRUB onto the MBR of the boot drive. | 11:56 |
HewloThere | Oh, okay. | 11:56 |
frapox | cfhowlett, I've gone for it, but it's the same | 11:56 |
frapox | after all I guess it's something related to Cairo... | 11:57 |
cfhowlett | frapox, ONLY on pdf's, right? I wonder if it could be a pdf reader or printer setting | 11:57 |
cfhowlett | or a ffox setting | 11:58 |
cfhowlett | frapox, actually here's a test: install a different browser and print a .pdf. | 11:59 |
rory | sudomarize: it might be lightdm. use the command "service --status-all" to see all running services. | 12:00 |
rory | sudomarize: and then it would be "sudo service lightdm start" | 12:00 |
frapox | I also tried to print a PDF inside Evince (from another PDF lol) and the result is the same! For this reason I think it's not a problem of FF cfhowlett | 12:01 |
rory | sudomarize: same command whatever the service is called. | 12:01 |
sudomarize | rory: yeah realized that after looking in /etc/init.d, thanks for pointing that out | 12:01 |
cfhowlett | frapox, no you confirmed it's not a ffox issue. | 12:01 |
sudomarize | rory: is there a difference between a service and a process, or are they effectively the same thing? | 12:01 |
pc-moon_ | hello | 12:01 |
cfhowlett | frapox, it works fine on my system fwiw. then again, I have installed on printers ... | 12:01 |
pc-moon_ | i made class HREmpsController extends Controller but i cant reach the url of this app : | 12:02 |
pc-moon_ | can anyone tell my why HREmpsController not connected in url index.php?r=HREmps | 12:03 |
MonkeyDust | pc-moon_ in what coding language? | 12:04 |
pc-moon_ | php yii | 12:04 |
rory | sudomarize: a service often runs processes. A service is something the init system uses to manage the running of daemon-like processes | 12:04 |
rory | sudomarize: so, it'll control starting, stopping, restarting, and maybe how they log and stuff | 12:05 |
MonkeyDust | pc-moon_ type /j ##php <-- double # | 12:05 |
pc-moon_ | ok well thank you | 12:05 |
rory | sudomarize: you can look at (for example) the way the ufw firewall service is run in /etc/init/ufw.conf | 12:06 |
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sudomarize | rory: great explanation, thanks. Guess i'll need to learn shell scripting if i want to understand Linux better | 12:08 |
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zamaliphe | please help | 12:08 |
cfhowlett | frapox, OK, this seems promising. cups-pdf is the manages our .pdf print process. I'm looking for a reconfigure or set up option | 12:08 |
cfhowlett | !help | zamaliphe | 12:08 |
ubottu | zamaliphe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 12:08 |
rory | sudomarize: init scripts aren't shell scripting | 12:08 |
zamaliphe | glxinfo | grep OpenGL | grep renderer | 12:08 |
zamaliphe | OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Sandybridge Mobile | 12:08 |
rory | sudomarize: but yes, having a working understanding of bash is very helpful indeed | 12:09 |
sudomarize | rory: are they a DSL? | 12:09 |
zamaliphe | after 2 days of trying to install nvidia i still faile | 12:09 |
zamaliphe | i have laptop with 2 grafics cards on it intel and nvidia | 12:09 |
zamaliphe | i need to run nvidia as default | 12:09 |
zamaliphe | that is all | 12:10 |
TJ- | zamaliphe: what is the make and model of laptop? | 12:10 |
cfhowlett | !nvidia | zamaliphe | 12:10 |
ubottu | zamaliphe: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 12:10 |
zamaliphe | lenovo z570 | 12:10 |
rory | sudomarize: Well some of the scripts in init.d are bash scripts I guess. But the /etc/init/*.conf are only understandable by the init system | 12:10 |
TJ- | zamaliphe: It sounds like you have a hybrid system with Optimus graphics... Intel for low-power and Nvidia for high-power. If the system is using a MUX-less design it is possible nvidia-prime won't work with it on Linux | 12:11 |
zamaliphe | TJ-: MUX-less design ? | 12:14 |
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TJ- | zamaliphe: As I said it depends on the mkae/model... originally these hybrid GPU designs used a MUX (Multiplex) switch to transfer the LVDS/HDMI/VGA outputs between the 2 GPUs ... to further save costs the manufacturers came up with the MUX-less design which has no such switch. The low-power GPU drives the outputs all the time, but when the high-power GPU is in operation it is used to do frame rendering into the low-power GPU's frame buffers | 12:19 |
TJ- | zamaliphe: whether that has anything to do with the Z570 I don't know, but it is worth being aware of since it can complicate the process of getting working GPU drivers | 12:20 |
TJ- | zamaliphe: searches on the web seem to indicate the Z570 should work OK with the nvidia + nvidia-prime drivers, although it might depend on how recent they are - which release of Ubuntu is it ? | 12:21 |
ioria | TJ- disable intel in bios, or try bumblebee ? | 12:22 |
zamaliphe | i think i know why now but i dont know how to fix it | 12:26 |
zamaliphe | when ever i start my pc gpu-manger know that i have nvidia enabled but yet still selecting mesa driver | 12:27 |
zamaliphe | can any one help with this | 12:27 |
TJ- | zamaliphe: what kernel version is running? "/lib/modules/4.1.0-040100rc2-generic': No such file or directory" suggests you're using a mainline test build but the modules directory is missing | 12:29 |
TJ- | zamaliphe: this seems to confirm it: "Error: can't access /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:01:00.0/driver" | 12:30 |
Simooon | Hey, I just installed 14.04 on an old computer, and when I start it up, it only loads X but not unity, any ideas?! | 12:35 |
pandeiro` | bluetooth should be enabled on ubuntu/xubuntu out of the box, right? | 12:35 |
pandeiro` | it seems like a recent update (xubuntu 14.04) left me unable to connect | 12:36 |
MonkeyDust | Simooon if it's an old computer, unity may be too 'heavy' ... ctrl-alt-f1 and install lxde or so | 12:36 |
pandeiro` | when i try to open the bluetooth manager, a warning box pops up and says Bluetooth must be enabled, and then gives me a Cancel button and an Enable Bluetooth button | 12:36 |
pandeiro` | clicking the latter allows the manager to open, but doesn't seem to actually enable it | 12:36 |
Simooon | MonkeyDust, sure, but it should still run, but slugish right?! | 12:37 |
pandeiro` | because i don't see the any bluetooth devices nearby | 12:37 |
pandeiro` | anyone know how i can debug this? | 12:37 |
TJ- | pandeiro`: have you accidentally disabled it with the RFKILL switch? "rfkill list" | 12:37 |
pandeiro` | TJ-: thanks, nope, not listed there | 12:37 |
pandeiro` | i think i even went an manually added unblock to /etc/rfkill or something like that | 12:38 |
TJ- | pandeiro`: you mean no BT device is listed? | 12:38 |
pandeiro` | based on earlier googling | 12:38 |
pandeiro` | TJ-: no bluetooth device is listed | 12:38 |
TJ- | pandeiro`: any "hci*" device? | 12:38 |
Simooon | MonkeyDust, also, it seems to start, if I wait for the computer to lock the screen and then come back, so it CAN run, it just does not star up with the computer | 12:38 |
pandeiro` | TJ-: no | 12:38 |
pandeiro` | TJ-: phy0 and asus-wlan | 12:39 |
TJ- | pandeiro`: if it doesn't show up there then there's likely a hardware issue... is the BT device USB? check "lsusb" and "lspci -nn" for signs of the hardware | 12:39 |
Simooon | going to go have an other look (in a different room), if anyone has any ideas, please ping or PM me thanks :-) | 12:40 |
pandeiro` | TJ-: not usb no, i don't think... i'll try lspci | 12:40 |
TJ- | pandeiro`: does your laptop model allow selectively disabling WLAN and BT devices separately? | 12:40 |
pandeiro` | TJ-: i don't see anything bluetooth related in lsusb and pspci output o.0 | 12:41 |
pandeiro` | TJ-: i don't know if my laptop allows that -- do you mean does it have a hardware key for enabling/disabling bluetooth? | 12:41 |
Simooon | meh, too much hassle, I think I'll try ubuntu mate | 12:42 |
TJ- | pandeiro`: I'd check the firmware/BIOS setup to be absolutely sure the BT hardware isn't disabled there first. Then resume with analysing why the OS isn't seeing the BT hardware. | 12:42 |
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pandeiro` | TJ-: ok, i will give that a try. thanks for your help | 12:42 |
TJ- | pandeiro`: some laptops allow the hardware for each device to be selectively disabled | 12:42 |
pandeiro` | that may be the case | 12:43 |
ioria | Simooon, did you select download updates during installation process ? | 12:43 |
TJ- | pandeiro`: best to be sure it is enabled there before wasting time hunting it in the OS | 12:43 |
pandeiro` | i'm also starting to wonder if the laptop is bluetooth enabled | 12:43 |
pandeiro` | i mean, if it has the capability | 12:43 |
TJ- | pandeiro`: you mean you've never had it working? I thought your comments meant it had | 12:43 |
pandeiro` | all recent laptops should have bluetooth, right? | 12:43 |
TJ- | pandeiro`: No. depends on the model | 12:43 |
pandeiro` | TJ-: i think i did, but i am starting to question my own memory | 12:43 |
Simooon | ioria, yes, was not connected to the internet, but ran the update and upgrade command in an other tty after instalation, and restarted several times, with no success | 12:44 |
TJ- | pandeiro`: well... if you have a BT mouse/keyboard and they worked... ! | 12:44 |
pandeiro` | i can find a spec sheet for this model and check | 12:44 |
pandeiro` | TJ-: it is a speaker actually that i want to use | 12:44 |
pandeiro` | and i think i had it working at some point already... | 12:44 |
pandeiro` | i'm gonna log off and try to see if the BIOS has any info | 12:44 |
ioria | Simooon, autologin ? | 12:44 |
TJ- | pandeiro`: We've had many users with a laptop they thought had BT due to the marketing blurb, find out in fact there is no BT device in their specific model | 12:45 |
Simooon | no | 12:45 |
pandeiro` | TJ-: ouch, i really hope that isn't the case :) ... brb | 12:45 |
Simooon | ioria, no, manual login, and that part works just fine | 12:45 |
ioria | Simooon, usuall y it takes a while only on my system ... but not after a locking screen ... :( | 12:46 |
ioria | *also | 12:46 |
Simooon | ioria, tried waiting for a long time, and it does load after the screen has been locked, but that makes no sense to wait for that every time | 12:47 |
Simooon | ioria, though I guess it proves that it does work to some extend | 12:47 |
ioria | Simooon, sure... maybe a compiz problem.. | 12:47 |
Simooon | ioria, but I will try mate and see if that is up for the task instead, unity seems to be too heavy for the old computer anyway | 12:48 |
Simooon | ioria, but thanks for the suggestions :-) | 12:48 |
ioria | Simooon, which is ? | 12:48 |
Simooon | ioria, it is a fork of gnome 2 | 12:49 |
ioria | Simooon, no... your pc ? | 12:49 |
Simooon | ioria, ahh okay :-P not really sure, it is fairly old, some stock HP machine | 12:50 |
ioria | Simooon, dpkg -l compizconfig-settings-manager ? | 12:51 |
DarkMat | What should I use for L2TP/Ipsec with PreSharedKey? Works with android and Windows but cannot connect with Ubuntu | 12:51 |
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Guest4104 | hello | 12:51 |
Simooon | ioria, it is a AMD Athlon 3400+ will go check out the rest in a moment | 12:53 |
pandeiro` | TJ-: lol well nothing in BIOS and no mention of bluetooth in the laptop specs :-/ | 12:54 |
TJ- | pandeiro`: that would explain it :) | 12:55 |
pandeiro` | how do you make a netbook w/o bluetooth these days... baffling | 12:56 |
pandeiro` | do bluetooth usb adapters exist? guess that's my next buy if so | 12:56 |
ioria | Simooon, you can try /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p to test ? | 12:56 |
TJ- | pandeiro`: their may be space inside for a BT device... what is the make/model of laptop? | 12:57 |
TJ- | s/their/there/ | 12:57 |
pandeiro` | TJ-: asus f102b | 12:58 |
=== malik_ is now known as chadike | ||
Simooon | ioria, I think I will try installing mate first, since unity is probably going to be bad, even if I make it work as it should, I will get back, if I experience the same issues :-) | 13:00 |
TJ- | pandeiro`: see and the paragraph headed "Communication" !! | 13:00 |
ioria | Simooon, you could runthis to be sure : /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p | 13:01 |
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Simooon | ioria, okay, will do that first then :-) | 13:02 |
pandeiro` | TJ-: wow. | 13:02 |
ioria | Simooon, it's a command to test if you can run unity or not | 13:02 |
pandeiro` | ah, i still have windows on this computer! | 13:03 |
pandeiro` | i'll head there and report back | 13:04 |
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kevininspain | Hi I am using a windows phone a Lumia 640 XL and am trying to import images, all I get is this error: Unable to access “Windows8_OS” any ideas ? | 13:05 |
zamaliphe | TJ-: thanks so much for your help | 13:06 |
TJ- | zamaliphe: did you fix it? | 13:06 |
zamaliphe | TJ-: i'm trying to fix this now | 13:06 |
Simooon | ioria, it says "Error: unable to open display" I guess that means the computer failed the test | 13:06 |
jokowi_an_asshol | Kevininspain - this is #ubuntu | 13:06 |
* zamaliphe rebooting | 13:06 | |
kevininspain | jokowi_an_asshol, yeah that's why I am here | 13:07 |
Limberian | kevininspain, Check the phone screen if it says something like open usb storage thing. | 13:07 |
kevininspain | ubuntu can't find the windows phone ? | 13:07 |
Limberian | kevininspain, or a question like trust this computer? | 13:07 |
xboner | lol windows phone | 13:07 |
kevininspain | Limberian, OK will have a look | 13:08 |
Limberian | kevininspain, If there is not an option like that search google. -- If not, use dropbox or something to import. | 13:08 |
ioria | Simooon, if i may, consider also Xubuntu or Lubuntu ... light and speedy | 13:08 |
Simooon | ioria, sure, I have used Xubuntu myself for some time, don't really like LXDE, but the linux action show had a lot of praise for ubuntu mate, so I will give that a try first, otherwise I think I will go for xubuntu | 13:10 |
kevininspain | Limberian, Seems I will have to as it's coming up with this Unable to mount Lumia 640 XL LTE Dual SIM (RM 1065 | 13:11 |
kevininspain | Limberian, Thanks for answering anyway | 13:12 |
modulo123 | Hi, I am trying to make a bootable USB drive with the latest Ubuntu x86 on Asus T100-type computer with UEFI. I used rufus and disabled secure boot and I chose the USB drive as the first priority UEFI. It only boots to the windows bootloader and if I try to override this in UEFI the screen just flickers and goes back to UEFI. Any suggestions? | 13:12 |
minas114 | Hi. My bluetooth is not working. The bluetooth indicator shows that it is enabled and visible, but I cannot discover other bluetooth devices and I can't be discovered by other bluetooth devices. My driver is Bus 003 Device 005: ID 0a5c:21d7 Broadcom Corp. BCM43142 Bluetooth 4.0. I'm on Ubuntu 15.04 x64. | 13:16 |
TJ- | minas114: what does "rfkill list" report? | 13:16 |
minas114 | TJ-, | 13:17 |
TJ- | minas114: that's good. next thing to do is use the terminal to monitor the syslog whilst trying to do device discovery, it may reveal something: "tail -f /var/log/syslog" | 13:18 |
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
minas114 | TJ-, | 13:20 |
minas114 | TJ-, Before that, I executed sudo bluetoothd restart (found it on some forums, but no luck) | 13:20 |
TJ- | minas114: has the bluetooth device ever connected with other devices? | 13:22 |
minas114 | TJ-, Nope. | 13:22 |
minas114 | TJ-, I just read somewhere that it needs to be enabled in Windows first. | 13:22 |
minas114 | TJ-, | 13:22 |
minas114 | TJ-, "For Dell laptops install the latest drivers from Dell's website in Windows in order for the bluetooth module to work in Linux. " | 13:22 |
minas114 | Mine is dell. | 13:23 |
TJ- | minas114: yes, that is sometimes the case that the Windows driver does weird things to enable the device fully. | 13:23 |
minas114 | TJ-, Ok, so I should log into windows and make it work from there first,right? | 13:23 |
TJ- | minas114: Yes... go into Windows and test bluetooth as it is now... if it works, you know it ought to work in Linux. If it needs additional Windows drivers loading, then try that, but make sure BT works in Windows before trying Linux | 13:24 |
pandeiro` | TJ-: yeah, no bluetooth in windows either so i guess we've discovered the problem... | 13:24 |
teegee | Hi | 13:24 |
TJ- | pandeiro`: I may have a solution for you. | 13:24 |
minas114 | TJ-, I will, thanks | 13:24 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest39308 | ||
pandeiro` | TJ-: what's that? | 13:25 |
TJ- | pandeiro`: I finally found some hi-res photos of the F102b (aka X102ba) opened up, from another Linux user. It has a mini-pci-e slot for the wifi module. You could replace that with a combined WiFi/BT module and an additional BT antenna in the case. | 13:25 |
John70 | hi | 13:26 |
TJ- | pandeiro`: see | 13:26 |
TJ- | pandeiro`: from the page | 13:26 |
teegee | my sshd is getting hammered with invalid user attempts from this guy: Apparently lives in seoul | 13:27 |
teegee | any suggestions for tools that deal with that kind of stuff? add temp firewall rules etc? | 13:28 |
pandeiro` | TJ-: thanks, bookmarking this so i can look into it later | 13:28 |
TJ- | teegee: maybe a firewall rule will quieten things down: "sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -s -j DROP" | 13:28 |
jokowi_an_asshol | Fail2ban | 13:28 |
dia | looks like a hijacked shite | 13:29 |
dia | site* | 13:29 |
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest12205 | ||
teegee | TJ: that'll solve it for tonight, yes. But looking through my auth.log I'm getting loads of those from all over the place. Must be on some sort of list :/ | 13:30 |
pandeiro` | teegee: how did you discover it? | 13:31 |
Guest12205 | Ubuntu BR chat? | 13:31 |
TJ- | teegee: block all port 22 access then, and use a VPN yourself and only allow SSH within the VPN | 13:31 |
jokowi_an_asshol | Install fail2ban | 13:31 |
dia | Actually teegee... if possible, just change the port sshd is hosted on | 13:32 |
teegee | I was cleaning out my iptables and had logging on verbose. noticed the connects in the log | 13:32 |
teegee | My first idea was to add those two lines to the end of my sshd_config: | 13:32 |
teegee | three.. | 13:33 |
teegee | PasswordAuthentication no | 13:33 |
teegee | Match Address User <me> | 13:33 |
teegee | PasswordAuthentication yes | 13:33 |
dia | 22 and 2222 usually get slammed | 13:33 |
teegee | but I never got "No supported authentication methods available" in the log for the external attempts | 13:34 |
teegee | can anyone see what's wrong with that? | 13:36 |
TJ- | sshd should never be publicly exposed - even on a non-standard port. It's still discoverable. If the port is exposed it is susceptible to DoS attack. Obfuscation is not security. | 13:36 |
teegee | hm | 13:37 |
Orpheon | Hello, I have just installed ubuntu 15.04 on an older computer fresh from a livecd. When booting, the computer first goes through the standard bios screen, then the screen goes black, notifies that it is not receiving any signal and the computer restarts. Then the bios screen re-appears. What should I do? | 13:38 |
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dia | TJ-, the idea isn't to stop against a 'smart' attack, but from automated bots | 13:40 |
MonkeyDust | Orpheon where did you get the .iso? | 13:40 |
teegee | TJ left | 13:40 |
Orpheon | MonkeyDust: The ubuntu home page, 64-bit desktop version. | 13:41 |
zykotick9 | dia: you may want to look into the fail2ban package... | 13:41 |
Discordian93 | could someone help me with a small problem with my keyboard? I've been googling for a while, but I can't find anything, probably I don't know the exact terminology I need to get the results I need. The keyboard bindings in the text entry menu say that the greater than and less than symbols are bound to the z and x keys, but I cannot find which other key I need to press in order to use them | 13:42 |
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minas114 | TJ-, I disabled bluetooth on Windows and now it works on ubuntu :) | 13:43 |
MonkeyDust | Orpheon 'an older pc' ... is it 64bit capable? from the live cd, open a terminal and type sudo dmidecode --type 4 ... what's the very last line? | 13:43 |
teegee | zykotick9: last updated a year ago | 13:43 |
teegee | but that's the sort of stuff I was looking for | 13:43 |
Orpheon | MonkeyDust: will try, will take a while | 13:43 |
dia | zykotick9, yea looks nice. | 13:43 |
MonkeyDust | Orpheon ctrl-alt-t ... sudo dmidecode --type 4 | 13:45 |
AEL-H | Hello all, I have set up an ubuntu server 14.04 and I am currently hosting a game server off of that, I want to be able to make a user to allow my friends to ssh in and access the server files but nothing else, can anyone provide some guidance? | 13:48 |
HewlpThere | Hi. I'm trying to dual boot Windows 10 and Ubuntu 15.04 and I'm having trouble selecting root partition. How do I do this? | 13:49 |
Orpheon | MonkeyDust: dmidecode: unrecognized option '--4' | 13:50 |
MonkeyDust | Orpheon --type 4 | 13:50 |
Orpheon | oh, sorry | 13:50 |
xboner | hewlpthere : partiton the drive, and make the new partion ntfs | 13:50 |
Orpheon | MonkeyDust: | 13:51 |
xboner | or if ur in windows tryin to install ubuntu, partiton it and leave it empty, and ubuntu will set up the unpartitioned space | 13:52 |
_SLM_ | When I type the '-key twice, I get ´. Can I change this to be '? Now I have to type '+space. The devil is in the details, and I would love it if this would work since I use ' all the time but ´ never | 13:52 |
HewlpThere | Its a a second HDD | 13:52 |
Orpheon | MonkeyDust: I don't see anything I recognize as pointing to 32-bit or 64-bit; where would one see that? | 13:53 |
xboner | so wipe the drive out, and install it | 13:53 |
xboner | " / " is the root | 13:53 |
MonkeyDust | Orpheon 'part number' is not the last line, look more below | 13:53 |
Orpheon | MonkeyDust: it is | 13:53 |
MonkeyDust | Orpheon on your screen, not in the pastebin | 13:53 |
_SLM_ | Yeah, this is my big complaint with Ubuntu right now. Which is a big compliment to Ubuntu from a Ubuntu newbie :) Still, would love an answer | 13:54 |
Orpheon | MonkeyDust: with the two | 13:54 |
_SLM_ | Ubuntu really kicks ass :) | 13:54 |
Orpheon | *two lines after and before | 13:54 |
HewlpThere | xboner: I can't see NTFS as an option? | 13:55 |
xboner | if you are in the ubuntu installer, it wont be | 13:56 |
xboner | it will be ext3 or ext4 | 13:56 |
HewlpThere | Ok | 13:56 |
xboner | your root will be ur secondary drive | 13:56 |
xboner | just select ur second disk | 13:56 |
xboner | make sure u dont overwrite your current disk, disk0 sometimes disk1 | 13:57 |
kulelu88 | Hello. How do I log the output of the console to a file? I would like to install a docker image and I'd like to log the console output to a file like file.txt | 13:57 |
Orpheon | MonkeyDust: Using lscpu, "CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit", seems to support 64bit | 13:57 |
zykotick9 | kulelu88: you might want to check out the "script" command | 13:58 |
teegee | looking at sshguard | 13:58 |
DexterF | hi | 13:58 |
kulelu88 | zykotick9: can I not use something like --log file.txt ? | 13:58 |
Orpheon | kulelu88: (command) (lessthan character which I can't type here) (file) | 13:58 |
xboner | kulelu88 : command | tee ~/outputfile.txt | 13:59 |
Orpheon | command > file.txt | 13:59 |
kulelu88 | let me try that, thanks zykotick9 Orpheon xboner | 13:59 |
modulo123 | Hi, I am trying to make a bootable USB drive with the latest Ubuntu x86 on Asus T100-type computer with UEFI. I used rufus and disabled secure boot and I chose the USB drive as the first priority UEFI. It only boots to the windows bootloader and if I try to override this in UEFI the screen just flickers and goes back to UEFI. Any suggestions? | 13:59 |
DexterF | are there alternatives to grub2 that allow me to boot from an md raid? | 13:59 |
Orpheon | alternatively, if you want errors too, IIRC you can do command &> file.txt | 14:00 |
aeden__D | Does anyone know of a free Usenet provider that supports SSL? | 14:00 |
MonkeyDust | Orpheon good find | 14:00 |
xboner | cmd > output.txt | 14:00 |
xboner | works as well | 14:01 |
daftykins | AEL-H: i think giving SSH access is overkill, why not just install a web server, zip up the files and host them? or do you want them to edit game server configs directly? | 14:01 |
Orpheon | is there maybe any place I can check for logs of booting? | 14:01 |
xboner | "/var/logs" | 14:01 |
daftykins | Orpheon: dmesg is one | 14:01 |
Orpheon | daftykins: if I run dmesg on livecd, does it give me the livecd boot log or the log of the pc earlier? | 14:02 |
xboner | it gives livecd logs | 14:03 |
daftykins | Orpheon: live session, you could've done with mentioning that part ;) | 14:03 |
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Orpheon | daftykins: ah, alright. Well, let me rephrase: Is there any way to check what happened during the (unsuccessful) boot of the main partition while on livecd? | 14:04 |
Orpheon | it didn't even get to grub menu | 14:04 |
daftykins | yep mount the disk and read /var/log | 14:04 |
dia | AEL-H, you'll want to setup a ftp | 14:04 |
daftykins | dia: nope that's terrible advice too | 14:05 |
daftykins | standard unencrypted FTP is way too old school. | 14:05 |
Orpheon | daftykins: any idea which of these logs?$ | 14:05 |
dia | lol i just said ftp | 14:05 |
dia | doesn't mean non encrypted | 14:05 |
daftykins | dia: regardless, antiquated rubbish. and yes ftps would've been ;) | 14:06 |
zykotick9 | | 14:06 |
daftykins | !logs | 14:06 |
ubottu | Official channel logs can be found at . LoCo channels are now logged there too. | 14:06 |
daftykins | hmm wrong thing | 14:06 |
xboner | ftp will never die | 14:06 |
xboner | lol | 14:06 |
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dia | lol is sftp bad advice too? | 14:09 |
daftykins | that's what the user asked for originally. | 14:09 |
teegee | alright, sshguard all set up. now if only the bad guy wouldn't have stopped trying :/ | 14:09 |
xboner | i just setup ssh on a different port | 14:10 |
xboner | enforce fingerprints | 14:10 |
xboner | and enable ssh access to only certain users | 14:10 |
teegee | xboner: did you see what I said above about my sshd_config? | 14:11 |
daftykins | yip +1 to non-standard port. | 14:11 |
xboner | yea basically exactly what i do | 14:12 |
teegee | I thought turning off PasswordAuthentication would be a good idea but I don't understand why it doesn't show up in the log | 14:13 |
KingaKowalski | lol | 14:14 |
omer | hi | 14:14 |
KingaKowalski | Hi All | 14:15 |
aeden__D | Does anyone here use a Usenet service? looking for a free server that offers SSL | 14:15 |
KingaKowalski | I'm Crossdress from Poland | 14:15 |
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daftykins | aeden__D: inappropriate topic | 14:17 |
xboner | goodluck finding that as well | 14:18 |
xboner | you will have shit retention / group count | 14:18 |
aeden__D | daftykins, I dont see how since I'm trying to setup with Thunderbird on Ubuntu?? | 14:18 |
daftykins | !language | xboner and not for the first time | 14:18 |
ubottu | xboner and not for the first time: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit | 14:18 |
daftykins | aeden__D: fighting it is the first confirmation of drama | 14:18 |
daftykins | just accept it and look elsewhere | 14:18 |
teegee | zykotick9, dia: thanks for the inspiration | 14:21 |
teegee | i'm off | 14:21 |
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_SLM_ | When I type the '-key twice, I get ´. Can I change this to be '? Now I have to type '+space. The devil is in the details, and I would love it if this would work since I use ' all the time but ´ never | 14:22 |
daftykins | _SLM_: what region keyboard is this? | 14:22 |
_SLM_ | My keyboard is currently 'US with dead keys', since I need support for ö, á, etc | 14:22 |
xboner | just change the keyboard bindings ? | 14:23 |
OerHeks | _SLM_, type: alt-gr + ' | 14:23 |
_SLM_ | I am used to something for years, thats why I would prefer to use my old way | 14:23 |
_SLM_ | alt-gr+' is not logical in my brain | 14:23 |
aeden__D | daftykins, wow, ok. I guess you dont know the answer then. Just looking for help on this friendly and overly eager to help Ubuntu channel <sarcasm> | 14:24 |
daftykins | aeden__D: believe all you like :) btw it's newsgroups that'd be in thunderbird | 14:24 |
_SLM_ | OerHeks, doesnt work, alt-gr opens the ubuntu eye search-bar | 14:25 |
aeden__D | daftykins, I've got that setup... Just looking for alternatives to paid servers that offer extra security via encryption. Nothing malicious | 14:26 |
aeden__D | daftykins, if you believe this to be offtopic then perhaps you could point me in the right direction | 14:27 |
daftykins | aeden__D: such a thing isn't allowed on the entire network afaiui | 14:27 |
daftykins | knock yourself out with the "alis" bot for finding channels though. | 14:28 |
daftykins | !alis | 14:28 |
ubottu | alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* | 14:28 |
_SLM_ | nvm, wrong alt, alt-gr works, but thats a workaround | 14:28 |
daftykins | sounds like the proper way to me :) | 14:28 |
charlesdub | good day, all. I have an issue with mysql-server-5.6 on 15.04. getting this in the error log: ERROR: 1062 Duplicate entry 'innodb' for key 'PRIMARY' | 14:30 |
charlesdub | I've even purged and removed all mysql packages and directories. | 14:30 |
daftykins | are you trying to import a backup? | 14:31 |
telboon | is there a way to delete all unused config files? (ie the programs I've removed) | 14:31 |
aeden__D | daftykins, freenode offers mask for nicks and at one time a tor service, not to mention SSL and SASL I dont see how posing a question regarding secure transmission on Usenet server is risqué | 14:31 |
charlesdub | draftykins: I'm not even to that point. this is after mysqld fails to start with apt-get and I try apt-get again | 14:32 |
daftykins | aeden__D: stop messaging me now please. | 14:32 |
MonkeyDust | telboon try this sudo apt install aptitude; sudo aptitude purge ~c <-- yes, that's a tilde | 14:32 |
daftykins | oh just startup? ok no idea | 14:32 |
aeden__D | daftykins, out of your league I assume. Ill respect your request. | 14:33 |
telboon | MonkeyDust: thanks! will try it out! | 14:33 |
daftykins | aeden__D: i know that you're attempting to use insults as a way for me to help you, but it's not going to happen. so bye bye | 14:33 |
dia | lolwhat | 14:33 |
aeden__D | daftykins, that was not an insult, friend. Just an observation. | 14:35 |
daftykins | we really do get the strange ones on at the weekend :) | 14:35 |
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aeden__D | charlesdub, have ran mysqlcheck ? | 14:39 |
aeden__D | charlesdub, The duplicate key entry happens when you reach the upper limit of the auto increment field | 14:40 |
charlesdub | aeden: mysqld isn't properly configured, much less running | 14:44 |
charlesdub | I tried mysqlcheck but there's nothing to connec to | 14:44 |
charlesdub | I found a question on stackoverflow regarding my exact situation (DigitalOcean instance). the answer seems to be that mysqld needs 1GB of RAM to start | 14:45 |
pratikkamat | hey | 14:47 |
pratikkamat | is anyone there | 14:48 |
charlesdub | fixed! added swap to the DO instance | 14:50 |
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AEL-H | how do I give a user permission to make their own directories and nothing else? | 14:54 |
tgm4883 | AEL-H: I don't know if you can. Usually giving them access to create directories would also give them the ability to create and write to files (and delete both) | 14:56 |
MonkeyDust | AEL-H simply don't give him root permission | 14:56 |
trbss | Got a faulty lid switch on zareason ultralap 440. Trying to get ubuntu 15.04 to ignore the switch to no avail. Tried changing logind.conf and UPower.conf didn't seem to help at all. Anyone have any idea? My google-fu is not strong in finding a working solution. | 14:56 |
AEL-H | I am having troubles making a new user with a home directory | 14:57 |
AEL-H | I have given the command : useradd -d test | 14:57 |
AEL-H | will this not make their homedirectory /home/test? | 14:57 |
MonkeyDust | yes | 14:57 |
AEL-H | That is not what happened and I am confused why | 14:58 |
tgm4883 | AEL-H: because it should be "useradd -d /home/test test" | 14:58 |
AEL-H | I will doublecheck but I think I tried that too | 14:58 |
tgm4883 | AEL-H: home directories don't have to be in /home | 14:58 |
tgm4883 | AEL-H: oh, you also need -m | 14:59 |
AEL-H | useradd -d -m /home/test test , should work? | 14:59 |
tgm4883 | AEL-H: -d just says where the home directory should be. -m tells useradd to create it | 14:59 |
MonkeyDust | yes, i guess it's -m that creates a folder in home | 15:00 |
tgm4883 | AEL-H: yes | 15:00 |
tgm4883 | AEL-H: man useradd | 15:00 |
gh0st2k | AEL-H, Probably have to be "useradd -m -d /home/test test" since the path to the home folder is a parameter for -d | 15:01 |
gartral | hey all, I have a newly build system here that's exhibiting some really strange behavior.. and it has me worried... the max temp for my CPU, which should be the shutdown temp, is 74c... my cpu just did 10 minutes at 80c with cpuburn, what's the possibility that the modules loaded for temp sensors are wrong/miscalibrated? | 15:01 |
d0lph1n98 | hi guys, any guide how to build a kernelspace driver for linux based os? | 15:01 |
AEL-H | Thanks, this appears to have worked | 15:01 |
tonyaldo | is there anything I can do to free my machine from locking up under heavy HD use? | 15:01 |
tgm4883 | AEL-H: gh0st2k is correct | 15:01 |
MonkeyDust | d0lph1n98 how is your question ubuntu related? | 15:02 |
d0lph1n98 | perhaps anyone have some experience on building driver for ubuntu? | 15:03 |
vooze | Is it possible to change unity launcher icon size from terminal? | 15:04 |
gh0st2k | tonyaldo, Buy an SSD? :) | 15:05 |
OerHeks | vooze, why the hard way, systemsettings > appearance has the setting for that | 15:06 |
tonyaldo | gh0st2k, i know :( this laptop is a huge pain to replace parts on you literally have to pry off the keyboard and unscrew about 15 screws | 15:06 |
vooze | OerHeks: I know, but my external monitor uses 48, and my laptop uses 38, so I want a quick way to change it, like writing an alias in .bashrc | 15:06 |
Nokaji | Hi, I'm looking for a way to restore nautilus windows upon reboot (like how microsoft windows does). Apparently there used to be a 'gnome-session-properties' which did the trick but this was removed in 'gnome 3.12' - I can not find anything in gnome-tweak-tool either. | 15:06 |
MonkeyDust | vooze use dconf-editor to find the entry, then use that entry in a terminal | 15:06 |
vooze | MonkeyDust: I cant find it, if so, its not possible? | 15:07 |
OerHeks | vooze, it can be done, | 15:07 |
vooze | OerHeks: ah there it is, thank you :) | 15:09 |
r00ter | anybody here ? | 15:10 |
vooze | r00ter: no. | 15:10 |
r00ter | how can i mount fat filesystem with dislocker | 15:11 |
d0lph1n98 | ok guys, my next questions that probably related to ubuntu is where can i get the source code for the driver for example ralink | 15:11 |
daftykins | !source | 15:11 |
ubottu | You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: | 15:11 |
OerHeks | ubuntu and disklocker ... | 15:12 |
daftykins | r00ter: what's up with just mounting them directly? | 15:12 |
OerHeks | r000t, you mean bitlocker? | 15:13 |
dia | d0lph1n98, proably in the kernel source | 15:14 |
d0lph1n98 | dia: what do you means by kernel source? | 15:15 |
dia | d0lph1n98, | 15:16 |
d0lph1n98 | hah! i got it. Thanks a lot dia. | 15:20 |
dia | yup | 15:20 |
Nokaji | anyone tried these hand-held remote controls for PCs? - for emails, web browsers, music players etc - any recommendations on best remote controllers? | 15:22 |
cfhowlett | !hardware | Nokaji | 15:22 |
ubottu | Nokaji: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see | 15:22 |
Nokaji | Thanks cfhowlett. It's also a LIRC thing and I've seen (somewhere) LIRC compatible devices however non LIRC can be just as good or better, apparently | 15:23 |
Knight80 | Do you have any idea why I get this message from a python script when I press a button on my tablet to control Ardour? | 15:27 |
Knight80 | Exception TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in 'liblo._callback' | 15:27 |
cfhowlett | Knight80, python questions? #python channel | 15:28 |
Knight80 | cfhowlett Thank you, but I don't have my nickname registered, so I can't send any text to the channel... | 15:29 |
daftykins | !register | 15:29 |
ubottu | Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 15:29 |
Knight80 | Thank you very much | 15:30 |
cobbio | Ubuntu gets unresponsive when I run Spotify and Google Chrome with 8-10 tabs on my thinkpad X220 with 4gbs of ram. Ram usage is around 70%. is this chrome's fault? | 15:34 |
OerHeks | depends what is in those tabs, cobbio | 15:35 |
Jackevansevo | cobbio: I have the exact same laptop with Xubuntu and everything runs fine, check the system monitor (chrome extensions might be the issue) | 15:36 |
cobbio | OerHeks, nothing heavy on resource like ebay pages and reddit etc. | 15:36 |
cobbio | Jackevansevo, This problem still remains with Xfce as well. | 15:36 |
cobbio | Wondering if I should get more rams | 15:37 |
cfhowlett | cobbio, max out the ram. more ram is never a bad idea. | 15:37 |
Jackevansevo | cobbio: well I've got 8gb on my machine but It shouldn't be making that much of a noticeable difference | 15:39 |
snowkidind | ok i am having issues getting rails to work on apache (passenger) with ubuntu on a production server (not really its my dev server, but it is serving webpages) | 15:48 |
snowkidind | i am pretty sure it has to do with the virtual hosts config | 15:49 |
MonkeyDust | snowkidind there's also #ubuntu-server | 15:49 |
snowkidind | you think id be better off there? | 15:49 |
snowkidind | sounds cool 428 ppl | 15:49 |
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amoka_s | hi everyone | 16:20 |
r00ter | hiii | 16:21 |
Idiot_ | What the... Idiot is already in use? | 16:25 |
Nokaji | I am playing an old worlde game (in the ubuntu repositories) called Beneath A Steel Sky. Problem with it is a 320*240 resolution. ubuntu forums claims {Alt + Enter = make game fullscreen} works but no joy here. | 16:26 |
Idiot_ | Are people who are switching from {anything-but-Ubuntu} to Ubuntu at the moment accepted? | 16:27 |
cfhowlett | Idiot_, #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat. this channel is for technical support. | 16:27 |
Nokaji | don't see why not, they have a newbie section on some forum i recently visited, too | 16:27 |
Nokaji | yes, tech only here | 16:28 |
Idiot_ | That's nice, I guess. Anyway, I'm installing Ubuntu from USB right now, and when I choose the "Try Ubuntu without installing" option, it takes me to a black screen with a flashing underscore/caret. | 16:28 |
cfhowlett | !nomodeset | Idiot_ | 16:28 |
ubottu | Idiot_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See on how to use this parameter | 16:28 |
haye_ | ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAQCcNprvogZlR/KF/qZl2xeHFlDG4FQukOHm5n4rrgVe9qJAKxOICDgE6MXmZvcDaIMJgpAfOKd4VUOSdLPXiXH0TG4mCX3+0Y4imWjPXw7Sxgq2iKVdb+IDfi5jr0qwlEyaZZ+8KALfp7zK3ZwgPlYZi44gDev/SHdgYgYrVDLb/0vIJU2t3x3Y5jvFZSEK4yE6IL0xiPjtBuj9NEaBYF5mTO83xFMRwkyKUZOF/XE3uDGf20qU+Pb/aZD5IHiaTQlM2zszonzAUIAWb0TFKjYcf4uJ4NyTLBFDBTziLCqH/KUEMa2zK66Ar+r/5ZSY61AaiD0dhlzOUzY1MX3mHOqZJfJWOcZs9y3S3BtAs4iKVAxg46lt74k | 16:29 |
haye_ | cymV1eML4Q10mPaG6Ab9rXXKWaFJjSHPFdYitGbFjOWWIx3HeqHCoAEbgEdCLKDMafdPRpvbUbuEBxN3ilbc32+ZXEz3eTqzS4EBWY1l1ZYTYfC3jEDh0rLBQPpA+WCDj2x49dqtL5mk9JdXD1MqpXy8hS8RGbjxBhhihpSaxAmGX9ZcqZYJ0dGKOoqdwLWb8/tl1x0cs2HQogOlqH4oVH49dEz3JhE/LI1lR0/09X7+Ik7GysMTv3IMSeKYIU3rD32hg7QGLnB40D8CgGO0UXmt6hJjd+skDY3L9jOYizmElxlF5ZXuxFw== | 16:29 |
martysia | hi | 16:30 |
martysia | I have simple question | 16:30 |
cfhowlett | !ask | martinbjeldbak | 16:30 |
ubottu | martinbjeldbak: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 16:30 |
cfhowlett | martysia, see above | 16:30 |
Idiot_ | I have Windows right now. | 16:30 |
martysia | where can I find .deb files of the network manager? | 16:31 |
martysia | for Xubuntu? | 16:31 |
martysia | thanks cfhowlett | 16:31 |
cfhowlett | martysia, | 16:32 |
martysia | found it | 16:35 |
martysia | but still I don't know how to do it | 16:36 |
cfhowlett | martysia, what exactly are you attempting? | 16:37 |
martysia | I want to download them and then using USb stick transfer them from LM to Xubuntu and install them there | 16:37 |
cfhowlett | OK. and you don't know how to ... what? | 16:37 |
=== sk_ is now known as Guest45066 | ||
Guest45066 | 哈喽 | 16:38 |
martysia | I found this: | 16:39 |
cfhowlett | !cn | guest45066 | 16:39 |
ubottu | guest45066: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw | 16:39 |
martysia | cfhowlett: if I had internet connection on Xubuntu I would use sudo apt-get | 16:39 |
cfhowlett | | 16:39 |
Guest45066 | OK | 16:40 |
Guest45066 | I has installed Kali Linux 2.0 on VMwarelast day | 16:42 |
MonkeyDust | Guest45066 kali is not supported here | 16:43 |
cfhowlett | Guest45066, kali is not ubuntu and is not supported or discussed here. | 16:43 |
cfhowlett | !kali | Guest45066 | 16:43 |
ubottu | Guest45066: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) | 16:43 |
Guest45066 | so i also has installed Ubuntu | 16:44 |
cfhowlett | Guest45066, lsb_release -a says what? | 16:44 |
uio | Hello, would ubuntu run on an old non-PAE Pentium M ? | 16:45 |
cfhowlett | uio, ubuntu? probably not. lubuntu or xubuntu? probably. | 16:45 |
cfhowlett | uio, note: lubuntu is optimized for older, slower hardware | 16:46 |
surgy | hello i have a lubuntu 14.04 pc pentium dual core 3.2 ghz with 1gb ram. flash games on face book are real slow... do you think im running out of ram? or could it be my browser? (using chrome) or flashplugin? also i have the non free flash instaled the games work just slow sometimes | 16:46 |
HackerII | uio, just have 2 g of ram and run xubuntu, itl run very nice | 16:46 |
uio | cfhowlett: HackerII Thanks for the suggestions - would I run into PAE troubles though ? | 16:46 |
cfhowlett | surgy, 1 gig of pretty low for gaming, isn't it? | 16:46 |
HackerII | shouldnt | 16:46 |
cfhowlett | uio, lubuntu should not have any hiccups | 16:46 |
surgy | cfhowlett, its flash games..... they dont take much ram right? | 16:47 |
cfhowlett | surgy, they have been known to | 16:47 |
surgy | cfhowlett, so throw more at it? | 16:48 |
cfhowlett | surgy, I suggest maximum amount of ram you can stuff into a machine but that's just me ... | 16:49 |
OerHeks | 1 gb is bare minimum for chrome, and flashgame on top of that | 16:49 |
nith1210 | Does anyone know how to force ifup/ifdown to accept that an iface is up on boot (because initramfs sets it up)? | 16:51 |
tgm4883 | cfhowlett: I thought we didn't build non-PAE kernels anymore | 16:51 |
cfhowlett | lubuntu is optimized for old/slow hardware tgm4883 | 16:51 |
OerHeks | | 16:52 |
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cfhowlett | good find OerHeks ! | 16:53 |
tgm4883 | OerHeks: yes, I'm reading that. Specifically "Lubuntu and Xubuntu offered a PAE and a non-PAE release up to and including 12.04, but from 12.10 only the PAE releases are maintained." | 16:53 |
tgm4883 | cfhowlett: ^ | 16:53 |
OerHeks | jups, 12.04 | 16:53 |
cfhowlett | tgm4883, 12.04 is still supported | 16:53 |
steven__ | can anyone help me with a technical problem concerning xubuntu? | 16:53 |
tgm4883 | cfhowlett: yes it is | 16:54 |
nith1210 | !ask | steven__ | 16:54 |
ubottu | steven__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 16:54 |
cfhowlett | !ask | Steven-, | 16:54 |
ubottu | Steven-,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 16:54 |
tgm4883 | cfhowlett: but only on xubuntui8 | 16:54 |
tgm4883 | cfhowlett: xubuntu, not lubuntu | 16:54 |
cfhowlett | tgm4883, so I see. | 16:55 |
tgm4883 | cfhowlett: actually, no, neither are supported | 16:55 |
steven__ | ok. problem is i installed xubuntu 14.04 LTS. My firefox browser freezes.. when i use windows 7 it works fine. | 16:55 |
ioria | Fake Pae | 16:55 |
steven__ | my mouse freezes and then horizontal lines come. | 16:56 |
OerHeks | hmm 9W .. | 16:56 |
Steven- | lol | 16:56 |
Steven- | ok | 16:56 |
steven__ | it happens on linux mint, ubuntu, and xubuntu.. but not with chrome | 16:56 |
Limberian | 'sup fellas? | 16:57 |
chrisss123456 | Limberian: nm u? | 16:57 |
chrisss123456 | anyone here use calendar-app? | 16:57 |
Limberian | chrisss123456, Nm, too. | 16:57 |
Limberian | Does anyone know any plugin for any browser that deletes history automatically by every hour? | 16:57 |
OerHeks | !info rednotebook | 17:00 |
ubottu | rednotebook (source: rednotebook): daily journal with calendar, templates and keyword searching. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.1-1 (vivid), package size 347 kB, installed size 2185 kB | 17:00 |
chrisss123456 | Limberian: there's "No History" in chrome, which is apparently inspired from a feature in Firefox, if that helps. Don't think it allows a 1 hour "cache" though... | 17:00 |
chrisss123456 | OerHeks: is that a reply to my question? | 17:00 |
OerHeks | " there's "No History" in chrome" ???? | 17:00 |
pauljw | Limberian, why not use firefox's private tab function and not have any history kept to begin with | 17:00 |
OerHeks | LoLz | 17:00 |
cfhowlett | Limberian, you could always set a cron job to delete your .cache on the hour | 17:01 |
chrisss123456 | OerHeks: | 17:01 |
MonkeyDust | Limberian in firefox: settings > privacy > remember history ... guess that comes close to what you want | 17:01 |
MonkeyDust | Limberian or what cfhowlett says | 17:02 |
chrisss123456 | MonkeyDust: that's probably what No History is referring to | 17:02 |
OerHeks | oh, there is a no-history-plugin .. | 17:02 |
OerHeks | chrisss123456, yes, rednotebook is a nice calanderapp | 17:02 |
chrisss123456 | OerHeks: oh yea haha thought it was implied, sorry | 17:02 |
MonkeyDust | didnt know no-history either | 17:03 |
OerHeks | grinn you almost made me happy | 17:03 |
chrisss123456 | OerHeks: ok i'll check it out! thanks! | 17:03 |
chrisss123456 | OerHeks: Rednotebook looks great, especially for making a journal, however I'm looking for something more for events management, that can sync with accounts like gmail and the sort.... I thought calendar-app was a saving grace, but it just bugs on startup.... | 17:07 |
Taint | when I first installed linux, a friend helped me | 17:10 |
Taint | first thing he did was make a new account because the default was root | 17:10 |
Taint | and gave it priveleges or something so I can still update and upgrade things | 17:10 |
Taint | can someone give me a link on exactly how to do that if anyone understands? | 17:11 |
Taint | I remember chmod being used iirc | 17:11 |
tgm4883 | Taint: that doesn't sound like ubuntu at all | 17:13 |
chrisss123456 | OerHeks: you there? | 17:13 |
Taint | why not? tgm4883 | 17:13 |
ioria | sounds slackware :þ | 17:13 |
tgm4883 | Taint: well for starters, the default isn't root | 17:13 |
Taint | come to think of it he was helping me with another distro as well | 17:14 |
LambdaComplex | Taint: Using useradd and usermod | 17:14 |
Taint | so ubuntu isnt root by default? | 17:14 |
LambdaComplex | Nope | 17:14 |
Taint | whats the default? | 17:14 |
LambdaComplex | Whatever you create during installation | 17:14 |
Taint | ah I see | 17:15 |
Limberian | MonkeyDust, Hey, I saw it now. Thanks for the answer. | 17:15 |
Taint | and that user has the ability to update and upgrade? | 17:15 |
Limberian | cfhowlett, And thanks to you too. | 17:15 |
tgm4883 | Taint: yes | 17:15 |
Taint | hmmm | 17:15 |
Taint | maybe it was changing the default root password? | 17:16 |
Taint | does that sound plausible? | 17:16 |
Taint | ^ last question | 17:17 |
tgm4883 | Taint: well you can do that, it's not recommended though | 17:18 |
Taint | ok ty | 17:19 |
tgm4883 | Taint: by default, the root account has no password. It's not available to login | 17:19 |
Taint | sorry for the confusion | 17:19 |
Taint | oh | 17:19 |
Taint | I thought it was toor or something | 17:19 |
Taint | by default | 17:19 |
Taint | oh well | 17:19 |
tgm4883 | nope | 17:19 |
martysia | is there any simpler way to fix (install) my network manager than downloading all the files one by one on the system that has the internet connection and then installing them on the system that need the NM? | 17:20 |
Taint | thanks though. I appreciate it | 17:20 |
Taint | tgm4883, | 17:20 |
tgm4883 | !aptoncd | 17:21 |
ubottu | APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline | 17:21 |
martysia | great, but I don't have a cd/dvd drive | 17:22 |
simon1764 | Has anyone an idea what could be wrong if I don't get a dropdown menu like it's described in this manual: when I try to add some timezones? I only have the UTC entry, if I type in some city names manually it doesn't recognize them. | 17:27 |
AEL-H | How can I restrict the commands a user can use? | 17:28 |
MonkeyDust | AEL-H sudo visudo <-- careful! | 17:29 |
oats | MonkeyDust: A better idea might be "sudo EDITOR=nano visudo" so they don't have to use vim :) | 17:30 |
oats | *vi | 17:30 |
tgm4883 | oats: except visudo validates the syntax | 17:40 |
oats | tgm4883: and makes sure permissions don't get messed up | 17:40 |
tgm4883 | oats: would it still do that if you forced nano? | 17:41 |
oats | tgm4883: I'm not entirely sure, I haven't read the source. I've always used "sudo EDITOR=nvim visudo" myself without trouble | 17:41 |
oats | so | 17:41 |
oats | ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | 17:41 |
=== ksx4system_ is now known as ksx4system | ||
geekwani | Hi, I want to reduce the minimum password length for an Ubuntu user from 5 to 1. I went through the docs at , but that doesn't seem to work... can anyone help ? | 17:46 |
steven__ | Hello | 17:48 |
geekwani | hi | 17:48 |
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flux242 | hi, I need a simple systray icon that shows network iface throughput as bars, any hints? | 17:49 |
Guest79798 | plz som one me speed my internet | 17:49 |
steven__ | I'm having some trouble with the amd driver, my vtty are blank. | 17:49 |
steven__ | I've been able to get the console boot screens, but ctrl-f1-6 are blank | 17:50 |
ioria | geekwani, check this file /etc/pam.d/common-password | 17:50 |
steven__ | im running ubuntu 15.04 | 17:51 |
geekwani | @steven__ which display driver are you using ? i washaving a similar issue.. I used drivers instead of proprietary drivers | 17:51 |
steven__ | i'm using the proprietary drivers | 17:52 |
steven__ | the only thing I haven't tried yet is nomodeset in the /etc/default/grub | 17:53 |
geekwani | @ioria it now has "password [success=1 default=ignore] sha512 minlen=1" , then i ran pam-auth-update.. still there is issue | 17:53 |
geekwani | @steven__ you'll have to experiment a bit.. Let me check on my computer | 17:54 |
ioria | geekwani, did you set minlen=1 after sha512 ? | 17:54 |
martysia | jest tu ktoś kto mówi po polsku moze? | 17:55 |
MonkeyDust | !pl | 17:57 |
ubottu | Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. | 17:57 |
spm_draget | How do I show the original version AND new verison of a package for which I added a ppa? | 17:57 |
steven__ | lol thats what I get for playing :) ....booted | 17:58 |
MonkeyDust | spm_draget better ask the maintainer of the ppa | 17:58 |
geekwani | awesome | 17:58 |
geekwani | @steven__ what setting did you change ? | 17:59 |
steven__ | I tried the nomodeset and it made no difference | 17:59 |
steven__ | i'm suspecting it might be something with console-setup | 18:00 |
geekwani | i see.. cool :) | 18:00 |
Kabuum | hello | 18:01 |
mush2 | hi. i'm new to linux. what are the pros and cons of starting with ubuntu 15 vs 14? | 18:02 |
geekwani | @iora thanks for help.. the problem was with the GUI client (which demands a password lof length >5).. on command line everything seems to work properly :) | 18:02 |
ioria | good | 18:03 |
OerHeks | mush2, 14.04 lts is more stabe. | 18:03 |
nith1210 | mush2: 14.04 is the current LTS which means you won't have to upgrade for much longer. | 18:03 |
nith1210 | mush2: but 15 will have newer software in general (not enough to matter most of the time). | 18:04 |
nith1210 | atleast not to a new user :) | 18:04 |
mush2 | i don't mind upgrading. are there compatibility issues with using 15 vs 14? | 18:04 |
mush2 | i would be upgrading to 16 next year regardless | 18:04 |
=== apple is now known as Guest41097 | ||
geekwani | @mush2 depending on your requirement.. if you want to play around with the latest stuff, use 15, but if you want to learn linux, u may use either.. | 18:05 |
Kabuum | i use 14.04 LTS | 18:05 |
mush2 | is 15 going to be buggier? | 18:06 |
linuxholic | Hello, i have dual GPU laptop. Is there any way i can shift my GPU in ubuntu. Like in linux mint all i have to do is right-click on the settings and change my GPU to nVidia and logout and login. But in Ubuntu when i install nVidia driver and restart my laptop it doesn't boot up :D | 18:06 |
mush2 | also, other than systemd, are there any significant differences that i would be able to perceive? | 18:06 |
=== apple_ is now known as Guest22443 | ||
nith1210 | mush2: They tend to go with more stable versions for LTS's so hypothetically yes, it'll be buggier but it is unlikely you'll notice. | 18:07 |
nith1210 | mush2: I don't know of any perceivable differences besides simply getting the newer UI. | 18:08 |
linuxholic | Hello, i have dual GPU laptop. Is there any way i can use the selected GPU in ubuntu. Like in linux mint all i have to do is right-click on the settings and change my GPU to nVidia and logout and login. But in Ubuntu when i install nVidia driver and restart my laptop it doesn't boot up :D | 18:08 |
nith1210 | mush2: As for compatibility... if you mean problems like when you have someting that works on win7 and you update to win10, there are typicall far far far fewer of those issues. | 18:08 |
mush2 | thanks nith1210 | 18:09 |
nith1210 | np, welcome to Ubuntu :) | 18:09 |
mush2 | is the newer ui much different? | 18:09 |
mush2 | also, is the 15 ui close to what we will see in 16? | 18:09 |
nith1210 | I personally use Kubuntu which is a different UI. I know they've made improvements to Unity (the Ubuntu default) but I haven't seen them. | 18:09 |
jim__ | trying to update my video for opengl, downloaded but not sure how to continue | 18:09 |
selite_ | I changed variable in bashrc but when i do echo $variablename, it still hasn't updated please help? | 18:09 |
Kabuum | on my old netbook i use 12.4 | 18:10 |
nith1210 | mush2: To the best of my knowledge, they will be sticking with Unity but they will be doing a major update on it to make it work with Mira instead of X11. | 18:10 |
OerHeks | jim__, don't use the run from their website. use the driver tool provided. | 18:10 |
jim__ | driver tool? | 18:11 |
nith1210 | mush2: My understanding is that all the same concepts/look and feel should be VERY similar. | 18:11 |
OerHeks | jim__, if you *really* need that 355 latest driver, | 18:11 |
OerHeks | there is an official ppa comming for nvidiadrivers still in testing, but nice ... | 18:11 |
jim__ | i'm new to this & not sure what the driver tool is | 18:11 |
OerHeks | type driver in dash search, and the additional driver tool will show up | 18:12 |
nith1210 | mush2: The only warning I'll give you with Ubuntu is that if you try to install manufacturer graphics drivers, it can get fairly difficult and the payoff is minimal. It sounds like a good idea but there be dragons. | 18:12 |
jim__ | dash search? the terminal? | 18:12 |
Guest22443 | hello | 18:13 |
jim__ | ok, thanks | 18:13 |
jim__ | got it | 18:13 |
jim__ | comes with five choices, not sure what will run opengl | 18:14 |
OerHeks | use the one that says 'recommended' | 18:14 |
SpeakFreely | Can someone tell me a good application for note taking on linux? I want to make the switch from windows but the only thing holding me back is the note-taking on linux I've tried sucks dick. I can't find any that are well organized and support mathematical equations. Onenote on windows is so easy to use and has such a wide range of features...unfortunately their web version does not support math :\ | 18:14 |
jim__ | it doesn't that's why i'm asking or definately would use that | 18:15 |
OerHeks | jim__, for what nvidia card ? | 18:15 |
jim__ | geforce 8500 gt | 18:15 |
OerHeks | oh oke, use the 304 ( the 355 is no use for that older card) | 18:16 |
Halfwit | SpeakFreely: Orgs mode in Emacs is wonderful for taking notes. Personally, I use Google Keep for any arbitrary notes I wish to takep | 18:16 |
jim__ | ok thanks | 18:16 |
Novice201y | What's the best way of installing Ubuntu inside Windows (on virtual machine) to make it as much as possible independent from MS system? Dual boot is not an option here :/ | 18:17 |
SpeakFreely | Halfwit, well this is for notetaking in class | 18:18 |
Halfwit | SpeakFreely: Orgs mode in Emacs is worth a look, hten. | 18:18 |
SpeakFreely | Halfwit, alright thanks, it supports mathematical notation? | 18:19 |
SpeakFreely | Halfwit, such as super/scubscripts, summation symbols etc? | 18:19 |
OerHeks | Novice201y, LXC, VMware, VirtualBox, Xen .. | 18:19 |
Halfwit | SpeakFreely: Emacs can be extended to support it, I haven't done so yet; but I'm almost certain that it can. | 18:19 |
drkjstr | SpeakFreely: If you use any google tools, Drive has equation capability in Docs. | 18:19 |
apple__ | just test | 18:19 |
Halfwit | SpeakFreely: I found a latex extension already, so likely | 18:20 |
SpeakFreely | drkjstr, maybe I'll look into that...I just hate the idea of all my notes being stored for google to read | 18:20 |
jonathan_ | hi I heared it is a bad idea to put mysql into a kvm vm, is it the case ? | 18:20 |
apple__ | who | 18:20 |
Halfwit | That's a common misconception that Google really cares about your specific data :p | 18:20 |
OerHeks | jonathan_, ask in #ubuntu-server plz | 18:20 |
drkjstr | SpeakFreely: I used it when I used it when I was making equations for a Comp Sci class. I can understand that, but you can also make them available offline on your computer, and/or phone/tablet. | 18:20 |
SpeakFreely | I know they don't care about mine specifically lol | 18:20 |
SpeakFreely | drkjstr, yeah and I guess it would make things easier when transferring notes. Maybe I'll start using it | 18:21 |
jonathan_ | OerHeks ok sure | 18:21 |
=== corey84__ is now known as Corey84 | ||
xubuntu | hello | 18:23 |
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest52536 | ||
apple__ | test | 18:24 |
m000gle | Is there any way to get the hex colour code currently in use by the Unity Dash, the one automatically determined by the wallpaper in use? | 18:24 |
OerHeks | !test | apple__ | 18:25 |
ubottu | apple__: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test ) | 18:25 |
Felix0100101 | ik spreek geen engels | 18:25 |
AEL-H | What is to stop a normal user on a system to download so many files until the harddrive is capped? | 18:25 |
ioria | !info zim maybe take a look SpeakFreely | 18:26 |
ubottu | 'maybe' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed | 18:26 |
ioria | !info zim | 18:26 |
ubottu | zim (source: zim): graphical text editor based on wiki technologies. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.62-3 (vivid), package size 908 kB, installed size 4273 kB | 18:26 |
Felix0100101 | geen nederlander ? | 18:27 |
Halfwit | AEL-H: Quotas come to mind | 18:28 |
SpeakFreely | iroria, from my experience zim is one of the ones I was talking about when I said it sucks | 18:29 |
SpeakFreely | good for general note taking, not good for math | 18:29 |
ioria | SpeakFreely, ok ... just reading this | 18:30 |
drkjstr | SpeakFreely: I really enjoy the Google Drive suite of tools in school. Especially the collaborative side of it. | 18:34 |
Halfwit | drkjstr: You can easily and securely share with peopel, chat, etc. And then there's so many connected apps | 18:34 |
mush2 | also, is the 15 ui close to what we will see in 16? | 18:35 |
Halfwit | People | 18:35 |
Halfwit | Wow. Keyboarding is really hard! | 18:35 |
farshid_ | hi | 18:36 |
Kardos | Halfwit, if you consider google having a copy of everything you do "secure", then perhaps | 18:37 |
OerHeks | mush2, 16 is not even in development | 18:37 |
* tgm4883 wonders when we decided to drop off the end of the version numbers | 18:38 | |
OerHeks | unity8 is unity-next, but you can try that out in a LXC container or liveiso. | 18:38 |
Halfwit | Kardos: I think you misunderstand how much they have riding on the platform being secure. | 18:38 |
tgm4883 | Halfwit: Kardos lets keep this on topic shall we | 18:39 |
Halfwit | Kardos: But yes, I'm aware that my data is theirs in this case. | 18:39 |
mush2 | Google having a copy of everything you do is madness. They are getting hacked to death | 18:39 |
Halfwit | Luckily I'm not insane enough to think I matter with what I'm putting on there | 18:39 |
Knight80 | I'm back | 18:41 |
Novice201y | OerHeks - Thanks. I know vm software, but how to configure it to give Ubuntu as much independence from Windows as possible? | 18:41 |
Knight80 | tom- Are you still here? | 18:41 |
mush2 | tom is still on myspace | 18:42 |
tgm4883 | Novice201y: not entirely sure what you mean with that question | 18:43 |
OerHeks | Novice201y, VMware does that automaticly, no? | 18:44 |
mush2 | tgm4883: i think he wants his vm to be as walled off from windows as possible | 18:44 |
Novice201y | tgm4883: Windows 10 sends information to MS, even when all options about this are disables in system configuration. | 18:44 |
mush2 | ^this | 18:44 |
Novice201y | mush2: Exactly, thanks. | 18:44 |
tgm4883 | Novice201y: what does that have to do with Ubuntu? | 18:44 |
mush2 | Novice201y: first, you need to remove Windows 10 from your system and wipe the drive thoroughly | 18:45 |
mush2 | seriously | 18:45 |
* tgm4883 feels like he's taking crazy pills | 18:45 | |
mush2 | if you must use Windows, then use 7 | 18:45 |
Novice201y | mush2: Touching this Windos 10 is not an option :/ | 18:45 |
OerHeks | i am not even going to answer these trolling questions. | 18:46 |
tgm4883 | mush2: well that just seems like a silly and off topic thing to say in this channel | 18:46 |
mush2 | then I would recommend not touching it | 18:46 |
mush2 | use a different device | 18:46 |
Novice201y | mush2: You mean live-USB? | 18:47 |
AEL-H | I am having issues with authenticating on wget. I am trying to mirror an entire website whilst logged in using wget. The authentication works fine when I do however when I try to access other parts of that site such as I run into problems, does anyone know what might be going on? | 18:47 |
Halfwit | You can basically addle what WinX has the power to do within Ubuntu, but aside from that it's a fully-fledged OS. You can limit it's ports externally, but you aren't going to, say, give it networking and stop it's reporting from within a VM. (I'm almost certain that if you attempt to block the reporting through a firewall, they'll throw an error-addled hissy fit) | 18:48 |
OerHeks | AEL-H, server does not want you to crawl, likely | 18:48 |
Halfwit | error-laden *, sorry. | 18:49 |
pokergod | chattr +i /etc/hosts. When I connect to openconnect, it still edits my /etc/hosts file. How can I prevent this | 18:49 |
AEL-H | OerHeks: I am not convinced that is the issue, I think it is simply I am missing something with respects to how to save a session or something similar. I am imitating what I would do on my browser exactly to my knowledge | 18:52 |
Halfwit | There's a few sites that note what you can get away with blocking/turning off, though. Worth a quick Google. | 18:53 |
ioria | pokergod, /etc/hosts or resolv.conf ? | 18:55 |
pokergod | yeah i meant /etc/resolv.conf | 18:55 |
pokergod | chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /etc/resolv.conf | 18:56 |
Felix0100101 | me &2 | 18:57 |
ioria | pokergod, why did you made it immutable ? | 18:58 |
ioria | *make | 18:58 |
pokergod | ioria, when I connect to openconnect, it ends up putting the 10.* resolvers in there | 18:59 |
pokergod | I don't want them. | 18:59 |
pokergod | I added the entries i need via /etc/hsots | 18:59 |
ioria | i see | 18:59 |
AHemlocksLie | I know none of the Ubuntu Touch phones are sold in the US, but if I could get one imported somehow, would it function on American networks? Preferably T-Mobile? | 19:01 |
mush2 | AHemlocksLie | 19:01 |
mush2 | very slowly | 19:01 |
AHemlocksLie | So ther is "sort of"? | 19:01 |
mush2 | next gen Ubuntu phones will support LTE in US | 19:01 |
AHemlocksLie | *the answer. | 19:01 |
mush2 | current ones will support 2G | 19:02 |
AHemlocksLie | I dunno how I skipped 90% of a word | 19:02 |
mush2 | good luck with that | 19:02 |
nith1210 | AHemlocksLie: Assuming it's compatible with the network yes. | 19:02 |
AHemlocksLie | Ah. Do we have an ETA on the next gen? | 19:02 |
mush2 | i'm hearing late 2015 or early 2016 | 19:02 |
AHemlocksLie | I would really like one, and I"m in the market for a new phone right now | 19:02 |
mush2 | worth the wait | 19:02 |
AHemlocksLie | That might be manageable... Mine has some issues and battle scars that are starting to get frustrateing | 19:03 |
AHemlocksLie | Are these new ones gonna be sold in the states? | 19:03 |
daftykins | AHemlocksLie: i saw an article just the other day about a handset being launched in the US, but that the hardware doesn't support the local bands for data, so only 2G (EDGE) was possible - kinda makes it useless :) | 19:03 |
rocklobster | PLEASE HELP! My webcam does not work on HP Pavilion g6 running xubuntu. | 19:03 |
daftykins | !touch | AHemlocksLie please bear in mind this is the wrong channel though i think | 19:03 |
ubottu | AHemlocksLie please bear in mind this is the wrong channel though i think: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 19:03 |
AHemlocksLie | Oh, nice, there's a channel. Thanks. | 19:04 |
daftykins | no problemo | 19:04 |
rocklobster | PLEASE HELP! My webcam does not work on HP Pavilion g6 running xubuntu. | 19:06 |
daftykins | rocklobster: yep, no need to repeat so quickly :) can you at least provide the webcam model in your question? | 19:06 |
Jackevansevo | rocklobster: does it appear when you run lsusb in your terminal? | 19:07 |
ioria | pokergod, sorry... cn't help you... bt take a look here | 19:08 |
linuxholic | Is it necessary to install CUDA Toolkit in order to use hardware acceleration for playing heavy video files in ubuntu? | 19:08 |
pokergod | okay thanks | 19:08 |
ikonia | linuxholic: no | 19:08 |
linuxholic | ikonia, have you ever used hardware acceleration on nVidia? | 19:09 |
ikonia | yes | 19:09 |
linuxholic | I can play video files with linux GPU using VAAPI | 19:09 |
daftykins | linuxholic: all that's necessary is the proprietary video driver (probably, probably not) and a capable video player | 19:09 |
daftykins | nvidia is more so VDPAU than VAAPI | 19:09 |
linuxholic | daftykins, so i hvae to install VDPAU =? | 19:10 |
linuxholic | in order to use hardware acceleration? | 19:10 |
bl0ck1es | Hey everyone, i removed unity shell and started using Gnome but i want to reinstall Unity Shell again. Anyone can help? | 19:10 |
linuxholic | on VLC for example | 19:10 |
daftykins | linuxholic: no VDPAU support comes in the driver. what card and driver are you using? | 19:10 |
linuxholic | I am using nVidia 8400M | 19:11 |
linuxholic | daftykins, | 19:11 |
linuxholic | daftykins, Dual-GPU | 19:11 |
daftykins | linuxholic: nvidia optimus? | 19:11 |
daftykins | i.e. intel + nvidia hybrid? | 19:11 |
linuxholic | daftykins, yes | 19:11 |
daftykins | there's no real need to even use the nvidia chip then | 19:12 |
linuxholic | daftykins, you're saying that it's useless? :D | 19:12 |
ikonia | thats not what he said | 19:12 |
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linuxholic | I can completely change my GPU using nVidia Primus | 19:12 |
linuxholic | ikonia, i know :P | 19:12 |
OerHeks | linuxholic, only the GeForce 8400M G is supported. | 19:13 |
daftykins | your player will tell you what it's using | 19:13 |
linuxholic | OerHeks, ok, thanks | 19:14 |
linuxholic | daftykins, i can't see the option of VDPAU in VLC settings | 19:14 |
linuxholic | Does it mean that my card is not supported? | 19:14 |
daftykins | i suspect you may need to investigate the menus a bit more - and that it may only be using the intel | 19:15 |
daftykins | i've never used VLC so i can't help you there | 19:15 |
linuxholic | daftykins, ok | 19:15 |
linuxholic | Thanks | 19:15 |
blue_dog | Hi all, how can link alethzero with my private cluster? Is it with the option "connect to peer"? If yes, which direccion do I have to put as peer? | 19:16 |
daftykins | blue_dog: what is any of that? how's it ubuntu related? :) | 19:17 |
blue_dog | ups, sorry, wrong forum :-D | 19:17 |
daftykins | hehe, all good. | 19:18 |
daftykins | rocklobster: did you identify it yet? "sudo apt-get install pastebinit && lsusb | pastebinit" would be a good start | 19:20 |
pokergod | ioria, i edited the vpnc-script to not call the MODIFYRESOLVCONF on connect/disconnect. Works | 19:26 |
ioria | pokergod, very happy to hear that. good job | 19:27 |
tokam | | 19:30 |
tokam | can I somehow increase swap and decrease root? | 19:30 |
daftykins | tokam: hmm, ideally you'd want another disk to backup to first | 19:31 |
daftykins | tokam: what's up, too small to sleep/hibernate properly? | 19:31 |
tokam | ok. let's assume I did this... | 19:31 |
bekks | tokam: Whats the output of "free -m"? | 19:31 |
tokam | yes | 19:31 |
tokam | | 19:32 |
tokam | I have 8GB ram and 2GB Swap | 19:32 |
tokam | but I need 8GB swap | 19:32 |
daftykins | ouch | 19:32 |
daftykins | well even more with that RAM usage | 19:32 |
bekks | tokam: you have 3.9G swap. | 19:32 |
bekks | tokam: What do you need that swap for - suspend to disk? | 19:33 |
tokam | ok | 19:33 |
tokam | yes | 19:33 |
tokam | hibernate | 19:33 |
tokam | did you calculate that in your mind? | 19:33 |
tokam | ahh no it sais 3,8 | 19:33 |
tokam | ok | 19:33 |
bekks | :P | 19:33 |
* daftykins bows to bekks | 19:34 | |
daftykins | :D | 19:34 |
bekks | daftykins: :D | 19:34 |
agosh | hello | 19:34 |
tokam | bekks: can I shrink down my partition with gparted? | 19:35 |
bekks | tokam: After creating a valid backup, sure. | 19:35 |
tokam | bekks: so often thing go wrong? | 19:35 |
m1zkov | greetings.. do i need to compile my own wordlist to use with the aircrack suite, or is there one out there i can easily download that is actually practical for WPA2? | 19:36 |
tokam | should I backup only sda2 or must i backup sda3 too? | 19:36 |
daftykins | m1zkov: sorry, that suite isn't a topic welcome here. | 19:36 |
bekks | tokam: Things need to go wrong for only you, and YOUR data will be lost. | 19:36 |
daftykins | m1zkov: i think they have their own channel(s) | 19:36 |
bekks | tokam: Backup the entire disk. | 19:36 |
tokam | I do not own a disk with enough space for sda3 | 19:37 |
bekks | tokam: So you dont have data worth to be kept. | 19:37 |
tokam | bekks: :D | 19:37 |
m1zkov | can you direct me to a resource that will make me more fluent in the use of IRC chat then? so i can direct myself to the proper chatroom? | 19:37 |
tokam | bekks: I do have backups I assume created with the ubuntu backup manager | 19:37 |
tokam | but somestimes I get I/O errors. | 19:37 |
tokam | I have latest commits on my svn server of my current project | 19:38 |
daftykins | m1zkov: well the websites of the software you speak of may often list an IRC network and channel to visit | 19:38 |
bekks | tokam: You said you dont have enough space for creating a backup of all of your data. | 19:38 |
tokam | not enough space to make an additional backup with dd | 19:38 |
bekks | tokam: No one even mentioned dd. | 19:38 |
tokam | I will backup the entire disk somewhere, don't know yet where with dd | 19:38 |
tokam | and than I will use gparted to reduce size of root on a gparted live disk | 19:39 |
bekks | tokam: in most cases, dd is the wrong approach for creating a backup. | 19:39 |
daftykins | my vote would be clonezilla \o/ | 19:39 |
tokam | bekks: why? | 19:39 |
tokam | bekks: why not backing up in my case sda with dd | 19:39 |
daftykins | backups with a tonne of zeroes aren't very efficient | 19:39 |
tokam | and in case something wents wrong I restore sda | 19:39 |
bekks | tokam: Do you have enough space for keeping 2 entire dd backups? No. As most people. | 19:40 |
Bashing-om | m1zkov: ^^ , There is also ' /msg alis help list ' | 19:40 |
tokam | why 2? | 19:40 |
bekks | tokam: Because one backup may fail. | 19:40 |
tokam | dd if=/dev/sda of=/mnt/some_large_hdd/my_backup | 19:40 |
bekks | tokam: Forget dd. | 19:40 |
bekks | tokam: Instead, backup your data. | 19:40 |
m1zkov | i am using XChat-GNOME IRC Chat. It has been about 12 years since I have really familiarized myself with this stuff because I smoked way too much weed during that period, so I am a total neophyte at using | 19:40 |
daftykins | m1zkov: #freenode can help you out then, "/join #freenode" | 19:41 |
tokam | have you once been in the situation too to be a person who owns almost nothing but the whole something which is in your head | 19:43 |
tokam | your personal wikipedia called brain | 19:43 |
bekks | tokam: Thats irrelevant for the task you are faced with: create a backup of your data, dont image entire disks. | 19:43 |
Halfwit | What | 19:43 |
tokam | bekks: yes! irrelevant for #ubuntu | 19:44 |
daftykins | Halfwit: my thoughts exactly | 19:44 |
bekks | tokam: So concentrate on your task, in #ubuntu. :) | 19:44 |
Halfwit | tokam: You're trying really hard to express something deep, but I think you need to read over what you're saying, or if this isn't your native tongue; use your native tongue. | 19:44 |
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moreno | ciao | 19:44 |
daftykins | well no not here, since it's english only :) | 19:44 |
l0p3n | What the heck. I have the folders /home/FileSystem and /home/ISO. Are these folders created upon installing Ubuntu? | 19:46 |
bekks | l0p3n: No. | 19:47 |
DJones | l0p3n: I've never seen those on a standard ubuntu install | 19:47 |
ioria | l0p3n, did you do a persistent usb ? | 19:48 |
l0p3n | ioria: Yes I did | 19:48 |
ioria | l0p3n, well, for a normal installation it's not required | 19:49 |
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l0p3n | aha | 19:49 |
l0p3n | thanks | 19:50 |
ioria | l0p3n, just do a normal usb ... linupendrive from win or disk creator from ubuntu | 19:50 |
l0p3n | ok I understand :) | 19:50 |
ioria | l0p3n, *pendrivelinux | 19:51 |
AEL-H | How could I test the download speeds of an ubuntu server? --just looking for a generic answer | 19:54 |
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wileee | AEL-H, You might consider #ubuntu-server | 19:58 |
daftykins | AEL-H: wget an ubuntu ISO from a nearby mirror | 19:59 |
tgm4883 | AEL-H: you could use | 20:00 |
tgm4883 | I would say that is the best answer :) | 20:00 |
daftykins | speedtest-cli :D | 20:00 |
tgm4883 | daftykins: yep | 20:01 |
tgm4883 | IIRC, it's written in python | 20:01 |
daftykins | tgm4883: well, i find it doesn't work well everywhere in the world | 20:01 |
tgm4883 | ah | 20:01 |
daftykins | often a real world download will outperform it | 20:01 |
tgm4883 | daftykins: it also doesn't work well if you hit it super often | 20:01 |
tgm4883 | as in you will get blocked | 20:01 |
daftykins | ah didn't know they did that | 20:02 |
tgm4883 | daftykins: yep, I was adding it to some monitoring I was doing at home and got blocked for a bit | 20:02 |
AEL-H | sorry, I am quite bad when it comes to doing things like this entirely from the command line, how exactly could I use just ping it? | 20:02 |
zproc1 | hello, should i use "pip" for Python 2 or 3 on 15.04? i would guess it's up to me, but two pip install i tried failed | 20:03 |
tgm4883 | !info speedtest-cli | 20:03 |
ubottu | speedtest-cli (source: speedtest-cli): Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.1-1 (vivid), package size 12 kB, installed size 89 kB | 20:03 |
moreno | ciao a tutti | 20:05 |
rocklobster | PLEASE HELP! xUbuntu does not recognize my laptop - HP Pavilion g6 | 20:06 |
jbreeding28 | I could use some help with my Ubuntu bootable flash drive. It refuses to even start Ubuntu. | 20:06 |
SoundAxis | rocklobster, is this like a 50 first dates situation? | 20:06 |
rocklobster | No. | 20:07 |
daftykins | rocklobster: it was just the webcam before, has it lost the entire machine now? | 20:07 |
kairo | hello, i tested speedtest-cli right now but it gives me a lot errors | 20:07 |
rocklobster | Nah, I just want to cam with sexy ladies =[ | 20:07 |
daftykins | jbreeding28: blank screen when selecting 'try' ? | 20:07 |
jbreeding28 | Yes. There's no signal going to my monitor and the screen goes completely blank. | 20:07 |
daftykins | rocklobster: well two of us replied to you earlier on how to proceed but you didn't reply... | 20:07 |
daftykins | !nomodeset | jbreeding28 try this | 20:08 |
ubottu | jbreeding28 try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See on how to use this parameter | 20:08 |
kairo | last error: urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 302: The HTTP server returned a redirect error that would lead to an infinite loop. | 20:08 |
jbreeding28 | oh, okay. | 20:08 |
daftykins | rocklobster: so if you would bolster your query with the link created by "sudo apt-get install pastebinit && lsusb | pastebinit" that'd be a great start | 20:08 |
rocklobster | daftykins, I PMed one guy who replied but unfortunately he was unable to help | 20:08 |
Gerowen | On the desktop PC in the living room, my wife tried hooking up our Playstation eye webcam, and lost all audio on her name. Volume levels are set properly, device output is set to the correct device, and audio works on other usernames. Running Ubuntu 15.04. Suggestions? | 20:08 |
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kairo | i think speedtest have some bugs | 20:09 |
daftykins | rocklobster: yeah, PMing people in a help channel is very bad netiquette. | 20:09 |
daftykins | !pm | 20:09 |
ubottu | Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. | 20:09 |
jbreeding28 | It's fixed. Thank you. | 20:09 |
jbreeding28 | I was able to run Linux Mint without that, so I thought Ubuntu would be the same way. | 20:10 |
kairo | urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 302: The HTTP server returned a redirect error that would lead to an infinite loop. | 20:10 |
daftykins | jbreeding28: they might bundle a proprietary graphics driver perhaps, once you install you'll need to seek out a proper driver for your system to have things perform properly | 20:10 |
kairo | i will just remove it, thk's for no response | 20:11 |
daftykins | rocklobster: funny, i just told you about not private messaging helpers and you did it immediately. good luck with your problem, you'll get no assistance from me :) | 20:12 |
moreno | ciao! | 20:12 |
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OerHeks | kairo, maybe there is an update for impatience | 20:15 |
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DzAirmaX | hi guyz | 20:18 |
daftykins | hi | 20:18 |
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DzAirmaX | what is the best way to create an user with a disabled password ? | 20:19 |
daftykins | what do you mean by disabled password? | 20:19 |
OerHeks | = guest user | 20:19 |
DzAirmaX | I want the user only able to login using a key | 20:19 |
daftykins | are you talking about SSH keys? | 20:20 |
DzAirmaX | yeah | 20:20 |
DzAirmaX | adduser --disabled-password user1 | 20:20 |
DzAirmaX | this command doesn't work anymore | 20:21 |
daftykins | i would've thought just set a long password and not tell the user, then configure SSHd to restrict that user to key auth only - but that's a guess with no deep experience with key auth | 20:21 |
Ben64 | DzAirmaX: you don't want to disable the password, you want to force ssh logins to use a key, totally different | 20:21 |
DzAirmaX | Ben64 : I thought diabling password will force the use of a key too ... | 20:22 |
DzAirmaX | daftykins : could be a solution too | 20:22 |
DzAirmaX | Ben64 : I dont want a empty password, I want to diable it ... | 20:23 |
Ben64 | why do you want to disable the password | 20:23 |
DzAirmaX | forcing the ssh key auth | 20:23 |
Ben64 | so just force ssh key auth! | 20:23 |
DzAirmaX | which is already force in sshd_conf | 20:23 |
DzAirmaX | Ben64 : so what happend when I create an user and dont set a password using the command adduser ? | 20:24 |
DzAirmaX | useradd* sorry | 20:24 |
Ben64 | then it has no password | 20:25 |
DzAirmaX | ok thank you guyz fir the info | 20:27 |
DzAirmaX | for | 20:27 |
changnesia | Hey guys. I'm unable to boot a live usb on my preinstalled windows laptop, which I'd like to dualboot. However, I can boot a ubuntu dvd in legacy mode. Theoretically, if I run it, installed in legacy mode, ignored the BIOS partition error and then run boot repair, would this lead me to a functioning double booting machine? | 20:28 |
daftykins | changnesia: nope, you might be able to convert that install to EFI from legacy, but i wouldn't recommend that approach at all | 20:29 |
daftykins | changnesia: have you been shown the EFI guide? | 20:29 |
daftykins | !efi | 20:29 |
ubottu | UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read | 20:29 |
ooossiee | Hi all. Im wonderin how cumulative updares work on ubuntu. Does updating once in a while (every 2 or 3 or more mo ths) will not break the system? | 20:29 |
changnesia | daftkins: yes and I've been trying to make my usb work for three days. Nothing I've tried or been advised to try worked. | 20:30 |
bekks | ooossiee: There are no cumulative updates in Ubuntu. Nothing like Service Packs, etc. | 20:30 |
tgm4883 | ooossiee: also, I wouldn't wait that long to update | 20:30 |
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Flannel | ooossiee: It'll update just fine (of course, there are reasons you wouldn't want to wait that long between updates, but from a purely functional point of view, it'll work fine) | 20:31 |
tgm4883 | changnesia: out of curiosity, what laptop? | 20:31 |
zproc1 | i want to test the hibernate feature like said here but there is no "pm-hibernate" on my system | 20:31 |
daftykins | changnesia: that's a pain, what kind of system isit? | 20:31 |
changnesia | tgm4883: Lenovo G500 | 20:32 |
changnesia | daftykins: Windows 10. | 20:32 |
daftykins | yeah i meant make and model too | 20:32 |
daftykins | hrmm. | 20:32 |
daftykins | any BIOS updates listed for the system online? | 20:32 |
Forums|27133 | hey guys, whats a good irc client for ubuntu based distro? | 20:33 |
changnesia | daftykins: I'll check. | 20:33 |
Forums|27133 | I'm using Elementary OS | 20:33 |
XD4rker | xchat is a good one | 20:33 |
daftykins | !elementary | Forums|27133 Sorry, but regardless of your query being multi-distro... | 20:34 |
ubottu | Forums|27133 Sorry, but regardless of your query being multi-distro...: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on - for more information on this distribution. | 20:34 |
daftykins | Forums|27133: hexchat might be a good bet though. | 20:34 |
Gerowen | Anybody have any idea why sound would go out and not come back, even after a reboot, on one specific username, but not others on the same system? Ubuntu 15.04. All she did was plug in my Playstation Eye camera and the audio quit, but sound still works just fine on my son's username, guest account, etc. | 20:34 |
XD4rker | i meant hexchat* | 20:34 |
Forums|27133 | thanks | 20:34 |
Forums|27133 | will try it out | 20:34 |
zproc1 | can i install and use pm-utils safely on my system? (ubuntu gnome 15.04) | 20:34 |
changnesia | daftykins: There is an update from '14. Do you think it would help? | 20:35 |
daftykins | changnesia: well they usually publisha text file with the full change log | 20:35 |
OerHeks | maybe that update unlocks your bios > license. | 20:35 |
daftykins | :D | 20:36 |
changnesia | daftykins: | 20:36 |
ooossiee | Thank you guys. Im.currently using manjaro. The thing is that since i travel some times im offline a long time | 20:37 |
ooossiee | I dont want to get online and an update break my system | 20:37 |
daftykins | ooossiee: manjaro isn't supported here? | 20:38 |
daftykins | ah i see your question now, nevermind | 20:38 |
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daftykins | changnesia: hmm, well it's not without risk, there doesn't appear to be any detail in that specific document that would suggest it'd be of any help. | 20:39 |
Forums|27133 | hee | 20:39 |
wileee | ooossiee, Don't do a partial upgrade, carry a HD with an image/clone and you will be basically safe have your bases covered if your fix skills are limited. | 20:40 |
daftykins | changnesia: do you have just the one flash drive to work with, or multiple? (for trying to boot) | 20:40 |
changnesia | daftykins: I've tried two. One never gets past the lenovo sccreen and the other was ignored. | 20:41 |
daftykins | changnesia: oh and you also mentioned DVD, does your Lenovo's BIOS boot menu (F12 key typically) list the DVD drive twice - once for legacy and once for EFI? | 20:41 |
changnesia | daftykins: In efi there is no dvd, only in legacy. | 20:41 |
daftykins | bear in mind that a lot of the time you need to use FN+F12 due to the way Lenovo's like to handle function keys too | 20:41 |
daftykins | ah well that's very odd. | 20:41 |
OerHeks | changnesia, disabled Fastboot? that could prevent booting from usb too. | 20:41 |
changnesia | oerheks: yes, I followed all the usual advice. | 20:42 |
daftykins | changnesia: i think the easiest way to proceed in these situations, is if you have any way to provide pictures of every screen of the system's EFI. | 20:42 |
OerHeks | then upgrade the EFIbios i guess | 20:42 |
daftykins | or yeah ^ you could risk it. | 20:42 |
daftykins | up to you really | 20:42 |
changnesia | daftykins: How big a risk is it? | 20:43 |
OerHeks | how would we know.. | 20:43 |
daftykins | well power failure is less relevant for a laptop, so just boot into Windows and make doubly, triply and nthly sure it's the exact model the download is for :) | 20:43 |
daftykins | changnesia: downloading any number of system information utilities (easiest example being CPU-ID from can show the current BIOS version | 20:44 |
daftykins | (from Windows) | 20:44 |
changnesia | daftykins: I'll try that. | 20:44 |
daftykins | well, as well as just entering it directly and checking of course :D | 20:45 |
Remoboth | Does anyone remember the name of that app that has all the selectable recommended programs for a new Ubuntu INstall? | 20:46 |
wileee | Remoboth, Never seen that from the ubuntu repos, you sure this is not a third party app? | 20:47 |
ooossiee | Wileee, thanks. So i clone my system before any upgrade right? I will download all updates/upgrades before installing. So i can make sure i will install everything i stead of downloading and installing since in the process i can lose my connection | 20:47 |
Remoboth | wileee - It is a third party app. I just remembered... Called "Ubuntu AFter INstall". | 20:47 |
wileee | ooossiee, Not what I suggest, but if you want to be really sure your covered an image/clone or home backed up in another partition would help. You are more worried than I would be, but I've used ubuntu a long time. | 20:48 |
xangua | Remoboth: there are several of sites and several of guides called "10 things to do after installing Ubuntu"written every six months, pick your favorite? | 20:48 |
moreno | ciao | 20:49 |
Remoboth | xangua - Thanks. | 20:49 |
moreno | !list | 20:49 |
ubottu | moreno: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 20:49 |
wileee | Remoboth, I would do it yourself, as suggested, a 3rd party will not be supported here if your bricked. | 20:49 |
Remoboth | Aye. | 20:50 |
daftykins | for what it's worth we had someone in here just the other day who had trashed their install from following one of those "10 things" guides | 20:50 |
daftykins | they should be renamed "10 untrustworthy PPAs to contaminate your system with" for accuracy :) | 20:51 |
wileee | a whole lotta ppa's | 20:51 |
wileee | lol | 20:51 |
ooossiee | Thanks wileee | 20:51 |
wileee | ooossiee, No prob, I suspect you will be okay. | 20:52 |
ooossiee | Thank you | 20:52 |
changnesia | daftykins: I've just acquired another usb stick, is it possible that it's not booting because of the one I've been using so far? | 20:52 |
changnesia | so maybe I could try that one before flashing the bios | 20:53 |
daftykins | changnesia: sounds like a plan, how are you preparing it? | 20:53 |
AEL-H | If I want a user to be able to execute certain server files but nothing else what is the best way to do that? At the moment I am encountering issues in that the user does not have sufficient priveleges to access the files the server files are dependent on | 20:53 |
daftykins | s/it/them/ | 20:53 |
daftykins | AEL-H: add that user to a group, then modify the permissions of the files they should be able to change to be owned by that group | 20:54 |
AEL-H | Thankyou | 20:54 |
changnesia | daftykins: I've tried many utilities. Is UUI reliable? It's the most comfortable one. I also tried win32diskimager | 20:54 |
changnesia | and some more, but I don't remember their names | 20:55 |
daftykins | changnesia: yep i've always had good success with UUI, YUMI... etc. | 20:55 |
daftykins | rufus i believe is another | 20:55 |
daftykins | of course for EFI boot, you only need the contents of the ISO extracted onto a FAT32 partition on the flash drive | 20:55 |
daftykins | no need for boot sector shenanigans at all | 20:56 |
changnesia | I see. I also tried unebootin and linux live usb creator | 20:56 |
daftykins | a long time ago unetbootin was said to have EFI issues, probably fine now but i avoid it just for historic reasons | 20:56 |
kairo | thank you OerHeks | 20:56 |
changnesia | daftykins: I've tried all I could find, to no avail sadly | 20:57 |
daftykins | changnesia: well something useful might be to nuke the drives before you even begin, using the windows utility 'diskpart' inside a command prompt window you can totally wipe the disks before starting which might give a different result | 20:57 |
daftykins | also hashing the downloaded ISOs is presumably something you've done? | 20:58 |
wileee | changnesia, Have you checked for any local ubuntu groups for advice as an option, somebody physically there? | 20:58 |
Butterkeks | Hey I turned on KDE Accessible by accident it won't turn off even after restarting D: I click close but it comes right back | 20:58 |
changnesia | daftykins: Done that multiple times. And by that you mean the md5 string? | 20:58 |
daftykins | changnesia: yep that's the one. | 20:58 |
jbreeding28 | upon loading ubuntu, I get an "ACIP PCC Proble Fail". What is this? | 20:59 |
changnesia | wileee: I live in the middle of nowhere | 20:59 |
changnesia | daftykins: yes checked that | 20:59 |
daftykins | jbreeding28: if things work i wouldn't worry necessarily | 20:59 |
Sedna | I´m running Mate on a | 20:59 |
wileee | changnesia, Ah, you have excellent help now, it was just a thought. | 20:59 |
jbreeding28 | well, I can't log in | 20:59 |
Butterkeks | how to turn this off i am using KDE nobody answered in #kubuntu :( | 20:59 |
Sedna | Pentium 4? | 21:00 |
Sedna | Well. | 21:00 |
daftykins | jbreeding28: but you get to the login screen? this is after installing? | 21:00 |
jbreeding28 | yes. i get to the login screen, type in my password, and then a big screen comes up with a bunch of "failedtoapply" | 21:00 |
changnesia | wileee: I do! I asked my friend, who is quite knowledgeable but he didn't know. | 21:00 |
daftykins | jbreeding28: this could be part of what i'd mentioned regarding needing to install graphics drivers. try the guest session too | 21:01 |
jbreeding28 | alright. I'm just having trouble installing the driver | 21:01 |
jbreeding28 | and I can't log into guest either | 21:02 |
daftykins | jbreeding28: what kind of system and what graphics hardware? | 21:02 |
jbreeding28 | NVIDIA Geforce GTX 970 is the card. I'm aware it has problems | 21:03 |
daftykins | and you installed what, 14.04? | 21:03 |
basedblue | hey | 21:03 |
jbreeding28 | I have the driver file on the comnputer, but whenever I go to install it, it says I'm running an X server | 21:03 |
daftykins | jbreeding28: yes, you don't download nvidia drivers ideally with Ubuntu. they can be installed from packages with a command | 21:04 |
jbreeding28 | and what's that package? | 21:04 |
daftykins | jbreeding28: can i take this to mean you are comfortable with switching to the TTY and logging in there for CLI tasks? | 21:05 |
Butterkeks | thx I removed it with apt-get remove kaccessible --purge dammit | 21:05 |
jbreeding28 | a TTY? | 21:05 |
daftykins | jbreeding28: like ctrl+alt+F1 | 21:05 |
jbreeding28 | oh, that. yes, I'm comfortable with doing that | 21:05 |
daftykins | jbreeding28: do you have a working wired network connection on that system? | 21:06 |
jbreeding28 | yes | 21:06 |
daftykins | jbreeding28: ok, login at the TTY and use "sudo apt update && sudo apt install nvidia-346" then reboot | 21:06 |
jbreeding28 | nvidia 346? everywhere I've looked says 343 is the latest for my card | 21:06 |
greenride | Is it possible to have workspace switching operate independently on each monitor? | 21:07 |
daftykins | trust me. | 21:07 |
daftykins | hrmm seems they may've removed it actually | 21:07 |
grifferro | hello is there where I can come to get some help with ubuntu? | 21:08 |
jbreeding28 | grifferro: you are in the right place | 21:08 |
daftykins | grifferro: yes, ask away | 21:08 |
daftykins | jbreeding28: you might have to add the xorg-edgers PPA in order to get the package. | 21:09 |
jbreeding28 | well, it's going well so far. if an error pops up i'll try that | 21:09 |
OerHeks | that gt970 is supported by the 343.22 driver and up. so that 346 will do. | 21:09 |
grifferro | I'm tryin to get hulu working in firefox on ubuntu 14.04 but flash doesn't load. It works fine on google-chrome and flash works elsewhere in firefox | 21:09 |
ablest1980 | hey | 21:09 |
jbreeding28 | DerHeks: Thanks for the clarification | 21:09 |
daftykins | jbreeding28: was it 14.04 or 15.04 you threw on? | 21:09 |
grifferro | 14.04 | 21:09 |
OerHeks | grifferro, known issue, only chrome works fine with flsh / DRM | 21:09 |
jbreeding28 | 14.04 | 21:09 |
grifferro | dammit oh well | 21:10 |
OerHeks | please don't swear | 21:10 |
grifferro | thanks though that probably spared me some fruitless searching | 21:10 |
grifferro | and sorry | 21:10 |
ablest1980 | hello | 21:10 |
ablest1980 | i get | 21:10 |
ablest1980 | in icedtea | 21:10 |
jbreeding28 | daftykinds: Thank you so much. I'm successfully in the desktop | 21:11 |
daftykins | wahey \o/ | 21:11 |
jbreeding28 | now, that ACPI PCC Probe failing, is that anything to worry about? | 21:11 |
slyrus | howdy. I have an m.2 SATA card installed via a PCI card. I can see the card with, e.g., lspci, but can't see the m.2 card. do I need to map the card/device to scsi numbers somehow or should this happen automagically? | 21:11 |
daftykins | no idea, i'd only be googling | 21:11 |
jbreeding28 | alright. well, I guess i'll leave it since it's booting up fine | 21:11 |
bekks | slyrus: Maybe you need some driver for that m.2 card. | 21:12 |
jbreeding28 | and while I'm guessing not, is there any way to automatically keep up to date nvidia drivers? where the updates download automatically? | 21:12 |
daftykins | not yet - is the answer there | 21:12 |
ablest1980 | anyone understand this ? | 21:12 |
daftykins | jbreeding28: someday soon this will be useful though - | 21:13 |
daftykins | ablest1980: yep, it means "seek help in a java channel" | 21:13 |
ablest1980 | ok | 21:13 |
jbreeding28 | so the hope is that this'll allow automatic updates of stable NVIDIA drivers? | 21:14 |
daftykins | pretty much yep. | 21:14 |
daftykins | and access to more up to date versions quicker | 21:14 |
jbreeding28 | can't wait for it, even though I'm not going to be using Ubuntu much | 21:14 |
ablest1980 | javabot> ablest1980's title: Ubuntu Pastebin | 21:15 |
ablest1980 | <surial> ~~ ablest1980 tech support | 21:15 |
ablest1980 | <javabot> ablest1980, Hello, ##java is not a technical support channel for your Java apps or virtual machines; it's a development channel for enthusiasts to discuss programming with the Java language. Please ask the vendor of your software for support if you're having trouble with it. | 21:15 |
daftykins | jbreeding28: chasing version numbers really isn't all it's cracked up to be | 21:15 |
daftykins | when i grab the latest drivers nobody hands me a beer and does the laundry | 21:15 |
jbreeding28 | just so long as it works? | 21:15 |
daftykins | :) | 21:16 |
basedblue | anyone here do javascript | 21:16 |
jbreeding28 | before I go, any packages for Ubuntu I should definitely get? | 21:16 |
basedblue | dont go | 21:16 |
basedblue | yes | 21:16 |
basedblue | npm and node... makes javascript mmore useful | 21:17 |
basedblue | also normal java is so 20 years ago | 21:17 |
jbreeding28 | basedblue: Hey, I like Java! | 21:17 |
daftykins | basedblue: this is an OS support channel, not a dev channel. | 21:18 |
daftykins | !alis | basedblue use this to find more relevant places for discussion | 21:18 |
ubottu | basedblue use this to find more relevant places for discussion: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* | 21:18 |
changnesia | Hello, so the other flash drive works! Now I cleared space for the partitions, do I choose alongside windows or something else? | 21:18 |
daftykins | \o/ | 21:19 |
daftykins | changnesia: depends whether you want to partition manually and do anything besides the default really (which is to have one partition with everything in, then swap beside it) | 21:19 |
basedblue | 09daftykins on ubuntu do u know how to get around sudo fakesu fakechoot | 21:19 |
daftykins | basedblue: get around it? you mean you don't want to type it every time you run something? | 21:19 |
basedblue | i am using cozycloud | 21:20 |
basedblue | they prevent sudo | 21:20 |
basedblue | but i was able to get some privleages with fakechoot | 21:20 |
daftykins | i don't have a clue what that is so can't comment | 21:20 |
basedblue | i show u screen cap | 21:21 |
daftykins | nah that's ok | 21:21 |
daftykins | i must be off | 21:21 |
changnesia | Daftykins: well if choose something else and create root, home and swap, will that be fine? Will it still dual boot? | 21:21 |
basedblue | | 21:22 |
daftykins | changnesia: you can safely choose 'something else', then if it puts a mention of 'EFI' besides the high up partition then it should be good. you can share a screenshot of that page if you like so we can see if it looks ok | 21:23 |
changnesia | It put the efi to a partition that says windows boot manager | 21:25 |
daftykins | can you throw an image up on or similar? | 21:26 |
daftykins | alt+print-screen to share only the active window for ease | 21:26 |
changnesia | Ithink it's the right one, the size checks with what I saw in widows. Sure | 21:26 |
changnesia | I'll upload a photo, I'm not connected to Wi-Fi | 21:27 |
changnesia | Onthelaptop | 21:27 |
daftykins | ok | 21:27 |
changnesia | | 21:30 |
daftykins | changnesia: looks good, so obviously remember to make your swap file equal to/larger than your system RAM if you want to use sleep/hibernate and you'll be set | 21:31 |
changnesia | Ok, great. Thank you very much guys! But if it won't work, you will hear from me again :-) | 21:32 |
intelikey | is recover from sleep/hibernate any faster that normal boot ? | 21:32 |
daftykins | i don't doubt it :) | 21:32 |
daftykins | intelikey: depends on hardware, your mileage may vary. | 21:32 |
intelikey | ah yeah like fast system with lots of ram might boot faster than it recovered from sleep and slower system with little ram would recover from sleep faster than a boot up ? | 21:33 |
intelikey | would | 21:34 |
wileee | intelikey, Do you have a u ubuntu install? | 21:34 |
intelikey | wileee not at present, | 21:34 |
intelikey | i have used ubuntu a lot. but not lately. | 21:35 |
JackShadowFirez | Can someone explain what XChat is? | 21:35 |
daftykins | an old IRC client, JackShadowFirez | 21:35 |
JackShadowFirez | oh | 21:36 |
daftykins | !info xchat | 21:36 |
ubottu | xchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.8-7.3ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 311 kB, installed size 987 kB | 21:36 |
wileee | intelikey, Your going to have to test this out in the end, sleep should be an instantaneous return, hibernate takes longer, test it till you know. | 21:36 |
JackShadowFirez | thx | 21:36 |
intelikey | jackshadowfirez I,nternet R,elay C,hat cilent | 21:36 |
intelikey | wileee ok. | 21:36 |
JavaNunes | hi, my server is very powerfull , | 21:36 |
mycookie | Hello everyone, I was hoping to get some quick help on making an upstart script | 21:36 |
JavaNunes | my ip is , enter using ssh, user is admin , pass is admin | 21:38 |
JavaNunes | i no use firewall, my system is very secure | 21:38 |
SchrodingersScat | !offtopic | JavaNunes | 21:38 |
ubottu | JavaNunes: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 21:38 |
basedblue | u may think ur system is secure | 21:39 |
x-Rage | Hi there | 21:39 |
basedblue | make sure ur openssl is updated | 21:39 |
intelikey | javanunes or "go hack your self" ;/ | 21:39 |
wileee | basedblue, you see th OT right? | 21:39 |
JavaNunes | my system is powerfull basedblue | 21:39 |
bekks | JavaNunes: And offtopic in here. | 21:39 |
basedblue | yet my old powermac can be rooted with 1 line of code in ssh... | 21:39 |
changnesia | Is /home necessary? I have a partition for data so I wouldn't need it. | 21:40 |
wileee | not relevant | 21:40 |
JavaNunes | bekks fuck you now | 21:40 |
r00ter | hi | 21:40 |
wileee | changnesia, Your choice, some have it for upgrades | 21:40 |
intelikey | changnesia "necessary" no "default" yes | 21:40 |
mycookie | Can anyone give me some quick help in upstart? | 21:40 |
r00ter | is someone using ubuntu mate here? | 21:40 |
basedblue | ur system is not secure | 21:40 |
basedblue | its mac | 21:41 |
basedblue | with old version of openssl | 21:41 |
basedblue | this could be exploited with out admin pass | 21:41 |
changnesia | Wileee: what use does it have for upgrades? | 21:41 |
mcphail | JavaNunes: please troll elsewhere | 21:41 |
bekks | basedblue: Thats offtopic in here. | 21:41 |
r00ter | I need help with ubuntu mate | 21:41 |
xangua | !ask | r00ter | 21:41 |
ubottu | r00ter: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 21:41 |
r00ter | haha nice one :D | 21:42 |
oats | What kind of a bot is ubottu? | 21:42 |
wileee | changnesia, A separate home is great for a fresh install, everything there stays the same. I use backups myself and just one partition. | 21:42 |
r00ter | ok the NoDisplay:true command seems not working on my u mate | 21:42 |
r00ter | what should I do | 21:42 |
Madelyn | olaaaaaaaaaa | 21:42 |
Isterico | sera | 21:42 |
JavaNunes | basedblue: go ubuntu-offtopic | 21:42 |
Madelyn | o q? | 21:42 |
x-Rage | | 21:43 |
changnesia | Wileee: thank you! I'll create it then, I have space to spare | 21:43 |
mycookie | r00ter: I always forget to mark my *.desktop files as executable | 21:43 |
basedblue | did u make me just sudo su in to a goverment box | 21:43 |
mycookie | r00ter: maybe that's the case? | 21:43 |
intelikey | !ubottu | 21:43 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at | Usage info: | Bot channels and general info: | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone | 21:43 |
basedblue | | 21:43 |
wileee | changnesia, Good, your doing a manual install which is great, now you will know how. ;) | 21:44 |
r00ter | my cookie | 21:44 |
mycookie | I'm trying to make an upstart script for powertop --auto-tune, however initctl cannot see it in my /etc/init, what am I doing wrong? | 21:44 |
Gerowen | Does EXT4 support expanded file permissions besides the basic "user group other" model? For example can I add multiple groups with different permission levels to a single folder? | 21:45 |
bekks | Gerowen: ext4 supports ACL. | 21:45 |
changnesia | Wileee: I prefer to set it up myself as much as I can. :-) | 21:45 |
bekks | Gerowen: | 21:45 |
wileee | ;) | 21:45 |
Gerowen | bekks: Thanks, :-) | 21:46 |
mycookie | Here is my powetop.conf for upstart, file name is /etc/init/powertop.conf. initctl cannot see it! | 21:46 |
r00ter | cookie | 21:47 |
basedblue | is this some area51 ssh box | 21:47 |
basedblue | | 21:47 |
r00ter | This is this error I get sed: -e expression #1, char 1: unknown command: `�' | 21:48 |
bekks | !ot | basedblue | 21:48 |
ubottu | basedblue: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 21:48 |
shabonix_ | Quick Question for anyone here at the moment...Currently not happy with windows 10 and all the tracking, etc that they are doing. Want to switch to ubuntu...I have two drives in my system. Boot Drive is an ssd with windows install and the other is a 500gb storage drive. Would moving files over to the storage drive, erasing boot drive, installing ubuntu, then mounting the storage drive into ubuntu be a good way of installing? Thanks. | 21:55 |
bekks | shabonix_: You dont need to erase a drive, you can just repartition it during install. | 21:56 |
shabonix_ | Even if I wanted to encrypt it? | 21:56 |
bekks | Sure. | 21:56 |
bekks | shabonix_: But you cannot encrypt your storage drive during installation. | 21:57 |
shabonix_ | Appreciate the help bekks! | 21:58 |
intelikey | how can root get this error mkdir: cannot create directory '/mnt/sdc2_10g_mini-sd': Input/output error | 22:04 |
bekks | intelikey: Most likely by a corrupted filesystem or damaged hardware. | 22:04 |
intelikey | nothing mounted on /mnt and / is mounted ... sort of normally ... da1 on / type ext3 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered) | 22:05 |
bekks | intelikey: can you pastebin the output of "dmesg" please? | 22:06 |
bekks | !pastebinit | intelikey | 22:06 |
ubottu | intelikey: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b | 22:06 |
AEL-H | I am having some problems with skype picking up the microphone and speakers, I am not very well versed in the realms of audio in linux -- does anyone know what the problem might be? | 22:08 |
=== Yukkii is now known as Dhs92 | ||
intelikey | bekks umm you wouldnt want all of that. maybe pipe it though tail but there is nothing about that or sda* it ends with errors on sdb1 a fat issue... but not related, and i don't see anything above it that looks interesting. i'll reboot and fsck the hd | 22:09 |
bekks | intelikey: I am sure I want the entire output. | 22:10 |
intelikey | hehhhe no you dont' | 22:10 |
bekks | I do. It's just you who dont want to give the information request. | 22:10 |
bekks | *requested. | 22:10 |
derek01 | hey everyone, got a issue with lightdm greeter. When logging in to my normall used account it loops back to the greeter, and spitting errors about .face not being there | 22:14 |
derek01 | Oh I just upgraded to 15.04 from 14.10 | 22:15 |
Limberian | It's not an ubuntu question but if anyone has any opinion I'd love to hear it: My graphic card's fan doesn't work so I bought a desk fan for a 5$ and put it in front of the graphic card. Will it prevent shutdowns caused by heat? :P | 22:15 |
hoechts | hi, i reinstalled ubuntu, and now my raid cant be found via mdadm --assemble --scan | 22:19 |
hoechts | what could be the problem? | 22:19 |
bekks | hoechts: The disks can still be found? | 22:20 |
hoechts | bekks, yes via gparted and/or disks | 22:20 |
FourFire | Hi, I did a dumbdumb with this system and am wondering how to fix it | 22:20 |
derek01 | hey everyone, got a issue with lightdm greeter. When logging in to my normall used account it loops back to the greeter, and spitting errors about .face not being there | 22:21 |
FourFire | I attempted to install the 4.1.0 kernel on my (installed as) 15.04 | 22:21 |
derek01 | just upgraded from 14.10 to 15.04 | 22:21 |
wileee | FourFire, boot the previous kernel from ubuntu and remove it. | 22:22 |
hoechts | bekks, any hints? | 22:22 |
daftykins | Limberian: it's unlikely to be too effective, often you can get compatible heatsink + fan combo replacements to fit to a matching card, often with 'arctic cooling' branding, but you may even be ok just screwing a small appropriately sized fan on top. But yeah, ##hardware would be more apt | 22:22 |
FourFire | however what I actually installed was the linux_headers[...]_all.deb and linux_headers[...]_i386.deb | 22:22 |
bekks | hoechts: using sudo fdisk -l, do the disks have correct labels? | 22:22 |
FourFire | now the system on the latest kernel's session freezes whenever I try to do apt anything | 22:23 |
FourFire | I am booted into 3.19 now | 22:23 |
FourFire | how to remove it? | 22:23 |
hoechts | bekks, "the tool fdisk doesnt support GPT" | 22:23 |
bekks | FourFire: How did you install it? | 22:23 |
bekks | hoechts: So use gdisk | 22:24 |
* FourFire should have just followed the guide instead of doing a dist-upgrade from memory | 22:24 | |
wileee | FourFire, Did it get installed no errors, and you see it in a update-grub | 22:24 |
FourFire | bekks, got the three (i thought correct) files from kernel.ubuntu and opened them in order with software center | 22:24 |
FourFire | no | 22:24 |
FourFire | the seesion froze durng installation' | 22:25 |
FourFire | and i had to force reboot the system | 22:25 |
FourFire | it's been ... unusable since (well the last kernel version) | 22:25 |
=== will is now known as Guest61317 | ||
Guest61317 | kj l,m., | 22:25 |
Limberian | Where can I find any tutorial or good customization stuff for ubuntu? | 22:25 |
FourFire | 3.19 works fine but it has that terrible SSD problem, and my system is on Samsung 850s | 22:25 |
jjavaholic | how can I tell if I have a uefi enabled ubuntu disc or not? | 22:25 |
daftykins | jjavaholic: it'll be 12.04.2+ | 22:26 |
jjavaholic | there isn't a 15.04 uefi disc? | 22:27 |
bekks | jjavaholic: yes, there is. | 22:27 |
daftykins | jjavaholic: i'm saying any version newer than 12.04.2 will be fine | 22:27 |
hoechts | bekks, what do you actually mean with "correct labels"? | 22:27 |
wileee | jjavaholic, the wiki address uefi on dvd's | 22:28 |
bekks | hoechts: did you use partitions or the entire disks for your raid? | 22:28 |
hoechts | bekks, i guess i used the whole disk, but im not sure | 22:28 |
=== erkan^ is now known as Guest58028 | ||
FourFire | bekks, is there any more information i can provide to help? | 22:29 |
bekks | just open your package manager and uninstall the packages you installed formerly. | 22:30 |
FourFire | ok, trying now | 22:30 |
FourFire | ok it says configuribng headers | 22:30 |
FourFire | for 4.1 | 22:30 |
=== zippo^ is now known as Guest48411 | ||
FourFire | and I got a bug wearning | 22:31 |
FourFire | reported it as i might crash momentarily | 22:31 |
FourFire | ah bug is related to nvidia-driver something | 22:32 |
FourFire | ah, I think i suspect what might be the problem with the session freeze | 22:32 |
FourFire | I have the very new Intel 5th gen desktop i5 with the silly graphics, there might be a problem with the graphics stack in the 4.1 kernel and it's less of a problem with the nvidia driver | 22:33 |
FourFire | last when i had these problems I didn't have my card in | 22:33 |
=== Dhs92 is now known as Yukkii | ||
FourFire | Thanks for the help, I'll attempt to boot into my new kernel now | 22:36 |
=== onzichtbaar is now known as erkan^ | ||
AbuDhar | libreoffice is not launching. | 22:48 |
AbuDhar | :s | 22:48 |
AbuDhar | with no errors | 22:51 |
AbuDhar | killed the process and relaunched.. works now lol | 22:51 |
yesimon | Anybody know why the pip package in python-pip is so old? | 22:51 |
=== dcmorton_ is now known as dcmorton | ||
tnkhanh | hi | 22:55 |
erkan^ | which retricited extra is for Ubuntu Mate? | 22:58 |
wileee | erkan^, it is a codec package..etc for all de. | 22:58 |
wileee | ubuntu-restricted-extras sorry | 22:59 |
erkan^ | I see: Ubuntu - Kubuntu - Lubuntu - Xubuntu, but Mate? | 22:59 |
wileee | erkan^, They are basically the same | 22:59 |
erkan^ | ah ok thx wil | 22:59 |
erkan^ | wileee | 22:59 |
wileee | no prob, you will see an ok for ms fonts as well | 23:00 |
erkan^ | hihi, I like "Verdana" :) | 23:00 |
wileee | ;) yoh comic sans | 23:00 |
erkan^ | haha | 23:01 |
kiwiirc09324 | I am trying to install wifi on my Asus x205ta, and when i enter the following line it says that the nvram-74xxxxxxx file can not be found. cp /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/nvram-74b00bd9-805a-4d61-b51f-43268123d113 /lib/firmware/brcm/brcmfmac43340-sdio.txt | 23:07 |
jbreeding28 | Does anyone have any idea why/how restarting a computer from Ubuntu into Windows would screw up the Windows clock? | 23:07 |
OerHeks | windows uses localtime, ubuntu utc LoLz | 23:10 |
OerHeks | solution is here on this page | 23:10 |
daftykins | jbreeding28: ^ UTC and non-UTC | 23:10 |
OerHeks | change ubutnu to utc .. | 23:10 |
jbreeding28 | I just did some research on that myself. | 23:10 |
daftykins | i guess you're ending 1hr out | 23:10 |
OerHeks | err windows to utc | 23:11 |
jbreeding28 | also, after restarting ubuntu, it tosses up an error where the computer doesn't recognize the mouse. Power cycling solves it, but do you have any general solution for it? | 23:11 |
OerHeks | so you asked about time, got the answer already ... | 23:12 |
OerHeks | jbreeding28, before i answer your question, did you have the answer already too ? | 23:12 |
daftykins | jbreeding28: as in a shutdown and cold boot of the system - or replugging the rodent? | 23:12 |
mlnee | Hello, I'm trying to install Lubuntu 12.04 on a PowerMac G5. Would the "nv" or the "fbdev" driver be the best option (speed-wise). | 23:13 |
jbreeding28 | shutdown and cold boot still leaves the error. I have to turn off the power supply and restart it to make it work | 23:13 |
OerHeks | mlnee, not sure if nv nouveau works better | 23:17 |
daftykins | jbreeding28: and this doesn't happen to Windows? | 23:17 |
=== erkan^ is now known as onzichtbaar | ||
jbreeding28 | correct. When I boot into Ubuntu, it tosses up some errors about not recognizing USB devices | 23:19 |
daftykins | jbreeding28: a pastebin of "dmesg" might be handy to chase that one | 23:19 |
daftykins | what kind of machine was this again? brand wise | 23:19 |
mlnee | I have read that I should try fbdev as a last resort, thats why I am unsure | 23:19 |
jbreeding28 | it says "couldn't allocate usb_device" | 23:20 |
jbreeding28 | this is a custom computer | 23:20 |
daftykins | sorry but piecemeal pastes won't really be of any use | 23:20 |
daftykins | mlnee: what's that thing got? nvidia? | 23:20 |
mlnee | Maybe I should try to get "nouveau" to work ,then try compiling "nv" and if that fails "fbdev" | 23:21 |
mlnee | yes | 23:21 |
mlnee | A gforce fx 5200 | 23:21 |
jbreeding28 | alright. well, for some reason it seems to have stopped now. Once it didn't even throw up the error, and even when it did, I was able to restart no problem | 23:21 |
daftykins | mlnee: the nvidia module hasn't been called 'nv' for a long time, if ever (i don't even remember) | 23:21 |
jbreeding28 | so it appears to have fixed itself somehow | 23:21 |
daftykins | jbreeding28: latest BIOS i take it? | 23:22 |
OerHeks | there are no prop drivers for PPC, according to the manual. | 23:22 |
mlnee | well, its supposed to be the old driver | 23:22 |
daftykins | yeah PPC's pretty museum status now, community only support i think | 23:23 |
jbreeding28 | yep. and this computer is brand new. I only got the componenets about a month ago | 23:23 |
daftykins | doesn't mean there aren't often day one updates :) | 23:24 |
jbreeding28 | I'm aware of that. I've updated everything, I'm sure of it. | 23:24 |
jbreeding28 | it's probably a case of correlation not implying causation, but once I fixed the clock issue, it suddenly resolved. | 23:24 |
mlnee | daftykins: Man, this machine weights a ton and sounds like a jet turbine :) | 23:25 |
daftykins | mlnee: :) | 23:25 |
daftykins | is that down to bad temps o0 surely something Apple would be whisper quiet | 23:25 |
jbreeding28 | scratch that. device descriptor errors just popped up. | 23:26 |
jbreeding28 | daftykins: My keyboard and mouse are made by Razer, and they currently have no official Linux support. Is that possibly the reason? | 23:27 |
daftykins | well for what it's worth, i own a razer deathadder mouse and i run it on the latest (last) firmware they released | 23:28 |
daftykins | so as long as you're in a USB 2.0 port that's all i can really think of. | 23:28 |
jbreeding28 | I could be in a USB 3.0 port. let me check | 23:28 |
jbreeding28 | yeah they're plugged into usb 3.0 SS. Do I need some drivers for that? | 23:30 |
daftykins | no you need to avoid that :) | 23:30 |
daftykins | 2.0 only i'd say for peripherals | 23:30 |
jbreeding28 | alright. it does have two 2.0 ports. | 23:30 |
jbreeding28 | does ubuntu have issues with 3.0? | 23:31 |
daftykins | no, peripherals in general have issues with USB 3 controllers | 23:31 |
jbreeding28 | alright. well, i've had no issues with windows | 23:31 |
daftykins | more mature drivers | 23:31 |
jbreeding28 | I can't wait until we scratch USB as it is now and just get to USB-C | 23:31 |
daftykins | it's been a horrible interface since its' inception :) | 23:32 |
jbreeding28 | although it has done a lot for standardization | 23:32 |
jbreeding28 | daftykins: Could have been worse. We could have been stuck with FireWire | 23:33 |
daftykins | nah that'd never have happened | 23:33 |
jbreeding28 | so why is it peripherals still have problems with USB 3 when it was released in 2010? | 23:34 |
derek01 | hey everyone, got a issue with lightdm greeter. When logging in to my normall used account it loops back to the greeter, and spitting errors about .face not being there | 23:35 |
derek01 | just upgraded from 14.10 to 15.04 | 23:35 |
jbreeding28 | daftykins: Regardless, switching them to 2.0 seems to have resolved the issue. | 23:36 |
derek01 | it also seems all other users work, just not mine | 23:36 |
daftykins | a discussion on the ins and outs of USB on Linux would be off topic i'm afraid - and i'd not be able to answer :) | 23:37 |
jbreeding28 | alright. I wasn't really epecting an answer. Just food for thought. | 23:37 |
mlnee | Hello again. There is no need for 3d acceleration when running Lubuntu (basic stuff, no games no nothing), right? | 23:37 |
daftykins | derek01: ah yes - #1 i'd check for any files in your ~ not owned by your user | 23:37 |
daftykins | mlnee: nope, though if you went near anything web like pepperflash plugin things or HTML5 in chrome or firefox you might run into slowdown, i'd just see how you go | 23:38 |
mlnee | daftykins: thanks once again! | 23:38 |
daftykins | ^_^ | 23:38 |
jbreeding28 | mlnee: I had a similar issue with Linux Mint, because it had no drivers for my card. Basic stuff is fine, but firefox or anything like that, it'll be really slow | 23:39 |
derek01 | daftykins: that did it. why didnt I think of that lol Thanks man! | 23:39 |
daftykins | derek01: :) no problemo | 23:40 |
daftykins | i feel bad for not answering earlier now | 23:40 |
AbuDhar | does ubuntu have spyware? | 23:41 |
mlnee | AbuDhar: not really | 23:42 |
jbreeding28 | AbuDhar: Let me guess, freaked out by the new privacy stuff in Windows 10? | 23:43 |
daftykins | that would be off topic. | 23:43 |
AbuDhar | mlnee, I heard some guys in #linux say that | 23:43 |
AbuDhar | Ubuntu has spyware | 23:44 |
daftykins | probably just some tinfoil hat wearing folk. | 23:44 |
AbuDhar | I know about the amazon thing.. :/ | 23:44 |
jbreeding28 | AbuDhar: What daftykins said. | 23:44 |
xangua | !fud | 23:44 |
ubottu | Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here! Please see,_uncertainty_and_doubt | 23:44 |
jbreeding28 | AbuDhar: Google does more data mining from you than Ubuntu ever has or ever will. | 23:45 |
daftykins | again, lets try and keep the focus on Ubuntu please :) | 23:46 |
AbuDhar | I see. | 23:46 |
jbreeding28 | daftykins: It was just an analogy! | 23:46 |
AbuDhar | what's up with the win 10 privacy issues ? | 23:47 |
jbreeding28 | AbuDhar: Not appropriate for here. Just google it and find out all about it. | 23:47 |
daftykins | AbuDhar: Windows chat is not permitted here | 23:47 |
AbuDhar | but amazon does not have a keylogger right? I was told to turn it off when I installed Ubuntu the first time. | 23:48 |
AbuDhar | just confirm that it's not true | 23:48 |
jbreeding28 | AbuDhar: Are you planning on using the Amazon program at all? | 23:48 |
AbuDhar | No | 23:48 |
jbreeding28 | Then what's the problem? | 23:49 |
AbuDhar | but they are installed by default. | 23:49 |
daftykins | !privacy | 23:49 |
daftykins | damn. | 23:49 |
xangua | !adlens | 23:49 |
ubottu | To hide online search results in Ubuntu Unity, go to System Settings > Security and Privacy > Search and toggle the option off. | 23:49 |
daftykins | that's the one, ty xangua :) | 23:50 |
AbuDhar | I don't use Unity. :) | 23:50 |
yeats | AbuDhar: is probably what they're referring to, but calling it "spyware" is pretty inflamatory | 23:50 |
AbuDhar | I am using Gnome 3 | 23:50 |
daftykins | AbuDhar: even less relevant then | 23:50 |
yeats | AbuDhar: and this channel is more for technical support than this kind of discussion | 23:50 |
yeats | AbuDhar: yeah, if you're not using Unity, there's not an issue at all | 23:51 |
AbuDhar | fine then! | 23:51 |
AbuDhar | as long as I can remain calm. | 23:51 |
=== Eggs is now known as Guest3804 | ||
alexander64 | join #ubuntu-offtopic | 23:58 |
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