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Tm_Twhy youtube scope identifies itself as "default project"?06:27
Tm_Tactually apparently there's several06:29
dholbachgood morning07:16
nocompola folks07:20
nocompsince i ve switched to rc-proposed no more developper options07:21
nocompcan t enable debug mode07:21
nocompam i missing something?07:21
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nhainesI noticed that the Photos scope isn't in the store anymore.  Whom can I email to fix that?08:40
popeynhaines: which photos scope, there's more than one.08:58
popeynhaines: e.g. https://uappexplorer.com/app/com.canonical.scopes.photos-local08:58
nhainespopey: that would be the Local Photos scop.09:00
nhainesI mean the aggregate scope.09:00
lotuspsychjethere was an rss feed i loved indeed i cant find either anymore09:00
popeynhaines: doesn't look like that one ever was in the store09:10
nhainesIn that case I think it should be!09:10
popeyI agree :)09:10
popeycwayne: com.canonical.scopes.photos isn't in the store..09:10
nhainesNow if only the Today scope could be fixed so that it shows the date/sunrise/sunset times.... like, in the next hour so I have a screenshot for my book!09:11
nhainesAlthough I'm a bit annoyed because I'm positive I've taken screenshots of it before.  :)09:11
davmor2nhaines: pull down to refresh09:12
popeylike that?09:12
nhainespopey: like that!09:13
popeyuse that if you want09:13
davmor2nhaines: there is a fix for it in the image in test for ota609:13
nhainesdavmor2: I've been doing that for like 2 hours now.... including after the update to v1.909:13
nhainespopey: extremely appreciated!09:13
popeynhaines: just shout if there's any other screenshots you need.09:13
davmor2nhaines: you would need to update the day scope not the today scope09:13
nhainesdavmor2: is it in the store?  :)09:14
davmor2nhaines: no idea09:14
davmor2nhaines: it is in the current rc-proposed image09:14
nhainespopey: thanks!  It's in an appendix, so my editors probably won't be too keen if I waste enough time on it to delay things, but my Nexus 5 and 7 usually works well enough. :)09:15
nhainesdavmor2: is there away I could dissect that image and push the scope to my Nexus 5?09:15
nhainescwayne: also the Day scope isn't in the stoer!09:16
davmor2nhaines: cwayne might be able to help you but that won't be till after lunch as he is in US timezone09:16
popeyyou could build it from source surely?09:17
nhainesdavmor2: so am I, so it might all work out.  :)09:17
nhainespopey: that's a vague possibility!09:17
popeydavmor2: also, what is this "Day" scope?09:17
davmor2popey: it the thing that provides the day/date/sunrise/sunset/moon phase bits to the today scope09:18
popeycom.canonical.scopes.day ...09:19
brunch875Is there a way to make QApplication work on the device? I want to skip QML and use the graphics view framework...09:23
brunch875Or... any non-horrible way to do qtquick on c++ entirely? :p09:24
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brunch875maybe there's a better channel to ask this...09:29
popeybrunch875: yes #ubuntu-app-devel09:32
brunch875thanks popey!09:32
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cwaynenhaines: its not in the store because its an 'invisible' scope, i.e. it doesnt show up in "Manage Dash"10:48
cwayneie. its only aggregated into Today10:49
cwayneso itd be a bit crap to go install a scope and not have it show up in your list of scopes10:49
popeycwayne: can it be uninstalled?10:49
popeywell, you don't need to answer that10:49
popeyit can be uninstalled10:49
popeymeaning you can get wedged, uninstalled and not re-installable10:50
cwaynehm, well i know its going to be updated in ota6, i wonder whether or not that would bring it back10:50
nhainescwayne: mostly I want to get ahold of it somehow to push to my phone an allow for a decent screenshot . :)  Also so my phone works right.10:51
nhainesUnfortunately, there's no rc-proposed build for the N5.  :/10:52
davidcallenhaines, crossing fingers for a devel-proposed working again soon on n5, haven't tried today10:53
nhainesAnd it's definitely not working on my Nexus 7.10:54
nhainesdavidcalle: ooh, that would be fun.  :)  I'm just sitting on stable there.  Which is great except for things like this!10:54
* davidcalle crosses fingers and taps "Install..."10:59
nhainesHmm, my Nexus 7 doesn't seem to respond to a USB keyboard now.  Or to a Bluetooth one.11:08
popeyyeah, mine isn't working either11:08
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cwaynetvoss: heya, we were looking at doing some confinement tests, and we'd need to programatically drop everything in trustdb, is there any easy way to do that?12:10
tvosscwayne, not easily, I'm afraid. However, deleting the .db file shouldbe fine12:10
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mardyjdstrand: hi! I have some questions about click-reviewers-tool, do you have some time?12:49
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jdstrandmardy: hey, fire away13:15
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mardyjdstrand: so, I'm preparing a simplified hook for online accounts, which at the moment provides the same functionality of the account-applications and account-service hooks13:19
mardyjdstrand: https://code.launchpad.net/~mardy/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/simplify-hooks/+merge/26752513:19
mardyjdstrand: this hook is a json file which will be processed and out of it we'll generate the .application and .service files13:20
mardyjdstrand: my goal would be to make it so, that is an app uses a framework >= 15.10, it can use only this hook ("accounts"), while "account-applications" and "account-service" should trigger a manual review13:21
mardyjdstrand: is the click-review-tool able to encode this logic?13:21
mardyjdstrand: is it via the peer_hooks initialization parameter?13:22
mardyjdstrand: is there another project which similar logic, which I might use as inspiration?13:22
jdstrandyou'd want to do it somewhere else13:23
mardyjdstrand: in one check_...() method?13:23
jdstrandwith peer_hooks you just say "in general, these hooks must be/can be specified with this one"13:23
jdstrandthen if you go more specific, do it in a check_13:23
mardyjdstrand: and all the check_ methods are run automatically, right?13:24
jdstrandit sounds like you are going to need to mock up that json file. that is trickier than it probably needs to be, but just look at what is being mocked up with the other online accounts and you should get there13:24
jdstrandmardy: yes13:24
jdstrand(obviously, the mocking is only for the testsuite updates)13:26
mardyjdstrand: cool, thanks, I'll give it a try13:26
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tmesshey guys... i wanted to port Ubuntu Touch to a device as my Minor Project at my college... It has a deadline to submit a working solution on 12th December (Some modules not working would do)13:55
tmessWill this be a good Idea?13:55
popeytmess: depends on the device, some are easier than others13:56
popeybut it's a good chunk of work to do13:56
tmessyeah... i have a team of 4... 3 of them hard workers...13:56
tmessill get their device models in a min.... maybe you could help me figure that out...13:57
cwaynelol what about the last guy, not a hard worker?13:59
ogra_doesnt matter how hard your workers work ... more about what knowledge do they brin in ?13:59
ogra_you need to know a lot about android to do a port ... along with knowing a bit about ubuntu13:59
tmess@cwayne yeah.... hes more of a .... Let's say public figure... more socially sound than the rest of us14:00
tmessKnowledgable people .... and they learn quick...14:00
tmessIve built a cm rom before.... just downloaded a repo and compiled it...14:01
tmessAccording to the Ubuntu Build Guide... ive already done half the work before....14:01
ogra_yeah, it is more about knowing which bits to disable and how to disable them in a non-breaking way14:01
mcphailtmess: do one for the Samsung Galaxy S3 19300!! (a) it seems to be the device most people ask about and (b) I've got one :)14:02
ogra_if you already know how to build AOSP and have the necessary AOSP tree for your device that surely a good start14:02
tmesswe've got a OnePlus One, a Nexus 5, Moto G3,14:03
tmess@mcphail I would if I had it.... :/14:03
mcphailtmess: never mind :)14:03
tmessand a lenovo... model coming in... @mcphail Hope you get it soon :)14:04
ogra_mcphail could send you his ;)14:04
* ogra_ grins14:04
tmess@orga that sounds good.... @mcphail Donations are always welcome14:04
mcphailtmess: :)14:05
tmessorga... whats ur say?  OnePlus Moto G3  or Lenovo... I believe nexus 5 would already have one14:06
mcphailtmess: It would be great for someone to blog their way through a port, including hurdles and pitfalls. You could task colleague #4 with that one14:06
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tmessid do it myself.... post it for u somewhere for sure14:06
mcphailtmess: brilliant14:07
ogra_tmess, the oneplus has one thats 80% done, the N5 indeed has a full port due to it beig in the upstream AOSP tree thats a trivial one ... just needs some more help i think14:07
ogra_(one plus need some more help i mean)14:07
tmessproblem is... they would expect me to do a completely from scratch build..... not just helping someone out for the next 3-4 months14:09
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tmessbtw the 4th one is asus zenfone 214:17
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tmessI'm just gonna post this again in case someone else can answer....14:21
tmessi wanted to port Ubuntu Touch to a device as my Minor Project at my college... It has a deadline to submit a working solution on 12th December (Some modules not working would do)14:21
tmessI have a OnePlus One, A nexus 5 , Moto G3, Asus Zenfone214:21
popeyNot sure what you want people to say?14:23
popeyblimey, that asus zenfone2 is cheap14:24
tmessI want people to say go for it.... hahaha14:24
popeyooh, Atom.14:24
mcphailpopey: how cheap?14:24
popey~130 quid14:25
tmessI wanna know a definite ---ish answer by tonight... I have to submit a proposal tomorrow itsself14:25
mcphailtmess: do the Atom!14:25
popeyunless I am misreading the google stuffs14:25
tmessYeah it is cheap14:25
popeywould have some interesting challenges14:25
popeywhich would be great to solve.14:25
tmessBut not great enough to risk my entire year at college :(14:26
popeytmess: i personally think this would be quite an interesting project14:29
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ogra_i would define the level you consider success in advance though ...14:30
ogra_getting rild to work is really hairy on some devices14:30
ogra_so i wouldnt make "making calls" mandatory :)14:30
ogra_bluetooth is usually in the same realm14:31
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maggotswhere are the webapps location on the phone14:51
m0n5t3rsturmflut2: do you know anyone else poking at the bq e4.5 hardware? I'm trying to get to talk to my phone (flashes fine, won't boot), and I'm trying to figure out the serial port14:52
m0n5t3rscope timings seem to indicate 921600 baud, but it's all gibberish, so it's not that; 115200 will display a few words on boot-up, then switch to another speed and display gibberish again14:54
maggotswhere are the webapps stored on the phone14:55
maggotswhat location14:55
dobeymaggots: they're click packages, they are stored in the same place as native apps14:55
maggotsand where is that?14:55
dobeyin /opt/click.ubuntu.com/ (unless you're asking about pre-installed apps or something)14:55
maggotsnope, thank you14:55
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tedIs it a good idea to try a wily image yet?18:17
tedIs there something else people are using to validate wily silos?18:26
tedLike a known good image number?18:26
dobeyted: on what device?18:38
tedThat's usually what I use to test silos.18:38
dobeyted: i think 273 or 274 should boot there; but good luck installing anything that's c++ and was built against current wily-proposed18:39
dobeyi think i'll try to boot the current image on my mako now though, just to see if it'll boot18:40
dobeyooh, well i got the splash screen this time at least18:46
dobeyseems to be all i'm getting though18:48
dobeyoh nice18:48
dobeyunity8 keeps crashing18:48
greyback_dobey: suspect it's this stuck in proposed http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#qtmir18:48
dobeyoh and the keyboard crashed too18:49
greyback_if unity8 doesn't come up, every graphical app will crash too18:49
dobeygreyback_: yeah, i installed the qtmir from proposed and it comes up again18:54
dobeyted: so latest image plus the two qtmir packages from proposed, will get a booting wily on mako :)18:54
greyback_dobey: cool, will repoke fginther with that info18:55
ted\o/ SHIP IT!18:55
tedAh, and as soon as I go to do that, it migrates.19:38
cwayneanyone seeing drastically reduced battery life on arale?20:32
jgdxcwayne, yes21:37
jgdxor, compared to a recent revision or e.g. krillin?21:40
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Talustushi :)22:39
Talustusany idea how to get ADB access to a device i ported ubuntu where the display currently dopes not work22:39
Talustustried the solution on the porting guide with replacing the adb bin but that does not work22:40
bkchrHi. At the moment I'm trying to build a kernel for my Oneplus One. The kernel compiles and the devices boots, but the screen won't activate and I don't get any adb connection. Does someone has an idea where I could get more information why the screen isn't coming up?23:36
popeybkchr: you should speak to mariogrip - he has a oneplus one port I believe.23:45
bkchrOkay thank you :)23:46

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