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ennobledoes anyone use jujuclient.py?15:08
lazyPowerennoble: deployer and a few other tools are based on it15:16
ennoblelazyPower: Is it still actively being maintained? It seems like there haven't been many changes to juju client in about six months.15:23
lazyPowerennoble: i cant say for certain that we are maintaining it, but as its a core utility of deployer, i'd default to saying it is under maintenance - but isn't actively receiving code changes as its stabilized for our needs today.15:48
ennoblelazyPower: thx, the Actions code in it has gotten more broken as juju-core has iterated under it. I'm guess I'm one of the few people using that15:58
lazyPowerennoble: ah, have you filed a bug against the broken behavior?16:12
marcoceppiennoble: it's still maintained16:50
beisnerhi coreycb + gnuoy` - fyi, the os next charms will need a c-h sync to pull in the liberty uca charmhelpers/fetch bit from r425   once that is done, we can begin to exercise the charms and packages.17:43
coreycbbeisner, ok good so that's all ready for a sync?18:05
beisnercoreycb, afaik, that should do it.  i locally syncd in a couple at random, which got me past "Unsupported cloud: source option trusty-liberty/proposed" and onto bigger/better issues ;-)18:06
beisnercoreycb, fyi, jp has landed the liberty pkg versions helper bits, and i had already landed liberty amulet origin/source bits.18:08
coreycbbeisner, great, I can work on the sync18:14
beisnercoreycb, awesome, thanks!18:22
coreycbbeisner, np!18:23
beisnerwolsen, coreycb - while extending/refactoring the rmq amulet tests, i'm running into some issues along the release edges (precise & vivid).  middle ground combos ok.   i'm going to start raising those as bugs, and only enabling amulet tests in my MP for known-passing combos, so I can finally get that refactor bit landed.19:16
beisnerwolsen, coreycb - first one is bug 1485722 ... will finish getting details on the precise issues and file separately.19:16
mupBug #1485722: rmq on >= vivid has mnesia (no data dir) <amulet> <openstack> <uosci> <rabbitmq-server (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1485722>19:16
ennoblelazyPower, marcoceppi: Yes, I submitted a bug for 1.23 https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-jujuclient/+bug/1455302 but the Actions() is completely broken for juju 1.2419:32
mupBug #1455302: enqueue_units doesn't correctly pass parameters to action <python-jujuclient:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1455302>19:32
marcoceppiennoble: odd, I was able to use it19:32
ennoblemarcoceppi: the issue looks like if you have a '-' in the unit name it fails19:49
ennoblemarcoeppi: and the issue that I mentioned in my bug report prevents parameters from being specified (there is a fix in the bug report though)19:57
skylerbergThe following appears in the charm testing documentation: "a sub-directory named 'tests' will be scanned by a test runner for executable files matching the glob *.test"20:34
skylerbergIs this true? or are all executables run?20:35
lazyPowerskylerberg: anything with chmod +x is executed20:42
lazyPowerthere is no requirement of the file being [a-zA-z0-9].test20:42
skylerbergOkay, I will file a bug against the documentation then. Thanks.20:42
lazyPowerthanks for finding that and pointing it out skylerberg20:42
beisnercoreycb, just hit this for the first time in an ol' stale bundle.  woot for good feedback!    ...blocked    Charm has reached end-of-life. Please use neutron-gateway charm.23:41

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