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dholbachgood morning07:16
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longsleepmoin folks, first question of the wekk, can i somehow make a /var/log location available for a service in a snap?08:30
ogra_not under confinement i think08:34
ogra_stdout is logged to syslog though08:35
ogra_(or to joornald if you prefer that)08:35
longsleepogra_: well i have a daemon which opens /var/log/blah.log and logs there until it reads its config to change the location .. kind of sucks and i was wondering if i can get around to recompile it08:44
ogra_well, i assume somethin similar to /tmp might be possible here08:48
longsleepogra_: yeah - thats what i was thinking08:50
ogra_kickinz1, whats up woth owncloud ? seems it doesnt work at all anymore since the docker update09:39
kickinz1ogra_, I started looking at it seems like it doesn't get SNAP_APP_DATA_PATH env. I need to recontruct it.09:40
ogra_well, as long as it is known :)09:41
kickinz1ogra_, I plan to upload it soon to the store (ran out of time last week to work on it)09:43
ogra_yeah, i didnt mean to be pushy or anything ... just noticed it on the weekend09:43
longsleepogra_: just checked the code for ubuntu-core-launcher, there is no way to setup additional bind mounts for snaps. So seems like i have to recompile the service :/10:12
ogra_longsleep, well, there is code that handles /tmp somewhere ... the same code could be used for log handling10:15
ogra_(not by you ... )10:15
ogra_(transparently provided to you rather ... like /tmp is)10:15
longsleepogra_: yes but this would need a change in ubuntu-core-launcher - too complicated i guess10:17
longsleepogra_: code for tmp is here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/ubuntu-core-launcher/trunk/view/head:/src/main.c10:17
ogra_Chipaca, ^^^ ?10:17
Chipacalongsleep: "additional bind mounts for snaps"?10:40
Chipacai'm probably missing context here10:40
Chipacaalso i probably caught you in your lunch break :)10:45
Chipacalongsleep: yeah, no, no way. either recompile, or wrap it with a preloader that changes open of things in /var/log to somewhere else10:46
Chipacathere's no way to tell it to use something else?10:46
ogra_Chipaca, well, on the phone we have per-app upstart los from ubuntu-app-launch ... i'm wondering if the same wouoldnt make sense on snappy10:48
Chipacaogra_: the per-app upstart logs are just logging stdout/err to a predetermined file, amirite?10:48
Chipacaogra_: it's not that it allows you to write to /var/log/blah.log10:48
Chipacai think we might be able to tell journald to write the per-app journal to a file10:50
Chipacabut i'm not sure we want to10:50
Chipacaof anything, we might want to expose that to app devs10:50
Chipacaie not make it the default10:50
ogra_hmm, yeah10:51
Chipacas/of/if/ fwiw10:51
Chipacastill no new snappy :'(11:35
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loollongsleep: I tried to pass the things you mentioned around RPi2 and other issues to Paolo, but it's not great on IRC; would you mind opening a bug describing the rpi2 smc issue? it seemed like something we could address in the kernel once and for all11:45
loollongsleep: the other things... these seemed like workload specific and we just need a facility to set them11:45
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ogra_lool, not sure what makes you think longsleep had the smsc issue :) we dont have a pckage for the RPi kernel or any way to track the bugs for it ... but paolo is aware of the issue and will work on it12:17
loologra_: I know the smc affects everyone, it's just that longsleep brought it up; I wasn't aware of it before that and wanted to pass it cleanly to paolo12:18
ogra_the smsc issue only affects people that have it12:18
ogra_and it was me who brought it up12:19
loologra_: how do you mean only affects people that have it?12:19
loologra_: so it's for an additional ethernet adapter, not the main one?12:19
ogra_and as i told you on friday there is no "suits all" solution12:19
ogra_smsc is a USB NIC12:20
ogra_only devices that use it will be affected by the turobo mode bug12:20
loologra_: I see12:20
loologra_: so what's the compromise here?12:20
ogra_and you have two ways to work around it ... either by switching off turbo mode or by bumping the vm_min size up12:21
ogra_for the RPi kernel we can easily do the latter so people dont see decreased performance ...12:21
ogra_if you would want to do this in -generic i wouldnt just bump the min addr12:21
ogra_since it might have other effects and the NIC is only used in sepcific boards12:22
ogra_(not in the BBB for example, which has a real NIC, nothing USB attached)12:22
longsleeplool: yeah rpi2 is more for ogra_12:24
longsleeplool: my issue was more a general one to inject kernel parameters (sysctl, proc stuff, ...) as early as possible without having to change initrd or other hacks12:25
loollongsleep: ack12:25
longsleeplool: if you want me to add a whishlist issue for that i can certainly do that12:26
loollongsleep: yeah, I don't think we have anything tracking this ATM12:26
loolit's all on our minds, but amongst a gazillion other issues12:26
loologra_: I don't feel I understand why it can't be fixed properly upstream; if it can't I guess we want to document how folks would do this on top of snappy and move on12:27
loologra_: is there an upstream pointer somewhere about this? you might have provided this on friday, but I can't find it right now12:27
ogra_GRMBL ...12:29
longsleepChipaca: just saw you replies - yeah its compiled with a static path to /var/log and stuff is logged there until the config file is loaded - i guess i could hack some preloader12:30
longsleepChipaca: but a general approach to add more bind mounts within snaps would be nice to have12:30
loologra_: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=5898&hilit=ethernet%2bhot&start=50 seems to have the most complete report of the smsc issue12:34
ogra_lool, we have like 6 bugs open for that in LP since 2009 :)12:34
loologra_: with this linaro bug describing a workaround in linaro ubuntu images https://bugs.launchpad.net/linux-linaro/+bug/66447712:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 664477 in Linaro Linux "System hangs due to cascade of smsc95xx errors " [Medium,Fix released]12:34
loolfrom 201112:34
ogra_yeah, there are older ones too :)12:34
* ogra_ researched all that last week before bringing it up here 12:35
ogra_(and discussiong it with ppisati)12:35
ogra_for the Pi kernel we will just bump the value12:35
ogra_but there is no generic way of fixing it12:35
longsleepogra_: the fix is to disable turbo mode?12:36
loolyou can bump the vm.min_size too12:36
ogra_longsleep, well, that costs yoiu performance12:36
longsleepogra_: yeah thats why i asked12:37
longsleepogra_: what parameters are you actually adding now?12:37
ogra_right, we will bump the default of vm.min_size of the RPi kernel12:37
loolif I understand correctly, the speed at which frames come in overflows the memory the kernel can allocate from driver context12:37
ogra_which is 8192 or some such currently12:37
loolit would seem to me the kernel config at least, or the runtime should detect this combination of options and bump the vm.min_size12:38
loolbut in any case, we should tune our config system to set it everywhere12:38
ogra_well, on devices where we have that HW and have a dedicated kernel it is easy to just change the kernel default12:38
loologra_: it's USB though, so you could plug it into anything12:38
ogra_i wonder if it makes sense toi generally set the vm.min_size to 16k or 32 ...12:39
ogra_i'm not sure what impact that has12:39
ogra_(on devices that wouldnt necessarily need it)12:40
loologra_: I believe Kconfig can set a value as a recommended default; we could probably upstream a patch to do this12:40
ogra_i know in the past we fixed it in userspace by shipping a sysctl.d snippet by default for all arm builds12:40
ogra_grrr ... why dont we have parted on snappy :P12:40
loologra_: cause you haven't snap-ed it  :-)12:41
* ogra_ wrangles with partition resizing for /writable ... 12:41
ogra_would be helpful if i could test on the actual install :)12:41
ogra_lool, i havent snap'ed it because nobody did rebuild the archive for static.archive.ubuntu.com yet :P12:42
ogra_(would be awesome if we could just do that :) )12:42
loolit's not clear whether we want static binaries of everything12:42
loolconsider the case where you have like 50 binaries in your snap using the same libs12:42
ogra_no, indeed, but it makes "quickly snappin somethin" so much easier :)12:43
loologra_: you tried snapcraft?12:43
loolit's pretty good at this too12:43
ogra_(and my kbd still needs a new g key ...)12:43
ogra_yeah :)12:43
ogra_i should add some autocorrection to xchat to replace g with '12:44
ogra_it works if i hit it very hard ... just not while typing it in a normal way12:44
* ogra_ knew it was a mistake to buy a logitech kbd when he bought it 12:45
ogra_shiny technology ... krappy mechanics12:45
kyrofa_ogra_, it was made for angry people13:02
kyrofa_ogra_, you're just too laid back13:02
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longsleepone of my services seems to get killed by systemd - main process exited, code=killed, status=31/SYS - any ideas?13:57
ogra_well, there is surely more :)13:58
ogra_(in some log)13:58
longsleepi cannot find any more information13:58
longsleepthe service does log on stderr13:59
longsleepit has networking and netowrk-service caps13:59
longsleepMain PID: 1329 (code=killed, signal=SYS)14:00
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longsleepmkdir("/tmp/body", 0700)                = 014:26
longsleepstat64("/tmp/body", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0700, st_size=40, ...}) = 014:26
longsleep+++ killed by SIGSYS +++14:26
longsleepChipaca: ^^^ any idea?14:26
ogra_where is that mkdir ?14:26
ogra_inside your daemon ?14:27
longsleepin my confined service14:27
Chipacalongsleep: um, ouch?14:29
Chipacalongsleep: anything in syslog?14:29
longsleepChipaca: nope :/14:30
longsleeprate limiting is off14:30
* longsleep is trying to confine nginx14:30
longsleepwell, it fails for /tmp too14:31
longsleepmkdir("/tmp", 0700)                     = -1 EEXIST (File exists)14:31
longsleepstat64("/tmp", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|S_ISVTX|0777, st_size=40, ...}) = 014:31
longsleep+++ killed by SIGSYS +++14:31
longsleepso i think it is the stat64?14:31
Chipacalongsleep: what does it do after the stat64?14:31
Chipacajdstrand: tyhicks: you around?14:31
longsleepi did not look into the code - hold on14:32
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ogra_hmpf ... i thinnk i shouldnt pull parted into the initrd ...14:35
ogra_not sure we want libreadline in there14:36
ogra_(and ncurses through that )14:37
longsleepogra_: sfdisk should be good enougth?14:38
ogra_well, we used to use that in the past for the same purpose ... i'd prefer parted since thats what we use everywhere else though14:38
ogra_(installer etc)14:38
ogra_but yeah, iirc that was actually the reason why we picked sfdisk back then too14:40
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jdstrandChipaca: I am, Tyler is not14:43
Chipacalongsleep: is the SIGSYS in a service, or in commandline?14:44
longsleepChipaca: no idea what comes next :/ body folder is created fine and then bam14:44
longsleepChipaca: service14:44
Chipacajdstrand: these lackeys always slacking off, huh14:44
jdstrandhe is on holiday today, back tomorrow :)14:44
Chipacajdstrand: would a SIGSYS be seccomp doing something?14:46
Chipacaor is it unrelated to that?14:46
jdstrandseccomp should send SIGKILL14:46
jdstrandand you would see a log entry14:47
Chipacalongsleep: SIGSYS usually means "bad system call"14:47
ogra_longsleep, are you sure its not an amd64 binary ?14:47
longsleepogra_: yes it runs fine when unconfined or run directly14:48
Chipacalongsleep: strace that :)14:48
longsleepChipaca: output is from strace :)14:48
Chipacalongsleep: strace -f -s 999 -o /tmp/trace yoursvchere14:48
Chipacalongsleep: i mean unconfined14:48
longsleepgood idea14:48
Chipacalongsleep: then we see what comes next \o/14:48
longsleepis there a quick way to unconfine a installed snap?14:51
Chipacalongsleep: edit the call to ubuntu-core-launcher and plug unconfined instead of the second parameter? never tried it though :)14:52
Chipacalongsleep: that'd mean editing /etc/systemd/system/something.service14:52
Chipacalongsleep: or you could just remove the call to the launcher entirely :)14:53
longsleepok next comes chown32("/tmp/body", 65534, -1)   = 014:53
longsleepguess that is the problem14:53
longsleepso .. no change owner?14:54
longsleepat least not to nobody i guess14:54
Chipacalongsleep: that's interesting14:55
Chipacajdstrand: would you expect that?14:55
Chipacajdstrand: it's clearly something in our confining apparatus doing it, but i don't understand what/how14:55
jdstrandwe don't allow chown because there is no reliable uid to chown to14:56
jdstrandbut, this is unconfied, no? nothing should be blocking it14:56
longsleepi want to run it confined14:56
longsleep(this is a web server, so it really should be)14:56
Chipacajdstrand: we found out it was chown running it unconfined14:56
jdstrandalso, we are using SCMP_ACT_KILL in the launcher so a sigsys won't be sent14:56
Chipacajdstrand: running it confined we get sigsys, and nothing in the logs14:56
Chipacahence a puzzled chipaca14:57
Chipacai say we, but it's all longsleep all the time :)14:57
longsleepyeah but what you say is how it is14:57
jdstrandseccomp can send sigsys, but only if seccomp_init is given SCMP_ACT_TRAP14:57
Chipacawhich makes me think maybe i should do a test case and see if i can reproduce it14:57
longsleepChipaca: well, this is nginx startup14:58
jdstrandsystemd can also send sigsys if a syscall filter is setup through systemd14:58
Chipacajdstrand: that might be it then?14:59
jdstrandare we setting that up now? it has to be something specific in the service file14:59
Chipacajdstrand: not unless we're doing it unawares14:59
Chipacaor it's the default or something14:59
jdstrandit should not be the default15:00
jdstrandeverything would break15:00
longsleepi do not see anything in the service file15:01
jdstrandplus it would be redundant with the launcher syscll filtering15:01
Chipacaok, meeting now15:02
Chipacaafter meeting will reproduce with small case15:02
Chipacathen pester you again jdstrand ;)15:02
longsleepwell what i see is that chown seems to trigger sigsys15:02
longsleepall right - thanks guys!15:02
jdstrandchown should trigger sigkill15:02
jdstrandand there should be a log entry15:03
jdstrandbut I didn't think you got all the way to chown before15:03
jdstrandI thought the sigsys came before that and you only saw chown when you went unconfined15:03
longsleepjdstrand: well strace says +++ killed by SIGSYS +++15:03
longsleepjdstrand: here are the two strace parts http://paste.ubuntu.com/12108465/15:05
longsleepso i concluded the chown is the reason for the kill15:06
jdstrandlongsleep: according to man 7 signal, SIGSYS is sent when a bad argument is used. are you specifying a uid to chown that doesn't exist?15:07
longsleepjdstrand: that could be it15:07
longsleepjdstrand: what uid should i actually use?15:07
jdstrandwell, as mentioned, you shouldn't use chown at all15:08
longsleepjdstrand: but the uid 65534 is nobody and it does exist15:08
jdstrandif you picked one that existed, then seccomp would kill you15:08
longsleepjdstrand: well it is done by Nginx - i do not have much a say in the matter15:08
longsleepjdstrand: so you say when i chown to an existing uid then seccomp will kill the process?15:09
longsleepthats it then15:09
jdstrandexcept I don't think it is15:09
jdstrandbecause you are seeing the wrong signal15:09
jdstrandbut really, it doesn't matter, cause if you fixed whatever this problem is, seccomp would block you15:10
longsleepok - but it is calling chown with a uid which does exist15:10
jdstrandthe reason why we don't allow it at the moment is because the launcher doesn't support syscall argument filtering and because there is no reliable uid to chown to (in general)15:11
jdstrandso, patch out the chown or otherwise tell nginx to run as root15:11
longsleepjdstrand: nginx will not run as root, if you run it as root it will setuid to nobody15:12
longsleepand i was trying to avoid patches :/15:12
jdstrandit sounds like that behavior needs to be modified15:12
jdstrandfyi, syscall arg filtering is being tracked in bug #144674815:13
nothalBug #1446748: implement seccomp filtering by argument <ubuntu-core-launcher (Ubuntu):Triaged> <ubuntu-core-security (Ubuntu):Triaged> <http://launchpad.net/bugs/1446748>15:13
ubottubug 1446748 in ubuntu-core-security (Ubuntu) "implement seccomp filtering by argument" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144674815:13
jdstrandbut that wouldn't be enough for your case-- you also need a non-root uid to start as15:13
jdstrandwhich is another unimplemented feature in snappy15:13
jdstrandfrom the seccomp security policy:15:14
jdstrand# snappy doesn't currently support per-app UID/GIDs so don't allow chown. To15:14
jdstrand# properly support chown, we need to have syscall arg filtering (LP: #1446748)15:14
jdstrand# and per-app UID/GIDs.15:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1446748 in ubuntu-core-security (Ubuntu) "implement seccomp filtering by argument" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144674815:14
longsleepjdstrand: all right, so if understand this correctly, i would need both to run nginx unconfined15:15
longsleeperr confined15:15
longsleepbecause nginx does fail with chown, and then will try to change the uid as it is run as root15:16
longsleepjdstrand: so the much bigger problem is that there is no way to start a snap service with a uid other than root right?15:17
jdstrandit is a missing feature15:18
longsleepjdstrand: ah the trick was simple after i understood this: user root root;15:20
longsleepthen it will not chown and not setuid/gid15:20
longsleepjdstrand: thans for explaining!15:20
jdstrandok, glad that worked. still puzzled why you were sent a sigsys15:21
longsleepjdstrand: well yeah - no i get the next sigsys .. seems like the worker processes get killed of15:23
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Chipacajdstrand: confirmed that i get SIGSYS not SIGKILL when running something that does chown15:37
Chipacajdstrand: but, i do get something in the log15:38
Chipaca[Mon Aug 17 15:36:52 2015] audit: type=1326 audit(1439825813.354:13): auid=1000 uid=1000 gid=1000 ses=1 pid=994 comm="q" exe="/apps/hello-world.canonical/1.0.18/bin/q" sig=31 arch=c000003e syscall=92 compat=0 ip=0x7f65d470c4d7 code=0x015:38
longsleepChipaca: can the audit log crash, the last audit stuff i see is from ths morning :/15:39
Chipacalongsleep: what do you get if you say "sudo sc-logresolve"?15:39
longsleepChipaca: nothing - no output15:39
Chipacaah well15:39
Chipacalongsleep: i haven't known it to, but i tend to fire a kvm up, test stuff, and shut it down again15:40
Chipacamy bbb hasn't ever crashed in that way that i know of though15:40
Chipacaalso i don't think it's "a thing" that can crash15:40
longsleepChipaca: let me try to reboot, i have the next sigsys kill - means i can only run nginx without a master process which is not suitable for production15:41
Chipacayou'd lose all logs, not just the audit ones15:41
longsleeprebooting now15:41
longsleepChipaca: no audit logs for me but plenty of worker process 6715 exited on signal 3115:43
Chipacait might because i'm not doing this as a service15:44
Chipacathat's next15:44
Chipacaman, i need tab completion on 'snappy install'15:45
davmor2Chipaca: alias si15:46
Chipacalongsleep: so, as a service, SIGSYS, with log entry15:55
Chipacae.g. Aug 17 15:51:10 localhost kernel: [  945.918847] audit: type=1326 audit(1439826670.799:20): auid=4294967295 uid=0 gid=0 ses=4294967295 pid=1120 comm="q" exe="/apps/xkcd-webserver.canonical/0.5/bin/q" sig=31 arch=c000003e syscall=92(chown) compat=0 ip=0x7f8da417a4d7 code=0x015:55
Chipaca(as output from sc-logresolve)15:55
longsleepChipaca: mhm ok then - so any ideas why it could not log that for me?15:59
Chipacalongsleep: well, two ideas15:59
Chipacalongsleep: my environ is not your environ -- i'm trying on a kvm with wily rolling and you're on 15.0415:59
longsleepChipaca: yes and on armhf15:59
Chipacalongsleep: and, your thing is doing a whole lot more than mine is15:59
Chipacalongsleep: want to try running my thing on your thing?16:00
Chipacalongsleep: otherwise i could try running my thing in your thing :)16:00
longsleepChipaca: sure - do you have an armhf snap?16:00
Chipacalongsleep: no, i just compiled it and copied it over16:00
Chipacalongsleep: but i'll make one for you16:01
Chipacagive me a bit though :)16:01
longsleepChipaca: you can try my snap if you have an armhf environment16:01
Chipacalongsleep: i've got a bbb, but i'd have to reflash it to know where it stands (i usually break them! because, um, i just compile stuff and copy them over ;) )16:02
longsleepChipaca: btw, i see the audit logs when i install or remove snaps16:03
longsleepChipaca: i meanm the profile status lines16:04
Chipacalongsleep: curiouser and curiouser16:07
longsleepChipaca: just sent you the URL as pm, that triggers signal 31 kills constantly16:11
Chipacalongsleep: http://people.canonical.com/~john/min_0_armhf.snap16:11
longsleepChipaca: (as the worker process is killed)16:11
jdstrandso, after looking at the kernel documentation (as opposed to the man page), it does look like the exit status of the task will be SIGSYS in we are setup for kill16:11
Chipacajdstrand: \o/16:12
Chipacajdstrand: so the only question remaining is why longsleep isn't seeing it in the logs16:12
Chipacalongsleep: that snap is untested ;) but it should give you a binary and a service16:12
jdstrandperhaps kernel rate limiting is in effect?16:12
Chipacalongsleep: that run the same thing16:12
Chipacajdstrand: longsleep mentioned he'd disabled it i think16:12
longsleepjdstrand: sysctl -w kernel.printk_ratelimit=016:14
longsleepi have that in effect16:14
jdstrandthis is on armhf? I have a sneaking suspicion that there is something wrong with logging on armhf cause I have felt that sometimes messages were getting dropped when they should've been logged, but I've never been able to reproduce when I want to16:14
longsleeparmhf yes16:14
jdstrandbut it is just a feeling16:15
jdstrandperhaps if you reboot you'll see it16:15
longsleepi rebooted and no change16:15
longsleepbut i see this: audit_printk_skb: 12 callbacks suppressed16:15
jdstrandhmm, yeah, I don't know then16:15
longsleepshould that happen when i have the ratelimit disabled?16:15
jdstrandright so the sysctl value will of course be dropped on reboot16:15
longsleepi applied it again16:16
longsleepChipaca: your service failed to start but no audit except http://paste.ubuntu.com/12109082/16:16
longsleepChipaca: and no audit when running min.q16:17
Chipacalongsleep: :(16:17
longsleepso either its my system, my kernel or a general issue on armhf16:18
jdstrandmaybe you should apply kernel.printk_ratelimit=0 to something in /etc/sysctl.d16:18
longsleeplet me try16:18
jdstrandeg, /etc/sysctl.d/99-debug-ratelimit.conf or something16:18
jdstrandthen reboot16:18
* longsleep reboots16:19
longsleepjdstrand: well i might have an idea16:21
longsleepsystemd-journald[360]: Failed to join audit multicast group. The kernel is probably too old or multicast reading is not supported. Ignoring: Operation not permitted16:21
longsleepi am on kernel 3.1016:21
longsleepotherwise no difference after reboot16:22
jdstrandis anything in dmesg?16:22
longsleepsysctl -a|grep printk16:22
longsleepkernel.printk = 441716:22
longsleepkernel.printk_delay = 016:22
longsleepkernel.printk_ratelimit = 516:22
longsleepkernel.printk_ratelimit_burst = 1016:22
longsleepit did not apply what i set16:22
longsleepbut i added the file16:23
longsleepwell the procps service does not seem to apply settings from /etc/sysctl.d16:26
jdstrandaccording to http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/sysctl.d.html, systemd is supposed to do that16:26
jdstrandI don't know if snappy let alone Ubuntu uses that16:27
longsleepyes if i do systemctl restart systemd-sysctl.service it gets applied16:27
longsleepnot on boot though16:27
jdstrand/etc/init/procps.conf is the upstart job16:28
jdstrandso that won't be run16:28
longsleepright, still my old habits16:28
longsleeplet me boot again16:29
jdstrandmaybe pitti or ogra_ has insight as to how /etc/sysctl.d should be applied on boot and why systemd-sysctl.service is seemingly not being run16:29
jdstrand"systemd-sysctl.service is an early-boot service that configures sysctl(8) kernel parameters"16:29
jdstrandnot sure why if you created /etc/sysctl.d/99-your-thing.conf why it wouldn't by applied16:30
longsleep(ODROIDC)root@odroid:~# sysctl -a|grep "kernel.printk_ratelimit "16:30
longsleepkernel.printk_ratelimit = 516:30
jdstrandunless there is a bug16:30
longsleepthat is after boot16:30
jdstrandand what is the name of the file you created?16:30
longsleepsystemctl restart systemd-sysctl.service16:30
longsleep(ODROIDC)root@odroid:~# sysctl -a|grep "kernel.printk_ratelimit "16:30
longsleepkernel.printk_ratelimit = 016:30
longsleephow you suggested16:31
longsleepcat /etc/sysctl.d/99-debug-ratelimit.conf16:31
longsleepkernel.printk_ratelimit = 016:31
jdstrandseems there is a bug that those aren't being applied16:31
longsleeplet me try to add it to an existing file then16:32
jdstrandI would be surprised if that work-- I imagine the service itself isn't being started16:32
longsleepah i think that is a mount order issue16:32
longsleepi cannot change the other files - those are readonly16:32
longsleepah not all of them16:33
longsleepnow added it to 10-zeropage.conf16:33
jdstrandthat would make sense16:33
longsleepdid not work either16:34
longsleepso there is a bug for sure16:34
jdstrandcan you file it against https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+filebug?16:35
longsleepmy most likely guess is that /dev/mmcblk0p4 on /etc/sysctl.d type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered) is not mounted when the systemd service is run16:35
longsleepjdstrand: sure16:35
jdstrandyeah, when you suspected mount ordering, I was thinking you were probably onto something16:36
ogra_jdstrand, uh, i didnt even know it isnt run16:37
ogra_thats clearly a bu16:37
longsleepjdstrand: bug #148568316:40
nothalBug #1485683: /etc/sysctl.d is not applied on boot <Snappy:New> <http://launchpad.net/bugs/1485683>16:40
ubottubug 1485683 in Snappy "/etc/sysctl.d is not applied on boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148568316:40
jdstrandcool, thanks16:42
longsleepChipaca: so i can now run Nginx confined but as a single process, whatever happens when the child is started, it fails with sigsys and i have no log :(16:45
ogra_Chipaca, mvo, seems the last snappy build now fails in manpage generation16:48
mvowe are moving forward16:48
ogra_no idea why we run it :)16:48
Chipacathat one is probably my fault :)16:48
ogra_(is there actually a manpage ?)16:48
Chipacaogra_: sergiusens asked for it16:48
mvowe don't have man but …16:48
* Chipaca symlinks man to less and makes everybody have a fit16:49
ogra_dont make cjwatson cry !16:49
seshuHello, I'd like to install mir and my application. How do I make snappy autologin?22:04

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