=== MooDoo is now known as Guest18321 [05:38] Morning everyone [05:39] morning Kilos === Guest18321 is now known as MooDoo [07:46] morning [07:46] hi MooDoo :) [09:42] nhaines, looks like my forwarded mail to you was rejected [09:42] I tried again forwarding in a different way... no dice [09:43] I have no idea if there are other mails you don't get - just thought I'd bring it up [09:43] it was the mail I sent to ubuntu-community-team list === cprofitt_ is now known as cprofitt === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach === Kilos- is now known as Kilos [19:47] !lococouncil meetin' time [19:47] wxl: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [19:47] !lococouncil | meetin' time [19:47] meetin' time: The LoCo Council is coolbhavi, jose, SergioMeneses, PabloRubianes, nhaines, wxl, and lunapersa - they are here to help, just ask! :) You can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com [19:48] * genii makes coffee [19:55] hi wxl [19:55] do we have agenda? [19:57] the meeting will be at #ubuntu-meeting correct? [19:57] PabloRubianes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Agenda [19:58] yes toddcnb [19:58] thank you [20:00] wxl: Internal Server Error [20:00] PabloRubianes: tl;dr yes. we have the Re-Verification of azloco [20:01] and also it works fine here [20:01] wxl we need two more for the meeting [20:02] wxl: I'm here! [20:03] DalekSec: well, that's good. :) [20:32] wxl, I just send that email :)