
=== drawkward_away is now known as drawkward
lordievaderGood morning.05:30
soeegood morning06:25
sitterwgrant: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ci/+archive/ubuntu/unstable/+build/7806756 this build seems defunct. it started 5 hours ago and is still apt-get updating apparently07:32
wgrantsitter: Hm, worrying. I'd suggest you cancel and retry it.,07:39
sitterwgrant: ok, just wanted to let you know in case you want to do some live debugging ^^07:40
wgrantIf it doesn't happen again, I'm happy enough to blame cosmic rays!07:40
soeesomeone please: what was the command to do release upgrade to development vcersion ? 08:14
lordievadersoee: sudo do-release-upgrade -d08:14
soeelordievader: thank you08:14
soeewoho needs to townload 1061 M :)08:16
sitterScottK: https://code.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/kubuntu-packaging/pykde4-no-kdepimlibs/+merge/26819308:24
sitteryofel: FWIW that dolphin port is no good, kf5 ports at the very least need their pkg-kde include in rules bumped from 2 to 308:31
sitterotherwise plugin paths will be screwed08:32
sitterah nvermind08:32
sitteryofel: jon's done that08:32
* sitter wonders why that repo is not forked from kdebaseapps08:32
yofelthanks for reminding me about that though, I think I forgot to switch that in marble08:32
sitterI uploaded a pykde4 that is supposed to transition away from kdepimlibs to  the stage08:37
soeeuh oh, Wily wants to remove: kubuntu-desktop libkexiv2-11 okular09:33
clivejoRiddell sgclark shadeslayer_ yofel : could someone apply my patch and restart dolphin-plugin please?09:41
clivejois it a holiday today?09:54
BluesKajHiyas all11:28
BluesKajmajor upgrade in Wily this morning , 235 packages ..aha feature freeze on thurs then bata1 on thurs next week11:40
BluesKajbeta1 even11:41
mparilloBased on the package versions it looks like LO 4.411:47
mparilloI will upgrade and check11:47
* lordievader goes to update his Wily box11:47
mparilloPlease share if it does not easily shut down after the upgrade.11:48
mparilloI had to sudo poweroff since the Leave > Shut down did not work. Libre Office seems to be at for me, and the menu highlighting works again. And KInfocenter reports Plasma as
mparilloThough it did seem to lose my krunner history.11:58
lordievaderHmm, reboot doesn't give the dialog...12:03
clivejoanyone working on apps 15.07,90?12:06
BluesKajok ,clicking on leave enables logout to appear after rebooting12:20
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
soeewily: libstreamanalyzer0 : Depends: libclucene-core1 (>= but it is not installable12:37
lordievaderBluesKaj: After a reboot the shutdown dialog appears here too.12:38
yofelmeh, if FF is on thursday, we should get applications done by tomorrow :/12:42
sitteryofel: fix all the red and upload ;)12:43
yofelwill do once I'm not at work anymore...12:43
sitterpim should be good soon12:43
sitterif building didn't take ages that is ^^12:44
yofelcan you look at marble? It's failing with a vtable link error, and I'm not sure which dep is broken..12:44
BluesKajno dependency problem with libclucene-core1 on Wily here soee It's the "core library for full-featured text search engine (runtime)"12:45
yofelit's probably something in frameworks, because qtonly marble built fine12:45
sitteryofel: looks like missing link dep TBH12:46
yofelokaay? But shouldn't vtable symbols be at least resolved to a dummy one if nothing overrides it?12:47
* yofel needs to read up on vtables again12:47
sitterinterestingly enough it links fine locally12:53
clivejohi sitter12:54
jussigday 12:54
sitterclivejo: hey12:54
sitterjussi: gday mate12:54
jussilong time no speak12:54
lordievaderHey jussi, how are you?12:55
clivejoany ideas why kmailtransport is failing?12:55
jussiIm alive :) 12:55
sitterclivejo: it's not12:55
sitterclivejo: you can pretty much ignore all of pim12:55
sitterrapidly iterating that stuff is12:56
clivejooh, you fixed it12:56
ahoneybuno/ jussi13:01
jussihi ahoneybun13:01
sitteryofel: were you able to reproduce this locally?13:04
yofelat least yesterday13:04
yofelwily chroot with proposed + ppa + frameworks ppa13:05
sittergonna check there13:06
sitterI think it is missing a moc include somewhere13:06
sitterfactory should be a qobject so the vtable issue would be from the metaobject not being available 13:06
yofelmaybe I should try to build 15.08.0 instead..13:08
sitteryofel: no relevant change to that extent in git13:09
sitter#include "main.moc" might solve it13:09
soeeBluesKaj: are you on master server ?13:10
BluesKajsoee:  master server ?13:11
sitter /home/me/src/git/k/marble/src/plasmarunner/main.cpp:20:20: fatal error: main.moc: No such file or directory13:11
soeeBluesKaj: yeah, what server you have set for updates 13:11
BluesKajU of Waterloo here in Canada, not using the UK server if that's what you mean, soee13:13
sitterrdieter_work: you are not having link problems with marble?13:14
sitter/«PKGBUILDDIR»/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/plasmarunner/../../../src/plasmarunner/main.cpp:18: undefined reference to `vtable for factory'13:14
sitterCMakeFiles/plasma_runner_marble.dir/main.cpp.o: In function `factory::~factory()':13:14
soeeBluesKaj: ok than you might recieve update later than when using master, so the problems i report might show for you later13:14
sitteryofel: I have a diff that should fix it ... what puzzles me though is why it succeeds in a local build, so I am rather feeling like maybe something in frameworks master fixed this13:14
sitteranyway, trying in a container13:15
rdieter_worksitter: no problems here13:16
sittermakes it even weird then. thanks :)13:16
dokositter, you may have noticed that -release got some updates last night. please yell if something broke13:17
clivejoanything simple you want me to work on?13:17
sitterd_ed: btw is it a known defect that after just about any change to workspace shutdown via kickoff will not work?13:18
sitterclivejo: random orange-ness on apps15.08 or CI would be a possiblity13:18
sitterso longa as it's not a pim thing that is orange (see list at the bottom of the 15.08 notes)13:19
d_edsitter: no...13:20
sitter[13:57] <mparillo> I had to sudo poweroff since the Leave > Shut down did not work. Libre Office seems to be at for me, and the menu highlighting works again. And KInfocenter reports Plasma as
BluesKajsoee:  I'm sure the Waterloo repos are up to date, they pride themselves on maintaining an upto date repos , unless the master hasn't updated the rest of the the servers  13:20
sittermparillo: you might want to file a bug about that13:20
soeelordievader: can you check if Wily show sthe same error for you when trying to update ?13:21
lordievadersoee: It didn't.13:22
rdieter_worksitter: fwiw, only last checked with marble-15.04.3 (in case it's some wierdness introduced since then)13:22
sitterrdieter_work: ah, that's 15.0813:23
sitterubottu: info cmake wily13:23
sitterwhatever that command was >.<13:23
rdieter_worksitter: I can try a quick 15.07.90 build locally, I'll let you know how it goes13:23
sitteryofel: so... my best theory right now is that the cmake in wily is behaving differently13:23
sitterrdieter_work: cheers13:24
soeeBluesKaj: can you check in for have any strigi* packages installed ?13:24
sitterit would help if we had marble in the CI :P13:24
yofelyou may add it13:25
* BluesKaj checks13:26
yofelsitter: btw, what would you suggest for providing libmarblewidget twice? upload a marble-qt4 source?13:27
sitteryofel: working patchü http://paste.ubuntu.com/12107760/13:27
BluesKajsoee:  just some plugins for strigi search , but no strigi-client13:28
yofeloh wait, double building would suffice I think13:28
sitteryofel: double build13:28
clivejolibkdegames seems to be a symbols issue, can these be safely updated and missing removed?13:28
sitterdebian will make it a double build anwyay (as seen with oxygen and breeze)13:28
yofelok, I'll get to that in the evening, thansk for the link fix13:28
sitteryofel: I'll file a RR upstream even though I am not quite sure why it apparently works without it for me and kde CI xD13:29
yofelright, let's see what they say13:29
sitterit's arguably incorrect code that works all the same13:29
sitterit's a mad world13:30
rdieter_workyofel: latest marble sources can provide a qt5 libmarblewidget too, fyi (with recent commit at least)13:31
rdieter_workerr, s/qt5/qt4/ that is13:32
soeewhat does the 13:32
soee'+dfsg' in package name means ?13:32
yofelrdieter_work: right, I forgot that for a moment, I'll look at that13:32
rdieter_workhttp://quickgit.kde.org/?p=marble.git&a=commit&h=5a7b3daeaab324c2c6f3ffdba69a14dc959b3331  , reference from kde release list too "KDE Applications 15.08 RC is out" thread13:33
sitteryofel: for dep3 reference https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/124787/13:35
yofelrdieter_work: thanks13:36
soeeis this fullscreen dashboard abailable in 5.4beta ?13:39
sitterdoko: dtor symbols are safe to retract I presume? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/214415167/buildlog_ubuntu-wily-amd64.libkdegames_4%3A15.07.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.10~ppa1_BUILDING.txt.gz13:40
dokositter, in general yes13:41
clivejositter: for libkdegames, please review this patch - http://paste.ubuntu.com/12107877/13:43
sitterclivejo: pushed13:45
clivejoregarding libkcddb, Im not sure what going on, is it a problem with libmusicbrainz5?13:48
garvitdelhiHey, I have been working for project LabPlot in KDE Edu. We don't have any package for this software in kubuntu's repository. We have to install it from source to run them on debian based os. Me and my mentor were looking for some help on how can we get our project into the repositories so that users can install it via apt-get install. any help in this direction would be helpful.13:49
dokoclivejo, I fixed libkcddb and cantata. the fixes are now in wily13:49
sitterrebuilding. that should fix it13:50
clivejodoko: oh, still saying failed on http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/applications/build_status_15.07.90_wily.html13:50
soeeRiddell: ping13:50
clivejoah, so rebuild will fix it13:51
sittergarvitdelhi: getting it into a kde applications release usually is a good idea13:52
sittermakes packaging much more managable13:52
sitterclivejo: yes13:52
sittersoee: he's away until tomorrow or probably later today13:52
garvitdelhisitter, so we just need to include it into kde applications release solves the problem?13:53
sittergarvitdelhi: yes. it's not the only way to go about it. it is certainly the preferred approach though13:54
ahoneybunwe has an RC of 5.4!13:54
garvitdelhiOkay, thank you :)13:54
dokoclivejo, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/214655713/libkcddb_4%3A15.04.2-0ubuntu1_4%3A15.04.3-0ubuntu1.diff.gz13:54
sittergarvitdelhi: mind you the next major applications release is schedule for december, so if you want to get into kubuntu 15.10 we'll have to figure out something else. if so please send a mail to the kubuntu-devel list to find someone to do the initial packaging13:55
sitteryofel: I think we should run a script over apps... half the watch files don't cover unstable :S13:59
yofelright, and some packages have no watch file at all13:59
clivejoIve been adding ones I noticed missing14:00
yofelright, thanks for that14:00
clivejohow do you script it?14:01
yofeluh, would be something like "clone git, checkout branch, verify file, otherwise put new one from template in, commit, push"14:03
sitteryofel: FTR in case you want to do such a thing: scripty I used earlier http://paste.ubuntu.com/12107992/14:03
yofeland we have the repo list in kubuntu-automation14:03
yofelgreat, ruby -.-*14:04
yofelthanks anyway14:04
mparillositter: When running a daily build, I typically do not file a bug until a day or two of updates pass just in case I got part of a release. In this case, at least, I was able to use the Leave > Shut down just fine after Kubuntu came up cleanly after a sudo poweroff. P.S. The bluetooth icon is back.14:04
sitteryofel: I'd do it via git https://github.com/apachelogger/kubuntu-repo-merge/blob/master/merge.rb#L8714:04
sitteryofel: eh, via ssh. simply ls all repos14:04
sitterthat way we definitely catch all14:04
yofeloh, nice, didn't know that was possible14:04
sitterjust needs some branch checking ... i.e. skip if there is no kubuntu_wily_archive branch14:05
sittermparillo: apparently that's what everyone thinks14:05
sitterevery plasma release someone complains about kickoff shutdown not working14:06
sitterbut apparently no one ever filed a bug upstream14:06
sitterclivejo: new libkcddb uploaded to incorporate doko's fix14:06
sitteryofel: it's how we dynamically iter repos in all the CI tech14:07
sittermost useful bit about git.debian ^^14:07
mparilloBut, it is not reproducible, because the next session, it works fine. Something about applying certain kind of updates 'steps on' that function, but after a clean re-boot, everything works.14:07
sittermparillo: yep14:07
sitterit is however reproducible by redoign the upgrade14:08
sitterwhich actually should make it pretty debugable once one has a list of which packages were upgraded between which versions14:09
ovidiu-florinRiddell: ping14:10
ahoneybunsgclark: still on vacation?14:10
mparilloBut I do not know in advance when it will happen, so basically, I should copy the list of packages in the upgrade set, and when it happens again post a bug on B.K.O?14:11
yofelmparillo: you can get the upgrade set from your apt history14:12
yofelalthough, on wily it's probably not reproducable. With the backports it might be14:12
mparilloYes, it is on Wily. 14:13
sitter:O https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging-kdeapplications/+build/780796414:15
sitterwho wants to sacrifice their mail on the altar of kdepim5?14:15
ahoneybunholy crap14:16
ahoneybun235 packages toupdate14:16
ahoneybun5.4 here we come!14:16
sittershadeslayer_: my frund, do you have a wily vm?14:16
shadeslayer_I does not14:16
sitterwhere's jr when you need him14:17
shadeslayer_He's off doing stuff today I think14:17
sitterI disapprove14:17
=== sitter changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-apps-15.08 | wily testers needed for new kdepim. talk to sitter or yofel
sitteryofel: kdepim all built and good for upload14:18
sitteralas, I can't test because I have no vm :P14:18
lordievadersitter: Give me instructions on how to test kdepim and I'll test it ;)14:19
mparilloahoneybun: Almost at 5.4: http://wire.kubuntu.org/?p=38514:19
shadeslayer_thou requireth a VM14:19
sitterlordievader: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging-kdeapplications && sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade14:19
ahoneybunclose enough14:20
sitteryou people and your legacy software :P https://plus.google.com/101588423559652288894/posts/gzvngiEE9kD?pid=6180239644263400994&oid=10158842355965228889414:20
sitterclivejo: did you have a patch I haven't pushed yet?14:22
sitterkinda lost track with all the people talking about different things14:22
clivejono idea, Ive lost track14:22
sitter sbuild-build-depends-kopete-dummy : Depends: kdepim-dev but it is not going to be installed14:22
lordievaderPerhaps someone needs to write a smart bot who does keep track ;)14:23
sitterdoko: could it be that the musicbrainz pkg-config file wasn't modified to use the new lib?14:28
sitterstill getting -lmusicbrainz514:28
lordievadersitter: The first dist-upgrade failed on accountwizzard, it was trying to overwrite something. Starting dist-upgrade again there were no problems.14:29
sitterlordievader: what was it trying to overwrite14:29
ahoneybunsomething is broke or missing14:29
ahoneybunboth application launchers are broken14:29
ahoneybunError loading Applet: package inexistent14:30
lordievadersitter: /usr/share/mime/packages/accountwizard-mime.xml it is in kdepim-runtime 4:4.14.6-0ubuntu314:30
sitterdoko: nevermind, different name14:30
sitterlordievader: ok, fixed for next upload14:33
ahoneybunhow do we access that full screen launcher?14:35
ahoneybunis no widget14:35
ahoneybunI see we are missing kdeplasma-addon 14:44
ahoneybunlike valorie said14:44
sitterlordievader: did you continue with the upgrade?14:51
lordievadersitter: It was done?14:51
sitterlordievader: is kontact/kmail/kaddressbook working?14:52
lordievaderHmm, I cannot create a gmail account on kmail...14:55
lordievaderClicking next does a redraw of the wizard and then nothing.14:56
sitterlordievader: start from terminal see if there's any output14:58
lordievaderKmail crashes after a while...14:59
ahoneybunnext does nothing14:59
ahoneybuncreate account or whatever14:59
ahoneybunlordievader: ^15:00
sitterah yeah15:00
ahoneybunstupid system15:00
sittermost terrible wizard ever15:00
lordievaderahoneybun: Also after...15:00
ahoneybunthe crashing is a issue15:00
lordievaderIt fails in opening the kwallet...15:01
lordievaderHmpf, kmail is completely broken here. Is there another way to test kdepim?15:03
sitter[16:59] <sitter> backtrace?15:08
rdieter_worksitter: confirmed marble plasmarunner links ok here with 15.07.90 too15:11
sitterrdieter_work: which cmake?15:11
rdieter_workwith 3.2.215:12
lordievadersitter: http://c-c.student.utwente.nl/files/kmail.trace it is long.... 38Mb...15:12
sitterrdieter_work: thank you15:12
sitterlordievader: that's not a backtrace, that's an strace15:12
sitterbacktrace is what drkonqi throws you at15:12
lordievaderAh, sorry.15:13
ahoneybunsitter: kdeplasma-addons is not in the repos15:14
sitteroh yeah15:14
ahoneybunthe source is there15:14
ahoneybunno package15:14
lordievadersitter: https://paste.kde.org/pcf2bdciu15:14
sitterlordievader: looks like a real bug15:15
sitterlordievader: can you run akonadiselftest and see what it has to say15:15
ahoneybunsitter: https://paste.kde.org/pc5ywowdu15:15
sitterbecaus according to the strace your akonadi might have imploded while loadin agents, if I read it correctly anyway15:15
sitterahoneybun: there is no such package15:16
sitterlocale files for kdeplasma-addons15:16
sitterdebugging symbols for kdeplasma-addons15:16
sitteradditional desktop and window switchers for KWin15:16
sitteradditional data engines for Plasma15:16
lordievaderOeh, database driver not found! Am I missing things?15:16
sitteradditional runners for Plasma 5 and Krunner15:16
sitteradditional wallpaper plugins for Plasma 515:16
sitterKIMPanel widget for Plasma15:16
sitteradditional widgets for Plasma 515:16
ahoneybunsitter: that's very confusing 15:16
lordievaderThe QSQLite driver cannot be found.15:16
ahoneybunthere is such a package15:17
sitterso there is this package15:17
sitterand it isn't in kubuntu15:17
sitterlordievader: did you use sqlite previously?15:17
ahoneybunRiddell: left it built/in the process of building15:17
ahoneybunwho's on wily with 5.3.95?15:18
lordievadersitter: Not to my knowledge.15:18
lordievaderahoneybun: Here, here.15:19
ahoneybunlordievader: do your application launchers still work15:19
ahoneybunboth of them15:19
sitterlordievader: dpkg-query -W \*akonadi\*15:19
lordievaderahoneybun: What application launchers?15:19
ahoneybunand the other one15:19
ahoneybunwe have 215:19
ahoneybunboth of mine are broken15:20
lordievadersitter: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12108577/15:20
sitterlordievader: sudo apt install akonadi-kf515:20
lordievaderahoneybun: Both work fine.15:20
ahoneybunmine say: Error loading Applet: package inexistent. Could not create a declarativeappletscript ScriptEngine for the Application Menu widget.15:21
sitterlordievader: though something is broken with your akonadi, you might want to try and get a hold of dvratil in #kde-devel to help you debug this. it sounds a bit odd that it would try to load the sqlite plugin though15:21
lordievadersitter: E: Unable to locate package akonadi-kf515:21
sitterlordievader: cat ~/.config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc15:21
lordievadersitter: I don't really use kmail ;)15:21
sitterthen at least fixing it isn't critical :P15:22
lordievadersitter: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12108598/15:22
sitterbut something is broken and until I can get a wily I can't say what15:22
lordievadersitter: Nope, this is a test box anyways. Doesn't matter if things break :P15:22
sitterlordievader: in akonadiselftest you can copy to clipboard15:23
sitterplease paste the entire report15:23
lordievadersitter: Would it matter that this is an upgrade from Trusty?15:23
lordievadersitter: https://paste.kde.org/pqwrhsg1815:23
sitterlordievader: probably not15:24
sitterlordievader: uh I get it15:24
sitterlordievader: sudo apt install libqt5sql5-mysql15:25
sitterand then akonadictl restart15:25
sitterthen the selftest should be green15:25
lordievaderThat fixed the driver issue.15:26
lordievaderDoesn't fix kmail though: https://paste.kde.org/p4derjh4815:27
sitterlordievader: if you simply start kmail do you get any relevant output before it crashes?15:33
sitterlike "akonadi is exploding, help" xD15:34
sitteralso you probably should install akoandi-dbg15:34
lordievaderHehe, I don't get that. I do get a window asking for my kwallet password. Which it doesn't accept. And the wizard of a new account shows in the background.15:34
sitterlordievader: interesting, well, install akonadi-dbg and file a bug I guess15:35
lordievaderWill do.15:35
sitteror hunt down dvratil and show him the backtrace with akonadi-dbg installed15:35
sitterseems like a legitatme bug though15:35
clivejolordievader: your wily is an upgrade?15:35
lordievaderclivejo: Yes. At the time the Wily images failed to boot for me.15:39
sitterlordievader: thanks I uploaded a fix for the sql issue. if you want to continue testing simply send a mail to kubuntu-devel with the findings as I am about to head out15:41
sitterrelevant apps probably include kontact kaddressbook and korganizer15:41
sitterthough since the crash appears to be in core akonadi chances are all of these apps also crash xD15:42
lordievaderErr, I think I'll submit this bug and get on with other things.15:42
clivejowhat do I need to copy over to allow kdepim to use my previous settings?15:48
lordievaderHmpf, drkonqi finds the debug information of too little value.15:50
clivejome likey the kubuntu installer :)15:53
pursuivantmuon (Plasma/5.4) v5.3.95-2-g25dfb30 * Aleix Pol: libmuonapt/QAptActions.cpp16:20
pursuivantpkexec wants split arguments16:20
pursuivantBUG: 35131116:20
ubottubug 351311 in Woda "Login Box is not displayed in printHead" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35131116:20
Riddellgosh lots of pings :)16:39
Riddellhi ovidiu-florin16:39
clivejohi Riddell16:42
sneleis plasma 4.4 coming soon to wily? :)16:42
snelei can't wait to test it :)16:42
sneleyea sory16:43
clivejoits in proposed?16:43
sneleclivejo: and apps 15.08? 16:44
clivejoworking on 15.07.90 16:44
sneleclivejo: ok thanks for info16:45
clivejokdepim is not in good shape16:45
Riddellsnele: looks like it's in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-desktop16:48
clivejowell kontact has opened for me16:50
ovidiu-florinRiddell: can you set up an ec2 for me and ahoneybun?16:50
ovidiu-florinwe want to package digikam 4.1216:50
clivejoand looks like its trying to do something16:50
Riddellovidiu-florin: ok16:50
clivejowhat do we need to test in app 15.07.90?16:52
ahoneybunRiddell: ovidiu-florin want's it packaged lol16:56
clivejoRiddell: why is kontact and dolphin missing their icons - http://s29.postimg.org/5px4ircd3/wily_kontact.jpg16:59
ovidiu-florinyeah, they had a huge bug with the UI17:03
ovidiu-florinand I want to test it if it's still there17:04
ovidiu-florindon't we have it in the CI or something?17:04
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
ahoneybunlordievader: I reboot fixed my launchers17:15
ahoneybun*a reboot17:15
Riddellovidiu-florin: ubuntu@ec2-54-159-220-46.compute-1.amazonaws.com17:18
ahoneybunRiddell: when are you going to upload kdeplasma-addons?17:20
ahoneybunyou packaged it17:20
ahoneybunholy crap ovidiu-florin, debian sid has 4.4 version 17:23
ovidiu-florinof what?17:24
ovidiu-florinsid is what version of debian?17:26
ahoneybunexpermiatl (can't spell)17:27
ahoneybunstable, unstable, exp17:28
ovidiu-florinwhat's that share shell command?17:28
lordievaderahoneybun: Hehe, the Windows fix ;)17:28
ahoneybunyea odd I know lol17:29
ahoneybunshare shell ovidiu-florin ?17:29
ahoneybunjust ssh into it17:29
ovidiu-florinI'm in17:37
ovidiu-florinwhat now?17:37
yofelahoneybun: sid is unstable17:38
ahoneybunyofel: there are 3 channels for debian right/17:40
yofelirc channels? or do you mean series?17:40
ahoneybunseries I guess17:41
ahoneybunstable, unstable and one more no?17:41
yofelthere is oldstable, stable, testing, unstable, experimental17:41
yofelat least when it comes to the metanames17:42
ahoneybunyea stable, testing, and unstable17:42
yofelfor us, it would map to something like: experimental -> PPA, unstable -> wily-proposed, testing -> wily, stable -> vivid17:42
yofelwe even use the same procedure to move stuff from wily-proposed to wily as they do for unstable -> testing17:43
yofeljust with different settings17:43
yofeldebian release management is complicated17:43
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: here are some notes I made: https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/Packaging17:44
yofelahoneybun: maybe add a small section about pbuilder, and document https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/pbuilder/pbuilder-hooks there17:45
yofelsadly we lost the old information during the wiki move17:45
clivejoyofel: would it be on the wayback machine?17:47
yofelnow I didn't think of that, good point17:47
yofellet me check (once I remember the URL..)17:47
clivejoyofel: http://archive.org/web/17:47
yofelthe wiki page URL ;P17:48
ahoneybunclivejo: weren't you doing digikam?17:48
yofelbut thanks17:48
clivejoahoneybun: yeah I package two versions for wily 17:48
ahoneybunRiddell: we need a share shell17:48
ovidiu-florinRiddell: what's the name of that shared shell thingy?17:48
ahoneybunclivejo: what about vivid?17:48
ahoneybunI found this: https://launchpad.net/~philip5/+archive/ubuntu/extra17:49
clivejoahoneybun: I havent done any vivid stuff17:49
* clivejo is seriously considering adding staging apps to his main install17:50
yofelnope, not in the wayback machine :(17:50
clivejoanyone know of an easy way to copy files into a VM in  Virtual Box?17:52
yofelyou can mount a local folder as a network share in vbox17:53
clivejohi soee_17:53
yofelmachine settings > shared folders17:53
clivejoyofel: I want to copy in my home directory while the VM is offline17:54
yofelno idea how to do that17:55
clivejoyofel: do you know why the kicker launch icon for dolphin and kontact arent working in apps 15.07.90?17:55
yofelare the icons actually there? (check icon name in desktop file, and then check with dpkg -S if it's there)17:56
clivejodoesnt appear so17:56
clivejoI can run both programme's from the terminal 17:57
clivejoand both appear to be working ok17:57
yofeloh, you mean they don't launch at all17:58
yofelthen again look at the desktop files, and what's set as Exec=17:58
yofeland whether you can run that17:58
clivejoyofel: http://s29.postimg.org/5px4ircd3/wily_kontact.jpg17:59
clivejono icon and do nothing when you click them17:59
yofeloh, that's your favorites17:59
yofelare the desktop files even there?17:59
yofelit could be that the names changed or so, kickoff can't handle that18:00
* yofel isn't running 15.07.90, so is guessing18:00
clivejoyofel: is correct18:00
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: https://quickgit.kde.org/?p=digikam.git&a=commit&h=ddd05190f52afd2201434f772e8ce3a6c5e5c48718:00
clivejoit opens via the office link18:01
yofeloh, /usr/share/applications/kde4/dolphin.desktop18:02
yofelthat *might* not be the same for kf5 ^^18:02
yofelwe'll probably need a kconf update script or so to fix that18:02
clivejospot on18:03
yofelalthough I would have to look at that closer18:03
clivejonew path is /usr/share/applications/org.kde.kontact.desktop18:04
clivejoand /usr/share/applications/org.kde.dolphin.desktop18:05
ahoneybunwe need a share shell18:06
yofelshared shell? use byobu18:06
ahoneybunI have that18:06
yofeloh, I actually found the old page XD18:06
ahoneybunI;m using that yofel18:07
ahoneybunbut ovidiu-florin does not see what I'm doing18:07
yofelare you *both* running byobu?18:07
yofelas the same user?18:07
ahoneybunmaybe not18:08
soee_hi clivejo18:08
ahoneybunrun "byobu" ovidiu-florin18:09
yofelanyway, gotta run, bbl18:09
ahoneybunthanks yofel18:09
ahoneybunI'm trying to find the soure 4.12 for digikam18:10
clivejotheir website18:10
ahoneybunno good18:10
clivejohttp://download.kde.org/stable/digikam/ here?18:10
clivejothey normally put a blog post about it18:11
clivejomaybe its an unstable build?18:12
clivejoahoneybun: packaging is here - https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/digikam18:13
ahoneybunfor vivid>18:13
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: http://download.kde.org/stable/digikam/digikam-4.12.0.tar.bz218:14
clivejois it this build - https://www.digikam.org/node/741 ?18:14
yofelahoneybun: uscan doesn't find the source?18:19
ahoneybunwe got it I think18:19
yofelyeah, but digikam has a watch file, so you can try that first before searching for it forever ;)18:20
yofelat least next time18:20
clivejodigikam was one of the first packages I did.  TBH I havent a clue what I was doing18:21
yofel digikam | 4:4.12.0-0ubuntu3 | wily/universe    | source, amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, powerpc, ppc64el18:23
yofelahoneybun: clivejo already did that?18:24
clivejoyup, but not for vivid18:24
ahoneybunyofel: for wily18:24
yofelbut why are you looking for the source then o.O?18:24
yofelyou would usually backport the wily package18:24
clivejocause I probably didnt update the watch file!18:24
yofelno, that's correct18:25
clivejohummmm account assistant is crashing!18:26
ahoneybunyofel: I don't know about backporting18:27
clivejoyofel: me neither18:27
yofelwell, the idea is: "take source from $dev, put changelog for $stable in there, try to build on $stable, fix what doesn't work"18:30
yofeluseful tools include "backportpackage" and "pull-lp-source" from ubuntu-dev-tools (I don't know how to use former)18:30
clivejoworks for 3rd party apps too?18:30
davmor2clivejo: accounts are over-rated ;)18:30
yofelwell, works for anything that you can get the source package of18:31
clivejodavmor2: indeed, why would anyone want to use a PIM to check their emails18:31
clivejocrazy talk18:31
davmor2clivejo: next you'll be saying that people want to sign or even god forbid encrypt mail18:32
ahoneybunyofel: I'm just doing something lol18:35
yofelmailto? ^^18:36
ahoneybunwell thats what it does18:36
ahoneybunssh ubuntu@ec2-54-159-220-46.compute-1.amazonaws.com18:36
yofelahoneybun: you'll have to add my pq-edge key from launchpad for me to get there18:36
yofelor just all18:37
ahoneybunno clue to do that18:37
ahoneybunRiddell: set it up18:37
yofelahoneybun: put https://launchpad.net/~yofel/+sshkeys into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys18:37
yofelusing your favorite cli editor ^^18:38
ahoneybuntry yofel18:39
yofelhm, I need to do some key cleanup..18:39
yofelahoneybun: there you have the wily package18:40
yofelemail is wrong, fix it later18:41
yofelso, now *I* would run "debuild -S" and feed it into a vivid pbuilder instance18:42
yofelbut you continue as you're used to18:42
* ahoneybun make such pbuilder18:42
yofelconsidering this is digikam, you'll probaby have to backport some build-deps as well18:45
ahoneybunyea I know it will be a beast18:45
yofeland you'll have to add the backports PPA url to the chroot18:45
ahoneybunclueless about that part18:45
yofel(*always* make the environment as close as possible to the place you want to put it later)18:45
ahoneybunI thought it did not matter18:46
yofelsadly it does. E.g. digikam uses libkipi and libmarblewidget, you don't want to use a kde and digikam that use different versions of those18:47
yofelcan e.g. cause crashes in ksnapshot which uses kipi-plugins18:47
clivejo*growls @ libkipi*18:47
yofelI'll have fun with marble later.. you should've seen the kde-workspace package while we were still building multiple editions of kwin ^^18:48
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto18:49
clivejoyofel: if you have time would you walk me along with you18:49
yofelahoneybun: where do you want to put digikam?18:50
clivejosome of it might make sense18:50
yofelhm, I guess I can try..18:50
ahoneybunto put yofel?18:51
yofelahoneybun: upload to18:51
ahoneybunI'll put it in my ppa for now 18:51
yofelok, does your ppa depend on anything?18:51
yofeldid you ever click on "edit dependencies" on launchpad?18:52
ahoneybunI want to say no18:52
yofelahoneybun: https://launchpad.net/~aaronhoneycutt/+archive/ubuntu/kubuntu-packages/+edit-dependencies18:52
yofelanything listed?18:53
yofelok, then just go and feed digikam into pbuilder as-is18:53
ahoneybunstill running debuild -S18:54
ahoneybunhad to fix something in debian/control18:54
ahoneybunwhat did that do?18:55
yofeldisable debsign (unsigned-dsc, unsigned-changes)18:55
ahoneybunoh ok18:57
clivejokdesudo dolphin is the safe way?19:00
ahoneybunI made the damn pbuilder already19:00
yofelclivejo: uhm, for what...? or why would you want to do that?19:02
clivejowant to copy my home folder 19:03
clivejosee if kontact can handle it19:04
ahoneybunyofel: I broke something19:05
yofelwell, go ahead. But creating a folder that you can write into and not using sudo would be safer19:05
ahoneybunclivejo: digikam 4.13 is coming soon19:06
clivejohow would you suggest I transfer a user folder?19:06
* yofel hands ahoneybun the pbuilder-dist manpage19:07
ahoneybunyofel: clivejo I had to update the standards version thing in debian/control so you might have to too now19:07
yofelyou can't just use p-d chroots with pbuilder19:07
yofelnot without configuration19:08
yofeloh that, we don't really care :P19:08
clivejoahoneybun: give me a shout when its released, Ill try package it for wily19:08
ahoneybunso in 2 weeks or so19:09
yofelthe ubuntu policy is stuck at
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: still here?19:12
ovidiu-florinhangout dead?19:12
ahoneybunI wanted to end it for now19:13
ahoneybunpbuilder is running thanks to yofel19:13
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: it's compiling at least19:16
ahoneybunso good sign19:16
clivejoahoneybun: time to make a coffee and write a novel19:16
ahoneybunkill time till something breas19:16
clivejoIm sure lintian will have something for you to do19:17
ovidiu-florinit broke19:17
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: ?19:17
ovidiu-florinmy brain with these Gcompris translations19:17
ahoneybunlintian hates us all19:19
ahoneybunso picky19:19
ahoneybunlike my ex-gf XD19:19
clivejobut she doesnt even know me!19:20
ahoneybunXDX D19:21
yofelyeah, compiling, but a couple things are not found (probably too old), so it won't actually pass the binary step19:22
valorieso who is gonna package plasma-addons?19:32
ahoneybunit seems that Riddell has it kinda done19:32
* valorie will DCC a delicious cup of coldbrewed coffee to that wonderful person19:33
* ahoneybun likes coffee19:33
clivejoanyone suggest a home folder backup tool for kubuntu?19:33
valorie!info plasma-addons19:33
ubottuPackage plasma-addons does not exist in wily19:33
valorieclivejo: rsync19:33
clivejowith options to drop some folders19:34
valoriewe used to have lucky backup which was a gui for it19:34
clivejodont need internet cache, downlands etc19:34
valorieof course you can make excludes for rsync19:35
clivejovalorie: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeplasma-addons/4:5.3.95-0ubuntu119:35
clivejoin proposed aparently19:36
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: how do I quit that shell? without disturbing you?19:36
valoriethank you Riddell19:36
yofelahoneybun: F619:36
yofelerm, ovidiu-florin ^19:36
ovidiu-florinyofel: thank you19:36
valorieclivejo: I have a doc of rsync excludes, but I just copy the folders I want19:36
valorieotoh I want to script it19:37
* ovidiu-florin is off to bed19:37
ahoneybunso it is done clivejo?19:37
valorieI can send you the text doc if you are interested19:37
* ahoneybun already grabed the source19:37
clivejoI just want something quick to make an archive of my current home directory and extract it into my VM19:38
clivejominus the big useless files19:38
valorieright, cache, trash, ISOs, etc.19:38
* ahoneybun goes outside for a few19:39
clivejoI want to test apps 15.07.90 on wily19:39
valoriejust a 1k text file19:40
clivejoI wonder should I just do a regular remote backup and add the ppa into my main system :/19:41
clivejogonna have to add to that valorie, I have VMs and other rubbish in my home19:43
clivejoI think thats a job for tomorrow19:45
clivejotoo tired right now19:45
valoriethat's a project for a few weeks from now for me19:47
valorieright now, planning on heading north for a few days as my husband finishes his hike19:47
valoriedropping him off at Rainy Pass tomorrow, then picking him up in Canada a few days later19:47
clivejoyofel: can you retry kopete?19:48
yofelyes, in a bit19:48
clivejoI think its deps are resolved now19:48
yofelah, simple retry, done19:49
clivejothanks :)19:50
soee_updates broken a bit in Wily :)19:56
clivejosoee_: how so?19:56
clivejowhat did you do ?!?19:58
soee_nothing :)19:58
soee_this how normal updates look like now19:58
soee_yofel: is it due to this hcc transition ?19:58
clivejonot on my box!19:59
clivejobut then I do have proposed and a few ppa's added in for good luck19:59
soee_ah i do not have proposed20:00
soee_but last time i tried them, result was similar20:00
yofellet me try to update20:00
yofelyeah, about the same here20:01
yofelprobably the conflict between boost and kdepim20:01
soee_ok so good to know im not alone :)20:01
clivejoI dislike boost20:01
soee_what boost does ?20:02
clivejomakes sitter laugh20:02
valorieso is this a good upgrade to do?20:03
valorieI get the same as the paste in my little travel netbook20:03
valorieno proposed20:03
clivejothings might break :/20:04
soee_well not good :)20:04
clivejobut you risk that just using wily at the moment20:04
valorieI have updates and backports however20:04
soee_backports are empt in wily i think20:05
valorieeh, I'll wait until I return from this trip then20:05
clivejoooo whats in the wily backports20:05
clivejothats would be interesting20:05
valorie312 upgraded, 64 newly installed, 54 to remove and 0 not upgraded sounds pretty good though20:05
soee_there cant be anything, there is no way to backport something to wily :)20:06
yofelvalorie: you'll mostly loose kdepim20:06
yofelclivejo: it's just there so apt doesn't complain about not existing files20:07
valoriepim didn't like my gmail yet20:09
valoriesoee_: I didn't add it, it was just there20:09
valorieI think I'll run the upgrade for just to see20:09
soee_yofel: "wily testers needed for new kdepim. talk to sitter or yofel"20:09
soee_where is this new kdepim ?20:10
clivejosoee_: staging20:10
yofelwhere is that from?20:10
soee_yofel: check topic20:10
yofelbut yeah, probably in ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging-kdeapplications20:10
yofelah lol20:10
yofelyeah, it's in there20:10
clivejosoee_: be careful!20:10
yofeldo I add it, do I not add it, do I add it, do I not add it, do I add it...20:11
clivejoIve added it in a VM, but its a clean environment20:11
clivejoreally needs tested with live data!20:11
yofelscrew it, what could possibly go wrong XD20:11
clivejobut Im scared!20:12
yofelok, down to 124 to be removed20:12
yofelmostly libs and the couple broken things like kopete and kget20:13
yofelhm, libkface looks like just gcc-internal stuff missing20:14
clivejoyofel: Im looking at kmouth, in list-missing Im getting - -./usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/actions/phrase.png20:15
yofelsomeone needs to donate new hardware to debian, moszumanska is soo slow -.-20:15
soee_moszumanska ?20:17
yofelthe hostname of git.debian.org20:17
soee_and git is slow ?20:17
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
yofelthe server is slow, so cloning takes ages :/20:18
yofelone reason why sitter wants to move the CI repos somewhere else20:18
clivejois amazon cloud too expensive?20:19
soee_there is no one willing to sponsor some server ?20:19
yofelwell, we're on git.debian.org *intentionally* right now20:19
yofelbut harald isn't really happy about it for the CI20:19
yofelotherwise we could just go and move back to launchpad now20:20
soee_talk to https://www.digitalocean.com/pricing/20:21
soee_they might sponsor some droplets for you20:21
yofelthat's what he was looking for regarding build servers for KDE Neon at least20:21
ahoneybunyofel: XD20:22
yofelclivejo: wrt. kmouth, the file is gone, that's why dh_install complains20:23
clivejoyofel: yes, but when I build it myself, they appear to have moved20:24
clivejo-- Installing: /tmp/buildd/kmouth-15.07.90/debian/tmp/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/actions/./phrase.png20:24
yofelthen fix the install file20:24
clivejoI did20:24
clivejobut something weird is going on20:24
clivejoIve staged the files and commited20:24
clivejonow there is problems in pbuilder with hashes20:25
ahoneybunyofel: https://paste.kde.org/pkmotjhwm20:25
clivejoW: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/wily-proposed/main/i18n/Translation-en  Hash Sum mismatch20:26
yofel/tmp/ccn6GacI.s: Fatal error: can't write CMakeFiles/digikam.dir/date/monthwidget.cpp.o: No space left on device20:26
ahoneybunyea i know lol20:26
clivejodid I mention digikam is big :P20:26
clivejoare you using mnt on the ec?20:27
yofelthat should work20:27
ahoneybunso is that harddrive20:27
yofel*now* we are20:27
clivejotime for another coffee ahoneybun20:28
ahoneybundamn Fallout Shelter20:29
* ahoneybun starts to dislike pbuilder20:34
yofelit's useful to check the build, but as we already know that the build will fail, we might as well use a regular chroot20:36
yofelesp. as that ec2 looks pretty much not set up for development20:36
clivejoI find pbuilder good on my own system20:37
yofelyeah, if it's properly set up ;)20:37
clivejoyofel: yes, thats the key20:37
clivejomine still isnt updating on its own20:38
clivejohave to manually log in and update20:38
clivejoyofel: what does list missing mean?20:39
yofellist missing files20:39
clivejothey are mentioned in the install file, but havent been built?20:39
yofeli.e. list files that are not put into any binary package20:39
yofelno, files that are *not* in an install file20:40
* clivejo cries, but they are in it20:40
yofelif dh_install *fails* on them, that means that they're in an install file but don't actually exist20:41
clivejocould it be picking up a git file or something?20:43
yofeldunno, what's the actual error?20:43
yofelbut from git, no20:44
clivejoit says that a files I have in the install file arent being installed20:44
yofelright, that can happen, now you have to find out why20:44
yofel(upstream removed them, not being built because of missing dep, they moved elsewhere, ...)20:45
clivejoIm trying a git commit and retrying20:46
clivejoit built!20:49
clivejoyofel: please review and push - http://paste.ubuntu.com/12112103/20:50
clivejo:) thanking you kindly20:53
yofelclivejo: one thing about akonadi-serach, you changed one dep to = source:version, please use >= in that case. It doesn't matter for us, but in debian, the binary version can be higher than the source version20:56
clivejooh, how does it affect them?20:57
clivejoI mean how can a binary be higher than the source?20:57
yofelthey do binary-only rebuilds for library transitions. That way you can have a 5.4-1 source, and a 5.4-1+b1 binary20:58
clivejobtw did you retry kopete?20:59
clivejoseems to be failing on Depends: kdepim-dev and libkleo421:00
yofelI did, need to try this in pbuilder, that error is nonsense21:00
clivejowas going to do the same thing21:00
yofelactually, you do that. I need to get started on marble21:01
clivejoyofel: is there any way to search a ppa for a file like we can do in the main archives?21:09
clivejothat is very annoying!21:09
yofelfeel free to add yourself to bug 33516121:10
ubottubug 335161 in Launchpad itself "PPAs should export Contents-amd64.gz files" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33516121:10
ahoneybunlooks like it is finishing up21:32
ahoneybunno error messages that I can see21:36
yofelhm, it did actually build, right21:37
* yofel hits marble21:37
yofelthat'll take hours to do properly -.-21:37
ahoneybunso LP will take it yofel?21:37
yofelit should21:38
ahoneybunI'll try21:38
ahoneybunuploaded so now to wait21:40
clivejoand wait, and wait some more21:41
ahoneybunso LP accepted it21:42
ahoneybunstep 1 21:42
clivejoyofel: kopete has missing symbols :/21:46
clivejodoes pbuilder keep the buildlog?21:47
yofeldunno if it does by default, I use:21:48
yofelPKGNAME_LOGFILE_EXTENTION="_$(dpkg --print-architecture).build"21:48
clivejocan I safely fix this package?21:49
yofelnot if it's called libkopete421:49
clivejoit is indeed21:50
yofellets see if I can build marble 15.08.0 with the rest being 15.07.9021:53
clivejoyofel: please push this patch - http://paste.ubuntu.com/12113609/21:55
clivejojust updates the control to 3.9.6 and fixes the watch file21:55
clivejoI dont know how to do a lib transition21:56
clivejobut a rebuild on LP might help someone who does21:57
clivejoneed to reboot brb21:57
yofelCMake Error: The source directory "/tmp/buildd/marble-15.08.0/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/-qt5-22" does not exist.21:58
yofelgreat, now I can debug GNU Make21:58
clivejosomethings up with kwallet22:03
clivejowhy does it want to know my password over and over22:05
ahoneybunand it built clivejo :)22:07
clivejonice one :)22:07
ahoneybunyep thanks to yofel 22:07
ahoneybunof course22:08
* yofel builds marble... again... and now twice...22:08
* ahoneybun thinks clivejo should be moved up one on his belt22:09
* clivejo thinks clivejo has been very stupid22:10
ahoneybunI miss the terminal widget22:10
* ahoneybun builds Android now22:10
clivejokontact is going crazy22:10
clivejoanyone noticing firefox is crashing a lot with flash?22:12
yofelnot for me, although I lately use chrome for flash22:13
clivejothe chrome flash doesnt have drm22:15
clivejoso I cant use it for catch up tv22:15
clivejowhere can I get help on kwallet?22:16
clivejoand report bugs in kontact22:18
yofelreport bugs on kontact: bugs.kde.org22:19
yofeldo mention that you're using the kf5 version22:19
clivejoits lost all my RSS feeds22:19
clivejoreset to default22:19
clivejodo I need a separate login for the bugs portal?22:22
clivejoyofel: what version is it.  The about says 4.81 beta22:28
yofelclivejo: I would include that and the package version22:31
yofelnot sure what exactly sitter used22:31
ahoneybunsoee_ i need someone to test the kubuntu-settings 22:32
valorieterminal widget? why not yakuake?22:36
valorieso my wily netbook upgrade worked fine, although restart or shutdown did not22:37
valoriesudo restart didn't work either22:37
valorie"could not connect to Upstart"22:37
valoriesomeone said earlier that the shutdown not working from the plasma menu was not reported upstream -- what should I report that against?22:38
ahoneybunPlease test my kubuntu-settings 22:40
mparillovalorie: That was me, and it was when I ran my updates this morning. I sudo poweroff and then I re-started, and could use the plasma menu just fine.22:53
valorienow it works to restart or shutdown?22:54
mparilloI assumed that applying the updates removed something that enabled Leave > Shut down22:54
* valorie tries22:54
mparilloNow it works. I can try again.22:54
valorieyes, it does work22:55
valorieless work for me! no bug to file!22:55
mparilloSo this is not a normal user flow, and since it did not persist, I did not file a bug (plus I did nothink I knew the details to file a meaningful bug anyway).22:55
mparilloOff to flip the chicken breasts on the grill22:57
valorieI didn't realize it didn't work before, because I normally just shut the lid, and hibernate or sleep or whatever Just Works23:07

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