
pleia2airports airports, I've chiped in on the AI article and moved it to the Canonical spot, otherwise the newsletter is looking pretty complete01:19
pleia2jose: you'll move to wiki and get off to editors?01:19
josepleia2: yep! will work on it in a bit01:20
josepacking ÑD01:20
jose:D *01:20
pleia2I'll do a editorial review when I'm home tomorrow afternoon before publishing01:20
pleia2woo TLF :)01:20
joseyep ÑD01:20
joseurgh, keyboard switch fail :P01:20
pleia2I'm in Lima airport, boarding in ~20 minutes01:20
pleia2so packing up now :)01:20
pleia2have safe flights tomorrow!01:21
josethanks, you too! hope everything goes alright01:21
josealso, you feeling better_01:21
pleia2jose: feeling much better, thanks :) darn altitude in cusco10:01
MooDooloving the pic pleia2 :)10:36
MooDoopics on fb i meant lol10:36
* ahoneybun guesses pleia2 did not like the weather in Miami lol13:01
PaulW2Ueditorial review done20:17
pleia2thanks PaulW2U \o/20:27
pleia2ugh, travel stomach, will work to publish in a bit, need to take it easy21:24

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