
=== petersaints_ is now known as petersaints
HalelujahI just installed Luubuntu07:24
HalelujahI get some wierd lookking notices07:26
=== hyperair is now known as Guest47721
=== Guest47721 is now known as hypera1r
=== hypera1r is now known as Guest53587
=== hypera1r_ is now known as hyperair
Halelujah_Hi, my sound is not working09:27
Halelujah_installing pulseaudio fixed my problem09:40
HalelujahHi my sound gone again after restart11:01
HalelujahHOw to install alsamixer?11:53
bioterrorHalelujah, isnt it installed by default?11:58
bioterrorjust open terminal and type: alsamixer11:59
Unit193It is, bioterror.11:59
bioterrorif not, then alsa-utils is the package11:59
HalelujahNot for me11:59
Halelujahi have installed alsa-utils package11:59
Halelujahbut no alsamixer12:00
Halelujahgatis@pc:~$ alsamixer cannot open mixer: No such file or directory12:00
Halelujahalsa-utils is already the newest version.12:00
Halelujahi need sound badly12:01
bioterrordpkg -L alsa-utils12:04
bioterrordoes it list alsamixer?12:04
bioterrorsounds like your $path is not correct12:05
bioterrorhave you changed shell from default bash to another?12:05
Halelujahignore that D letter12:05
Halelujahits fresh install12:07
Halelujah    /usr/bin/alsamixer12:07
bioterrorpaste that into terminal12:07
bioterrorshould open it12:07
Halelujahgatis@pc:~$ /usr/bin/alsamixer cannot open mixer: No such file or directory12:08
Unit193!crosspost | Halelujah12:08
ubottuHalelujah: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.12:08
Halelujah!crosspost Unit193 dont annoy me...12:09
ubottuHalelujah: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:09
Unit193Halelujah: Read the bot's message.12:10
HalelujahUnit193 when i ask for help whole channel is sleeping.. but when you see crossposting suddenly you wake up and have time to judge and not help.. That's not good12:11
HalelujahI would never crosspost if this channel was active :/12:11
HalelujahI dont know what to do.. install windows? :/12:13
HalelujahI dont want to :/ But do i have a choice... im not linux guru12:14
bioterrorI was just going to ask if the installation was succesful, did not sound like it was12:18
Unit193It's already installed, amixer just can't find the card.  He also installed pulseaudio and pulseaudio-utils earlier and had it working, at least according to him.12:19
Unit193aplay -l  lists nothing.12:21
qkzoo1978I have a machine on my network,, that has a printer hooked up via USB.  Xubuntu was able to see and connect to this printer with just a few mouse clicks.  So such joy in Lubuntu.  How do I connect to this printer in Lubuntu?  I add new printer, and that it wants it's ipp:// printer address.  I don't know what this is...?17:28
qkzoo1978I have a machine on my network,, that has a printer hooked up via USB.  Xubuntu was able to see and connect to this printer with just a few mouse clicks.  So such joy in Lubuntu.  How do I connect to this printer in Lubuntu?  I add new printer, and that it wants it's ipp:// printer address.  I don't know what this is...?17:40
qkzoo1978Right click task bar to add installed application shortcut, which shows up in LxMenu under Accessories, but does not show up in the menu to choose for Application Launch Bar.  Any ideas?18:21
qkzoo1978In this case, it's KeePass2.  As said it shows up in the LxMenu under Accessories, but when I try to add a shortcut to the taskbar via Right Click Launch Bar, Application Launch Bar Settings, Accessories, it's not there.18:24
qkzoo1978The desktop entry is /usr/share/applications/keepass2.desktop18:25
qkzoo1978yoo hoo?19:03
=== LarrySteeze|Away is now known as LarrySteeze
UBuxuBUwould be cool if a team of lubuntu experts got together to form a group called "lubuntu wireless" who's specific goal is to make sure lubuntu runs wireless...right outta the box.21:19
holsteinUBuxuBU: well, ideally, it would be available for *any* wireless hardware creators to support all of lubuntu/linux/ubuntu.. since, its all open, and available for them to do so.. they are welcome to provide drivers for lubuntu and the linux kernel that work "right outta the box"21:20
holsteinlubuntu literally cant do anything that would prevent that21:20
UBuxuBUfor example....i had a major problem after i installed lubuntu-it would bnot use the driver it gave me to run wireless, si was lucky to find a set of terminal commands to make it work, so thst means those commands could of happened during installation so that when i reached my new desktop for the 1st time lubuntu wouldhave seen my wireless network and i would have been able to connect right away.21:24
holsteinright.. but, the creators of the device likely promised you support for another OS.. they can make sure, and release hardware that works flawlessly with linux, and lubuntu.. if they choose not to, you can have need for work-arounds21:25
UBuxuBUa special team of lubuntu helpers could prolly do it...even though the wizzbangs at broadcom should be the ones to do it.21:26
holsteinUBuxuBU: no. lubuntu helpers are not the creators of the hardware.. the hardware creators will be the one that must do it.. thats when we will get, and do have flawless support21:27
UBuxuBUwhat if they never do it21:28
holsteintry and purchase hardware that promises linux support.. expect it, and seek it out, and support the companies that do it.. and, that market traction will make things work, not only in lubuntu, but, in linux in general.. for *all* of the community of linus21:28
holsteinUBuxuBU: if they never want the hardware to work, and specifically block its working, linux and lubuntu are not able to address that..21:29
UBuxuBUactually there was a driver that worked it just did not come ready in the OS, it did not appear that anyone did any purposeful blocking.21:34
holsteinUBuxuBU: its not *allowed* to be included in the OS..21:35
boxloverHi,I just installed lubuntu and I am new to Linux. I installed lubuntu on my mom's old netbook and everything seems to be running fine, but I don't see any option to change my volume. Am I just an idiot or is there something I need to do to fix this?22:55

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