elacheche | o/ | 07:59 |
Na3iL | o/ elacheche | 08:11 |
elacheche | :) | 08:21 |
Dro__ | o/ | 08:29 |
elacheche | wassup loco? | 08:35 |
hamma | Check this out :v | 10:00 |
hamma | https://www.facebook.com/TGLUG/photos/a.885704231507525.1073741828.881649521912996/889290244482257/?type=1&theater | 10:00 |
hamma | Sorry, good morning | 10:01 |
elacheche | :) | 10:11 |
Na3iL | o/ elacheche | 12:13 |
elacheche | Yo Na3iL | 12:40 |
Na3iL | I think there's a problem in SFD's site | 12:41 |
elacheche | :D | 12:42 |
elacheche | I saw it seconds ago.. | 12:43 |
elacheche | Maybe someone already working on it! Wait until this evening, if nothing fixed so send an email to the clibre ML about the problem | 12:43 |
Na3iL | Okay hope they fixed ASAP | 12:47 |
volkovmqx | yo guys | 12:55 |
volkovmqx | what's up ! | 12:55 |
elacheche | volkovmqx, wassup! | 13:04 |
volkovmqx | what's the news of the loco ? | 14:02 |
volkovmqx | any upcoming ops ? | 14:03 |
elacheche | SFD volkovmqx | 14:12 |
elacheche | Na3iL, I told you, someone works already on http://sfd.tn/2015/ | 15:07 |
Na3iL | Ah cool! I was thinking it's a bug or something else xD | 15:08 |
elacheche | It is a bug! | 15:14 |
elacheche | Bu as someone is already working on the website so he'll probably fix it sooner or later.. Otherwise we'll report it :) | 15:15 |
elacheche | But* | 15:15 |
Na3iL | Good! understood :) | 15:25 |
moomed | salam | 19:09 |
moomed | labas?? | 19:10 |
moomed | alooo | 19:10 |
elacheche_anis | Salam :) | 19:10 |
elacheche_anis | ça va moomed ? | 19:10 |
moomed | lhamdoullah | 19:11 |
moomed | et toi? | 19:11 |
elacheche_anis | I'm OK thank you :) | 19:11 |
elacheche_anis | How can I help you? | 19:11 |
moomed | you are welcome | 19:11 |
moomed | bellehi 3ndi problem fel ubuntu | 19:11 |
elacheche_anis | OK.. | 19:11 |
moomed | li ynajem y3aweni barakallahou fih | 19:12 |
moomed | ames chrit pc jdid masboub fih el ubunt | 19:12 |
moomed | l9it fih barcha partitions | 19:12 |
elacheche_anis | Béhi barcha :) :D MAbrouk :) | 19:12 |
elacheche_anis | Dell? | 19:12 |
moomed | ybarek fik hh | 19:12 |
moomed | l7asilou n7eb nsob el windows 7 | 19:12 |
moomed | manajamtech na3mal partition | 19:13 |
elacheche_anis | -_- | 19:13 |
elacheche_anis | Mé 9otli khir | 19:13 |
moomed | w fi nafs el wa9t man7ebech na5sar el ubuntu | 19:13 |
elacheche_anis | Mé 9otli khir → t7ib tsob winbug | 19:13 |
moomed | ey dell | 19:13 |
moomed | hh chbach na3mel el ubuntu mta3 m3almeya | 19:14 |
elacheche_anis | Inti m3allam zéda :D médémik wsilt lil IRC mté3na :) | 19:14 |
moomed | l7a9 houa lpc lo5ti w hia li tlbet menni nsobelha | 19:14 |
moomed | hhh mafibalich bro7i | 19:15 |
elacheche_anis | moomed, ma soeur et mes parents utilisent Ubuntu sans problèmes depuis 3 ou 4 ans :) Ils n'ont aucune background technique :) | 19:15 |
elacheche_anis | Anyway.. C'est ton choix :) Je peux t'assister à installer WinBug | 19:16 |
moomed | ey mais homa ysta3mlou ken google chrome yomkon hh :p | 19:16 |
moomed | fel internet choft des pages 9alou sob gparted sabit w ma3mel chay | 19:16 |
elacheche_anis | moomed, je t'aide après on discute les autres détailles :D c'est pas un sujet de 2 min :p :) | 19:16 |
moomed | fama des partitino 3mellelhom umount c tt | 19:17 |
moomed | mais li beha lfayda ma9derrelha 3la chay | 19:17 |
moomed | ok | 19:17 |
elacheche_anis | Tu vas utiliser gparted, pas depuis ton Ubuntu | 19:17 |
moomed | maktoub live dvd mafhamthach chnia | 19:17 |
elacheche_anis | Let's start step by step, ok. | 19:18 |
elacheche_anis | ? | 19:18 |
elacheche_anis | Avant de commencer, t'es entrain d'utiliser le nouveau dell ou une autre machine pour l'instant? | 19:18 |
moomed | ok | 19:18 |
moomed | autre machine | 19:19 |
elacheche_anis | OK, t'as besoin de 2 choses | 19:19 |
moomed | elli homa? | 19:19 |
elacheche_anis | 1. Un live CD/USB de Ubuntu → Pour pouvoir utiliser Gparted et ajouter des partitions | 19:20 |
elacheche_anis | 2. Le DVD WinBugs que tu va utiliser | 19:20 |
elacheche_anis | On commence par 1. ? | 19:20 |
elacheche_anis | t'es encore là? | 19:21 |
moomed | ou | 19:21 |
moomed | oui | 19:21 |
moomed | mais ma3endich hadhoma | 19:22 |
moomed | mnin njibhom? | 19:22 |
elacheche_anis | C'est important de m'arreter si tu comprend pas un truc! C'est toi qui va faire ce que je vais dire | 19:22 |
moomed | ila 7ad l2en fehmek | 19:22 |
elacheche_anis | Pour 2. je sais pas :) Tu veux installer windows tu dois posseder d'un DVD, je sais pas comment obtenir ce genre des drogues :) | 19:23 |
elacheche_anis | Pour 1. je t'explique etapes par étapes quoi faire :) | 19:23 |
elacheche_anis | On est bon jusqu'à là? on commence avec 1. ? | 19:24 |
moomed | 2. to9sod CD windows? | 19:24 |
moomed | enta msamih winbugs? | 19:24 |
moomed | bayen 3lik tet9azzzaz menh hh | 19:24 |
moomed | el moufid | 19:24 |
elacheche_anis | Euuh oui ma faute :D C'est un bug :p | 19:25 |
elacheche_anis | On commence par 1. ? | 19:25 |
moomed | tt est claire jusqu'a maintenant | 19:25 |
moomed | oui on commence | 19:25 |
elacheche_anis | T'as un flash disk qu'on peut l'utiliser? | 19:25 |
moomed | oui | 19:26 |
elacheche_anis | Combien de GB? | 19:26 |
moomed | 4 | 19:26 |
elacheche_anis | Magnifique, sauvegarde les fichiers dans ta machine pour ne pas perdre des fichiers important de ton flash :) | 19:26 |
moomed | hadha chbech na3mel hh | 19:27 |
elacheche_anis | Good :) | 19:27 |
moomed | ok | 19:27 |
elacheche_anis | La prochaine étape on va télécharge un ISO Ubuntu pour créer un Live USB.. On commence par télécharger le fichier | 19:28 |
elacheche_anis | http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/thank-you?country=TN&version=14.04.3&architecture=amd64 | 19:28 |
elacheche_anis | Utilise ce lien pour télécharger un fichier .iso | 19:28 |
moomed | chnoua rquested ctcp? | 19:29 |
elacheche_anis | Juste thabatit inti connecter min ena OS.. T'es connecté on utilisant Chrome sur Windows.. | 19:29 |
elacheche_anis | Tu télécharge le fichier ISO sur ton Windows c'est ça? | 19:30 |
elacheche_anis | moomed, ? | 19:30 |
moomed | oui | 19:31 |
moomed | chrome sur windows 7 | 19:31 |
moomed | oui je le télécharge sur mon pc | 19:31 |
elacheche_anis | OK.. T'as commecé le téléchargememtn? | 19:31 |
elacheche_anis | OK | 19:31 |
moomed | oui | 19:32 |
moomed | encore 40 minutes restantes | 19:32 |
elacheche_anis | Lorsque le téléchargement termine tu dois mettre ton flash disk VIDE dans le PC et faire comme c'est mentionné ici → http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows | 19:32 |
moomed | oki | 19:33 |
moomed | w b3d? | 19:33 |
elacheche_anis | Oui.. D'habitude j'utilise les 20MB/s du travail pour télécharger les ISO.. J'ai oublié que ça peut prendre plus qu'une heure chez moi et toi x) | 19:33 |
moomed | lol | 19:34 |
elacheche_anis | Après que tu créer ton live USB tu le met dans le nouveau dell.. Lors du démmarage tu appuie sur F12 jusqu'à un menu affichera, tu selectionne ton flash depuis le menu pour démarrer ton Dell à partir de Ubuntu qui est sur le flash.. | 19:35 |
elacheche_anis | c'est claire jusq'à maintenant? | 19:35 |
moomed | oui | 19:36 |
moomed | bien claire | 19:36 |
elacheche_anis | OK, maintenant dès que t'es sur la session live tu peux utiliser gparted pour reduire la taille de la partition EXT4 et créer la partiton NTFS de Win | 19:37 |
elacheche_anis | presque comme mentionné ici http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-resize-partitions-with-the-ubuntu-or-gparted-live-cd | 19:38 |
elacheche_anis | On est bon? | 19:38 |
moomed | (y) | 19:38 |
moomed | good | 19:39 |
elacheche_anis | Maintenant tu dois avoir ta partition OK :) Tu reboot, et tu boot sur le DVD de Win, lors de l'étape de partitionnement tu DOIS choisir la nouvelle partition que t'as créé → Gamarha bil taille | 19:39 |
elacheche_anis | claire ou pas? | 19:40 |
moomed | fhamtek | 19:40 |
moomed | oui so clear :)) | 19:40 |
moomed | mais 3ndi sou2al | 19:40 |
elacheche_anis | Béhi, à ce niveau là Ubuntu et encore installé sur le disque, et Win aussi est installer.. Il reste qu'un seul problème | 19:41 |
elacheche_anis | As2al | 19:41 |
moomed | fama des partition zaydin ya3ni mafhamthomch mta3 chnoua | 19:41 |
moomed | taillehom sghir barcha | 19:41 |
moomed | wa7da esmha dellutility | 19:42 |
moomed | 350 mo taillha | 19:42 |
moomed | w wa7da 3 Go w wa7da 8 Go | 19:42 |
moomed | mafhamtech chnoua lrole mte3hom mais ma3linech taw | 19:43 |
moomed | 5alina nkamlou | 19:43 |
elacheche_anis | Eni in9ollik chnouma ba3d mankamlou la derniére étapes :) | 19:43 |
moomed | metfahmin | 19:43 |
moomed | 5ouya tnajamch ta3tini rbo3 sa3a | 19:44 |
moomed | w narja3 | 19:44 |
moomed | nsalli l3cha wnji direct | 19:44 |
elacheche_anis | Béhi, à ce niveau là Windows doit termine sont installation et on aura: Ubuntu et encore installé sur le disque, et Win aussi est installer.. Il reste qu'un seul problème, Windows ne comprend PAS que y a un Ubuntu sur le disque.. Alors il faut résoudre ça pour que tu peux choisir entre Ubuntu et Windows lors du démarrage, pour celà tu boot encore unfois sur le Live USB Ubuntu, et tu faite ce qui est mentionné ici https | 19:45 |
elacheche_anis | ://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/boot-repair | 19:45 |
elacheche_anis | https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/boot-repair | 19:45 |
elacheche_anis | Après la réparation du grub, reboot, tu dois avoir un menu pour choisir entre ubuntu et Win comme celui ci http://www.tech-zephyr.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/3ubuntu-after-windows.jpg | 19:46 |
moomed | ah fhamtek 5ouya | 19:46 |
elacheche_anis | Barra salli, kif tji tal9a kol chay mézél mawjoud :) | 19:47 |
moomed | allah ybareklek | 19:47 |
moomed | mazelt n7eb ne7ki m3ak chouaia 3al ubuntu | 19:47 |
moomed | dha mazelt mawjoud | 19:47 |
moomed | je re | 19:47 |
moomed | 15 min | 19:48 |
elacheche_anis | 90% tal9Ani mézilt rékich hni :D | 19:48 |
moomed | salamo alaikom | 19:48 |
elacheche_anis | Pour les partitions, DellUtilities c'est la partition pour faire les diagnostiques sur le materiel en cas de problème, l'option de diagnostique est disponible via le BIOS.. | 19:48 |
elacheche_anis | L'autre partition c'est probablement la partition qui contient Ubuntu OEM, ton Dell vient avec Ubuntu preinstaller, alors Dell créer une petit partition recovery pour ce système preinstaller. | 19:49 |
elacheche_anis | L'autre partition que tu as doit être de type SWAP.. Pour comprendre c'est quoi il vaut mieux lire ça https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/swap#qu_est-ce_qu_un_espace_d_echange | 19:51 |
elacheche_anis | juste la section Qu'est-ce qu'un espace d'échange ? | 19:51 |
moomed | re | 20:01 |
moomed | salalmo alaikom | 20:01 |
elacheche_anis | Salam :) | 20:02 |
moomed | ya 5ouya bsara7a bech nekteb merci walla thank you ma7assithach tkafi l5dma hadhi | 20:03 |
moomed | manajam ngoul ken jazakallahou 5ayran | 20:03 |
moomed | w bennesba lia n7eb el ubuntu w madhabia nestaghna bih 3la lwindows mais fih barcha commande w kif tsir mochkla nou7el w zid eskype fih mayemchich dima hh | 20:04 |
moomed | hadheka 3lach dima nsallam fih | 20:05 |
* elacheche_anis en téléphone un instant :) | 20:05 | |
moomed | ok | 20:05 |
elacheche_anis | re :F | 20:07 |
elacheche_anis | :D | 20:07 |
elacheche_anis | Allah yijazik 5ir :) | 20:07 |
elacheche_anis | Skype version Linux 9dima barcha.. Microsoft mé héch 7abba ta3mal mise à jour béhya x( Amma fonctionnel, eni kol youm nikhdim bih fil khidma.. | 20:08 |
moomed | nformati lflash 5ir? | 20:08 |
elacheche_anis | Sinon kén famma problème lors de l'utilisation tnajjam t9olli fi ay wa9t eni presque ici 24/7 | 20:09 |
elacheche_anis | format pas de problème | 20:09 |
moomed | anehi a7san version mel ubuntu 7asb tajrebtek? | 20:10 |
elacheche_anis | moomed, La meilleur version c'est la version qui encore supporter.. | 20:12 |
moomed | lmasboub 3ndii 12.04 | 20:12 |
elacheche_anis | Les version LTS sont supporter sur 5 ans et les versions "normal" sont supporter sur 1ans et demi | 20:12 |
elacheche_anis | Oui je sais que c'est un 12.04 :) | 20:13 |
elacheche_anis | tu peux faire un mise à niveau vers 14.04 c'est simple | 20:13 |
elacheche_anis | Eni j'ai encore 12.04 sur ma machine de travail | 20:14 |
elacheche_anis | Sur les machines de mes collégues j'ai 14.04, et sur ma machine perso j'ai un petit mix perso x) :D | 20:14 |
elacheche_anis | Yo Na3iL :) | 20:14 |
elacheche_anis | moomed, pour info, j'ai laissé tombé Windows depuis Septembre 2009, j'étais un étudiant à l'époque.. Et je regrete pas mon choix :) | 20:15 |
Na3iL | o/ hey elacheche_anis moomed | 20:16 |
moomed | hey na3il | 20:17 |
moomed | hao kmel el telechargement | 20:17 |
Na3iL | hows you moomed :) | 20:18 |
elacheche_anis | Commence les étapes, chui ici si t'as beosin de moi, Na3iL aussi peut aider :) | 20:18 |
moomed | i'm fine thank you | 20:19 |
moomed | what about you? | 20:19 |
Na3iL | Cool! fine thanks, I will be here if you need any help :D | 20:19 |
moomed | thank you | 20:20 |
elacheche_anis | To resume the thing to Na3iL, moomed bought a new Dell with Ubuntu in it.. He's trying to dual boot it with winbug, now he'll create a live USB and create a new NTFS partition than install Win, than repair grub.. He already have all the steps and links, but he may need us :) | 20:21 |
Na3iL | The question here xD why you need winbug when you have Ubuntu already in your PC | 20:22 |
moomed | it's not my pc :p | 20:23 |
moomed | my sister's | 20:23 |
moomed | she asked me to install windows for her | 20:23 |
elacheche_anis | :D | 20:23 |
moomed | but i'm actually using windows in my pc also :p | 20:23 |
elacheche_anis | Am not the only one thinking about that question moomed :p | 20:23 |
Na3iL | Ah! okay moomed I get it! But, well you can teach her x) | 20:24 |
moomed | all think in the same way here lol | 20:24 |
elacheche_anis | moomed, why didn't you say that you speak English.. It was a torture to use French x( | 20:24 |
moomed | hahaha | 20:25 |
moomed | b9it marra darja mara français | 20:25 |
Na3iL | hahaha :D | 20:25 |
moomed | i need to learn about ubuntu before to teach her na3il | 20:26 |
elacheche_anis | :p x) | 20:26 |
Na3iL | Okay moomed good luck :D we are all here when you need help :D | 20:26 |
elacheche_anis | moomed, I told you, WinBugs is like a drug.. You need to just find a way to quit using that drug :) And Everything will be better :D | 20:26 |
moomed | while (can't use ubuntu) | 20:27 |
moomed | { use windows } | 20:27 |
moomed | end; | 20:27 |
moomed | ^^ | 20:27 |
moomed | ok thank you so much guys | 20:28 |
moomed | now the flash disk is ready | 20:29 |
moomed | 5arjet liste | 20:30 |
moomed | try ubuntu without install w des autres choix | 20:30 |
moomed | w y9oul tiiiit bl9wi | 20:31 |
moomed | brb | 20:34 |
elacheche_anis | moomed, ? | 20:40 |
moomed | oui | 20:41 |
moomed | i'm back | 20:41 |
elacheche_anis | There is a problem? | 20:41 |
moomed | wa9tli branchit el flach | 20:43 |
moomed | w3malt f12 | 20:43 |
moomed | w5tart el flash | 20:43 |
moomed | 5rjt liste | 20:43 |
moomed | feha Try UBUNTU without installing | 20:43 |
moomed | intall ubuntu | 20:43 |
moomed | chack disc for defects | 20:44 |
moomed | test memory | 20:44 |
moomed | Boot from first hard disk | 20:44 |
moomed | 5tart lawla | 20:44 |
moomed | b9é baaaarcha ychargi w mat7allech | 20:44 |
moomed | za3ma lflash moush behi? | 20:44 |
moomed | psk jouwayad barcha w fama des pc maydetektouchi | 20:45 |
elacheche_anis | Maybe the ISO didn't finish the download :/ | 20:45 |
elacheche_anis | Can you tell me the name of the iso file? | 20:45 |
moomed | ubuntu-14.04.3-desktop-amd64 | 20:49 |
elacheche_anis | moomed, | 20:50 |
moomed | oui | 20:50 |
elacheche_anis | we need to check if the file that you downloaded is not corrupted.. For that download winmd5 http://winmd5.com/ | 20:50 |
elacheche_anis | And select the iso to check the md5sum | 20:50 |
elacheche_anis | The md5sum should be "cab6dd5ee6d649ed1b24e807c877c0ae" | 20:51 |
elacheche_anis | if it's not that means that the ISO is corrupted and you need to download it again.. | 20:51 |
moomed | cab6dd5ee6d649ed1b24e807c877c0ae | 20:53 |
elacheche_anis | try an other USB stick then :/ | 20:53 |
moomed | hadha5raj ba3d ma kmel | 20:53 |
moomed | yes i'm trying now another usb | 20:54 |
elacheche_anis | cab6dd5ee6d649ed1b24e807c877c0ae | 20:54 |
elacheche_anis | cab6dd5ee6d649ed1b24e807c877c0ae | 20:54 |
elacheche_anis | it's the same.. the ISO is OK | 20:54 |
moomed | normalement ma to5rojch elliste hadhy? | 20:54 |
elacheche_anis | Si si.. you'll have the list, and youy shoudl choose to TRY WITHOUT INSTALLATION | 20:55 |
elacheche_anis | It should not wait too much to finish the boot | 20:55 |
moomed | APCI PROC FAILED chma3naha? | 20:57 |
moomed | just n5tar try without installing yo5roj page gris w ba3d ytktab esstar hadhaka btaille sghira w b3d yab9a ychargi | 20:58 |
moomed | za3ma 12.04 a7sen fibeli fih problem el 14 hadha | 21:01 |
moomed | http://askubuntu.com/questions/584248/boot-error-acpi-pcc-probe-failed | 21:01 |
elacheche_anis | 14.04 is OK.. | 21:02 |
elacheche_anis | Na3iL, can you chekc with moomed ? I need to go for minutes.. | 21:03 |
* elacheche_anis BRB | 21:03 | |
Na3iL | yeah sure elacheche_anis | 21:03 |
Na3iL | moomed, When you enter in Try Ubuntu without installing what it shows to you? | 21:04 |
Na3iL | Nope, I already have Ubuntu 14.4.3 LTS and it works pretty cool here! | 21:05 |
moomed | it shows me a gris screen | 21:06 |
moomed | for secondes | 21:06 |
Na3iL | Wait it! | 21:07 |
moomed | ACPI PCC Probe Failed | 21:07 |
moomed | that message appear so fast | 21:07 |
moomed | i didn't do anything iwas just watching | 21:07 |
moomed | then the ubuntu start charging | 21:08 |
moomed | i waited too much but nothing | 21:08 |
Na3iL | Apparently it is a harmless message related to a 'PCC' driver | 21:11 |
Na3iL | and that driver surely fails to load | 21:12 |
Na3iL | your graphic card is Invidia? | 21:13 |
moomed | no | 21:13 |
moomed | in the pc i'm using now it's nvidia | 21:13 |
moomed | but the other no | 21:14 |
Na3iL | You still waiting? | 21:14 |
moomed | yes | 21:14 |
Na3iL | I want you to press ctrl alt f1 | 21:14 |
Na3iL | what it shows you? | 21:15 |
moomed | now i repeated the same thing | 21:15 |
moomed | ubuntu en train de chargé | 21:15 |
moomed | the ordinary screen | 21:15 |
Na3iL | Wait it again! if nothing shows up, press ctrl alt f1 | 21:16 |
moomed | ok | 21:16 |
Na3iL | I think this bug related to your graphic card, that driver fails to load, because it doesn't find hardware to work with.. | 21:17 |
moomed | i did ctrl altf1 | 21:19 |
moomed | black screen | 21:19 |
Na3iL | Cool! only a black screen? | 21:20 |
moomed | yes | 21:21 |
Na3iL | You can't type anything?! | 21:21 |
moomed | i clicked again | 21:21 |
moomed | the screen appear again | 21:22 |
moomed | one time i click it dissapear | 21:22 |
moomed | i click again it appears | 21:22 |
Na3iL | LOL!! that's weird | 21:22 |
moomed | what is supposed to happen? | 21:23 |
Na3iL | You should be able to write some commands in the big black screen | 21:23 |
Na3iL | Just to be more clearer, PCC means Platform Communication Channel | 21:24 |
Na3iL | It is a recent ACPI 5.0 addition. The driver does not find a PCC communications mailbox and just exits with that error message. | 21:24 |
Na3iL | It is not something to worry about as I think | 21:25 |
moomed | i don't know what to do now :((( | 21:25 |
Na3iL | You have 2 solutions.. | 21:26 |
Na3iL | 1st try another version like 14.04 not 14.04.3 | 21:27 |
Na3iL | Or just figure out a way to write some commands | 21:27 |
Na3iL | BTW, there's another solution I think it can solve your problem | 21:28 |
moomed | i didn't find another version iso | 21:28 |
moomed | what is it? | 21:28 |
Na3iL | You know how to encrypt your /home folder while installing? | 21:28 |
moomed | installing what? | 21:28 |
Na3iL | installing Ubuntu | 21:29 |
moomed | no i can't sorry | 21:31 |
Na3iL | Did you just tried Installing Ubuntu | 21:32 |
Na3iL | I mean without trying it? | 21:32 |
moomed | i choosed the first choice | 21:33 |
moomed | wich is without installiing | 21:33 |
moomed | just trying | 21:33 |
Na3iL | Choose directly the installing item | 21:34 |
moomed | ok | 21:36 |
Na3iL | Let me know, and don't worry we will fix it sooner or later ;) | 21:36 |
moomed | inshaALLAH | 21:44 |
moomed | but i forgot to tell you | 21:44 |
moomed | that when the pc boot from the USB it makes a big noise | 21:44 |
moomed | tiiiiiiiiit | 21:44 |
Na3iL | Weird! | 21:47 |
moomed | ok brother | 21:57 |
moomed | i'm tired now | 21:58 |
moomed | nice to talk with you | 21:58 |
moomed | and i'm sorry for this mess | 21:58 |
moomed | take care and good night | 21:58 |
moomed | salamoalaikom | 21:59 |
hamma | Anis wala Bedis | 23:05 |
hamma | chkoun lahné | 23:05 |
hamma | fama error fil site mte3 il sfd.tn | 23:06 |
elacheche_anis | o/ here for seconds | 23:06 |
hamma | Notice: La méthode constructor appelée pour WP_Widget est obsolète depuis la version 4.3.0 ! Veuillez utiliser | 23:06 |
hamma | __construct() | 23:06 |
hamma | à la place. in /html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3457 | 23:06 |
hamma | \o | 23:06 |
elacheche_anis | hamma, someone is already start working on sfd.tn/2015 | 23:07 |
hamma | il site shows an error once u enter | 23:07 |
hamma | I thought I should tell u | 23:07 |
elacheche_anis | let's wait until he make some changes.. It's probably a problem related to the multisite feature in WP | 23:07 |
elacheche_anis | thx hamma :) :D | 23:07 |
hamma | :D good night | 23:07 |
elacheche_anis | You should always reports this kind of problems.. | 23:08 |
elacheche_anis | Now I see an other problem | 23:08 |
hamma | :v | 23:08 |
hamma | If u see that I can help, hit me up anytime | 23:08 |
elacheche_anis | We should use an issue manager.. I'll contact cbj to get access on dev.tn so we can use it to create issues.. | 23:08 |
hamma | Great :D | 23:09 |
elacheche_anis | No need to tell me that hamma! You're member in the Clibre's ML ? | 23:09 |
hamma | no | 23:09 |
elacheche_anis | The organization discussion started in there.. Don't know if you wanna read the emails about the organization.. | 23:10 |
hamma | sure | 23:11 |
hamma | I want to read | 23:11 |
hamma | :D | 23:11 |
elacheche_anis | Anyway.. As I said in the organization thread, I'll try to dig into my mails history to write a task list based on what we did last years.. This way we can share the tasks and have a better organization, but I can't do that before the weekend | 23:12 |
elacheche_anis | You can join the Clibre ML.. As Clibre is organizing the event.. And we'll create a SFD15 ML soon to have specific conversations in there.. | 23:13 |
hamma | I'll be patient :D So if u can recommend anything for me to read | 23:13 |
hamma | any books about the foundation, any articles ... | 23:13 |
elacheche_anis | About SFD? | 23:15 |
hamma | yes | 23:15 |
hamma | or the FSF | 23:15 |
elacheche_anis | http://softwarefreedomday.org/en/sfd | 23:16 |
elacheche_anis | You better see a RMS talk than reading about FSF :) RMS explain it better than any article | 23:16 |
elacheche_anis | Or you can check http://www.fsf.org/about | 23:17 |
elacheche_anis | I need to go.. ++ | 23:18 |
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