
=== dreamon_ is now known as dreamon
=== petersaints_ is now known as petersaints
glitchdhello all08:36
glitchdhaving a weird problem..08:37
glitchdshould i explain?08:37
cfhowlettglitchd, no08:37
cfhowlettlet the telepaths handle it08:37
glitchdcfhowlett, ok thx..u can go now.08:37
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)08:37
glitchdyea i get that, wasnt going to ask if there were just assholes in here that were gonna respond with the same shit you just did.08:38
glitchdso cfhowlett, u can take your leave now.08:38
knomeglitchd, please watch the language as this is a family-friendly channel.08:39
knomeglitchd, also, please watch the attitude as everybody here is a volunteer.08:39
glitchdknome, share your advice to cfhowlett.08:40
glitchdnow back to my little problem.08:40
cfhowlettknome, to be fair, my response was unneccessarily snarky.  apologies to glitchd and everyone else.  still: I did NOT use profanity or insults.  anyway: not leaving.  let's move on08:40
glitchdi apologize for the profanity.08:41
glitchdim running xubuntu 15.04, i use a script to kill/turn off the monitor.08:41
glitchdwhen i activate then disable to script to wake th screen up, my dm dies and another one takes over and i have to log out or kill x to get back to my original dm.08:42
glitchdim trying to figure out why this happens, and how to stop or fix it08:42
knomeso... you have created a script that is basically a screensaver, but it doesn't work08:43
glitchdhere is the script that i use attached to a keyboard shortcut08:43
glitchdi didnt have this problem in previous ubuntu/xubuntu editions08:44
knomewhy don't you use a real screensaver?08:44
glitchdthe power management doesnt work well enough to rely on it, so i had to find another way, also i wanted a way to activate it by a shortcut. also the script behaves in a certain way that am more inclined to08:45
glitchdi believe this installation is ubuntu 15.04 with xfce(xubuntu desktop) added to it08:46
glitchdso its not straight xubuntu 15.0408:46
glitchdit happens randomly that it kills the desktop manager and returns me to a different dm08:47
glitchdif someone could look at the script and tell me if u see anything in there that would maybe cause this, i would appreciate it.08:48
glitchdive searched and searched for an answer and never found one, now im here.08:48
glitchdis there any other information i can provide to possibly help find the answer?09:00
Unit193In addition to this script, do you have light-locker or whatever Ubuntu uses installed and enabled?09:08
glitchdUnit193, im not sure..09:11
glitchd*yes it is installed09:11
glitchdlet me rephrase the question09:12
glitchdis there anything that would cause dpms to switch de's when i power off the screen?09:13
glitchdthx anyways..09:16
xubuntu06whow do i get xubuntu desktop to a solid black colour?12:00
xubuntu06wfirst time user and the first thing i need to do i cant12:01
xubuntu06wpictures etc ae distracting12:01
xubuntu06wanyone help on a sunday orning :)12:01
xubuntu06wi suppose i could take a black picture?12:02
Unit193xfdesktop-settings → Solid Color12:03
xubuntu06win terminal?12:04
xubuntu06wi tried the desktop settings12:05
Unit193Well, there's a button in the settings manager, but yeah that too.12:05
xubuntu06wchose to black solid colours12:05
xubuntu06wthen chose solid colour12:05
xubuntu06wthen closed the window12:06
xubuntu06wnothing changed12:06
Unit193You have to select Style: None12:07
Unit193Sure thing.12:08
xubuntu06wyou have made my sunday morning12:08
xubuntu06wnow i can go shower and get on with my day :D12:08
xubuntu06wi think i ma like xubuntu12:09
Unit193I do. :P12:09
xubuntu06wwell i have been stick with winblows so many years and been spoon fed its hard to change imo12:10
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
makemhi i need a basic finance package - have tried homebank but it does not do yuan16:00
makemi need yuan and gbp16:00
cfhowlettmakem, ask the chinese channels or ubuntukylin16:01
cfhowlett!cn | makem16:01
ubottumakem: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw16:01
cfhowlett!kylin | makem16:01
ubottumakem: Ubuntu Kylin is a variant of Ubuntu that focuses on Chinese users. It is a formal part of Ubuntu. For more information, see http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/ubuntukylin16:01
makemim not chinese lol16:01
makembut my wife is and i deal with all finances16:01
makemso i need uk package with foreign currency16:02
makemi use ms money atm16:02
cfhowlettmakem, ubuntu software center: search term: finance16:03
makemveryy annoying as i was getting on so well with homebank16:04
makemmultiple currencies is a must imo16:04
flocculantgnucash maybe work for you16:05
makemi do like this xubuntu tho :D16:05
makemaye i heard of that one16:05
makemmust research more before using16:06
makemlooks abit ott on the face of it but will see16:07
flocculantprobably is if you want something simple16:08
makemi could still use it if nothing else16:08
makemi tried kmymoney a while ago16:09
flocculantas cfhowlett said - search in usc - there are a few there16:10
makemit worked but seemed a bit cluncky16:10
makemyeah have done16:10
cfhowlettmakem, try USC "accounting" for different options16:11
makemwxbanker does not get updates - that is not good?16:12
cfhowlettGrisbi is a personal accounting program. Grisbi can handle multiple accounts, currencies and users.16:13
makemhave u used it16:13
cfhowlettread the reviews for MS Money comparison16:14
makemsorry to be such a newbie lol16:14
cfhowlettUSC grisbi16:14
makemah.......am doing that with all16:14
makemseems the 'does not provide updates' is common so maybe not consider that16:16
flocculantthat should help you work out what that update statement means16:19
makemok but i am going with eqonomise atm16:20
flocculantwhere you finding that?16:20
makemseems to have what ms money has16:22
flocculantjust so long as you realise that you'll be installing bunches of kde libs with it16:22
makemi dont use it online so no security there16:22
makemis that not good?16:22
makemi shd think most banking would need lot of libs16:23
flocculantI've used kde things in not kde distros before - just making you aware is all16:23
makemi thought what i found in USC when using xbuntu was sutable16:23
makemso what is this distro?16:24
makemi dont understand hde v xubuntu16:26
cfhowlettmakem, all programs in USC are distro agnostic.   they MIGHT need pieces of different desktop environments.16:26
ubottu!Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.16:26
makemso xubuntu is Xfc16:27
makemdoes that mean i shd search for Xfc packages first and if none suitable look elsewhere16:28
krytarikmakem: GTK+ ones.16:28
cfhowlettmakem, no.  ubuntu packages are ubuntu packages.16:28
cfhowlettany USC package is capable of running on any ubuntu !flavor16:29
krytarikmakem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/249150/what-is-kde-gtk-gtk-qt-and-or-gnome16:29
makemback to eqonomise16:29
makemwill check out the urls ty16:29
DalekSec!fr | xubuntu18317:23
ubottuxubuntu183: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:23
xubuntu183j'aurais besoin d'aide17:23
makemgrisi looked ok but now i find it does not give total woth as it keeps gbp and rmb sepaate17:51
=== therealnanotube is now known as nanotube
makemtwo questions please21:37
makem1. is there a package similar to the ms 'start programs'?21:38
holsteinmakem: lots of start menus and launchers..21:38
makem2. i need to encrypt two files and decrypt /encrypt with right click21:39
makemis there such a package?21:39
xanguaxubuntu comes with whisker menu21:39
makemty i didnt see that in the list21:39
makemso must e install21:40
drcmakem: No, Whisker Menu is installed as the default menu system21:41
makemby default menu system you mean the favs, recently used etc list?21:42
drcYes...click on the mouse icon in the upper left corner and the menu that results is the Whicker menu.21:43
makemnow i knows its name :)21:43
drcright mouse click on it and it shows you the name :)21:44
makemlol trust me not to ty that21:44
makemso much to learn after ms21:45
drcYes there is, but it's not illogical...take it one step at a time and don't try to learn it all at once...and one day you'll be answering questions here :)21:46
makemyes i appreciate that21:46
makembut i need to quickly get the basic things i use set up so i can dump windows21:46
makemive found xubuntu best so far and easiest to understand21:47
=== xangua1 is now known as xangua

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