
R0B_RODCan I just run grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg with my partition sd6 mounted and grun will find my other OS and make a boot entry or is there more?00:31
R0B_RODalthough I dont see the grub menu by default with xubuntu00:33
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JumpmanHow do I make the xchat irc icon go away on the tray?01:06
drcTime to quit for the day...it's getting really lame in here.01:09
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martysiamy issue is: no network manager, no automatic wifi detection (it showed a prompt when system booted that there are networks available and I need to use the network manager to choose the network but there is no network manager)05:03
martysiaand there is a problem because the logging off or switching off button in the system doesn't work05:04
martysiaI need to witch my computer off using the button on the computer itself when I want to stop using Xubuntu05:04
Unit193martysia: Do you have network-manager and network-manager-gnome installed?  Is this a strange setup of Xubuntu?05:25
martysiawhere do I check that?05:27
martysiait's really messed up I think05:27
martysiabecause before I had Ubuntu05:27
martysiaand since there were problems with it05:27
martysiaI have installed a XFce on Ubuntu05:27
martysiabut there were still some issues with that05:27
martysiaso one guy on polish ubuntu channel05:28
martysiainstructed me on how to install Xubuntu05:28
martysiainstead of Ubuntu Xfce05:28
martysiaon running system05:28
martysiausing the command line05:28
martysiaand then...05:28
martysiaeverything was fine05:28
martysiabut then I changed the ISP05:29
martysiaand now the network manager doens't work05:29
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ScottDallasis there a good general linux chat?17:27
knome##linux ?17:27
* ScottDallas gives thumbs up emoji17:28
ScottDallascool! thanks I'm checking that out too17:32
ToeTagno prob17:33
xubuntu50whi, I'm new to Xubuntu as of yesterday, things are good except for my CD-DVD R&W.... it worked in Windows 7...?17:38
ToeTagxubuntu50w, when you insert a cd, what happens (if anything)17:39
ToeTagxubuntu50w, does any cd icon show up on your desktop?17:40
xubuntu50wno sir, it did, then it disapeared...17:40
ToeTagxubuntu50w, did you install from CD/DVD or usb?17:40
CdromHello guys I m having some troubles installing xubuntu dual booted with win 7.  I follow a guide on how to install win 7 first and then I got the basic knowledge on how to use gparted17:41
ToeTagwhen you re-insert a cd, does the drive appear to be mechanically working? any spinning inside, lights flashing outside?17:41
CdromBut after I create the partitions gparted doesn't read the sda1 and 2 of Windows17:41
CdromCan anybody help me?17:42
xubuntu50wyes it seems to be..17:42
ToeTagCdrom, can you put a link for the instructions you've been following, and tell me where you got stuck17:42
ToeTagxubuntu50w, when you re-insert the CD/DVD, does it show up for a moment on the desktop and then disappear or was that just the first time17:43
xubuntu50wToeTag, I ran the inxi -Fx to create hardware list, its not listed in the printout..17:43
xubuntu50whttps://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/first-xubuntu#TOC-Install-missing-drivers-and-firmware... didnt get stuck...17:44
ToeTagxubuntu50w, oh sorry i was referring to that other person that asked a question about the instructions she/he was using17:45
mrkrampsxubuntu50w, can you show us after inserting the cd the output of 'dmesg | tail' in a pastebin17:45
CdromYes I got stuck at the end of partition creations17:45
xubuntu50whang on a sec..17:46
ToeTagCdrom, do you already have windows installed?17:47
CdromAs I was saying gparted has problems reading devsda1 and 217:47
CdromYes I have17:47
CdromI just reinstalled it after format17:47
martysiawhy does the network manager not detecting the wifi's available?17:48
martysiado I always need to ad my wifi manually?17:48
ToeTagCdrom, great. Okay one important part of this article he leaves out is that he already 'made space' for the linux install - do you know if your hard disk has some 'unallocated' space for the linux install?17:48
CdromYes it has....  256, 78 gbs17:49
xubuntu50wgot a screen from Parole Media Player, also error: GStreamer backend error-"Could not initialise Xv output....."17:49
ToeTagCdrom, great- what happens when you open gparted17:49
CdromIt happens that it reads devsda1 with 100 mb,  system required, boot17:50
ToeTagCdrom, not other partitions are shown under "partition" column?17:50
CdromAnd devsda2 with a space of 2xx gb plus unallocated of 25617:50
CdromYes sorry I wrote it in 2 times17:51
ToeTagCdrom, it sounds like you should be fine to install your linux onto /dev/sda217:51
xubuntu50w<mrkramps> you here..?17:51
mrkrampsxubuntu50w, yes17:52
CdromMmmm the problem is that when gparted finishes creating the partitions a lot of errors occur17:52
CdromAnd appears a red simple near the two first partitions17:53
ToeTagCdrom, I can probably find you some better instructions than this article. Have you done a linux install before?17:53
CdromOn ether thing when I boot xubuntu CD it appears :ACC probe, failed17:53
CdromNo,  first time for me17:53
xubuntu50w<mrkramps>  got a screen from Parole Media Player, also error: GStreamer backend error-"Could not initialise Xv output....."17:53
ToeTagCdrom, okay so if something goes wrong here, will you be able to re-install windows?17:54
ToeTagokay great, so, you just might need a few tries, but once you get it, it will make so much more sense17:54
ToeTaglet me try to find you some more simple instructions that will be a little cleaner17:54
CdromThank you very much17:55
ToeTagCdrom, do you know how to resize partitions inside of windows?17:55
ToeTaghave you done it before17:55
CdromYes I do17:55
mrkrampsxubuntu50w, i never ask for screen or parole media player17:55
xubuntu50wI'm new to Xubuntu as of yesterday, I had Ubuntu, DVD didnt work in it wither17:56
xubuntu50wsorry, *either17:56
mrkrampsand i never asked for the story of your life17:56
CdromYes toetqg17:57
mrkrampsjust show us the output of 'dmesg | tail' after inserting a cd/dvd17:57
ToeTagCdrom, in the interest of time/learning - I would try to *install* xubuntu right now (don't worry about using gparted)17:57
ToeTagCdrom, so this would mean: reboot, and then ask questions if you run into any on the installer17:57
CdromI just did17:58
xubuntu50wjames@james-GA-A75M-UD2H:~$ dmesg | tail [ 2768.316515] [UFW BLOCK] IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=01:00:5e:00:00:01:08:2e:5f:8a:fb:fd:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=28 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=1 ID=0 DF PROTO=2  [ 2809.530130] [UFW BLOCK] IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=33:33:00:00:00:01:00:0c:42:07:71:37:86:dd SRC=fe80:0000:0000:0000:020c:42ff:fe07:7137 DST=ff02:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001 LEN=177 TC=0 HOPLIMIT=1 FLOWLBL=0 PROTO=UDP SPT=567817:58
CdromAnother thing17:58
CdromI don't find gparted in system,  admin etc I find it by typing in terminal sudo g parted17:59
ToeTagCdrom, are you booted into the live cd?17:59
ToeTagCdrom, yeah, it's in the menu, I think it's under 'settings' which is kind of confusing since it is an application18:00
ToeTaghopefully you won't need to use gparted18:00
ToeTagthe installer has its own partitioning tool18:00
ToeTagand if you have free space on the hard disk, and windows is bootable, you should be fine18:01
CdromSo direct install instead of gparted?18:01
ToeTagCdrom, yes18:01
ToeTagbut during the install be on the lookout for the step where it asks how to do the install18:02
ToeTagit will give you some options18:02
ToeTaglike "replace current operating system"18:02
ToeTag"install alongside...."18:02
ToeTagyou'll want to install alongside18:02
CdromOk it s still charging I tell you asap18:03
CdromOk i selected it and go for it18:03
ToeTagokay if this doesn't work I found you some better instructions too18:04
CdromOk just wrote name,  pc. Name etc I ll let you know asap18:05
ToeTagCdrom, I know this is a pain to deal with if you are new to it - but once you get the hang of it - all of this resizing, partitioning, MBR/GPT, formatting stuff gets a lot easier18:05
ToeTagand you'll get a lot more comfortable doing installs and such18:05
ScottDallasit messes with my brain seeing people talking to Cdrom, I picture the hardware18:06
ScottDallasand yes, I second what ToeTag says18:07
ToeTagit was just completely mysterious to me when i first installed linux18:07
ToeTagi don't know if ubuntu still provides wubi18:07
ScottDallasis wubi a boot manager?18:07
ToeTagit was this utility that you could just run inside of windows and it would do everything for you18:07
ToeTagit would do all the partitioning, install, mbr stuf18:07
ToeTagyeah it was a nice entry point for real newcomers18:08
ScottDallasI like doing it manually, being in control so I know exactly what file space to expect18:08
ScottDallasthat makes sense though18:08
ScottDallasI've always felt, give linux less than Windows cause Linux can see Windows but not the other way around18:08
ToeTagYeah these days I'm mosly using VMs (using a mac due to software needs) but I would do the same18:09
CdromInstaller crashed18:09
ToeTagcdrom did you get any error message?18:09
ScottDallasMac does vmware the best! You rockin fusion? Crap that sucks Cdrom, did you already cover what system you're trying to install xubuntu on?18:10
ToeTagyeah vmware fusion. I'd rather only use Xubuntu natively but for music stuff I need the mac so this is 2nd best18:11
CdromI did not specified any error but at the end of the report it says it may refer to the disk where I m installing to18:11
ToeTagokay - no worries18:12
ToeTagit may take a few tries18:12
ToeTagIt might be good to re-install windows from scratch18:12
ToeTagand use *the whole* hard disk18:12
ScottDallasnegative (imho)18:13
ScottDallasThe windows install is a great place to prep your disk for a second OS18:13
CdromMmmm yes I already did it18:13
ToeTaghe's already been inside of gparted and I have no idea what got changed18:13
CdromI followed that guideline18:13
ToeTagor what condition the partitions are in18:13
ScottDallasThat is odd, makes me think you have hardware that just isn't happy about xubuntu... Sometimes I spend a lot of time downloading linux OS' to discover what works on my particular hardware18:14
CdromMmmmm anyway did you miss the part when I told you it says probe failed at the boot?  Or is it just a minor thing?18:14
ScottDallasI've had good luck with xubuntu, fedora, and opensuse18:14
ToeTagCdrom, I did not see that18:14
ToeTagcould also be significant18:14
CdromYeah Scott I m trying xubuntu because I have to change my actual PC18:15
CdromAnd I t can t run a good version of Ubuntu18:15
ToeTagCdrom, i would direct you to http://linux.about.com/od/LinuxNewbieDesktopGuide/ss/The-Ultimate-Windows-7-And-Ubuntu-Linux-Dual-Boot-Guide.htm#showall18:15
ToeTagyou can ignore things like backing up windows (since you have a fresh install anyways)18:15
ToeTagbut the idea is that you shouldn't have to use gparted in the process18:16
ToeTagin my opinion, using it will just be more new stuff to learn and more confusing at this point18:16
ToeTagCdrom, another potential hang up is that sometimes downloads can get corrupted18:16
CdromMmm ok,  but I spent some hours learning and I should be fine with that18:17
ToeTagso, if in this process you can't get things to work, it's worth verifying your xubuntu iso18:17
ToeTag(which is another thing to learn about)18:17
CdromI verified it when I downloaded18:17
ToeTagother than that, all of the instructions that you will need should be in that article18:17
ToeTagoh okay cool md5?18:18
ToeTagand that article is for ubuntu, but they use the same installer as xubuntu it will look almost identical18:18
CdromOk i ll try to use it18:19
CdromThank you very much for all informations,  dinner time for me,  I ll let you know,  bye.18:21
ToeTagtake care18:21
xubuntu50wstill here waiting..?18:22
ToeTagxubuntu50w, did you put in a blank cd?18:23
ToeTagor something like an audio cd?18:23
xubuntu50wtried audio, now trying DVD movie18:24
mrkrampsxubuntu50w, have you installed all codecs?18:25
xubuntu50wgot no idea..?18:25
mrkrampssudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-addons18:25
mrkrampssudo apt-get install libdvdread418:26
mrkrampssudo sh /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh18:26
ToeTagyeah, and i would also just do $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-*18:26
ToeTagthen then reboot and try again18:27
ToeTagi don't know if your install instructions got to the point of updating the new system yet18:27
xubuntu50wI did 1 @ at time, very slowly with all 10...thats all I know...18:28
xubuntu50wgot to reboot now...18:29
ScottDallasis he having trouble with video/audio codecs?18:29
mrkrampsScottDallas, he originally asked because of issues with his cd/dvd drive18:30
ToeTagyeah that's a strange problem to troubleshoot - he said cds were showing up on his desktop briefly and then disappearing18:30
ToeTagI've never experienced anything like that that wasn't hardware related18:31
mrkrampsprobably his drive's just broken18:31
mrkrampsdunno how old his pc is18:31
ScottDallasreminds me of the usb cd rom drive i wanna buy on amazon, was checking driver support, haven't bouht it yet.. but if it always worked, then the internal hardware would be irrelevant until after it has been spoken for by the user18:34
ToeTagI've been really lucky - haven't ever had any nasty surprise unsupported devices on linux18:35
ScottDallasthat's incredibly lucky, not even wifi?18:35
ToeTagI have a little TP-Link usb wifi antenna that i got for kali linux and it works fine on linux but no support on my mac :D18:36
ScottDallaskali! i almost forgot how well kali worked on my acer aspire one18:37
ScottDallasTHAT'S what i should do with my acer aspire one18:37
ToeTagyeah. I'll tell you...kali linux was one of the snappiest distros I ever installed on a lenovo netbook i had18:38
ToeTagI don't know how....but I swear it ran faster than debian with xfce18:38
ToeTagand the kali was a regular gnome-classic type desktop18:38
ScottDallaswow you went lenovo with it! That's my favorite brand. Other than my stellar home build desktop, I'm all lenovo/thinkpad18:38
ToeTagsuper mysterious but it was awesome18:38
ToeTagyeah netbooks were the best18:39
ToeTagi'm so sad they are on the way out18:39
mrkrampsToeTag, would you mind telling me the chipset of your tp-link stick?18:39
ScottDallasI admittedly tried Kali because I have the alfa network card and I was dating this girl that lived in the boonies and couldn't get cell or internet signal so I used Kali to monitor network in her area and see if we could use airng to crack a WEP. The results were negative lol18:39
ScottDallasBut still, I could see so far away it was awesome compared to what Win XP could see18:39
ToeTagsure thing mrkramps let me get it - it works REALLY well and was super cheap18:41
ToeTagyeah ScottDallas those things are a trip18:41
ToeTagmrkramps, I believe it's Atheros AR9002U18:42
ToeTagno problem - pretty cheap, small, works great18:49
martysiahello, my Xubuntu doesn't close itself when choosing the log -off or shut-down option on the system18:51
martysiaI need to close the computer using the button on it18:52
martysiaany ideas what to do?18:52
ToeTagmartysia, what happens when you choose shut down from the menu?18:52
martysiabut when I try to do it again...18:53
martysiathe error message pops up18:53
martysiaand says that it is still running and busy18:54
ToeTagmartysia, is this a new install?18:54
martysianot that new18:54
ToeTagdoes it say *what* is running/busy?18:54
martysiaI have installed it maybe 3 months ago18:54
martysiaok, the logging off option worked now18:56
martysiaI will try to shut down18:56
martysiawow, unbelievable, it works now19:00
ToeTagmartysia, just for general troubleshooting if I get errors i like to make sure the system is updated/rebooted19:01
ToeTagand i've had little strange things like that pop up that seemed to be taken care of with a logoff/logon or a reboot19:01
martysiayeah, but I've tried shutting it down many times and it always didn't work19:02
martysiabut this time I have logged off first19:02
martysiaI have fixed my internet connection (the network manager) before that19:02
martysiaso could that be the reason?19:02
martysiapeople from #ubuntu-pl helped me19:03
ToeTagwell, it sounded like some process was hanging19:03
ToeTagcould be19:03
xubuntu87w<ToeTag> You busy..?21:27
joey_how do you uninstall flash22:19
joey_in firefox22:19
Unit193You puuuurge the paaaackage.22:21

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