
darkxstoctoquad, great06:04
darkxstjust for reference the wrapper and desktop file can live within debian/ folder and get installed into the proper place with a debian/rules install override06:05
octoquaddarkxst, ok, it's stand-alone at the moment. Will integrate with getting started docs package.06:06
octoquaddarkxst, for the seeds file, are we going to be swapping out rhytmbox etc at the same time?06:07
darkxstoctoquad, thinking of keeping rhytmbox, but seeding gnome-music also06:08
octoquaddarkxst, ok.06:08
darkxstsince the last has no support for playing files via context menus06:08
darkxstphotos is less of a problem, eog can take care of viewing images06:09
octoquadyeah, this version in wily is pretty nice06:09
darkxstso basically it will be swap gnome-photos for shotwell, make sure eog is set as default image viewer (for context menus) and add gnome-music06:11
darkxstfeel free to make those changes if you have time06:11
octoquaddarkxst, sure, I'll let you know if I can't get to it soon06:12
darkxstoctoquad, feature freeze is 20th06:12
octoquadoh yeah06:12
darkxstlooks like I have to finish the langpack stuff for g-c-c06:12
darkxstand still get g-s-d/g-c-c updated to 3.1606:12
darkxstbut alteast we now have bluez506:13
darkxstmost stuff got held up by gcc5 transition, so I think there will be plenty of FFe stuff this cycle06:13
darkxst(which still isnt finished, but for us its mostly cleared up since all everything is C except spidermonkey and webkit06:17
darkxstoctoquad, filed bug 1485290, and assigned to you :)06:22
ubot5bug 1485290 in gnome-getting-started-docs (Ubuntu) "gnome welcome tour" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148529006:22
octoquaddarkxst, ta, I was going to create it just now, thanks for saving me some time :)06:22
octoquaddarkxst, I placed a file called .seen-getting-started-guide in the home directory. I didn't think it made sense to put it in .config, it's not configuration options.06:23
darkxstoctoquad, just follow what gnome-initial-setup does,06:24
darkxstperhaps .cache/06:25
octoquadok, I based it off .sudo_as_admin_successful06:25
darkxstactually maybe gnome-initial-setup won't make sense in this case, thats really first boot06:28
darkxstso probably ~/.cache/gnome-getting-started-docs/seen-getting-started-guide would be best06:29
darkxstI think its discouraged to add . files to the homedir these days06:30
octoquadis .cache always available at first run? I'm just curious to know.06:34
darkxstby the time you login, it surely should be06:35
octoquadok changes are done. will integrate with package now06:38
octoquadIs this the correct bzr repo? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/wily/gnome-getting-started-docs/wily shows 3.12.1-106:47
darkxstoctoquad, udd branches are often broken06:48
darkxstif you want to use vcs, just setup a git branch somewhere06:48
darkxstor even just a debdiff in this case should be fine06:48
octoquadok. But where are the latest changes for this package?06:49
octoquadsorry being silly lol06:49
darkxst(we don't have any packaging branches yet, remember)06:50
darkxstthough I gave up on bzr long ago, I do everything in git locally and then export to bzr branches when needed06:53
darkxstI reckon ubuntu will switch to git in the next 12months though06:53
octoquadI would love git support, like right now haha06:53
darkxstlaunchpad has git support in beta, but not being used for udd06:54
octoquaddarkxst, please share how you do git locally then export to bzr branchs. Do you use git-bzr?06:54
darkxstwe also have access to the debian git repos, if needed06:55
darkxstoctoquad, I have a  script to import http://pastebin.com/PYZtyBmk06:56
darkxstit fallsback to pull-lp-source when there is no packaging branch though06:57
darkxstin which case you can't export, but making diff from git is soo easy anyway06:57
darkxstoctoquad, and its kinda geared toward gbp06:58
darkxstgbp import-dsc <debian-package.dsc>06:59
darkxstgit import-bzr06:59
darkxstdo a merge06:59
darkxstgbp build-package06:59
darkxstwhich runs sbuild, though may have take local config to make it work07:00
darkxstif you just want a git branch from current ubuntu source, pull-lp-source, gbp import-dsc is enough07:02
octoquadcool, ever though about creating a Ubuntu GNOME development / packaging guide?07:05
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octoquadI found the way documented on the various pages different to how it's actually done.07:05
darkxstoctoquad, the problem with debian packaging is there are atleast 3 ways to do every step07:06
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darkxstand I don't have time to write a guide, but once we have git branches maybe someone else can do it07:07
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darkxststeve started on scripts to export stuff from ppa into git, but he left the team before it was finished07:08
darkxstdebian pkg-gnome also long planning on switching to git07:09
darkxstI think eventually we will have debian/ubuntu/ppa branches all living together on alioth07:09
darkxst(atleast for the Ubuntu GNOME stuff, and maybe some of the ubuntu-desktop stuff)07:10
octoquaddarkxst, I understand that it takes time to do documentation. I think it just helps lower the barrier for those who would like to help out, but have never contributed to a project before. I don't mind doing it to be honest, I have already written some notes down on how to split packages and how to do patching.07:10
darkxstoctoquad, upstream everything is git, debian is still for now svn, ubuntu is bzr07:13
darkxstfor the most part, alteast simple patches debdiff's are fine for debian/ubuntu07:13
darkxstI usually recommend debdiff's, to newcomers since they seem the path of least resistance, but then its a pain to update if package is re-uploaded before its sponsored07:15
darkxstoctoquad, but if you want to write some docs, I will give them a quick review when ready07:17
darkxstto be fair, I have been doing it to long, to know what info a beginner would require, what is documented elsewhere well etc07:18
octoquadgood thing I read some of the C stuff and makefile. This makefile is insane lol07:24
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octoquadgetting started docs Makefile.in07:25
darkxstthats autogenerated most likely07:25
darkxstMakefile.am is the source07:25
octoquadone line in there07:25
darkxstbut don't patch upstream for this07:25
darkxstput the files in debian/ and install via overrides in rules07:26
octoquadOk, I have static paths at the moment in the .desktop file (/var/lib/07:28
darkxstsee for example gnome-session/debian/rules07:29
darkxstthe static paths are probably ok since its ubuntu only07:30
darkxstbut put the desktop fine in debian/07:30
darkxstand the wrapper07:30
darkxstfedora and RH use /var/libexec/ but that won't affect us07:31
octoquadinteresting. So how do tell it to install to the desktop to /etc/xdg/autostart and the script into /var/lib?07:35
darkxst        install -m 644 -D debian/.desktop debian/gnome-getting-started-docs/<where it goes>07:37
darkxst        install -m 644 -D debian/wrapper debian/gnome-getting-started-docs/<where it goes>07:37
darkxstor something like that07:39
darkxstthere are loads of packages that do this sort of stuff, if you need example codesearch.debian.org is your friend07:40
octoquadta, was looking for an example online07:41
darkxstoctoquad, sure, don't install anything in to /usr/local/ not sure what else that page is meant to say07:46
darkxstand they look like dh overrides, won't work with cdbs07:47
octoquadgood example: http://sources.debian.net/src/gedit/3.14.0-3/debian/rules/?hl=13#L1308:09
octoquadpackage is building now (hold thumbs)08:09
darkxsti'd prefer install over that snippet08:24
octoquadyeah just changed it to install now. The cp didn't work (permission denied)08:25
octoquadcool, successful build08:31
octoquaddarkxst, for that gjs-console bug, how do you get a stacktrace, especially if it is a malloc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/143206808:46
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1432068 in Ubuntu GNOME "gjs-console assert failure: *** Error in `/usr/bin/gjs-console': malloc(): memory corruption (fast): 0x00007f2884036710 ***" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:46
octoquadI think I found the pattern to reproduce08:47
octoquadawesome, she werks! debdiff incoming.08:49
darkxstthough seems to have a pretty reasonable backtrace from bot, I'd auggest submit that upstream to tracker08:51
octoquadalright, debdiff is attached to bug report. I'm going to call it a day, have some other work to attend to. Let me know if you need any changes (doubt it)08:52
octoquadthat was fun btw, thanks for helping me :)08:53
darkxstoctoquad, did you diff files in the wrong order?08:55
darkxstyour changes are being removed08:55
octoquader, the way you mentioned last time. Possible, did new old.dsc > diff08:55
darkxstoctoquad, old then new!08:56
octoquadok I'll re-upload08:56
* octoquad pulls noob move08:56
darkxstoctoquad, I would point desktop file autostartCondition at the stamp made by srapper script08:57
octoquadAutostartCondition=if-exists /var/lib/gnome-welcome-tour?08:58
darkxstno seen-getting-started08:59
octoquadis if-exists negated? So if it does exist it won't actually process the wrapper script?09:00
darkxst(I think)09:02
octoquadupstream desktop file points to the script for AutoStartCondition09:02
darkxstI suppose it doesnt matter too much, but I would use unless-exists stamp09:05
darkxstprobably doesnt avoid maybe in terms of boot time though09:05
darkxstand if-exists /var/lib/gnome-welcome-tour is always TRUE09:07
darkxstwhy even set it then?09:07
darkxst(that would normally be used for cross-package deps)09:08
octoquadok, I just the upstream version as starting point. So should I change it to if-exists ~/.cache/gnome-getting-started-docs/seen-getting-started-guide or remove completely?09:09
octoquadI just used the ...09:10
darkxstunless-exists <stamp file>09:10
darkxstso unless-exists ~/.cache/gnome-getting-started-docs/seen-getting-started-guide09:11
octoquadok done. Anything else/09:12
darkxstwhat happened to yelp-intro.webm?09:14
darkxstdid upstream remove that?09:14
darkxstbut otherwise the rest looks good09:15
octoquadi don't know. Can't find it on my wily system09:16
* darkxst needs steak09:16
octoquadI need breakfast!09:16
octoquadnearly lunch time though09:16
darkxstis it in gnome-initial-setup perphaps?, thats not packaged09:17
darkxstive not actually seen it apart from references in the welcome-tour09:18
octoquadnope nothing in there09:21
darkxstmaybe it was removed, recently?09:31
darkxstoctoquad, k, thats fine by me09:33
octoquadit was removed in 2013 already09:34
darkxstoctoquad, its not like I have time to check details on what I am saying!09:35
darkxstwell not everything, and this case seems you answered it yourself, I'm off to cook steak09:37
darkxsthoping that will help with withdrawal symptoms, from most awesome chick that just left for a year, a month after meeting her ;(09:41
darkxstoctoquad, "fix committed" is meant for stuff actually committed to vcs, don't set that09:42
octoquaddarkxst, apologies, this page https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/Statuses and this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Bug%20statuses say different things. The wiki will take precedence for me from now on.10:05
darkxstoctoquad, I'm not even going to read those, stuff that needs sponshorsip should just be confirmed (or wishlist)10:07
darkxstor triaged of course10:09
LinnakHi, where should I copy Gnome shell themes?11:53
LinDolhi all14:17
MAtaharihi. how can I make KDE apps look right in gnome?17:32

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