
Refineanyone here use icecat?00:36
Unit193!info icecat00:37
ubottuPackage icecat does not exist in vivid00:37
Refinetrying to figure out how to install it, really new to linux00:37
drcRefine: TBH, if you're that new to linux I'd stick with the defaults for a while, until you get your feet on the ground so to speak....then branch out and try things.  Unless FOSS is that important to you, then I'd try debian (iirc, it used icecat as default)00:42
Unit193iceweasel I though, that's the firefox clone.  Icedove is thunderbird.00:43
Refinewell idk, I think it should be pretty simple to just install a program00:43
Refinenot something I should avoid learning to do00:43
drcah "GNU IceCat is the GNU version of the Firefox browser"  you were right Unit193.00:44
Refineyeah that's correct00:45
Refineit's like firefox except it has some really nice built in features00:45
drcRefine: True, but I'd still lean to do thing with a distros' system before branching out.00:45
Unit193drc: Oh, so there's a Debian one, AND a GNU one. >_<00:45
drcRMS has to do things HIS way or the digital highway :(00:46
drcUnit193: I was thinking of iceweasel, just got confused (missed my meds)00:47
Refineyeah they're actually made by the same people00:47
Refineit used to be called iceweasel I think00:48
Unit193Refine: Not quite, no.  We're talking about different things.  Anywho, the point being that Firefox is muuuch more supported (Not just in Ubuntu), and those features are from plugins you can install (they just seem bundled.)00:48
RefineI used to use random agent spoofer, but it doesn't seem to be working anymore00:49
Refineidk I'd just like some help installing this if you're willing00:50
drcRefine: I'd start here  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IceCat00:52
Unit193Refine: It's not just the fact of installing, but maintaining it too, fwiw.00:52
RefineI'm actually on that exact page00:53
Refinewhen I run the command "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnuzilla-team/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install icecat -y"00:53
Refine it says cannot add PPA: 'ppa:~gnuzilla-team/ubuntu/ppa'00:53
Unit193https://launchpad.net/~gnuzilla-team: '+++ IceCat is died. +++'00:53
RefineThe team named '~gnuzilla-team' has no PPA named 'ubuntu/ppa'00:53
drcOK that ppa is probably bad now...I'd really ask the GNU folks, as you can see people here don't have much experience with icecat00:54
Refineerm, the gnu folks?00:54
Unit193Trisquel packages it, too.00:55
drcYeah, GNU makes icecat...try #icecat :)00:55
RefineI went there first, no replies :/00:55
drcjust found that channel :)00:55
Unit193I'd idle in #icecat and wait for an answer.00:56
Unit193You're not using Trisquel, so they'll not be likely to support you.00:56
Refinei'll try and go through the manual method and see if I can get through it00:57
RefineUnit193 it says to add the correct lines for the version of Ubuntu you're using, the options are "Natty, Maverick (Trisquel 4.5), Lucid (Trisquel 4.0), Karmic (Trisquel 3.5, Hardy (gNewSense 2.3)"01:02
Refineany idea which I should pick?01:02
drcRefine: Those are all OLD versions...what version are you using now01:03
drcno...14.03, 15.04....?01:03
drcNot sure any of those would work...I'd really ask and idle in #icecat01:04
drcanything we'd tell you here would probably be a guess.01:05
drcnatty (the latest there) was 11.04...so 2011 :)01:06
* drc had to look up natty, it was that long ago.01:07
Refinenever knew icecat was so old01:08
drcNo idea, never even heard of "icecat" (thus my confusion)01:09
Unit193!info firefox01:09
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 39.0+build5-0ubuntu0.15.04.1 (vivid), package size 41015 kB, installed size 99262 kB01:09
drcwith updates to 40.whatever01:09
Unit193..Is 31 ESR?01:09
drcOld ESR, 38 in current ERS (but 31 will be supports for just a while longer)01:10
* drc likes 31 ESR :)01:10
Refineso the people on #icecat told me i just extract the dl and run icecat01:11
Refinebut i can't find the file icecat01:11
Refinehow do I search with this os?01:11
drcRefine: You'll have to ask them.  Icecat is not a Canonical package.01:12
drcuse thunar or catfish (file search)01:12
drcand with that, I'm out....01:13
Refinealright cya later drc01:13
Refinegot it!! turns out I downloaded the source code on accident01:16
marianois there a guy on xubuntu to adjust screen brightness? I can do it with my fn keys, but the change ini brightness is not smooth.05:17
=== flocculant_ is now known as flocculant
sohail-ahmedThough this is out of scope, but I need to make an account on tdf bugzilla to start as qa-assistant and I don't where on the web is tdf bugzilla. Any help?13:02
krytarik!ot | sohail-ahmed: There is this13:03
ubottusohail-ahmed: There is this: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:03
sohail-ahmedkrytarik: that is why I said this off topic.13:04
sohail-ahmedbut soory13:04
krytarikAnd that's why we have an extra channel for that.13:04
sohail-ahmedI just thought some one would provide me a link to that, as I asked in *-qa channel and no body responded yet13:05
winsuxi can't seek m4a files anymore in vlc 2.2.1. some mp4 wont play at all13:05
winsuxreinstalling vlc didnt fix my problem and removing h265 support (before this plugin m4a playback working normally) didnt help either. does anyone have suggestions?13:06
krytariksohail-ahmed: I'd have to google that too, ftm13:06
sohail-ahmedkrytarik: I did and could not figure out the appropriate place. Any ways through wiki links I have found buzzilla but don't know what is the difference between tdf bugzilla and bugzilla.13:08
krytarikBugzilla is just a product.13:08
krytarikCan be used by many projects.13:09
sohail-ahmedand tdf bugzilla13:09
krytarikAren't you referring the The Document Foundation there?13:09
sohail-ahmedoh yes. So tdf are ones who owns bugzilla?13:11
krytarikwinsux: Try in #ubuntu too, please - since this isn't really Xubuntu-specific.13:11
knomesohail-ahmed, no... bugzilla is just a product name13:12
winsuxkrytarik, i did, but no response :(13:12
sohail-ahmedkrytarik: knome: Thank you for your time. I found the one. https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/13:13
bx758hello. thanks for this great distro. i love this so much. i installed xubuntu on my laptop and a normal pc. i want to install on my very old pc. is this possible? it has 2.4 celeron (single core) and 768mb ddr one ram14:54
knomeyou can install; whether it feels smooth enough (for you) is subjective14:55
bx758if you want any info from that pc i can tell you. plus it has debian (Text only) on it14:55
bx758ok. i will try.14:55
cfhowlettbx758, lubuntu is optimized for older, slower hardware15:04
bx758cfhowlett i prefer xfce. i will try15:10
holsteini say, try them live.. if you can deal with the way something runs live, then, the OS should be noticably faster installed.. nothing will make hardware any faster, or better..15:10
holsteinboth xfce and lxde should be about as good of a choice as anything, short of replacing the hardware..15:11
cfhowlettbx758, this ^^^15:11
bx758ok. im using that old pc with a debian kernel on it now. nothing will make hardware any faster, or better..15:12
bx758however, i want to thanks to the group for such a best distro ever.thx15:12
holsteinyou can install xfce from the debian repos.. though, there are reasons why you may prefer ubuntu.. the packages, ppa's.. the community.. etc15:14
bx758i used to do that. i installed fluxbox & ... and after starting xorg, the display gone splitted and graphic didn't supported that15:15
bx758sorry for my bad english...15:16
holsteini would expect similar issues with hardware support in linux kernels, in general15:16
ubottuvesa is the default video driver if X can't find a better one. Also see !x15:16
holsteinwhen working with older hardware, i will keep use of the vesa driver on the table..15:16
bx758i used vesa.15:17
holsteinwhat i typically do is try a lot of different live iso's.. my favorite for this is puppy, or knoppix.. i'll setup the desktop, and copy the xorg.conf, and keep it for use with ubuntu15:17
bx758i didn't tried that holstein. ok thanks for help. i gotta go. have a good day/night15:18
PeyamIm very intressted in translating Xubuntu to Kurdish ( right to left language). before I do that I wonder if xubuntu desktop has support for rtl languages?15:36
PeyamI have plans to start translating vervid packages to kurdish from next week15:37
flocculantPeyam: the best place for that discussion is #xubuntu-devel and the person to talk to is slickymasterWork15:57
flocculantand if Ubuntu has RTL support there shouldn't (I guess) be any reason why we won't15:58
=== John is now known as Guest82069
Guest82069\nick JtotheB316:19
=== Guest82069 is now known as JtotheB3
JtotheB3Hello. I am a bit frustrated with the network manager. I can not establish an EAP-TLS connection using a certificate. The graphical widget will not allow me to click "connect" after entering all of the information. If I manually modify the configuration files with all of the data, and try to connect it asks for my private key password - but I still cannot click "connect" after entering it. I verified my password is correct via OpenSS16:23
ahi2can anyone share files on a network between to xubuntus? I have had problems with it. Samba keeps asking for a password that never works. Is there a way to do it without samba?17:01
marianoIs there a way to adjust screen brightness on xubuntu through gui; something kind of like in windows?17:16
hylianyes, in the power settings. the "monitor tab" is what you want17:16
xanguathere is a "bright indicator" if you mean an icon17:17
hylianno, you want to control it in power. click on the mouse menu, then the thing that has two sliders on the bottom riht of the mouse menu. then the "power" settings.17:18
marianoOn power settings (xfce power management) I only see brightness reduction option but for inactivity.17:19
hylianthere are two settings their for brightness. i have to leave my chromebook and actally goto my xfce machine to give you a screenshot. so brb..17:19
marianoI'm new to this linux thing.17:20
hyliansorry, boneheaded me forgot that i need to fire up a laptop to get those screens. Firing up my desktop didn't help much. still need to find those brightness controls?17:31
marianoI have to do that and horizontal scrolling for the touchpad. I am doing some google searching for the horizontal scrolling.17:32
hylianmariano: you can see my screenshots here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B1T0XlQmksXpfjhpRmYxU1F6SnJrRkQyNEhYSVAtNllETmladDAySzQ4WldjT0FzOHBNSGM&usp=sharing17:33
marianoThat looks a bit different than mine. My power manager is called xfce power manager and I have four tabs, namely general, system, display, and devices.17:36
marianoI don't have a monitor tab.17:36
marianoI was able to do it with the power manager plugin from the panel addons.17:38
hylianmariano: that is the xfce power manager. if you look at those screenshots, you will see it says so right on it. Not that it matters... hmmm,.17:39
hylianmariano: can you give us a screenshot?17:39
marianoI have no idea why mine is different.17:39
marianoYea. I can get a screenshot17:39
hylianmariano: it's no big deal.17:39
hylianmariano: just out of curiosity, so we are on the same page, what exactly are you trying to accomplish?17:40
marianoI just wanted to be able to adjust screen brightness, which I'm able to do now with the power plugin.17:41
marianoFor some reason though our power managers look different.17:41
hylianI'm assuming this is a laptop?17:41
marianoxps 1217:42
hylianmariano: what version of xunbuntu are you using? I stick with the lts versions, that might be why. I am using 14.04 lts.17:42
mariano14.04 and xfce 4.1217:42
hylianmariano: ahh, thats why. I am using the stock xfce 4.10 that comes with 14.04.17:44
marianothxs for the help.17:45
hylianmariano: on the xps, there are no brightness keys on the top of the keyboard? or on the side? (the kayboard ones usually mean you have to hold the function key down to use them)...17:45
marianoI tried doing that yesterday, but the changes are too drastic. It kept going from bright to fully dark almost. I needed better control so that the brightness did not wake up my baby while I work next to her.17:48
marianoThe plugin works great though. I'll continue on getting the horizontal scrolling working later after I feed her. Thanks.17:49
hylianmariano: ahh i see. if there are any problems, contact me. http://dennygoot.blogspot.com/17:49
marianoI will thanks man. I really appreciate the help. :)17:50
hylianmariano: no problemo. :)17:50
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
xubuntu67wHi Everyone, James here.... Fresh Install of Xubuntu 14.04.03 LTS on AMD64...4th-5th time, was following "10 things to do after" got me into trouble..! Any other DOC's to be recommended...?20:49
mrkrampsxubuntu67w, can you provide a link?20:50
xubuntu67wto what..?20:50
mrkrampsthese 10 things to do atfter20:50
xubuntu67wjust a sec..20:50
mrkrampsxubuntu67w, at which point you get stuck there?20:52
xubuntu67wI didnt get stuck anywhere....the Machine went nuts20:53
knomexubuntu67w, on what point?20:53
xubuntu67wDVD media player20:53
mrkrampsthere's no such point20:55
xubuntu67wyeah there is, it didnt work..20:55
mrkrampsxubuntu67w, there's nothing about "DVD media player" on the whole page20:56
knomexubuntu67w, so... just to be clear, the xubuntu team/community does not maintain that page20:56
knomexubuntu67w, you should point issues to the maintainer20:56
xubuntu67wno but all the LIB downloads for media and codecs etc..20:57
xubuntu67wbut thats History now, I want to know what to do AFTER install....20:57
knomexubuntu67w, what do you need from your system?20:58
xubuntu67wnormal things, Internet, email, browsing....noooo Server or anything....20:59
mrkrampsit's all there20:59
knomexubuntu67w, you don't need to do anything. you are ready to go!21:00
xubuntu78wnormal things, Internet, email, web browsing...etc....   Sorry the Power went out here...21:01
mrkrampsxubuntu78w, it's all there21:02
mrkrampswhy do you think you have to follow any kind of guide21:02
xubuntu78wBcuz I transitioned over from Windows 7 and I dont know Xubuntu21:03
knomexubuntu offers a complete experience right after installing21:03
mrkrampsxubuntu78w, the you should read about the basics and not about doing 10 to 100 weird things without explanation21:03
knomeyou do not need to install anything - unless you want something specific21:03
mrkrampsxubuntu78w, http://docs.xubuntu.org/21:04
xubuntu78wI did read the Documentation on site....21:05
xubuntu78wso, would install have picked up on My AMD Series 8 3870 APU and the 8gb of memory... and the drivers..?21:08
mrkrampsxubuntu78w, if everything works all drivers a setup correctly21:09
xubuntu78wthanks...! if one does know, how does one find out.. I've been reading and taking down notes...21:10
mrkrampsthis was already the case when the live system worked properly21:10
bennypr0faneIf you think about sharing stuff between two Linux pcs on the same network, what's your first idea? Is SMB your got-to solution, or would you maybe use something else if there's no Windows involved?21:12
mrkrampsbennypr0fane, in a pure linux environment you may use NFS or maybe sshfs21:14
knomeif you don't use sharing often, or do it mostly one way, then i'd probably use sshfs21:16
mrkrampsyeah, especially because sshfs is working with gvfs21:19
bennypr0fanemrkramps, why is gvfs good for you?21:26
mrkrampsbennypr0fane, you can mount shares occasionally21:27
mrkrampsinstead of permanently in your fstab for example21:27
bennypr0fanemrkramps, so you would set up an sshfs share in gvfs?21:28
mrkrampsbennypr0fane, depends on your needs21:28
mrkrampsi do not share files regularly and prefer using something ssh based21:29
bennypr0fanemrkramps, so scp, rsync...21:30
mrkrampsbennypr0fane, with ssh you have all these options21:31
mrkrampsand you do not need to configure shares but have access to the user on the other system21:32
mrkrampsif systems are used by two different people i would probably think about some device in between for providing shares21:33
bennypr0fanemrkramps, no, just me on these systems21:33
mrkrampsthen i definitely recommend using ssh21:33
bennypr0faneJust found this: http://www.msec.it/blog/?page_id=11 The cross-platformness is impressive!21:51
mrkrampsbennypr0fane, with such tools you should always carefully check what they are using for zero configuration networking21:54
bennypr0fanehmmm, what are being cautious of?21:55
mrkrampsin this case dukto is sending data about your machine to the developers21:55
mrkramps"The Software will periodically send anonymous data to the author servers for statistical information, like (but not only) the Software version, operating system version, application settings, current locale".21:56
bennypr0fanebut you meant some kind of zeroconfig protocol that you find untrustworthy?22:00
mrkrampsbennypr0fane, the developer does not explain in detail how exactly his program works22:00
bennypr0faneit's open, so I *could* look it up if I wanted to...22:01
mrkrampsbut this is way more work than just using ssh ^^22:02
mrkrampsand if you are interested in zero conf on linux you should rather read about avahi22:03
mrkrampsit's also great if you plan to chat with yourself =P22:04
bennypr0fanemrkramps haha, will keep that in mind22:14
Unit193Great channel, but they didn't give me as many cookies.23:04
ToeTaglol oops23:05

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