
TJ-tutolato: yes00:00
tutolatoand after that, connecting the external usb?00:00
TJ-tutolato: and hope you don't have systemd journald stealing the kernel messages!00:00
TJ-tutolato: correct :)00:00
tutolatoso i executed the tail command and then plugged in the external hdd, but in the terminal nothing changes00:02
TJ-tutolato: when you started the tail command... did you see about 10 lines of history displayed (which tells us kern.log is in use) ?00:02
tutolatoAug 17 ****** MateBook kernel: [ 126.xx] usb 1-1:00:03
=== ahmed is now known as Guest95193
TJ-tutolato: OK... that seems to confirm there's an issue with the USB side... you've not accidentally pulled the cable out so the connector isn't fully mating?00:03
tutolatooh yes00:04
TJ-What? was that it!?!00:04
tutolatoyup :o00:04
tutolatothanks xD00:05
TJ-I/m glad I always remember to return to "check the cables, stupid!" ")00:05
tutolatothat would be to easy00:05
TJ-easy solution though... happy ending. better do some good file-system checks before using it again00:06
tutolatohaha thanks, i learned a new way to troubleshoot with tail00:06
tutolatobye :)00:07
sreggingnikcufare black people allowed to use Ubuntu?00:08
HadesWatch3rI have installed Ubuntu 14.04.03... used LVM on a single hdd... I have 2 others... I want to add them to lvm ... I have formatted them with the disk utility as luks compatible ... how do I tell Luks to use them and that space now?00:10
TJ-HadesWatch3r: you seem to be mixing up your terms. LUKS and LVM are different things entirely00:11
not2but1sreggingnikcuf - good question.00:11
=== arj is now known as Guest56696
HadesWatch3rTJ- no doubt..00:12
HadesWatch3rI have used lvm to encrypt the first drive during install.. I want to add the other two to that space volume now..00:12
TJ-HadesWatch3r: LUKS is encryption; LVM is volume management00:12
HadesWatch3rTJ- Yes, right.00:12
TJ-HadesWatch3r: so, you cannot use LVM to encrypt a drive00:13
HadesWatch3rTJ- ok.00:13
HadesWatch3rHow can I add my other two drives to LVM.00:14
TJ-HadesWatch3r: if you're using LUKS encryption, you'd use the "cryptsetup" tool to format/open it00:14
HadesWatch3rTJ- Appreciate your replies. I have used the Disks utility in Ubuntu to format/encrypt the other two drives... (at least that is what I believe I have done.)00:15
TJ-HadesWatch3r: if you have several LVM physical devices (PVs) you can add the PVs to an existing Volume Group (VG) using "vgextend" see "man vgextend" - something like "sudo vgextend VG /dev/PV1 /dev/PV2" (where PV1/2 are something like /dev/sdc or other block device)00:16
HadesWatch3rTJ- Will do, thansk.00:16
TJ-HadesWatch3r: maybe that tool combines the operations - I generally work with the command-line tools rather than GUI for such things, so I'm not sure what that tool is capable of00:17
ElevyNJHello. I have a laptop with a cracked screen. Ubuntu is installed. How do I redirect the display to a monitor I have attached to it?00:18
TJ-ElevyNJ: can you ssh into it from another PC?00:19
TJ-ElevyNJ: alternatively, can you read the screen well enough to execute a command at a shell command line ?00:20
ElevyNJTJ-, Yes I can see the right side of the screen00:20
TJ-ElevyNJ: if you can get a terminal in that area, and first run "xrandr" it'll list the video outputs available. Then you can use something like "xrandr --output <name> --auto" to enable it00:21
ElevyNJTJ-, I did xrandr --output VGA1 --auto and nothing happened. How can I redirect the xtandr output to pastebin for help here?00:24
TJ-ElevyNJ: "pastebinit <( xrandr )"00:25
ScottSteinerhow can i list the displays on my system?  (:0, :1, etc) I need it for ffmpeg. Thanks00:26
ElevyNJTJ-, http://pate.ubuntu.com/12103786/ is the output00:27
ElevyNJI mean http://paste.ubuntu.com/12103786/00:28
TJ-ElevyNJ: according to that VGA1 is connected to the left or right of the laptop screen00:28
TJ-ElevyNJ: to the right actually00:29
ElevyNJTJ-, Physically the screen is to the right of the laptop. The VGA connector is on the left side and is in no signal mode00:30
ElevyNJTJ-, but It seems I can drag items off the right side of the screen never to be seen again00:30
TJ-ElevyNJ: as far as the X server is concerned the VGA1 monitor is to the right of the laptop screen. If the monitor isn't displaying anything then there's a cabling issue00:30
TJ-ElevyNJ: the VGA1 resolution of 1440x900 is rather strange, depending on what kind of monitor it is of course.00:31
dvelaI'm having an issue disabling a monitor in LightDM. I've tried editing "display-setup-script=xrandr --output DVI-I-1 --primary" in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf, but it's done nothing for me. The monitor is automatically disabled when I log in. I'm using xfce4.00:32
ElevyNJTJ-, It's an Acer AL1617W00:32
ElevyNJTJ-, It should be 1280 X 102400:33
TJ-ElevyNJ: it looks like the monitor isn't talking to the PC then, if you don't even see a "resolution out of range" message on it00:36
ElevyNJTJ-, any suggestions?00:36
TJ-ElevyNJ: try the monitor on another PC to try to prove it works, first... if it does see what modes it reports to that PC, see if it makes sense based on what you've seen for this PC00:37
ElevyNJTJ-, I'll be back then00:40
ubuntu-mateI friggin' love Ubuntu Mate. x.x00:41
=== ilosamart|auei is now known as ilosamart
HadesWatch3rMission accomplished, thank you.00:47
ubuntu-mateInstalling Ubuntu Mate. Anyone else have it?00:48
TJ-HadesWatch3r: nice one, well done :)00:48
ubuntu-mateAlmost done!00:55
Nakatarwhat? fixing steam?00:56
danielmwakanemamsg nickserv register 12345iamdark95 danielmwakanema@gmail.com00:57
ilosamarthe he00:57
Flanneldanielmwakanema: You'll want to change that password00:58
OerHeksdanielmwakanema, change your password after registering :-)00:58
=== dearn_ is now known as dearn
ilosamartdanielmwakanema: and, PLEASE, change your email's password as well01:01
OerHekswell, that email is on the log rol now, beware of spam01:01
ElevyNJTJ-, After putting the screen on a Windows 10 system and getting a display I moved it back to my Ubuntu system and the screen automticly showed. I guess the cable was loose at first01:02
ElevyNJIt did survive a reboot01:03
ilosamartthe importance of a slash01:03
TJ-ElevyNJ: ha! always the cables01:03
danielmwakanema:( Just did, forgot the slash in the cmd. Hope no one accessed before I changed it.01:03
ilosamartsetup a two-factor auth01:04
ilosamartit's always the right thing to do01:04
ElevyNJTJ-, now to find a guide for Plex server on Ubuntu and how to backup my windows systems to an external drive on this system01:05
danielmwakanemaAlright ilosamart, will do.01:05
=== Guest74305 is now known as guyz
YukenWhat would the differences between Ubuntu and Debian be (or would this be better to ask in #linux)? I've heard that it utilizes multithreading better, which could be.... very good for my T5250.01:10
OerHeksYuken, you heard wrong. Ubuntu has no rootpassword, thats all.01:12
ilosamartYuken: Ubuntu derived from Debian, it uses software that are newer, like newer kernel, libraries, etc (if you compare the stable version of both)01:13
LoganOerHeks: there are some other differences ;P01:13
OerHeksLogan, oh sure, like better artwork :-D maybe you can name more differences..01:14
wylemCan I ask what'd probably be a stupid question?01:14
ilosamartbasically this is the difference, plus one or another tweak user enhancement01:14
ilosamartbasically this is the difference, plus one or another tweak to enhance the user interface (sorry )01:15
LoganOerHeks: what ilosamart said, paired with a different release cycle, etc.01:15
Loganwylem: sure, you can ask anything01:15
wylemI just installed MATE 15.04, updated, and tried to install synaptic. When I attempt to create a shortcut in the "applications" menu, the shortcut does nothing.01:15
ScottSteinerWhile trying to record the screen from within a vnc connection using ffmpeg, I keep getting a black screen. What could be causing this?01:15
wylemI set my path to /usr/share/applications/ but still nothing.01:16
wylemThe only way I'm able to run it is by opening a terminal window, and leaving it open.01:16
wylemWhat am I doing wrong?01:16
wylemI haven't used linux in several years, and the last time I ran ubuntu it had a program manager upon install.01:17
ubuntu305Hello. I have AMD Radeon HD 7850M graphics card on my laptop. Using build-in drivers my laptop getting hot and fan speed are on high speed. Should I install oibaf drivers or xorg-edges maybe?01:17
wafflejockwylem: you may want to checkout alacarte01:18
wafflejockwylem: it's helpful for setting up your menus01:18
wylemOkay. I guess I'm just confused. With a fresh install, it would seem that there'd be a fairly easy way to install programs.01:19
wylemI guess I don't know what I'm doing anymore.01:19
OerHeks!info pyvnc2swf01:19
ubottupyvnc2swf (source: pyvnc2swf): screen recording tool with Flash (SWF) output. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.5-5 (vivid), package size 64 kB, installed size 296 kB01:19
not2but1Wylem: dust?01:19
wylemI'm not sure what you mean.01:20
OerHeksScottSteiner, use pyvnc2swf orvnc2flv to record vnc sessions ?01:21
wylemGot alacarte, but it's still not letting me create a shortcut for synaptic.01:33
wylemI guess I'll just install a different build of ubuntu.01:34
DalekSec!info menulibre01:35
ubottumenulibre (source: menulibre): advanced FreeDesktop.org compliant menu editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.6-1ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 97 kB, installed size 1029 kB01:35
snowkidindis there a script that looks through all your files and checks for the correct permissions settings?01:36
not2but1Snowkidind - lynis01:36
snowkidinddo they just scan or do they perform changes?01:37
snowkidindsounds good will look into it thanks!01:38
snowkidinddo you prefer one over the other or do they have different benefits to warrant both?01:38
not2but1I prefer lynis01:39
not2but1Rkhunter is dedicated to scan rootkit01:39
not2but1But it can scan for permission setting too01:39
snowkidindok kool01:39
matt__hey everyone, i have ubuntu 15.04 Gnome and I plugged in a second monitor (hp 27xw) and it makes both screens go black01:40
matt__whats going on?01:40
matt__does anyone have any ideas as to what may be wrong?01:40
snowkidindso you pay for lynis?01:42
snowkidindhah it says you can download it but it also has plane01:42
not2but1Its free01:43
matt__hey everyone, i have ubuntu 15.04 Gnome and I plugged in a second monitor (hp 27xw) and it makes both screens go black01:43
matt__does anyone have any idea whats wrong?01:43
TJ-matt_: wrong mode(s) being chosen? have you looked in the /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?01:44
matt__how do i do that?01:45
matt__im kind of a noob :/01:45
matt__hence using ubuntu01:45
matt__I didnt realize there would be a problem adding one more monitor via hdmi01:45
TJ-matt_: open a terminal, type "less /var/log/Xorg.0.log" and press G to jump to the end of the file, then work your way back up looking for messages about new monitors being connected... or just pastebin the entire file for us to read "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"01:47
TJ-matt_: usually there isn't - you're almost unique :)01:48
TJ-matt_: that PC has dual GPUs, intel and nvidia, an Optimus config?01:55
matt__here is my pastebin TJ01:55
matt__i just used the nvidia proprietary driver01:56
matt__i dont have bumblebee or optimus to the best of my knowledge01:56
matt__all i did was dl the propreitary driver01:56
Jakeis there a way to use iptunnel with a domain name on the remote side?01:57
Jakespecifically with gre tunneling01:57
TJ-matt_: according to that log it has intel and nvidia "intel(G0): Integrated Graphics Chipset: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600"  and "NVIDIA(0): NVIDIA GPU GeForce GTX 860M (GM107-A) at PCI:1:0:0 (GPU-0)"01:58
ElevyNJTJ-, Question, I have an external drive attached how do I find the point point so I can make folders for Plex?01:59
TJ-matt_: starting at the top of the file, if you search for "(EE)" those lines are errors, and give some indication there's a conflict between intel and nvidia. You should ensure you have the nvidia-prime packages installed too01:59
TJ-ElevyNJ: find the what?01:59
matt__so just sudo apt-get install nvidia-prime?01:59
JakeElevyNJ: if my memory serves me correctly it is mounted in /media01:59
TJ-matt_: it may already be installed. Check with "apt-cache policy nvidia-prime"01:59
matt__TJ: I have nvidia-prime installed already02:00
ElevyNJTJ-, Mount point so I know the path to the drive02:00
squeeseHey, got a system with two disks working fine, one has arch-linux and the other windows - would like to install ubuntu on the linux disk instead - do I need to take special care to not "break" the bootloader? (dont know how to phrase the question really, hope I get my Q across) =P02:00
TJ-ElevyNJ: Oh... well it depends if the device has been mounted by udisks... if so it'll be under /media/$USER/02:01
TJ-ElevyNJ: "mount" will show current mounts02:01
TJ-matt_: then there's some issue with the interaction according to that log. I'm not a fan of Optimus, we see far too many problems with it02:02
ariscopso i've uploaded a source package via dput to my ppa, is there some sort of notification that it's worked?02:02
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ElevyNJJake thanks. Now how do I make this folder writable from any PC (windows or linux)02:03
TJ-ariscop: usually only get an email notification if there is a problem02:03
Jakechmod 65502:03
TJ-ariscop: best thing is to simply look at your PPA listing... after a few minutes it should show the package waiting to be built02:04
ariscopTJ-, ah, so it can take a few minutes02:04
matt__so are there any options available to me?02:04
TJ-ariscop: yes, it depends on the buildd load02:04
matt__is it a problem with Gnome or is it solely my video card?02:04
TJ-matt_: the whole GPU switching area is a mess. there are 2 distinct forms, and they are very different. (MUX and MUX-less)02:05
TJ-matt_: that log-file suggests a config problem of some sort since the GPUs don't seem to be cooperating as they should02:06
matt__is there a way I can just deactivate the intel video card so it only uses the nvidia?02:06
ariscopmatt__, for most modern nvidia cards, bumblebee should work02:06
ariscopnot in the mux-less setup02:06
TJ-matt_: possibly; in the PC's firmware setup02:06
matt__ariscop:  okay, how would you recommend I install it so that everything goes smoothly?02:06
ElevyNJIs there a way to overide the laptop going into sleep/suspend mode when the screen is closed?02:07
ariscopmatt__, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee02:07
TJ-matt_: that log suggests that PC might well be MUX-less - there's no indication that the nvidia GPU sees any outputs02:07
matt__ariscop: any advice about using it?  is there anything i need to set up beyond this?02:08
matt__TJ:  I don't know what MUX means...but I thought I installed the driver alright :/02:08
TJ-matt_: Multipleser02:09
TJ-matt_: Multiplexer02:09
n_blownaparthello could anyone walk me through an update: from bodhiLinux 2.3.0 to 3.1.0 . ? Apparently my /etc/apt/source.list config file doesn't have current repos. I have know clue...noob. thanks!02:09
ariscopmatt__, once installed, to run something on the dedicated card you need to prefix it with 'optirun'02:09
matt__TJ:  do you agree with ariscop that bumblebee is a good idea?02:09
TJ-matt_: Installing the packages should be sufficient, but the driver has to write a custom /etc/X11/xorg.conf for most Optimus cases... it is possible that has something wrong in it02:09
TJ-matt_: I don't know, I won't use Optimus myself. I thought I heard mention that Bumblebee was deprecated in favour of nvidia-prime - but not 100% sure02:10
wylemHoly shit this is frustrating.02:10
ariscopTJ-, bumblebee comes with its own xorg confs in /etc/bumblebee02:10
TJ-ariscop: right, but currently the broken system has an nvidia-generated xorg.conf... which may be all that needs tweaking to fix the issue02:11
n_blownapartOh TJ-  *there* you are... :)02:11
TJ-ariscop: "|-->Screen "nvidia" (0) "02:11
ariscopsurely wiping xorg.conf would work? i'm not sure what version he's on02:12
TJ-ariscop: the log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12104702/02:12
ariscopyeah, wiping xorg.conf should 'just work', newer xorg autodetects everything02:12
wylemTo clarify again: I just installed MATE 15.04. I then updated and installed synaptic. I went to add a shortcut for synaptic in the "applications" menu, and it did nothing. I installed alacarte, and it wouldn't allow me to create a shortcut. Can anyone please help me out?02:12
TJ-ariscop: I thought one was needed for optimus MUX-less?02:13
TJ-matt_: can you "pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"02:13
ariscopTJ-, shouldn't be, i've been on two optimus machines and neither had issues02:13
OerHeksBumblebee is old, nvidia-prime is the current tool https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HybridGraphics02:15
spearsonI'm trying to follow these http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1537708 instructions to make the trackpad issue permanent but I can't find the touchpad section though02:19
spearsonalso, when I try to save the file, it says Could not find the file “/usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-synaptics.conf”.02:20
spearsoncould someone assist?02:20
matt__TJ here is my pastebin of Xorg.conf02:20
spearsonthanks but somehow my file is blank02:21
spearsonand it says (gedit:2842): Gtk-WARNING **: Calling Inhibit failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files02:22
TJ-matt_: from what I've seen from other users, that looks correct.02:22
spearsonwhen I put in the commend to bring up the file02:22
matt__okay..so is there anything i can do to get the monitor working? what steps would you take if you were me?02:22
OerHeksspearson, i think you need "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf"  >>> see last answer http://askubuntu.com/questions/431270/where-did-usr-lib-x11-xorg-conf-d-10-synaptics-conf-go02:23
matt__when I plug the HDMI in, my laptop screen goes black and then the new big monitor flashes between black and a grey screen that says "ubuntu gnome"02:23
limberahow do i permanently set environment variables without defining them in my bashrc02:24
TJ-it's not the monitors that are the issue... the intel is even trying to switch both outputs to 1920x1080, that shows in the logs. I would check if there is any firmware setup options that might be causing the problem... some firmwares have options for controlling use of the hybrid GPUs.02:24
OerHeksspearson, wrong cut/paste, /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d02:25
ElevyNJQuestion: Now that I have my ubuntu system seeing the eternal display how do I make it the default when I launch apps?02:27
TJ-matt_: I found this... worth trying: http://askubuntu.com/questions/603603/nvidia-not-displaying-correctly-hdmi-monitor02:27
TJ-ElevyNJ: set it as the primary02:27
TJ-ElevyNJ: something like "xrandr --output VGA1 --primary"02:27
OerHekswylem not using ubuntu-mate myself, i wonder why you need to make a shortcut for synaptic...02:28
matt__TJ: Backed up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.nvidia-xconfig-original' Backed up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup' New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'02:28
wylemI suppose I don't. I just don't want an open terminal window every time I use it.02:29
TJ-matt_: log out and back in again, that'll restart the X server with the new config... test it... and check the new Xorg.0.log that generates in case it has different reports02:29
ElevyNJTJ-, thanks. last quesion for the night. i turned on desktop sharing.How do I view it from a windows 10 box?02:30
spearsonwhat location do I save the file to?02:30
TJ-wylem: you can create a freedesktop .desktop file for it, in $HOME/local/share/applications/02:30
wylemThanks, TJ.02:31
spearsondoes it go in HD > usr > lib > X11?02:32
TJ-ElevyNJ: I think I'll let you figure that out :D02:32
TJ-ElevyNJ: I'd guess it'll be something to do with needing aq VNC client on Windows02:33
Matt____TJ: I restarted my computer and now my laptop is not in 1920x1080 resolution02:33
Matt____everything is messed up02:33
Matt____its showing this small box02:33
Matt____TJ: ahhh i dont know whats wrong :(02:33
TJ-Matt____: welcome to the world of Nvidia Optimus :)02:33
Matt____TJ: :(02:34
TJ-Matt____: try to switch to a VT with Ctrl+Alt+F1, log-in, and put the original xorg.conf back and restart the X server with "sudo service lightdm restart"02:34
TJ-Matt____: I have to leave the PC now, hopefully someone else can pick this up02:35
Matt____how do i put the original xorg.conf back?02:35
ElevyNJTJ-, Thanks for the help02:35
TJ-Matt____: "sudo cp  /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup   /etc/X11/xorg.conf"02:36
Pinkamena_DLooking to run a script to switch from one gpu to another. It seems that I will need to modify xorg somehow, automatic would be preferred. Any ideas where I can start?02:43
Bashing-omPinkamena_D: Depends on the GPU sets .02:48
Pinkamena_DIt is not the hybridgraphics, as this is the only situation I can seem to find support for at all.02:48
Pinkamena_DI have two situations that I care about: 1) intel laptop gpu to external pcie gpu. 2) desktop gpu to another desktop gpu (pcie)02:49
aeden__Dmfantastic37, !hello02:50
aeden__Dthat didnt work the way i was expecting02:50
Pinkamena_Dparser acting up?02:50
tgm4883!hello | mfantastic3702:51
* tgm4883 shrugs02:51
aeden__DPinkamena_D, na, tried to envoke ubottu...02:51
Pinkamena_Dmust be asleep02:51
mfantastic37this is kind of unrelated to ubuntu. But i have a need for windows (software) and i have been running win7 in vitual box. Its slow and painful. will my older PC with a core 2 quad q9400 benifit from installing an ssd?02:52
tgm4883there isn't a hello factoid02:52
Bashing-omPinkamena_D: Not a lot of direct help, but I have seen the means to do do so on this mega thread : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1743535&highlight=i915&page=86 ; using the xorg.conf files to switch .02:52
aeden__Dcrap lol02:53
mfantastic37trying to speed up and make more stable my vitualbox win702:54
Pinkamena_Dyeah, ssd helps older spec computers too.02:54
aeden__Dtgm4883, hi <deleted><reply> Hi! Welcome to $chan! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.…Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:55
mfantastic37ubuntu runs just fine except when virtual box and win7 is hogging its resources02:55
tgm4883mfantastic37: RAM?02:55
tgm4883how much did you give the VM?02:55
mfantastic37i believe 4gb02:55
tgm4883I think an SSD would definitely help02:56
mfantastic37i already ordered it02:56
Pinkamena_DBashing-om, so I guess here is the large conceptual question about this: Can I switch cards without loosing all of my opened programs, or does a larger project have to make major changes for this?02:56
mfantastic37was just hoping its not a waste02:56
tgm4883mfantastic37: oh, well you won't be dissappointed by it :)02:57
daftykinsmfantastic37: my old Q6600 loves the SSDs in it :)02:57
mfantastic37ohh i gave virtualbox win7 3gb of ram02:58
mfantastic37i ordered the samsung ssd02:58
Pinkamena_DFor example, I have tried and failed so far to modify xorg files to switch, but I guess this is my fault, but even if I was successful, I would have to do a lightdm restart to see the changes, in which case I might as well just restart the whole machine, which detracts from the usefulness.02:58
mfantastic37awesome.. how do i adress someone in irc.. like @daftykins02:59
Bashing-omPinkamena_D: My thought is that you would have to close all down in the cuurent config, and restart all new in the new config .02:59
daftykinsnot the twitter / facebook way that's for sure02:59
daftykinsjust nick at the start of the sentence :P02:59
mfantastic37im not ready to move on to an i7 just yet my q9400 is no slouch03:00
Pinkamena_DSo this is just kind of a limitation in the entire X architecture at this point?03:00
mfantastic37nick? like literally type nick?03:01
daftykinsyeah i'm holding out for when an upgrade would be justified too - probably not for a while given skylake wasn't so great and kaby lake is a stop-gap since intel can't shrink their process nodes anymore :<03:01
daftykinsno nicknames.03:01
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:01
daftykinsPinkamena_D: yep you're just a niche customer. you could however script up a lightdm stop, file swap, then start perhaps03:02
daftykinsPinkamena_D: or i bet you can do something with /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ files but no idea what.03:02
mfantastic37got it daftykins03:03
Bashing-omPinkamena_D: I am not that in-depth familiar with the X layer . But I am not aware of a on-the-fly method to switch graphics sets .03:03
mfantastic37did it help with stability daftykins ?03:03
daftykinsmfantastic37: SSD and stability? not sure what you mean there, if your system isn't stable in terms of CPU load, RAM load or whatever then disk won't change much03:05
mfantastic37well sometimes. when switching user accounts it freezes or the password entry box dissappears and requires a reboot. thats not why im purchasing an ssd though. daftykins03:07
snowkidindI just installed trusty with an SSD and i notice a significant decrease in response times03:08
snowkidindbefore with a mechanical HD some commands would just churn the HDD into forever03:08
daftykinsah, i don't run Linux on that machine anywho03:09
mfantastic37well im going to bed. goodnight everyone.03:10
TJ-Pinkamena_D: what you want isn't available. It would require such things as transferring OpenGL textures and other primitives, object handles, from one GPU and its dedicated memory, to another.03:14
Pinkamena_DI am not much of a low level programmer, so I can not speak with knowledge about this topic. However from a hardware/performance standpoint it should be doable, as certain _other_ operatins systems do it with ease.03:17
TJ-Pinkamena_D: there is very little demand for what you describe; it is an extreme niche03:18
Pinkamena_DAccepting that I do need to lose the programs for a switch, though, my biggest hurdle is correctly modifying xorg. I have tried creating a file /etc/X11/xorg.conf, adding some reasonable looking entries, and restarting the service, but usually I guess wrong (lol) and I just get a black desktop.03:18
Pinkamena_DWould there be something to either 1) generate some xorg entried based on current hardware or 2) "test" the new config, and revert after 10 seconds or something if it does not work?03:19
TJ-Pinkamena_D: don't modify xorg.conf. Keep 2 spearate config files and switch between them.03:19
daftykinsPinkamena_D: honestly i already suggested something :|03:20
Pinkamena_DYou said I could do 'something' with the files but 'no idea what', unless I missed another comment that oyu made.03:21
daftykins< daftykins> Pinkamena_D: yep you're just a niche customer. you could however script up a lightdm stop, file swap, then start perhaps03:22
Pinkamena_DAlso TJ-, switching may seen niche, but a fair amount of people may like to have three monitors but each video card only has two outputs. This is still not extremely common but I know a few people with this setup.03:22
TJ-Pinkamena_D: another option is to run each GPU as a separate X screens and use something like xpra + shifter03:22
daftykinsPinkamena_D: why would anyone need to switch anything in that setup?03:23
TJ-Pinkamena_D: I have 3 GPUs and 6 monitors with 4 X sessions on my laptop, and never wanted to move between the X screens. I prefer the session separation03:23
daftykins3 on a laptop o003:24
Pinkamena_DOk, so to clarify the 'switching' I am not looking for power saving or anything. If I can just leave the intel gpu on and do everything I need on the other gpu without 'turning it off', that is fine.03:25
daftykinsheh, pretty sure nobody considered that to be a problem03:25
daftykinsit's the general task itself03:25
Pinkamena_DSo I guess I am a little more confused here than when I started about what is and is not possible.03:27
TJ-daftykins: yeah: http://i.imgur.com/eUrjfxk.jpg03:28
Pinkamena_DIs there an algorithm that ubuntu goes through to make the xorg file when the system is set up, that I could modify to generate a new one for another device?03:28
daftykinsnow that's a man cave :)03:29
TJ-Pinkamena_D: each time the Z server (xorg) is started it is told a config file to read. You could have several xorg.conf files and have the display manager select the appropriate file when (re)starting the X server03:29
TJ-daftykins: I have a Quadro NVS420 (2 GPUs - 4 heads) in an external PCIe ViDock connected via ExpressCard03:30
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Pinkamena_DTJ, that is similar to the setup I would like to obtain, I also use the egpu dock. Have you documented your efforts anywhere?03:32
TJ-Pinkamena_D: I occasionally share the xorg.conf: https://iam.tj/projects/misc/xorg.XPS-NVS420-6monitor.conf03:33
Pinkamena_DSo you have this 'nvidia-settings' (it seems) which is like a frontend for editing xorg.conf?03:34
TJ-Pinkamena_D: that's a leftover. I hand-crafted the xorg.conf03:35
TJ-Pinkamena_D:  but the nvidia drivers have a supporting config tool in the nvidia-settings package, which is both a command-line and GUI application03:36
Pinkamena_DIt just seems like quite a lot of imformation to have to manually compile to prepare a few monitors. Perhaps if no one else has ever proposed working on it I can learn this and make a config tool.03:37
daftykinsyou could just contribute your time to X's replacement03:38
TJ-It depends on what is required. the X server has automatic configuration for simple configs but for complex configs it needs to be told03:38
Pinkamena_DBecause it is rare to see someone else with the egpu setup, I just want to ask how you manage with it. Are you able to revert settings correctly when you undock?03:38
daftykinshelp steer it to be what we want it to become03:38
SuperLagAre there any apps/packages that will do an automated disk usage report? or do you have to use some third-party thing like Nagios for that?03:38
daftykinsSuperLag: disk usage? like 'df -h' you mean?03:39
TJ-Pinkamena_D: when I need to go mobile the X server had to be stopped and the current xorg.conf gets moved out the way, and put back again when I return to the workbench03:39
Pinkamena_Ddaftykins, replacement? Has anything been proposed for this? I have never hears of it.03:40
daftykinsWayland isn't it?03:40
daftykinshmm you might want to do some research then03:40
wafflejock1SuperLag: you should have disk usage if you search in the dash03:41
wafflejock1SuperLag: pretty sure it's installed by default03:41
Pinkamena_DOk, final question about this before I leave you alone: For the example xorg.conf entries above, where could I place then in ubuntu? I have by default no /etc/X11/xorg.conf. The only related entried are broken up into a bunch of files in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d03:46
Pinkamena_D(sorry about replacing s with d so much)03:46
daftykinsthere's no xorg.conf as default because everything is auto detect03:46
daftykinswhen you make one, it has always historically gone in /etc/X11/ yes03:46
Pinkamena_Dbut will that overwrite everything in the other files, or extend it? How can I only change the monitors, not all of the other inputs and such, without breaking everything?03:47
Pinkamena_DFrom what I could find there are not even any "screen" entries in the /usr/share location?03:48
daftykinsyeah you need to do some reading, honestly i'm amazed that you've been discussing this topic without even having touched on any of these 'beginner X config' topics03:48
SuperLagdaftykins: wafflejock1: I want to report space hogs. People whose ~ is taking up the drive.03:49
Pinkamena_DWell, when I wanted to add monitors, I did not instantly expect a large amount of research would be needed, but I stand corrected. Do you have a link you feel conveys recent and accurate information that I should invest time into reading?03:50
SuperLagdaftykins: wafflejock1: We have some users who forget about the leftover data their jobs generate, and it fills up the drive03:50
daftykinsPinkamena_D: no03:51
SuperLagPinkamena_D: I haven't followed since the beginning of the convo03:51
SuperLagPinkamena_D: I'd look into arandr03:51
SuperLagit's very useful for configuring displays, especially multiple03:51
daftykinsSuperLag: hmm seems like an after the fact thing that, quotas could've been handy maybe :>03:51
Pinkamena_DBashing-om ; daftykins ; TJ , I appreciate your time in trying to help me understand this issue, and what I should expect to be possible.03:55
Pinkamena_DSuperLag, I am not sure it arandr will work any better than the built-on ubuntu ool for configuring multiple gpus.03:56
Pinkamena_DBut I appreciate the suggestion anyway.03:56
drkjstrSuperLag: have you tried: sudo du -h -d 1 /home03:56
darthwhat is the oem install?03:58
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate03:59
daftykinsa way of giving someone an 'out of box experience'03:59
darthWill I be in trouble, or risk it, if I use that option?04:00
Bashing-omPinkamena_D: :) ) also jabe an actibve interest on X, you may find these of interest : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution , http://www.x.org/archive/X11R6.8.0/doc/xorg.conf.5.html .04:00
daftykinsdarth: what are you trying to achieve? there's no 'getting into trouble'04:01
darththat is a good answer. I am a newb. only been playing casually for 3 years.04:01
daftykinsok well oem installs are ones you'd do on a PC before selling it on04:03
daftykinsso that person would get a setup wizard on first boot04:03
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darthoh, that's cool.04:03
darthhave an old samsung rv520, only thing so far that runs without issue is mint and ubuntu. this last live usb had an oem install option. just had no idea. adhd makes research difficult.04:05
SuperLagdaftykins: I didn't set these machines up. I started a gig where I get paid to admin them, years after the fact. I get the privelege of ugprading one particular box from 10 -> 12 -> 1404:05
daftykinsto claim you can't google something quickly because of a labelled condition is quite frankly pathetic, darth04:06
daftykinsSuperLag: neat, though that would only have to be to 12 :>04:06
daftykinsbit of life left in the old dog yet04:06
darthnot what I meant. I just may be doing to many things is all.04:06
darthdell mini 10 : ubuntu server, 2006 macbook pro dualboot with mint, samsung now installing ubuntu 14, old faithfull running ubuntu studio for my passion in music04:08
darthresearch is just so exiting, I get lost.04:09
darthhave you built a cloud server?04:12
FemAnonanyone know of a fairly simple script that would allow me to wipe a device with random data and have some sort of percentage of completion to std output? or a readout of the amount of data that has been written? gotta wipe a LARGE drive04:12
Bashing-omFemAnon: Is time a factor ? 'dd' to wipe the drive, and in another terminal one can get a status . directions to do so in the manual entry ' man dd '.04:15
FemAnontime is not a factor04:16
limberai'm trying to declare some environment variables04:16
javnutI need to randomly name all the files in a folder like this 13d2f19a-aa65-450f-86e9-a921745cef68.*ext*04:16
limberafor example in /etc/environment i have this line04:16
limberabut when i printing04:17
limberaDJANGO_MODE doesn't appear04:17
javnuthow do I bash that?04:17
ThePengwinjavnut: you should be able to loop all files and rename them using uuidgen04:22
javnutThePengwin: thanks, didn't know about uuidgen04:22
ThePengwinjust googled it myself, lol04:23
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keviv14.04 laptop eth0 has stopped working last few days. wlan seems to work just fine, but under "Ethernet network" in the network manager it says "device not managed". http://paste.pound-python.org/show/tDfRgl7xi1vjAo0K3k8h/04:39
kevivAlso, I have no idea what the eth0:avahi interface is, that's new. It's appeared only today04:39
zykotick9keviv: fyi, "Device not managed" means it's setup in /etc/network/interfaces so N-M can use it...04:42
kevivzykotick9: and how should that be set up?04:43
kevivAlso I guess I should say that the link led is on and the packet activity led blinks a few Hz04:44
zykotick9keviv: i'd suggest commenting out the lines involving eth0 in your interfaces file04:46
kevivzykotick9: I kinda added those in response to this problem lol, I think that's what made N-M say what it does now, but it still wasn't working before this04:47
zykotick9keviv: typo above... that should be "... it's setup in /etc/network/interfaces so N-M CAN'T use it"04:47
kevivI'll do that and restart networking04:47
kevivLol http://paste.pound-python.org/show/9wb2fGpTb8naMI0ox6cH/04:51
antoineBonjour a tous04:51
not2but1Apa kabar?04:52
kevivzykotick9: yea that did it, thanks. Not sure why it stopped in the first place a few days ago. Oh well04:56
zykotick9keviv: glad to help.05:01
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limberaif i have a command line application (unicorn) that i normally execute like so05:15
limberagunicorn -b 0:8000 myproject.wsgi05:15
limberabut i want to actually execute it from a shell script05:15
limberaexec gunicorn -b 0:8000 myproject.wsgi05:15
limberaand set an environment variable when i do that05:15
limberahow can i?05:15
limberae.g. i would execute this in a shell "DJANGO_SETTINGS=Production gunicorn -b 0:8000 myproject.wsgi"05:16
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kevivAck, just unplugged and plugged in ethernet, and it's back offline05:19
kevivI'm sure if I reboot it'll be back up, but it's a laptop, I don't want to reboot every time I plug in a cable05:20
lotuspsychjekeviv: check your syslog and dmesg while plug/unplug05:25
lotuspsychjekeviv: it might give you relevant errors05:26
Jamie_1I accidently ran a script as root that i should not have... how do i undo that?05:26
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)05:29
Jamie_1im not really sure what i ran as sudo that was not supposed to be in all truth... but now i am suddenly running into permissions error when trying to copy files from one place to another from the terminal05:29
Jamie_1that is what i am running into now05:30
kevivJamie_1: is this android?05:31
Jamie_1its on firefox os05:31
Jamie_1keviv: ^05:31
kevivI'll bet you it's forked off of android05:32
Jamie_1keviv: only part that is forked off of android is the hardware interaction parts... and even those are further edited to match what is needed05:33
somsipJamie_1: this is nothing to do with ubuntu. Try finding the firefoxOS support channel05:34
Jamie_1somsip: i was told over there it was not doing with firefox os... that it was due to i ran something is sudo i should not have05:34
kevivlotuspsychje: seems the last time dmesg was updated was 20 minutes after boot "[ 1201.164517] mce: [Hardware Error]: Machine check events logged"05:34
somsipJamie_1: in what way is this something to do with ubuntu?05:34
Jamie_1somsip: i was told it was to do with i ran a script in sudo that should not have been so it wrote the files in sudo and now i am trying to write non-root files to a rooted area....05:35
Jamie_1*to a root area*05:36
somsipJamie_1: again, what is this to do with ubuntu. Are you running this script on ubuntu?05:36
not2but1Jamie_1 format it! Done05:36
somsipJamie_1: does that oath exist on the paste? ../../vendors or whatever?05:36
Jamie_1somsip: are you asking if those files its looking for exist?05:37
somsipJamie_1: no - path (typo of oath)05:37
diegoaguilarHello,  I just installed a fresh ubuntu 12.04.5 on a dell laptop and got this right on ubuntu boot: https://goo.gl/RUpB4905:37
Jamie_1somsip: yes the paths all exist and are accessable as far as i know05:38
kevivlotuspsychje: nothing relevant happens on syslog after unplug or plug. In fact the only 2 things that DO happen are wlan0 getting DHCPv4 renewals and org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher being activated. I know these are both networking things, but neither coincides with a change of ethernet state05:38
lotuspsychjekeviv: ubuntu version?05:39
somsipJamie_1: paste an ls -la ../../../vendor from the directory that contains that script05:39
kevivlotuspsychje: 14.0405:39
Jamie_1somsip: okay one sec05:39
kevivlotuspsychje: soooooo I plug it into power while ethernet is in and suddenly NM connects to eth005:40
lotuspsychjekeviv: what driver shows sudo lshw -C network?05:40
Jamie_1somsip: just so you know that dir is on a device https://pastebin.mozilla.org/884291105:41
somsipJamie_1: what device? A firefoxOS device by any chance?05:41
Jamie_1somsip: yes05:41
somsipJamie_1: ok - good luck. Bye05:41
Jamie_1somsip: what????05:41
kevivlotuspsychje: idk if it lists the driver05:42
lotuspsychjekeviv: its behind driver=05:42
lotuspsychjekeviv: pastebin, if your unsure05:43
kevivlotuspsychje: r816905:43
lotuspsychjekeviv: realtek?05:43
kevivlotuspsychje: yeah05:43
lotuspsychjekeviv: have you installed ubuntu with working internet enabled, and updates during setup?05:44
kevivlotuspsychje: yeah I've had this install for ... maybe about a year?05:44
lotuspsychjekeviv: went wrong after an update perhaps?05:45
kevivlotuspsychje: it's possible05:45
lotuspsychjekeviv: try loading a previous kernel, see if you still get network drop05:45
kevivlotuspsychje: will do, actually, is t possible to see which kernels are installed before I reboot?05:46
kevivoh ls /boot05:47
lotuspsychjekeviv: you can check them at grub also05:47
kevivah true05:47
kevivlotuspsychje: seems that they're all 3.13.0-xx, do kernel numbers not change a whole bunch now?05:49
lotuspsychjekeviv: just try the kernel before, previous number at the end05:49
lotuspsychjekeviv: tell me, why do you unplugh eth cable exactly?05:50
kevivlotuspsychje: to move the laptop05:50
lotuspsychjekeviv: cant you plug eth before boot?05:50
HxxxIs the ubuntu software center market down?05:51
Hxxxbeen waiting for something to process...05:51
kevivlotuspsychje: unfortunately my laptop has a funky eth port and sometimes if it gets jostled it gets unplugged, so there's that too05:51
lotuspsychjekeviv: maybe thats why it gets faulty<?05:52
lotuspsychjekeviv: you have network drops over wifi too?05:52
kevivlotuspsychje: I've isolated this behavior to the fact that NM will only recognize a change to eth once I plug it into power05:53
kevivlotuspsychje: My room is a little far from the router unfortunately05:53
lotuspsychjekeviv: you could buy a stronger linksys router perhaps05:54
lotuspsychjekeviv: or try the previous kernel thing05:54
kevivlotuspsychje: yup rebooting now05:54
kevivlotuspsychje: yeah switching from 3.13.0-61 to -58 seemed to do it05:59
lotuspsychje!yay | keviv06:04
ubottukeviv: Glad you made it! :-)06:04
lotuspsychjekeviv: might be a 14.04.3 thing that corrupts realteks driver06:04
lotuspsychjekeviv: so working on previous kernel or file a new bug are your choices06:05
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giannihi guys06:25
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eanyxHi does anyone know how to check remote network duplex (half or full) without using autonegotiation?06:35
bestlifehow to block face book06:36
bestlifeusing iptables06:37
subz3r0is this a joke?06:37
subz3r0are you serious?06:37
bestlifefor my company06:37
subz3r0blocking facebook? facebook is the best thing what ever could happen for the humanity06:37
subz3r0we all love it to share nasty stuff there06:38
subz3r0like "hey im peeeeing on the toilet atm"06:38
icgousers will just use their mobile phones to access Facebook soberly bother blocking it06:38
subz3r0im not sure what youre going to try06:39
icgoso why bother06:39
subz3r0but the better solution would be a proxy06:39
subz3r0like squid proxy06:39
cmdswitchbestlife: may I suggest a simple "iptables block facebook" google search if truly want to do such a thing.06:39
bestlifei was search but doesn't work06:39
cmdswitchbestlife: I found many entries that are viable06:40
subz3r0well you can use this rules06:40
subz3r0iptables -A INPUT -p TCP -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -s >somefacebookrange< -j DROP06:40
bestlifesquid can't block https06:41
subz3r0iptables -A OUTPUT -p TCP -m conntrack --ctstate -d <somefacebookrange> -j DROP06:41
bestlifethan x06:41
cmdswitchbestlife: like https://gist.github.com/luisuribe/304829006:41
subz3r0the toplevel domain is not encrypted06:41
Kartagisbestlife: http://serverfault.com/questions/360689/permanently-blocking-a-domain-in-iptables06:41
subz3r0so squid can block it06:41
shibu_HY guys06:42
Kartagisalso, cmdswitch++06:42
shibu_I'm install a ubuntu gnu and i want to install again a unity luncher and all how can i coompletely remove this and install unity launcher...06:43
subz3r0whoopsie... ofc a NEW behing the --ctstate :)06:43
shibu_Is there anybody please help me...06:43
shibu_Help me please.06:44
subz3r0shibu_: please ask again. since i didnt get what you talking about. your sentence makes almost no sense06:44
cmdswitchshibu_: patience06:44
subz3r0install, remove? or what you wanna do?06:44
Kartagisshibu_: remove what and install unity launcher?06:44
shibu_Guys when launch next LTS ubuntu os...06:47
jackhumHello Penguins!!! Please tell me best way to share my WiFi connection with Android mobile.  I.E alternative of connectify hotspot on ubuntu. I googled and it returned ap-hotspot but its not working for me06:47
cmdswitchshibu_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS06:48
jackhumConnectify hotspot alternative?06:49
cmdswitchjackhum: did you try http://www.howtogeek.com/116409/ ?06:50
cmdswitchjackhum: or try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=216503506:51
RepoxHi guys! Rookie question here. I have a log file which is being access both by www-data user from Nginx and my application user from php-fpm. Depending on who generates the file first, the other user cannot write to the log file anymore. To allow both users, in a safe way, to do so, what is the best approach?07:14
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tintedwindowsOK, "universal usb installer", "unetbootin" & some other crap......... I am working off of Ubuntu, I do not have Windows on this machine anymore.  Is there a program that is equivalent to these?  I'm trying to make linux mint bootable USB.07:21
lostchildhow build LNMP07:22
bazhang!lamp | lostchild07:22
ubottulostchild: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.07:22
bazhangtintedwindows, use dd07:22
bazhanglostchild, what is lnmp then07:23
lostchildi'm linux nginx mysql python07:24
bazhanglostchild, install them from the package manager07:24
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lostchildthank you07:26
tintedwindowsok got it thanks07:27
Jamie_1hey i am having one hell of an issue... i was following directions from someone i thought knew what they were doing and by doing so accidentally set my root dir to not root any more... so now everything is messed up... is there a way to fix this at all... i dont have a spare usb to create a boot disk and cant format a partition to setup as a bootable "liveusb" due to this problem....07:36
Jamie_1i know i have created one hell of an issue....07:36
lotuspsychje!recovery | Jamie_107:38
ubottuJamie_1: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode07:38
Jamie_1lotuspsychje: if i were to shutdown i will not be able to boot at all07:39
lotuspsychjeJamie_1: you can always enter grub, load previous kernel, fix broken packages from recoverymode,..07:39
zaggynlor run off to the shop for a cheap usb drive07:40
lotuspsychjeJamie_1: or in worst case, plug out your hd physicaly and backup data07:40
Jamie_1lotuspsychje: i thought that used parts of the root partiton....07:40
Jamie_1and zaggynl the closest store to me period is a good 3 mi away.... :\07:41
lotuspsychjeJamie_1: what are you affraid to loose?07:41
Jamie_1i dont care about losing anyting.... other than a bootable computer07:41
lotuspsychjeJamie_1: then try the recoverymode or previous kernel07:41
Jamie_1okay i will... gonna hop onto irc on my flatfish07:42
lotuspsychjeJamie_1: the 'fix broken packages' option from recoverymode can do magic sometimes07:42
Jamie_1i hope it does :)07:42
zaggynl3 miles isn't that far away, or am I too optimistic?07:42
lotuspsychjeyeah a cheap usb stick always comes handy with ubuntu on it07:43
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Jamie_1yea.... that is a general store that carries food.... and that doesnt carry almost anything else07:43
lotuspsychjeJamie_1: you can also order a cheap usb bootable cd online07:44
lotuspsychjeJamie_1: -usb, just a bootable dvd07:44
ObrienDavelike 5 bucks07:45
Jamie_1either way i hope i can fix this easily without a usb... worse comes to worse i can break down and just do a net install07:45
lotuspsychjeJamie_1: download an ubuntu iso before reboot, you can load iso's into grub also07:45
lotuspsychjeJamie_1: if things go really wrong..07:46
zaggynlha neat, didn't know about that07:46
ObrienDaveO.o news to me ;P07:46
lotuspsychjeJamie_1, zaggynl https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot07:46
Jamie_1same to me zaggynl07:46
lotuspsychjeof course usb method is more simple :p07:47
lotuspsychjeJamie_1: or the dvd buy method, free to pass and share: http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=114607:49
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jamie_flatfishright now I'm just gonna try to do it via grub07:51
lotuspsychjejamie_flatfish: ok good luck07:51
jamie_flatfishI'm gonna need it07:52
jamie_flatfishwhat was that link to booting isos from grub?07:53
jamie_flatfishwhat hers do you hold to get into recovery mode again?07:56
lotuspsychjejamie_flatfish: hold shift at boot to enter grub07:56
lotuspsychjejamie_flatfish: then load ubuntu(recoverymode) from there07:56
DieguezZhi, i am doing an installer and id like to add the user that runs the script to a group. as the script needs to be run with sudo, if i use $(whoami) it will return "root", is there any other command?07:56
jamie_flatfishthanks... only time I have used it was when I needs to change Kern's versions07:57
=== Kris_Douglas is now known as KrisDouglas
jamie_flatfish*kernal version.... dam auto correct07:57
lotuspsychjelangxm: welcome, what can we do for you?08:11
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adun153Hi! I need help in assessing something.08:14
lotuspsychje!ask | adun15308:14
ubottuadun153: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:14
adun153I have a server, started it up in single user mode, but it hangs at this part. http://imgur.com/0TbYmtC  Cursor is blinking, so it hasn't really "locked up". Any suggestions?08:18
adun153At first, I thought it was fscking, but it's been like that for about 2 1/2 hours now.08:19
erebus^help! seems like compiz wont load after login...08:31
erebus^so here i am in commandline, clueless :p08:31
adun153what did you do just before that? Install a video driver?08:32
erebus^can i start in in tty7 in any way?08:32
erebus^adun153: didnt do anything...08:32
erebus^adun153: just normal use08:32
lotuspsychjeerebus^: ubuntu version?08:32
NegativeFlareerebus^: Unity?08:32
erebus^unity yes08:32
lotuspsychjeadun153: maybe the #ubuntu-server guys might know?08:32
RodriguezResolucao bem emmacados satisfaca fio apparecer rua mostrando. Amo favor ahi torre porem pao gesto. Herdeira que admittir sao panoplia sim cobardes. Te vedes algum em capaz racho. Teremos sentira es arresto es escutes encanto. Felicito es remedial as resistir.  Oh ti em calvario pastilha acceitar mudancas encontre proferir oh. Obrigacao domestica o08:33
Rodriguezccupando os mostrando mo illuminou iv. Caro elle mola onde poe meu sobr sabe com. As si mysterisa obediente augmentar na. Es clerigos so remorsos ja admittia um entramos ponhamos arreliar. Meia fins se ah fora tido meus umas sr. Quer ante anda poe voce pae luxo este viu. Santa ponto basta mas ias abrir vos tenha. Dada no afim es veja08:33
lotuspsychje!es | Rodriguez08:33
ubottuRodriguez: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.08:33
cowbacon!es | Rodriguez08:33
RodriguezAdmittido estendida ao sympathia commissao no la. Iv caloteiros um pronunciar no as vivacidade. Adivinhado ve os ja auxiliarem tu associacao. As oppostas eu te em garganta pelintra. Exigencia em affeicoas em liberrimo ensinando captivava. Olhosdisse secretaria que voz nem importunal nos permanente encolhendo. Beber dizer beira viu hia lia foi. Real08:33
Rodriguezise ler vae noticia nao proprio estamos partido importa nao. Mal sabio naipe mundo cuida ate capuz tem nao.  Sem passeios dir penetrou dissesse arrojado absoluta sao. Frioleiras nao das recordarei excellente sao iii. Ate bom ares alli brio caso com meus acha. Ahi exposta escapar sem acoitar meu. Dou impossivel doidivanas competente vir uns. Sua tez08:33
Rodriguez isto qual rico moem nao. Ha tu mysterio chegueis ii obrigada ameacado quarenta exprimir ve. Viveremos de do sustentar horriveis apertando symbolica me. Sacrifical ostentacao as ou applicacao. Ja da ou haviam vindes contar.08:33
NegativeFlareAnd now you know why Unity hates Compiz, because they don't like each other08:33
erebus^ubuntu 15.0408:33
lotuspsychjeerebus^: and graphics card chipset?08:33
RodriguezChineezen gesmolten versteend vroegeren anderhalf tot zes ten wij. Hen lot bedroeg woonden mag aangaan hij aangaat. Grooten als malakka daartoe zij behalen krijgen inkomen wat lot. Alais vogel holen welke een zaken sinds zoo. Gerust nu openen metaal enkele voeden denken ad. Aandeelen was eindelijk stroomend vierkante dringende goa brandstof. Benede08:33
Rodriguezn ernstig witheid ze noemden en gezocht citadel. Nu bezorgden bezwarend verdiende om te ingenieur ongunstig brandhout. Witte ellen ook prijs langs eerst reden wel die per. Welks elk drong lange stuit loopt ploeg per had. Gronds er parijs noodig of de. Den bevel gayah rijen nam hun zij. Gebruiken zee besluiten dan bloeiende oog aardschok. Geval om n08:33
Rodriguezu steek waren er mogen goten al.08:33
erebus^lotuspsychje: intel08:34
RodriguezGoa vaartuigen archimedes onderlinge ton oog productief. Gomboomen belasting wijselijk aanvoeren ver wat uit. Far gezegend des ten inkrimpt failliet gif. Ad verwijderd aangeplant ik goudmijnen wonderbare al ze. Bijzondere heb kongostaat concurrent uit tot bescheiden. Men tandrad aangaan ton hij eronder. Eind nam even moet veld maar die. Rook geld w08:34
Rodriguezelk in hier ze en. Simplon sap dag planten metalen noodige. Ze nadering verwoede nu schaffen na gelijken. Ter aldus dus juist wij zware. Hadden met karank afzien dat oog dus invoer oorlog. Oogenblik zoo volledige zin mag stoompomp schatkist. Per had met tot sinds batoe zelfs. Dit opgericht producten ontrukten schatkist het. Verkoopen ons die omgewo08:34
Rodriguezeld gebergten honderden dus het.08:34
lotuspsychje!ops | Rodriguez spam08:34
ubottuRodriguez spam: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang08:34
NegativeFlareand this is why we can't have nice things08:34
lotuspsychjeNegativeFlare: compiz works fine with unity, depending on card08:35
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NegativeFlarelotuspsychje: I've always heard they didn't work with each other08:35
erebus^what happens is i type my password for login, but after i get in all i have is my wallpaper and a mousepointer08:35
lotuspsychjeNegativeFlare: i have wobbly windows on compiz and unity working flawless here08:35
erebus^and i check top and compiz is stuck at 100% load08:36
NegativeFlarelotuspsychje: well then lol08:36
RodriguezCavaliers comprenez ou gendarmes je annoncait. Fabriques attelages non dut peu car echangent etendards jugements. Je indus voyez de fumee cette. Son est rang sur veut avis. Lassitude he sa servantes sanglante et carabines. Souliers rizieres il illumine au allumait cornette il crispent un. But ete ordure terres choses. Connaitre de apprenons me prin08:36
Rodrigueztemps somptueux ah dentelles ca perruches. Aime pour eux car ames car.08:36
lotuspsychjeerebus^: did you try the same with 14.04?08:36
erebus^killed it, reboted, but didnt help08:36
lotuspsychje!ops | Rodriguez flood08:36
ubottuRodriguez flood: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang08:36
RodriguezUniversel enfantent abondance dentelees ni on oh petillent. Des toi fanatiques souhaitait infanterie peu gourmettes jet. Votre forme daims selon sur eut oeufs. Fit petites ils langage facteur. Peu vin pieces arbres guerre. Blason encore peu humain non. Nid estaminets fit crispation paraissent boulevards eau. Croix votre neuve et canon desir sa ah x08:36
Rodriguezv. Ont ils vin mines large ronde mon. Nid paix net soir reve. ???08:36
badbodherebus^, can you repeat your story in short . just joined in.08:36
erebus^lotuspsychje: nah, im an my computer right now, not going to reinstall :P08:36
lotuspsychjebadbodh: compiz crashes on his 15.0408:37
badbodhcan you remember what was the last thing you did? any install/remove, changing settings etc08:37
badbodhor is it a fresh install08:37
erebus^badbodh: yeah, i booted ubuntu 15.04, typed login cred, but desktop is only a wallpaper and a mousepointer. restart doesnt help08:37
erebus^badbodh: old install, but didnt change anything realy08:38
lotuspsychjeerebus^: graphics card chipset?08:38
erebus^lotuspsychje: intel somethin, "graphics 500" or something? i dont even have a webbrowser here :P08:38
badbodhcan you switch back-and-forth to tty shells ? ctrl-alt-f1 to f6 brings a tty shell (no gui)08:39
lotuspsychjeerebus^: try something lighter perhaps, or 14.0408:39
erebus^badbodh: yep, im an tty1 now :p08:39
badbodhctrl-alt-f7 and f8 will get back to gui08:39
erebus^badbodh: in irc from commandline08:39
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: greetings mate :p08:40
badbodhthen you can re-install unity and compiz packages (apt-get install --reinstall xxx) , create a new user with 'adduser' command, login to new user account and see if it works08:40
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, hi ho, Good Sir!08:40
erebus^badbodh: hm, yeah i'll try that, thanks08:41
mahdihi,on ubuntu server 14.04, i changed /etc/network/interfaces to new configuration in order to have static ip08:41
badbodhif it doesn't, you have likely a driver issue, or if you installed a new kernel recently.08:41
lotuspsychjemahdi: maybe the #ubuntu-server guys might know?08:41
badbodhtry older kernels by selecting 'advanced options' in grub08:41
badbodhgood luck08:42
NegativeFlaremahdi: What do you want to do?08:42
=== x4w31 is now known as x4w3
NegativeFlareConfigure your server for a Static IP?08:42
IdiotI installed Ubuntu yesterday, but the resolution is stuck at 640x480 and I can't change it from the settings.08:44
NegativeFlareIdiot: Graphics Driver issue, What GPU do you have?08:44
x4w3mahdi: what's ur problem then?08:44
k1lIdiot: did you install some video drivers from the ubuntu repo? how is the monitor connected? adapters involved?08:45
NegativeFlarex4w3: That's what I'm trying to figure out. xD08:45
Idiotkil: I'm on a laptop.08:45
IdiotNegativeFlare: SiS Mirage 3, I think.08:45
mahdiNegativeFlare: x4w3 i didnt knew there is ubuntu server chanel, i asked there, thanks08:45
NegativeFlareIdiot: fire up the terminal and run lspci, pastebin what it says08:46
k1lIdiot: "lspci" will tell the exact one08:46
NegativeFlare!pastebin | Idiot08:46
ubottuIdiot: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:46
darknotehello everyone >> <<08:47
wafflejockhello darknote08:47
NegativeFlare!hi | darknote08:47
realloc1Hi, my Ubuntu 14.10 asks me to update to 15.04 and I want to because of updates, but I'm on a M$ Surface Pro 2, using a custom Kernel (3.17.6) and drivers (vifino helped me there, but he seems to be away at the moment). Does a upgrade to 15.04 install a different kernel?08:47
HalelujahHi im using Lubuntu! What irc client you recommend?08:48
NegativeFlarerealloc1: yes08:48
lotuspsychje!irc | Halelujah08:48
ubottuHalelujah: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:48
darknotehey I'm having  performance issue08:48
Halelujahi need a leightweight irc client08:48
Halelujahwith gui08:48
lotuspsychjeHalelujah: hexchat or irssi08:48
Halelujahdoes irssi has gui?08:49
k1lHalelujah: start with hexchat08:49
lotuspsychje!info irssi | Halelujah08:49
ubottuHalelujah: irssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.17-1ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 639 kB, installed size 2652 kB08:49
NegativeFlareIdiot: Best option is probably to use vesa as your driver08:49
realloc1NegativeFlare: thx, but I should be able to install the old one, or?08:49
HalelujahIs hexchat in active development?08:49
NegativeFlareIdiot: Try this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/455888/low-resolution-on-lubuntu-14-04-sis08:49
k1lHalelujah: yes08:49
NegativeFlarerealloc1: I'm not sure, you probably could. But it might break stuff :/08:49
NegativeFlarerealloc1: I'd stick to what you have for now.08:50
Halelujahk1l ok08:50
realloc1NegativeFlare: What about updates?08:50
realloc1NegativeFlare: security etc08:50
NegativeFlarerealloc1: As long as apt doesn't upgrade your kernel you should be fine.08:50
IdiotNegativeFlare: Alrighty then. Thanks for helping!08:50
lotuspsychje!details | darknote08:50
ubottudarknote: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)08:50
NegativeFlareIdiot: no problem08:50
=== cr is now known as crlap
realloc1NegativeFlare: It says 14.10 doesn't get updates anymore08:51
HalelujahWhats better WeeChat or Irssi?08:51
darknote  I'm having slow graphics performance issue  , can anyone  help me? I knew its sort of bug of unity 3d since my ram is 2gb08:51
k1lrealloc1: that is correct. its EOL already08:51
NegativeFlarerealloc1: then your kinda stuck lol. Its at the end of its life :/08:51
lotuspsychjedarknote: ubuntu version and grafix card chipset?08:51
IdiotNegativeFlare: The file browser doesn't let me create files in the folder.08:53
NegativeFlareIdiot: of course not08:53
NegativeFlareuse the terminal dude08:53
HalelujahWeechat or Irssi?08:54
NegativeFlareHalelujah: that's all in opinion08:54
lotuspsychje!best | Halelujah08:54
k1lHalelujah: test both and decide yourself08:54
IdiotNegativeFlare: That's what I was thinking of. Being a complete and utter terminal noob, I don't know how to create files.08:54
NegativeFlareIdiot: oh lordy08:54
Halelujahany huge difference between theM?08:54
realloc1NegativeFlare, k1l: Thank you anyway ;-)08:54
NegativeFlareIdiot: fire up the terminal and run "sudo nautilus"08:55
IdiotNegativeFlare: I chose my nickname for a reason.08:55
FuchsIdiot: do not run sudo nautilus08:55
NegativeFlaretype in your password08:55
Fuchsthat's a bad idea08:55
Fuchsif you really need sudo for a graphical application, use gksudo or the likes08:55
lotuspsychjeHalelujah: irssi is terminal based, try hexchat or weechat to start maybe08:55
NegativeFlareFuchs: Well, otherwise he'll have to use nano xD08:55
NegativeFlarebecause gksudo is crap08:55
FuchsNegativeFlare: no, no he doesn't08:55
Halelujahisnt weechat terminal based?08:55
IdiotTo run or not to run, that is the question.08:55
NegativeFlareHalelujah: both weechat and irssi are.08:55
lotuspsychje!info weechat | Halelujah08:55
ubottuHalelujah: weechat (source: weechat): Fast, light and extensible chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1-1 (vivid), package size 2 kB, installed size 72 kB08:55
FuchsNegativeFlare: using sudo for graphical applications will change the permissions on important files in your home folder, worst case leaving you with a system you can't (graphically) log into any more. Please don't recommend it.08:56
FuchsIdiot: what kind of file do you need to create / edit?08:56
Halelujah!info irssi08:56
ubottuirssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.17-1ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 639 kB, installed size 2652 kB08:56
tintedwindowsi did it08:56
Halelujahsudo apt-get install irssi08:56
NegativeFlareFuchs: I've never had any issues with that. So I don't see anything wrong with it. And I've been running dedi's for the past 8 years xD But do what you see fits.08:56
Idiothttp://askubuntu.com/questions/455888/low-resolution-on-lubuntu-14-04-sis I need to create the file specified in the answer.08:57
tintedwindowsi used the DD command to make a USB bootable08:57
FuchsNegativeFlare: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Graphical_sudo08:57
tintedwindowsit was easy08:57
jamie_flatfishhey I'm in grub trying to set momentry so I can boot.... but when I run "loopback loop (hd0)$isofile" its returning unknown filesystem08:57
NegativeFlareFuchs: hmph, gksudo always breaks imo. So again, do what you see fits.08:57
IdiotI trieed to find a solutuion, but started an arguement instead...08:57
FuchsIdiot: right, you have two easy possibilities: you can either use the terminal editor nano  (sudo nano  /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/use-vesa.conf)  and edit it. A small help is displayed at the bottom, ^ is the control key, thus CTRL+X would save08:58
NegativeFlareIdiot: Try doing it with gksudo08:58
IdiotNegativeFlare: Alrighty then.08:58
FuchsIdiot: the alternative version is to run whatever text editor you like, create that file, save it where you do have permissions and then copy it over with   sudo cp /path/to/your/file /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/use-vesa.conf08:58
tintedwindowscommand "df -h" then sudo dd if="name of iso imag" of="/nameofusbdrive(minusthe#)"08:58
FuchsIdiot: the last possibility is to run a graphical application as root, for that: please use gksudo, as per above08:58
tintedwindowshaha i thought you were calling him an idiot at first08:59
tintedwindowsI still prefer Ubuntu over Linux Mint, everyone with me here?????08:59
lotuspsychje!mint | tintedwindows08:59
ubottutintedwindows: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org08:59
jamie_flatfishanyone have any ideas why  its returning unknown filesystem?09:00
Fuchstintedwindows: #ubuntu-offtopic for that kind of sillyness, please.09:00
cfhowletttintedwindows, please don't poll09:00
tintedwindowswoah jeez alright09:00
bestlifehow to block https from squid09:00
lotuspsychje!squid | bestlife09:01
ubottubestlife: squid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org09:01
jamie_flatfisheven running something as simple as "ls (hd0)" returns unknown filesystem09:02
IdiotAlright, I did what was necessary. Time to reboot to see if it worked.09:02
IdiotOh, and I did it with nano. Insult me please.09:03
FuchsWhy should?09:03
lotuspsychjejamie_flatfish: its best to mention you trying to boot the .iso from grub09:03
Fuchsnano is a decent editor if you just want to edit some files *shrug*09:03
jamie_flatfishlotuspsychje: sorry I forgot to mention that09:05
MrButhI want to monitor how much bandwidth my server is using per month/week/day, is there a plugin/ssh command to check that?09:05
cfhowlett!server | MrButh, might be best to ask the server channel for recommendations09:06
ubottuMrButh, might be best to ask the server channel for recommendations: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server09:06
lotuspsychjejamie_flatfish: the more details you gather in repeating your question, the more luck you will get it solved in chat09:06
IdiotIt worked! Thanks for helping.09:06
IdiotOh, also, is it possible to reply to two people at once?09:06
lotuspsychjeIdiot: just use tab with the 2 nicks in your line09:07
jamie_flatfishyes... sorry... in gonna try it with the main partition (hd0,msdos1)09:07
lotuspsychje!tab | Idiot09:07
ubottuIdiot: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.09:07
MrButhcfhowlett, didn't I just ask the server channel for recommendations?09:07
jamie_flatfishthat actually worked....09:07
FuchsIdiot: you can include as many as you want, whether it will highlight them is up to their client, though09:07
cfhowlettMrButh, you asked #ubuntu .  #ubuntu-server = server09:07
ikoniaMrButh: yes but it didn't make sense09:08
ikoniaa plugin for what ?09:08
MrButhah ok, sorry09:08
jamie_flatfishprobably should have tried that off the bat...09:08
MrButha plugin to monitor bandwidth per day, week and month09:08
MrButhon my server though, so I will ask in the server channel09:08
MrBuththanks though09:08
ikoniaa plugin for what ?09:08
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ikoniaa plugin must plugin to something09:08
ikoniaso a plugin for what09:09
jamie_flatfishlotuspsychjr: IT WORKED!!09:13
jamie_flatfishis there a way to restore personal files when reinstalling?09:16
jamie_flatfishI never made a seperate /home partition....09:16
NegativeFlarejamie_flatfish: other than a separate /home09:16
cfhowlettjamie_flatfish, making /home is easy ...09:16
cfhowlett!home | jamie_flatfish09:16
ubottujamie_flatfish: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving09:16
cfhowlett!backup | jamie_flatfish09:16
ubottujamie_flatfish: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:16
jamie_flatfishnevermine... all of that requires the old one to be bootable...09:18
NegativeFlarejamie_flatfish: you can always recover your files with a live CD09:20
NegativeFlarethat is, if you haven't overwrote the parition09:20
cfhowlettjamie_flatfish,  I missed some details.  Do I understand that you cannot currently boot your system?09:20
cfhowlettbetter yet, please restate your issue.09:20
ricardI have one question I have canviado motherboard and it is not the same model I had and this has hdmi and I have to have the co vga pc connected really notice the difference?09:21
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ricardI have one question I have changed the motherboard and it is not the same model I had and this has hdmi and I have to have the co vga pc connected really notice the difference?09:23
cfhowlett!patience | ricard09:23
ubotturicard: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:23
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jamie_flatfishcfhowlett: I just booted an ISO from grub because my old system got completely foobared to the point of no repair... was wondering if there was a way to recover any of that stuff?09:25
cfhowlettjamie_flatfish, possibly.  **IF** you did not format your /home.  boot from USB, mount your hdd, navigate to your /home.  if present, copy those files to external media!09:25
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jamie_flatfishI can still do that, I still have access to (hd0,msdos1) partition which holds that09:28
burnbladehi guys, not sure if anyone can help. i am running linux lite 2.4 and ran all my updates and some of my video files will open when i double click on them but then some just wont open anything ?09:28
cfhowlettburnblade, sorry.  linuxlite is not ubuntu and is not supported here.09:29
cfhowlett!linuxlite | burnblade09:29
burnbladeoh sorry guys. im new to linux . only installed today.09:30
cfhowlettburnblade, linuxlite should support you.  if not = consider your options.09:30
burnbladeok thank you. just watched a video pointing out a few apps to get and xchat was one. didnt realise this was only ubuntu09:31
cfhowlettburnblade, linuxlite help menu should point you to available resources.  best of luck.09:31
jamie_flatfishcfhowlett: in not booting from USB... in booting a USO in my HDD from the current grub09:34
jamie_flatfish*from an iso*09:34
cfhowlettjamie_flatfish, doesn't matter.  go to /home and copy your files to a different storage09:35
cfhowlettand props to you for booting .iso from grub!09:35
darknote video lagging, scroll lagging , window move lagging09:42
darknoteanyone can help09:42
darknotevideo lagging, scroll lagging , window move lagging, anyone can help?09:42
NegativeFlaredarknote: Graphics Card issues09:43
darknoteNegativeFlare: not quite sure , its intel graphics, works with windows perfectly09:44
cfhowlettdarknote, did you install intel drivers?09:44
mapatрусские есть?09:45
cfhowlett!ru | mapat09:45
ubottumapat: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.09:45
darknotecharlesdub: no, do i need to install it?  I don't know how to install  intel dirvers on ubuntu09:45
cfhowlettdarknote, what ubuntu number?09:45
darknotecfhowlett: ubuntu number ? do you mean version?  its 14.0409:46
darknotecfhowlett: more info : its 32 bit processor with 2 gb ram09:47
cfhowlettdarknote, right, version.  sadly, that's the one version of Intel Graphics Installer for Linux that intel rescinded support for.09:47
Amozdarknote, could you give the specific processor model?09:48
Amozthat sounds like an awfully old CPU09:48
darknoteAmoz: how can I find the processor details on ubuntu? its dual core processor I know09:51
NegativeFlaredarknote: lscpu is one way09:52
NegativeFlareJust remember to use a pastebin ;)09:52
Amozdarknote, I'm quite sure that's not an 32-bit CPU then09:52
NegativeFlareAmoz: unless its a Xeon xD09:53
NegativeFlareWhich is highly unlikely.09:53
darknoteAmoz: no, its 32bit processor09:53
AmozNegativeFlare, aah, I didn't know. But I'm quite sure most (all?) desktop/consumer CPUs had 64bit before multicore.09:53
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NegativeFlareAmoz: Mostly, unlike my server's Xeon CPU. Its a 32bit, with dualcore xD09:54
Amozdarknote, run this, cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep model09:54
Amozand answer with *one line* the model name.09:54
darknoteAmoz: model : 1509:55
Amozdarknote, the model name09:55
darknoteAmoz: model name: Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual  CPU  E2200  @ 2.20GHz09:55
Amozgreat, so that means there is no builtin graphics.09:56
Amozunless I'm missing something here09:56
k1ldarknote: see http://ark.intel.com/products/33925/Intel-Pentium-Processor-E2200-1M-Cache-2_20-GHz-800-MHz-FSB its 64bit cpu09:57
darknoteAmoz: no, it has built in graphics... and I dont have any other graphics card09:57
k1ldarknote: please show the output of "lspci" in a pastebin09:57
k1l!paste | darknote09:57
ubottudarknote: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:57
darknotek1l: okay09:58
Amozdarknote, there is no GPU in that CPU as far as I can see. In that case you have a small GPU on your motherboard.09:59
Amozanyway, next step is to find out what renders the graphics09:59
darknotek1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12106720/09:59
k1ldarknote: no, please show "lspci" in a pastebin09:59
darknoteAmoz: okay , could you please give me the instructions?09:59
darknotek1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12106730/10:01
AmozI'm not sure, but try installing xserver-xorg-video-intel ?10:02
Amozdarknote, could you give the output of the following in a pastebin as well?    glxinfo | grep render10:03
darknoteAmoz: yeah sure10:03
darknoteAmoz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12106758/10:05
JelleShow can i record a nautilus/mounted drive error? When i open the path to the drive, nautilus suddenly closes10:10
k1lJelleS: start nautilus from a terminal10:10
Amozdarknote, sorry, I don't really know then. Has it always been like this in ubuntu? or is it a regression? is it your first time ?10:11
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ricardI changed my motherboard but which have no hdmi me and I have to have the pc vga is very big difference, here's a pastebin of xrandr command you, http: //pastebin.com/V2y5hgL10:13
darknoteAmoz: no it was okay with older version of ubuntu. with 14.04 having this kind of problem, I think  its sort pf bug of unity 3d found some info after googling10:13
linuxholicHas anyone ever used VDPAU on vlc in ubuntu?10:14
darknoteAmoz: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/05/intel-linux-graphics-driver-installer-1-0-5 should i install this?10:14
Amozdarknote, aha, because I *think* the "direct render: yes" means you have hw-acc and the driver loaded etc.10:14
Amozdarknote, maybe just to check, can you pastebin the output from "lsmod" ?10:14
darknoteAmoz: okay10:15
Amozdarknote, that will list all modules/drivers that are loaded, showing if the needed driver is loaded or not10:15
AmozI don't know the required driver for your chipset though :)10:15
darknoteAmoz: okay let me check10:15
ricardI changed my motherboard but which have no hdmi me and I have to have the pc vga is very big difference, here's a pastebin of xrandr command you, http: //pastebin.com/V2y5hgL10:16
Amozricard, please don't post multiple times :)10:17
darknoteAmoz: video                  20480  1 i91510:17
darknoteAmoz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12106822/10:18
Amozdarknote, so the i915 module is loaded. I'm quite sure that means everything on the lower levels work fine.10:19
angsdmesg shows " This device cannot do calls on its own. It is not a modem." for a usb dongle.http://paste.ubuntu.com/12106835/  Is it an error, what does it mean?10:21
linuxholicHas anyone ever used VDPAU on vlc in ubuntu?10:22
Amozdarknote, and fyi, I believe a new intel graphics driver install will do no change, because the chipset is quite old, and you already have a working driver (it seems)10:22
darknoteAmoz: yeah I think so, its sort of bug I guess but I dont know how to solve10:23
Amozdarknote, you mentioned a unity bug, do you have a link?10:24
darknoteAmoz: I saw a few here is a one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/138672110:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1386721 in Ubuntu GNOME "Graphics Slow After Upgrade 14.04 - 14.10" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:24
Steven_MHi all, are bitcoin core and armory in ubuntu one of main repo's or do users have to get them from a 3rd party location?10:25
linuxholicHas anyone ever used VDPAU on vlc in ubuntu?10:25
Amozdarknote, did you try the suggestion in the comments?10:26
Amozlinuxholic, stop repeating your question, ask once and wait10:27
darknoteAmoz: yeah I tried with comment number 9510:27
darknoteAmoz: http://askubuntu.com/questions/450555/very-slow-graphics-performance-after-upgrade-12-04-14-0410:27
darknoteAmoz: alomost  same problem I'm having10:27
Amozdarknote, basically, when those things happen, you have to just try all different "fixes" and see if one solves your problem :P10:30
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Amozdarknote, so you can try all the boot parameters, e.g. "video=LVDS-1:d" as in your link, and check whether it fixes the problem or not. If it doesn't, remove the change and try something else.10:31
Amozdarknote, if I knew the problem I10:31
Amozdarknote, if I knew the problem I'd definitely respond with the correct fix as the first suggestion :)10:31
Amozdarknote, hmm have your ever used an external monitor to that computer?10:33
darknoteAmoz: no10:33
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darknoteAmoz: so are you recommending adding a kernel parameter10:34
Amozdarknote, I just saw this, but it seems limited to high resolution / dual monitor setups, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/+bug/129246710:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1292467 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "Dual screen greeter can break 3D acceleration" [Medium,Triaged]10:35
Amozdarknote, also, check #120 here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/138672110:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1386721 in Ubuntu GNOME "Graphics Slow After Upgrade 14.04 - 14.10" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:36
Amozdarknote, another suggestion, Adding "options i915 modeset=0" to /etc/modprobe.d/i915-kms.conf10:36
darknoteAmoz: I saw almost all the bug , I've been trying to solve this for a week... even I just installed ubuntu yesterday10:39
darknoteAmoz: now I'm confused10:39
HewloThereHia. I've accidentally locked myself out of SSH on a dedi. I'm currently in rescue mode. This is the error PuTTY is giving me: http://i.hewlothere.me/tKvsU.png10:40
k1lHewloThere: how did you lock yourself out?10:40
HewloThereI was trying to jail SSH/SFTP users...10:40
Amozdarknote, you've tried to solve it for a week, and you installed ubuntu yesterday?10:41
k1lthen revert the changes from recovery?10:41
HewloThereI can't, because they're not there.10:41
HewloThereThe files I changed aren't in recovery.10:41
darknoteAmoz: yeah after a week a guy just told me to add a ppa then my system crushed, I tried fix but had to install os again10:42
k1lHewloThere: best is to ask the support of that server hoster. they will know best about their recovery system and how to recover their servers10:42
Amozdarknote, oh.. next time, you maybe could try ppa-purge first. Unless you already did that10:42
HewloTherek1l: It's unmanaged, it's in my hands. :/10:43
HewloThereIt's SoftLayer if it makes a difference.10:43
darknoteAmoz: thats what I learn :)10:43
AmozHewloThere, what *do* you get in the recovery environment then?10:43
HewloThereI boot in to rescue mode and connect, but I can't do normal tasks like that10:44
HewloThereIt has important data on it I need.10:44
k1lHewloThere: so i bet softlayer got a support or customers forums?10:44
Amozdarknote, just to verify, this is an issue you've got since going from 12.04 -> 14.04, even when you do a fresh 14.04 reinstall?10:44
HewloThereThey have support.10:44
HewloThereI'm unmanaged.10:45
AmozHewloThere, what exactly is "rescue mode" if you can't do e.g. a SSH rescue fix?10:46
k1lHewloThere: the point is: some hosters have custom selfmade recoveries, so it differs what you can do or what steps you need to do on that exact recovery. so the "regular ubuntu way" may not work because of their special setup. so best is to ask them first10:46
HewloThereWell, okay.10:46
darknoteAmoz , no I've been using  14.04 for a year , but recently couple of months earlier just after distro update I got the problem... I saw they improved some feature... but it needs high performance graphics10:47
AmozHewloThere, maybe you can describe exactly what you changed before ?10:47
k1lits not about if it is managed by them. its a support issue when you want to recover a system. so see if they offer free support for that (or pay them if its that important) or see if there is a how to in their customer forums or such.10:47
HewloThereI followed these: http://allanfeid.com/content/creating-chroot-jail-ssh-access http://askubuntu.com/questions/93411/simple-easy-way-to-jail-users10:48
k1lHewloThere: most times you need to mount the server hdd first in the recovery.10:48
HewloThereYea, I've done that10:48
AmozHewloThere, and what do you see in the mounted directory? Does it look like a normal linux directory tree?10:49
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HewloThereIf I can uninstall OpenSSH then install it, I'm fine, but apt-get doesn't work in recovery.10:51
AmozHewloThere, maybe because you need to chroot to the real fs ?10:51
HewloThereNot sure what you mean?10:52
AmozHewloThere, right now you're *outside* the normal directory tree, e.g. your $PATH does not contain your usual tools. If you do /<mntpoint>/usr/bin/apt-get , can you get apt-get to work then?10:53
HewloThereErr, not sure what the command to mount like that is. :/10:54
Amozjust try to run it with --help or something, see if it's reachable. And if it is, you can probably do a chroot /mntpoint10:54
HewloThereWould this be the right syntax? mount -rw -o remount /10:54
AmozHewloThere, mountpoint is whatever directory you are in to be able to see the file system tree10:55
Amozmeh, nvm, it's probably not like that.10:55
AmozHewloThere, are able to just show the mounts by running the "mount" command ?10:56
diegoaguilarHello, I want to complety remove Windows from my laptop10:56
k1ldiegoaguilar: is it a dualboot?10:57
diegoaguilarI want to install 12.04.5 ( I know theres 14.04 thoug)10:57
diegoaguilarcan I safely remove EFI partitiion at intaller10:57
cgk24diego, boot the cd, it has the options10:57
busconI have to install the same packages on many different computers10:57
diegoaguilarto have a new full ubuntu install10:57
cgk24diegoaguilar, yes you can wipe the partition table10:57
cgk24it will create new boot loade10:57
cgk24in install cd10:57
busconmy network is not that fast, so i'd like to put the packages on a local server and install them from that location10:58
k1ldiegoaguilar: ah ok. just boot the usb or cd/dvd and choose "use all hdd" in the installer10:58
busconhow can I do that?10:58
cgk24just choose "format whole drive or similiar:10:58
cgk24thats a good q buscon11:01
diegoaguilark1l:  the installer just told me that I should have a an EFI boot partition11:01
diegoaguilarbeing at least 35MB in size11:02
HewloThereIt it means anything Amoz or k1l, here is my sshd config http://paste.hewlothere.me/ebidogadif.vala11:02
busconcgk24, :)11:02
diegoaguilarwhat do u think cgk24 ?11:03
cgk24just wipe the drive totally it will remove it11:03
cgk24and you can install ubuntu with grub bootloader11:03
diegoaguilarcgk Im telling something distinct11:03
cgk24if you need to go back your windows cd (8, etc) has capability to create new one11:03
diegoaguilarIm on Ubuntu installert11:04
diegoaguilarand ubuntu installer its telling me I shoukld have an efi partition for boot11:04
diegoaguilar"the partition talbe format in use"11:04
JelleSis there a way to define the cp command so it shows information on how much it has copied, or how long it wil take to finish?11:05
vapeboyheya, if my shell script looks like this: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=5bubYzNP11:06
vapeboyand I want to add apache2 to the list11:06
vapeboyshould I do it like this? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=KzZLeW7e11:06
vapeboyis this correct, in general?11:08
vapeboyif [[ ! "$(/usr/sbin/service apache2 status)" =~ "start/running" ]]11:08
RuddeHello! I'm tyring to configure ipsec on ubuntu here, but when I start ip sec I get this error "can not load config '/etc/ipsec.conf': /etc/ipsec.conf:2: syntax error, unexpected BOOLWORD, expecting $end [nat_traversal]" line two in ipsec.conf contain nat_traversal=yes11:09
HewloThereHow can I mount the /home directory in SSH?11:09
HewloThereI mean, in recovery/rescue mode.11:10
AmozHewloThere, what's in the /home you see in the root as of now?11:12
HewloThereAmoz: It's empty11:16
vapeboycan anyone help me out please?11:16
AmozHewloThere, and I suppose yours wasn't. That probably means that *your* files and the filesystem is *not* mounted as of now. You have to find where your files are. What's "backstore" ?11:18
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Afdlachanging mouse sensitivity from options does nothing on 15.0411:22
Afdlaacceleration works but sensitivity doesn't change anyhow11:22
kennydudeHi, I'm having an issue with an Ubuntu server. APT is reporting there is no space left on the drive yet there is plenty11:22
vapeboyheya,  if [[ ! "$(/usr/sbin/service apache2 status)" =~ "running" ]] doesn't seem to be checking if Apache is running or not11:23
vapeboywhat am I doing wrong? :(11:23
kennydude /var/cache/apt/srcpkgcache.bin - open (28: No space left on device)11:23
Ben64vapeboy: explain what you're trying to do11:23
vapeboyBen64: basically this http://cssjockey.com/how-to-create-a-cron-job-to-start-mysql-if-it-stops/, but for the apache2 process11:23
Ben64kennydude: pastebin the output of "df -h"11:23
Ben64vapeboy: ah, so you're trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist11:24
vapeboywhat I'm trying to do is to check whether apache is running and if it doesn't, run something11:24
kennydudeBen64: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12107135/11:24
vapeboyBen64: how do I check whether it's running11:24
vapeboyBen64: if [[ ! "$(/usr/sbin/service apache2 status)" =~ "running" ]] doesn't seem to work11:25
Ben64vapeboy: just handle it manually. it won't just stop running randomly11:25
YKNeed help - Installing Ubuntu 15.04 inside Windows 7 ! It says "Restart to continue" and then comes back to boot menu.11:25
vapeboyBen64: can you please help me to handle it automatically?11:26
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vapeboywhat's wrong with if [[ ! "$(/usr/sbin/service apache2 status)" =~ "running" ]]11:26
Ben64vapeboy: no, theres no good reason for that11:26
Ben64kennydude: try "sudo touch /root/testfile"11:27
YKCan someone pls. help me with Ubuntu installation?11:27
k1lYK: "inside"? do you mean wubi install?11:27
vapeboyBen64: can you please make an abstraction?11:27
YKI kinda want the same ...wubi install but internet articles say .. wubi is no longer supported11:28
BluesKajHiyas all11:28
k1lYK: wubi is dead. dont use that.11:28
YKI made a bootable USB11:28
YKand then from there I ran the installation program11:28
k1lYK: if you want to test ubuntu run it from a usb drive or dvd. if you want to install it install it into real partitions11:28
ac3takwas_I need to set a default terminal11:29
ac3takwas_I've tried a few tips I got from the internet11:29
YKokay k1l. Thanks for that tip.11:29
ac3takwas_But the problem  isn't solved11:29
ac3takwas_how do I do this11:30
YKBut I need to use a single virtual file as a partition without changing anything in the disks.11:30
YKJust like Wubi was doing it.11:30
YKis there a way out?11:30
vapeboycan anyone please help me?11:30
bazhangvbox it yk11:30
vapeboywhat is wrong with [[ ! "$(/usr/sbin/service apache2 status)" =~ "running" ]]11:30
k1lYK: wubi is dead. it made too much issues with ubuntu and windows. dont use that anymore.11:30
cfhowlett!vbox | YK11:31
ubottuYK: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox11:31
kennydudeBen64: Nothing happened when that command was ran11:31
ac3takwas_does anyone know how to set default terminal in unity?11:32
YKThanks all.11:32
Ben64kennydude: well it should have made a file in /root11:33
Ben64kennydude: and if it did, then the drive can be written to.. so you got something else going on11:33
Amozvapeboy, what exactly do you want to do?11:33
vapeboyAmoz: check if apache is running or not11:34
YKVirtual box itself will consume system resources and I may not be getting same performance. I my hp notebook has only 2 GB RAM and with a Windows 10 host... it will be at pure mercy of flawed Windows system11:34
Ben64vapeboy: don't worry about it, it doesn't stop running on its own...11:34
vapeboyit does11:34
Ben64it really doesn't11:34
YKIs there any better alternate?11:34
kennydudeBen64: written fine; no idea :/11:35
vapeboyBen64: it is not the issue here, if it does or it doesn't11:35
cfhowlettYK, vbox + lubuntu is much lighter.11:35
vapeboyI just want to check if it's running or not11:35
Amozvapeboy, depending on the context, that should work11:35
Amozvapeboy, do you run it in a script?11:35
Ben64vapeboy: it is the issue, theres no point in making this script run all the time to check and restart it11:35
vapeboyAmoz, yes and it looks like this: http://pastie.org/private/pzu5ybzrucqdgvoruicuw11:36
Ben64if apache is crashing, fix that problem, don't make some silly script to restart it11:36
HewloThereSorry for the long reply Amoz. I'm not sure what you mean?11:36
pmtedI have compiled a new kernel and installed all of the .deb-files. When I reboot the computer uses the old kernel. Furthermore, the new kernel files does not show up in /boot. What do?11:37
Amozvapeboy, and what happens when you run it, and what do you expect to happen?11:37
vapeboyAmoz: so I've created to shell scripts, one for mysql - http://cssjockey.com/how-to-create-a-cron-job-to-start-mysql-if-it-stops/11:38
vapeboywhich happens to work11:38
vapeboyand a similar one for apache, which doesn't work11:38
vapeboyand it looks to me like the issue is this line: [[ ! "$(/usr/sbin/service apache2 status)" =~ "running" ]]11:38
Amozvapeboy, although I really have to side with Ben64 on this one. You should solve the actual problem.11:38
Ben64vapeboy: here just run this if you want to be silly. "while [ 0 ]; do service apache2 start; done;"11:39
Amozvapeboy, again, what happens when you run your script?11:39
vapeboyAmoz: apache doesn't start11:39
Amozvapeboy, can it start when you run only the command without a script?11:40
vapeboyAmoz: yes, it does start when I sudo service apache2 start11:41
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Amozvapeboy, so then the problem is in the script. Put some echos in different places in the script, (e.g. one inside the if-case, and one in the beginning of the script)11:42
Amozwhat happens then? Do you see the echoed text when you run the script?11:42
pmtedI could really use some help on how to boot into my newly created kernel. I'm using EFI, so I am not sure where to change for it to boot into it.11:42
vapeboyAmoz: yes, I've identified that "if [[ ! "$(/usr/sbin/service apache2 status)" =~ "running" ]]" does not serve its purpose11:44
ac3takwas_Can anyone help please?11:45
Ben64vapeboy: so apache on my server has been running for 354 days, you don't need a script11:45
ac3takwas_I need to run a CLI-base program e.g Ipython; but it launches with a different terminal from the one Intend it to launch with?11:45
Amozac3takwas_, this was the first hit on google, http://askubuntu.com/questions/70540/how-can-i-set-default-terminal-used-in-unity11:45
ac3takwas_Amoz, thanks but that doesn't quite help11:46
ac3takwas_I've been to that link before11:46
Fuchsac3takwas_: as in: the wrong graphical terminal launches? If yes: how exactly are you running the CLI based program?11:47
fjxare you form11:47
ac3takwas_The thing is Each time I run the program, it launches with gnome-terminal despite having set terminator as default11:47
vapeboy/usr/sbin/service apache2 status returns Apache2 is running (pid 14678).11:47
vapeboyAmoz: the check looks alright.11:47
cfhowlettfjx, this is u.buntu support.  ask your support question11:47
sorboleneanyone familiar here with upstart that can help get my script going?11:47
sorboleneim getting an error with....11:48
ac3takwas_Then I uninstalled gnome-terminal11:48
ac3takwas_And then it began launching xterm11:48
vapeboyAmoz: is it "=~" perhaps?11:48
sorbolenesetgid / setuid doesn't work11:48
ac3takwas_Again I uninstalled xterm, then it doesn't run at all11:48
Amozvapeboy, works for me11:48
vapeboyAmoz: hm11:49
Ben64vapeboy: really, fix the problem instead of putting duct tape over it11:49
Amozac3takwas_, how do you start Ipython? You can just open a terminal of your choice and run "ipython" no?11:49
ioriavapeboy, for me is working... but would be better understand the deep cause11:49
vapeboythe whole "check if up, start if it isn't11:49
vapeboy" thing, Amoz?11:49
ac3takwas_I'd expect it to run since terminator is the only option of a terminal left for it to run with, but "no"11:49
ac3takwas_Amoz, yeah I know that11:49
ac3takwas_I'm only trying to guard against other programs that might be faced with the same issue11:50
Amozvapeboy, http://pastebin.ca/311038911:50
Amozac3takwas_, do you start ipython from a graphical menu somewhere?11:50
Amozvapeboy, just make sure your shell is bash11:51
Amozac3takwas_, then it's probably hardcoded in the command for the launcher icon11:51
ioriavapeboy,if you post the script (i know, it 's on the website) maybe we spot an error11:51
fjxicon' t see11:52
ac3takwas_Okay, that's may be true11:52
ac3takwas_And anyway I might be able to edit that?11:52
Ben64the error is the script, its not necessary and can hide problems. instead of finding out why apache is crashing you just start it again, who cares right11:52
fjxI form china11:53
cfhowlett!cn | fjx11:53
ubottufjx: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:53
vapeboyAmoz: "just make sure your shell is bash" <- how do I do it?11:54
Amozvapeboy, put #!/bin/bash in the beginning of the script11:54
ioriavapeboy,   #!/bin/bash11:54
vapeboyAmoz: also, this always gives me doesnt, both when apache is down and up: http://pastie.org/private/ohpuvd9ohurvwhuq9bh1fg11:54
Amozvapeboy, but again, look at the logs for apache. You really have something weird going on here if it randomly crashes. So you aren't solving this in a good way11:55
ioriavapeboy,      forgot this #!/bin/bash11:55
anlashokhello, what's new with ubuntu11:55
Ben64vapeboy: seriously, why are you not fixing the actual problem11:55
fjxi don't now11:55
ac3takwas_Amoz, thanks for your help11:56
Amozvapeboy, remove the "!" in front11:57
ac3takwas_Guys, how can I restrict internet usage by certain apps on Ubuntu?11:57
Amozvapeboy, lol11:58
Amozvapeboy, nvm, the reason for this is that you're checking something that doesn't change a state I believe11:58
Ben64Amoz: nope11:59
ioriano, true11:59
Ben64oh for returning both11:59
Amozvapeboy, service status ALWAYS outputs the substring "running"11:59
Amozeither "is not running", or "is running"12:00
Amozyou have to check for the substring "not running" to actually see a difference between the two.12:00
sorboleneAmoz: you doing upstart troubleshooting here?12:00
Amozsorbolene, no12:00
Ben64OR, actually fix the problem instead of making this script at all!12:00
vapeboyAmoz: hmmmmm, interesting12:00
Ben64we don't need any more vulnerable servers to become mail relays12:00
vapeboyAmoz: so if [[ "$(/usr/sbin/service apache2 status)" =~ "not running" ]]12:01
Amozvapeboy, try it12:01
Amozand come back if you still have problems12:01
Ben42vapeboy: really, why not fix the problem of apache crashing?12:01
vapeboy/usr/sbin/service apache2 status ——> Apache2 is NOT running.12:02
vapeboyAmoz: stil ldoesn't work12:02
Amozvapeboy, works here12:03
vapeboyAmoz: if [[ "$(/usr/sbin/service apache2 status)" =~ "not running" ]]12:03
Amozvapeboy, ^12:03
sparkyhello guys12:04
Amozalthough, change lighttpd to apache ofc12:04
bobbyphotonvapeboy: why not fix the actual problem of apache crashing?12:05
Amozvapeboy, exactly how do you determine that "it doesn't work" ?12:05
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vapeboyAmoz: hm, it always gives me the "else" option, both when apache is down and up12:05
Amozvapeboy, post your script12:05
vapeboyAmoz: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=75J0txxG12:06
TimsterHey, guys - is it possible to create an user on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS that only has SFTP access to his home directory, no SSH access?12:07
Amozvapeboy, works here12:07
bobbyphotonvapeboy: you're spending a whooole lot of time on this script when you should be fixing apache12:07
vapeboyi leave apache up, I do ~/apachefix.sh it gives me "running". I stop the apache, run ~/apachefix.sh it gives me "running" again12:07
vapeboyAmoz: you were testing lighttpd12:08
Amozvapeboy, indeed12:08
vapeboyAmoz: can you try apache2 instead?12:08
VolisHi, I'm trying to fix a computer. It connects to the wifi but there is no internet. I'm not sure what the problem is. Here's what the output is with ifconfig, route and ping: http://pastie.org/1035650212:08
Ben64vapeboy: it works on apache, maybe you just need to FIX APACHE12:09
Amozvapeboy, just check the output from service status, is that the same when you manually stop and start it?12:09
vapeboyBen64: have you got OCD or something? you've written the same damn thing like a million times now12:09
Amozvapeboy, or better yet, show me exactly the two different outputs from service status when apache is "stopped" and "started".12:09
sorboleneamoz: if you have time, are you able to assist? in my upstart log, i keep getting "setuid: not found" - http://pastebin.com/9BTXT3ij12:09
Ben64vapeboy: because it is IMPORTANT, you should not be running a server if you don't care to fix problems, and want a script to ignore the problem for you. thats how you will get your server hacked and rooted and exploited. i'm trying to help you and you're just ignoring everything12:10
vapeboyAmoz: /usr/sbin/service apache2 status -> Apache2 is running (pid 16015).12:10
VolisIt's my friend's laptop and he asked someone to fix the lan so he probably played around with a couple of fixes and messed up.12:11
clayswho can help mi whit use secound disk in virt manager?12:11
vapeboyAmoz: /usr/sbin/service apache2 status -> Apache2 is NOT running.12:11
Amozvapeboy, it's case sensitive12:11
Amozvapeboy, you can't put "not running" if the actual string you're checking for is "NOT running"12:12
Ben64vapeboy: i give up, come back when your server gets hacked, have a good night12:12
VolisIs there something like restore in Ubuntu? I've tried resetting the network manager with the `sudo service network-manager restart` but that didn't help.12:12
vapeboyAmoz: let me try that12:12
winsuxdoes anyone have problems with m4a playback in vlc 2.2.1 on ubuntu 14.04? i can't seek in vlc and the total length in seconds is just wrong (i.e. times 2)12:12
clayswho can help mi with use secound disk in virt manager?12:12
cfhowlettVolis, restore?  not so much.  reconfigure?  absolutely12:13
vapeboyAmoz: you are right, it is case sensitive12:13
vapeboythat solved it, tyvm <312:13
vapeboyBen64: I will fix my apache, I'm just setting up parachutes12:13
Ben64thats setting yourself up for ignorance12:14
sorboleneBen64 / Amoz : able to offer some tips for my scenario, posted above12:14
claysanybody will help me ?12:14
Ben64sorbolene: install setuid12:15
sorboleneBen64: i thought it came built with init?12:15
cfhowlett!ask | clay12:15
ubottuclay: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:15
sorbolenegosh damn12:15
Voliscfhowlett: Looking from the command history, it looks like this guy checked things with nmcli, saw resolv.conf, added something with route add -net, probably edited /etc/network/interfaces12:15
VolisThat's it.12:15
sorboleneBen64: which package is it?12:16
Ben64sorbolene: type "setuid" in terminal to find out12:16
cfhowlettVolis, yow.  wow.  completely over my head.  I've done the *very* occasional dpkg --reconfigure foo.deb - not sure that's helpful here12:16
sorbolenebloody genius Ben6412:17
Voliscfhowlett: :(12:17
AmozVolis, so you have an IP on the if ?12:17
TJ-Volis: that pastebin tells us: 1. there are 2 Ethernet interfaces, both configured and presumably connected.  2. they are both on the same sub-net ( 3. Both are configured as a default route. 4. for routing, eth0 has preference (metric is lowest). 5. "unknown host" means DNS resolution is failing12:18
VolisAmoz: I'm not sure what you mean but the ip address is http://pastie.org/1035650212:19
AmozVolis, sounds like TJ knows more here :P12:20
TJ-Volis:  "nmcli device" will tell you what interfaces Network Manager" is managing/are connected12:20
VolisTJ-: oh, okay I need to reset the preference then? There isn't any LAN cable connected.12:20
TJ-Volis: "ls -l /etc/reoslv.conf" should show that is a symlink "/etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf"12:20
TJ-Volis: "/etc/network/interfaces" should, at most, only have entries for "iface lo" if NM is expected to automatically manage the network12:21
TJ-Volis: typo, grr! "ls -l /etc/resolv.conf" should show that is a symlink "/etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf"12:21
sorboleneBen64: i got further.."use : setuid uid|username comand ..."12:21
VolisTJ-: Yes, there is symlink. And, only wlan0 is in 'connected' state. Rest eth0 and lo are in unmanaged state. I've never heard about 'lo' before, it's of type 'loopback'12:22
TJ-Volis: the contents of "/etc/resolv.conf" should usually be only "nameserver" (plus # comments).12:22
TJ-Volis: "lo" is the kernel's internal loopback interface, it always exists12:22
TJ-Volis: The way DNS resolution works is this: Network Manager runs its own private instance of 'dnsmasq' a caching DNS resolver, which listens for local connections on (the address in resolv.conf)12:23
bencchow can I find which packages also install http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/fonts/fonts-crosextra-carlito?12:23
VolisTJ-: Here's what's in /etc/network/interfaces http://pastie.org/1035652212:24
TJ-Volis: When Network Manager supervises a new connection, and that connection is set to use DHCP, it launches /sbin/dhclient which gets the DHCP lease, the upstream DNS servers, and anything else the DHCP server hands out. NM then passes the nameserver entries to its private instance of dnsmasq12:24
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TJ-Volis: OK ... remove everything but the first 2 lines... you don't want anything for eth0 in there, else NM will ignore the eth0 interface and its settings can conflict. Do this first: "sudo ifdown eth0" then edit "/etc/network/interfaces" and just leave the entries for "lo"12:26
VolisOkay, captain!12:26
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winsuxmy vlc 2.2.1 wont play m4a and some mp4 files anymore. does anyone have had the same problem and know if this can be fixed?12:27
TJ-Volis: after editing 'interfaces' restart NM: "sudo service network-manager restart"12:27
winsuxa reinstall didn't fix the problem. removing h265 support did not work either12:27
TJ-Volis: now "nmcli device" should show eth0 as 'unavailable' or 'disconnected'12:28
BBLLCC> /ignore nick all doesnt seem to work for me12:28
BBLLCCcan anyone help me?12:28
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VolisTJ-: YAY. It works! Thanks :)12:29
TJ-Volis: great12:29
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TJ-Volis make sure both wlan0 and eth0 work independently by disconnecting one then the other and reconnecting12:30
VolisTJ-: I'm on my way to become communications engineer. Which books should I sworn by to become a master like you?12:30
winsuxhow do you list packages installed by a particular ppa?12:30
TJ-Volis: none. Hack with systems and read the man-pages, read the source-code, and set up complex scenarios and break them ... then figure out how to fix them12:31
VolisSure thing!12:31
AmozVolis, what's a "communications engineer" ? It's quite important that you know all the basics for networking. E.g. layers, routing, protocols etc. Hard to give specific advice.12:31
TJ-Volis: the beauty of open-source is... it's open to you, it is up to you to dig in.. you can dig right down to the hardware if you really want to and no one will stop you12:31
AmozVolis, although, linux troubleshooting is more of man-pages and know the tools, as TJ wrote.12:32
VolisAmoz: The major is actually Electronics and Communications Engineering.12:32
docmurI have tftpd-hpa running as a PXE server.  Until until last night it was fine, then for no reason at all it just stopped working, I've rebooted the server and now when I try to start it I get [....] Starting HPA's tftpd: in.tftpd#  and then run I check the status: [FAIL] in.tftpd is not running ... failed!  Nothing I do seems to bring this tftpd up anymore.12:33
VolisI'm hoping to start contributing to some projects and then apply for Google Summer of Code next year.12:33
AmozVolis, sounds like you study a lot of networks then, no?12:33
TJ-Volis: use virtual machine networks on your own PC to experiment with scenarios you don't have the hardware for. Look at software network simulation tools too12:33
ac3takwas_Hello, how do I stop username from displaying in terminal12:33
ac3takwas_I only need the dollar sign12:34
Amozac3takwas_, edit your PS1 environment variable12:34
VolisAmoz: I've just started. I don't see a Network course till the 4th year though. It's weird.12:34
temo1997hi i have some problem... i need root ,but root user passwd is incorrect12:34
TJ-Volis: there's several simulators out there, see this list http://www.brianlinkletter.com/open-source-network-simulators/12:34
winsuxac3takwas, something like PS1="$ "12:34
AmozVolis, oh... I'm in a generic MoS of IT, and we studied a computer networks course in 3rd year.12:34
TJ-Volis: For your purposes I recommend Marionnet12:35
Amoztemo1997, ubuntu doesn't have a root passwd by default. You should use sudo12:35
VolisThanks, TJ- I'll check them out! :)12:35
AmozVolis, uh, the correct term is M.Sc , not MoS :P12:35
temo1997yes i already try it with sudo passwd but nothing it`s can`t open12:36
VolisHeh, I'd already google'd that out of amazement.12:36
ac3takwas_Amoz, Volis, sorry to bother you, but how do I do that?12:36
temo1997in user`s i cant show root but sudo -sH is root12:37
Amozac3takwas_, you'll have to set it in e.g. bashrc12:37
Volisac3takwas_: Why do you want that though?12:37
ac3takwas_Amoz, thanks12:38
ac3takwas_Volis, I find it generally needless12:38
GALAXY_how can i chat through terminal12:38
cfhowlett!irc | GALAXY_12:38
ubottuGALAXY_: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines12:38
VolisGALAXY_: Check out terminal based IRC applications? irssi comes to mind.12:39
Volisac3takwas_: echo 'export PS1="\W \$"' >> ~/.bash_profile12:40
TJ-ac3takwas_: see "man bash" or for a quick overview do "man bash | egrep -A10  'PS1|^PROMPTING' "12:40
ac3takwas_Volis, edited the bashrc file instead. It worked. Thanks12:41
cumaxohow can I check if all my graphics drivers are running properly?12:44
Johnny_Linuxin terminal12:45
cumaxook thks12:45
cfhowlettcumaxo, glxgears is the default.   there are others.  http://phoronix-test-suite.com/12:45
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Buddha_Nepalhow can i join new channel, i m new here12:46
LibertyWeNeedYou are in the UBuntu channel now12:46
k1lBuddha_Nepal: /join #channelname12:46
Buddha_Nepalcase sensitive or not?12:47
k1lBuddha_Nepal: not on irc12:47
Buddha_Nepaljoin #linuxhelp12:47
goopenAmoz: what12:47
Johnny_Linux /12:47
Buddha_Nepal./join #linuxhelp12:50
Buddha_NepalLearning something NEW :D12:52
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Legendhello every one13:26
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sohail-ahmedThe fonts of some application in my computer are messed up and have turned into some Korean language. This applications are all libreoffice, calibre, .. . For example in libreoffice writer I can write in english and even see that english but the menus and tool bar items are all in the korean and when I open some dialog box its again in the same korean. Many other apps are working perfrectly. Any solutions??13:39
cumaxohello ... Ive just installed Plank dock , but when I restart my computer , the dock dissapear...13:41
Jackevansevocumaxo: have you added it to your startup applications?13:41
cumaxohmm I dont think so...13:41
Jackevansevosohail-ahmed: just the problem persist after a reboot?13:41
Jackevansevocumaxo: Try adding it to your startup applications list13:42
cumaxodo you know the command for add it?13:42
sohail-ahmedJackevansevo: Thanks for repsonding, yes the problem remain there after reboot13:42
Jackevansevocumaxo: http://askubuntu.com/questions/48321/how-do-i-start-applications-automatically-on-login13:42
Jackevansevocumaxo: follow those instructions13:42
Technobliteratoranyone know how to check hard drive space?13:43
Jackevansevosohail-ahmed: what languages are listed when you open gnome-language-selector13:43
cumaxohmmm the problem for me is I dont know the order for launch Plank13:44
JackevansevoTechnobliterator: df -H13:44
JackevansevoTechnobliterator: In your terminal should show usage and remaining space for each disk partition13:44
Jackevansevocumaxo: it can go anywhere in the starupapplications menu, the command will just be "plank"13:45
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Technobliteratorright...Okay, it's telling me there's tons of HDD space left in a few partitions, but then when I try to install a game on Steam, it just gives me "you do not have enough hard drive space" still...?_?13:45
sohail-ahmedJackevansevo: english(US), autralia, canada, uk13:45
FuchsTechnobliterator: well, the space has to be where steam wants to put it.  df -h   might help13:45
cfhowlettTechnobliterator, steam is hungry.  if the partition is to small ..13:45
Technobliteratorokay, how do I assign it more space?13:46
Jackevansevosohail-ahmed: I'm unsure what the problem could be then :/13:46
cfhowlettTechnobliterator, do this: df -h | nc termbin.com 9999           and show the url here13:47
mcphailTechnobliterator: you need to go in to the steam settings and create a new library on one of your emptier partitions13:47
sohail-ahmedJackevansevo: Does it not help that only some of applications are affected by this problem. I researched it and have found that some apps use qt-fonts and I think calibre and libreoffice use it. Therefore I have the problem with all the app using qt-fonts.13:48
cumaxoACPI PCC failed ? this appear in blackscreen when i start my pc13:48
TJ-cumaxo: that is a warning message that you can safely ignore. Later kernel's have patched that warning out13:49
cumaxook TJ , thank u so much13:49
cumaxoanother question . I have installed nvidia drivers and Intell drivers from the drivers manager in Linux , how coul I check if all the graphics cards are running properly?13:50
Jackevansevosohail-ahmed: maybe try the instructions at the bottom of this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214095713:51
cfhowlettcumaxo, phoronix test suite for the deep level testing.  glxgears for simpler testing13:51
BluesKajcumaxo:  Optimus?13:51
Technobliteratoris there a way to create my library on /dev/sda2?13:51
cumaxobut I dont know if optimus is running here...13:51
cfhowlettTechnobliterator, before you do that: sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999913:51
cumaxoI have no idea how to install and configure bumblebee...and if this can turn in blankscreen later...13:52
Technobliteratoris result13:52
BluesKaj!optimus | cumaxo13:52
ubottucumaxo: The Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/13:52
cumaxoi know... but how to configure?13:52
cumaxoand I dont know if the Intel graphics drivers are the proper drivers ...13:53
BluesKajcumaxo:  but not sure if bumblebee is even supported anymore13:53
BluesKajcumaxo:  nvidia-prime driver I believe13:53
cumaxonvidia-prime driver for what?13:54
cfhowlettTechnobliterator, steam should not be reporting problems when you have such a huge amount of space. try it from the command line and note errors: sudo apt-get install steam13:54
Technobliteratoralright, I've done that13:55
Technobliterator(though I already had steam installed, it went fine)13:56
sohail-ahmedJackevansevo: my locales are already as they should be. all in en_US.UTF-813:56
Technobliteratorno errors13:56
cfhowlettTechnobliterator, wait, what?  you said it reported not enough memory!13:56
Technobliteratorto install one of the games13:56
Technobliteratorin the Steam library13:57
DorfenHi guys! So ubuntu just threw the connection to my 3rd monitor. Every time i try to go ubuntu after a month or so this happens. How do i fix?13:57
cfhowlettTechnobliterator, ah, so it's a STEAM issue then, not ubuntu.  ask steam what's up with that.13:57
Technobliteratoralright, thanks13:57
Technobliteratoralthough, confusingly enough13:57
cfhowletttrue :)13:57
BluesKajcumaxo:  this might help http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/Optimus/13:57
TechnobliteratorI restarted and it's now working ?__?13:57
Technobliteratoranyway, thanks for the help all the same13:57
cfhowlett!home | Technobliterator suggestion: create a dedicated /home.  otherwise, on reinstall, all your goodies go bye bye.13:58
ubottuTechnobliterator suggestion: create a dedicated /home.  otherwise, on reinstall, all your goodies go bye bye.: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving13:58
borisetodoes anybody else has problems when trying to buy software from Ubuntu Software Center? It gets stuck at: Processing your request for "***"...  Information received13:59
Technobliteratoralright, what does this do?14:00
annbow... or mv the steam directory from your home to a different partition, then add the mount point to fstab14:01
cfhowlettTechnobliterator, when you install ubuntu, the partition usually gets formatted.  your /home is IN your ubuntu partition.  thus >>> formatted >>> gone.  a dedicated partition remains in place during a reinstall.  just a suggestion.14:02
Technobliteratorahh, right14:02
TechnobliteratorOkay, I'll bear that in mind, thanks14:03
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DorfenCould some xrandr magician spare me some minutes guidance?14:06
zykotick9Dorfen: fyi, arandr is a GUI xrandr frontend, that has a "Save" to script option... i find it handy.  best of luck.14:08
DorfenThink this might be more tricky, as arandr doesn't save correctly.14:09
* zykotick9 would ask what "doesn't save correctly" means... BUT he's walking out the door... good luck14:13
OneM_IndustriesSo, Ubuntu 14.04LTS is going to be supported for quite a while, yeah?14:15
benjwadamsper the conventions in `man hier`, where ought I deploy my programs on production?  I've seen wildly varying14:16
OerHeksthat is why it is called LTS14:16
benjwadamsconventions and the only common factor is that programs seem to be deployed in different places on different boxes14:16
benjwadamssometimes /home/, sometimes a separate dir off root, sometimes /opt/, sometimes /var, `man hier` seems to suggest /usr/local and my head wants to explode14:17
OneM_IndustriesThank you, wanted to put something on this laptop that would be supported for a long time that was NOT windows.14:18
pancakes9Hey how do I wget or curl a link like https://pm.puppetlabs.com/cgi-bin/download.cgi? which gives me a small file instead of the the 100MB install file?14:19
varaindemianhow do I know if my ssd supports trim?14:19
RuddeSo I manged to configure L2TP/IpSec server on my ubuntu box, but I get really bad speeds I have 100/20 Mbit and get something like 1.5/5 Mbit, and via sockets proxy to the same server I get 100/15 mbit14:19
varaindemianI have this ssd https://www.wave.com/mz7ln256hchp-000l714:20
RuddeCPU load is on 2% under l2tp load14:20
varaindemianon a Thinkpad T45014:20
OerHeksvaraindemian, sudo hdparm -I /dev/sdX | grep "TRIM supported" # where X is sda/sdb/sdc etc14:22
varaindemianOerHeks: thx.  do you use it?14:23
OerHeksvaraindemian, , trim is automatic enabled , but you can run manually: sudo fstrim -v /14:23
OerHeksthat can take a while on a 512 gb ssd :-D14:24
varaindemianOerHeks: sudo: hdparm: command not found14:25
OerHeksvaraindemian, so you are not running ubuntu ?14:25
OerHeksoh, ask in #debian what to do about hdparm14:26
OerHeksUbuntu has got it installed default14:26
OneM_IndustriesI am trying to create a boot USB, and the startup disk creator cannot see my USB stick.14:39
LambdaComplexOneM_Industries: Does it show up in lsusb and lsblk?14:43
OneM_IndustriesYes, I can mount it.14:44
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OneM_IndustriesAnd it shows up in lsblk and lsusb14:45
OerHeksformat that usb as fat32 and you are fine14:45
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OneM_IndustriesNow, let's see if this lenovo can handle ubuntu...14:49
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ioriaBen64 : are you there ?15:01
loacan somebody explain me how can i check why package is kept back15:20
loaif there some kind of command?15:20
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Seveasloa: apt-get upgrade15:27
loaSeveas, ... i am talking about packages which are kept back by this command15:33
iorialoa do you want to install them ?15:35
loaiooner, i want ivestigate...15:36
loaiooner, investigate.15:36
prince /msg NickServ identify spiderman15:36
iorialoa "If the dependencies have changed on one of the packages you have installed so that a new package must be installed to perform the upgrade then that will be listed as "kept-back".15:38
Piciloa: it may be fixed by doing an apt-get dist-upgrade.15:38
Pici!dist-upgrade | obligitory15:38
ubottuobligitory: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.15:38
ioriayes, but maybe he wants to upgrade just one package15:39
loaPici, is there any way of debug or tree view?15:39
loai can't understand what happened15:39
loai will show you output wait15:39
loaPici, https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25725476/screenshot-2015.08.17-18%3A40%3A24.png15:40
loaignore that linux-kernel related packages15:40
k1l_loa: the kernel packages are "new installs" in reality, since its the metapackage which will need the new packages to be installed. so it needs the "apt-get dist-upgrade" command15:42
loak1l_, kenel packages are no hold by me ignore them.15:42
loak1l_, i am talking about that drm stuff15:42
k1l_could be other new depencies by that drm stuff15:43
loaso i understand now...15:44
loai need just do dist-upgrade15:44
k1l_yes. that is a very confusing way of naming and function but its due to the very old days when apt-get was made. today we use apt-get differently in that context on ubuntu. for the versionupgrades to 15.04 etc we use "do-release-upgrade" and not apt-get.15:45
k1l_you can use the newer "apt" to have less confusion. "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade"15:46
segaboylooking for help virtualizing a Rasbian image with lib-virt. Has anyone has success with this? It seems I need a special kernel that's no longer online...15:47
OneM_IndustriesI have a Lenovo g50 laptop that I am trying to get wifi working on.15:49
OneM_IndustriesFor some reason, wifi is not showing up as an option in networking.15:49
loak1l_, wow that apt thing)) i did not know about that...15:58
daftykinsamirite: can you phrase that as a question?16:05
busconi'm running 13.10 and i'm trying to update to 14.0416:05
amiritehow do i fix unverified packages in my apt repo? i updated the expiration date of the gpg key so it's no longer expired and exported the key to ppa.blah.com.key16:05
cfhowlettdaftykins, question?  I thought it was commentary :)16:05
busconwhen i run do-release-upgrade  i get a "No new release found"16:05
amiriteyet stuff still doesn't install without force16:05
busconhow can i fix that?16:06
amiritei can't google this question because everybody who asks this is asking from the client side perspective16:06
cfhowlett!eolupgrade | buscon16:06
ubottubuscon: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:06
amiritei'm the server16:06
onefixAnyone know of a mount option in FSTAB that will automatically zero unused blocks (similar to zerofree, but live).16:06
amiriteso why is a package unverified? what are the causes?16:07
daftykins onefix - like trim?16:07
onefixI never thought of that...but trim might just be what I want16:08
daftykinsassuming SSD16:08
artoisonefix: think it's usually called 'discard' in fstab-speak16:09
onefixNo,m VMware, I'm trying to make sure that thin provisioned VMDKs can free up unused space.16:09
artoissure they aren't?16:09
LonelyDanboIf Ubuntu had a swap file partition, it would be mounted, right? so if I have a swap file partition that's not mounted it probably belongs to the other OS I installed {Debian} and it's safe to delete it, right?16:09
artoisLonelyDanbo: no swap isn't mounted16:10
LonelyDanbo... oh.16:10
artoistry sudo swapon -s16:10
artoisor check /etc/fstab16:10
LonelyDanbok, thanks. I'll check.16:11
artoisif you accidentally deleted a swap partition, though, no particularly enduring harm would be done =)16:11
artoisit's just an empty space to swap things, after all16:11
busconcfhowlett, thanks for the links, i followed them but i still get "No new release found"16:11
LonelyDanbohm. I guess so.16:12
cfhowlettbuscon, download the 14.04 .iso and clean install.16:12
OneM_IndustriesOk, so I am trying to get wireless working on this lenovo g50. I have run this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=370108 script, and here: pastebin.com/qwaMRkQH is the output. Any ideas?16:12
busconcfhowlett, eheh, it might be the easiest option...16:12
busconbut i'd have rather keep the current system16:12
cfhowlettbuscon, your current version receives NO security updates or other support.  use at your own risk and don't ask here for help fixing it.16:13
daftykinsbuscon: go into your software and sources settings and check for what release types you're offered, unless that's what you were shown already16:14
LonelyDanbochanging partitions always makes me nervous. I'm not sure what to do, but right now I have my HD mostly split in two and I need more space.16:15
cfhowlettLonelyDanbo, live boot > gparted > resize.16:16
LonelyDanbolive boot is with the installer?16:16
LambdaComplexLive boot with any Live CD16:17
LambdaComplexWell, any Live CD that has gparted :P16:17
LonelyDanboor ISO? I don't have a CD drive.16:17
LambdaComplexOr parted/cfdisk/anything else. Those are CLI though16:17
cfhowlettLonelyDanbo, bootable USB?16:17
LambdaComplexPutting the .iso on a USB drive should work16:17
LambdaComplex(assuming your computer supports booting from USB drives)16:17
LonelyDanbowhy is gparted done from a live boot instead?16:18
LambdaComplexBecause you can't resize a mounted partition16:18
LonelyDanbooh. good to know.16:18
cfhowlettLonelyDanbo, partitioning from a live system is bad.  BAD.16:18
LambdaComplexcfhowlett: Um...you mean the thing literally every Linux installer does?16:18
SuperLagthat's what I was just thinking16:19
cfhowlettLambdaComplex, live system meaning booted from hdd installed16:19
LambdaComplexHow else are you supposed to partition to install...any OS?16:19
LambdaComplexOh, gotcha16:19
cfhowlettsemantics: live session = usb /cd booted  ?16:19
LambdaComplexcfhowlett: Why is that bad though? O.o16:19
cfhowlettLambdaComplex, you actually can but it will likely break your installation.  as you said: partitioning from a mounted, booted partition is not to be done.16:21
LambdaComplexOh dear god no16:21
LambdaComplexThat'd would end horribly16:21
cfhowlettLambdaComplex, for sure.16:21
LonelyDanboHow can I change my mouse LED colors? I've found info on changing keyboard LED colors, but it doesn't work with my mouse. The Windows program for it doesn't change the colors through Wine.16:22
kydaHey! Could somebody help me? Im using Ubuntu Studio and i have annoying problems with mouse and dropdown menus. Everytime i click dropdown menu it appears and dispappear again if i move my mouse while doing it. Any solution? Thanks16:22
LonelyDanboHm. I found different results for [linux mouse led color], so perhaps I was doing the wrong search when I was looking for my specific model of mouse.16:24
OneM_IndustriesI really need help with this laptop, lspci is not even seeing the wireless adapter.16:24
daftykinsOneM_Industries: then maybe it's USB, 'lsusb' instead16:24
LonelyDanboI had problems with my laptop wifi recently.16:25
majahello, does any one have experance with bluetooth ?16:25
daftykinsOneM_Industries: oh and it does as per your paste, i see a Qualcomm Atheros device.16:25
cfhowlett!bluetooth | maja16:25
ubottumaja: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup16:25
OneM_IndustriesAh ha, that might be it.16:25
kydaPlease help!  Im using Ubuntu Studio and i have annoying problems with mouse and dropdown menus. Everytime i click dropdown menu it appears and dispappear again if i move my mouse while doing it. Any solution? Thanks16:26
LonelyDanboIt was in the... software & updates -> additional drivers tab. I had to wait for it to finish searching, and then it listed it disabled.16:26
OneM_IndustriesStill, I cannot see a wireless option in the network manager.16:26
daftykinsOneM_Industries: yeah that's not supported under Linux yet by the looks.16:26
majacfhowlett: i have tried that but no joy16:26
cfhowlettmaja, post the details here.  someone will know.16:26
OneM_IndustriesSo, aside from a USB stick, any way to get wifi on this thing?16:26
daftykinsOneM_Industries: there's one thing you can try, are you typing from this system right now?16:27
majaone sec :)16:27
OneM_IndustriesNo, I am typing from my main box.16:27
LonelyDanboare you sure it's bluetooth wifi?16:27
daftykinsOneM_Industries: ok well try opening the terminal and typing "sudo modprobe ath9k" then type "ifconfig -a" and tell me if you see an *interface* other than eth0 or lo16:27
skyrajputhow can i develop a client server architecture  using c language ?16:27
daftykinsskyrajput: find a developer channel for that question, it is NOT ubuntu support.16:28
maja sudo bluez-simple-agent hci0 74:29:AF:9E:11:FC16:28
majaCreating device failed: org.bluez.Error.ConnectionAttemptFailed: Page Timeout16:28
daftykins!alis | skyrajput use this16:28
ubottuskyrajput use this: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*16:28
k1l_skyrajput: that question better suits into a c developer channel. see !alis if you want to find some16:28
majahcitool dev works ok but simple agent fail :(16:28
skyrajputthanks !16:29
LonelyDanboOneM_Industries: I don't think your wifi is only bluetooth. check software & updates -> additional drivers tab, and wait for it to finish searching.16:29
OneM_Industriesdaftykins: I still don't see any other interfaces.16:29
daftykinsOneM_Industries: ok and "sudo modprobe -r ath9k" then "sudo modprobe ath10k" and repeat16:29
OneM_IndustriesLonelyDanbo: I have, and it only shows AMD video drivers.16:30
mhmohello every one, just installed Xubuntu 14.04 :D16:30
OneM_IndustriesAccording to modprobe, module ath10k is not found.16:31
artoissalman_: hi16:32
cfhowlettmhmo, current version is 14.04.3.  in a terminal: sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade16:32
daftykinsOneM_Industries: ok, you're out of luck then - as per this bug they've not made it user friendly yet, still working on getting the firmware it seems - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/143694016:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1436940 in linux (Ubuntu Wily) "Atheros wifi 168c:0041(QCA6164) is not supported" [Medium,Confirmed]16:33
mhmoThanks cfhowlett , btw what do you suggest to me to learn the fundamentals of Linux so I can completely get rid of windows?16:33
daftykinsOneM_Industries: time to swap the card for an intel model (which will likely work in that Lenovo) or get a nasty USB dongle, yes.16:33
cfhowlettmhmo, www.fullcirclemagzine.org/downloads   issue #0, read, issue #1, read16:34
cfhowlett!manual | mhmo or <<<16:34
ubottumhmo or <<<: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/16:34
OneM_IndustriesNext question, how to handle an annoyed grandma? ;)16:34
LonelyDanboanyone know if this would be safe to try out on a different mouse? a CMStorm Recon mouse, to be precise.16:34
LonelyDanbooops. forgot link. http://als.regnet.cz/logitech-g9-linux-led-color.html16:34
cfhowlettLonelyDanbo, unless the mouse in nuclear powered, plug it in and test.16:35
daftykinsOneM_Industries: tell her you apologise profusely for not doing adequate system research before buying her a system - oh and that it's ok because you don't need to force her into using Linux.16:35
mhmoThanks a lot cfhowlett16:36
cfhowlettOneM_Industries, coupon for a lapdance at Chippendales?16:36
cfhowlettmhmo, happy2help!16:36
OneM_IndustriesHeh, I was kind of joking.16:36
daftykinsi'm not :)16:36
LonelyDanbooh wait, that's like... compiling a program off somebody's webpage. Isn't that risky?16:37
OneM_IndustriesI only found out what type of wifi device this thing has when using lspci/lsusb.16:37
daftykinsOneM_Industries: yeah that's common16:38
ioonerloa stfu16:38
daftykins!language iooner16:38
daftykins!language | iooner16:38
ubottuiooner: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList16:38
hammaHello guys16:39
OneM_IndustriesLenovo does not exactly love giving out info about it's systems, besides grudging CPU specs.16:39
hammaThe StartUbuntu project is back16:39
hammaso take a look if you want16:40
daftykinshamma: this is a support channel, that's off topic - #ubuntu-offtopic16:40
OneM_IndustriesAh ha!16:41
OneM_IndustriesFound drivers!16:42
loaiooner, what is your problem?16:42
daftykinsloa: take it out of the channel.16:43
daftykinsOneM_Industries: oh? in what form?16:43
loadaftykins, i dunno him and i am done.16:43
daftykinsyeah those are not drivers, haha16:43
daftykinsi saw that before and didn't link it on purpose.16:44
daftykinsOneM_Industries: yep now you have to grab the module source and compile it most likely16:44
daftykinsand people in that bug still said it didn't work16:44
OneM_IndustriesWell, might be time to get a wifi dongle.16:45
OneM_IndustriesHow much could those cost at best buy anyway?16:45
daftykinsa supported internal card would make more sense.16:45
daftykinsOneM_Industries: it's very arrogant of you to think that we're all american.16:46
OneM_IndustriesI am not...16:46
OneM_IndustriesThat was a joke.16:46
daftykinsno it was not, you're backpedalling16:46
daftykinsanyway try and remember we're from all around the world and do not know of prices in your local shops ;)16:46
OneM_IndustriesBased on Best Buy's policy of, "So, it should cost $5, let's sell it for $50!"16:47
OneM_IndustriesSeriously, it was a joke.16:47
xanguaif you look for compatible linux hardware, check https://www.thinkpenguin.com/ and for ubuntu preinstalled https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuPre-installed OneM_Industries16:47
NTQMy Lubuntu doesn't want to start. I got this error: http://askubuntu.com/questions/567730/gave-up-waiting-for-root-device-ubuntu-vg-root-doesnt-exist16:48
majai have gone though all the bluetooth setups and it still failes is there any way to tell what kind of chip i have and if this is working with ubuntu 14 ?16:49
ioonerloa stop hl 4 nothing16:50
ioonerdaftykins please...16:51
daftykins!ops | iooner timewaster troll16:51
ubottuiooner timewaster troll: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang16:51
k1l_iooner: stop that drama.16:51
ioonerLet start drama16:51
majaherrkin: hello16:52
herrkinI have a problem that is driving me crazy with ubuntu server, I installed a fresh  copy of it, updated everything and it worked fine16:52
herrkinbut suddenly it disapears from the network16:52
herrkinI mean I cant reach it16:53
thinkpadi want to create a VPN in linux mint 17 can anyone help me out16:53
herrkinbut it can go to internet and everyting fine16:53
cfhowlett!mint | thinkpad,16:53
ubottuthinkpad,: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:53
bozedaftykins: 2 computers and 2 tv's and 2 months later I figured out my resolution problem. Bad HDMI cable smh...16:54
ecksiiI'm having an issue with lightdm on an mythbuntu 14.04 box.16:55
ecksiiGoogle give me lots of noise but no light.16:56
majaboze: internal laugh :)16:56
seek3rI've started an aws ubuntu 14.04 instance, and have placed 'mkdir ~/hello' into rc.local, so that that command runs everytime my aws instance is stopped and started16:58
seek3rhowever, when I stop and start my aws instance, I don't see the hello folder16:58
seek3rhow could I fix this?16:58
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daftykinsboze: don't recall the query from the past but wow, that wasn't your #1 check? :)17:05
bozedaftykins: live and learn I guess. It worked enough for me not to question it, but not all hdmi are made equal. Different specs or something17:06
daftykinsyep many many version numbers and what not17:06
=== Gallomimia is now known as Gallo_
aashchmod does not changing permissions17:13
daftykinsaash: is this an NTFS volume? it won't work17:13
aashdaftykins: how do i Check.17:14
daftykinswell what are you working with? a flash drive? external hard disk?17:15
ColdforgeHello, I found a problem with the progress bar in epiphany, it seems it is the same as Ubuntu Software Center, so I think this bug is related somehow, but I am not sure how. It has probably been reported, but I can't find it.17:16
aashdrive only17:16
daftykins"drive" ? that's too vague a reply.17:16
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aashdaftykins: /dev/sda5        64G   57G  7.6G  89% /media/lucky/Data17:17
daftykinsaash: sudo parted -l | pastebinit17:17
ecksiiI'm looking for help debugging a lightdm login issue...17:19
daftykinswhat's the issue?17:19
ecksiilightdm loops back rather than logging me in... I've checked all the obvious things. .Xauthority is ok, /tmp is chmod 177717:20
aashdaftykins: https://bpaste.net/show/a05fd1b9e31b17:20
ecksiiI've created a new user and that user cannot login either.17:20
daftykinsecksii: is every file and folder owned by you in ~/ for this user?17:20
daftykinsah ok so wider issue, oh dear.17:20
ecksiichown -R chris:chris ~chris17:20
daftykinsaash: so yes it's NTFS, you can't set permissions on that - you need to mount it in your /etc/fstab correctly to get permission to write to it.17:21
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ecksiiAnd my other user is newly minted from adduser.17:21
daftykinsugh you people need to *check* things not just blindly run commands that would reverse the condition *if* it were true :)17:21
ecksiiI didn't just do that. I checked first.17:21
daftykinsguess it's lightdm log time then17:21
ecksiiIt shows the X Server starting up then 40 seconds later shutting down.17:22
ecksiiThere's nothing in .xsession-errors wither.17:22
aashdaftykins: how to enter proper way17:23
daftykinsaash: create an entry in /etc/fstab to mount /dev/sda5 at boot time17:23
daftykinsecksii: so what changed? is this happening after an upgrade?17:24
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.17:24
ecksiiSorry about the /msg17:25
daftykinsso, was it an upgrade?17:25
ecksiiYeah, I think so.17:26
ecksiiIt's mythbuntu box. And I'm really so frustrated with it that I'm about to junk it and restart from scratch.17:26
daftykinsah :S17:26
daftykinswell you could purge and reinstall lightdm and whatever DE is on there17:27
ecksiiAlthough I wish that debugging lightdm was as easy as debugging xdm.17:27
daftykinsand hope for the best17:27
theBestNunuhello guys i have a problem. I installed Ubuntu 14.04 on Windows 8 preinstalled machine using manual partitioning. I wanted dual boot. I boot in legacy mode. But now Ubuntu starts automatically, grub is not displayed so I cannot choose Windows. What can I do to have dual-boot? ;)17:28
daftykinsif it came with windows 8, then 8 should not have been installed in legacy mode17:28
ActionParsniptheBestNunu: http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2013/09/install-ubuntu-linux-alongside-windows.html17:29
ActionParsniptheBestNunu: http://itsfoss.com/install-ubuntu-1404-dual-boot-mode-windows-8-81-uefi/17:29
ecksiiukf*y em*y, this goes from bad to worse17:31
ecksiiI really wish lightdm was a little more verbose about what it was doing. That's no on you guys though... :-)17:31
theBestNunuActionParsnip: tnx, i will try boot-repair then ;)17:32
daftykinstheBestNunu: are you certain your 8 install was legacy and not EFI?17:32
theBestNunudaftykins: I'm not certain it's OEM Windows 8.1. I assumed it was legacy beacause no systems starts in EFI mode, but Ubuntu starts in Legacy.17:33
ecksiiapt-get remove won't delete lightdm. It says that it the daemon is running. sudo service lightdm stop says there is no service lightdm installled. And sudo kill -9 (lightdm pid) just restarts the daemon.17:33
cfhowlettecksii, wait, what?  lightdm is pretty deeply integrated into ubuntu ... and you're removing it?17:34
daftykinsecksii: yep your install is hosed :)17:35
theBestNunudaftykins: does it mean that i installed ubuntu without EFI boot?17:36
ecksiiI don't have to. But I'm stuck in a login loop when I try to use it. This is a mythbuntu box with my treasured recording on a seperate set of spindles. If I have to follow the disaster plan of rebuild mythbuntu and then reattach my records, I can.17:36
daftykinstheBestNunu: you have to have installed both the same way is the thing.17:36
theBestNunudaftykins: Well it seems that Ubuntu is installed in Legacy mode. How do i specify what mode I want to install it in during installation?17:37
ecksiiI'd love some advice but the perms on .Xauthority are correct, the perms on /tmp are correct, and I created a brand new user to se if pooched something in my .profile etc and the new user cannot login either.17:37
ecksiithe lightdm log shows the X server starting. Then 40s later it shows the X server shutting down.17:37
ecksiiservice --status-all doesn't show lightdm running but kill -9 <lightdm-pid> just forces init or whatever to restart the process.17:38
daftykinstheBestNunu: you have to boot the media (flash drive/DVD) in the correct mode, see...17:39
daftykins!efi | theBestNunu ... here17:39
ubottutheBestNunu ... here: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:39
tgm4883ecksii: perhaps a reboot is in order. If you've uninstalled it, it can't start on a fresh boot17:39
moat_joeHow can I increase the maximum stack size for a script started via systemd (specifically postgres)?17:40
ecksiiI think I'm quite close to "this box is f*ck up enough that nuke and reinstall is the best option?"17:40
ecksiiI rebooted it.17:40
theBestNunudaftykins: yea my computer has some kind of mixed mode that it supports BIOS and EFI, so im not sure what mode it loads ubuntu. is there a way to check it?17:40
daftykinstheBestNunu: my above link provided by ubottu answers that. the screen is different17:42
ecksiireboot helped. I got to console login.17:43
ecksiiI'm reinstalling xubuntu-desktop now. curiously apt says that there is a hangup and that I have to install xubuntu-default-settings first.17:44
misspapayarunning cat /dev/ttyUSB0 says the port is busy for the first minute after plugging in the adapter17:44
misspapayaafter that it runs fine17:44
misspapayalsof shows nothing17:44
aldo_ciao a tutti , buonasera17:45
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o17:45
linuxuz3rhi how do i know what ubuntu release i am in17:46
daftykinslsb_release -d17:46
daftykinsor: cat /etc/issue17:46
linuxuz3rhow about the code name17:46
daftykinslsb_release -a ? :P17:47
daftykinsyou can work out the name from the number17:47
theBestNunudaftykins: so I need to have Ubuntu installed in EFI mode. Im pretty sure by now that i've installed it in Legacy mode. What's the easiest way to reinstall it in EFI mode? Run the installer again in EFI mode this time?17:47
daftykinstheBestNunu: that same link tells you how to convert a legacy install to EFI... :)17:47
theBestNunudaftykins: ok. ty and sry xD17:48
ki7rwwhy have i been getting this when upgrading software? this started happening within the last month: http://pastebin.com/0jNHaSuU17:51
TobbiIs there a ppa for sdl2 for precise?17:51
ki7rwappens/me can't use synaptic or software-updater when that ha[17:52
xanguaTobbi: did you search at launchpad.net¿17:52
Tobbilet me see...17:52
* ki7rw can't use synaptic or software-updater when that ha[17:52
ecksiiOkay, so I'm still looking for help. I purged lightdm and reinstalled it. I still cannot log in with any user.17:52
trismki7rw: did you install apt-listchanges? though I don't think it should mess with the gui clients17:53
Tobbixangua: If I see correctly, there are snapshots... no official versions. I might go with these.17:53
LonelyDanboI'm having trouble finding information/executables/etc to let me change mouse LED colors. I found one for a different mouse that I'm sure I would at least need to modify to get working with mine, but my brain isn't working so well.17:54
LonelyDanboI found this one. Maybe I could modify it to tell me the ID of the mouse. http://als.regnet.cz/logitech-g9-linux-led-color.html17:56
ki7rwtrism, yep, it's installed on my system17:57
unreal1999are there people online?18:08
unreal1999can someone pls help me18:08
MonkeyDustunreal1999  type /,ames to get an idea18:08
lucas-argguys i need to install ubuntu in 20 pcs!! is there any software like remastersys so i can save some time in the proccess???18:09
unreal1999i try to mount an iso but my terminal keeps giving the standard help text thing18:09
unreal1999sudo mount -t  iso9660 -o loop /home/mike/Downloads/Unreal Tournament - GOTY Edition/UT_GOTY_CD1.iso /mnt/iso/18:10
unreal1999im not native english18:10
unreal1999i just gives me the help thing18:10
unreal1999and my iso folder is still empty18:11
unreal1999i am fairly new to linux18:11
unreal1999please help18:11
pradeep123hello any one help me to how to setup pptp with internet access18:11
Jordan_Uunreal1999: sudo mount -o loop "/home/mike/Downloads/Unreal Tournament - GOTY Edition/UT_GOTY_CD1.iso" /mnt/iso/18:11
linuxholicHello, I have a prime laptop. I have installed nVidia-Prime so i can use the GPU i want and turn off the other one completely. I can easily play 4K videos with Intel HD GPU using VAAPI on VLC and mplayer. But i cannot use VDPAU on my nVidia. My GPU is 840M. Is it not supported? If i type "vainfo" in terminal it shows error.18:11
pradeep123i have enabled pptp vpn but not able to access net18:11
linuxholicpradeep123, are you trying to set VPN to access blocked websites?18:12
pradeep123no no i am trying to access one server18:12
unreal1999thanks Jordan_U18:12
pradeep123which i want to connect via vpn18:12
unreal1999it now says specify filetyp18:12
pradeep123pptp but after that enabling i am not able to access net18:13
Jordan_Uunreal1999: Unless you put quotation marks around the entire argument, or escape each space by putting a backslash in front of it, any spaces in an argument (for any command) are interpreted as starting a new argument.18:13
=== tcpman is now known as Guest53102
linuxholicpradeep123, have you enabled MPPE?18:14
Jordan_Uunreal1999: Please run the following command then pastebin its output (using http://pastebin.ubuntu.com ): file "/home/mike/Downloads/Unreal Tournament - GOTY Edition/UT_GOTY_CD1.iso"18:14
anseli aam18:15
pradeep123linuxholic: no18:15
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linuxholicpradeep123, you can enable it by going into advance settings...it won't make a difference i think but worth a try18:16
linuxholicansel, just ask!18:16
pradeep123vpn connection is getting failed if i enble mppe18:16
unreal1999 it says no such directory18:16
Jordan_Uunreal1999: Please use my nick in your replies so that I don't miss them.18:17
linuxholicpradeep123, ok i am sorry i cannot help you further18:17
linuxholicHello, I have a prime laptop. I have installed nVidia-Prime so i can use the GPU i want and turn off the other one completely. I can easily play 4K videos with Intel HD GPU using VAAPI on VLC and mplayer. But i cannot use VDPAU on my nVidia. My GPU is 840M. Is it not supported? If i type "vainfo" in terminal it shows error.18:17
Jordan_Uunreal1999: What is the exact command you entered?18:17
unreal1999Jordan_U thanks i copied your text file "/home/mike/Downloads/Unreal Tournament - GOTY Edition/UT_GOTY_CD1.iso" and deleted the quotation marks18:18
Jordan_Uunreal1999: Don't delete the question marks.18:19
unreal1999Jordan_U still the same error so such file or directory18:20
anselwhat should i ask18:20
Jordan_Uunreal1999: Please post the exact command that you entered.18:20
animalroamAnybody have a good guide to get vsftpd working on a NAT server?18:20
unreal1999Jordan_U thanks root@irritantemike:/home/mike# file "/home/mike/Downloads/Unreal Tournament - GOTY Edition/UT_GOTY_CD1.iso"18:21
Jordan_Uunreal1999: Why are you running as root?18:22
unreal1999i have debian and i choosse root terminal18:22
unreal1999Jorda_U sorry thank18:22
Jordan_Uunreal1999: This is #ubuntu. We only support Ubuntu here.18:22
unreal1999Jorda_U but should debian not be the same? i read somewhere that mount is not dependant on destribution18:23
Jordan_Uunreal1999: Please join #debian or ##linux for Debian support, no exceptions.18:23
ridehif i disable ufw / iptables will i lose ssh access potentially?18:23
ridehlooks like iptables is running on this box with a ton of rules abut ufw status reports disabled18:24
AfterDarknesshello is there a way to disable dimming unresponsive windows18:26
AfterDarknesstalkin to me?18:28
syntroPiidk what you want to do but xkill enables you with a deadly mouse to kill unresponsive windows and their programs18:28
AfterDarknessI dont want that. the program even though it is nor responding to ubuntu it is doing what I want it to do18:29
AfterDarknessthe dimming make it annoying as I can see what it's doing18:29
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:30
AfterDarknesswas talkin to syntroPi. soz18:31
wileeeAfterDarkness, You are not making sense, stop and try doing that, if english is not you native language, there are channels for other.18:32
AfterDarknessWhat are you talking about what part of my damn english doesn't suit you?18:32
AfterDarknessgod damn it18:33
wileeeAfterDarkness, Calm down, we have to understand you to help.18:33
Cyb3rn3tI am trying to debug my HW with ubuntu 1518:33
Cyb3rn3tI have Lenovo E535 laptop with ubuntu 14, later 1518:33
Gallo_you mean programs that seem to have stopped working, or are chugging away and not responding? stop them from going dim....... that i don't know. probably built into unity?18:34
Cyb3rn3tI have the same issue, sometimes the whole HW stop/freeze for 1-2 seconds...18:34
Cyb3rn3t(I have an old SSD in this latop)18:34
AfterDarknessUsually when an application doesn't respond it get dimmed right? This effect is annoying me as I am developing a program but I can't see the outcome since it was dimmed. I am talkin about the color18:35
Cyb3rn3tSo my question,how can I debug, where to start, which programs? What I used htop,nmon,iotop18:35
=== wizzi is now known as wizzii
Cyb3rn3tnot the Dim18:35
Cyb3rn3tfor example Firefox18:35
Cyb3rn3tI start typing a url in the header,18:36
AfterDarknessCyb3rn3t, I wasn't talking to you. I have an issue of my own sorry for confusing you18:36
NTQWhat can I do if my Lubuntu can not find /dev/mapper/lubuntu--vg-root during boot? chrooted via Live CD /dev/mapper/* exist.18:36
Cyb3rn3tand it freeze for 1-2 seconds, an I can see what I typed. But a several seconds later everything what I typed appears18:36
Cyb3rn3tAfterDarkness: sorry buddy :D18:36
Jordan_UNTQ: Is this a fresh install of Lubuntu?18:37
pac_I am having problems mounting to samba shares with fstab after updating to 15.04.. any ideas? I cant user parameter uid="shareUserName" anymore, any when I replace it with username="shareUserName" I dont get any write permission to the share18:38
NTQJordan_U: No. It was running a few weeks without restart.18:38
NTQJordan_U: Since then there were five new kernel versions installed but never restarted.18:39
Jordan_UNTQ: Can you boot successfully fromm an older kernel version?18:39
wileeeAfterDarkness, It would be in the de code I would guess, you might try a simpler desktop without that config.18:39
NTQJordan_U: No, the first kernel was removed today within a chroot environment to free space in /boot.18:40
AfterDarknesswileee, nvm compizconfig have an option to disable it18:40
wileeeAfterDarkness, Cool, good job figuring it out.18:41
NTQJordan_U: This is the error: http://askubuntu.com/questions/567730/gave-up-waiting-for-root-device-ubuntu-vg-root-doesnt-exist | sed s/ubuntu/lubuntu/g18:42
winsuxhow do i repair an ext4 partition? fsck /dev/sda1 tells me e2fsck is outdated18:42
FlemingjpIve just installed ubuntu as a second OS with windows, on the same drive as a seperate partition. When i reboot my computer it loads into grub and the only boot option for windows is the Windows Recovery Manager. Anyone know how i can fix it so i can boot into windows/18:42
wileeeFlemingjp, try running sudo update-grub in the ubuntu terminal18:44
NTQJordan_U: I've already checked the points 1, 2, 4, 5 and 8 from the answers.18:45
Flemingjpwileee, Ive tried but it doesnt specify the new boot option being loaded.18:45
wileeeFlemingjp, This a UEFI environment?18:46
Jordan_Uwinsux: What environment (distribution and version) are you running fsck from? Please pastebin the exact error message.18:46
winsux1Jordan_U: distro info and error messages:18:51
=== corey84__ is now known as Corey84
erkan^Who have same problem: You add an e-mail address in the field of LibreOffice Calc and saw you "bgcolor grey"?18:52
winsuxwinsux1 is my name on the machine with the bad drive (im typing om my laptop 'cuz the machine with the bad drive couldnt connect to the irc until now)18:53
winsuxJordan_U: on boot i got many kernel panics with smp errors (i got multiple kinds of smp errors). booting in recovery mode did the trick, but /dev/sda1 could not be mounted (see the dmesg paste)18:56
kiraI have an error when I open google chrome is not executed , and when you want to open from a terminal tells me this: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/gtk-2.0/modules/liboverlay-scrollbar.so : undefined symbol: ubuntu_gtk_set_use_overlay_scrollbar18:56
=== raj1 is now known as GALAXY_NEPAL
winsuxJordan_U: mounting with thunar gives me this error: pastebin.ubuntu.com/12110844/19:02
kiraI have an error when I open google chrome is not executed , and when you want to open from a terminal tells me this: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/gtk-2.0/modules/liboverlay-scrollbar.so : undefined symbol: ubuntu_gtk_set_use_overlay_scrollbar?????please respond19:04
winsuxJordan_U: smartctl says that the default test passed, it reports the same for the second hard drive on the same machine19:06
wileeekira, What does this command show /etc/lsb-release19:07
Jordan_Uwinsux: Try this guide but be *very* careful: http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/fixing-partition-error-couldnt-mount.html Note that without "-n" mke2fs will *destroy the entire filesystem*, so again, be careful.19:08
wileeekira, sorry this one my mistake,  lsb_release -a19:08
ecksiiGot the lightdm issue. After finding the script it's of course my own stupidity. My .profile is written against /bin/ksh and lightdm uses bash to run it.19:08
winsuxJordan_U: thanks for the link, i'm going to give mke2fs a try19:09
GALAXY_NEPALwhere can i learn command lines?19:09
Jordan_Uwinsux: Essentially, what I would guess is happening is that your superblock has been corrupted in such a way that it still looks like a valid ext4 filesystem, but one of the feature bits (possibly one for a feature that doesn't even exist yet) was flipped making fsck think that it uses a new feature that fsck isn't aware of.19:10
winsuxJordan_U: i think it is weird that the 2 other partitions are listed ok (no errors) in gparted while sda1 (mounted as /) is bad19:11
Jordan_U!terminal | GALAXY_NEPAL19:12
ubottuGALAXY_NEPAL: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:12
GALAXY_NEPALcan we chat in private with the members ?19:14
GALAXY_NEPALor only group chat here?19:14
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.19:14
samthewildone1this is so cool I'm using weechat !19:15
winsuxJordan_U: i'm getting a huge amount of negative numbers in the console. i don't know what that is supposed to mean19:15
samthewildone1lol this is so flippin cool !19:15
GALAXY_NEPALyes i m too using weechat.. it is good19:15
wileeeGALAXY_NEPAL, This is support not chat, however you might get a couple of responses, just be patient. No chat please19:15
Jordan_Uwinsux: I don't know what you mean, and paraphrasing error messages is rarely helpful. Please pastebin the exact output you're seeing.19:16
wileeeGALAXY_NEPAL, The is #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting though while you hang.19:16
winsuxJordan_U: the problem is the output is too much i can't scroll back to the beginning of the output and ^C doesn't kill the command either19:17
Jordan_Uwinsux: What is the exact command you ran?19:18
aton`anyone using ionic/cordova and can help me through the installation process? npm is freaking me out.19:19
winsuxfor i in 32768 98304 163840 229376 294912 819200 884736 1605632 2654208 4096000 7962624 11239424; do fsck -y -b $i /dev/sda1; done19:19
winsuxJordan_U: those numbers are the numbers that are listed when running mke2fs -n /dev/sda1 | tail -n119:20
=== isai is now known as Guest6364
winsuxJordan_U: hmmm this is weird, mounting now works in thunar. i suppose fsck has corrected some blocks in the superblock, but i could see what it was doing19:22
Jordan_Uwinsux: Please run the the following command, which should give you a pastebin link: (set -x; for i in 32768 98304 163840 229376 294912 819200 884736 1605632 2654208 4096000 7962624 11239424; do sudo fsck -y -b $i /dev/sda1; done) 2>&1 | pastebinit19:23
winsuxJordan_U: ( and ) are included in the command?19:23
Jordan_Uwinsux: Yes, but never mind that last command for now.19:23
Jordan_Uwinsux: If it's mounting now, then please unmount it and re-run fsck normally to confirm that the superblock is really repaired and there is no other damage that needs to be fixed.19:24
Guest6364ubuntu mate?19:24
winsuxJordan_U: rerun as in fsck /dev/sda1 or the command you pasted?19:25
wileeeGuest6364, Your question?19:25
petrebi use ubuntu which is besr after ubuntu19:27
Jordan_Uwinsux: Run "sudo fsck /dev/sda1 2>&1 | tee /tmp/fsck.log".19:27
petrebis free bsd ok19:27
wileeepetreb, best?19:27
wileeepetreb, NO polling.19:27
=== raj1 is now known as Galaxy_Nepal
petrebany help19:28
winsuxJordan_U: i got this: e2fsck: need terminal for interactive repairs19:28
wileee!topic | petreb19:29
ubottupetreb: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic19:29
Jordan_Uwinsux: Then just run "sudo fsck /dev/sda1".19:30
=== raj1 is now known as Galaxy
winsuxJordan_U: i tried this "fsck -y /dev/sda1 2>&1 | tee /tmp/fsck.log". i get the exact same behavior; i.e. i get lots of negative numbers and the screen is scrolling really fast. oh now i'm getting a report with more info. i'm going to paste it in a moment19:31
winsuxJordan_U: oops it's 26.2MB. this will take sometime to paste19:32
Jordan_Uwinsux: Do you have backups of all of the important data on this filesystem?19:33
rednawhi all, how can you see from what source apt installs the package when you execute `apt-get install <package-name>`?19:34
Jordan_Urednaw: apt-cache policy packagename19:34
winsuxJordan_U: my administration and most important files are backup'd. most games aren't yet backup'd19:34
HalelujahHi. My sound is gone again. :/ what to do?19:37
ProksimaUpstart question: I have a script that dynamically populate fstab. Is "start on starting mountall" the right anchor if I want it to complete before mountall starts?19:38
rednawJordan_U: thanks!19:38
Jordan_Urednaw: You're welcome :)19:39
winsuxJordan_U: i am not sure whether the problem has been fixed. the drive mounts correctly and all data seems to be intact19:40
winsuxJordan_U: i can try to reboot the machine and see if the kernel panics and mount errors have been resolved19:40
Halelujahgatis@pc:~$ pulseaudio19:41
HalelujahE: [pulseaudio] module-alsa-card.c: Failed to find a working profile.19:41
HalelujahE: [pulseaudio] module.c: Failed to load module "module-alsa-card" (argument: "device_id="0" name="pci-0000_00_14.2" card_name="alsa_card.pci-0000_00_14.2" namereg_fail=false tsched=yes fixed_latency_range=no ignore_dB=no deferred_volume=yes use_ucm=yes card_properties="module-udev-detect.discovered=1""): initialization failed.19:41
xSolidStatehi guys! I am trying to sync files between devices with dynamic IPs, without using dynamicDNS services or the cloud. Any hints? I seem  to recall a project working on a "cloudless" software suite where the devices kept track of each others IPs and so on, but I dont remember the name.19:41
Jordan_UProksima: I don't think that alone will ensure that it *completes* before mountall starts, but I'm not very familiar with upstart.19:41
Jordan_Uwinsux: No.19:42
ProksimaI see... I will make my script run before upstart and see if that works :o19:43
Jordan_Uwinsux: Right now, mount the filesystem read-only and backup any data that you care about. It's not a good sign when fsck spits out tons of errors.19:43
winsuxJordan_U: yeah you are right. i'm going to backup the files then. this may take a while19:44
Gallo_xSolidState: i would suggest that you have them both connect to a 3rd device with a static IP. i might try to implement a virtual private network or something. but i have no idea how to do that, as i've not crossed this bridge yet19:45
Jordan_UProksima: See the second (accepted) answer here for an idea of how you might ensure that the fstab has been created before mountall has run: http://askubuntu.com/questions/21378/how-can-i-make-sure-one-upstart-job-starts-before-other-upstart-jobs Why are you generating an fstab at boot though? What is your end goal?19:45
xSolidStateGallo_, well I only have dynamic IPs available. If I had a server or something with a static IP I could just have the dynamic IP devices access that one periodically, no need to get them in contact at all then.19:46
Halelujahanyone can help me to fix sound?19:46
Gallo_xSolidState: perhaps you can control a private network when these two devices are in proximity? like... over wifi when a phone is at home19:47
Gallo_xSolidState: you might enjoy a static ip at aws for free for 1 year. otherwise, cheap servers are an option. i'm not sure what else to tell you. somehow you need to connect to these devices by finding out their IP19:48
dmdmdmcan somebody write me a private message? i want to try my options of the message indicator19:49
xSolidStateGallo_, well I could build a script or something that checks the machines IP and notifies the other ones. So unless all devices change WAN IPs at the same time, the connections could be reestablished.19:49
dmdmdmthx it works. :)19:50
xSolidStateBut I am trying to avoid this, because I am fairly sure this already exists, but I just cant find it in my googling endeavours19:50
Gallo_it could work19:50
Gallo_but yes... can break when all of them change wans at the same time19:50
Gallo_so... if you don't need this feature during a zombie apocolypse where the power resets globally and comes back in patches... go for it19:51
xSolidStateHaha Gallo_ :D If only I could remember the name of the software that already did this. :P19:52
Gallo_maybe search sourceforge?19:52
xSolidStateGallo_, I am going to, but it was a fairly new project, kickstarted I think, they were doing a whole suite of stuff in the wake of the NSA scandal19:53
xSolidStateSo I figured i'd ask first19:53
Halelujahhey I need HELP19:53
Gallo_oh. in that case search slashdot. they had tons f stories about which were good and which were bad 0o19:53
=== Eggs is now known as Guest88493
Gallo_!ask | Halelujah19:54
ubottuHalelujah: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:54
xSolidStateGallo_, good idea, thanks mate19:54
winsuxJordan_U: i backup'd all my important data19:54
hydrianEllo ALl19:54
HalelujahI have no sound19:55
Halelujahi have been battling with this issue for days19:55
HalelujahLubuntu wont load up drivers for sound card19:55
hydrianI've got an issue. For some reason samba is launching a boot as 'smb -F' which makes no sense and it in the foreground at boot.19:55
flexusHalelujah, which soundcard? does it show up in kernel log?19:56
hydrianI' looked at the init script and it says it should be executing as '-D'.19:56
Jordan_Uwinsux: Please post the first 100 or so lines of the fsck log from earlier.19:57
hydrianAnd when I kill smbd it just respawns under a new PID19:57
bekkshydrian: So stop the service instead.19:57
hydrianbekks: I do19:57
bekkshydrian: No, you are trying to kill processes instead.19:58
winsuxJordan_U: pastebin.ubuntu.com/12111333/19:58
hydrianbekks: I stop the service and then kill it.19:59
MonkeyDusthydrian  try  sudo service smbd stop19:59
hydrianIt keeps respawning under another PID.19:59
hydrianMonkeyDust: I've already done that, multiple times.20:00
mtramy grandpa is in hospital and am going to visit a family , is there any way i can keep my laptop in his room and remotely connect to it , to keep him updated ,with the family meeting , please help how to setup my ubuntu laptop so i can connect to it later and talk to my granpa  ??20:00
Jordan_Uwinsux: Did you let fsck run to completion?20:01
MonkeyDustmtra  a laptop with all the wifi radiation etc in a hospital?20:01
OerHeksmtra install skype, pidgin or any instant messaging service?20:01
winsuxJordan_U: yes i did, this paste contains the first 100 lines20:01
hydrianI also verified that the PID id in the PID file is not correct either. So it seems the service is losing track of the pid.20:01
Jordan_Uwinsux: Please post the last 100 now.20:01
royiv_Hi #ubuntu; does anyone here know if the AAAA record for ntp.ubuntu.com was added this last weekened, and prior to that, ntp.ubuntu.com only had A records?20:02
seytArch linux Will win20:02
winsuxJordan_U: the last line is about 26MB, do you really want me to paste that line? it starts with20:03
winsuxInode bitmap differences:  -(163841--163842) __numbers_here_till_EOL__20:03
hydrianroyiv_: dig ntp.ubuntu.com AAAA20:04
pbxwinsux, not sure there's a pastebin that will take a 26mb paste anyway :)20:04
hydrianroyiv_: Run that command.20:04
Jordan_Uwinsux: No, that's good enough :)20:04
royiv_hydrian: dig, AFAIK, doesn't say when the record came into existence.20:04
Jordan_Umtra: Would your grandfather be able to answer a skype call?20:05
mtranote : my grandpa can't use skype or pidgin , and i only want the  laptop to run for 15 hours , I already know how to configure ubuntu to shutdown after a period of time  , but how can i connect to the laptop remotely using and talk to my grandpa of course and show him the familiy and all ??20:05
hydrianroyiv_: I'm getting 1 response. So there may be something in the middle filtering the AAAA records20:05
royiv_I know the AAAA exists, I'm looking to know if it was created over the past weekend. (I believe it to be the root cause of a production indicident where I work; I'm not implying the record is bad or wrong.)20:05
Jordan_Umtra: Could one of his nurses answer skype for him?20:06
hydrianroyiv_: I'm getting this response: ntp.ubuntu.com.382INAAAA2001:67c:1560:8003::c720:06
mtrasorry for ùy english20:06
Halelujahhi, how can i check what audio driver does my sound card using now?20:07
rednawihey guys, I just added the node.js sources to my sources.list.d/ dir and dit `apt-get update` and stuff, but `apt-cache policy nodejs` still shows http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ as a source , anyone know why I'm not getting the node source I added?20:07
royiv_hydrian: I get the same response. :) If I go back in time to last Friday, would I get that response?20:08
winsuxJordan_U: oops, i see i am mistaken, the very long lines are somewhere in the middle. my text editor just couldn't handle 26MB of text. i am going to paste it on pastebin without those very long lines20:08
Piciroyiv_: You could ask in #canonical-sysadmin, but get ready to wait a while for a response.20:08
Jordan_UHalelujah: lspci -k20:08
hydrianroyiv_: Don't know20:08
Jordan_UHalelujah: That will list all of your pci devices, and which kernel module is being used for each.20:08
winsuxJordan_U: here it is: pastebin.ubuntu.com/12111453/20:09
Halelujahhow can i unmute sound in alsamixer?20:09
royiv_Pici: Ah, thanks. I knew this would be a difficult query for such a broad channel as this; I'll try there…20:09
Jordan_Uwinsux: I highly recommend using less, head, and tail for this type of thing.20:09
hydrianroyiv_: You'd have to see if the authortative records have anything to point to a time.20:09
MonkeyDustHalelujah  hit m to un/mute20:09
Jordan_Uwinsux: OK, it looks like it completed successfully. Do you get similar output if you run fsck -y again?20:10
winsuxJordan_U: i use less head and tail all the time but i forgot i should have used those :p i'm waiting for the fsck -y output but it seems to be similar20:11
HalelujahMonkeyDust ah ok20:11
Halelujahi found out my sound card uses snd_hda_intel module20:12
Jordan_Urednaw: Does the node.js source you added have a newer nodejs package? Please pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get update".20:12
Halelujahso i purged and reinstall alsa stuff and after reboot i got sound back20:12
MonkeyDustHalelujah  you've been struggling for some time now... is it solved,20:12
Halelujahi have sound now20:12
MonkeyDustHalelujah  great, breaking and fixing things is the best way to learn20:12
winsuxJordan_U: in one command you pasted you piped the command to pastebinit, does this command automagically create a paste on pastebin? because i didnt know how to do that i ctrlC+ctrlV'd in a text editor but that was very clunky20:13
HalelujahMonkeyDust are there hotkeys for sound volume?20:13
herrkinI was installing postgresql20:13
winsuxJordan_U: /dev/sda1: clean, 322707/9543680 files, 10430783/38173696 blocks20:14
herrkinI edited vipw so postgresql has access to bash, then now I cant use sudo20:14
winsuxJordan_U: looks like fsck fixed the blocks in the superblock20:14
Jordan_U!pastebinit | winsux Indeed :)20:14
ubottuwinsux Indeed :): pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com20:14
herrkineverytime I do sudo xxxx it says sudo unrecognized user root20:14
herrkinis there a way to fix it?20:14
HalelujahAre there hotkeys to change sound volume?20:14
xSolidStateHalelujah, you can certainly bind keys for that20:15
rednawJordan_U: apt-get update output: http://pastebin.com/CQzPqRkx20:15
bozeya know when ya boot it has the Ubuntu splash screen with the dots? isn't there a way to disable that so you just seen the text scrolling?20:15
HalelujahxSolidState ok so there arent by default20:15
Jordan_Uboze: Remove the "quiet" and "splash" kernel parameters.20:15
MonkeyDustboze  try F12 while you see that screen20:15
HalelujahCan i bind keys trough terminal?20:16
xSolidStateHalelujah, there might be, I am on xubuntu right now. On a laptop, the hardware keys generally work quite well nowadays20:16
akikboze: edit your /etc/default/grub and run update-grub2 after that20:16
rednawherrkin: is there a root user in /etc/passwd ?20:16
winsuxJordan_U: gparted now correctly recognizes the repaired partition. i can try to reboot the machine and see if the mount errors and kernel panics are gone20:16
herrkinno, I didnt configure it20:17
akikboze: also GRUB_TERMINAL=console in /etc/default/grub20:17
Jordan_Uwinsux: OK, sounds good. I would regularly check both fsck and S.M.A.R.T. but you're probably going to be fine from here on out :)20:17
winsuxJordan_U: maybe it is best to replace the drive now i backup'd all data, the drive has over 36000 uptime hours, the other drive has 46000 hours O_O20:17
winsuxJordan_U: those stats are from smartctl20:18
Jordan_Uakik: boze: GRUB_TERMINAL=console shouldn't be needed for most hardware (though it also shouldn't hurt unless you want non-ASCII characters in your boot menu).20:18
omrikaphi, how can I change the mount point of a partition?20:18
k1l_omrikap: how did you mount it?20:19
aaomidiHey uh guys, how would I install https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ddccontrol/ on ubuntu 15.0420:19
akikJordan_U: i remember that if i don't set GRUB_TERMINAL=console, the first messages get lost20:19
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omrikapit's a usb partition. If I'm using gParted, I unmount it, and than I don't know how to change the mountpoint20:20
proqdoes anyone know if ubuntu has multi-peer functionality yet? (ability to connect two machines directly to each other with their wifi radios with no wifi router)20:20
proqor if android's wifi direct has been ported to ubuntu20:21
rednawJordan_U: In my /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nodesource.list file is deb-src https://deb.nodesource.com/node_0.12 vivid main20:21
Jordan_Uakik: That's likely because on your particular hardware linux's vesafb doesn't work properly, and so you don't get a working tty until KMS kicks in. That's not the case for most hardware.20:21
k1l_aaomidi: need to compile that yourself, because there is not even a PPA for vivid for that20:21
OerHeksaaomidi, that package is only available for the nest versio 15.10 .. build it yourself ?20:21
bozeI've tinkered with my work computer too much. I have to manually start mysql after booting and I always get lots of ^X^X^X^X getting out put randomly in the command line20:21
aaomidiOerHeks: thats basically my question, how would I build it?20:21
omrikapsorry, a basic question: I can set a mountpoint for a partition, right? Like a kind of a label. Something that you can see even if it's not mounted. Right?20:22
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)20:22
OerHeksnice howto20:22
k1l_omrikap: no20:22
k1l_omrikap: well, you can make udev rules or a fstab entry. or just mount it manually20:22
winsuxJordan_U: thanks for your help. i have learned some new nice commands in ubuntu ;). i'm going to reboot the machine and see if everything keeps working.20:23
Ryans_255how can encrypts archive header with zip tool20:23
omrikapk1l_: thanks. so when i choose "something else" on ubuntu install, and have the option to choose mount point, what exactely am i changing?20:23
syntroPiomrikap, or you just leave it where its now and symlink to it?20:23
Jordan_Uwinsux: You're welcome :)20:24
k1l_omrikap: wait, you are mixing general mounting with installing?20:24
omrikapyes :)20:24
k1l_omrikap: so what is it exactly what you want to do?20:24
monsunedoes iscsi make sense over internet? or is it meant to be ethernet only? looking for a solution that is better than nfs20:25
OerHeksaaomidi, it is an old project, http://sourceforge.net/projects/ddccontrol/files/ddccontrol/ not sure why it is in Wily now.20:25
xSolidStateomrikap, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions#Systemwide_Mounts  not sure what you're after but this might help. IIRC I followed this, and now i have a permanent mountpoint for a certain partition. you can unmount but it auto mounts to there20:25
bekksmonsune: No, neither iscsi nor NFS make sense in that case.20:25
winsuxJordan_U: rebooting the machine worked perfectly! thanks again for your help :)20:25
monsunebekks do you have a solution for me?20:25
omrikapxSolidState: thanks, I'll take a look and be back here soon20:25
bekksmonsune: You didnt state an issue yet.20:25
monsunei really need a reliable way of connecting a drive over network20:25
akikomrikap: it can be used to have separate partitions for your directories20:26
Jordan_Uwinsux: You're welcome :)20:26
bekksmonsune: Connecting over which network?20:26
xSolidStateomrikap, thats not for setting mountpoints while installing though, thats for permanently mounting storage partitions/harddrives20:26
monsunebekks ip network20:26
bekksmonsune: which ip network? The internet? Some network at your office? Some network at home?20:26
monsunebekks ok.. it's not a local network, internet20:26
bekksmonsune: Setup a VPN, and use NFS.20:27
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akikmonsune: you might try sshfs20:27
aaomidi0erHeks, I need it :( IDK why its dead20:27
aaomidiDo you know any alternative20:27
aaomidifor DDC/CI monitor control20:27
monsunebekks, akik: i do like both ideas20:27
Ryans_255how can encrypts archive header with zip tool?20:27
syntroPihmm is vpn still to be considered secure nowerdays?20:27
monsuneit's just that i have never tried vpn on my own and same with sshfs :)20:27
bekksmonsune: Why do you need to actually mount something, why isnt scp or rsync sufficient?20:28
OerHeksaaomidi, if your monitor is in the list of supported devices, go for it20:28
aaomidiOerHeks: ^ Sorry wrong tag20:28
xSolidStatesyntroPi, there was something about security flaws in the news lately, wasnt there? Happen to have a link?20:28
aaomidiHowever i'm getting this :/20:28
monsunebekks there will be quite huge amounts of data appearing on that drive and it needs to be processed by software installed on another box20:28
aaomidiconfigure: error: PCI utils headers not found, please install pci-utils. And its already installed20:29
k1l_syntroPi: that discussion is more something for the offtopic :)20:29
hydrianaaomidi: did you install the dev package for pci-utils20:29
bekksmonsune: So transfer the data regularly, using rsync, e.g.20:29
Ryans_255all of you guys busy to take my question?20:29
aaomidiOh, wasn't recommended by apt-get sorry :P20:29
syntroPixSolidState, well all the three-letter-agencies slides suggest some parts of vpn seem to be quite broken nowerdays, but it really is a bit offtopic i admit20:29
omrikapxSolidState, k1l_: not sure it's what i'm looking for. i have a problem with UEFI. I did a full install on a USB stick, and want to make it bootable. It has a UEFI partition, but it is not being discovered by UEFI.20:30
monsunebekks but the thing is that i would need to rsync just to send them somewhere else again soon20:30
bekksmonsune: you would have to do that, in either case.20:30
xSolidStatesyntroPi, I recall something about this, but i thought if we could provide a link, it might be relevant.20:30
monsunebekks so i just thought that mounting the remote fs would be more efficient and less scripting and fault tolerance20:30
hydrianaaomidi: Anytime your compiling, you need the *-dev packages...20:30
bekksmonsune: Mounting isnt that fault tolerant or efficient.20:31
OerHeks!find pciutils20:31
ubottuFound: libpci-dev, pciutils20:31
aaomidiYeah assumed so :P20:31
OerHeksaaomidi, libpci-dev i guess20:31
monsunebekks well i now i seem to realise that :) no bullet proof methods of doing so20:31
aaomidiWoot configure finished.20:31
xSolidStateomrikap, ok thats a completely different issue. What do you mean by "not discovered by UEFI"? Can you open the boot device selection menu on your device and select the usb-stick?20:31
monsunebekks i was really hoping the iscsi is what i wanted20:31
akikmonsune: try it, test it, if it works, use it20:31
syntroPimonsune, you even can open nautilus, ctrl + l , enter ssh://user@host/path/to/file for some quick gui copy20:31
bekksmonsune: iscsi over internet or over vpn? you dont want it. you dont. dont.20:32
bekksmonsune: Just use rsync :)20:32
monsunebekks over whatever that would be reliable20:32
hydrianmonsune: iSCSI over the internet is a recipe for restless nights.20:32
akikbekks: the benefit of mounting is that you can use any local tool to access the remote data20:33
monsunebekks it's not that easy, if it was only about syncing i wouldn't break my head :) it's not too easy to explain the whole concept too20:33
bekksmonsune: Since you cannot guarantee the reliability of the "internet", there is no bullet proof method.20:33
monsuneakik that's it...20:33
monsuneit's not just about transferring data20:33
omrikapxSolidState, k1l_: it can boot from usb. live usb works. a thing I have noticed is that a live usb, that do mount on my system, is mounting to /cdrom.20:33
monsunei need to work on them too20:33
bekksmonsune: After syncing the data, you can work with all local tools.20:33
bekksYou dont need to mount something for doing so.20:33
ecksiiThanks for the help guys!!20:33
monsunehydrian i will keep your word for that and i forget iscsi :)20:33
* monsune thinks that 2 guys can't be wrong20:34
xSolidStateomrikap, ok sorry I misunderstood. So your full installation onto USB does not boot right? I dont think that has anything to do with the mount directory of the liveUSB.20:34
syntroPimonsune, maybe you could harden ssh (https://stribika.github.io/2015/01/04/secure-secure-shell.html) and use sshfs?20:35
monsunebekks well if there is nothing reliable as for remote mount i will rather find another set of solutions then and rethink whole concept :)20:35
monsunein fact even a small network outage could be a disaster so would be a broken ssh session for sshfs, etc.20:35
monsunei can't rely on such stuff20:35
syntroPiwell if its over network anything will fail if the underlying network is not reliable?20:36
monsunesyntroPi i will read on that just to learn new stuff but not sure if i can use that, perhaps worth at least some test though20:37
aaomidihttp://pastebin.com/4uNvdxix This isn't a good sign is it hydrian OerHeks20:37
syntroPimonsune, if its not about realtime access but more about backup/sync id consider rsync over ssh, or even something like duplicity20:37
bekksmonsune: So eliminate the "internet" between your hosts. :)20:37
monsunesyntroPi the network is pretty reliable but still bekks made me realise that i got the whole thing wrong...20:37
omrikapxSolidState: sorry for the confusing asking. Let's start over: I have a live usb of Ubuntu. Boot fine. After that, I made a full install on another USB. This one does not even being recognized. It was in stalled with the default installer, with GPT and has EFI partition of 500 MB (the installation default). What could be the reason for it not to be recognized?20:38
monsunesyntroPi indeed20:38
monsunebekks no option for that sadly20:38
Jordan_Uomrikap: Are you trying to boot the USB drive from the same computer you installed from?20:39
hydrianaaomidi: Yea.. unless that's a dependancy that was missed, that's a hard one to fix.20:39
k1l_omrikap: uefi not accepting removable usbs as installing devices? i know some bios have issues with it20:39
xSolidStateomrikap, when you say the full install USB is not recognized, do you mean, even if you open the boot device selector, you cant see it, or do you see it but it does not boot?20:39
bekksmonsune: Then you have to face the situation and choose the less worse option - syncing, instead of mounting. :)20:39
xSolidStateboot device selector = pressing F8 or something at boot20:40
omrikapxSolidState: no. I made it on a virtual machine on another computer. And I can not see it as an option in the boot menu. The live USB get an option in the list.20:40
omrikapk1l_: UEFI should except usbs. That's why I don't understand this behavior (which have to be something that i'm doing wrong..).20:42
AxisProhey guys20:43
xSolidStateomrikap, did the virtual machine have any hard drives installed? the ubuntu installer might have put the bootloader on there. Try to remove any virtual storage from the VM and reinstall, this _might_ fix it.20:43
OerHeksk1l_, omrikap , maybe fastboot is still enabled? that could prevent usb booting..20:43
AxisProwho from US?20:43
xSolidState!ask | AxisPro20:44
ubottuAxisPro: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:44
AxisProso this is private chat?20:44
xSolidStateAxisPro, this is not for off-topic discussion, people get annoyed when you do that here :)20:44
OerHeksAxisPro, location is not an issue here, in Ubuntu support.20:44
omrikapxSolidState: no. It didn't. It had only cd and usb20:44
k1l_AxisPro: this is the official public ubuntu technical support chat.20:45
MonkeyDustAxisPro  type /j #ubuntu-offtopic if you want nice social chat20:45
AxisProoh, then sorry by this20:45
omrikapOerHeks: maybe fastboot is on. What is it exactely?20:45
AxisProhey, who can help me?20:46
k1l_!details | AxisPro20:46
xSolidState!ask | AxisPro20:46
ubottuAxisPro: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)20:46
ubottuAxisPro: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:46
OerHeksomrikap, all explained here http://askubuntu.com/questions/452071/why-disable-fast-boot-on-windows-8-when-having-dual-booting to boot faster, by disabling some service 'you don't need'20:47
xSolidStateomrikap, it might also be a secureboot issue20:47
OerHeksnot secureboot, fastboot.20:47
omrikapxSolidState, OerHeks: secureboot is disabled20:48
SuperdawgHas anyone configured kdump on 15.04?  I'm having trouble with it.  I've got kexec-tools, kdump-tools installed.  I have set the crashkernel param on the boot cmdline (verified by /proc/cmdline), and also set USE_KDUMP=1 in /etc/default/kdump-tools.  When I cat /sys/kernel/kexec_loaded, I get 0.  If I try to load it by using kexec -l <kernel> --initrd=<initrd> --command-line=$(cat /proc/cmdline), and then crash the box with an20:48
AxisProwhat u guys things about *indows10?20:48
SuperdawgI'm afraid that I don't have one of the required services loading, but for the life of me I can't find a service that might apply20:48
OerHeksAxisPro, please keep this channel clear for ubuntu support, thanks.20:49
xSolidStateAxisPro, what are you doing? we told you this channel is for actual support only. If you want to talk about such things, go to another channel.20:49
MonkeyDustAxisPro  you're in the wrong channel20:49
Superdawgoh, and once I do the 'kexec -l' operation, /sys/kernel/kexec_loaded returns 120:50
Superdawgsysctl kernel.panic_on_oops = 1 as well.20:51
Superdawgwhich shouldn't matter in this case, but it's out there.20:52
omrikapOerHeks: but if it is fastboot, why does the live USB work?20:52
OerHeksomrikap, then it is not an fastboot issue.20:52
OerHeksi understood the usb does not work at all20:53
omrikapOerHeks: ok. so things are like this: live usb installed on another ubuntu machine, works fine. Full install does not get on the boot list.20:54
xSolidStateomrikap, this really is quite odd. You probably already did that but you might want to toy around with gparted, set the partitions to bootable manually. Is the live USB stick the same device as the installed version? if not, try it on the same one20:54
OerHeksomrikap, check your vendor if there is an update for UEFI.20:55
omrikapxSolidState: both are SanDisk Cruiser Fit. I tried to gPart the USB myself, and same result. I'm sure it's something I'm doing wrong. I just cant tell what...20:56
omrikapOerHeks: I will.20:57
Jordan_Uomrikap: Installing for UEFI for a removable drive requires extra setup.20:57
wileeeomrikap, The install at the top of the grub menu has grub control, run a update-grub in it.20:57
omrikapJordan_U: what is the extra setup needed?20:58
SolarNRGmy screen keeps going dark every 15 minutes when watching movies and I have to wiggle the mouse to wake it up, how can I stop this?20:58
omrikapJordan_U: and why? I want to understand that more than everything20:58
Jordan_Uomrikap: k1l_: xSolidState: To make a drive UEFI bootable on any machine, rather than only on the machine on which you ran grub-install, you need to run "grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --removable".20:59
syntroPiSolarNRG, go in system settings power options and disable screen saver/lock?20:59
SolarNRGi already got it set to dont suspend never any ideas?20:59
omrikapJordan_U: good to know. why does this matter?20:59
Jordan_Uomrikap: If you're not booted into said installation then you will need to either chroot in before running grub-install or pass the appropriate --boot-directory and --efi-directory arguments to grub-install. Either way, you will need to ensure that all partitions are appropriately mounted.21:00
omrikapJordan_U: how does uefi know where isntallation took place?21:00
dingozanyone here know about aircrack21:01
k1l_dingoz: its not in the focus of this channel21:01
ikoniasuch as ?21:01
dingozi get an error21:01
Jordan_Uomrikap: UEFI has Non Volatile RAM (NVRAM) where boot entries are stored in the firmware itself (not on disk). These entries tell the firmware where to find grub. There is also a default location that UEFI systems know to look for a bootloader if there is no boot entry, /EFI/BOOTX64.efi , but that location isn't used by default as then you might be clobbering another OS's bootloader.21:02
SolarNRGdingoz I used aircrack-ng ages ago and believe me you won't crack wpa2 not even with chop chop nowadays, even the reaver wps exploit is covered up ur wasting ur time unless u can find a new exploit21:03
SolarNRGbesides u should be asking on the #kali-live room21:03
omrikapJordan_U: Thanks! so how can i modify grub-install in a default Ubuntu install?21:03
SolarNRGJordan_U is the UEFI where the creepy SMM and hypervisor is stored?21:04
Jordan_Uomrikap: I wouldn't recommend trying to modify grub-install, just manually run "sudo grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --removable" any time there is a grub update.21:04
syntroPiomrikap, if you want to change uefi settings you might want to take a look at "efibootmgr"21:05
Jordan_USolarNRG: No, you can have SMM with BIOS as well.21:05
SolarNRGyeah I heard smm's been around since pentium pro21:05
syntroPiomrikap, but be a bit carefull with that21:05
SolarNRG"processor police"21:06
omrikapsyntroPi: Yes. I try to do every change on a VM on another computer. This is why I have that much trouble I guess.. efibootmanager can't help me if i'm doing this on another machine, right?21:09
TheEagerPadawanHi is there a good replacement for vlc because it seems to have some audio issues from time to time on my machine21:11
syntroPiomrikap, hmm it sets the efi boot options on the machine you launch efibootmanager21:11
HalelujahTheEagerPadawan its not vlc issue21:11
syntroPie.g. edit the nvram21:11
bennypr0faneIf you think about sharing stuff between two Linux pcs on the same network, what's your first idea? Is SMB your got-to solution, or would you maybe use something else if there's no Windows involved?21:12
TheEagerPadawanhalelujah: codec issue21:13
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omrikapJordan_U: what is gtub update? you mean another version of grub?21:13
Jordan_Uomrikap: Essentially any time the package grub-common is updated.21:14
akikbennypr0fane: samba or nfs21:15
omrikapJordan_U: So just to make sure I understand. I can run sudo grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --removeable on the VM on the other computer, and it should fix the boot issue?21:20
Jordan_Uomrikap: Yes.21:23
wafflejockbennypr0fane: scp21:24
wafflejockbennypr0fane: or rsync if you're trying to setup a backup job between the machines, but for simply moving files scp is a pretty easy to use secure solution for transferring files between computers running ssh21:25
omrikapJordan_U: Thanks. You helped me a lot.21:26
omrikapxSolidState, k1l_: thanks for the help21:27
xSolidStateomrikap, glad that you made some progress :)21:27
bennypr0fanewafflejock, right now, I just have this handful of Linux live image isos to move. But it might make sense to set up something that I can easily reuse later21:27
Jordan_Uomrikap: You're welcome.21:28
Jordan_Ucirc-user-RjjSY: In the future please use ##test.21:31
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wafflejockbennypr0fane: yeah you can use scp at the command line or occasionally I'll use Filezilla for sftp connections to browse around all depends on the particular use case though, with LAN connections I believe you can just browse the network as well but I'm not sure what protocol is used when not using CIFS or samba21:33
Bashing-ombennypr0fane: Another means: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2159449 <-easiest way to cp files 'tween two Lubuntus that share the same router/house (Morbius1) .21:33
irc_0( oo )_______21:35
irc_0(____)        ) \ | |____| |  \   | |    | |   *21:35
wafflejockbennypr0fane: if you go the SSH route you end up making a private/public keypair on the "client" computer and put the public key into a file on the destination computer in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, the private key stays on the client where it was created and if you use a password when making the key (probably a good idea) then even if the private key were compromised an attacker would have to break the password for the private key and h21:37
bennypr0faneBashing-om, thanks for the hint, will check it out21:38
bennypr0fanewafflejock, whoa, you kinda lost me there21:38
bennypr0fanewafflejock, you mean I should use public key authentication for the ssh transfers, not passwords, yes?21:39
wafflejockbennypr0fane: well you can still have a password for the private key, but if you leave that out when you generate the private/public key pair then you can do it without a password21:39
bennypr0fanewell the ssh ports are not going to be listening on the internets...21:39
wafflejockbennypr0fane: yeah always talk in terms of best practices here though... better safe than sorry you know :)21:40
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wafflejockultimately up to the users what they do with the system though21:40
bennypr0fanewafflejock, thanks will try some of this now... probably back in like 5 mins. crying because I broke sth...21:42
neopsycheHi all.  I try to install bit ticker (bitcoin app) on ubuntu through software center "buy" and even though i am logged into software center ubuntu one.. it just loads and loads and does not install.. any ideas?21:42
neopsycheubuntu 14.0421:42
neopsycheProcessing your request for “BitTicker”…21:43
neopsycheInformation received21:43
wafflejockneopsyche: can try installing with apt-get at the command line and see if you get some feedback21:43
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neopsycheno package in apt since this is a "buy" app?21:44
thebwtAnyone else read that as BitTickler?21:45
TravieLmao bittickler21:47
jhutchinsneopsyche: It sounds like the third-party repo may be off line.21:52
do123how can i upgrade a installtion of 14.04 to 15.04 on command line?21:52
OerHeksdo123, you'll need some tricks to do that, as 14.10 is EOL, see !eolupgrade21:54
do123OerHeks: i have to upgrade first from 14.04 to 14.10 and then from 14.10 to 15.04?21:55
OerHeksdo123, yes21:55
wafflejockdo123: yup there is no direct upgrade path, other option is backup and clean install to 15.04 otherwise need to wait to jump LTS to LTS21:56
k1l_do123: keep in mind, that you need to upgrade every 6 months from that on.21:56
do123k1l_: thats not a problem21:57
do123wafflejock: a reinstallation is sadly not possible in this case21:57
wafflejockdo123: just curious what do you need in 15.04?21:58
gartralhey all, how do i test buttons on  amouse?21:58
wafflejockgartral: can use, xev21:58
Bashing-omdo123: I am a proponent of keeping my stable OS stable, install the 15.04 release as dual boot, and break to my heart's content .21:59
wafflejockgartral: it'll pop up a window just hover over that with the pointer21:59
wafflejockgartral: it'll show any keypresses or mouse events received21:59
wafflejockgartral: assuming you start xev from a terminal here to see the output too by the way22:01
do123Bashing-om: 14.04 is not usable at the moment. i technically need 15.04 for running the system. but with tons of the customizations that are already done in the 14.04 thats already here22:02
bekksdo123: Why isnt 14.04 usable?22:03
do123wafflejock: see the line i wrote to Bashing-om22:03
k1l_do123: that doesnt give any detail on why you need 15.0422:04
do123bekks: because i am getting graphical aterfacts i dont get at 15.04. i already updated xorg/mesa/gpu-drivers and i also already upgraded the kernek to 4.1.622:04
k1l_!enablementstack | do12322:04
ubottudo123: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases. see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack22:04
do123k1l_: because its not working on 14.04 and simply working out of the box in 15.0422:05
bozeyou know how on a vm you can make snapshot and if something goes wrong you can fully revert to that clean slate? would backups work like that in ubuntu?22:05
Bashing-omdo123: My thought with " but with tons of the customizations " // 14.04 is upstart as the initate system, 15.04 is systemd - not compatible. Do a clean fresh install of 15.04 and save all the heart ache .22:06
k1l_do123: well, i doubt that it is not working with 14.04.3 with the 15.04 kernel and xorg settings. but do as you want.22:06
do123k1l_: the way you showed up installs more recent software then adding the xorg edgers ppa and doing an apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade ?22:07
wafflejockboze: not entirely at least not unless you use some filesystem that supports taking snapshots of the live filesystem (believe zfs does that not sure about others also haven't used that myself)22:07
k1l_do123: 3rd party PPAs are way different than the official enablement stack, yes22:08
wafflejockboze: personally I take a snapshot with filezilla once I'm happy with a system to have a good full backup of the working system then have daily backups using the built in duplicity backup tool to backup to a NAS22:08
wafflejock-filezilla +clonezilla22:08
p4trickIm looking into buying a Laptop. I heard there were a list of models which go really well with ubuntu.22:09
p4trickIs it true that there is some hardware stuff to take into account?22:09
bozewafflejock: thanks, I'll look into clonezilla!22:09
p4trickOr is a lenovo w450 just fine...22:09
do123k1l_: i know that they are different. what xorg version would i get when i run this enablement stack? i have at the moment xorg 1.15.122:10
wafflejockp4trick: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/desktop/ there are also manufacturers that sell laptops with ubuntu preinstalled and offer some level of support22:10
p4trickthank you22:11
k1l_do123: with all that modifications i doubt a upgrade is a good idea anyway.22:11
do123k1l_: did you know the answer of my question? what is the xorg version of those enablement stack?22:12
neopsychejhutchins: thanx22:13
k1l_do123: 15.04 xorg is 1.17.122:13
k1l_do123: same as the one in the 14.04.3 enablement stack22:13
do123k1l_: ah, great. 1.17.1 is perfect22:14
peroi seem to have borked the sound on my 14.04 install. how would i go about restoring everything to defaults?22:16
wafflejockpero: with audio issues good to start with alsa to see if thats working first22:16
mondo942hey guys. just installed ubuntu from windows 7, did a complete format22:17
wafflejockpero: you can get alsa-utils and run the alsamixer to see your soundcard output settings and can use aplay somefile.wav, to test it out22:17
perowafflejock, stuff works, kinda - it's hard to describe really. bunch of intermittent issues that manifest differently in different software22:17
wafflejockpero: above alsa by default you'll have pulseaudio, did you install Jack or anything like that?22:17
perowafflejock, no nothing extra22:17
wafflejockpero: hmm okay, yeah would test with aplay first to be sure the alsa stuff is okay, if that seems to play fine then can try reinstalling pulseaudio maybe22:18
mondo942question: I have an ATI 5xxx  series card... it says I'm running 0.4 gallium on juniper drivers. How do I completely unisntall all video drivers and install proprietary ATI? I seem to be missing dependencies22:18
perowafflejock, like i get staticy output in vlc until i minimize/maximize; staticy output in flash for a minute; no sound in some games; no sound in other games and then sound will start working later out of nowhere22:19
wileeemondo942, Is this a wubi install?22:19
wafflejockpero: strange... that sounds like bugs in the driver for your hardware22:19
wafflejockor hardware problems maybe22:19
perowafflejock, i wanted to reinstall pulse but it wants to remove unity22:19
mondo942what's wubi?22:19
perowafflejock, na it worked for almost a year until i did something =/22:19
k1l_mondo942: see system settings and go to the last tab in "updates and software". then choose the fglrx22:19
=== Shrooms` is now known as Shrooms
mondo942I installed ubuntu 14.04 LTS from a flash drive and installed to internal drive22:20
wileeemondo942, Your description was rather strange is all, just checking.22:20
wafflejockpero: could be a regression in a kernel upgrade or something I guess, maybe could try with an older kernel, can you find your device in lspci22:20
perowafflejock, no i did something - but it was a while ago and i don't really remember.22:21
mondo942k1l_ the additional drivers tab? Ah I see there's a few options... so I can change what drivers I use?22:21
k1l_mondo942: yes.22:22
mondo942do I want fglrx or fglrx-updates? What's the difference? (I'm assuming there's updates or it auto updates or something?)22:22
k1l_mondo942: but be aware that ati/amd drop older cards from time to time.22:22
k1l_mondo942: no real difference22:22
mondo942Yeah my card is certainly old... 5770HD I believe, due for an upgrade at some point in the near future. my CSGO has dropped from ~~120stable fps to around 60 dropping to 20-30...22:23
wafflejockpero: looks like the accepted solution here was just to let it do the uninstall of ubuntu-desktop then re-install those packages http://askubuntu.com/questions/475450/audio-suddenly-stopped-pulseaudio-reinstall-has-not-helped-14-04, you could also try to just sudo apt-get install pulseaudio --reinstall22:23
mondo942wil switch drivers restart and see what's happening22:23
wafflejockpero: this is just accepted solution for reinstalling pulseaudio not sure it will fix your issue though22:23
wafflejockpero: aplay should work regardless of pulseaudio though22:24
perowafflejock, what's aplay?22:24
wafflejockpero: that's why it's good to test with that first so you can be sure it's not something beyond pulse22:24
wafflejockpero: just command line tool to play a file with ALSA22:24
wafflejockpero: so using the part of the audio stack below the pulseaudio or jack stuff22:24
perowafflejock, is there a sample wav that coems with it?22:25
wafflejockpero: think I've used the ones in /usr/share/sounds22:25
perowafflejock, yea it works fine22:26
perowafflejock, alright, i'm going to try that solution you gave - wish me luck22:27
perowafflejock, thx22:27
wafflejockpero: okay in that case I guess u probably do want to go with the post above and just reinstall all that, if you want to you can try manually blowing away the /etc/pulseaudio files and just doing the reinstall, but indeed good luck22:27
ircmaxellI'm running into an issue where kswapd0 is using 100% of a core, but there's no swap actually used (via top or free)... Not sure where to start digging22:28
neofreakIs there a IRC help channel that anyone can point me to please? Thank you22:29
OerHeksneofreak, for ubuntu?22:29
neofreakIRC on ubuntu yes22:29
OerHeksThen you are in the right channel, this is ubuntu support22:30
neofreakMy Q'n Deals with Ubuntu / IRC/ TOR22:30
neofreakMainly Connecting to a IRC server over the TOR network22:30
OerHeksneofreak, oke, here is a howto https://freenode.net/sasl/22:31
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl22:31
zykotick9neofreak: if you're trying to connect to freenode with TOR, I'd suggest asking in #freenode...22:31
Bashing-omneofreak: Best I recall freenode has diabled TOR. maight get better advise in #freenode channel .22:32
neofreakThank you Oerheks & Bashing-om22:32
OerHeksunlike those *fbx.proxad.net guys that configured it wrong22:32
perowafflejock, i am alive22:34
perowafflejock, no sound in csgo on startup so i don't think that fixed it (sound in csgo normally comes back randomly later)22:35
ac3takwas_hey guys22:36
ac3takwas_Uhm, I need to solve a problem with my Ubuntu22:36
ac3takwas_Data gets wiped off pretty fast22:37
ac3takwas_How do I go around this? I mean managing internet bandwidth22:37
ac3takwas_Is there a tool I could use to get some apps restricted from internet usage?22:38
ac3takwas_Is anyone here with such know-how?22:38
wafflejockpero: yeah not sure would do lspci -k and check out your device id for your audio hardware and see if google comes back with any bug reports or anything related22:39
wafflejockpero: the -k part will show kernel modules loaded for a device too22:39
perowafflejock, it's intel so there's a million hits22:41
checkitHey guys... I threw up a quick vagrant box for a project but I need to switch to an older version of php to get it running. Any thoughts for me?22:41
wafflejockpero: what's the device id? that's the most specific thing you'll find results for typically22:41
perowafflejock,  Audio device: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT HD Audio Controller (rev 09)22:42
wafflejockac3takwas this is probably helpful http://askubuntu.com/questions/776/how-i-can-limit-download-upload-bandwidth22:44
wafflejockpero: are you dual booting22:45
perowafflejock, not with windows - i have a fedora install22:45
rredd4can't connect to my wifi.  wifi works with phone and another computer.  this iwconfig: wlan0     IEEE 802.11abg  ESSID:off/any          Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated          Retry short limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off         Power Managem22:45
ac3takwas_wafflejock, thanks22:45
perowafflejock, i actually managed to bork the sound there as well - in an unrelated way :22:46
peroi impress myself sometimes22:46
wafflejockpero: haha yeah you got me beat :) this guide might help though a bit dated being for 12.04 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure22:48
wafflejockpero: I mean it seems as though if aplay works correctly, would give that a few more goes to make sure it works consistently then it's gotta be a problem in pulse or above but not sure where it's breaking down22:49
wafflejockor why a purge and reinstall of that wouldn't fix it22:50
perowafflejock, yea i actually did run aplay a bunch of times - worked fine22:51
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perowafflejock, thanks for your time23:00
wafflejockpero: no problem, good luck, if you didn't notice I've struggled with some audio things myself as well :) hope you can get it solved23:00
perowafflejock, i'll prob end up blowing both installs23:01
perowafflejock, it's just bad timing i thing with the next lts less than a year away23:01
wafflejockpero: yeah I hear that, from what I've seen in 15.04 though it seems like the user facing changes are pretty minimal so I don't feel so bad being "stuck" on 14.04, I would take a backup and try to do an in place install over the existing install I don't think that will wipe out your home folder, someone here can probably confirm/deny that though23:03
wafflejockpersonally using Ubuntu Gnome and only real feature upgrade I want in gnome is the change in the notifications but don't think that made the latest release from them anyhow yet23:05
bennypr0faneHow can I find my local IP on my network if I can't access the router?23:07
wafflejockbennypr0fane: ifconfig23:07
wafflejockbennypr0fane: you should see inet addr followed by the IP23:07
bennypr0fanewafflejock, got it, thanks!23:08
perowafflejock, i prefer gnome myself - which is the reason for the fedora install, but they just move too fast. i don't want to blow up my system every 9 months or whatever23:09
peroand the support in their irc after using fedup basically consists of downgrade or reinstall23:10
NGC3982Is there any good CLI monitoring program, for hardware temperatures that works like top?23:18
NGC3982sensor-detect gives me the correct data, but i would like something automatic to put in a screen.23:18
MonkeyDust /quit the giving and taking of life will always beeeeeee23:24
RJ45hi, running 14.04 here, I want to use ffmpeg, the Ubuntu repo has it as a transitional package, upon installation there is no ffmpeg command, what gives? I want my ffmpeg23:34
k1l_RJ45: at that time ubuntu (and debian) only had avconv23:35
RJ45k1l_: at risk of sounding childish, that is pretty stupid23:36
k1l_so either use that (similar commands) or get a PPA to install it.23:36
k1l_RJ45: childish? you now ffmpeg split into 2 forks: ffmpeg and avconv?23:36
RJ45the ffmpeg package should install ffmpeg, whoever decided to make ffmpeg not install ffmpeg was an idiot, if I want to install ffmpeg why the heck would I not want it to be installed when I install the package?...23:39
RJ45wait, that entered wrong23:39
RJ45ffmpeg package should install ffmpeg, whoever decided to make ffmpeg not install ffmpeg was an idiot, if I want to install ffmpeg why the heck would I not want it to be installed when I install the package?...23:40
k1l_RJ45: debian and ubuntu decided to go the libav (avconv) path. so they made the transitional package not to break all programs. please really read into libav. its half of the old ffmpeg team and uses nearly the same commands23:40
OerHeksThere were serious security issues with FFmpeg at that time, 14.0423:41
RJ45k1l_: this only BREAKS programs, such as WinFF, now WinFF is pointed to a directory for ffmpeg that does not exist23:43
RJ45(/usr/bin/ffmpeg )23:44
OerHeksRJ45, good news, ffmpeg is back in 15.0423:44
RJ45well I'm not upgrading today23:44
k1l_winff works with avconv23:44
RJ45any way to get winff to work with anconv?23:44
serendependyRJ45, https://code.google.com/p/winff/wiki/UsingAvconv23:44
PenguinguyHey, question: I have a Canon MB 2320. It has the option to connect to the computer over usb, and when it is connected over usb it will allow you to 'scan to pc'. When I do this, it scans like normal, I was wondering if ubuntu was even doing anything with the file....23:44
RJ45serendependy: thank you, this whole situation shouldn't even be a thing..23:45
RJ45winff now says it cannot find anconv23:46
RJ45this is stupid23:46
RJ45I give up23:47
k1l_well, he needs to find another program to rant about then.23:48
k1l_for 14.04 you need to make sure libavcodec-extra-54 is installed23:49
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