
Kilosmorning all and sundry05:04
Kilosoh and inetpro 05:07
barrydkMorning everyone05:10
Kiloshi barrydk 05:11
* Kilos waves to nlsthzn05:11
linda_G'morning, any Skype boffins online?06:42
linda_skype runs on adsl and wifi but not on vodacom default06:42
linda_its langjan posing as linda06:43
linda_hi Kilos 06:45
Kiloshi linda_ 06:46
Kilosgoed dankie en jy 06:46
Kilosek maak gou irc oop op lappy06:47
linda_goed dankie, lekker geslaap?06:47
linda_inetpro, and I need a next session, no luck so far but progressing, that guys brilliant06:49
Kilos-he s known as mr fixit06:52
linda_Now Linda's Skype, it installed on my adsl and wifi, now it looks for hotspot and does not see Linda's vodacom dongle...  06:53
linda_Gogle seems not to help, any suggestions?06:54
Kilos-one of the young guys will know06:55
linda_like you...06:55
Kilos-i had first skype in last week06:55
linda_skyping to oz?06:56
Kilos-yes wonderful06:57
Kilos-we spend most of my data laughing06:58
linda_great, laughing good for immune system06:58
linda_keeps you young and well06:59
linda_data well spent06:59
Kilos-hopefully by Christmas ill be there06:59
linda_great, where in oz?07:00
Kilos-cant wait but need ops first07:05
linda_Sorry, what ops?07:10
Kilos-inguinal heria and prostate07:14
Kilos-hi Cryterion 07:15
linda_eina, sterkte07:15
linda_where in oz you doing to?07:15
Kilos-yuck place imo07:17
Kilos-sorry linda_ imy mind not thinking07:22
Kilos-you said voda dongle07:22
Kilos-do you have another one  handy07:22
Kilos-not voda if possible07:22
Kilos-many peeps complaining about voda atm07:23
Kilos-most likely signal too weak or slow07:24
Kilos-they changed their name as well to vodasucks07:27
linda_Melbourne beautiful area07:30
Kilos-nee man07:31
Kilos-only 2 reasons to go07:31
linda_I dont have other dongle, but signal is fine07:31
Kilos-have you got win on anything there07:31
linda_Its just Skype connected on my hotspot now only sees that07:32
Kilos-install the dongle and check all the settings07:32
Kilos-and see if it has a data connection07:33
linda_on wndows? I have dual boot on Juanitas machine07:33
Kilos-sister was without data here for 3 months so went telkom07:33
linda_It has, it connected fine previously07:34
linda_only since I installed ubntu07:34
Kilos-oh wit07:34
linda_dongle is fine, skype does not see it07:34
Kilos-install modem-manager-gui07:35
linda_cli or synaptic?07:35
linda_doing synaptic07:37
Kilos-thats god because i might have something wrong07:43
linda_I instaled package, updated, restarted, no change - does not see the dongle07:44
linda_Kilos-,  you there? 07:58
linda_I have put question to Skype community, hope they reply some time soon!07:58
Kilos-lets hope08:01
Kilos-oh my08:01
Kilos-what dongle08:01
linda_vodacom mobile connect08:02
GnikLlortGood morning linda_ and Kilos- 08:17
Kilos-hi GnikLlort 08:17
Kilos-linda_ you need the modprobe command08:18
Kilos-i dont remember it but starts sudo modprobe /usb/i thnk08:18
linda_Thks GnikLlort 08:19
linda_and Kilos- 08:19
Kilos-also linda_  gogle 14.04 doesnt see modem type08:19
Kilos-you will find lots08:20
linda_Its not Ubuntu prob, its Skype. Ubuntu connects fne08:25
pieter2627morning inetpro Kilos barrydk and all others08:27
Kilos-hi pieter2627 08:27
GnikLlortmorning pieter2627 08:27
linda_Modprobe? Its not a Linux problem its Skype setup gone awry08:29
linda_gmorn GnikLlort  sorry so late reply08:35
GnikLlortnp :)08:35
linda_hi pieter2627 08:35
pieter2627hi linda_, new to our channel08:36
linda_hi pieter2627 dis langjan on lindas lapie sorting out some issues08:38
pieter2627oh, hallo oom langjan08:39
linda_hi pieter2627 08:40
Kilos-pieter2627 please help him to get 14.04 to see a stupid voda dongle08:40
GnikLlortJust added a useless command to my bot lmfao08:41
pieter2627hmm, its been awhile since i had to fiddle with those things but let's see. what happens currently?08:42
linda_14.04 sees the dongle, its connected. Skype connected via my hotspot now it only wants to connect via hotspot, how do I get skype to see the dongle?08:46
pieter2627skype connected to hotspot???08:47
pieter2627skype will use the OS's connection - cannot see how one will set it to use a specific one08:47
linda_the OS connects via my adsl and wifi when its here, it connects via Linda's Vodacom mobile when she has it, but then Skype does not see the connecton and keeps seeking the adsl where it originally installed.08:58
linda_Its kidergarten stuff but for some crazy reason thats what Skype is doing (or not doing) 08:59
Kilos-i would purge skype, wipe the .skype in home hidden files09:00
Kilos-then reinstall with dongle connected09:00
Kilos-lemme see what in conf09:01
Kilos-get the dongle online first with irc09:02
Kilos-maybe turn off wifi for a while till setup09:02
MaNIif you close and open skype after changing internet connections does it still not work?09:03
linda_I have tried all tose options09:03
linda_Looks like I will have to purge and reinstall Skype - crazy!09:04
MaNII doubt that will do anything, it doesn't really sound like something skype controls, I mean skype jsut sends packets its the OS that decides where they go, its probably just bad routing09:08
MaNIhttp://aleksz-programming.blogspot.com/2013/01/using-wifi-and-network-cable-at-same.html < something like that might help, it's obviously not entirely the same but the same principals apply09:09
linda_Too complicated for the oldies, I think ill just remove Skype and reinstall away from my system09:16
thatgraemeguymorning peeps09:17
* thatgraemeguy looks.... yup, still morning09:17
linda_hi thatgraemeguy 09:19
linda_bye guys09:19
pieter2627am also thinking along the lines MaNI has pointed out09:27
Kilos-hi thatgraemeguy 09:46
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
linda_Kilos, how do I purge Skype completely? It keeps on remembering its settings09:54
Kiloslinda_ 09:55
Kilosin home tick view i think09:55
Kilosthe show hidden09:55
Kilosthen you will see .Skype09:56
Kilostrash that09:56
Kilosare you online with the modem now09:56
thatgraemeguylinda_: remove ~/.Skype and ~/.config/Skype09:56
thatgraemeguyor rename09:56
Kilosty thatgraemeguy 09:56
linda_yes online at lindas09:57
linda_Ok its working thks guys10:03
linda_Linda is quite happy with the Unity interface and says all her pages are opening quicker and easier now, now its just the emails 10:04
linda_'Bye chaps, have a lovely day10:05
magespawnGood Afternoon11:50
Kiloshi magespawn 12:23
magespawnhey Kilos 12:47
magespawnwhats up?12:47
Kilossame old lad and there?12:47
magespawnsame old too, pretty much13:04
magespawnsetting up request tracker on a local server to see how13:05
magespawnhome time, chat later 14:26
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
Kiloshi Squirm 15:01
SquirmKilos: anything new?15:09
Kilosnope dont think so. only langjan sorting a lappy onto ubuntu for an 88 years old granny15:10
Kilosonly thuinderbird stuff still then she is good to go15:11
SquirmHome time! Chat again sometime soon :P15:13
magespawnback again15:18
Kilosweb magespawn 15:18
Kilosoh my wb too15:19
Kilosyou use win still, is it safe to let office 2010 go to the ms site and get reactivated??15:20
Kilosso stupid/evil that a bought and paid for programme deactivates itself15:21
magespawnit should be, how many computers is that licence key used on?15:22
Kilosi have no idea, but think its just this one15:23
Kilosold lady , friend of sisters15:23
magespawnshould be fine15:24
magespawnwas it reinstalled at some point?15:24
magespawneither the os or the office?15:24
Kilosbut online info says it will deactivate again. no i think original insta15:24
Kilosmany peeps with same prob http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/officeversion_other-office_install/office-2010-cannot-verify-license-error-message/62ad5890-4e71-4bc1-829e-d6252af61fcb?auth=115:25
Kilosim trying to get into the program with cli15:26
Kilosfound some commands but they must be run in the program itself15:27
magespawncli of office?\15:29
Kiloscommand prompt sorry15:30
Kilosi used to talking linux15:30
Kilosi think i need to cd to the office program then run the command15:30
Symmetriaanyone gonna be at iweek?15:39
magespawnno Symmetria, did not even know about it15:51
LangjanHi inetpro , will you please let me know when you have time to have another bash at Thunderbird? 15:56
Kiloswb Langjan 15:56
Kilosis that all still now?15:56
Symmetriaiweek capetown 7th of November for the whole week16:02
Symmetriaat Spier16:02
magespawnwell, i tell you what, if i am in cape town i will make a turn16:04
magespawnKilos: run the command in the office directory?16:04
Kilosyeah im just trying to find the path magespawn 16:05
LangjanYes Kilos the only thing to do is the e-mails16:05
Kilosc:/program files16:05
Kiloslekker Langjan 16:05
Kiloscant you manually add all the info16:06
LangjanJa, hoop net ons kan hulle regkry16:06
LangjanDont know16:06
Langjancan you? 16:06
LangjanVia import/export tools?16:07
magespawnwhat win Kilos?16:07
Kiloswhen i first installed thunderbird i manually entered my first address16:07
Kilosxp magespawn 16:07
Kilosin program files is office then about 4 in there16:08
Langjanwell linda has 1,4 GB of mails that she would like to keep and access, plus her address book 16:08
Kilosarent those mails still on the server Langjan ?16:08
Kilosi have many gigs lying at gmail16:09
magespawnthere is usually a folder called OFFICEXX where XX is a number according to the version you have installed16:09
Langjandont know, she is using Vodamail16:09
Kilosso you steup  the accounts manually then go to the site and mark as unread and it will fetch them16:09
Kilosoh my16:09
Kiloslemme look magespawn 16:10
Kiloswhew in there are office 10 12 and 1416:11
Kilosi cant even cd to office16:12
KilosProgram Files i mean16:13
Kilosnm we cany talk that stuff here16:13
LangjanKilos,  voda gives 3 GB free email so she should be ok but does not know her email password, will probably go that route if we dont come right soon16:16
Kilosmaybe fone them for password reset16:17
magespawnyou should be able to reset the password through the vodacom website if you have the sim card phone number16:26
magespawnwhich office are you using Kilos ?16:27
Kilos2010 magespawn 16:27
magespawni think that is 14 but you should be able to google that16:27
Kilosty magespawn i gotta go eat17:02
magespawnnp Kilos 17:07
Kiloshi kab17:32
Kilosoh hi kapanda \17:32
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za17:32
kapandahi 17:36
magespawnhey Kilos 17:40
magespawnback 17:40
Kiloshi magespawn im trying to get the thing to connect to the net17:41
Kilosi love ubuntu17:42
Kilosstupid xp cant even find a wired connection17:42
magespawnwhat is it wired to?17:45
Kilosto my pc direct now and was through switch before17:46
CryterionKilos, I'd keep it connected to the switch rather17:47
Kilosill go back to that ty17:47
Kilosi should just tell the auntie there office wants to activet only so go do it by you17:48
Cryterionotherwise you need to share your connection, creating a new DHCP server (Entire new network in other words)17:48
Kilosmy pc is set to share the connection17:49
Cryterionbut via it's internet connection (I.E. it creates a temp network from a Direct connection to INET) not via a switch or router (It becomes the router)17:50
magespawnso then just set the xp machine to a statis ip in that range and yo should be good17:50
Kilosok ty lemme try17:50
Kiloslappy connects fine with cable to switch17:51
Kilosand via wifi17:51
Kilosill have to investigate xp side17:51
Kilosi go look in control panel17:52
magespawnKilos: how is the laptops networking setup?17:52
magespawndhcp or static?17:52
Kilosonly tried with ubuntu and kubuntu not with 7 yet17:52
Kiloslemme go see17:52
Kilosnono too much work, not happy head day17:54
Kilosmore is nog n dag17:54
Kiloslappy connect easy with wired17:55
Kiloswireless i had to tell it to my shred connection17:55
Kilosmaybe that eth port is bust18:00
Kilosswitch doesnt show connection18:01
magespawncheck the cable too if you can18:05
Kilosi in and outed it a few times now switch shows connected18:05
inetprogood evening18:06
inetproLangjan: are you here?18:06
Kiloshi inetpro 18:06
Langjanhi inetpro 18:06
inetprosorry for stepping in late18:06
inetprohave you got any further yet?18:07
Langjanno inetpro 18:07
inetprodo you know all her mail settings?18:07
Langjanno, will haveto get froom Vodacom18:08
inetprohmm... she using a Vodacom address?18:08
Langjanthey provide 3GB18:08
inetprobad idea, but let's just stick to that for now18:09
KilosLangjan  is she has vodamail on cell she can go there and do the forgot password bit18:09
inetproLangjan: can you please do the following for me on linda's laptop on the cli18:11
inetpro$ find .thunderbird/ -ls | pastebinit -a Langjan18:11
inetproobviously without the '$ ' in front18:11
LangjanI have to fetch the lappie, give me 10 minutes pse18:12
inetprono problem18:12
Kiloswb linda\18:22
lindapastebin: command not found18:22
Langjanthks Kilos 18:22
Kilosfind .thunderbird/ -ls | pastebinit -a Langjan18:23
lindasorry its init18:23
Kilosthat didnt find pstebin18:23
Kiloscopy paste18:23
lindafind .thunderbird/ -ls | pastebinit -a Langjan18:24
Kilosi think so18:24
lindadoesnt copy and paste for some reason18:25
Kilosfrom cli18:25
Kilosthen ctrl+c18:25
Kiloshexchat and xchat need that here18:26
lindathks will try that Kilos 18:27
inetproah, wb linda18:28
lindathks inetpro  alias Langjan18:28
superflyhappy birthday tumbleweed!18:28
Kilosugliest linda ive ever seen18:28
inetprowow... quite a few sub folders under Mail18:28
Kilosohi superfly 18:29
inetprohello superfly18:29
Kilostumbleweed  happy birthday to you18:29
Kiloshope you had a good one18:29
lindadid you see outcome inetpro ?18:30
inetprolinda: ok, here's what I'm thinking18:31
inetprocan you please start thunderbird with the default profile and set up her mail account from scratch18:31
inetprothen once that is done we move the files in the Mail folder to the newly created profile18:31
inetprolinda: yes 18:32
inetproin other words, start with thunderbird -p18:32
lindaok but to do that I will have to sit with her on Vodacom website to get her settings first18:32
inetprohmm... guess you'll have to do that18:33
inetpromaybe just one important point before you go18:33
lindaI have some settings here, will try and get back tou you if I come right, otherwise tomorrow evening?18:33
inetprowhen you set up her account, don't let Thunderbird download the mails18:33
lindaok shoot18:34
inetproonly set it to download mails as soon as we have restored her old stuff18:34
lindawill it not automatically start downloading when connect is successful?18:35
inetpropress Escape as soon as possible when it starts doing that18:36
LangjanOK will do thks, have a good evening guys, hope to chat again soon 18:36
inetproin fact18:36
Langjanyes inetpro 18:37
inetproyou can set 'Work offline' when you start with thunderbird -p18:37
Langjanok must I start with thunderbird -p in cli?18:37
Langjanfine, thks 18:38
inetprohmm... 18:39
tumbleweedsuperfly: thanks18:39
inetprotumbleweed: \o/ Happy Birthday!!! 18:39
inetproLangjan: I see she actually had multiple profiles or accounts18:41
inetproif you look in the Mail folder you will see what I mean18:41
inetprolike pop3.vodamail.co-2.za and pop3.vodamail.co.za and mail.vodamail.co.za and pop3.vodamail.co-1.za18:42
inetprooh and pop3.vodamail.co-4.za18:43
inetprodifficult to tell from the datestamp which one was the last one in use but I'm guessing it would be pop3.vodamail.co-4.za18:44
inetprooh and it looks like she never used the addressbook as well, so by the looks of it we just need to restore her old messages18:48
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:54
Kilosgood luck18:54
magespawnbed time, good night all19:25
captineeverning all.. long time19:47
inetprowb captine20:01
captinehow things20:11
inetprocaptine: always good thanks, just busy as always20:32
inetproeven if I hate saying that word 'busy'20:33
inetproand there?20:33
kulelu88Does anybody do data science work here?20:41
inetprokulelu88: what's the diffs between data science and statistics?20:52
inetpronot that I do either20:52
kulelu88keyword-speak mostly.20:52
kulelu88and tooling20:52
kulelu88statisticians still stick to their excel or archaic tools sometimes20:52
inetprooh my20:53
* inetpro calls it a day20:55
inetprogood night everyone20:55

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