
wxlcould someone check on lubuntu live images? not clear from the logs what exactly failed but it definitely did http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/lubuntu/wily/daily-live-20150816.log00:21
wxlactually loks like the issue might actually be blueman00:24
cyphermoxwxl: I should be asleep, but I think infinity was fixing it before, rebuilding the metapackage00:39
cyphermoxIf you want a respin, please ask but since it's almost 3am, I'll go get my beauty sleep00:41
wxlcyphermox: night cyphermox :)00:41
wxland thank you00:42
cyphermox(I don't have access to respin anyway)00:42
wxlit's ok, i can do it00:42
wxlfor what it's worth, the bluez issues are fixed, but we're having issues with a bunch of other libs. https://launchpadlibrarian.net/214665996/buildlog_ubuntu_wily_amd64_lubuntu_BUILDING.txt.gz00:53
slangasekwxl: that looks like an issue that's fixed by clearing out NBS binaries, so I'm doing that now - you may want to trigger another image build after the next publisher run01:44
slangasek(well, assuming the removal completes before the next publisher run; it seems to be taking a bit of time to process all the packages...)01:46
wxlthsnk slangasek. i'll probably just wait until we get a new image รก la cron. it's nice to know someone's on it. thanks again!01:47
infinityslangasek: Guessing from that massive NBS list and the mail spam that a good chunk of the snag went through while I was in the air?02:25
Laneyit went in!08:42
Laneynow who dares to dist-upgrade and reboot? :)08:42
xnoxpython3.5 as default?08:47
cyphermoxLaney: on it :D08:48
Laneynein, unity and everything post-g++508:49
* cyphermox tries and has reasonable backups08:54
cyphermoxguess I should also take a quick look at the image08:55
xnoxinfinity: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/history.html shows a nice drop.08:58
* Laney sees this for the first time09:00
cyphermoxvery nice09:07
=== flocculant_ is now known as flocculant
slangasekinfinity: yes, a few packages seem to have made it in13:37
infinityslangasek: "a few".14:06
slangasekbarry: do you have some idea why frosted FTBFS in Ubuntu but not in Debian? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/frosted/1.4.1-1/+build/7385456  (with the g++5 transition through, I'm looking a bit at other stalls in update_excuses)16:14
barryslangasek: i'm not familiar w/the frosted package, but 'builtins' is not a built-in module in python 217:51
slangasekbarry: right, so why does a build succeed on sid but not on wily?22:11
slangasekbarry: (translation: how can I make it so the build failure is the Debian maintainer's problem and not ours? ;)22:12
slangasek(altertnatively, to make it not a problem at all22:12
barryslangasek: unsure.  would have to spend some time on it22:13
slangasekbarry: ok, probably not worth you spending a lot of time on it22:15
barryslangasek: i'll keep a tab open for when i get the transition done22:16
cyphermoxslangasek: anything I can look at in priority in proposed-migration, or just pick at things to reduce the list?22:18
barrycyphermox: wanna look at some python3-defaults blockers? :)22:19
slangasekcyphermox: "priorities" might be looking at anything that winds up as a failed easy hint in update_output, if there are any that aren't haskell? :)22:20
cyphermoxthat's what I meant22:20
slangasekcyphermox: also, anything left on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/, and anything on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#python3-defaults as barry says22:21
barrycyphermox: if you do want to look at py3def, ping me so we don't overlap22:21
cyphermoxslangasek: btw, I can haz multipath-tools review for the trusty SRU? :)22:22
* cyphermox is looking at mlterm22:45
cjwatsonphew, another haskell transition out of the way23:09

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