
bluesabreochosi: that looks much better, thanks!01:13
ochosimorning flocculant 06:29
flocculantmorning ochosi 06:30
ochosiin case you haven't been pinged about that, bluesabre is working on some catfish improvements we'd like to get into wily06:30
flocculantI've seen the chat :)06:30
flocculantand I guessed the rest :p06:31
ochosithose changes aren't under the hood as far as i can see, so no regression potential06:31
ochosibut you can still check it out if you want06:31
flocculantalways best I think06:31
ochosiit's here: https://code.launchpad.net/~catfish-search/catfish-search/gtk316-csd06:32
ochosibasically you have to bzr branch it, then apt-get build-dep it, and then ./configure && make && sudo make install06:32
flocculantta - I'll grab that later today 06:32
ochosinote that some things in the sidebar aren't ready yet06:32
ochosiand ideally you'll have greybird from the daily PPA06:32
ochosiotherwise some menuitems look funky :)06:33
flocculantyea - have that 06:33
ochosialrighty, and if you see slicky, feel free to remind him about the meeting (i won't be around during the day), would be good to have one around FF06:34
ochosi(pinged him last night, but i think he sometimes signs on from webirc)06:34
flocculantyea - iirc he's on vacation 06:34
ochosioh ok06:35
ochosiin that case we should probably skip him in the meeting list06:35
ochosihumm, i guess pleia2 is also travelling06:35
ochosiafter those two it'd be your turn – wanna jump in and schedule one?06:36
flocculantok - I'll schedule today for the end of the week06:36
ochosithanks a bunch!06:36
flocculantactually works out ok - next week I'm off till Friday06:36
flocculantand Beta 1 ... 06:36
ochosianyhow, not sure there are important decisions creeping up, but around FF and B1 it's always good to schedule a meeting06:38
flocculantI'll try for a time all the release team are available 06:38
flocculantso I'm ok all day - if you and bluesabre can tell me the best time on Friday 06:38
flocculantif possible06:38
ochosii guess for bluesabre it's around 10-11UTC or from 22UTC06:39
* ochosi out06:43
flocculantbluesabre: ping me with an exact time for friday - if you want to - do the www.timeanddate.com thing and I'll use that 06:43
flocculantfor 21st August06:44
bluesabreflocculant: 10-11UTC would be guaranteed I could make it09:58
pleia2knome: thanks for replying to that email, I'm still not sure what they want09:59
pleia2ochosi: yeah, not really "home" properly until thursday morning, then I'm off again on august 28th for another week10:05
knomepleia2, no problem10:07
bluesabreflocculant: for catfish, at this point, the only thing that is not working (to my knowledge) is the custom date range... everything else should be functional10:11
bluesabreoh, and it dies if the search comes across a psd file... that seems to be a regression in gtk, but I'll try to work around that10:13
knome:D :D10:18
knomeso catfish isn't very useful for me atm10:18
bluesabregdk-pixbuf-error-quark: Couldn't recognize the image file format for file '/home/bluesabre/watermarktest.psd' (3)10:38
bluesabre/usr/local/bin/catfish: line 2: 22497 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) python3 /usr/local/share/catfish/bin/catfish.py "$@"10:38
bluesabrethat's what happens10:38
bluesabre"what is this, oh crap! *die*"10:38
knomeheh, yeah...10:38
knomei'd understand if it was software that tried to SHOW the file..10:39
bluesabrecatfish creates thumbnails as it searchs (for the preview view), so that's probably what it is10:40
knomethumbnails for many of my PDFs wouldn't be too useful10:40
knomethat's what filenames are10:40
bluesabreit only thumbnails images10:40
bluesabreimage/* mimetypes10:41
knomeor sth10:41
bluesabreshould be an easy fix10:41
knometells a lot more than a small preview of that ^10:41
bluesabrejust gotta dig around the code :)10:41
bluesabrebut, its too early now, back to bed for me10:42
knomesleep tight10:42
slickymasterWorkknome, I noticed that krytarik made a -docs MP10:57
slickymasterWorkdid you review it?10:57
knomeyes and no10:58
knomeit looks fine to me10:58
slickymasterWork'yes and no'. any concerns?11:00
knomenot really11:00
knomemaybe i should recheck it11:00
knomethe "no" part is that i don't understand Standards-Version :P11:01
knomebut i'm sure it's fine11:01
slickymasterWorkok, will you deal with it then? or do you want me to?11:02
knomei'm about to merge it11:02
slickymasterWorkok, thanks11:03
slickymasterWorkñeither Dylan or Stéphane, answer the ubiquity mail 11:03
knomewell, pushing it now11:03
knomeyeah... :/11:03
knomei'm wondering if we should take it to the TB or sth11:04
slickymasterWorkwhat's TB?11:04
knomeotoh, i'd really like their (dylan+stephane) opinion on it more than anybody elses11:04
knometechnical board11:04
slickymasterWorkI'll resend it today. it might be laying around their inboxes, forgotten  11:06
knomeor in trash...11:07
knome(not meaning they don't care, but if they use email the same way i do...)11:07
=== flocculant_ is now known as flocculant
flocculantbluesabre: ok - set for 10:00UTC Friday12:26
flocculantbluesabre: the catfish appeared to want me to install python-pexpect12:31
flocculantmmm - not sure this catfish is what I'm expecting then ... 12:33
knomeflocculant, slickymasterWork: what's your stance about the poll in the installer slideshow?12:53
knomethat work item seems to be stale, and nobody has picked it up12:53
knomeafter thinking about it myself, i'm not too excited about it atm12:54
flocculantlast poll done by team is stuck in the doldrums - so not seeing any point in another one12:57
knomeyes, we should process that one too12:57
knomefor those who are interested13:00
flocculantknome: I hope that is some odd timezone ... 13:02
flocculantnot doing a meeting at 7am ever 13:02
knomemy bad, fixed13:03
flocculantI did need to triple check 13:03
flocculantknome: also - useful to not need extra bookmark :)13:07
knomelanded some visual updates for the tracker13:18
flocculantnot an ellipse amongst them - so I can see it 13:19
knomethe burndown tells me there isn't too much time before beta 113:22
flocculantindeed 13:24
flocculantburndown tells me people keep adding stuff :)13:25
knomethat was me13:25
knomei basically split one work item to two13:25
knomebecause the other half got done today13:25
knomethe good thing is that now the other half is a bitesize item13:26
flocculantI meant more generally 13:26
knomeheh, yeah13:26
knomethe thing is that we really began using the blueprints for tracking after the old tracker was dead for a week+13:27
knomethat is, after the gap in the burndown13:27
knomehope next cycle is smoother than ever regarding that13:27
knomeactivating the new cycle in this tracker is just adding a row in a DB too13:28
knomeand no need to get the blueprints approved13:28
flocculantoh awesome :)13:28
knomeand tbe, we can even start tracking before the cycle starts13:29
knomethen simply switch to the new cycle when it has started13:29
flocculantpossibly a useful thing 13:30
knomeyes and no13:30
knomeno because there likely isn't much to track :P13:30
knomeand also because i don't think we want to show pre-cycle data13:30
knomebut... yeah, the transition is going to be easy nonetheless13:31
flocculantyep 13:31
knomehf, i might be gone when you get back13:31
slickymasterWorkdamn flocculant, another meeting I won't be able to attend :P14:09
slickymasterWorkI'm leaving to Lisbon Wednesday evening (work related) and will just return Sunday night 14:09
slickymasterWorkI agree with you both, regarding the poll14:10
slickymasterWorkflocculant knome ^^^14:10
flocculantslickymasterWork: sorry and all that 14:19
knomei dropped the item14:23
knomeand i'm thinking whether we should just drop the wiki data mining, since the meetings are visible on the calendar page14:24
flocculantI think I'll be dropping automated package testing after this cycle14:25
knomeisn't there some movement regarding that during this cycle?14:25
flocculantthat's just written down - then marked as postponed14:25
knomethe jenkins instance for flavors or sht14:25
flocculantknome: no - they've been looking at jenkins and image smoketests14:26
flocculantdifferent things14:26
knomebut isn't smoketests automatic too?14:26
knomei mean, it's part of the image14:26
knomeboy, bad wording14:26
flocculantnot currently14:26
knomewould it be with the jenkins instance?14:26
flocculantbut - they are different things :)14:27
knomewhat ELSE automatic testing are we looking at then?14:27
knomefor packages?14:27
flocculantyea 14:27
flocculantbut gtk2/3 issue with that always14:27
slickymasterWorkgive a few minutes guys14:28
flocculantand even if we make them work - that doesn't mean there would be anywhere canonical to do them14:28
slickymasterWorkheadquarters on the phone.... nagging 14:28
flocculantso while gtk2/3 - not really a point in even thinking about that14:29
flocculantslickymasterWork: didn't know you were married :p14:29
flocculantnot sure there is much point in "Exploratory testing information to testers via ML" this late in cycle either14:30
flocculantwe might be better served me doing a full-on "QA articles for xubuntu.org" about that whole thing between now and xx 14:31
knomemhm, maybe14:33
knomeand for that work item, it would be more useful if it was split into several items clearly pinpointing the subject of the articles14:33
flocculantor blog is mailed to list for testers14:33
flocculantknome: yea for sure - except no telling what's likely until it happens14:34
knomewe have a transition in the works - to make cycle tags their own taxonomy - after that, using tags will be much clearer14:34
knomein the sense that they actually work as tags14:34
knomei say this because then we can create all kinds of custom "searches" for people14:35
flocculantsort of seen those discussion in here off and on14:35
knomenot just tag with "QA" but something more specific14:35
knomeit's basically done, now i need to finalize that and some other stuff, and let IS push that to production14:35
knome_testsshiny, this works too14:43
flocculantis it like knome_tests polish? 14:44
knomesee the tracker14:45
knomegoing to improve the discussion tab with this stuff...14:45
knomeyou can even change the tab14:46
knomeand come back14:46
knomemaybe slimy likes that feature14:46
knomeone browser tab at work for all xubuntu stuff14:46
knomei'll improve/merge that later14:49
knomei'll likely drop the heading for that tab, and do some optimizations14:49
knomelike make sure there is no double scrollbars by making sure the iframe fits the browser window14:49
knomemaybe even go as far as add a stylesheet for the document inside the iframe - to change the font size for the webchat14:50
knomeanother test...14:52
flocculantI knew I would come across unreadable captchas14:57
knomethere are some for sure14:57
flocculantthe pics of numbers are ok14:58
knomeanyway, we have friends coming over (again)14:58
flocculantthe recopied copy of a copied copy word ones are awful :D14:58
flocculantokey doke - cya :)14:58
knomewill be back later - have fun meanwhile :)14:58
slickymasterWorkflocculant, my bosses, apparently, think that I ought to be married with job, at least :P15:30
slickymasterWorksome return after two weeks vacation :P15:41
flocculantbluesabre: is there anything that we have in PPA which would be useful to 16:04
flocculantA - get testers looking at?16:04
flocculantB - get testers to add to beta1 next week? 16:05
flocculanttrying to get all my cards in a row so I can set them up as I am away from mid morning Monday to late Thursday next week16:05
flocculantwhich isn't best timing 16:05
flocculantthat's pretty damn quick :D16:07
ochosihey jjfrv8 20:41
ochosisorry haven't really had time yet to review the thunar docs20:41
ochosibeen quite busy lately on the personal level20:41
jjfrv8ochosi, no worries20:45
Unit193Oh good!  I was still wondering what I got out of it! :---D20:49
Unit193dkessel, krytarik: Congrats.20:49
Unit193ochosi: Oh, and +1 to krytarik. :P20:49
krytarikThanks! :D20:49
ochosiUnit193: yeah, i forgot to mention: if your name is Unit193 you get nothing... sorry!20:49
ochosikrytarik: conga-rats!20:50
ochosidkessel: conga-rats to you too!20:50
knomehey everybody!21:10
knomejust one thing i want to tell you21:10
knomefor background information, i'm working as a beta tester for a closed-source website21:10
knomei'm so happy we have this open communication, and that it works so well21:11
knomethanks, we're fantastic!21:11
ochosiand yay, +121:24
ochositime to head to bed, night everyone!21:24
knomenighty ochosi 21:26
knomewell, simon, really!21:26
bluesabrehey pasi22:08
bluesabregood teamwork around here22:08
knomehey sean22:10
bluesabrehow's it going?22:11
knomenot too bad22:11
knomejust tweaked the tracker a bit more22:11
knomenow calendar/irc iframes are only loaded when needed22:12
knomeand the irc frame is squeezed to fit the window22:12
bluesabrelooks pretty22:12
bluesabrethis is so much nicer than crawling blueprints22:14
knomeisn't it ;)22:15
krytarikknome: "[xubuntu-doc] Link to the PDF files from the documentation: INPROGRESS" - are you still planning to try an alternative approach there, or should we just assign it to me, and set it to "DONE"?22:51
knomewe can assign it to you and get "something" done22:55
knometalk with slickyma1ter about what he wants regarding that, and i'll be fine with what you come up with22:55
knomeand thanks for taking care :)22:58
krytarikWell, it *is* already done.23:01
krytarikknome: More specifically, you introduced it here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/xubuntu-docs/wily/revision/405#scripts/pdf-create.sh23:07
knomeoh, hah, right23:08
knomelet me see that23:08

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