
ubuntiste-msaknio/ Na3iL ظ07:44
ubuntiste-msakniwassup Na3iL ظ07:44
=== ubuntiste-msakni is now known as elacheche
Na3iLo/ GM elacheche07:46
Na3iLI am fine what about you07:46
elachechehmd, got rid of a tooth two days ago, still unstable, it's a fall in here, too rainy and very hot x)07:48
elacheche:D Yeah am ok :D07:48
Na3iLAlmost here in Gafsa x)07:50
Na3iLIt's the same07:50
Dro__saba7 ennour08:15
Na3iLsbé7 el 5ir Dro__08:18
Dro__ahla Na3iL , kayfa el 7al!08:19
Na3iL7amdoullah and u08:19
Dro__ta9s jamil :D08:20
Na3iLYup :D08:20
Dro__i'm looking for a html/css editor that display color when using a color code #somecolor ... any suggestion ?08:20
Na3iLAtom is a  crackable version from Sublime It's rock08:22
Na3iLThere's also Komodo-edit Try both :D08:22
Dro__enti jarabt'hom ezouz?08:25
elachecheDro__, vim ;) https://github.com/skammer/vim-css-color08:30
Na3iLI was going to tell him about vim elacheche :D08:31
Dro__elacheche, chokran! :D08:37
Dro__i think i'm going to use komodo-edit08:38
elachechen00b :p08:38
elacheche:D just trolling :p08:38
elachecheKomodo is not a FOSS08:38
Dro__elacheche, sou2el 5atir: tu as alloué combien d'espace pour ubuntu?08:40
elachecheAh sorry!!08:40
elachecheKomodo IDE is not FOSS08:40
elachecheDro__, depuis 2009 j'utilise Ubuntu seul sur mes machines :)08:41
elachecheIt's all or nothing :p :D08:42
Dro__autoremove --purge aura quoi comme resultat?08:43
Dro__je suis en train d'effacer les Old kernels, tol3otli fi mo5i zedt --purge fel commande alors:08:45
elachecheCelon le manuel08:45
Dro__sudo apt-get autoremove --purge linux-image-3.13.0-32-generic   linux-image-3.13.0-37-generic    linux-image-3.13.0-39-generic linux-image-3.13.0-43-generic linux-image-3.13.0-44-generic  linux-image-3.13.0-45-generic linux-image-3.13.0-46-generic linux-image-3.13.0-48-generic linux-image-3.13.0-48-generic linux-image-3.13.0-49-generic08:45
elacheche           autoremove is used to remove packages that were automatically08:45
elacheche           installed to satisfy dependencies for other packages and are now08:45
elacheche           no longer needed.08:45
Dro__auccun ko liberé08:45
Dro__et :08:46
Dro__sudo apt-get autoremove linux-image-3.13.0-51-generic linux-image-3.13.0-52-generic  linux-image-3.13.0-53-generic  linux-image-3.13.0-54-generic linux-image-3.13.0-55-generic08:46
elachecheEssaie autoclean08:46
Dro__500MO liberé08:46
Dro__3malt autoclean, clean , autoremove w chey :/08:46
elachecheT'as plus d'espace disk free?08:46
Dro__ema 95%08:46
Dro__n7eb nefhem el --purge ch3amlet :p08:46
elachechepurge tfassa5lik packages + les fichiers de config!08:47
elachecheremove just tfasa5 package08:47
Dro__ey mela chbi bel --purge ma n9ossch l'espace w men ghir purge n9os08:48
elachecherm -r /var/cache/apt/archives/*08:48
Dro__ma 3andich /var/cache/apt08:48
elachecheDro__, je parle de "apt-get purge"..08:48
Dro__ah si, ema no result :p08:49
elachecheech ma3néha fassa5ithom walla mé faméch jimla!08:49
elachecherm n'affiche pas de résultat mon pote :) :D08:49
Dro__je c08:49
Dro__pas de result au niveau de DF08:49
elachecherm remove silently :D08:49
Dro__toujours 95% utilisé08:49
elachecheton / et /home sur la mm partition?08:50
Dro__normalement ken yemchi l'espace occupé par les anciens kernel tetfarhed loumour :p08:51
elachechedf -h08:51
elachechepasse le08:51
Dro__ema hak choft 10 kernel tfas5ou w ma na77aw 7atta ko w 3 na77aw 500 MO :/08:51
Dro__kollou fi joret el --purge :p08:52
Dro__none                    4,0K       0  4,0K   0% /sys/fs/cgroup08:52
Dro__udev                    2,9G     12K  2,9G   1% /dev08:52
Dro__tmpfs                   584M    1,4M  582M   1% /run08:52
Dro__none                    5,0M       0  5,0M   0% /run/lock08:52
Dro__none                    2,9G     92M  2,8G   4% /run/shm08:52
Dro__none                    100M     44K  100M   1% /run/user08:52
Dro__/home/ubuntu/.Private    47G     42G  2,5G  95% /home/ubuntu08:52
elachecheHow did you installed Ubuntu?? Under windows using wubi?!!08:53
Dro__lé bel CD!08:53
elachecheDid you used EXT4? BTRFS? LVM?08:54
elachecheno lvm or sometihng fancy!!08:54
Dro__lé, ext4 w ext3 lel swap je crois..08:54
Dro__haya tawa nzid chweya espace w barra :p08:55
Dro__5ir ma no93od nhar kol ri9i chaye7 nlawej ech nfasse5 :D08:55
elachechewhere is / in your df result! You can't use ext for swap :D for swap you use a partition with SWAP file system :D08:55
Dro__/dev/sda4               47G     42G  2,5G  95% /08:56
elacheche/home/ubuntu/.Private    47G     42G  2,5G  95% /home/ubuntu08:56
elachechehédhi jamais vu -_- :/08:57
Na3iLdev/sda4 it's the same of /home/ubuntu/.Private08:57
elachecheEncrypted disk08:57
Dro__ey lol08:57
elachechemaw 9oul -_- :p08:57
Dro__n00b :p08:58
elachechebéhi :p08:58
elachechedu -sh --exclude=/home/ubuntu08:58
elachecheIt will take some time08:59
elachecheor wait!08:59
elachechedu -h --exclude=/home/ubuntu | sort -h | pastebinit08:59
elachechedu -h / --exclude=/home/ubuntu | sort -h | pastebinit09:01
elachechesorry :D09:01
elachecheabort the other command, the last one is the good one :p09:02
Dro__3.5G de videos :/09:07
elachechedu -h / --exclude=/home | sort -h | pastebinit09:10
elachechelet's isolate home09:10
Dro__déjà fait, et pourtant tatla3 el home :D en tt cas c bon09:11
Dro__j'ai effacé 3.5G09:11
Dro__yomkon lazem des " "09:13
Dro__Na3iL, atom don't display css color :/09:23
elachechevim did :p09:24
Dro__komodo-edit w vim lé :p09:27
elachechen00b :p 9ollou chaker09:28
Dro__vim nakrhou mouch 3aref 3leh... 7atta pour autre utilisation je prefere nano w vim lé :p09:30
Dro__5alli 3ad fi 5edma html/css lazemha barcha selection w copy/paste...09:30
elachecheVIM is an IDE.. Nano is a text editor, If you master VIM commands and shortcuts you'll be a ninja :)09:31
elachecheTry emacs.. Every VIM haters loves emacs :)09:31
Dro__https://atom.io/packages/pigments :D09:32
elachechedu -h / --exclude=/home | sort -h | pastebinit09:34
elachecheworks fine and isolate home09:35
Dro__ey mani 3malt  du -h --exclude=/home/ubuntu | sort -h09:36
Dro__il n'a pas cherché dans le contenu de /home/ubuntu, il a juste donné sa taille09:36
Dro__a++ elacheche have a nice day :D09:40
elachecheNeo31, news?14:00
ubuntiste-msakniNeo31, when you're not AFK ping me :) Just need the info, if you find it & fixed it or I need to send that email later tonight :)14:16
ubuntiste-msakniNeo31, when you're not AFK ping me :) Just need the info, if you find it & fixed it or I need to send that email later tonight :)18:14
ubuntiste-msakniyo hamma20:17
ubuntiste-msakniWelcome :)20:18
ubuntiste-msakniLooking for help?20:18
hammaNah :v20:19
hammalooking for Na3il20:19
ubuntiste-msakniHe'll be here soon.. Maybe, maybe not :p20:19
hamma9a3ed ye5dem 3al site mte3 il TGLUG20:21
ubuntiste-msakniI know20:22
hammaBy the way, I think I have a bug or smthg20:22
ubuntiste-msakniwhat kind if bugs?20:22
hammaIn ubuntu when I turn a video on or an audio file, sometimes it keeps repeating the same 2sec of the track20:23
ubuntiste-msakniemmm.. What ubuntu do you have? what media player?20:25
hammaUbuntu 14.04 LTS20:25
hammaall the media players20:26
hammaTotem, VLC, Ryhthmbox ...20:26
ubuntiste-msakni Weird :/ Try to purge and reinstall the codecs20:33
hammadone already20:34
hammanothing fixed :v20:35
ubuntiste-msakniemmm.. did this happened with streaming too? Try to stream Jawhara, Shems or RTCI20:38
hammaeven youtube20:42
ubuntiste-msakniWhen using flash or html5?20:43
ubuntiste-msakniyou're here Na3iL :p20:44
hammaI told u it happens even in media players :v20:44
ubuntiste-msaknihamma, you can share some infos?20:45
ubuntiste-msaknidpkg -l | grep codec | cut -d" " -f3 - | pastebinit20:46
Na3iLHey ubuntiste-msakni hamma20:46
ubuntiste-msaknigive me the link generated by that command20:46
=== ubuntiste-msakni is now known as elacheche
elachechehamma, if you don't have pastebinit installed you can remove this section "| pastebinit" and you'll need to oasteit by yourself in http://paste.ubuntu.com20:47
elachecheYo Na3iL :)20:47
hammaAnis or Bedis ?20:48
elachechehamma, you need to figure out that by yourself :p20:48
elachechehamma, wanna try to purge all codecs again? Maybe you used the wrong way the first time!20:48
Na3iLelacheche, I think you should add #TGLUG to your favorite chans :D20:49
elachechetry to use /whois command hamma :p20:49
hammaI told u20:49
hammaBedis, coz u just logged in Facebook and commented20:49
elacheched4rk-5c0rp, say hi to hamma :)20:50
elachechehamma, you need to learn to use /whois :) Try /help whois20:50
d4rk-5c0rphahahaha, hey there :D20:50
d4rk-5c0rpwassup people20:51
hammathat smiley belongs to Anis20:51
elachecheRead the last 5 messages here d4rk-5c0rp :)20:51
elachecheWho is whom hamma x)20:51
d4rk-5c0rpelacheche, stop using my identity :p20:51
elachecheI'm not -_- He need to learn to use /whois x)20:51
d4rk-5c0rpIf you can't convience them, confuse them hahaha20:52
elachecheNah! You should not forget about the Code of conduct you signed :) :) :p20:53
d4rk-5c0rphahahaha :D :D20:53
elachechehamma, still here!20:54
elachechehamma, wanna try to purge all codecs again? Maybe you used the wrong way the first time!20:55
elachecheOK, one sec I'll send you the command20:55
elachecheapt-get purge chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra libavcodec-extra libavcodec-extra-54:amd64 libavcodec54:amd64 libdirac-encoder0:amd64 libkate1 libmagickcore5-extra:amd64 libmimic0 libmono-codecontracts4.0-cil liboggkate1 libopencore-amrnb0:amd64 libopencore-amrwb0:amd64 libopus0:amd64 libspeex1:amd64 libvpx1:amd64 libvpx1:i386 libwavpack1:amd64 libxvidcore4:amd64 oxideqt-codecs-extra:amd64 vlc20:57
elachecheAfter that execute: apt-get autoremove && apt-get autoclean && rm -r /var/cache/apt/archive/*20:58
hamma@Na3il change the logo of the page20:59
elachechewhen you hit enter for the purge command, checkout the output, if there will be something important to purge or not, you can share the list before confirming the purge20:59
hammaroger that20:59
elachecheDon't forget to:  apt-get -y install vlc chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra21:18
elachechesee you later21:18
hammastill same problem after reboot21:34

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